Friday, May 8, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 200: The Best of Chatzy Madness II

Beardwind Beard: Dagnabbit I remember when two people had to be in the same ROOM to trade!
Beardwind Beard: And they needed a CORD!
Gooper Blooper: yeah, it sucked


SO MUCH BLOOD: "I hope Hunico has replaced Sin Cara in his everyday life as well as in WWE. Like, the original Sin Cara comes home to find his wife having dinner with Hunico. Every picture of Sin Cara in the house has Hunico heads glued over them."
SO MUCH BLOOD: Internet pls


Del is Confuse: "Hostages were being held in the center of the room, and the Riddler gave us the "What has a million eyes but can't see, and a million ears but can't hear?" Frostguy says, "Fuck this." and builds an igloo around the hostages, and NOLAD answers, "ANSWER: A FIELD OF CORN AND POTATOES. DISCOBOT'S TURN. WHO IS A ROBOT AND LOVES TO DANCE?""
Del is Confuse: goon games
Del is Confuse: (NOLAD is a disco robot)
RubyChao: is the answer "NOLAD"
Del is Confuse: yes
Del is Confuse: the riddler refused to answer so Nolad won
SteelKomodo: XD


Gooper Blooper: Skurvy X Mirror
Gooper Blooper: it will never lie to him
OutgimmickedSpy: The Mirror Never Lies (But I Lie With It~)
Gooper Blooper: l-lewd
OutgimmickedSpy: No Goops, that's The Table Never Leis
SteelKomodo: XD


Daniel Bryan Is A Farm: "With all WWE's terrible luck this week, I reckon Cena dropped dead directly after Raw and Vince is now going to Weekend at Bernie's him."
Harpy: lawdy
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: here's hoping not
Gooper Blooper: Control ded cena with a system of wires from the rafters
Gooper Blooper: like how they puppet King Ghidorah's heads


M Sheep joined the chat
RubyChao: SHEEP :D
Gooper Blooper: rare sheep appearance
Harpy: sheeeeeeep
Harpy: *holds out arms in a hug* sheeeeep
Harpy: *sinks head in wool* sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​eeeeeeeeezzzzzzz
Gooper Blooper: is it wise to hug The Sheep
M Sheep: Who has two thumbs, and doesn't ever get what he wants done?
SteelKomodo: Ey sheeeeep
RubyChao: no but she's gonna do it anyway


(SteelKomodo is streaming a video game and RubyChao is offering tips)

RubyChao: push the blocks into the pit
RubyChao: i.e. the three-space high pit
RubyChao: then jump over it
Gooper Blooper: alternatively, push the raven on top of the pit
Gooper Blooper: They'll start making out and it'll let you slip by in the confusion
Gooper Blooper: feathers everywhere
RubyChao: instead of pointing out hair on his shoulders or something, dirk points out black feathers in pit's wings
SteelKomodo: oh you crazy people
SteelKomodo: look what you get up to behind my back :D
Gooper Blooper: the pairings, dufe


Gooper Blooper: you know what's fun?
Gooper Blooper: Recycled voice acting!
SteelKomodo: what is?
SteelKomodo: do elaborate
Gooper Blooper: In BD you have to go into this dungeon and find a bunch of kid prisoners
Gooper Blooper: You find them in groups of two and every time you find some you get some dialog
Gooper Blooper: Which starts with Tiz saying how many are left and then the same lines repeated
Gooper Blooper: "THE SHIELDBEARERS ASKED US TO COME AND RESCUE YOU" "THANKS" is now branded into my head


RubyChao: >​thracia 776 is the hardest fire emblem by far
RubyChao: >​there's a patch to make it harder
RubyChao: must... resist...
Harp: ruby i swear to shit
Harp: no
Harp: ruby plz
Antimatter Gooper Blooper: Ruby
Antimatter Gooper Blooper: No
Antimatter Gooper Blooper: That is not the way
Antimatter Gooper Blooper: Thracia 776 . . . randomizer mod
Gooper Blooper: *Chao learns how to hack, makes the hack harder*
Gooper Blooper: *he buys BD just to fight the bonus boss*
Harp: spy stop being fuckin evil
RubyChao: fight final chapter-level enemies on the first chapter
Gooper Blooper: First mission is level 1 character surrounded by four clones of the final boss
Gooper Blooper: it's the best game ever


Harp: gonna summon chao now
Harp: *makes a satanic summoning circle using touhou doshinjis and kinnikuman mangas*
SteelKomodo: lolz
Gooper Blooper: IT WORKS
RubyChao joined the chat
Harp: this magic is too powerful
RubyChao: heyyy
Gooper Blooper: 2spooky


Harpy: if i didn't know any better, i'd assume that david shagged everybody's ancestors
Saberwulf: Peyote is a hell of a drug


Harpy: something about this heat is making my head hurt
Jumpropeman: make sure to take the appropriate drugs to feel better


RubyChao: i have a really bad headache today
Harpy: ouch
Jumpropeman: take some drugs
Jumpropeman: i'm such a freaking pusher


(Chatzy goes offline for a while, so everyone in it wanders off and isn't around when it returns)

Gooper Jobber joined the chat

Gooper Jobber: I tried to get into chatzy for half an hour and I finally got in and everyone's dead
Gooper Jobber: it's the post-apocalyptic chatzy
Gooper Jobber: Spy is still here because he was marked as away for so long he missed the whole thing
Gooper Jobber: like that one guy who sleeps through armageddon

Gooper Blooper: We've secretly removed an R from Spy's latest username. Let's see if he notices.
NUKES! NUKES EVEYWHERE! changed name to USS Spy Really Cant Spell


RubyChao: i have been throwing myself at overly hard games with minor quantities of success and major quantities of "what the fuck it killed my team in 3 moves"
Gooper Blooper: So same old same old, then
RubyChao: yup


Del MK 2.0: skeleton king is about big booming proclamations and, in the background, risbun going "sire we can't do that stop being peter molyneux"
RubyChao: "sir we don't have enough bones for that"


M Sheep: Chao, do you mind if I sue Dr. Nerique for a minor thing?
M Sheep: *USE
RubyChao: >​sue
M Sheep: not sue
RubyChao: what'd he do D:
RubyChao: seriously though sure go ahead
M Sheep: Ah, thank you
RubyChao: he's always available for minor medical bay stuff
Jumpropeman: he accidentally put an extra zero on a bill. He goes to small claims court and the issue is resolved peacefully and without event
RubyChao: Not even his attempts at plots can be exciting


Del MK 2.0: meanwhile, on marvel heroes
Del MK 2.0: i punched kingpin until he fell over
Draco: And then New York fell into the sea during the ensuing earthquake.
Del MK 2.0: he's fat you see
Draco: Yes.
Del MK 2.0: ANYWAY


SteelKomodo: ...i have just seen something that has put me off porn for life
WWE Logic Puzzles: D: ?
SteelKomodo: like, i'm legit creeped out and disgusted and I cannot look at any sort of porn anymore now


SteelKomodo: you know when I said earlier I'd gone off porn for life?
SteelKomodo: I'd like to retract that statement :U
Jumpropeman: boys will be boys :V
SteelKomodo: just need to be more careful, that's all
Kirby: wow that was a fast recovery
Kirby: 'ey ladies, want a man who can recover fa-*shot*


(Ash loses a battle to Botwoon)

RubyChao: um
RubyChao: this is awkward

(Backup arrives and is still unable to defeat Botwoon)

RubyChao: botwoon i'm trying to set it up so ash can beat you
Gooper Blooper: *botwoon wiggles around like an idiot in defiance of your #MasterPlan*
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
RubyChao: it's a miracle :V
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
RubyChao: ...miracle over
RubyChao: :zephyrus:
Gooper Blooper: hahahahah


Thanks OBAMA: . . . Oh my god
Thanks OBAMA: The two most used names for Shepard in Mass Effect (in Italy)
Thanks OBAMA: For malesheps, Alex
Thanks OBAMA: For femsheps, Sarah
Parasol Kirby: fuckin lel


RubyChao: "I first battled the Metroids on Planet Zebes" yes, samus. i know.
RubyChao: ...wait a second i found the speedup button
RubyChao: i can skip thiiiiis
Mobile GB: they need to hack the text
Mobile GB: "I've come here on a quest to stop jobbing."
RubyChao: "I first jobbed against..." etc etc
Mobile GB: I first jobbed against ZFRP on Moron Mountain
RubyChao: My next job was on Planet Poryphion, against Daniel and Carol


Gooper Blooper: it's not a bubble butt, it's a gas tank for a love machine
iKomodo: Editing for- Goops pls


(After demolishing the open sections of Sir Rufflington's lair, the kobbers are tripped up badly by a dark sliding tunnel)

Eddie: Myyyyyyyyyy client
Cornwind Evil shoves a rag in Paul Spyman's mouth.


RubyChao: "'Oh my fucking God, Pit, your girlfriend is a bird! Insert random jumble of swear words here!'" the best dirk impression hahaha
Gooper Blooper: Dirk asks for Josephine's baby pictures in retaliation
Gooper Blooper: "NO SEE MINE WAS CUTER"
RubyChao: oh god now i'm imagining dirk finding out about okuu on his own
RubyChao: "PIT YOU NEED TO KNOW, YOUR GIRLFRIEND IS A BIRD!!" "yeah i know" "BUT YOU'RE SHACKING UP WITH A BIRD" "i don't care" "A BIRD, PIT" "go away dirk"


(Phantoon is defeated in RP)

RubyChao: i hope everyone enjoyed killing a ghost!
Mobile GB: b-but the boo from mario 64 said ghosts don't die


RubyChao: probably best to wait until after the current crop of plots finishes to throw a major battle, though setup seems fine
M Sheep: >​Probably best to wait until after the current crop of plots
RubyChao: sheeplot doesn't count, sheeplot is perpetual
RubyChao: sheeplot is love sheeplot is life
M Sheep: sheeplot is weird
Jumpropeman: sheep heard that advice once and hasn't found his opening since


Gooper Blooper: I just came up with headcanon for why Tenshi isn't in the brawl
RubyChao: i wanna hear
Gooper Blooper: She was literally right there at the signup sheet and everything, even doing the cartoon character "wiggle your fingers in the air while staring at something good" thing
Gooper Blooper: And then Sunshine picks her up and physically carries her off going MY BOY CHECKMATE DOESN'T HAVE TIME TO WAIT HE'S GOING TO SIGN UP FOR THE BRAWL RIGHT NOW
RubyChao: ...goops, that's not headcanon anymore
RubyChao: that's canon
RubyChao: it's that good and i'm going to edit my post to reflect it
Gooper Blooper: yay
inappropriate boobers: . . .That is super canon
inappropriate boobers: And Sunshine would like to remind you all he isn't sorry


iKomodo: So Chao and I were talking about the recent Chatzy madness
Cornwind Evil: Posted
iKomodo: and then I wrote a thing and he was like post it in chatzy
iKomodo: So here it is
iKomodo: "Link collapsed as hyper-realistic blood spurted from his eye sockets. Behind him, Zelda laughed hysterically, bloodshot eyes staring at nothing in particular, her screams getting louder and louder until they were almost ear splitting.
'GOODBYE,' said Patman Post, turning off the console and leaving the room."
Redman Spy: PFFFT
Gooper Blooper: beautiful


RubyChao: out of curiosity goops; is blade going to come along for Checkmateplot
Gooper Blooper: Blade may come, he DOES have a new weapon after all
Gooper Blooper: And then the plot is over and he stands there for a second and then it suddenly hits him that he just did a kobber adventure
Gooper Blooper: "...well, fuck."
RubyChao: beautiful
RubyChao: blade goes on a wild torrent of MY CLIENT to balance it out
Gooper Blooper: *Silence off to the side laughing, no sound comes out*
Draco: Is Silence going to wrestle against Dik-Dik?
RubyChao: nah, he isn't dead enough
Keeby: do two Dik-Diks make a Big Dik?
Keeby: ...
Keeby: i suddenly regret everything


Breeliever: guys, here's a fun fill-in-the-blank: Lisa has tits the size of ______
Jumpropeman: North Dakota
RedSpy: Gabe Newell
Unbreelievable (not bree): texas


Bree: I like to imagine Dirk follows Tenshi around and keeps suggesting she invite all her "lesbian friends" over and have a "lesbian party"
Bree: like he somehow heard from Reimu that there's barely any dudes in Gensokyo and he's like "omg it's the fabled Isle of Lesbos"
Bree: "from whence the lesbians hail"
RubyChao: "what about utsuho you dumbass"
Bree: "she is a blasphemer"
Bree: every nation has its minority groups :U


(Harpy mentions a possible plot)

Vengeance, somehow still alive: Whar in th' bally blazes o' all the sev'n layhers o' 'ells be a plot.
Vengeance, somehow still alive: :I
Cornwind Evil: Aiden, stop posting on Vengeance's account
Jumpropeman: Aiden is so anxious to get involved in a plot he's taken over Vengeance's chatzy duties


M Sheep: Oh God, i hate everything
M Sheep: poste
Bree: sheepe
Bree: sheepe poste on the forume
M Sheep: I have revealed my first fiter
M Sheep: check back next year for the second
M Sheep: oh wait, need to make a minor edit
Bree: neede to make minor edite
Bree: to the poste on the forume
Bree so amused by this not sure why
Jumpropeman: bree, you are out of controle
Bree: oute of controle


SteelKomodo: Dirk and Josephine spar, Jo uses hip-check on Dirk
SteelKomodo: instant win
Gooper Blooper: that would probably down him, yes
SteelKomodo: #Butts
Gooper Blooper: "SO PILLOWY"


Gooper Blooper: "Touhou Project is the best thing ever.
-Utsuho Reiuji is in it.
-That is all.
-Utsuho isn’t in every game, and hasn’t gotten her own game yet."

Gooper Blooper: did pit write this
RubyChao: yes
iKomodo: Yes, lol


Titty: Yesss Everett is happy!
Bree: what? Everett is happy?
Bree: get out of here you fucking impostor
Bree punts Everett out of spacebar
Jumpropeman: don't worry
Jumpropeman: ive got it down to a science
Jumpropeman: a cornwind character will soon set him back
Jumpropeman: and it will all begin again~


Saberwulf throws an innocent cameraman through a table
Saberwulf: WRESTLING


RubyChao: help me friends
RubyChao: i cannot decide what to play
RubyChao: your choices are:
RubyChao: kirby air ride, metroid prime 3, or mario kart
Ees A Meeeracle: da binin o' izziic
RubyChao: no spy
RubyChao: fuck off spy


RubyChao: so guys, i leave it up to you. finish norfair or go to maridia prototourian?
Del Wars Return of the Del: Finish what u start
SteelKomodo: yeah, might as well finish up Norfair
RubyChao: morefair it is


RubyChao joined the chat


Harp: i found my reaction sound to any and all omnious, dangerous villains
SteelKomodo: oh?
Harp: [luigi noises]
SteelKomodo: ...which one is it?
SteelKomodo: it's made up of all different ones
Harp: all of them
SteelKomodo: wat
Harp: but mainly "mama mia" and "BLEH"
Gooper Blooper: Siren staring down giant villain, opens her mouth, stream of Luigi voice clips
Harp: ...
Harp: brb crying and laughing


Viru$Rop3M4n: have Ash and Christine ever "solved" a problem? They just seem to cause more when they do :V
Cornwind Evil: The downside of being a hero
Gooper Blooper: The downside of being a Cornwind hero


(RP characters debate over what to do with a crystal ball full of Haruspex souls. David appears to caution against breaking it and asks for it)

Saberwulf: Oh god I just had the mental image of David slam dunking the ball when he gets it and the fucking thing just explodes with souls
Gooper Blooper: "David you said that was a bad idea" "SORRY MATES I HAD SPACE JAM FLASHBACKS"
Princess Parfait: "I FRIGGEN TOLD YOU"
RubyChao: but wulf
RubyChao: does that mean we get David's Mansion
RubyChao: where he has to vacuum them all back up and turn them into paintings
Princess Parfait: ...
Princess Parfait: I fully endorse this idea
Saberwulf: All one thousand miles of Ekspansa filled with ghosts
Gooper Blooper: "CHEEEEEEEET"


Jumpropeman: thing about Shimmer is, if something goes on too long, her eyes will glaze over and she'll stop paying attention
Gooper Blooper: "so bored"
Gooper Blooper: "can't focus"
Jumpropeman: she's a decent carpenter though! She just finds it SUPER boring
Gooper Blooper: If only carpentry had more... sparkles and neon and Lisa Frank spacescapes
Jumpropeman: I KNOW, right?


Butt: Want to know who should be in ZFRP 2015
Butt: JBL
Butt: He follows the group around, calls people MAGGLE, and constantly talks about how the kobbers are bad and the villains are right
Keeby: lel
2Goopy: CW plays him
Butt: "Well I dunno, Killotron 198X might have a good point maggle! Overpopulation's bad! Do you WANT the world to drown in babies maggle?!"
Butt: Also Barchives replaced with the ZFRP network


RubyChao: "Trainer Joey was in the woods one night with his pet rattata.
It was then that his rattata turned on him.
'*gnaw gnaw gnaw*', the rattata gnawed."

RubyChao: the 2spookiest pasta ever
Gooper Blooper: this is a masterpiece
Gooper Blooper: Chao, was this the entire story
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: it was
Gooper Blooper: holy fucking shit


Jumpropeman: help D: I'm reading Karl Marx and I'm agreeing with him D:
RubyChao: COMMIEropeman
Jumpropeman changed name to Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade: no more voting on fites. Fites will be decided by what is best for the community
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade: users will have their characters distributed to them evenly for RP
Deletons joined the chat
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade: greetings comrade
Deletons: sup
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade: almost time for class, heading out
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade: see you guys later
Deletons: laterrr
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade: glory to arstotzka!
Jцmpяѳpecѳmяade left the chat


(GB makes a post that definitively closes the chasm to Hell that was joked about for over a year)

Jumpropeman: GOOPS WHY
Goops McMahon: TO STOP YOU
Jumpropeman: D:<


Goops McMahon: I went shopping today. Did you know Wal-Mart is still trying to sell Other M at full price?
Goops McMahon: fifty smackers for the privilege
RubyChao: >​other m
RubyChao: >​full price
RubyChao screams in terror, for that is scarier than any ghost story
Satiated Vengeance: Chao's rage intensifies.
Jumpropeman: its still metroid
RubyChao: NO IT'S NOT


RubyChao: "His loud moth tends to get him in trouble" NEW ALLIANCE: BLADE AND SKIRPKA
Gooper Blooper: how did I do that
Gooper Blooper: edited, RIP loud moth
RubyChao: no but now i'm picturing blade trying to sneak around on some sort of top secret thing
RubyChao: and then skripka suddenly blows their cover with smooth jazz
RubyChao: "this is the fifth time"
Gooper Blooper: "WHY DID I EVEN BRING YOU"


Jumpluffropeman: "Anyway, I guess I can talk about Yuran Durell here. I actually got the idea for an empath pretty early on during the break."
Magical Harpsichord: pfft
Magical Harpsichord: yuran
Gooper Blooper: You can't spell yuran durell without most of durant
Magical Harpsichord: you mean that guy who got lost in manhattan
Magical Harpsichord: duran yurell
Gooper Blooper: he saw a bunch of people coming back after Jonesy was taken by the zerg
Gooper Blooper: got really agitated because of their negative emotions
Gooper Blooper: fainted
Gooper Blooper: and we never saw him again
RubyChao: and we never saw him again
Jumpluffropeman: i cant believe I forgot Yuran existed
RubyChao: dat hivemind
Magical Harpsichord: the zerg ate him, oh nooo
Magical Harpsichord: i remember he existed
RubyChao: i forgot he existed too
Magical Harpsichord: but he was kind of... eh
Gooper Blooper: His biggest moment was watching Sarah on Who Wants to be a Gorillionaire
RubyChao: i'm going to go with "the zerg ate him" too :U
Gooper Blooper: RIP Yuran, you were very tall


Ō-Wulf: Oh my fuck I just thought of something
Ō-Wulf: Scorp taking Joe to a speed dating buffet because the giant ant can't get himself a goyl
Ō-Wulf: And Joe just being fucking exasperated the entire time
Gooper Blooper: bugplot 2015
Gooper Blooper: "Look, I even found this giant mantis!" "I KEEP TELLING YOU I'M GAY"
DnD Rustles My Jimmies: Hahahahahahaha
Ō-Wulf: I'm just getting this really strong mental image of Joe in a guy fieri shirt sweating as a revolving door of freaks blurs past his table talking about seven divorces and how many wyrms they have
DnD Rustles My Jimmies: "Scorp I can't tell what deyre sayin!"
Ō-Wulf: Joe's bug hands slowly rise to his equivalent of temples, stress building


Del: Wulf destiny sux
Del: Dont buy it
Del: 180 awards my arse
Saberwulf: I know, dude I regularly sparred with at muay thai told me it was shit
Del: Well that's one way to get gaming news
Del: Master splinter, should we buy destiny?
Del: No my sons
Saberwulf: Pff
Saberwulf: He was just a fellow student, if I sparred with my sifu he'd beat my ass in two seconds
Del: Haha
Harpy: "yo sensei is destiny any good" "it's about as good as you are at fighting me"
RubyChao: hahahahaha


Gooper Blooper: link
RubyChao: why goops, however did you get a picture of the rubychao in his natural habitat
Gooper Blooper: patchouli garden with patchouli race and patchouli karate
RubyChao: patchouli karate takes forever because she can't put any force behind her punches
Gooper Blooper: sissy slaps everywhere
iKomodo: Hahaha


Bree: >​search for hex maniac images
Bree: >​nekkid viola is in third row
Bree: oh internet :I
Gooper Blooper: the kalos hex maniac is "popular" in ways the hoenn one never was
Bree: 2sexy
Rubysephine: and yet you've managed to completely ruin her for us
Gooper Blooper: yep
Gooper Blooper: I liked the design too! Just not in a "quintuple her chest size and make her naked" way
Rubysephine: i still don't understand why she's associated with tits twice the size of her head
Gooper Blooper: I think I do
Gooper Blooper: It's all about that one viola in Dendemille that sells moomoo milk
Rubysephine: dangit dendemille viola
Bree: actually "quintuple her chest size and make her naked" seems to just be the standard operating procedure for internet fanartists


Fashionaaabluh!: "Lanky Kong is commonly associated with water. In Donkey Kong 64, his color was blue, which is commonly associated with water. He also was the only Kong who could become Enguarde in that game, and his only boss fight by himself was against a fish in a boat. In Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble, his only cameo is in the water, although most Kongs appeared in the water with him."
Fashionaaabluh!: Thanks Mario Wiki
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: kinda stretching there, Mario Wiki
Tableter: He has no style
ivel: stretching it eh Goops
Gooper Blooper: If Lanky actually did things in more than one game maybe you could build a case
ivel: just like Lanky
Tableter: He has no grace
Gooper Blooper: it stretched its logic just for me
Tableter: This kong
Tableter: Has a funny face


RubyChao: actually i just remembered i had a very short unrelated dream between the end of my strange depiction of goops and waking up proper
RubyChao: but it's even weirder so be forewarned
iKomodo: I see
iKomodo: oh lawdy
RubyChao: basically chairman profiteur of bravely default challenged doctor doom to what was pretty much an Ostentatious Display of Wealth contest, ready to win with his giant pile of money. he was defeated by doom revealing that his cape was lined with diamonds. that was it. it's a lot shorter, but it's just so random
RubyChao: ok i'm done sharing the fact that my dreams are weird as shit
Gooper Blooper: that's beautiful
iKomodo: Doctor Doom would definitely pull something like that
iKomodo: "FOOL! Doom wears only the finest diamond-lined capes!"
Cornwind Evil: "Also shirts with the Hulk on them!"


RubyChao: spoiler: i am now 99% sure bravely default is going to be involved in my rp this year
RubyChao: the 1% is in case i suddenly wake up overnight and hate BD for absolutely no reason
Gooper Blooper: chao wakes up
Gooper Blooper: *chao kicks Tiz*


Priscilla: you rang?
RubyChao: dat timing
Del: why yes i did
Del: go read sk's latest thing, it owns
Priscilla: mm-mmm boy howdy would I like to be the banana in a peanut butter and banana sandwich right now
Harpy: oh my
Priscilla: there are a surprising number of musclemen named lars, don't you know
Priscilla: why, I once dated a robot named lars
Priscilla: but damn if that robot didn't have pecs that could flatten a gorilla
Priscilla: I'm not speaking figuratively, that really happened, ladies and gents
Priscilla: the backlash from PETA was a nightmare let me tell you
RubyChao: lars pls
Priscilla: I assure you it was an accident, lars was a sweetheart but he was very clumsy
Priscilla: anyway then there was the time I dated another lars
Priscilla: he was a professional tiger wrestler
Priscilla: that is to say, he wrestled tigers
Priscilla: professionally
Priscilla: he was not a tiger who wrestled, although his opponents were
RubyChao: did he win most of the time
Priscilla: no I'm afraid his claim to fame was being the biggest jobber of all time, until miss samus aran hit the scene in 2013
Del: hahaha
Priscilla: his inaugural match was truly thrilling to see, you had to be there, really
Priscilla: but sadly it was also his last
Harpy: oh bby
RubyChao: what a tragedy
Priscilla: the brightest flames burn the shortest and all that
Harpy changed name to Kevin
Priscilla: it took them weeks to get all the pieces of him out of the carpets
Kevin: why must PB & J look so sexy. Oh god I said that. i am going to be banned from the internet forever
Kevin: then again, Ringabel would probably tap dat jelly
RubyChao: ringabel would probably date a living taiko drum if he met her
Kevin: ...ew. D:
Priscilla: I'll admit it, I'd tap that jelly
Kevin: ... I don't think Ringabel would like to stick his donger in a drum.
Kevin: At least, I hope not


RubyChao: god fucking dammit tuxedo mask
RubyChao: you always pull this shit
Gooper Blooper: Scrapped Christmas Plans #57: Did not get Chao a Tuxedo Mask plushie with a note taped to it that said "the episode in which Tuxedo Mask ships himself in a box to save on travel costs"
Birthday Harpy: aw man
iKomodo: XD


RubyChao: this weekend i need to delve back into someordinarygamers
RubyChao: emerge with the shitty creepypasta between my teeth, ripped out as the monster tried to break my spine for my intrusion on its domain
RubyChao: i may be playing this up a lil' bit
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: well if what the creepypastas say are true you really are risking your life every time you browse the site
Gooper Blooper: or play online
Gooper Blooper: or play offline
Gooper Blooper: or go outside, or buy something, or eat something
Gooper Blooper: or breathe
RubyChao: or live at all
Gooper Blooper: but dying isn't safe either
Gooper Blooper: if you die the skeleton inside you is freed
RubyChao: so basically by ever beginning to exist you doomed yourself to horror
Gooper Blooper: and it's all your fault
SteelKomodo: don't forget to thank mr skeltal


(GB pulls a Blissey from a pack of Korean Pokemon cards)

Bree: omg Blissey card
Gooper Blooper: This is the english version of the blissey I got
Gooper Blooper: that first attack is thematically amazing
Bree: gentle murder
Bree: loving homicide
RubyChao: you're right that's the most blissey attack
RubyChao: affectionate revenge
RubyChao: kind slaughter


RubyChao: "The future is unknown. And lewd. The future is lewd." this is dirksephine. this line right here is the embodiment of dirksephine
SteelKomodo: hahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: I imagined Josephine saying that in hushed tones while looking out at the stars with Dirk
Gooper Blooper: like it's all really romantic except what she's actually saying
SteelKomodo: XD


(When discussing character power levels)

Cornwind Evil: Jaxx was so strong because of the feedback poop
Cornwind Evil: ....loop. LOOP
物の哀れ: feeback poop
Processes: You were too late, CW.
Harpy: is this what they mean when they say "shit got real"
物の哀れ: Legendary fucking typo CW
iKomodo: CW: King of Embarrasing Typos


(re: Danbooru)

King Celebrity: 19,000 images tagged "Hand on Hip"... and I'M GONNA VIEW EM ALL
King Celebrity: never mind, too much porn!


Gooper Blooper: BOLD PREDICTION: Someone gets into something for the first time during the season and shortly afterward does a fite club or BBBBP featuring a character from said thing
RubyChao: please, goops
RubyChao: like THAT'LL ever happen
RubyChao kicks the Kinnikuman fite club guys and Avdol under the rug


RubyChao: >​parents are watching some show
RubyChao: >​overhear "It's okay. I had a party with my books."
RubyChao: gloria intensifies?
Gooper Blooper: imagining a comparison picture
Gooper Blooper: panel 1: Boring Normal Day, Gloria sitting in a big comfy chair reading a book
Gooper Blooper: panel 2: BOOK PARTY, Gloria in the same chair in the same pose reading a book, but she's also eating a slice of cake


Gooper Blooper: reminder that old dinosaur books loved talking about how fuckin dumb dinosaurs were
Gooper Blooper: "The Diplodocus was nearly 90 feet long. It had a very small brain and was clumsy and stupid."
Draco: Old dinosaur experts had low self esteem and few outlets.
SteelKomodo: hahaha


M Sheep: Day 1, this guy
M Sheep: and that's it
M Sheep: no other characters or plots
Gooper Blooper: no, see, sheep would ATTEMPT that
Gooper Blooper: but by the end of the first day there would be accidental horror, a secondary character connected to the unhappy skeleton, and the revelation that he works at The Factory
M Sheep: You forgot that the day would end a battle at the center of the skeleton's mind


RubyChao: dirk needs to do all the important things for pit
RubyChao: find a good chef
RubyChao: arrange the reception
Gooper Blooper: Celestia just empties her entire bakery and places everything at the reception
RubyChao: hire a busty birdgirl stripper (how many of those can there even be?)
RubyChao: (i apologize for that last one)
Gooper Blooper: chao pls
Gooper Blooper: or maybe dirk pls
Gooper Blooper: pls
SteelKomodo: 2pls


Gooper Blooper: Mental image: Chao makes it this season's mission to get a pairing with Gloria, goes in with both barrels trying to win her over, somehow ends up paired with Silence instead
RubyChao: hahahahaha
RubyChao: i end up crafting the perfect gloria-dating nerdy bookish boy character
RubyChao: gets scooped up by silence
RubyChao: because silence likes that type more than gloria does


RubyChao: ...i dunno why but i just had this ridiculous image of David filling out a form
RubyChao: and the answer to everything is just "David Wulf"
RubyChao: somehow it still goes through
RubyChao: Eye color: David Wulf
RubyChao: etc etc
Gooper Blooper: Gender: David Wulf
Gooper Blooper: Profession: David Wulf
Saberwulf: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: it works
Bree: birthdate: David Wulf
Harpy: top lel
Saberwulf: The best part is all of these are valid answers


RubyChao: i just came up with the Best plot for next year
RubyChao: and it doesn't even harm tenshi
Gooper Blooper: =O
RubyChao: Day 1: Introduce Goku at the bar
RubyChao: Day 2: He notices villains, and begins POWERING UP
RubyChao: Day 180: With his powerup to Super Saiyan Level Infinity completed, Goku is finally ready to stop- oh they're. they're all stopped already. that's okay then
Gooper Blooper: only if you cut back every six weeks or so to him still yelling
RubyChao: "Meanwhile!" "-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-" "That's enough of that for now!"


iKomodo: Sorry to be quiet
iKomodo: jiggling this, plotting with CW and watching Stout Train
iKomodo: *juggling
iKomodo: i am not Lisa I swear
RubyChao: >​jiggling
RubyChao: yeah too much exposure to #boobs for you
RubyChao: we need an INTERVENTION
RubyChao holds up Josephine at SK
Gooper Blooper: I was just about to do the same, chao
iKomodo: Hahaha
Harpy: plump and jiggly


Gooper Blooper: Patchouli vs Sloth
Gooper Blooper: fight never starts
RubyChao: shocking plot twist
RubyChao: it turns out
RubyChao: patchouli
RubyChao: IS sloth
Gooper Blooper: =O
RubyChao: "Oh yeah, I was one of those sin demons the whole time. Didn't feel like fighting, though."
Jumpropeman: how do we remove the Sloth from her heart?
RubyChao: "Hey, as long as you're here, can you bring me that plate?" "...It's two feet away from you." "What's your point?"
Jumpropeman: illusion surgery?
Gooper Blooper: "so we're cool?" "yeah sure" VICTORYYYYY


Gooper Blooper: here is a petchy
RubyChao: patchy better waterproof those books
Aurora Harpy: patchy waterproofed all her books
Aurora Harpy: its canon
Jumpropeman: so many books with no titles, how does she ever find what she wants to read
Gooper Blooper: magic
Aurora Harpy: magic
RubyChao: magic
Jumpropeman: so you're telling me
Jumpropeman: its magic
Gooper Blooper: yes
Aurora Harpy: yes
RubyChao: yes
Jumpropeman: just had to make sure


Borealis Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between soup, cereal and rice krispies. Chatzy chose: rice krispies
Jumpropeman: >​not cereal
Borealis Harpy: I... I never knew, chatzy
Jumpropeman: chatzy, are you feeling ok
Borealis Harpy: never knew how you truly felt
Gooper Blooper: um
Loghain Mac Tyr: It cheated, though. Krispies are just dry cereal. :V
Borealis Harpy: my poor baby
Gooper Blooper: Aren't Rice Krispies a kind of cereal?
Borealis Harpy: I have the treats :U
Borealis Harpy: ​technically yes
Gooper Blooper: oh goody!
Loghain Mac Tyr: Dry cereal with dry creammilk.
RubyChao: let's see what happens if we give chatzy the full info
Borealis Harpy: chao no
RubyChao asked Chatzy to choose between soup, cereal and rice krispy treats. Chatzy chose: cereal
RubyChao: I KNEW IT
Borealis Harpy: OH MY FUCKING GOD
Jumpropeman: that's better
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
RubyChao: it only picked rice krispies because it thought you meant them in cereal form
Borealis Harpy: FUCK YOU CHATZY D:


Spy Ready To Party: guys i found spoopy scary bootleg
Gooper Blooper: oh noooo
Spy Ready To Party: instad of ruler coaster typhon it was roller GHOASTER tycoo
SteelKomodo: oh nooooo D:
Spy Ready To Party: i go to menu and contnue option is there but i click and it says you cant continue if your ded
Spy Ready To Party: so i hit new game and all the park are broken and on fire except one
Spy Ready To Party: mr. bons funhouse
Gooper Blooper: mr. bon-bon
Spy Ready To Party: so i click on it and the game loffed and loffed
Spy Ready To Party: the loding csreen took forever. it loaded for hours (and hours is long time)
Spy Ready To Party: well it felt like hours at least
Spy Ready To Party: i reached on my head and pulled off a hair and it was GREY. HOW?>​
Spy Ready To Party: but then the game loded. te gerass was brown and charred and the wate was all blud red
Spy Ready To Party: i tried to build a cosdrer but it said you cant, mr bonesis already perfect
Gooper Blooper: perfect kyurem skeleton
Spy Ready To Party: then the ride began. i tried to stand up but i couldnt out o my chair. i was stuck
SteelKomodo: lolz
Spy Ready To Party: all i could do was watch and wait as the roler cosrtre went at a very slow speed
SteelKomodo: spy this is perfect
SteelKomodo: keep going
Spy Ready To Party: i am writing this to you now, hafway through the ride of my life. i ma 60 years old. my hair and teeth have fallen out. my vision is going blurry. i havent eaten in years.
Spy Ready To Party: please never play roller goaster tycoon. it will be the last thing you ever play.
Gooper Blooper: too bad chao isn't here
Gooper Blooper: Don't worry though, I'll save this for him
Spy Ready To Party: Yay :D
Gooper Blooper: I wonder how this would do if you posted it on Some Ordinary Gamers
Spy Ready To Party: I'd probably at least need to tighten up the grammar and spelling mistakes
12 Days of Delmas: yeah spy
12 Days of Delmas: there needs to be more of them


Blood Pianta (is on hold) joined the chat
Blood Pianta (is on hold): Please pardon the wait, I gotta move to college
Blood Pianta (is on hold): However, to tide you over, how would you like a shorter spooky story?
Dacro: Okay.
Blood Pianta (is on hold): Kanye's . . . DEAD zone
Blood Pianta (is on hold) changed name to Kanyes DEAD ZONE
Dacro gasps.

Kanyes DEAD ZONE: it was just a normal day in the zoofites chatzy when suddenly my friend jimropeman logged in for the day
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: he seemed kind of funny today. usually his avatar is a happy goat, but today it was a very sad one
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: so i asked if he was oka nad he voided the question but he did tell me about new game he found
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: it was called kanye zone, and it was a fun little game where you stopped kanye yest from touching a big pink circle
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: so if gured he was just having too much fun and wasnt going to be taking much, so i thnanked him for the link and began to play
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: it was rally fun but really hard too, and no matter how much i tried i couldnt beat it. kanye always touched the circle, laughed, and tokd me "im definitely in my zone"
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: thisangered me
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: but then, the high scores wiped. this is normal because the high scores wipe at the top of every hours
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: but i saw a chance and kanyed like i could never kanye before. soon the high score . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: was mine
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: the game said "thats pretty good but how would you like the REAL kanye experence"
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: i stared at the link. on one hand the game was a fun game, and if ther was a part two id be so excited for it.
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: on the other hand, the link wasnt blue like most links. it was blood red
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: but maybe they just liked that color, because it went really well with the site's purple
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: i go to the chaty to ask advice and there's johnropeman and his goast avatar. this time he was crying and the bell in his head and the shades on his face were cracked
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: he sent me a private message. dont do it man it said
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: you;l never get out of kanye's zone
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: i was a bit weirded out but i figured he just thought id be addicted. i mean i was already addicted tobinding of isaak and two games would mean id never leave the compuerbox
RubyChao was timed out 14 seconds ago
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: so i clamed him down and clicked on the link
RubyChao joined the chat
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: just then ominous lightningstruck and my other friend rubbyhao left the chatzy. but it didn't say "rubychao was timmed out"
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: it said "rubychao is has entered my zone"
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: i shrugged it off because i had agame to play
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: the game was hardr than before. this time kanye wouldnt let himself be stopped so easy. he moved fast, faster than any kanye ive ever seen
Dacro: OH MY GOSH JUST LIKE IN THE CHAZTY!!!!!!!!111111one
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: i went to hit him with my little circle before he could enter his zone, but then . . . . . . .. . .
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: he turneded
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: ive never seen a knaye tur before. usually they have to hit the walls and they still go straight. this was no ordinary kanye
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: just then, another item spawned. it was wepon
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: kanye beelined toward weepon and his picture changed. now he was holding a gun, and his usual grin seemed to look a bit menacing
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: still, i did m best to stop him from reaching kanye zone. he never seemed to use gun but it stille weirded me out.
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: however, he never went for zone. he just orbite d around the box, taunting me. "don't let me into my zone. don't let me into ymzone"
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: how can i when i cant reach you!?
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: thiscontinued for a while, and the high scores began to rack up. five million dollars. seven million dllrs. soon i had ten million dollars. and then i saw something weird
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: the screen breifly flashed to kanye wet. he was outside and next to him was a dead body. he held it up proudly nad showe me the bullet hole, and i couldve sworn i saw the words "kanye's zone" over the wound
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: it only lasted for a frame but it was too hyper realsitic. i could baely breath. now, more than ever, i didnt want to let kanye into his zone
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: this happened every ten thousand bucks. kanye west with a body at disneyworld. kanye west with a body in a hosptial. kanye west with a boody in a graveyard but that one was skeleotn
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: but id idnt want to stop even though i was scared. i was about to have highest score every at kanye world, one hundred million dollar
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: seventy million. kanye was at a fnce.
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: eighty million. kanye was on some stares
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: ninety million. kanye was at a s door and it looked really vamiliar but i did not know why
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: then ih eard a knock and i realized why. kanye west was at my door
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: i moved the circle around and tried to mnock him away but he moved around it,laughing evilly. dont let me into my zone. dont let me into my zone
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: then, at ninety ninet million dollars and inety nine sense, he made a beeline right for the cirlce. he was too fast. i couldn't stop it
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: as he hit the cirlce i heard boolet, and flet warm blood seeping through my shit
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: as i turned to the door i saw him, crack opened through the door like he was the shining
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: he grinned evlly at me and i saw stan in his eyes
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: as i blacked out i heard him say the last words i would ever hear. "im definitely in my zone"
Dacro: =========OOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Dacro: 2spooky
RubyChao: that was the scariest story i've ever heard and i'm never going to have a nightmare-free night ever again
RubyChao: i hope you're happy spy
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: Ecstatic actually
Cornwind Evil: ....then how did the story get on the internet
RubyChao: that's the joke, cw
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: ^
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: So many pastas end that way. Also, obviously Kanye wrote it for me and because you read it YOU ARE NEXT
Dacro: I'm pretty much never coming to Chatzy again in case Kanye's waiting for me.


Bree: ok so im tpying tis in my bedrom n i dont have much tiem
Gooper Blooper: off to a great start bree
RubyChao: one line in and i'm already spooked
Bree: pls read this its v importat it will be my lats message to humenity
Bree: so today i was plyaing Sims 3 and ive got a big hous with 5 sims n it
Bree: my sim was practsing alkemy and learned a new resipe calld "demonic sumoning potin" it needed no ingredents wich was wierd
Bree: but i thouhgt it was new dlc n went "ok cool" n had my sim maked it
SteelKomodo: 2Spooked
Bree: it didnt do anything i didnt get an itme or anythign so i was dissapointed but i kept playing
Bree: my sim went 2 bede n while he was slepign he got moodlet called "posessed"
Bree: n he got up in midle of nigth n wouldnt go back to bed, he was glowig with a dark ora and covered in hyper realistic blood
Harpy: oh no he's possessed by a stand
SteelKomodo: D:
Bree: i was freakd out cuz theres no blood n dis gaem and autotomy ws off n i was juts sitting ther but to my suprise he start doign thigs on his own
RubyChao: not hyper realistic blood! D:
Bree: n he went to his girlfrends hous wich is across street n the acton sed "brak up" but teh screen went blakc n she was gone and there wqs more hyper realistic blod
Bree: ina puddle on teh sidewalk
Bree: then he walkd around teh neighborhod n wetn to houses of peple my sims new n he'd talk to them and a messag would ppo up sayig "ur friend bob is goin 2 die" except insted of bob it was nams of sims in teh neighborhod
Bree: n then the screen would go black n when it comed back there was messaje saing "bob has died, u killt him" n i didnt unnerstadn bc i wasnt doing anythig i was just watching now bc none of my sims were obeying when i trid to tell them wat to do
SteelKomodo: D:
The: Bob why ;-;
Bree: n then he stood n did nothign but it was liek he was starign at sky n the message popoed up and sad "ur fried radspy is going 2 dy"
Harpy: SPY NO
The changed name to RadSpy
Bree: that scared me bc i had a frien nammed radsp but he wastn in dis game
RubyChao: not spy! D:
Bree: then it sid "redspu has did u killed hmi its all yor falt"
SteelKomodo: D:
Bree: so i loggd out of game n got on chazty n sed "is spy ok"
Bree: n my frads sed "yah hes here hes juts quite bc he's playig bindig off isac"
RubyChao: endless boi
Bree: i fet sillly n sed "oh ok thaks" and loffed
SteelKomodo: lol
Bree: bt en it sed "ur fred rubbycho is goig 2 die" n i was started bc i closded teh game
RubyChao flails in panic
Bree: n rubychoa joind chat just then & we all said hi n i sed hi two feelig nervus agin
Bree: then radspud potsed "join me rubchao" n royby sad "wats happenig i dont want 2 die" n breadspy loffed
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: breadspy no
RadSpy drags RubbyChoo to HFIL

Harpy: thats pretty crummy
Bree: i thout they wer fakking wiht me so i sed "stop guis dis isnt funnu" but ten they both loffed n rubchya sadi "leve then, go play sims r sumthig"
RubyChao: dun dun DUN
Bree: i was mad n skared but i thout it was bulesiht so i loadd game agin
Bree: but it dindt give me man menu it went strat 2 gaem id been playig n dere were an army of ghoats in teh neighborhod
SteelKomodo: GOAT SIMS
Gooper Blooper: PM for chao
Bree: 2 of teh ghots lookd liek my frands respud n chobyru
Bree: n a messaj pooped up agin tat sad "u killd us bree"
Bree: n another tat sid "now yor goign to jon us"
Bree: i pikced up my monitr n rippde cords out it n thrw it acrots he rom
Bree: n got out fo my char 2 tel my mmo dat my compter had virus
Bree: btu de dor to my rom wads gone
SteelKomodo: D:
Bree: i loked for teh widnow but it was gon toe
RubyChao: noooooo
Bree: dis is poplar mehtod of kililng sms if u want tem ded u juts put them ina rom n remov all de doors n widnows n dey will starv to deth
Bree: its ben 3 days n my mom hastn chekdon me n im rally hugry n wish i had fud
Bree: liek meybe ven just a loff of bread
SteelKomodo: D:
Bree: buts i dont thikn im goig 2 escap unles somebady heps me so im writin tis pls go t my hous n look 4 me n brig donuts ok
SteelKomodo: ...that ending actually made me kinda sad
SteelKomodo: ;_;
RadSpy: . . . ;;
Bree: n if im ded itll be said butts at laest no 1 will evr play a vidgame every agin bc of dis tory
Bree: ~fin~
Gooper Blooper: not enough typos
Gooper Blooper: (there were enough typos)
RubyChao: goops please
Bree: lel goops
RadSpy: Bree's got mad skillz
Bree: I had fun coming up with a different way to say "RedSpy" and "RubyChao" every time I mentioned them
Bree: my favorites are chobyru, royby, breadspy and radspud
Bree: if you're wondering why you guys, I wanted to include the "real-life friends involved in crappypasta" thing and I picked you two because you both like crappypastas
RubyChao: i appreciated it
Bree: that I killed you horribly and hyperrealistically?
Bree: and made you exact horrible revenge on me?
RubyChao: yes!
RubyChao: that's the best part of crappypasta


Tableter: Has bus been on recently
Gooper Blooper: I've seen him online on the forum but he hasn't dropped by chatzy
Tableter: Tell him
Tableter: Tell him
SteelKomodo: del no D:
Tableter: Im really tired
Gooper Blooper: HE
Tableter: HAS
Gooper Blooper: NO
Tableter: STYLE
Gooper Blooper: HE
Tableter: HAS
Gooper Blooper: NO
Tableter: GRACE
Gooper Blooper: THIS KONG
Gooper Blooper: *secret door opens, metroid sfx*
Tableter: Okay im going to bed


Tableter: HE
Harpy: HAS
Tableter: NO
SteelKomodo: STYLE
Tableter: HE
SteelKomodo: HAS
Tableter: NO
RubyChao: GRACE
SteelKomodo: THIS
Harpy: KONG
Tableter: HAS
SteelKomodo: A
Harpy: FUNNY
Tableter: FACE
Tableter: We did it gang
SteelKomodo: yaaaaaay
Tableter: We won the internet
SteelKomodo: :D
RubyChao: go us
SteelKomodo: walnuts peanuts etc.


Tableter joined the chat
Tableter: HE
RubyChao: HAS
The: NO
Tableter: STYLE
RubyChao: HE
The: HAS
SteelKomodo: NO
RubyChao: GRACE
Tableter: GRACE
Tableter: Fuck
RubyChao: shit
Tableter: Dick
SteelKomodo: THIS
The: poo
Harpy: SHIT
RubyChao: at least we made it farther than last time!
Tableter: Small comfort
Tableter: Need to make the he-at trick
The: Also Harps, Raspberry's Debt x Carlos' Debt
RubyChao: someday we will achieve the HE-at trick


RubyChao: HE
Tableter: HAS
RadSpy: NO
SteelKomodo: STYLE
Tableter: HE
RubyChao: HAS
Tableter: NO
RadSpy: NO
SteelKomodo: GRACE
RadSpy: FUCK
Tableter: Fuck
RubyChao: shit
Saberwulf: Ya dun fuckin goofed
SteelKomodo: oh god wulf i laughed
RubyChao: what happened to us
RubyChao: where did we go so wrong
SteelKomodo: let's try it from the top
SteelKomodo: HE
RubyChao: HAS
RadSpy: NO
Tableter: NO
Tableter: Fucks sake
SteelKomodo: DAMN IT SPY
SteelKomodo: alright, we go in order this time
SteelKomodo: me >​ chao >​ spy >​ del
SteelKomodo: HE
RubyChao: HAS
RadSpy: NO
SteelKomodo: i give up :/
Tableter: Its like herding kongs
SteelKomodo: Herdy Kong
RubyChao: lanky confirmed permanently buried


RadSpy: HE
Gooper Blooper: HAS
Harpy: NO
Harpy: HE
Gooper Blooper: HAS
RadSpy: NO
Harpy: GRACE
Gooper Blooper: THIS
RadSpy: KONG
Harpy: HAS
Gooper Blooper: A
Harpy: FACE
Gooper Blooper: redeemed at last
RadSpy: Nailed it!
Harpy: he can handstand when he needs to and stretch his arms, just for youuuu
Harpy: *shot*

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