Friday, April 3, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 192: The Lonely Ditto

Draco: Conrad and Ellie are settling in for a 5-day anime marathon, but his mother and some of her friends unexpectedly drop in to visit. He must manipulate the doors and monitor security cameras to keep them from getting in and showing Ellie his baby pictures.
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Worlds Shortest Spy: Oh god no xD
Five Nights at Jonesyhaus: perfect
Draco: He has to hold them off until 6 PM, at which point Gezora calls Happy Hour and they withdraw.
Cornwind Evil: I can't see Jonesy leaving if she encountered a closed door
Five Nights at Jonesyhaus: she'd see it as a challenge
Five Nights at Jonesyhaus: or shout through it
Gooper Blooper: 5 Nights At Celestia's: As Celestia, keep your daughters from getting into your bakery storeroom and eating all your baked goods.
RubyChao: the sixth night adds the surprise challenge by upgrading it to your daughters and husband
RubyChao: the seventh night, they all bring their friends
Gooper Blooper: Alex and Dirk may appear as well
RubyChao: no one has ever beaten the seventh night
SteelKomodo: lolz
SteelKomodo: Dirk is just there for the butts
Gooper Blooper: The seventh night looks less like Five Nights At Freddy's and more like a high level in Defend Your Castle
Harpy: top lel


Something Something Dark Side: Hello, Ruby.
Something Something Dark Side: Hello, Harps.
Something Something Dark Side: Hello, Draco, Goops, CW, Ven.
Something Something Dark Side: Ignore that last one. I'm still waking up.


RubyChao: back
RubyChao: with chocolate
Gooper Blooper: what kind of chocolate
RubyChao: hershey's bar
RubyChao: ordinary chocolate
RubyChao: plain but serviceable
Gooper Blooper: the old guard standby of chocolate
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: i had chocolate
Gooper Blooper: goddamn
Gooper Blooper: that was fast
RubyChao: i was hungry
Harpy: i still like the idea of a 2P hero that is overshadowed by-
Harpy: ruby ate that chocolate bar
Gooper Blooper: one of us
Gooper Blooper: chao
RubyChao: looks about right


Harpy: i am rereading bits about hansel for fun, although maybe i'll end up being inspired to write another "whats going on in mondor" piece
M Sheep: "What's the deal with Mondor?" asks comedian, Jerry Seinfeld.
M Sheep replaces whole roster with Comedian, Jerry Seinfeld
Jumpropeman: finally, the sheep cast I've been dreaming of
M Sheep: Siiigh, Goops is right. I really CAN'T joke about just Rping one character
M Sheep: When's Pelswick, Jrm?
Jumpropeman: Pelswick RP has been happening this whole time, you just didn't realize it
Jumpropeman: look at the first letter of every word i've ever posted
Jumpropeman: and then replace those letters with pelswick
Gooper Blooper: it's a conspiracy
M Sheep: ...Not related to WALL!!
M Sheep: Who, if asked about collusion, would in turn ask if you could eat it


SteelKomodo: well, After Effects crashed trying to render a load of stuff at once
Harpy: ow
SteelKomodo: it's okay, I'm doing them one at a time now
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Harpy: *its just a bunch of buttsephine*
SteelKomodo: lel, i wish


RubyChao: oh god dumb thought
RubyChao: the giant worm was The End, and the giant butterfly was The Beginning
RubyChao: so if it had somehow gained a cocoon form
RubyChao: would that have been The Middle?


Draco: Harpy, you should get yourself a pie.
Kevvy: but what is a good pie


Gooper Blooper: Celestia is absolutely catering Saralex wedding
Draco: Draco should cater. Reasonable rates for reasonable tastes. :D
Gooper Blooper: To be frank, Sarah's tastes aren't what I'd call "reasonable" :V
Gooper Blooper: "MOM YOU GOTTA MAKE IT REALLY REALLY BIG OK" "I know dear"
Draco: Sarah will eat the "Sugar Mages Are Lame" crab bisque and like it. BU


Del: you fuckers
Del: :P
Gooper Blooper: it happened
SteelKomodo: whilst you were sleeping :P
rodspuh: :^)
Del: darn it all


RubyChao: back
RubyChao: i bring
RubyChao: well, nothing, really
SteelKomodo: tis k
SteelKomodo: wb overall :)
RubyChao: well except for a possibly #lewd question
RubyChao: i have the worst presents
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
SteelKomodo: shoot away
RubyChao: about how long would it take for dirk to go from "pinching" to just "groping"? my bet is seven seconds
Gooper Blooper: it's not really a pinch to start with, it's more of a squeeze
SteelKomodo: "Pinching's for wusses."


RubyChao: gloria seen playing an RPG next year
RubyChao: on a computer
RubyChao: someone looks over to see what she's playing
RubyChao: it's SaRahPG
RubyChao: *meta intensifies*


RubyChao: reminder that somehow the two sarahkin pairings are on the far opposite ends of the lewdness scale


Bree: incidentally, I had a really long and weird dream and in one scene I met Daniel Bryan
Bree: I started to tell him about you, Cornwind, but then you showed up
Bree: actually, I remember I had started to tell D-Bry about how much wrestling meant to Cornwind and how depressed he was over it right now, etc.
Bree: but then Cornwind showed up and ruined the moment by revealing that actually, he's Daniel Bryan's new manager
Bree: (my dreams are so wut)
Gooper Blooper: amazing
RubyChao: living the dream
Cornwind Evil: Pardon me I have to go kill Paul Heyman and devour his brain for his promo power
Harpy: welp
Draco hands Cornwind a sword.
Draco: There can be only one.


Gorgeouswulf: Basically everything I read or watch involves lesbians somehow
SteelKomodo: kk
SteelKomodo: #Lesbians
SteelKomodo: I communicate in hashtags now
SteelKomodo: i don't even know why
Del: #hastag
Del: cant even spell hastag
Del: *hashtag
Harpy: #hashbrowns
RKO OUTTA NOWHERE: @RubyChao #getthis!shitouttahere #wehashtags


Del: im having way too much fun with this text to speech program
SteelKomodo: link me pls
SteelKomodo: i want to have way too much fun too
SteelKomodo: are you typing FNaFB quotes into it?
Del: i'm typing everything into it
Bree: r u redy 4 fredy
Del: i'm putting zfrp quotes into it
Del: david sounds very weird
Bree: I told Blue about our obsession with hashtags in ZFRP but she doesn't get it
Bree: like it's seriously become a thing in my speech now, I find myself adding hashtags and shit in ordinary (text) conversations
Bree: luckily it hasn't reached a point where I literally say out loud "hashtag"
Bree: actually sometimes I do but only on purpose, not accidentally
Bree: when it's accidental you know that shit's serious
Bree: okay I tried the text to speech thing and entered "hash tag butts"
Bree: perfect
Del: its amazing
SteelKomodo: ...wait, i think i found Foxy's voice in FNaFB
SteelKomodo: it's Eric
SteelKomodo: ...not CW Eric
Bree: oh god the chipmunk voice
Del: yeah they're all on here bro
SteelKomodo: who's Freddy?
RubyChao: i'm freddy
RubyChao jumpscares SK
SteelKomodo: chao pls
RubyChao: you weren't ready for freddy


Del: Its time to make some postes
SteelKomodo: yay
Del: But first
SteelKomodo: yisssss
SteelKomodo is now a pirate
Del is also a pirate

SteelKomodo: yar har
Del: Fiddle dee dee
SteelKomodo: being a pirate
Del: Is alright with me
SteelKomodo: do what you want
Del: Cos a pirate is free
Del: Now we need to get a pirat trick
Del: Somehow
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro wanted to see if Goopsmom still subscribed to Netflix, so he tried logging into it on his Xbox One
Gooper Blooper: before we knew it we'd watched a 45-minute documentary on Bigfoot
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Del: Hahaha
Del: Nice


Gooper Blooper: sophia jokes etc


Cornwind Evil: I actually read Stardust Crusaders a few years back
RubyChao: what'd you think?
Harpy: i swear to fuck if you spoil anything beyond d'arby the gambler i am going to punt you to the moon :I
RubyChao: yeah don't do that
Cornwind Evil: I'll give Jojo's writer for being creative with powers and fight setups
Cornwind Evil: It was pretty amazing when Dio turned out to be a sentient turnip
Harpy: dio is a turnip with fabulous hair


Harpy: SK get back here D:<
SteelKomodo joined the chat
SteelKomodo joined the chat

SteelKomodo joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: well he's trying at least
Harpy: chariot of steel komodos


Harpy: BBB5 lotto is twisted between sol, sammy, and possibly Sonia or Siren
Gooper Blooper: S's everywhere
Harpy: basically all characters with an S in their name are eligible
RubyChao: sol
RubyChao: sooooool
RubyChao: soooooooool
RubyChao: soooooooooooooool
Harpy: Sol is just another name for the sun
Gooper Blooper: pulling for sammy or sonia
RubyChao tapes over Gooper's mouth
Harpy: makes me wonder why i didn't give him like pyrokinesis or nuclear fusion- wut
RubyChao writes "I SUPPORT SOL" on the tape
Harpy: goopy, here's the thing about sammy
Harpy: if she doesn't enter this year
Harpy: she will be a definite entrant in 2016
Harpy: instead of just lotto
Gooper Blooper: very well then
RubyChao: see goops
RubyChao: this is why you should support sol this year for lotto
Gooper Blooper: but chaos witch


RubyChao: ....why did i just imagine sarah winning twisted metal
RubyChao: "I want a cake! A really big one!" "...That's it?" "Yes!"
Gooper Blooper: sarah carries off the cake and shares with alex, the end
RubyChao: but then it turns out calypso tricked them to be a dick
RubyChao: the cake isn't chocolate
RubyChao: it's chocolate flavored


Cornwind Evil: "[Amy:] I see what you doing. You trying to scare me away. That's not working. [Sonic:] GO AWAY! I'm a bad nigga with a fuck life okay?!"
Harpy: wow
Cornwind Evil: "Dean Ambrose, The Lunatic Fringe, has failed in middle school but he receives an application from Yokai Academy."
RubyChao: dean confirmed a youkai
RubyChao: can't wait to see him in touhou 15


Cornwind Evil:
Cornwind Evil: "The rest of it is exactly the same thing. Innocent people are minding their own business, when suddenly the elf with a gun shows up and they die. No deeper motivation, no overarching story behind it, just an elf with a gun."
Cornwind Evil: (Defenders I#25) - The Elf appeared at the California mobile home of Tom and Linda Pritchett, called Tom by name, pulled out a gun, and blew him away.
Cornwind Evil: (Defenders I#31) - The Elf appeared in Las Vegas, posing as a taxicab driver for Charles Lester and his wife. Suddenly, the cab driver's head popped off and out jumped the Elf. When the husband asked, "What is this?", the Elf replied, "It's 'Goodbye,' Charles." and then blew him away.
Cornwind Evil: Defenders I#38) - In the Grand Canyon, the Elf, dressed as an ancient American Indian, was encountered by Stu and his girlfriend. Stu figured the shaman would impart some ancient wisdom to him. Revealing himself, the Elf told him that he would indeed be wiser for this experience, and then blew him away.
Cornwind Evil: (Defenders I#40) - In a unidentified city in the American Southwest, an Elf showed up in the Ladies' Room, where he blew away a woman, who had fled there to escape the Hulk.
Cornwind Evil: (Defenders I#46) - Outside a house in upstate New York, owned by Kyle Richmond, the Elf prepared to ambush Greg, a paper boy. However, as he drew his gun, he was run over by a truck from Mac-Ray Moving Company.
Cornwind Evil: That's the Elf With A Gun's entire plotline.
Harpy: welp
Gooper Blooper: the genius of comics
Dractchouli: What if it were a FRIEZA With A Gun?
Harpy: now THATS dangerous
Cornwind Evil: "In interviews, Gerber would reveal that the Elf was nothing more than a backhanded metaphor for the chaotic and inexplicable nature of everyday existence, the “beast in the jungle” that you can spend a lifetime planning for but which still comes as a surprise or maybe never comes at all."


Harpy: gooooppyyyy, what should i do with my fascination over a cutting room floored (sorta) char D:
Gooper Blooper: well harpy, Shinobiman was inspired by Kevvy, so I guess just make Kevvy super great this season
Harpy: only if Sarah being a magical girl is gonna be a thing yeah sure even if it doesn't happen I'd prolly make Kevvy too awesome for ZFRP to handle
Harpy: no wait that's sammy
Dractchouli: Sailorkin
Gooper Blooper: If I have my way sarah is absolutely getting into a magical girl costume
Dractchouli: The episode in which Tuxedo Mask has to make a late-night churro run.
Gooper Blooper: the episode in which sarah must win a pie eating contest and save the city from a giant robot... at the same time
Dractchouli: The episode in which Sarah proves the All-you-can-eat Buffet wrong.
Harpy: the episode in which kogasa learns the meaning of "not enough donuts"
Gooper Blooper: oh god I just realized
Gooper Blooper: don't forget that the sarahkin make a reference to National Donut Day every year
Dractchouli: "Do or donut. There is no try."
Gooper Blooper: I wish I had donuts
Harpy: goopy
Harpy: are you turning into kevvy
Gooper Blooper: no, I'm just sarah
Harpy: welp
Dractchouli: =O


Gooper Blooper: You like plays?
RubyChao: yup
Gooper Blooper: I now have this mental image of Chao being a classy New York City gentleman who goes around reading books and watching shows on Broadway
Gooper Blooper: and then he goes home and when no one is watching roleplays as touhous
Harpy: nah ruby's just a dork
RubyChao: would it ruin it if i told you one of those shows was Avenue Q :V
RubyChao: A Touhou! I'll roleplay it! NO ONE WILL EVER KNOW
Gooper Blooper: "If you were gay, Tenshi, that would be okay."
RubyChao: now i'm imagining iku singing that whole song
RubyChao: "I'D STILL BE HEREEEEE" "Iku get out of my room" "YEAR AFTER YEEEEEAR"
Gooper Blooper: "An evening alone with my favorite person!" *tenshi holds up mirror*
Harpy: we're all horrible people
RubyChao: and that's what makes us great!
Gooper Blooper: no we're great
Gooper Blooper: see?
RubyChao: tenshi would totally sing the schadenfraude song
Harpy: Hansel glares


Gooper Blooper: JRM-vision
Jumpropeman: that reminds me
Jumpropeman: I rediscovered the Fat Seal Sarah costume last night
Jumpropeman: and it is still the best thing ever
Gooper Blooper: I had to do it
Gooper Blooper: sarahseal had to be canon


Bree joined the chat
Bree changed name to Melody
Momoko joined the chat

Melody: hello empty chatzy
Melody: this is a story about the lonely ditto
Momoko: once upon a time there was a very lonely ditto
Momoko: she lived in a forest and it was full of many animals big and small, but the lonely ditto did not have any frands
Melody: the lonely ditto wanted more than anything to have frands. it was her only wish.
Melody: she set off into the forest deciding that today was the day she would make a frand
Momoko: first the lonely ditto met a squirrel. she said, "hello squirrel. will you be my frand?"
Melody: but the squirrel said, "I don't have time to be your frand! I have to gather nuts for the winter!" and the squirrel ran away into the forest and disappeared.
Momoko: the lonely ditto was very saddened by this and felt even lonelier than before. she continued into the forest, and next she met a bird.
Momoko: she said, "hello bird, will you be my frand?"
Melody: but the bird said, "I don't want to be your friend. I am looking for a mate and I must make sure I am more handsome than any of the other birds." and then it went back to preening itself and ignored the lonely ditto.
Momoko: so the lonely ditto felt even lonelier than before, and continued on her journey.
Momoko: next she met a fox. and she said to the fox, "hello fox, I am a ditto. will you be my frand?"
Melody: but the fox only bared its teeth at her and growled, backing away into the underbrush. frightened, the lonely ditto backed away too and then fled.
Momoko: the lonely ditto wandered the forest in search of someone else. after some time she came to an ominous cave and she went inside, and inside the cave she met a great dragon.
Momoko: and she said to the dragon, "hello dragon, I am sorry to intrude, I am just a ditto and I am very lonely. will you be my frand?"
Melody: the dragon puffed out a cloud of smoke, thoughtfully. and then the dragon said, "perhaps I will be your frand, ditto. what do you have to give me?"
Momoko: and the ditto said, "I do not have anything except myself. I am just a ditto."
Melody: the dragon roared, "no! that is not good enough. I will not be your frand if you cannot even give me anything of worth. get out!"
Momoko: the ditto scurried out obediently. she now felt very, very lonely indeed. she had told the dragon that she had only herself to give, and the dragon told her this was not good enough. she was not good enough.
Melody: she began to feel very depressed. what if, she thought, that has been the problem all along? what if no one will be my frand because I am not good enough? would they have been my frand if I had been someone worth being?
Kogasa joined the chat
Momoko: lost in thought, the ditto wandered out of the forest. she saw a tall man, but she remembered the dragon's words and was afraid to approach the tall man lest he ridicule her as well.
Momoko: (hello, harpy)
Momoko: (welcome to chatzy theater)
Kogasa: (Oh noo)
Melody: the ditto decided to be like the dragon, for it had seemed a worthy frand to her. she became the dragon and she walked up to the tall man and said, "hello mister, will you be my frand?"
Momoko: but the tall man said, "no! you are much too scary! I cannot be frands with anyone so scary!"
Momoko: so the ditto left.
RubyChao joined the chat
Melody: planning to try harder next time, she became the tall man, and she met a short man and said, "hello mister, I am a tall man. will you be my frand?"
Melody: (hello, ruby)
RubyChao: (hi)
Momoko: and the short man said, "you are so tall! I cannot be friends with someone so tall. I am short, and all of my friends are short like me."
Momoko: aw, fucking goddammit fuck
Momoko: *be frands
Momoko: *all of my frands
Melody: (momoko's got a bit of a mouth on her, sorry about that frands)
RubyChao: (hahaha, it's ok)
Melody: ahem
Melody: the lonely ditto was dejected and left again. this time she became the short man.
Melody: she kept wandering and she met a...
Melody: um...
Melody: ...I dunno.
Momoko: um, a blue man?
Melody: okay sure
Melody: she met a blue man
Melody: and she said to the blue man, "hello mister, I am a lonely short man. will you be my frand?"
Momoko: but the blue man said, "no, why would I be your frand? you are not even blue! go away!"
Melody: so the ditto left. she became a lonely, short, blue man, and next she met... a hairy man.
Momoko: and she said to the hairy man, "hello mister, I am a short, lonely, blue man. will you be my frand?"
Melody: and the hairy man said, "of course not, you are not even hairy like me. all of my frands are hairy too."
Melody: so the ditto left.
Momoko: so next the ditto became a short, blue, hairy man, and she met a fat man and asked if he would be her frand. but the fat man said, "I cannot be your frand, for you are much too skinny, and I am very fat and I am so jealous that you are skinny." so the ditto left.
Melody: so the ditto, in the form of a short, fat, blue, hairy man, met another man and she said, "hello mister... I am so lonely. will you be my frand?"
Momoko: and the man said, "no way! you are so short, and so fat, and very blue, and very hairy. I cannot be frands with someone so short and fat and blue and hairy! go away!"
Melody: and the ditto ran away crying. she was distraught and confused. she had been all of the many things the others had wanted, but still she had not been good enough for this man!
Melody: finally she realized that she would never be tall enough or short enough or red enough or blue enough, or good enough, because in the end she was still just a sad, lonely ditto, and no one would ever want to be frands with her.
Momoko: she wandered around sadly for a long time and saw many people, but she did not approach any of them. but eventually she came across a group that was together and they were obviously frands. one was short, and one was tall, and one was a scary dragon, and one was a bird. but they seemed to like each other just fine.
Momoko: the ditto was so very jealous that she followed this group of frands. and followed, and followed.
Melody: until one day one of the frands spotted her. she tried to run away but the frand said, "stop! who are you?"
iKomodo joined the chat
Momoko: (hello, SK, I am telling a story)
iKomodo: (Hi)
Momoko: and the ditto, still in the form of the short, fat, blue, hairy man, replied, "I am a ditto. I am very lonely and all I ever wanted was a frand. I asked many different people to be my frand, but none of them would be my frand because I was short or fat or blue or hairy, or they needed to gather nuts or they had to be handsome, or because I was just a ditto with nothing to give them."
Melody: and the frand said, "will you be a ditto?"
Momoko: and the ditto became a ditto again, which made her very sad, because she hated being a ditto. the frand looked her over thoughtfully, and finally pronounced gravely, "you are a ditto indeed."
Momoko: (captain obviousssss)
Melody: the ditto replied, "yes, I am a ditto. I hate being a ditto, and I wish I was not."
Momoko: the frand shook their head and said, "you will always be a ditto. it is who you are."
Melody: "I hate who I am," said the ditto.
Momoko: but the frand said, "do not hate who you are, ditto, because I like you. you are a ditto and that is all right with me. would you like to be frands?"
Melody: and the ditto was amazed and she said yes. the frand took her to meet their other frands, the short one and the tall one and the dragon and the bird. all of them nodded and said she was a ditto, and what a fine ditto she was, and how happy they were to meet her and that they would love to be her frand.
Momoko: the ditto cried tears of joy and she asked the frands, "but why? why do you like me? why do you want to be my frand? nobody else wanted to be my frand even when I was a ditto, or when I was short or tall or when I was a dragon. why be frands with me? why be frands with each other?"
Melody: and the first frand she had made, who had introduced her to the other new frands, said wisely, "a true frand does not care who you are or what you look like, and they do not care what you can offer them or all the better things that they could be doing. a true frand is someone who accepts you for who you are, and your frandship is all they ever want from you."
Melody: and from that day on, the ditto was never lonely again.
Melody: THE END
RubyChao: yaaaay
RubyChao applauds
Kogasa: Kogasa approves
Melody changed name to Bree
iKomodo: Yay :3
Bree: sorry for monopolizing the chatzy
RubyChao: it's alright, haha
RubyChao: it was worth it!
Kogasa: Was empty anyway so
Bree: and yes, all of that was me, I fucking double-barreled that shit
RubyChao: i approve
Bree: I was just unable to sleep and I had thought of a scene earlier where melody and momoko write a story for amity
Bree: and the chatzy was empty so I was like "LET'S FUCKING WRITE A FUCKING STORY"


SteelKomodo: ...when did it suddenly get to 5pm over here?


SteelKomodo: ...and now it is half 5
SteelKomodo: like, why is time suddenly moving so quickly
SteelKomodo: Timezonius slow down I'm not ready for RP yet


(A bonus boss in Labyrinth of Touhou 2 is a pile of Cookie Clicker cookies)

RubyChao: touhou status report: my gaggle of girls still has trouble fighting these cookies
RubyChao: it's too bad i don't have sarah on this team
RubyChao: then i could OHKO them


SteelKomodo: Del is currently getting drunk and ordering pizza with mates
SteelKomodo: he sends his love and so on
RubyChao: he should send his pizza instead
RubyChao: feed us del
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Bree: feed me seymour


RubyChao: Ijuier Ohustu
RubyChao: okay so my theory that utsuho's name spelled backwards would look like a real name is a bust :V


Gooper Blooper: funny note: the Perfectly Legitimate Game File Downloads site I use has a little gif of Samus on the sidebar
Gooper Blooper: No text, no explanation, no link, just a picture of Samus
Gooper Blooper: The file name is "mascot.gif"
RubyChao: but is she jobbing
Gooper Blooper: She's just standing there
SteelKomodo: lel
Gooper Blooper: The funny thing is though that when the site was first made (they're celebrating 15 years according to their front page) it would actually make sense for Samus to be there in a way
Gooper Blooper: I imagine one of the biggest reasons people get into emulating is "I want to play more of X series but I don't have the system", and Metroid games weren't exactly plentiful in 2000
Gooper Blooper: you know, like now *shot by chao*
RubyChao: this is my disapproving face
RubyChao points to his face right now
Harpy: :I
SteelKomodo: lel


Gooper Blooper: "The box art steals the cover of Pocket Monsters Stadium for Nintendo 64, albeit with a couple peculiar edits to the Pokemon, possibly in a vain attempt to skirt copyright issues. These edits include giving Venusaur rosy cheeks, Charizard a pair of horns and Blastoise a bumpy head."


Gooper Blooper: Oh dear, this bootleg seems to have fallen out of a creepypasta

(Chao returns from being AFK)

Gooper Blooper: oh hi chao
RubyChao: just in time, i see
Gooper Blooper: Okay, so I've mentioned on my blog during an old Year-End Game Review that there was an NES platformer starring Felix the Cat
SteelKomodo: mmhm
Gooper Blooper: An unknown Russian company ported the game to Genesis, and there are four major differences, three of which are typical for bootlegs and one... not so much
Gooper Blooper: 1: The game is harder to control.
Gooper Blooper: 2: The game is much shorter, a bunch of levels were taken out.
Gooper Blooper: 3: The music is randomly selected from one of several different songs, none of which are from the original game. You get new music every time you change screens.
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: 4: If you get Game Over, you find that the Game Over screen is (gore warning) Felix ripping his face off to reveal his skull, complete with blood everywhere - this was apparently an actual piece of art someone did that the Russian company stole and put into their game.
SteelKomodo: DDDD:
Gooper Blooper: at least it's not haunted
SteelKomodo: that reminds me of the weird lion king bootlegs
SteelKomodo: that had the characters off themselves whenever they lost
Gooper Blooper: I thought the same thing, haha
Gooper Blooper: RIP bootleg pumbaa
RubyChao: felix no D:
SteelKomodo: like, Timon hung himself
SteelKomodo: no, wait, found a vid
SteelKomodo: Simba hung himself, Timon just dug his own grave
Bree thinks of Junji Ito "The Hanging Balloons" story
Bree shudders

SteelKomodo: which, considering he's a meerkat and lives underground, you'd think wouldn't bother him
SteelKomodo: also Pumbaa just jumps into a pot and gets cooked
Gooper Blooper: my favorite part is that if you don't get game over, it just seems like a normal bootleg (in both games)
Gooper Blooper: but then you run out of lives
Gooper Blooper: and the hidden 2spooky appears
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Bree: "but then you run out of lives, and the hidden 2spooky appears"
Bree: and then viola added, "that's what happens in real life too"
RubyChao: oh, viola
Gooper Blooper: viola drinking a glass of milk
Gooper Blooper: "hey, viola, what's up" "I'm feeding the skeleton within me to strengthen it"
Gooper Blooper: "I'm gonna go over here" "okay"
Bree: that better go in chatzy madness just for del
SteelKomodo: #Skeletons
Bree: halloween 2015 chatzy madness edition is just a compilation of every single funny bit (in previous chatzy madnesses) that involve skeletons, 2spooky, and/or viola
Bree: and it's called
Bree: Chatzy Madness: Thank Mr. Skeltal


RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: try lot2 again or echo the metroids
Bree: lot2
RubyChao: or flop around like a fat seal
Gooper Blooper: what about banjo-kazooie and omega ruby
Bree: no metroids, samus buried
Bree: yes yes omega ruby
RubyChao: shit
RubyChao: ok add those to the list
SteelKomodo: actually, I vote for Banjo
Gooper Blooper: BK if the TV is free, pogeys otherwise
Bree: omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby omega ruby

(Chao chooses Banjo-Kazooie and plays Freezeezy Peak for the first time)

RubyChao: "The snowman", thought Banjo.
RubyChao: ^a summary of my experience


SteelKomodo: i found something legendarily wretched
SteelKomodo: ...oh my god
SteelKomodo: he just copied a level wholesale from Sonic Battle and tried to pass it off as a Metroid level
Harpy: oh dear
Gooper Blooper: you can always tell a game is good when it has one music track that loops forever
Harpy: D:
Harpy: that sounds like hell
SteelKomodo: the second one is also wretched, but for different reasons
Gooper Blooper: The Banjo fight is made even better by the sound effects
Gooper Blooper: just meggermen and benju flailing at each other while banjo goes "AWW AWW AWW AWW"


Gooper Blooper: Remember when I talked about my art evolution over time and how I improved my drawing by being part of ZFRP?
Harpy: mhm
Gooper Blooper: ZFRP is actually directly responsible for being what got me to draw humans, via Sarah
SteelKomodo: yaaaaaay
SteelKomodo: that is a cool thing
Gooper Blooper: This is shown by the first MSPaint of Sarah I ever did, the one where she has hearts for eyes
Gooper Blooper: Her proportions are awful, and when I went back and looked at the picture shortly afterward, I realized as much
Gooper Blooper: When I started thinking about the body inside the robes instead of just drawing a blob and going "that'll do", I was able to improve quite a bit
RubyChao: relink to badrah?
Gooper Blooper: Hang on I'll go try and dig it up
Gooper Blooper: here it is
RubyChao: oh christ
RubyChao: you weren't kidding
SteelKomodo: because Bottles is secretly bitter and getting reveng by teaching you deadly moves
Gooper Blooper: what are proportions
Gooper Blooper: what is the human body
RubyChao: we just don't know


Cornwind Evil joined the chat
RubyChao: hello IMDEC
Cornwind Evil: Cute, Ruby. Cute


Crunkleter joined the chat
iKomodo: And here he is, folks
Gooper Blooper changed name to Enragement Child
Crunkleter: RUUUUUUUM
Enragement Child: hello :3
Crunkleter: inhale my dong enragement child
Enragement Child inhales dong
Enragement Child rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
Enragement Child explodes

iKomodo: XD
Enragement Child changed name to Gooper Blooper
Crunkleter: i drank lots of captain morgan rum tonite
Crunkleter: #ruined


Harpy: oh god
Harpy: ivel no
RubyChao: what'd he do
Harpy: "i'm on a bus and they have video screens; they're not playing anything so most of the screens are blue, but mine is red"
Harpy: "am i in a creepypasta"
RubyChao: rip ivel
RubyChao: you're next, harpy
Harpy: me? in a creepypasta?
Harpy: only if that creepypasta involves everything closing way too early for me to get fud
Harpy: "tha screyn wuz red... THAT COOLR OF BLOD"


iKomodo: Sorry to be quiet
iKomodo: jiggling this, plotting with CW and watching Stout Train
iKomodo: *juggling
iKomodo: i am not Lisa I swear
RubyChao: >​jiggling
RubyChao: yeah too much exposure to #boobs for you
RubyChao: we need an INTERVENTION
RubyChao holds up Josephine at SK
Gooper Blooper: I was just about to do the same, chao
iKomodo: Hahaha
Harpy: plump and jiggly


Bree: harpy
Bree: 4 u
iKomodo: :3
Harpy joined the chat
Harpy: why the fuck did you boot me outta chatzy for looking at that awesome pic
Gooper Blooper: janet stop betting money
124P4D000000000000000000000000: An incredible artisté
RubyChao: that's janet
124P4D000000000000000000000000: 10/5 stars
RubyChao: that's the only image you need for janet for all of 2015
RubyChao: also brb
Gooper Blooper: return of the janet sadfaec
Harpy: srsly tho I think Janet will be doing less gambling
Harpy: and more writing
Bree: btw I almost put a caption on this picture from #dollz
Bree: it was going to be something like "DAD BARBIE RUINED MY GIFT FOR HANSEL"
Bree: and then just some angry faces drawn after it
Harpy: oh nooo
Harpy: okay i might try my hand at drawing hanseeeeahahaha no, i can't draw the goddamn hat
Gooper Blooper: berby
Bree: and then super artsy fartsy font with just "Hansel - Melody is very upset with the outcome but insisted I mail this to you posthaste regardless. ~Octavious"
Bree: spoilers octavious' handwriting is super fucking fancy


Bree: patchy's writing isn't even handwriting, it's calligraphy
Bree: and here's why
Bree: patchy never writes anything
Bree: she has enchanted floating pens for that shit
Bree: :effort:
RubyChao: amazing
Gooper Blooper: I imagined patchouli rubber-stamping things so her signature is just "PATCHY" in ink
Gooper Blooper: but that sounds like even less effort as long as she doesn't have to exert power to move the pens
Bree: like, goops put that "The" pic in one of the recent chatzy madnesses
Bree: patchy's "handwriting" is that, except with every single word
Bree: because the magic pens do all of it, she doesn't even dictate they just engage in correspondence on her behalf 100% autonomously
Bree: magic penis
Harpy: Juan's handwriting is relatively normal, the Monarch just typewrites everything angrily, and Shiela's handwriting looks very cutesy but looks like it took forever to write
RubyChao: patchy no


RubyChao: patchy's average day
RubyChao: "Patchy lay on her couch and read all day."
RubyChao: "About lunchtime, she snapped her fingers and got Koa to bring her food."
Gooper Blooper: sounds good, chao
RubyChao: "When she was done, she fell asleep on the couch, in the same clothes she was just wearing."
RubyChao: the end
iKomodo: Pfffft
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
Harpy: nice
Bree: minor edit chao
RubyChao: there's a reason patchy's outfit kinda looks like pajamas
Bree: patchy didn't snap her fingers
Bree: she used magic to telekinetically ring a bell
Bree: snapping is too much effort
Gooper Blooper: #effort
RubyChao: *laziness transcends normal boundries*
Bree: also she turns the book's pages with magic
RubyChao: even garfield is like "maybe you should move around sometimes"
Bree: she does move around! with magic!
Bree: look, there she goes
Bree: *patchy floats past, bored*
Gooper Blooper: when koa brings the food, she also takes patchy's pulse
Gooper Blooper: "just making sure you were alive"
Bree: that's koa's main duty in fact, she takes patchy's pulse every half hour
124P4D000000000000000000000000: Bree I'm just imagining Patchy in the Twisted Metal tournament
124P4D000000000000000000000000: Her entrant is just her bed
124P4D000000000000000000000000: She's not actually in the tournament
124P4D000000000000000000000000: She just hovers past, the same stoic look on her face
Gooper Blooper: |:<
124P4D000000000000000000000000: Nobody targets her. Nobody knows why she's there
124P4D000000000000000000000000: The "winner" gets bored and confused when his wish is never granted, goes home. Patchy wins by doing absolutely nothing
124P4D000000000000000000000000: Still making that exact same face
Harpy: wait why am i even telling you guys this
RubyChao: alternate universe patchy
Gooper Blooper: Calypso asks Patchy what she wants
Gooper Blooper: "my life is too stressful, make it easier and require less effort"
Gooper Blooper: Calypso legitimately has no idea how to grant this
124P4D000000000000000000000000: Calypso goes to suggest books that read themselves
124P4D000000000000000000000000: Suddenly in a flash, Patchy has one hand wrapped around his throat and has him lifted for the chokeslam
124P4D000000000000000000000000: "Never say that again"


RubyChao: my favorite touhou characters are Green Reimu and Red Sanae
Gooper Blooper: yellow sub-zero
RubyChao: ...why did i just imagine a touhou storyline
RubyChao: where both the Hakurei and Moriya Shrines go out of business
RubyChao: cue the two rivals having to put aside their differences and...
Harpy: Hakurei Shrine was never in business, hohoho
RubyChao: open a fast food place
124P4D000000000000000000000000: Oh god xD
Harpy: dun duuun
RubyChao: can reimu and sanae make and sell miko burgers before they sabotage each other into oblivion?
124P4D000000000000000000000000: "WELCOME TO GOOD BURGER HOME OF THE GOOD BURGER CAN I TAKE YOUR ORDER" "No Sanae we're not doing this." "But-" "NO Sanae."


Cornwind Evil: Dipterra in her youth
Bree: NO
Bree nopes on out
Bree nopes down the street

Gooper Blooper: link
Bree nopes into a car
Bree nopes to military base
Bree nopes into a rocket
Bree nopes right off into space

Nega-Toad: Damn that's some intense noping
Bree: imagine that octopus doing all of that
Bree: I find this mental image hilarious, so you're welcome for sharing it


Gooper Blooper: mfw frands

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