Saturday, April 25, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 197: Which Witch Is Which

Aurora Borealis: A dead giant would be good for studying anatomy and weak point, a live one good for behavior
Aurora Borealis: Under lock and chain, due to OH GOD WHAT IF IT GETS MAD AND PUNCHES ME
The things: PAAwUUNCH
SteelKomodo: lel
The things: One of these days, Alice, one of these days- wham, pow, straight through the moon-
Naw. CW doesn't like punchin' ladies. :x It's gentlemanly of him. He may refrain as he likes.
:f I like lady warriors too much not to punch lady warriors. It's its own variant of disrespect in my book. :S Eh.
The things: Joan of Arcadia gets no street cred if there isn't legitimately someone defeated, I suppose the logic is. -shrug- They can achieve. They do achieve. So I shan't impede them from achieving by failing to be an impediment in the way until such time as they overcome and vanquish me to the yield or the death, on my troth as knight?
The things is of muddled coffeeless mind
SteelKomodo: mmhm
Blue was timed out
The things: Mind you; I am very much against hitting ladies that cannot or will not hit back. :/ That's unequal. Just as I'm all for watching Silence trounce guys that think they can punch as hard as her. >​) It would be just as bad, though, if Silence attacked a civvy guy or goyl that wouldn't fight back.
That's the aspect I tend to focus on, not the gender mannerism- NO
Aurora Borealis: Aurora will zap anyone who is gonna hurt her or her friends. Or her books :|
Aurora Borealis: No touchy the bookies without permission, thank ye
The things: But boooks
-watches nerdy girls of all stripes and sizes gravitate towards them, a certain Touhou in the lead-
Aurora Borealis: "Ask first! This is a library, not a book fair or a giveaway! :|"


RubyChao: who wants
RubyChao: a horror comiiiiic *jazzhands*
Del: meeee
Aurora Borealis: Nnnnooo
RubyChao: enjoy


Gooper Blooper: I saw your blog harpy
Gooper Blooper: it was cure
Gooper Blooper: *cute
Boreas: Goopy has seen the blog
Gooper Blooper: the only way to make a blog cure is if white mages are in it
Boreas: *stuffs Boreas in a white mage outfit*


RubyChao: man
RubyChao: if anyone's really burying rin satsuki it's danbooru
RubyChao: she has a surprising amount of art on pixiv but very little on the booru in comparision
Gooper Blooper: well who cares about some 2hu that doesn't even exist anyway
RubyChao: you do
Gooper Blooper: :V
RubyChao: besides, in RP
RubyChao: more characters like her than like tenshi!
RubyChao with the heavy burn
Gooper Blooper: that's hardly an accomplishment
RubyChao which is inaccurate but FACTS CANNOT STAND IN MY WAY


RubyChao: we should totes have a Fite between Utsuho and Lisa
RubyChao: the rubber match
Splendid Skateboard: I am going to try and arrange Bill vs Saxton Hale Part 3 too
Gooper Blooper: I'll suggest thinking up some kind of gimmick to keep it fresh
Gooper Blooper: Exactly what, I'm not sure
Splendid Skateboard: An idea that came to mind was that everyone secretly sends JRM a gimmick
Splendid Skateboard: And he rolls and randomly picks one for the rubber match
RubyChao: *cue rin satsuki awkwardly trying to keep her balance while holding two super buff dudes*
Bree: the gimmick is it's actually Bill and Saxton vs. full-size Cauren
Splendid Skateboard: Sine: OVER MY DEAD BODY
Bree: to win they must pin her
Splendid Skateboard: Sine: STILL OVER MY DEAD BODY.
Bree: Bill and Saxton vs. full-size Cauren and Sine's corpse
Bree: best tag match ever
Gooper Blooper: they have to defeat and pin Zombie Sine
Gooper Blooper: and literally go over her dead body
Bree: not zombie sine
Bree: just the inert dead body of Sine
Bree: Sinecorpse
SteelKomodo: Corpsine
Bree: Bill and Saxton vs. Giantsephine​'s Butt​
Splendid Skateboard: If Sine struggles not to laugh, she is literally corpsine
RubyChao: booooooo
SteelKomodo: hahaha


Bree: hi JRM
Bree fat seal high five
Jumpropeman: *raises fin, too lazy too slap, just limply brushes Bree's fin*
Bree: (fat seal high fives involve uselessly waving fin about because we're too far away from each other)


Jumpropeman: piratesephine
he Element Of Angry Cats: Nah. I'll just skip straight to the loot, thankee.
SteelKomodo: dirk has all the booty he needs
Gooper Blooper: it even works multiple ways
SteelKomodo: he'll be fine :U
The Element Of Angry Cats: :V Dirk can have the booty, I'll take the plunder.
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Jumpropeman: was listening to that very song today
Bree: you linked it in chatzy once and that's how I know of it
Bree: your piratesephine thing reminded me of it
Jumpropeman: full version
Gooper Blooper: that piratesephine pic is great
Jumpropeman: if you want more booty
Bree: I posted the same video for Blue in Skype and her response: "Alright, that's it, no more hanging out with those ZFRP degenerates. They're corrupting your delicate sensibilities."
The Element Of Angry Cats: YES
Bree: me: "What? XD" Blue: "They're degenerates, I tell you! Them and their obsession with posteriors!"
The Element Of Angry Cats: ;b
Jumpropeman: tell Blue
Jumpropeman: Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty Booty
Jumpropeman: and P.S. Booty
The Element Of Angry Cats: Profligate degenerates, thank you. I AM DISSOLUTE
The Element Of Angry Cats smashes Caesar with a hammer and offers Bree suspicious meat pies
Kevvy: booty
Jumpropeman changed name to Booty
The Element Of Angry Cats: Don't listen to Blue. It's safe. Surely. :v
Gooper Blooper:
Bree: Blue replied to Jumpropeman with "He makes a compelling argument."


Bree: moar Blue wisdom: "ZFRP needs a fanatical group against the protagonists, with the acronym CORN ON the KOB. I don't know what it would stand for...maybe... Concerned Orphan Rebels N-something Opposing N-something the King of Beasts."
Jumpropeman: we do have an antagonist called Corn on the Kob
Jumpropeman: he prefers Cornwind Evil though


Jumpropeman: 200cc Baby Park
Jumpropeman: the laps take ​7 seconds​
Bree: it says eight
Bree: eight seconds
Bree: in the vidya description
#Ruined: And the music just slowly gets faster
#Ruined: And Pink Gold Baby Peach watches from her gilded throne
Bree: "slowly gets faster"
Bree: 3.14 keks
Jumpropeman: the laps take 4 SECONDS
Jumpropeman: the laps actually take NEGATIVE SECONDS
Jumpropeman: the race is over before the level is even selected its that fast
#Ruined: I just got back from the release of the DLC
RubyChao: replace all the racers with people like sonic, aya, etc
Gooper Blooper: gotta go fast
#Ruined: The game finished so fast it shot me back in time and re-locked the dlc


Kevvy: *drops dove chocolate egg*
Gooper Blooper: poor harpy :<
Kevvy: no i find it hilarious
Bree: it grew legs and ran away because it's heard what you do to chocolate
Bree: you are the chocolate ​annihilator​
Bree: the ​decimator​ of chocolate
Bree: ​you are their dark reckoning​
Kevvy: goopy is the true chocolate destroyer
Bree: that chocolate egg met its end and said "NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE NOPE"
RubyChao: guys
RubyChao: remember those sprites
RubyChao: of okuu eating a slice of cake the size of her head in one gulp
Bree: that's harpy.txt
Kevvy: im just a girl who is obsessed with a frost giant and his witch friend atm .n.
Gooper Blooper: I don't remember such sprites
RubyChao: #unyu
Gooper Blooper: amazing
Gooper Blooper: her head, nothing, it's bigger than herself
Bree: #unyu
Bree: unyu unyu unyu unyu unyuuuuu
RubyChao: how many unyus am i gonna have to have utsuho unyu to make bree satisfied this year
Gooper Blooper: THOUSANDS
Bree: millions
Also, things that show kobbertrust can be learned. :U She is not throwing tables at Hell Raven from scared at abilitynom.


Jumpropeman: I wonder how many cartoons have an episode called "Which Witch"
Jumpropeman: Scooby Doo, Where are You?: Which Witch is Which?; Fairly Oddparents: Which Witch is Which?; Bewitched: Which Witch is Which?; Tom and Jerry Tales: Which Witch?; Every Witch Way: Which Witch is Which?
Gooper Blooper: I was looking it up too JRM :V
Kevvy: Aurora: I'm gonna get tired of Witch puns one of these days :I
Gooper Blooper: Add Wally Gator, The Abbott and Costello Cartoon Show, and The Garfield Show
Jumpropeman: its an epidemic
Gooper Blooper: A 1949 Bugs Bunny cartoon called "Which Is Witch"
Gooper Blooper: A 1961 Popeye cartoon titled same
Gooper Blooper: An entire TV series from 2013
IST: SO what you're saying iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii​iis
IST: We need more.
IST: :v
IST gets hexed away from voting
Jumpropeman: renaming my 2015 plot Which Witch is Which
Kevvy: Aurora: N-n-noooooooooooooo ;;
RubyChao: >​entire TV series
RubyChao: pls link?
Gooper Blooper: Very little information, probably because it's foreign
 Gooper Blooper: Casper did it too, no shock
Jumpropeman: I remember when Wendy the Witch and Casper did crossovers like it was some Big Deal that these two were hanging out
Gooper Blooper: The New Three Stooges
Gooper Blooper: Also what I meant by that was that they did a "which is witch" episode
Gooper Blooper: of course
Jumpropeman: looks like a typical tween show, a la Nick or Disney Channel
Gooper Blooper: There's also a show called "Every Witch Way"
Jumpropeman: harpy, next witch they should fight is Wendy the Good Little Witch
Gooper Blooper: it turns out she's actually Wendy The BAD Little Witch
Jumpropeman: they are in space drinking the milky way which is actually bottled milk
Jumpropeman: what even were these comics
Gooper Blooper: "Still 10 cents"
Jumpropeman: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: now comics should say "still five dollars"
Jumpropeman: the witch puns
Gooper Blooper: we've found JRM's next game
Jumpropeman: Wendy turns herself into Shimmer
Gooper Blooper: >​a dollar
Jumpropeman: glitter is expensive yo
Gooper Blooper: Ouch, Amazon wants like 17 bucks for just the cartridge
Jumpropeman: link
Jumpropeman: bad gaming can prove to be surprisingly expensive
Jumpropeman: I almost bought Sonic 06 the other day but Gamestop wanted a King's ransom for it
Jumpropeman: 16 WHOLE DOLLARS
Gooper Blooper: one of those times it sucks to have so much integrity that you won't pirate an obscure old game boy color game nobody is selling any more
Jumpropeman: I'll just have play games like Captain Toad and Earthbound instead :(
Jumpropeman: oh
Jumpropeman: oh my god
Jumpropeman: I found the crown jewel of "Which Witch is Which"
Gooper Blooper: oh man
Jumpropeman: its a song
Jumpropeman: in which Mickey says "is it just me or do they all look alike"
Gooper Blooper: pffffff
Gooper Blooper: WITCH RACISM
Gooper Blooper: JRM, remember this discussion
Gooper Blooper: This October, we gather all the female magic users in one place and away we go
Kevvy: >​female magic users
RubyChao: patchy just sits there
RubyChao: bored
Jumpropeman: we'll play the 10 hour version of this while it happens
RubyChao: she doesn't care as long as she can keep reading and not doing anything
Jumpropeman: this song is so amazingly bad
Jumpropeman: gonna add it to my bad music collection
IST: Patchy just sits you say? Blails x Patchy x Chairy 4 lyfes
Gooper Blooper: patchy takes the path of least resistance
Gooper Blooper: this usually involves sitting there
Jumpropeman: but will Blails/Patchy/Chairy go on a ​double​ triple date with Sine/Cauren/Carol
Gooper Blooper: why them?
Jumpropeman: because the threeway relationship dynamic
Gooper Blooper: alex x sarah x cake
Jumpropeman: Mickey thinks Witches should wear numbers on their back
Jumpropeman: or maybe they could have them on their wrists, and they could put the witches in camps
Jumpropeman: Mickey is so freaking anti-witch
Jumpropeman: on an unrelated note, special Fite Club Halloween event for all magic using females
Gooper Blooper: I'm laughing irl
Gooper Blooper: fuckin mickey
RubyChao: 2016 plot
RubyChao: mickey runs for president on an anti-witch ticket
RubyChao: kobbers need to keep him from being elected to keep america safe for witches
Gooper Blooper: *checks character roster*
Gooper Blooper: *eight magic-using females*
Gooper Blooper: lel
#Ruined: President Wheatley
RubyChao: "And if I'm elected, I promise that when my term is done, nobody will ever have reason to ask 'which witch is which?' ever again!"
Kevvy: my roster has....
Gooper Blooper: a car in every garage and a witch on every stake
Stellar Skateboard: Sine: But Wheatley, how long must we bear the bare bears?
Stellar Skateboard: Sine: And those who desert their dessert in the desert?
RubyChao: my roster has every touhou i roleplayed
Gooper Blooper: wheatley doesn't have time for bears
Jumpropeman: its Salem all over again
Gooper Blooper: he's too busy running his anti-bird platform
Jumpropeman: okuu's in trouble
Gooper Blooper: with the occasional crack at Morgana
RubyChao: when are we - dammit jrm
RubyChao: i was gonna ask when we introduce Wheatley to Okuu
Gooper Blooper: idea
Kevvy: Sammy, Elise, Belinda, Janet, sort of Shiela, Reimu
Gooper Blooper: wheatley wouldn't think Okuu is a burd at first glance unless he has special burd sense
Gooper Blooper: so they meet, become derpy friends
Kevvy: and then there's Kevvy who is not really female but poses as one and Aurora who is not even on my roster and won't be :U
Gooper Blooper: and then okuu, for an unrelated reason, suddenly transforms into raven form in front of him
Gooper Blooper: he befriended a bird
Gooper Blooper: his beliefs are challenged to their very core
RubyChao: wheatly spends the next few hours struggling with an existential crisis
Jumpropeman: Okuu walks up to wheatley, bats him with her wings repeatedly "IM A BURD"


Jumpropeman: I once considered RPing a giant who used a bridge as their weapon
Jumpropeman: i also considered them wielding other large things
Jumpropeman: like sarah
Gooper Blooper: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Jumpropeman: had to


Kevvy: other touhous i like are yuyu and sort of Miko
RubyChao: >​miko
RubyChao thumbsup
Gooper Blooper: yuyuyuyuyuyu
RubyChao: goops that just made me think of yuyuko meeting aya
RubyChao: they have an entire conversation
RubyChao: and it's nothing but variations on "Yuyuyuyuyuyu" and "Ayayayayaya"


(Del decides against releasing a demo of his Five Nights At Fuckboy's fangame)

Del: cos there isn't even any gameplay yet wtf
Saberwulf: pfff
Saberwulf: Just call it a tech demo like Sony does
Del: hahaha
Del: well it's like
Del: 2 minutes of "gameplay"
Saberwulf: Just plaster WORK IN PROGRESS over half the screen
Saberwulf: SUBJECT TO CHANGE over the other
Del: that'd be the best way to do it, haha
RubyChao: i once tried a demo like that, as in someone else demoed their game that way
RubyChao: meet the characters
RubyChao: that was it
Saberwulf: pff
Del: mine is literally that
Saberwulf: quality game design
Del: the del seal of quality
Del: a fat seal


RubyChao: >​the final character in story mode doesn't come with any supers available by default
RubyChao: >​i can't add them until i unlock her and i can't do that until i beat her story
RubyChao: i guess we're going CHALLENGE MODE


RubyChao: so uh
RubyChao: turns out that kokoro had three defaults set all along, only the first one was empty
RubyChao: which means i went through her story mode hampered needlessly :V
SteelKomodo: welp
Boreas: ...
Boreas: i should have fucking remembered
RubyChao: HAHAHA
RubyChao: well, i beat Kokoro's story anyway
RubyChao: so alls well that ends well, right? :V


Gooper Blooper: >​April 16
Gooper Blooper: oh goodness the month's more than half over
RubyChao: *desperately flails at his keyboard*


Boreas asked Chatzy to choose between cereal and waffles. Chatzy chose: cereal


RubyChao: ...what the fuck
RubyChao: annotations currently work in embedded videos and if i watch them in incognito mode, but not when i watch videos regularly
RubyChao: rpg maker is rubbing off on chrome


Gooper Blooper: momoko hop: the vidya
Gooper Blooper: spoilers: this touhou fangame is difficult
Gooper Blooper: shock of the century, I know
Jumpropeman: at least its not flappy tenshi
Gooper Blooper: flappy suho
RubyChao: there's a video of a flappy touhou but it's shit quality
RubyChao: so i won't link it
Jumpropeman: i am surprised that this looks decent for a doodle jump clone
RubyChao: ...well that explains it
RubyChao: the video i just mentioned apparently has no quality other than 144p
RubyChao: good job, uploader
Jumpropeman: the quality needs to match the gameplay chao!
RubyChao: #rekt
Jumpropeman: people better watch out, I take cheap shots at ALL the easy targets!


RubyChao: bree
RubyChao: what if instead of unyu
RubyChao: this year i add
RubyChao: mukyu
Gooper Blooper: add both
Bree: no
Bree: unyu is ​required​
Bree: both is okay
Bree: but there
Bree: ​must​
Bree: be
Bree: unyu


Boreas: draco i drew a thing
Boreas: I SUCK
Gooper Blooper: no you don't suck
Boreas: i do suck
Boreas: lollipops
Gooper Blooper: Your enthusiasm is cute
Draco: Harpy drew a thing. I'm so proud. ;u;
Boreas: >​cute
Boreas: *packs up bags and goes home*
Boreas: draco so proud of me
Draco puts Harpy's picture on the fridge.

Gooper Blooper: oh god draco haha
Gooper Blooper: ...All those magnets and you used tape? :V
Bree: can't cover up that masterpeas
RubyChao: you actually did it draco
Draco: ........................​........................​........................​....................
RubyChao: i'm amazed
Bree: he's draco, of course he did
Draco: I will rehang the mass tier peace when I go get a drink.


RubyChao: 22:57
RubyChao: an accurate depiction of how the touhou fandom looks whenever a new game comes out
Draco: lel
RubyChao: ​namely, a rampaging horde that stampedes over everyone in their hype
Gooper Blooper: JRM_posts_brawl_update.a​vi
RubyChao concedes to the dumber joke


(Chao has reached Gruntilda in his Banjo-Kazooie playthrough)

RubyChao: >​the broomstick also has eyes and a mouth
RubyChao: because we can't finish banjo without one last animate inanimate object


RubyChao: gruntilda has a very good boss theme
Gooper Blooper: yes she does


Saberwulf: Hmm
Saberwulf slot machines
Saberwulf david
Saberwulf racoon genes

Saberwulf: Yeah I think I've got this figured out
Gooper Blooper: a slot machine spins
Gooper Blooper: first reel, a goat
Gooper Blooper: second reel, a snake
Gooper Blooper: third reel, a shifting, eye-searing morass of eldritchness that is constantly one thing and another thing and changes each time you view it
Aurora Harpy: oh jesus goops
Bree: david appears with only one arm, people are concerned, he's like "no get it, one armed bandit ha ha ha"
To Dream (The Impossible): But what do you put IN a wulfy slot machine?
Saberwulf: Obviously David himself
Aurora Harpy: gods
Aurora Harpy: ....or david :U


Gooper Blooper: JOSEPHINE
Gooper Blooper: JOSEPHINE NO
RubyChao: holy shit jo
RubyChao: also what's even going with ariel there
Aurora Harpy: no that's sarah before she became a white mage
Bree: panicked ariel in background
Aurora Harpy: dumb FFT joke ho
Gooper Blooper: Ariel's trying to stop Josephine
Bree: everyone thinks sephine's hitting on him but it turns out she's trying to give him advice for his relationship with sarah
Bree: except she's so damn drunk, nobody can tell
Saberwulf: I have a feeling like that picture has a Skies of Arcadia version
Saberwulf: I can feel it
Saberwulf: in my BONES
iKomodo: ...JOSEPHINE NO


Aurora Harpy: i have a lot of plans but also a lot of backup plans
Aurora Harpy: because improv
Draco: Harpy has plans to draw more cute pictures for Draco's fridge.
RubyChao: do you have a backup plan for... THIS
RubyChao has Utsuho hug Reimu in a frandly way
Aurora Harpy: and someone might actually kill Gluttony :U
Gooper Blooper: If you were going to just make a plot completely ironed out from start to finish, you might as well just write blogposts. It's meant to be flexible due to interactivity
Draco: BI
Aurora Harpy: Reimu hugs Utsuho back
Draco points at how interactive his plots are.
RubyChao: and you hate them for that
RubyChao: so that doesn't really count
Draco: ARGH.
Draco: You're right. D;
Gooper Blooper: 2hu hugs
Draco Muppet flails.
Aurora Harpy: only if goopy helps with cute pictures
Aurora Harpy: j/k i'd draw the noodleworm no matter what
Aurora Harpy: just wish i had a scanner
Gooper Blooper: is noodles the name of the eel
Aurora Harpy: nope, the eel is named Florae
Gooper Blooper: oh right
Gooper Blooper: So who's Noodles?
Draco stands up.
Draco: ......
Draco forgets what he was going to do and sits down.
Gooper Blooper: (I nearly typoed that as "Noddles" and it gave me inside joke flashbacks only Chao would get)
Bree: lel draco
Aurora Harpy: a non existant thing :U it was just a nickname for Florae
Aurora Harpy: because she is a noodle with wings
Draco: It's times like this I wish I had a picture of Praline trying to teach Agnes and Edea how to dance to give me an excuse for forgetting things.
Gooper Blooper: acceptable
Aurora Harpy: ...horrible mental image of Aurora losing Florae and when calling out her name doesn't work, she instead calls out
Aurora Harpy: and Florae zips right to her
RubyChao: i'm trying to remember the inside joke
RubyChao: do you mind PMing it to me or
Gooper Blooper: I'll explain it because it's pretty accessible
RubyChao: mk
Gooper Blooper: Long long ago another forum I used to visit got an influx of tapogres, and one of them (who had a username similar to "sunlovertagirlzz" or something) told a disjointed story about summer break and eating some "damn good noddles"
Gooper Blooper: it was one of those spambots that sticks with you
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: now i remember
Gooper Blooper: though nothing will ever top HelloWorld
RubyChao: HelloWorld was amazing
Bree: what is HelloWorld
RubyChao: it was a spambot that showed up just to post
Aurora Harpy: tell us
RubyChao: "Hello world
RubyChao: We love you :)"
RubyChao: that was all
Gooper Blooper: HelloWorld was another bot
Aurora Harpy: that bot loves us
Gooper Blooper: definitely a spambot because they posted their thread IMMEDIATELY after joining
Bree: amazing
iKomodo: :3
Aurora Harpy: but not as much as Boreas loves all of YOU
RubyChao: it didn't try to sell a single thing
Gooper Blooper: Chao quoted their entire post. No links to spam. No garbage.
Bree: it just wanted the world to know it loved it
Gooper Blooper: Just a greeting and assurance of love
Gooper Blooper: (I later used admin powers to take control of the account and make it post a reaction image, which made the entire board lose their mind)
Bree: what
RubyChao: man those were some crazy times
Bree: tell me about this
Gooper Blooper: it was just an ordinary thread, and because I was bored I decided to post in it as HelloWorld


Aurora Harpy: i kinda feel bad for having so many characters i like tho
RubyChao: why would you
Aurora Harpy: and possibly not being able to play everybody's faves up like a champ
Draco: Then perform the Harpy Games and murder off a bunch of them. =V
RubyChao: ​then just give your least favorites to me
Aurora Harpy: Sammy will rip the CW villain IN HALF- no :I
Aurora Harpy: there are no least favorites
Aurora Harpy: absolutely none
To Dream (The Impossible): So -that's- what you call what I've been doing all these years? :D -is a fond player of the Harpy Games, apparently-
Aurora Harpy: ...
Aurora Harpy: okay Yuran is but that's different
Gooper Blooper: ha
Draco: It's okay, Harpy. You don't have to play up my favorite Harpchar. You and JRM already killed of Hanskota.
Aurora Harpy: all that's left is to actually kill hansel and the pairing can be completely buried :D
To Dream (The Impossible): Hanskota will soon be hanskotalled. : O
RubyChao: yuran buried
RubyChao: ​literally
RubyChao: ​yuran's dead body is underneath the bar
RubyChao: (the drinking contest went a bit out of control and everyone else agreed to never speak of it again)
Draco: Next thing you know, Goops is gonna kill Ariel.
Draco: And then Goops is gonna kill Ariel.
Draco: And then Goops is gonna kill Ariel.

(pause, discussion moves to other things)

Draco: (And then Goops is gonna kill Ariel.)
RubyChao: goops isn't going to kill ariel
Draco: ​D8​
Draco: You know what'd be great? If Goops DID make "And then Ariel died." his signature and declared it to be part of every post.
Gooper Blooper: Ariel's family is on standby to heal her 24/7. LET'S BREAK A DEATH RECORD
Gooper Blooper: In all seriousness, the joke works because of Ariel's atrocious tractor luck
Gooper Blooper: much like how Samus got better, if Ariel rolls better this year she won't be forced to keep being a loser


RubyChao: hmmm
RubyChao: to not work on the blogpost, to not work on video games, to not work on my other project...
RubyChao: there's so many things to not work on
RubyChao: i can't decide
RubyChao: halp
Draco: Don't not work on your Pralineblog.


RubyChao: ...and i just got another idea for halloween costumes for my characters
RubyChao: it's six months in advance, slow down chaobrain


RubyChao: what would amity call patchouli
Bree: pech
Bree: confuses everyone
RubyChao: hahahahaha
RubyChao: perfect


(After a couple days of attempts, Chao takes down Gruntilda and completes Banjo-Kazooie)

RubyChao: the ice key
RubyChao: it sure is a key
RubyChao: and it sure is made of ice
Gooper Blooper: kazooie knows where she'd like to stick that
RubyChao: "Kazooie!!!"
iKomodo: Hahaha
RubyChao: >​game over
Gooper Blooper: well
Gooper Blooper: the game IS over
RubyChao: it is


Eugh: Gay man with his leather buddies. Being straight, they are aware I want no part of this whatsoever, however often I may -roleplay- a lesbian or a gay fellow. ;x Honestly, I might not attend a nude party even of my own sexual orientation, because AwkwardVen.
Eugh: So before they strip, the landlord is kicking me towards my ride a little early.
iKomodo: whaaaaaaaa
Bree: I um
Bree: I
Bree: have no words
Bree: just
Bree: your landlord is hosting an orgy?
Bree: a gay, leather-fetish orgy?
Eugh: That would be precisely what I am telling you, yes. It's more an inconvenience than a disturbance by now. It's not the first time, and it probably shan't be the last.
Bree: oh my god your landlord is awesome
Bree: well okay maybe not but
Bree: oh my god this is hilarious and delightful information
Bree: I had to share with Blue


Bree: fun fact: the One Time that I did karaoke, it was Bohemian Rhapsody as a duet with Blue
Blue: We should do that again soon.
Bree: ​scaramouche scaramouche will you do the fandango​
Bree: I thought you hated it the first time!
Bree: it was like pulling teeth to get you to do it with me
Blue: Well, not Bohemian Rhapsody again, and maybe some time when I'm REALLY drunk, but we should totally do that again.
Draco: Blue loves getting teeth pulled.
Blue: Oh yeah, getting my wisdom teeth out, highlight of my life.
Seth Rollins Eats Creamsicles: Fandango?


Gooper Blooper: the cutest ubers
Bree: I love Rayquaza's "uguu~~" face in the last panel


Gooper Blooper: *searches amazon for the keywords "touhou" and "sakuya"*
Gooper Blooper: >​3170 results
Gooper Blooper: ...
Gooper Blooper: *adds "-mouse pad"*
RubyChao: oh god
Gooper Blooper: >​521 results
Draco: Where are the Parsee mouse pads? D=<
Draco: Parsee is jealous that nobody is stealing her image.
Gooper Blooper: Searched for parsee, got 400-plus results. Removed mousepads and literally every remaining listing is cases for ipod/ipad, with each design listed repeatedly
Gooper Blooper: Most of the cases do not depict parsee
Draco: >​=I
Gooper Blooper: wait, wait, hang on
Gooper Blooper: I thought this one was just an utsuho picture but Parsee is in the background
Draco: Parsee is jealous that she's just a background character in Utsuho's iPod case. D:<
RubyChao: parsee jealous - dammit draco


Gooper Blooper: "why am i running" "i just wanted to read" "why won't marisa fuck off" "this was a terrible idea"
Bree: "fatchouli" oh my god perfect
Draco: The sequel
iKomodo: Hahaha
RubyChao: rip patchy's physique
Gooper Blooper: >​implying she had one to begin with
Gooper Blooper: was there a time she wasn't hilariously lazy and addicted to reading
RubyChao: no
Aurora Harpy: patchy's boob camp more like
Draco: She and Sarah must have the same tailor.
RubyChao: her physique died as it lived: nonexistent
Aurora Harpy: Boreas looks down upon you, Draco
RubyChao: that's cause he's so tall
RubyChao: ohhhh
iKomodo: Lel
Gooper Blooper: kek
Aurora Harpy: haw


Aurora Harpy: ivel is laughing at me
Aurora Harpy: i am sad D:
Draco: What? Why?
Aurora Harpy: (i retold the toaster story)
Aurora Harpy: (which is summed up as "i tried using a toaster as a plate. Almost." )
Gooper Blooper: lel
RubyChao: yeah i can see why he'd laugh :V
Aurora Harpy: ruby you monster
Aurora Harpy: i'll never work on golden concerto again :U
Draco: Oh. Um....I'll be right back.
Bree: *Draco runs to take his food off the toaster*
RubyChao: noooo
RubyChao collapses, drained of life
Gooper Blooper: I'll save you chao
Gooper Blooper adds a new enemy to SaRahPG
Draco: It's Tenshi! She's your tutorial enemy.
RubyChao resurrects
RubyChao: >​tutorial enemy
RubyChao: not buried enough
RubyChao: tenshi LOOKS like she'll be your tutorial enemy
RubyChao: but then the real tutorial enemy kills her
RubyChao: you never fight her


Draco gives Harpy chocolate ​flavored candy
Gooper Blooper: draco why
Aurora Harpy: draco i will break you
Draco: Like you broke.....MY HEART? ​Just kidding. =p
Aurora Harpy: i will damn you to a hell where all the chocolate melts in your hands the minute you touch it :I
Draco: I'm going to eat M&Ms there then. They melt in your MOUTH. NOT in your hand.
Aurora Harpy: then it turns out you got chocolate flavored m&ms
Draco: D8
Draco harry carrys.
Draco: Have mercy. I swear I won't RP again, please. ;n;
Aurora Harpy: you must promise to RP damn well
Aurora Harpy: and never give anybody chocolate flavored anything
Draco: I cannot make a promise I can't keep.
Aurora Harpy: who says you can't keep it
Aurora Harpy: ​baaaaka
Aurora Harpy: oh god the weeaboo has awoken
Aurora Harpy: save me
RubyChao: i'll just talk about jojo- wait
RubyChao: in that case touhou- wait
RubyChao: well what if i- no wait
Gooper Blooper: the only jojo I talk about is sephine
RubyChao: the best jojo
Gooper Blooper: I can't help you, harpy-chan
Gooper Blooper: because it's spreading
Gooper Blooper: uguu
Aurora Harpy: goopy
Aurora Harpy: goopy no
Aurora Harpy: it's creepy hearing it from you
Aurora Harpy: oh god
RubyChao: i hope goops-senpai notices me~
Gooper Blooper: Now I am using stilted, unnatural dialogue of the type you only ever see in literal translations of Japanese text! This is the next level, okay?
Gooper Blooper: Th-this technique...! He's using it that way?!
Aurora Harpy: put ya guns on



RubyChao: also, sarahpg question
RubyChao: because i have like a million of those
RubyChao: what inspired you to make sarahpg besides "i want to see more saralex" and "i want to make another game"? or was it literally just those two factors
RubyChao: and then you went out and did it
Gooper Blooper: I made two games and was like "all right, I've done all I want to do, I'm done"
Gooper Blooper: it was literally just "saralex is so great I'm going to make a game about it, give it one more go one last run get out there and lace up the ol boots"
RubyChao: good work, harps
RubyChao: (and then you realized you forgot just how long it takes :V)
Gooper Blooper: I didn't forget :<
Aurora Harpy: i somehow encouraged this massive 5 year project
RubyChao: *3 and a half year


Bree: someone needs to scour danbooru and add the "jealous" tag to all of Parsee's 6.2k images


RubyChao: >​game accidentally shoves me to the wrong side of a forcefield, meaning i can't beat the level
RubyChao: don't be sonic boom, game
RubyChao: nobody wants to be sonic boom
Jumpropeman: i want sonic boom
Jumpropeman: i want to BE Sonic Boom
Jumpropeman: I want to date Sonic Boom
Jumpropeman: I want to embrace Sonic Boom, I want to wash Sonic Boom, I want to lick Sonic Boom
Aurora Harpy: this is getting a little too creepy :U


Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: Daredevil Status
Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: Episode 11 of 13
Seth Rollins Wearing Pantyhose: Still wearing pantyhose

1 comment:

  1. I'm disappointed Daredevil's constant pantyhose wearing didn't make it into more Chatzy Madnesses.
