Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 195: Utsuho Goes Fishing

Harpy: "The spider goat is purely a creation of science. Outwardly it’s no different from your typical goat. However, the spider goat does have spider DNA in it. That’s right the spider goat creates milk that contains golden orb spider silk.
Scientists refine the spider goat’s milk and then the extracted silk is used to make highly resistant products such as fishing line wire, body armor, surgical sutures and parachutes. It is located in Utah State University. This farm is actually part of a larger research facility at USU that focuses on animal husbandry and genetics."

Harpy: david step your game up
Sabercrow: David only spins silk when it's comedically appropriate
SteelKomodo: what
Del: hahaha
Harpy: like water to wine, david turns milk to silk
Sabercrow: He can also do the wine thing, and combined they're great at parties
Harpy: his kids complain when its obvious their cereal bowls are filled with threads


RubyChao: the cake from mario 64 ds
RubyChao: but WITH TOUHOUS
RubyChao: (nah it's prob. not on purpose but it sure does remind me of that)
ivel: at least it's not the cake from Mario RPG
Harpy: Bundt?
ivel: mhm
Harpy: don't give me ideas to have him be a boss in RP, ivel
Harpy: he will lose
Harpy: he will lose ​horribly
ivel: please do the thing
Harpy: it's a OHKO if sarah's there
Harpy: unless the cake gets bigger somehow to make it more of a pain to actually eat it
Harpy: still a OHKO if sarah's there
Harpy: unless its
iKomodo: The thing?
Harpy: he wants me to RP a goddamn cake as a villain
Harpy: :U
Gooper Blooper: eat the cake, sarah
Harpy: gooper no
iKomodo: Hahaha
Harpy: the cake is eviler and bigger than ever
Its Not Me: rip cake
Gooper Blooper: >​implying sammy won't be able to eat her way out
iKomodo: rip in peace
Harpy: Bundt will prolly be a BBP thing, since he wouldn't really fit in any of my other plots :U
Harpy: well.. it
iKomodo: Koopa puts up an advertisement. "Eat at Scoopa Koopa's... then try dessert at the Bonus Boss Pavilion with a free voucher! And by 'free', I mean with anything over $15."
Harpy: Gluttony easily wins
Harpy: you can't stop him from eating giant cakes no matter how big it may be


Seth Rollins Flies In A Sewer: In honor of Daredevil coming soon to Netflix
Seth Rollins Flies In A Sewer: Brian Michael Bendis' Daredevil run, part 1
Seth Rollins Flies In A Sewer: Good stuff, interesting mix of real and superhero
Seth Rollins Flies In A Sewer: Then again I would like Bendis
Seth Rollins Flies In A Sewer: He and I are alike
Seth Rollins Flies In A Sewer: WORDS
Seth Rollins Flies In A Sewer: In fact even I think Bendis likes his WORDS a little too much
Seth Rollins Flies In A Sewer: Which should say how often he uses WORDS
Gooper Blooper: >​too many words for cornwind
Gooper Blooper: mother of god


Jumpropeman: terrifying heavily damaged Mac Tonight mask only 2,000 dollars =o
Flu the Rodian: OR $2004 if you pay monthly.
Jumpropeman: don't forget the shipping!
Flu the Rodian: I wish I could. So OP.
Gooper Blooper: >​wants 25 dollars shipping despite the 2000 dollar sale price
Gooper Blooper: come on, dude
Jumpropeman: I would love a Mac Tonight costume
Jumpropeman: I would just subtly order it and then walk around my house in it and wait for people to notice
Flu the Rodian: Maybe for your birthday then from Uncle RubyChao.
RubyChao: now, now, uncle draco is the one with the money
RubyChao: why don't you ask him
Jumpropeman: I could always go for this
Jumpropeman: it looks like "Mac the Tonight"
Gooper Blooper: "Feed your nostalgia in our man in the moon costume as you sit at a baby grand piano and sing "Mack the Knife" all night long."
Gooper Blooper: >​nostalgia
>​mack the knife
Gooper Blooper: donut steel
Jumpropeman: listening to Mack the Knife is very odd after being inundated with Mac Tonight
RubyChao: to be fair
RubyChao: they say right in the advantages "Looks like 'Mac the Tonight'"
Jumpropeman: although Mack the Knife is a far more BBB appropriate song :P
RubyChao: ...Mac the Tonight
Gooper Blooper: oh wow JRM was quoting it
Gooper Blooper: that's wonderful
RubyChao: "Perfect! We'll never show up on any Mac Tonight google searches!"
Flu the Rodian: My original Halloween costume Blac Tonight.
Jumpropeman: Bobby Darin will replace Mac Tonight after this Brawl
Jumpropeman: and when he wins BBB 8 he will be retired
Flu the Rodian: Mac Tonight will never leave the brawl. He will win every Brawl forever.
Gooper Blooper: I thought Bobby Badfingers was our new mac tonight
Jumpropeman: you remembered ; o ;
Gooper Blooper: I had to do a lot of googling to remember the name but "finger snapping commercial fast" managed to work :V
Jumpropeman: hence why I can't do it. I have to bring back someone I joked about that people forgot I even suggested
Seth Rollins Flies In A Sewer: Honestly, by some chance Mac Tonight somehow wins AGAIN
Seth Rollins Flies In A Sewer: I think JRM will just go NOPE NOPE NOPE and switch him with the second place winner
Seth Rollins Flies In A Sewer: And we'll never know
Jumpropeman: if mac tonight wins again, heads will roll. Moon-shaped heads BI
Jumpropeman: I have put my faith in the Invisible Pink Unicorn, so hopefully he will bless me with a loss
RubyChao: *JRM secretly removes mac's mandatory one spot for the winner roll*
Gooper Blooper: Mac Tonight's performance in BBB5 is identical to his performance in BBB1, except he's smiling as rainbow dash kills him


Jumpropeman: I took a sporcle quiz way back before Deckplot to see how many tarot cards I could name
Jumpropeman: needless to say, my results have improved since then


RubyChao: i'm still surprised i only ended up killing one character one time outside of FYM so far
Gooper Blooper: I've noticed death is less common now
RubyChao looks menacingly at Utsuho
RubyChao: ...yeah let's be real i can't kill the suho outside of the arena
Jumpropeman: deaths should be meaningful *kills Barf and Lone Starr* you shouldn't just kill with wanton abandon *kills Mr. Chips* they should carry weight *kills Mayor Wenceslas*
RubyChao: for one thing sk would KO me
RubyChao: guaranteed
Gooper Blooper: In Season 1 everyone was dying all over the place
Gooper Blooper: Nowadays we kinda hold off a bit
Gooper Blooper: yes, even sarah
Gooper Blooper: but not celestia
RubyChao: heck i wouldn't have killed arthur
RubyChao: except he jobbed just that bad
Gooper Blooper: celestia is, against all odds, still on her first life (though she came really close to biting it during Eggerplot)
RubyChao: watch celestia enter BBB7
RubyChao: and win
RubyChao: because The Undying Mom
RubyChao: (bbb6 is sephine's year, obv)
RubyChao: yeah if it weren't for pit i'm pretty sure buzzsaw woulda shredded her
RubyChao: she just wanted to tinker with robots


Harpy: i should use review mode more often
Gooper Blooper: review mode is very useful
Gooper Blooper: otherwise when you try to scroll up every time someone posts, you drop back to the bottom
RubyChao: and for 9.99 a month you can get more pages!
Harpy: (playing an MMO with Ivel)
RubyChao: sorry i don't know what came over me
Harpy: (i'm a gunner, he's a thief)
Jumpropeman: RubyChaotzyShill
RubyChao: he stole your heart~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~​~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~​~~~~~
Draco: (And what are you in the MMO, Harpy?)
Gooper Blooper: Chao can be on commentary for the fourth GB Ensemble Rumble
Gooper Blooper: and shill the network dammit
Harpy: (a gunner. I shoot things. Particularly elemental bullets)
RubyChao: next year, we get Goops McMahon, Michael Chao, and Harpy "The Queen" Lawler
RubyChao: in place of the originals
Gooper Blooper: stella confirmed
Harpy: ...
Jumpropeman: Chao would be a great commentator until Gloria entered the ring, wherein he would devolve into frantic praise for her until she's tossed out by a random fite club guy
Harpy: why didn't i name my character Stella
Harpy: i robbed her of the best name
Gooper Blooper: stellaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Draco: Because you have a soul, Harpy.
RubyChao: (Spy is Security Guard B)
Harpy: stella doesn't have a soul?
Harpy: her name is LucileBlair, my character
Draco: Because you don't want your MMO to be #RuinedForever
Harpy: name genned
Harpy: i already sorta ruined it
Harpy: i named a swordfighter after Satoshi once :U
Harpy: and Sonia is usually in every MMO
Jumpropeman: I named a Pokemon Trainer after Satoshi once, but you baka gaijins call him Ash :I
Draco: ......
Draco: I just imagined "baka gaijins" in a Texan accent.


Gooper Blooper: Patchouli vs Sloth
Gooper Blooper: fight never starts
RubyChao: shocking plot twist
RubyChao: it turns out
RubyChao: patchouli
RubyChao: IS sloth
Gooper Blooper: =O
RubyChao: "Oh yeah, I was one of those sin demons the whole time. Didn't feel like fighting, though."
Jumpropeman: how do we remove the Sloth from her heart?
RubyChao: "Hey, as long as you're here, can you bring me that plate?" "...It's two feet away from you." "What's your point?"
Jumpropeman: illusion surgery?
Gooper Blooper: "so we're cool?" "yeah sure" VICTORYYYYY


Del: i have found a way to edit the fnafb game files
Del: it's time
Del: to inhale


RubyChao: "this kong has a funny isle"
Bree: "this kong's been dead for a while"
Bree: his style and his grace have left him
Bree: just like his soul
ivel: Lanky has no soul
ivel: is what I would say but he plays a trombone
ivel: so clearly he has soul
Inhale: Lanky got soul but hes not a soldier
iKomodo: He's a comedian :U


Gooper Blooper: I think what really makes Mortal Kombat Armageddon's endings feel cheap is that they're all just text while every single character does the same generic poses (and what are they even posing at)
RubyChao: they're just posing for the sake of posing
ivel: Armageddon was secretly a Johnny Cage movie, so poses are necessary
RubyChao: like jojo
iKomodo: It's just the generic kata of some martial art
iKomodo: for some reason they all share the same ones :U
John Cena Doing Jojo Poses: Johnny Cage's ending just seems weird to me
John Cena Doing Jojo Poses: That's not why anyone plays Cage
Gooper Blooper: josephine poses for dirky
Gooper Blooper: posephine
iKomodo: Goops yes
iKomodo: cue Dirky nosebleeds etc.
Harpy: *pose?*
Gooper Blooper: "whoops I dropped the remote"
RubyChao: no no, like this
RubyChao: *POSE!*
Gooper Blooper: *bends over in as exaggerated a fashion as possible*
ivel: welp
RubyChao: now i'm just imagining josephine dropping stuff all the time on purpose
RubyChao: when dirky's around
RubyChao: mysteriously when he's not around she's a lot less clumsy
iKomodo: Dirk's nose explodes
Gooper Blooper: clumsephine
Gooper Blooper: I have had entirely too much fun with josephine in general
Gooper Blooper: she was supposed to be boring
Gooper Blooper: and I got this
Harpy: "boring"
Harpy: no sarahkin is boring for long
Gooper Blooper: STAY DULL
Harpy: no
iKomodo: Nothing wrong with that :U
Harpy: helios is going to get into wrestling somehow and there's nothing you can do about it
Harpy: :U
iKomodo: also, alternatively
iKomodo: "Here, let me help you with that!" *deliberately presses against Jo as much as possible*
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: *dirksephine intensifies*
Harpy: in what way i wonder *eyebrows*
iKomodo: In the way that makes Pit invest in industrial-strength earplugs
Harpy: ...
iKomodo: "darn it bro keep it down" "no :P"
Gooper Blooper: kek
Harpy: i am about to make the worst joke
Harpy: *ahem*
ivel: good
Harpy: ​​​FINISH HER
ivel: oh my
iKomodo: also that's for RainXStella, harps :U


Jumpropeman: >​types "money" into google
Jumpropeman: can't remember why


Gooper Blooper: I kinda like the insistent terminology with reimu
Gooper Blooper: she never has problems, issues, troubles, enemies, or obstacles
Gooper Blooper: only "incidents"
Harpy: incidents are life, most of the time
Harpy: other times she lives off of tea


Jumpropeman: I really enjoy the Endless Ocean series on Wii
Jumpropeman: because I can be an animal nerd and pet creatures raw to learn their eating habits
Jumpropeman: we need more games where you can just chill and look at the world around you
Jumpropeman: without some shitty indie game pretentious narrative telling you how deep it is
Draco joined the chat
RubyChao: hi draco
Harpy: draco :3
Jumpropeman: speaking of pretentious
Jumpropeman: hi draco!
Draco: Hello Ruby and Harpy and JRM.
Jumpropeman: *is joking*
Jumpropeman: *not really BI*
Draco: Mmhmm. =l
Jumpropeman: *ok yes I am*
Jumpropeman: *about joking about joking*
Draco pushes JRM up a flight of pandas.
Jumpropeman: *I'm lost in asterisk land, I'm not sure what is true anymore*
Draco: If you believe in nothing else, believe that the Monopoly Man will be there to steal your money.


Gooper Blooper: I saw the upcoming week is full of days where the high hits 50, even 60 degrees, so I decided to start a little experiment
Gooper Blooper: This morning I took a photo of our driveway area from one of our windows. Next Thursday I'll take a second one and see how much can change in one week
RubyChao: *the second photo is just a solid wall of snow*
Gooper Blooper: chao no


Gooper Blooper: I have a new pogeycard plan I'm gonna enact
iKomodo: Ooh
Gooper Blooper: Last year I got the daddy of em all, Base Set Charizard
Gooper Blooper: But I had to trade away one of my favorite cards to do it
RubyChao: D:
Gooper Blooper: Specifically, this one - the only card in my entire collection that was anywhere close to Charizard in value
Haleter: Rip
iKomodo: Rip
Gooper Blooper: I took the Keldeo EX and Virizion EX I got a couple days ago and added in a Mega Manectric I got last fall
Gooper Blooper: I'm going to try and use one of these to get Ho-Oh back
iKomodo: Oh god
iKomodo: good luck
Gooper Blooper: Operation Ho-Oh Come Ho-Ome
Haleter: Haha
Gooper Blooper: *chao reimufaces*
RubyChao: don't worry, that pun was within acceptable tolerances
RubyChao: no need to reimuface just yet


Haleter: DK64 has so much cruft its really hard to tell what's vital to the game
RubyChao: you know what isn't vital
RubyChao: lanky kong
Haleter: Sadly that's probably right
Gooper Blooper: nobody in the Donkey Kong series is vital
RubyChao: Donkey Kong 0: This Time With No Kongs
Gooper Blooper: this is a series that promptly got rid of its protagonist in just one game (though he came back later)


Zoidbree: oh, in other news, my mom won a radio station contest today
Gooper Blooper: what did she win?
Zoidbree: her prize: two tickets to a ​One Direction​ concert
Gooper Blooper: ​kek
Gooper Blooper: does she like them
Harpy: ​one way tickets to derp
Zoidbree: nope
Gooper Blooper: did she know what the prize would be
Harpy: sell the tickets
Saberwulf: She should scalp them
Zoidbree: I don't know, I didn't ask
Saberwulf: Get a few hundred off each easy
Gooper Blooper: yeah I bet someone will buy those
Zoidbree: she wouldn't want to sell them, she'd probably give them away to a friend/coworker who liked the band
Gooper Blooper: breemom 2nice
iKomodo: :)


Zoidbree: update: Blue thinks we should go to the One Direction concert
Zoidbree: btw it's the day before my birthday
Zoidbree: concert is July 31st
Harpy: welp
Zoidbree: I turn 21 on August 1st
Saberwulf: wooo
Gooper Blooper: dammit
Harpy: welp
Harpy: eh, might as well try?
Zoidbree: so I can go to the concert and then wash away the horrible memories with a stiff drink
Gooper Blooper: I tried to make a bree pun but it wouldn't sound right
Gooper Blooper: ​One Bree-rection
Gooper Blooper: you can see the problem
Harpy: lel
Zoidbree: hahahahahahahahahahahaha​hahahahahaha
Zoidbree: oh god dying
Zoidbree: oh my god
Zoidbree: perfect
Zoidbree: #TheBest
iKomodo: Hahaha
iKomodo: amazing


M Sheep: "Like, what's so great about this dumb planet anyway? Everyone's backwards and they're like, 'Oh no, we don't need that cool stuff from space! Our hoes are great. Here Shimmer, play with this hoop and a stick!' WELL LOOK NOW DAD, I GOT LIKE TWENTY HOOPS!"
M Sheep: I am beginning to see why people really latched on to Shimmer


Bree: Utsuho owns a dry cleaner's in my city
RubyChao: whaaaaat
M Sheep: whaaaat
Bree: it's called Burd's Cleaners
RubyChao: oh
RubyChao: hahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: bord
RubyChao: specially adapted for clothing with wingholes


M Sheep: This reminds me, a guy I know who lives in Vegas told me there's a place that specializes in HORRIBLY HORRIBLY unhealthy food
M Sheep: food bad enough for you they have medical staff on hand
Gooper Blooper: toppest kek
Bree: "over 350 lbs eats free"
Bree: are you shitting me
Bree: I get it's your gimmick but that's almost offensive
Gooper Blooper: they're controversial on purpose for the attention :V
Seth Rollins Gets Lost: I think I'll stay away from there
Saberwulf: People die eating there
iKomodo: D:
M Sheep: ahahahahaughhhhhh
Saberwulf: FOOOOODD
Seth Rollins Gets Lost: America: Why Parody It In Grand Theft Auto, It Is Already A Damn Parody
Bree: because #Hedonism
Gooper Blooper glances at Sarah
Bree: Sarah ain't no 350 lbs
Bree: don't even try it
Gooper Blooper: she doesn't have to eat free
Gooper Blooper: just eat
Seth Rollins Gets Lost: Plus Sarah is blessed by healing magic cleaning veins it seems
RubyChao: yeah if you ask draco, she's 3,500!
RubyChao: (i'm sorry)
Bree: eat it, why don't you eat it, open up your mouth and feed it
Karrakas: (3,500 stone, not pounds)
Karrakas: (I'm sorrier)


M Sheep: Just got a tornado warning, they say shelter should be taken
Gluttony: oh god sheep

(Sheep was fine)


Gooper Blooper: someone drew the streets of rage biker
Gooper Blooper: priscilla etc
Bree changed name to Priscilla
Priscilla: LOOK
Priscilla: AT THOSE
Priscilla: ​ABS​
Priscilla: asfewlgjwnegqyig2
Priscilla keyboard mashing
Priscilla changed name to Bree

Gooper Blooper: beautiful
RubyChao: i bring in this nitori next year
RubyChao: she ends up getting hit on by priscilla
RubyChao: (also that was hilarious)
Gluttony: tempted to write Sophia wrestling an abomination of a baphomet that someone bought off from some failing WCW/ZF knockoff
RubyChao: ...now i'm imagining priscilla becoming the number one customer of silencefed
RubyChao: because of all the people with muscles
RubyChao: of both genders
Bree: yes Priscilla is in fact an avid wrestling fan
Bree: despite how I can't represent it well because I myself know next to nothing about wrasslemens
Gluttony: you and me both, bree
Gluttony: *sophia is a wrestling fan, kevmom is also a wrestler*
RubyChao: it's okay, all i know about wrestling comes from things that aren't actual wrestling
RubyChao sideeyes VGCW, wrestling AUs, kinnikuman, touhou tag dream, etc
Gooper Blooper: well if in your story the fight is genuine, you can just go "it's a real fight with fancy holds and no magic powers and sometimes basic melee weapons"
Bree: Priscilla in my headcanon knows some wrestling moves
Gooper Blooper: if it's not genuine, keep everything the same but have a snarky person walk in on the TV and say "you know it's fake right"
Gooper Blooper: just to be a dick
Bree: she's not muscular, actually she's mostly curves and soft padding lel
Gooper Blooper: #padding
RubyChao: >​soft padding and curves
Bree: but she can wrassle if it's not out of her league
RubyChao eyebrows intensify
Bree: lel
Karrakas: Dear Priscilla: Orc ballet.
Karrakas: ALL OF THE ABS.
Karrakas: :U
Gluttony: "you know its fake right"
Gluttony: Sophia just stares
Gluttony: grabs
Gluttony: and suplexes
Gluttony: "Its about as fake as that."
RubyChao throws Patchy at Priscilla
RubyChao: that isn't out of her league right
Bree: oh man Priscilla could mop the floor with Patchy :U
RubyChao: ...i just had a really dumb thought
Bree: I mean c'mon she's not a wimp
RubyChao: patchy in a wrasslefight against someone super buff
RubyChao: she's getting completely wrecked
Karrakas: Is it dumber than orc ballet, ru- yes.
Gluttony: patchy vs. yuugi
RubyChao: then the opponent
RubyChao: tears up her book
Karrakas: Yes it is. And delightful. :v
RubyChao: suddenly the match's tide turns completely and we have patchy suplexing 250 pounds of muscle
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gluttony: lel
Bree: dumb thought: Priscilla in same situation, wrasslefite against way stronger, more buff person
Bree: sexy buff guy comes to ringside to cheer for her
Bree: Priscilla wins in like 0.5 seconds


Seth Rollins Ruins The Joke: I'm editing a friend's story
Seth Rollins Ruins The Joke: A typo I just found
Seth Rollins Ruins The Joke: Chloe frowned. “I sense a butt coming.”
RubyChao: i read that as "Chao frowned"
Gooper Blooper: josephine enters the room


M Sheep: "You'll never guess who was in the library."
Karrakas: ​Is it​
M Sheep: It's....
Everything Hurts: IT'S PIKACHU
Grumpy Harpy: GODDAMN IT
M Sheep: Also, it's Gloria
M Sheep: It's always Gloria
Grumpy Harpy: no hanny in the library yet
Grumpy Harpy: or xavier
Grumpy Harpy: ​yet
RubyChao: but when will we get
RubyChao: Silence in the Library
Gooper Blooper: *Silence sitting in the library, holding a book upside down*
Gooper Blooper: READING
Grumpy Harpy: lel


RubyChao: okay so picture this
RubyChao: ocean with fish jumping out of it
RubyChao: first a seagull swoops down and catches one in its mouth
RubyChao: then a pelipper swoops down and catches one in its mouth
RubyChao: and finally utsuho swoops down and catches one in her mouth
Gooper Blooper: burd
RubyChao: pit sitting on the shore, wondering why she doesn't just fish normally
Jumpropeman: its the CIRCLE OF LIFE
Gooper Blooper: she cooks it by putting it on her cannon
Jumpropeman: AND IT MOVES US ALL
RubyChao: this was not what he expected when utsuho said "let's go fishing"
Jumpropeman: oh wait
Gooper Blooper: but then, after much cajoling
RubyChao: ...fuck, now i'm imagining utsuho joining the circling seagulls
Gooper Blooper: pit swoops down and catches a fish in his mouth
Jumpropeman: I thought Pelipper ate the seagull, and Utsuho then ate the Pelipper
RubyChao: it's really funny for some reason
Karrakas: I thought the same as JRM.
RubyChao: also i approve goops
RubyChao: other awkward facets of marrying a bird: pit often finds her perching on things for no good reason
RubyChao: just sort of
RubyChao: perching on his dresser
RubyChao: because instincts
Gooper Blooper: "Hi, Pit!" *preens feathers*
Karrakas: Toilets are fortunately not a problem. :e Random singing at godawful hours of the morning because streetlights, on the other hand, dear birdie.


RubyChao: are you ready for dr. seussuho
RubyChao: onesuho
RubyChao: twosuho
RubyChao: redsuho
RubyChao: bluesuho
RubyChao: (i had some fun finding fitting pictures last night, lel)

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