Monday, February 24, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 112: Dr. Robotnik's Big Gay Circus

Bravely Blooper: Impromptu Cutting Room Floor tidbit
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: buttception
RubyChao: oh?
Bravely Blooper: Remember how during the Conehead Groom plot a couple times during the early fights I had little cuts back to the church as the ceremony started?
RubyChao: yeah
Bravely Blooper: I was going to include one where Periwinkle asks for the Wedding March, but instead a member of The Great Conehead Brigade begins playing a cover of Fat-Bottomed Girls on the church organ
Bravely Blooper: and gets yelled at
RubyChao: those wacky coneheads


Bravely Blooper: "Poor Pussy" and "Tell The Truth" sound like real hootenannies
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: hahaha


Gorons, Fuck Yeah: trigger warning - spider
Bravely Blooper: that spider has seen enough
RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: that spider is me whenever i accidentally see a creepy image i was unprepared for
Bravely Blooper: Funnily enough, if it turns out that instead of creepy pictures it's terrible video game creepypasta, the opposite occurs and Chao rolls in from miles away
RubyChao: exactly


RubyChao: so do you guys wanna know how badly i took creepypasta ten years ago
RubyChao: or twelve
RubyChao: i forget when but the point is i was a wee lad
RubyChao: i stumbled across the tails doll curse stories as a little kid and i pretty much flipped out entirely because i did not like creepy stuff at the time
RubyChao: (i think mom still holds it against them)
SkaKomodo: D:
Bravely Blooper: The Tails Doll stuff is that old?
RubyChao: yeah
RubyChao: and a while ago i sought out the same site because i wanted to read the stories
RubyChao: the moral of the story is creepy stuff is good when you're old enough but not when you're young
RubyChao: or something
RubyChao: also scary stories to tell in the dark had a fucked up illustrator but we all know that
Bravely Blooper: I was obsessed with Goosebumps books for a while in the mid-late 90s
RubyChao: we had those books at school and i read them once and then decided to just put them away and not read them again


Cornwind Evil: I really like villains who just won't STAY DOWN.
Bravely Blooper: You don't say


RubyChao: ouch
Harpy: square stop insulting my lack of friends


(Regarding Twitch Plays Pokemon)

Gorons, Fuck Yeah: if they catch any of the legendary birds i'll convert to a religion
RubyChao: del will you convert to the Cult of the Helix Fossil
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: no
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: i will not follow your weird item cult
Draco: But Del, why not? It's a SKELETON.
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: huh
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: good point


Jumpropeman: is any movie with Shark in the name ever good?
Bravely Blooper: Not in the traditional sense, no
Jumpropeman: excluding Shark Tale of course
Jumpropeman: that movie was golden
Bravely Blooper: and they all make this face


SteelKomodo: Pit died of Kaiju Blue infection shortly after he broke up with Raw. Pitsuho was just his dying hallucinations to avoid the loss.
SteelKomodo: (joking :U)
Jumpropeman: what if all of humanity is just a coma dream of Adam in the garden of Eden?
RubyChao: alternative idea: all of zoofights rp is created by dr. g. nerique
RubyChao: he just acts generic to avoid being revealed as a godlike entity
Jumpropeman: Dr. Jesus Nerique
Jumpropeman: wait, I got the best theory about ZFRP
Jumpropeman: what if it turned out that all that was happening in Zoofight RP was just the combined imagination of about 11 individuals on a forum?
RubyChao: jrm now you're just getting into silly territory


Harpy Default: i bet the D in waddler-d's name stands for default
Harpy Default: HE KNEW
Deku Scrubs Are For Pros: PFFFT
Harpy Default: *shakes fist*
Deku Scrubs Are For Pros: So does King DDD have 3 copies?
Harpy Default: he is defending hardcore
Harpy Default: if he has three copies then I'm gonna have to raid his castle
Bravely Blooper: he has the collector's edition
Deku Scrubs Are For Pros: I already beat ya to it
Deku Scrubs Are For Pros: Oddly enough had more trouble with fucking Phan-Phan than Masked DeDeDe
Deku Scrubs Are For Pros: Phan-Phan why do you exist you are half of an elephant farting out apples and rolling around at the speed of sound


SteelKomodo: Fuckerflies (NOUN): When something has gone so wrong it no longer makes any sense. See also: Donkey Kong Country


SteelKomodo: from the same guys who did the Astro Boy film and TMNT
Agnes Oblige: *gasp*
Agnes Oblige: hot damn link you lookin fine, mmmm mmm mm
Bravely Blooper: XD
Agnes Oblige: no I swear to god agnes doesn't act like this in BD
SteelKomodo: ...harps calm down D:
SteelKomodo: breathe deep and drink some water
Draco: She will. Agnes is a pimp.
SteelKomodo: oh
SteelKomodo: lel
Agnes Oblige: i tend to exaggerate a lot
Agnes Oblige: i also think a whole lot of guys are cute
Agnes Oblige: i have weird tastes
Agnes Oblige: ._.
Jumpropeman: oh my, that ganondorf
SteelKomodo: who doesn't :U
Draco: I'ma just say, it's not weird to find multiple people attractive.
Bravely Blooper: Weird tastes make the world go round
Agnes Oblige: bloops plz


Deku Scrubs Are For Pros: . . . imagine Twitch plays Pacific Rim
Agnes Oblige: no spy
Agnes Oblige: stop
Deku Scrubs Are For Pros: AU where Jaegers are controlled by 75k humans who hate each other's guts
SteelKomodo: noooooo D:
Draco: Pacific Rim is barely playable as it is. You'd never win with more than 1.5 people playing it simultaneously.
Deku Scrubs Are For Pros: Gipsy Danger's new battle strategy becomes drunkenly spinning around and tripping over kaiju
Draco: Wouldn't it be Tipsy Danger then?


Agnes Oblige: waddler told me yesterday he wasn't gonna play Bravely Default for most of the week- haha jrm
Agnes Oblige: I was like "haha no that's not gonna happen"
Deku Scrubs Are For Pros: Haaaaa
Agnes Oblige: just now he told me he caved in and played a little earlier
Edea Lee: Waddler: NO I CAN'T!!!
Agnes Oblige: PFFT
Agnes Oblige: you can't resist siren
Agnes Oblige: her voice too sexaaaaay


Agnes Oblige: HAHAHAHoh shit ruby isn't even on
Agnes Oblige: i saw my friend's friend come on steam today
Agnes Oblige: the name?
Agnes Oblige: "Utsuho"
Agnes Oblige: SHE'S PLAYING TF2
Edea Lee: Heavy Weapons Okuu
Agnes Oblige: plz okuu
Agnes Oblige: she's more like demoman
Agnes Oblige: or pyro
Draco: I am Pyroweapons Medic. And my Turret.
Jumpropeman: Utsuho confirmed 10th class
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Demokuu
Jumpropeman: they used to just do tie-in hats, now they do tie-in characters
SteelKomodo: and Pit would probably play the Scout or something
Edea Lee: boink
Draco: Pit would be the Scout and try to melee everyone.
Jumpropeman: JRM could be Heavy, Antoinette would be the Sniper, and the Red Spy would probably be... the Blue Medic!
SteelKomodo: lolz
SteelKomodo: ...i can't
SteelKomodo: there is a joke
SteelKomodo: but i just can't
Edea Lee: do it
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: do it
Draco: Red Spy would be a pile of cinder.
Jumpropeman: do eeeet
SteelKomodo: um
Draco: C'mon, Lord Bravery, do it. PEER PRESSURE.
Edea Lee: Bravely Joke: Flying Dirk
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: also del is soldier
SteelKomodo: er
SteelKomodo: Would Pit technically be "bonking" Okuu, then? :U
SteelKomodo immediately shoots self
SteelKomodo changed name to SteelSkeleton

Edea Lee: but it's over so quickly because Scout is so fast
Draco: HA HA HA HA HA.
SteelSkeleton: ...oh god whaaaaaaaaat
Draco: And obviously Draco is
Draco: announcer.
SteelSkeleton: and then Dirk gets to laugh at him
Jumpropeman: Draco is the payload cart
RubyChao: that was interesting to return to
RubyChao: also does that mean spike is Miss Pauling
SteelSkeleton: i don't know wherever to be sorry for that, chao :U
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: don't be
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: it was amazing
RubyChao: don't be




Cornwind Evil: ....okay. So for images I went to Deviantart and put in 'Witches'
Cornwind Evil: Of the 24 images on the first page, guess how many are pornographic
Deku Scrubs Are For Pros: 23
Harpy: a lot
Saberwulf: all of them
Cornwind Evil: 6, actually
Saberwulf: gasp


Saberwulf: I haven't slept all night and I've been listening to rap and anime themes on loop for 12 hours I AM TOTALLY READY TO ASSEMBLE A RESUME AND SCHEDULE AN INTERVIEW
Saberwulf: And now I'm gonna sit in Chatzy like some king of bog ogre
Saberwulf changed name to Ogrewulf
Harpy: so you're shrek?
Ogrewulf: yes


SteelKomodo: also I managed to download a copy of the Plague Dogs for free somewhere, because I'm using the Tod character as a reference for Barbara's Geordie accent
SteelKomodo: it's... thicker than I thought it was going to be
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: oh boy
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: having fun
SteelKomodo: well, yeah, I'm liking the book
SteelKomodo: but my attempts at an accent are nowhere close to what I wanted, which is what the Tod is
SteelKomodo: what I'm doing is probably what Richard Adams did when he released the book in America - he toned it down so the audience could understand it
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: could you give an example
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: see if it's readable for us
SteelKomodo: sure
SteelKomodo: "Whey, hinny, ne chance at aall, gannin' aboot th' fell killin' yows an' hollerin' yer heeds off," said the creature. "Ye gan on that style and ye'll have me kilt forbye. Ye should be neether seen nor hord, else yer deed dergs, Ah'm tellin' ye."
SteelKomodo: ...huh, apparently this copy is the toned-down version
SteelKomodo: i'd never have known :U
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: hahaha
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: that's pretty thick
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: it'd be interesting to have, but tone it down a but further
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: so basically make barbara a bit thicker?
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: lel
SteelKomodo: lel


Gorons, Fuck Yeah: why do i always get the urge to write at past midnight
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: goddamn


Edea Lee: Fun Fact: Diggersby with Huge Power has a more powerful Earthquake than Groudon


Agnes Oblige: utsuho being credit to team
Agnes Oblige: helping hatch the bebbies Pit is helping with
SteelKomodo: Pitsuho baby-sitting
SteelKomodo: or egg-sitting, as the case may be :U
RubyChao: utsuho misinterprets, sits on the eggs like a regular bird
RubyChao: good thing they are durable eggs :V
SteelKomodo: XD
Agnes Oblige: also i just imagined Utsuho the Talonflame getting all broody and sitting on the eggs
Edea Lee: sgge
SteelKomodo: e double g s, eggs
Agnes Oblige: then she goes and takes CarlaRibbona (the single female eevee I have) and smooshes her under her weight
Agnes Oblige: eevee just kinda cries out like "MAAA STAAAHP"


Gorons, Fuck Yeah: oh my god that was forever ago jesus


Saberwulf: Oh Del, I found a VA for Jonesy
Saberwulf: Caitlin Glass. She does a texas accent as a joke in the Ouran bloopers and pitched down just a smidge is perfect for Jonesbug
Saberwulf: Also goddamn every funimation voice actor lives in the same town
Saberwulf: Flower Mouuunnnddd Texaaaassss
Edea Lee: there ain't shit to do in flower mound
SteelKomodo: XD
Saberwulf: pff
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: yessss
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: animesy
What Is Love: Any ro-bro voiceluck?
Saberwulf: Haven't gotten to the ro-bros yet. Should be easy though since they just need some heroic voices
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: "Let me just finish crushing this child. Your mom here told me to."
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: Calico VA spotted
Saberwulf: Vic mignognaaaaaaaaaaaa
Saberwulf: Fucking love that dude
Saberwulf: I may have put down the sarahkin as being voiced all by the same person
SteelKomodo: XD
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: may have or definitely have
SteelKomodo: Pit and Dirk are easy, wulf -Antonio del Rio, their game VA's
Cornwind Evil: Pit and Dirk drive out in a fancy car for every Fite they're in


Harpy: Bravely Default Status: Delivered
Harpy: holy shit that was fast
Harpy: thank you based amazon
Blood Spy Hear Its Cry: Bravely Delivered
Harpy: i bet it was delivered by an actual amazoness
Harpy: i mean i ordered it on friday, the thing didn't ship until sunday
Harpy: two days later and at 9:16 this morning, its here
Harpy: what the shit


SteelKomodo: XD
Showa You In Coconut Cream Pie: What is with that weird instrumentation
Showa You In Coconut Cream Pie: Its like NYEEORW
Gorons Intensify: i don't know


Edea Lee: they drew another one
Agnes Oblige: Celestia, you look fabulous and all
Agnes Oblige: but we need to talk about your taste in pants
Edea Lee: those fucking pants
SteelKomodo: Badasslestia
Agnes Oblige: Asslestia
No: Celestia Hammer
Cornwind Evil: Spy stole my joke


Edea Lee: the greatest cm punk news story ever written


No: K. Rool just successfully framed DK for stealing the Crystal Coconut
No: DK gets exiled, K. Rool gets to be in the movies despite trying to steal it on a regular basis
No: Diddy Kong, who was with DK when the coconut was stolen, doesn't believe him
No: Who spiked the Kongo Bongo watering hole
SteelKomodo: Spy, this is DKC
Edea Lee: I find it astonishing it has taken this long for Spy to actually watch the DK show
SteelKomodo: are you expecting logic?
SteelKomodo: or sense?
SteelKomodo: or coherency?
No: No, but this isn't even a lack of logic
Agnes Oblige: hahaha K Rools
No: This is . . . anti-logic
Edea Lee: all you should expect are crudely animated apes and reptiles, musical numbers, and the world's finest CGI water
SteelKomodo: well you're watching the wrong cartoon, then
SteelKomodo: go watch Beast Wars :U
No: Good point


RubyChao: what am i going to do without my fix once review mode is disabled
Cornwind Evil: Beg Draco for another month?


RubyChao: hey how hot is 50 celsius in american terms again
Edea Lee: 122
Edea Lee: so sayeth google
RubyChao: oh god


RubyChao: question for those who played final fantasy tactics
Agnes Oblige: hello I am the FFT freak how are you


Gorons Intensify joined the chat
Gorons Intensify: penis
Gorons Intensify left the chat
Harpy joined the chat

Harpy: your mom
Harpy left the chat
Gorons Intensify joined the chat
Gorons Intensify: no, your mom
Gorons Intensify: lel
Gorons Intensify left the chat

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