Saturday, February 15, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 110: A Big Insect Jesus

RubyChao: i had a dream about chatzy last night
RubyChao: can't i escape even in my sleep D:


Harpy: and now I need to continue the horrors of grinding in Pokemon
Harpy: because the electric gym will school me hardcore
Harpy: sarah not fat enough to handle the electricity
Jumpropeman: well, Sarah has the Water Crystal, so naturally she would be weak to electricity
Jumpropeman: even though it was fire that really messed her up :V


Harpy: twinsies are cute
Harpy: spy is cute
Harpy: wulf is cute
Harpy: i haven't seen RC but he's probably cute
Harpy: i'm pretty sure Draco is actually a dinosaur
nosebleed pls: Am not
Harpy: shut up I've seen you irl YOU ARE FUCKING CUTE AND YOU WILL ACCEPT IT
Harpy: all in all all of you are cute and if you say otherwise I will have to do something drastic and buy you bad rats
Jumpropeman: well, since everyone else is saying they aren't cute, I shall accept the title of cutest
nosebleed pls: Sounds reasonable
Saberwulf: JRM King of Kute


Saberwulf: Gonna go see if Elder Scrolls Online stops being the most mind-numbingly boring MMO in existence, bbl
Harpy: donating too many kidneys
Saberwulf: (spoilers it doesn't)
Harpy: WULF NO
Harpy: PLZ
Waddler-D: Geez!
Jumpropeman: is it really that bad?
RubyChao: rest in peace wulf
Harpy: I have no idea


RubyChao: i updated okuu's profile
RubyChao: rip just hints
RubyChao: you had a good run


nosebleed pls: Advisory: RANDOM.ORG will be intermittently unavailable on Sunday 2014-02-09 9-11am UTC (4-6am EST) due to a system upgrade.
nosebleed pls: Bad news for anyone rolling tractors at 4 in the morning


Harpy: Hey, I just ate and I woke up all grumpy. >​_>​;
Draco: Harpy eats in her sleep? ಠ_ಠ
Harpy: well that might explain why the rice krispies are disappearing
Harpy: :U
Draco: I had this dream where I was eating a giant marshmallow, and when I woke up my giant marshmallow was gone!
SteelKomodo: Pffffft


Harpy: what the fuck are tiny mushrooms used for again?
Gooper Blooper: Sell them
Harpy: oh good
Gooper Blooper: Their only other use was a replacement for Heart Scales in Firered and Leafgreen because Luvdisc wasn't in that game
nosebleed pls: Just go to Lumiose
nosebleed pls: Sell a bunch of suspicious mushrooms
Gooper Blooper: Josephine and Dirk eat tinymushrooms, get high together
RubyChao: but do they make out while high
Gooper Blooper: yes, chao, yes they do
Gooper Blooper: and it was the best afternoon ever


Gooper Blooper: Every Pokemon nicknamed with "sephine"
Gooper Blooper: Golem is Rocksephine
Harpy: goops don't you try me
Harpy: I will do it


Delasaurus: "And then two tiny Japanese women show up and BOOM here's Mothra to save the day! Mothra, protector of humanity! Mothra, kind of like a big insect Jesus! Mothra!"
Draco: Basically.


RubyChao: "The clerk springboards up the railing for the witness stand and up onto the judge’s desk, tearing at the judge’s face. A wig flies off, followed by putty make-up. The clerk moves aside to reveal to the gallery and all assembled the real identity of the judge: Hulk Hogan."


Harpy: stunfisk was being an ass to sarah
Harpy: so i caught him
Harpy: i'm gonna call him "douche"
Gooper Blooper: gotta catch em all
Harpy: someone give me a random douche name from RP or somewhere
nosebleed pls: Valor
Gooper Blooper: Hang on, I know
Gooper Blooper: Argath
Harpy: A
Harpy: fucking
Harpy: genius
Harpy: boxed forever
Harpy: fucking pleb


Harpy: didn't alex look silly in his assless chaps
Gooper Blooper: sarah loves those chaps


Harpy: also, in pokemon, I got the Dazzling Gleam TM
Harpy: if I teach this to Pit
Harpy: will Utsuho swoon and fall over
RubyChao: yes she will


Del the Knife: Fact One: Spinal’s new theme was a global effort that combined the talents of twenty people across five countries over three months.
Fact Two: The “Spinal Choir” consisted of thirteen men singing in Swedish in Gothenburg. The lyrics were written by Mick Gordon and Pontus Rufelt.
Fact Three: The choir is pretending to be warriors who are attempting to summon Spinal to aid them in a foreboding battle.
Fact Four: The brass for Spinal was recorded and arranged by Hugh Davies in Guildford, UK.
Fact Five: The “horn” sound you hear over the ‘Ready’ text is the sound of a Tibetan Kangling, a human leg bone flute.

Del the Knife: some KI skeleton facts
Gooper Blooper: they made instruments out of skeletons
Del the Knife: a person died for spinal


RubyChao: senator armstrong for smash
Harpy: n-noo
Del the Knife: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: THERE'S NO SAVING IT
RubyChao: It Has To Be This Way playing whenever you fight him in classic mode


M Sheep joined the chat
RubyChao: SHEEP :D
Gooper Blooper: rare sheep appearance
Harpy: sheeeeeeep
Harpy: *holds out arms in a hug* sheeeeep
Harpy: *sinks head in wool* sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee​eeeeeeeeezzzzzzz
Gooper Blooper: is it wise to hug The Sheep
M Sheep: Who has two thumbs, and doesn't ever get what he wants done?
SteelKomodo: Ey sheeeeep
RubyChao: no but she's gonna do it anyway


M Sheep: last dream I remember having involved a movie rental store that only rented REALLY BAD horror moive
M Sheep: I mean real bad
Gooper Blooper: Troll 2?!
M Sheep: also, most of them were cursed
Gooper Blooper: The Creepypasta Video Store
M Sheep: There are only two I remember looking at
M Sheep: One was called Horror Witch, it was on VHS, and the titular witch was made out of out of really fake looking candy
M Sheep: the film might have been in claymation
Gooper Blooper: Horror Witch final boss 2014
M Sheep: actually, a lot, if not all, of the movies were on VHS
Release the Doves: I wanna fight Horror Witch
M Sheep: The other movie was called Patella, and it was...weird
M Sheep: it wasn't really even a movie
M Sheep: it was a leg hung on a hook, and it had a mouth above its kneecap
Gooper Blooper: m_sheep_dreams.txt
Release the Doves: . . . That's a movie
Release the Doves: I'd watch it
M Sheep: and it was sort of aware of what was going on around it, and pleaded to passerbys to save it
SteelKomodo: ...D:
M Sheep: pleas that would eventually change to threats of retribution
SteelKomodo: DDD:
M Sheep: because, at set intervals, it would scream as its foot forked into two legs, connected together by the mouth/knee
SteelKomodo: Oh god please stop D:
M Sheep: and the legs would then fork again, and again, until it had enough legs to maneuver itself off the hook
M Sheep: and then it would trample/kick the watcher to death
M Sheep: The End
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: Patella for M Sheep Final Boss 2014
Cornwind Evil: Sheep, I don't know what you're eating, but you might wanna eat less of it
Gooper Blooper: Sheep in a nutshell
M Sheep: These are the kind of dreams I have
M Sheep everyone goes "Ah. It all makes sense now."


Gooper Blooper: I overheard my brother talking to his friend on Xbox Live saying "why does he call himself 'critical' when his name is CLEARLY 'penguin zero'?"


Bad News Blooper: You don't even need to know anything about Pokemon to know Zubat is annoying because bats in video games are always annoying little shitheads
Bad News Blooper: every time
Cornwind Evil: Unless you're playing as Batman
Cornwind Evil: And sometimes even then


Harpy: listening to Wulf's voice
Harpy: dying
Bad News Blooper: sir chesterfield, prime the rifle
Harpy: but yeah wulf
Bad News Blooper: I imagined David doing jazz hands when Wulf did "tadaaa~"
Harpy: he probably did
Harpy: I would not fault him


(Gooper Blooper and RedSpy compete to see what happens first - Gooper Blooper completing the Pokedex in Pokemon Y or Spy getting every achievement in Binding of Isaac. Gooper Blooper completes the Pokedex first, with Spy only one achievement away from 100%.)

Pope Dialga VII: My reaction to Goops winning
Bad News Blooper: >​that cutscene of Dedede shuffling down a lonely dirt road, his waddle dees joining him
Bad News Blooper: those feels
Pope Dialga VII: You now realize that Sailor Waddle Dee was the only character to stay loyal to Mets until the end
Pope Dialga VII: We don't even know if he made it off the ship or not ;_;7
Cornwind Evil: No one dies in Kirby games except evil horrors from beyond the void
M Sheep: What about the hundreds, nay, thousands of denizens Kirby monstrously devours in every game?
M Sheep: Think of all those eaten Waddle Dees
Cornwind Evil: They're mooks, they don't count
Bad News Blooper: If you go off screen and come back, they're there again
M Sheep: What measure is a mook?
Bad News Blooper: Clearly Kirby poops them out when people aren't looking
M Sheep: Dreamland just has really high birthrates


Harpy: *finished last regimen*
Harpy: *fucking moomoo milk*
Harpy: fuck you too game


Harpy: don't let dirk cook
RubyChao: dirk has improved, i see
SteelKomodo: XD


Cornwind Evil: This seems like something that's happened to David
Saberwulf: David has both had that happen to him and has also been said moth
Saberwulf: The first 20 million were pretty wild years


RubyChao: by the way is 10 years "ancient" in modem terms
Cornwind Evil: In tech terms?
Cornwind Evil: I think that's time abyss levels these days
Gooper Blooper: Ten year old technology is Windows Vista and the PS2
RubyChao: well that explains a lot lol


Cornwind Evil: That's ONE way to grind a Magikarp.


RubyChao: "There are ten things wrong here and Ash was fooled by eleven of them."
SteelKomodo: god fucking damn it Ash
SteelKomodo: this is why you will never win a championship
SteelKomodo: because you're a dense fucking moron
SteelKomodo: you are not the very best at all :I


Harpy: bye wulf
Harpy: also your voice is cute
Harpy: (i say that a lot why the fuck)
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
SteelKomodo: later wulf
SteelKomodo: HarpyXWulf for ZFRP '14
Harpy: aaaag there are so many cute guys
Harpy: but nobody is cuter than my bf
Harpy: i'm hopelessly in love with someone with lotta swords
Gooper Blooper: saralex irl
Harpy: Pretty much, if Alex played LoL and streamed games


SteelKomodo: ooh me nose tickles


RubyChao: "Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Kid Icarus Uprising and Touhou Project. The story should use giant monsters as a plot device!"
RubyChao: :V
SteelKomodo: :U


Gooper Blooper: Gotta go for tonight
Release the Doves: Night Gips
Release the Doves: Gaps
Release the Doves: Gups
Release the Doves: Geps
Release the Doves: Garps
Release the Doves: Gulps


Release the Doves: I'm thinking of a new name
Release the Doves: I GOT IT
Release the Doves changed name to Bold and Brash
Draco cries.

Bold and Brash: D:
Bold and Brash: No I'm sorry!
Bold and Brash: I just ran out of doves to release, that's all
Draco: Eh...the Martians would just shoot them anyway.
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: Bold and Brash? More like, Belongs in the Trash!


Harpy: what kind of monster would want to murder all the pokemo-
Harpy: oh wait the Lord would
Harpy: killing pokes for immortality is still pretty damn shitty
SteelKomodo: yep
Harpy: oh my god I am so thankful the Lord didn't try this
Harpy: I would cry
Harpy: then Carla would have to beat his ass senseless
Harpy: I had a stupid comic idea about Carla finding a strange egg and having Hubert warm it up and help it hatch
Harpy: Cleffa comes out
Harpy: Carla becomes the Pokemans Y Carla, goes out on adventures and tries to stop some nonsensical team and watches as her Clefairy kind of tanks everything
Harpy: fast forward a lot, heeeere comes Yveltal
Harpy: Awoken, it's ready to suck Carla's life force out, Carla's scared shitless because she isn't used to seeing giant birds that can suck souls
SteelKomodo: kick his ass
Harpy: Bird attacks, Clefable tanks the hit. CRITICAL
Harpy: Clefable survives with 1 HP because she loves Carla
Harpy: then moonblasts that Yveltal out of the sky and onto the floor
Harpy: Carla starts crying because she thinks Clefable's gonna die, but Clefable just falls asleep on her shoulder
Harpy: moral of the story: fairy types are best you just can't separate a trainer from her pokemon. also fuck off yveltal


SteelKomodo: now, I need to get this Trapinch to be a Vibrava
SteelKomodo: so I can kick Clemont's ass
Cornwind Evil: I read that 'be a vibrator'
SteelKomodo: CW why D:
Cornwind Evil turns into a giant laser shooting ape
SteelKomodo: D:
Cornwind Evil: *a fat guy cuts off my tail*
Cornwind Evil: OH NO. I'M NOT A MONKEY.
Harpy joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: OH NO. HARPY'S A MONKEY!
Cornwind Evil: DESTRUCTO DISC!
Harpy: what.


Gooper Blooper: Clefable's great strength lies in its versatility. You could have a team of six Clefable and all of them could have completely different movesets and they'd all be useful
Harpy: don't
Harpy: tempt me


Gooper Blooper: farmville, pokemon edition
Gooper Blooper: banner ad with Skiddo with huge eyes staring into your soul
Gooper Blooper: PLAY FOR FREE


Del: not sure i can stay up for the NIGHT
Del: because animex is a demanding beast
Gooper Blooper: "The Animex International Festival of Animation & Computer Games takes place every year in Middlesbrough in the North East of England."
Gooper Blooper: Is this it?
Del: yes
Del: it is the only thing of note in middlesbrough
Gooper Blooper: there ain't shit to do in middlesbrough
Del: northeeeerrrrrn middlesbrooouuuggghhh tooooowwwwwn


Gooper Blooper: bazza87: Flappy Bird VS Lakitu in a camera man match for End Game 7
common_sensei: Flappy Bird vs Fez, battle of the Fuck You I'm Out


Cornwind Evil: Illidan believes in ancient economics
Cornwind Evil: The more salt the better


#Octofan changed name to The Pussy Dragon
The Pussy Dragon changed name to The Pussy Dragon (Bimmy)

The Pussy Dragon (Bimmy): (Chao you know what you must do)
RubyChao changed name to The Pussy Dragon (Jimmy)
The Pussy Dragon (Jimmy): i do
The Pussy Dragon (Bimmy): Yesssss


Gooper Blooper: I'm looking forward to AFTER valentine's day
Gooper Blooper: when all the chocolate is slashed in price
Gooper Blooper: it's lahke christmas mornin
Harpy: but goops
Harpy: don't forget about the evils of
Gooper Blooper: I know my stuff
Gooper Blooper: A hot tip: Hershey's and Russel Stover are NEVER chocolate flavored
Harpy: I know the chocolate you gave me for christmas tastes better than Hersheys tho
Gooper Blooper: Palmer used to make both but lately I've seen them make NOTHING but chocolate flavored
Gooper Blooper: That's Russel Stover
Harpy: that is the best chocolate ever
Gooper Blooper: I bought a tiny fancy chocolate bar once just to try it and it tasted almost identical to Russel Stover
Gooper Blooper: It's gourmet chocolate at a good price, it's great
Harpy: i have to see if I can get that for myself and someone else
Gooper Blooper: But it's hard to find during the warmer months, they seem to specialize in holiday chocolate
Harpy: the question is
Harpy: how much chocolate did Alex stockpile just for valentines's day.
RubyChao: the warehouse on the edge of town
RubyChao: that's how much
Harpy: Triden Chocolate Factory
Gooper Blooper: There was a reason Sarah visited that rental shop the other month
Gooper Blooper: Augustarah Gloop
Harpy: oh god sarah knew
Gooper Blooper: falls into the chocolate river
RubyChao: drinks it dry
Harpy: sarah plz
Gooper Blooper: she's gorging for four
RubyChao: how long until Cinnamon becomes a tag on your blog
Harpy: when it becomes canon like 5 years from now
Draco: The real question is: how do you even tell when Sarah is pregnant?
Gooper Blooper: dohohohohoho
Draco: The answer is she actually shows signs of weight gain because preggers overrides Cartoon Fat.


Harpy: I
Harpy: I think Skeiron plays pokemon


Cornwind Evil joined the chat


SteelKomodo: >​Hulk Hogan likes Pokemon
SteelKomodo: well, he has the mental age of 12 :U
AllerGB: I can at least tell you Hogan was brought in as a special guest host of an official Pokemon tournament back around 2006 that was held on Pokemon XD
SteelKomodo: oh really?
AllerGB: He didn't seem to comprehend what was going on but he went nuts every time anyone used Body Slam


Cornwind Evil: Evidentally, there is a letter shortage in WWE
Cornwind Evil: Because Antonio Cesaro's name has been shortened to just 'Cesaro'
Cornwind Evil: And Big E. Langston's name has been shortened to just 'Big E'




Harpy: *goes on youtube*
Harpy: Reccomendations: *VARIOUS TOUHOU MUSIC*
Harpy: chao has infected my computer


Cornwind Evil: Here's another ridiculous name, from Warhammer.
Cornwind Evil: The Ogre ruler Overtyrant Tradelord Greasus Tribestealer Drakecrush Hoardmaster Goldtooth the Shockingly Obese.


RubyChao: "“I’M INNOCENT" Sonic screamed as he eluded the government, racing through City Escape Zone on a skateboard destroying hundreds of cars and killing thousands."
SteelKomodo: yeah, I always did wonder about that
SteelKomodo: was the destructible cars really vital for that level?
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: because watching a car go flying down a hill and collect 25 more is always great :V
SteelKomodo: touche :U

( ☞゚∀゚)☞ ᕦ(° Д°)ᕤ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

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