Saturday, February 1, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 107: sdfhdsf

Cornwind Evil joined the chat 5 hours ago


SteelKomodo: tbh, I'm not entirely sure we can really convict a Kobber of anything
SteelKomodo: except David, but then he just goes OMNUS FUCK YEAH
Harpy: well, the lawsuit's just an excuse
Harpy: but Apollo doesn't know that
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, it's a plot device to get Apollo involved
Harpy: it'll take until the end of the season for Manhattan to realize "no fuck this ain't happening"
Harpy: Judge is terribly confused
Harpy: just talks about his grandson all day
Gooper Blooper: That's exactly it, Harpy has to make sure nobody makes it to the courtroom
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: because if it does, it's all ogre
SteelKomodo: D:
Harpy: then Apollo catches someone murdering someone in cold blood
RubyChao: watch, we'll get to the courtroom
RubyChao: apollo bumps into Devil Ed and Mengsk
RubyChao: just waiting there for their trials to end
Harpy: it will only be for one person because you'd have to be insane to try to convict all the kobbers without hard evidence
Gooper Blooper: Most of the deaths are self-defense anyway
Gooper Blooper: Except for "Erebus character murders homeless person"
Harpy: Erebus murdered innocent Waddle Dees
RubyChao: But he felt really bad about it afterwards!
Gooper Blooper: Dedede returns and this time he has an attorney
RubyChao: Apollo meets Samus
Gooper Blooper: Samus' suit falls apart whenever she lies
RubyChao: "So is it true that you're an amazing fighter?" "...Yes." *Apollo picks up like 5 tells at once*
SteelKomodo: lolz
My client, BRRRRROCK LLLLESNAR: Samus is Winston Payne
Gooper Blooper: "And I was never damaged!" *thumps chest, makes suit collapse*
RubyChao: samus's damage animation is just her suit exploding off


Gooper Blooper: 2:10 is art
SteelKomodo: Amazing
SteelKomodo: sooner or later somebody in ZFRP will be doing the GMod Flail
SteelKomodo: i can feel it
Gooper Blooper: The Muppet Arm Flail is close
Gooper Blooper: You just have to do it with every limb
SteelKomodo: And considering you have to levitate as well...
SteelKomodo: Yeah, it's difficult
OutgimmickedSpy: Spy's freakout in Phoenix Wright: obviously the Gmod flail
Gooper Blooper: perfect


Gooper Blooper: Skurvy X Mirror
Gooper Blooper: it will never lie to him
OutgimmickedSpy: The Mirror Never Lies (But I Lie With It~)
Gooper Blooper: l-lewd
OutgimmickedSpy: No Goops, that's The Table Never Leis
SteelKomodo: XD


Gooper Blooper: Despite all my pairing talk, I have but two to my name not counting Celestia/Helios
SteelKomodo: :<
OutgimmickedSpy: And they're both Sarahkin
Gooper Blooper: Most of my non-sarahkin are RedSpy-character levels of undateable
Gooper Blooper: Constructor X, Hella Jeff, and Missingno in pairings let's do this
OutgimmickedSpy: 17 x Salt
RubyChao: myriam falls in love
Harpy: Siren's undatable, she's...she's... GOT A TRAGIC PAST!
Gooper Blooper: I think more pairing characters have tragic pasts than don't
RubyChao: expresses it by creeping after her object solid snake style and taking ALL THE PICTURES
Gooper Blooper: Myriam the Stalker
OutgimmickedSpy: Siren's adorable as heck
Gooper Blooper: she is
OutgimmickedSpy: Also saying a non-RedSpy/Goops char is undateable just makes them datable
Gooper Blooper: mabinogi characters are cute
OutgimmickedSpy: Gotta roll with balls and crocodiles and Biollantes and pots-and-pans robots to get on that level


Gooper Blooper: Someone made a Wendy Koopa CAW
Gooper Blooper: it's ugly but so's Wendy so it works
SteelKomodo: Oh god I must see that
Gooper Blooper: Here
OutgimmickedSpy: D:
OutgimmickedSpy: D:
OutgimmickedSpy: D:
OutgimmickedSpy: D:
SteelKomodo: Oh god what D:
OutgimmickedSpy changed name to D:
SteelKomodo: It's...
SteelKomodo: ...PERFECT~
Gooper Blooper: The womens division IS lacking in horrifying monstrosities
Gooper Blooper: it's pretty much just Mama
The Tableter: hahahaha
The Tableter: ive seen this
The Tableter: its like tingle except i like it


Harpy: what would happen if Apollo interviewed sarah
Goops McMahon: Well it would be a relatively normal interview at first, until Sarah got a chance to explain her abilities
Goops McMahon: Apollo spends the rest of the video trying to comprehend two things
Goops McMahon: 1: How is white magic possible
Goops McMahon: 2: how is this girl so fucking cheerful
Harpy: don't forget 3: how did she not get diabetes yet
Harpy: Apollo gets idea to revive clay, but that might complicate matters
SteelKomodo: XD
Goops McMahon: Quoth Desdemona: "how is she not 500 pounds?"


FOLD LAUNDRY TIME (FUCK THIS): One of the most beloved video game characters of all time is swinging onto DVD! Donkey Kong Country brings all your favorite apes to life in stunning CGI animation. Join Donkey Kong, the peace-loving ape with a big heart as he teams with best-friend Diddy Kong to take on King K. Rool and his band of Kremlins.
 FOLD LAUNDRY TIME (FUCK THIS): Well . . . its stunning from a certain point of view I guess
Goops McMahon: "stunning CGI animation"
Goops McMahon: it's stunning all right


FOLD LAUNDRY TIME (FUCK THIS): Lapland New Forest Has anyone been there? Looks exciting but pricey!
Goops McMahon: it certainly was exciting, just in a different way
Harpy: oh god no
Harpy: not again
Goops McMahon: Lapland New Forest was exciting the same way Donkey Kong Country was stunning
Harpy: plot of ZFRP 14: people go to Lapland, get ripped off, ask Apollo to sue
Draco: Lapland New Forest: a holly, jolly Hell on Earth.
Goops McMahon: Remember, at the end when New Forest closed, they tried to do it again by moving and starting "Lapland West Midlands"
FOLD LAUNDRY TIME (FUCK THIS): Do you think I would get away with buying a baby ticket for my son? He's just turned 2. Would they ask for evidence of his age??
FOLD LAUNDRY TIME (FUCK THIS): Oh no that poor child
Goops McMahon: Lapland Orvance
Goops McMahon: Lapland Manhattan
Goops McMahon: competes with Tridenland
SteelKomodo: did they?
Goops McMahon: Yeah, it comes up near the end of that thread
Goops McMahon: Lapland West Midlands never opened, but it did start to set up, and it had a website that not only reused most of the New Forest website but even had references to New Forest in its code
SteelKomodo: oh god D:
Draco: Lapland Manhattan competes with Tridenland like an insect competes with the windshield of a truck.


SteelKomodo: "Yo, Pit!" "What?" "Butts!" "AAAAAAAARGH"
Harpy: BUTTS?
Goops McMahon: *Dirk has been kicked from the server*
SteelKomodo: lel


Goops McMahon: WIN AT ANY COST
Harpy: Bad News Barret
Harpy: why
Goops McMahon: he's afraid he's got some bad news
The Tableter: Hahaha
Draco changed name to Sad News Sine
Sad News Sine rises from the floor.

The Tableter: Noooooo
Sad News Sine: Apparently Kofi Kingston has sworn to cut off his own feet in order to avoid being eliminated from the Royal Rumble. On the surface it appears to be a sound strategy and one I encourage him to pursue regardless.
Sad News Sine: However, I've got some sad news.
Goops McMahon: the saddest news of all - Cory in the House never got a sequel for 3DS with hi-res graphics
SteelKomodo: :<
Sad News Sine: Apparently Kofi was recently fitted for a new pair of designer shoes. Real leather, polished black as space, and lined with linens so soft it feels like you're wearing nothing at all. IF he were indeed to amputate his feet, he would no longer be able to wear these magnificent feats of fashion and would thus not look his best when he went to his celebratory party after winning the rumble.
Sad News Sine: I, however, share his shoe size and would be happy to wear them in his stead.
Sad News Sine changed name to Draco
Draco: Don't know if I did that right, but whatevs. =D
Harpy: I
Harpy: I thought you were really CW
Harpy: 10/10 would read again
SteelKomodo: that was pretty good!
Draco: Thank you.
Draco bows.


Goops McMahon: reaction from another forum to Daniel Bryan losing a match to Bray Wyatt:
Goops McMahon: I said the whole "salt" thing was overdone but okay that's really fucking salty
FOLD LAUNDRY TIME (FUCK THIS): Some people take any D. Bry loss as burial
Punchinello: Damn son, that was so much salt, Eldoon's Noodles can't compare
Punchinello: Eldoon needs that much salt in his noodles to kill a man
Goops McMahon: all of illidan's victories condensed into one comment
SteelKomodo: oh god so much salt
SteelKomodo has a heart attack


Goops McMahon: I'm out for tonight, bye guys
frolf: Night!
Harpy: bai gewps
Harpy: bffs 5eva
Harpy: <33333333
Harpy: cleffa supremacy
RubyChao shoves Harpy away
Goops McMahon: haha
RubyChao claims goops as his bff 5eva
Goops McMahon: the people, they love me
Harpy: RC why
Harpy: we can't share?
frolf devours RC
RubyChao: D:
frolf claims goops as bff 6eva
Harpy: i'mma find you and then I'll push you off a cliff
RubyChao: but not every Cliff
Harpy: so
Harpy: you're yursarsh
Harpy: your character godpunched you
Harpy: gg
frolf: No
frolf: I'm hungry
frolf: You could say I'm . . .
frolf: I'm . . .
frolf changed name to The Hungry Pumpkin
RubyChao: DEAD
Goops McMahon:
The Hungry Pumpkin: I"M VERY HUNGRY
RubyChao: so which one is harpy and which is me
Harpy: who is this bitch trying to take sarah's hubby
RubyChao: it's my new 2014 RP character, Sara (no h)


Cory in the House: "RubyChao: watch, there'll be a plot where a BBB unleashes a god with all the violence, just like fire emblem" Please, I'd never use the Brawl to set up a plot where the embodiment of evil escapes from hell and hosts the fites momentarily to regain his lost power and create a giant crevasse to hell that still hasn't been closed
The Hungry Pumpkin: PFFFFFT


(Batista wins the 2014 WWE Royal Rumble)

Cornwind Evil joined the chat
Cornwind Evil: *dully* No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: Roman Reigns.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cory in the House: yes
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cory in the House: maybe
Cornwind Evil does the Poo dive off the nearest platform.
Cory in the House: *does the Winnie the Pooh dive into a big pot of honey*
Harpy: goddamn it CW WE KNOW
Harpy: *shakes fist*
Cornwind Evil: My room had run out of wall to beat a hole in with my head
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Overlord, I'm afraid I've got some SAD NEWS.
Cornwind Evil: Sine: Bryan was used to put over someone and then-
Cornwind Evil: *Sine is suddenly a ferret*
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil: No.
Cornwind Evil has broken.
Cornwind Evil: I AM playing this up, BTW
The Hungry Pumpkin: Chatzy, who should've won the Rumble!?
The Hungry Pumpkin asked Chatzy to choose between Daniel Bryan, Batista, Roman Reigns, El Torito and Jhon Cena. Chatzy chose: Jhon Cena
The Hungry Pumpkin: CHATZY HAS SPOKEN


Cory in the House: unfortunately, Cory in the House is an entirely linear experience. To find that single bobblehead I missed, I will have to replay the game in its entirety
 RubyChao: don't worry jrm
RubyChao: you can Experience the game all over again
RubyChao: it will be Enlightening
Cory in the House: at least I can expect around 30 more minutes of this


Harpasaurus: okay i need to stop reading chatzy madness before I lose it
Harpasaurus: last thing I need is me laughing about the song of the knight being sarah chanting alex's name in the middle of physics class
Monte Delo: hahahaha
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpasaurus: "what's fucking wrong with you" "I FUCKING ROLEPLAY ON THE WEEKENDS AND PRETEND TO BE A LAWYER"
Harpasaurus: "Also an ice mage, a witch, 3 psychics, a siren, Alex's biggest fan, a guy that borrows magic from souls and has empathy, a puppeteer, and a fucking lawyer"
Monte Delo: hahaha
Monte Delo: "I'm a space marine!"
Harpasaurus: then they ask you if you play warhammer 40k
Harpasaurus: sweating intensifies
Monte Delo: not anymore i swear
Harpasaurus: *muffled Dual Destinies CORNERED! plays*
Monte Delo: noooooooo


RedSpy: Godzilla's friends shouldn't be frightened of his size, seeing as they are all, for the most part, giants.
RedSpy: Thanks, Godzilla Wiki, for the timeless commentary on the Godzilla picture book


Saberwulf: I understood the jokes on Will & Grace at 7 which tell you something about my younger self


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Monte Delo: a wild goops appears
Monte Delo: sup goops
SteelKomodo: ey goops
RedSpy: eygops
Gooper Blooper: *attempts to say hello, connection cuts out*
Gooper Blooper: YOU BAG OF DILDOS
Monte Delo: hahaha wow
Monte Delo: i'm rubbing off on goops
Gooper Blooper: when I cussed out my router, I thought of you
Gooper Blooper: and only part of that was because you also have a lot of connection issues
Monte Delo: :3


Gooper Blooper: The other day my mom was cleaning the house, doing a lot of tidying up and washing things that had gone without washing for long periods
Gooper Blooper: And I watch her fiddling with the curtains and it hits me
Gooper Blooper: I said "Are you doing 'spring cleaning' in an attempt to literally summon spring"
Gooper Blooper: she was
Monte Delo: hahahaha
Monte Delo: oh dear
SteelKomodo: XD
Monte Delo: she may need help


Monte Delo: "Timbersaw - Base strength reduced from 25 to 22"
Monte Delo: nooooooooooooooooooooooo​oooooo
Gooper Blooper: *Del throws head back and screams in anguish skyward*
Gooper Blooper: *camera pans back, sad music*


Harpy: I know that in Case 1-1, knowing your time zones was important
Harpy: and either Case 2-1 or 2-2 needed you to know about european cars
Gooper Blooper: 2-2
Gooper Blooper: I knew both of those
Harpy: you were smarter than the average person
RedSpy changed name to Yogi Bear
Yogi Bear sues for use of my catchphrase

Gooper Blooper: Yogi Bear vs Apollo Justice
Gooper Blooper: trial never ends
RubyChao: 2014 is the year of court cases, by the end of it there's a line stretching outside the courtroom of people waiitng for their case
Gooper Blooper: the shark from jaws is a key witness in every case


RubyChao: "but they're just hints, for now." i should really update this sometime lol
SteelKomodo: yes, you should :U
Gooper Blooper: yeah that part is funny at this point
Harpy: yiss
Gooper Blooper: "I love you! There! I said it!"
Utsuho covers her fire-red face with her cannon, too embarrassed to say a thing.

Gooper Blooper: JUST HINTS
SteelKomodo: sdfhdsf is the best sound effect
Gooper Blooper: I love it
RubyChao: "hwbuh" or however it was spelled was a good rival though :V
SteelKomodo: mmhm
Gooper Blooper: "You... I... Hbwuh..."
Gooper Blooper: close, chao
RubyChao: yes, that one


Harpy: Waddler's my inspiration to get into LPing so its like inviting your idol to a bar
Gooper Blooper: well you guys were my inspiration to get into RPing
Gooper Blooper: so there
Harpy: gasp
Harpy: th-thanks
Harpy hides behind a rock and blushes
Gooper Blooper: I remember when I was younger I HATED roleplaying, but it was because all the roleplaying I ever saw was of the type seen in that picture posted here a few times of facebook rp
RoodShpee: T-thanks a ton man
RoodShpee: If it helps you inspire me a ton too!
Gooper Blooper: And I was like "they just keep saying they're invincible, what a load of garbage"
Harpy: yeah that's shitty RPing and I kick that shit to the curb
Gooper Blooper: then I came to zoofights and the rp was
Gooper Blooper: actually good
Harpy: hey spy remember the forum we went to where the two mods were like fighting and showing it in RP like an endless one upmanship game
Harpy: in my RP no less
Harpy: well in every RP really
RoodShpee purges memories from my mind
RoodShpee cries while beating them with a chisel

Harpy: don't forget
Gooper Blooper: zombie gangsta ernie and bert final bosses 2014


Gooper Blooper: this is how rp quality evaluation works here
Gooper Blooper: everybody says their rp sucks
Gooper Blooper: everybody else says "no you're great"
Gooper Blooper: and cool things happen


Gooper Blooper: The Sarahkin's journey when they were teenagers was similar to FF1's plot if you took out everything involving the fiends
Gooper Blooper: So they fought Bikke, Astos, and the Piscodemons, got an airship, and left
RubyChao: "guess we're done here, that was easy"
Gooper Blooper: Well it wasn't that they were done
Gooper Blooper: It was that they were mostly just exploring the world, and when they got the airship they pointed it in a direction to see where they'd go
Gooper Blooper: They crash-landed outside Manhattan
RubyChao: >​crash-landed
RubyChao: i do not remember this part
Gooper Blooper: Yes, it was specifically mentioned the ship broke because one of the girls was drunk-driving
Gooper Blooper: I think it was Josephine
dry coughing: Damnit Josephine


Harpy: del rants are usually categorized as "shit getting real"


SteelKomodo: giant monsters are always good


Monte Delo: PHEONIX
Monte Delo: PHOENIX


SteelKomodo: Dirksadillas
Harpy: SK are you planning on repeating Raincake with Dirksephine


Harpy: >​watching Trials and Tribulations
Harpy: >​Ron DeLite
Harpy: i have found cinnamon triden's hair and inspiration for Alex


Cornwind Evil: Time to go out into the terrible cold
Cornwind Evil: Later all
Harpy: try not to freeze
RubyChao: later
Cornwind Evil: ....
Cornwind Evil pokes Apollo's hair on his way out.
Harpy: no
Quesadellas: the poking
Quesadellas: it doesn't stop
Gooper Blooper: Sarah's legacy
RubyChao: utsuho starts poking pit's idiot hair
Harpy: idiot hair poking never ends
Gooper Blooper: Pit starts poking Utsuho's idiot hair
RubyChao: does josephine have an idiot hair
RubyChao: or is dirk left with nothing to poke
RubyChao: ...actually it's dirk
RubyChao: so uh
Gooper Blooper: I joked about it once in the first Rumble
Harpy: josephine has all these idiot hairs
Harpy: the family develops them
RubyChao: helios starts combing his hair
RubyChao: one of them suddenly springs up
RubyChao: suddenly celestiapoking


Harpy: holy shit it feels like 0 degrees up in Delaware, I'm fucking scared
Gooper Blooper: I was dealing with negative temperatures all day until very recently
Gooper Blooper: #vermont
Harpy: fucking vermont
Gooper Blooper: A great place to live. In the summer.


Rob, The Spy With No Ears: I've mistaken Goops for Harpy
Rob, The Spy With No Ears: Goops has mistaken Harpy for me
Harpy: ...what no D:
Rob, The Spy With No Ears: I AM BECOME GOOPS
Rob, The Spy With No Ears: DESTROYER OF WORLDS
Jumpropeman: well then, I'll be Cornwind
Jumpropeman: *wrestling*
Jumpropeman: *grey morality*
Waddler-D whistles nonchalantly. >​.>​
Jumpropeman: don't worry Waddler, one day, this will all make sense to you
Waddler-D: XD
Harpy: "one day"
Harpy: read: maybe tomorrow


Dacro: I went to a bbq joint whose idea of wet ribs was to put a teaspoon of sauce on two ribs. They weren't in business long.
Harpy: ...
SteelKomodo: DDDDD:
Harpy: those are the saddest ribs I have ever heard of


Del the Doge: so
Del the Doge: apart from being hit on by people nearly twice your age
Del the Doge: how's it going wulf
ghostberwulf: I watched a great movie just an hour ago. City of Life and Death, or Basically Chinese Schindler's List
SteelKomodo: yaaaay
ghostberwulf: The first three minutes seemed a little boring
ghostberwulf: And then Japanese soldiers shot a confessional and woops, turns out there were kids in there, not chinese soldiers
ghostberwulf: And then the rest of the film was fantastic
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: I'll... take your word for it


Daniel Bryan Is A Farm joined the chat
a forum changed name to CM Punk Is A Pizza Store


  1. That WAS pretty good, Draco. You just lacked banging a hammer and yelling for order.

    Also, veryyyyyyyyy funny JRM.

  2. What?! No mention of some anonymous donor generously liberating the chat from the bonds of the ad banner and occupant limit? =p
