Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 108: In Which Chatzy Goes Premium

Daniel Bryan Is A Farm: "With all WWE's terrible luck this week, I reckon Cena dropped dead directly after Raw and Vince is now going to Weekend at Bernie's him."
Harpy: lawdy
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: here's hoping not
Gooper Blooper: Control ded cena with a system of wires from the rafters
Gooper Blooper: like how they puppet King Ghidorah's heads


Harpy: *jumps on cake*
Harpy: fuckin bundt grumble grumble
Gooper Blooper: Bundt vs Sarah 2014 boss battle
Harpy: don't make me actually do it, I will
SteelKomodo: lolz
Harpy: it fits right into Psychicplot
Harpy: caekmonstur
Gooper Blooper: Sarah/Sammy bros attack
Harpy: double chomp


Jumpropeman: i would read anything with a cockney tarantula


Gooper Blooper: fast chat tonight
Jumpropeman: maximum capacity
Jumpropeman: :') its been so long
CM Punk Is A Pizza Store: Are we . . .
CM Punk Is A Pizza Store: Are we going to have to get a paid room
Gooper Blooper: NEVER
SteelKomodo: D:
RubyChao: >​Paying Chatzy
Waddler-D: Or... migrate to another chat?
Harpy: I blame Waddler's presence which is actually my fault
Dacro: Guess so. Time to start selling "authentic" Kamacuras and Ebirah figs on ebay.
Waddler-D: MEAN!
Harpy: Nah, we can't do that. We don't know any other chats that can handle this many
Harpy: that don't suck, anyhow
Jumpropeman: if we only paid for a room during the ZFRP season
Gooper Blooper: I like Chatzy despite its faults
Jumpropeman: it would be a measly 79.80
Harpy: "80 dollars"
Harpy: no
Gooper Blooper: I could buy myself and Harpy a copy of Bravely Default for that kind of money
Waddler-D: Per... month or... just once?
Jumpropeman: that's for 6 months
Harpy: that 80 dollars could have paid for all my food
Waddler-D: Gah...

(A few moments pass)

Adminco joined the chat
Adminco: Hi. I gave Chatzy money. Now I can have five aliases in here at the same time.
Adminco: We have one month until Chatzy needs another fix.
xXxGokuSephiroth1337420xXx: oh snap, draco really did, didn't he
SteelKomodo: he hasn't I know draco
SteelKomodo: he's just fucking around again
xXxGokuSephiroth1337420xXx: WE CAN PM PEOPLE
xXxGokuSephiroth1337420xXx: THAT TICKER IS GONE
xXxGokuSephiroth1337420xXx: PANIC MODE
Gooper Blooper: draco what did you do
Gooper Blooper: I used the premium "view all chat" feature and found the birth of the chat
RubyChao: how did it start goops
Jumpropeman: !!!
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman started the chat 542 days ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 542 days ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 541 days ago
Jumpropeman rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Jumpropeman cleared the room 541 days ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 541 days ago
Iamastegosaurus joined the chat 541 days ago
Iamastegosaurus: Wow, first one in here. Surprised
Iamastegosaurus: (this is RedSpy)
Jumpropeman: Hello!
Jumpropeman: Interesting name
Iamastegosaurus: Thanks
Iamastegosaurus: This is what happens when I watch too much asdfmovie
Gooper Blooper: THE BEGINNING
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: . . . So
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: I WASN'T the first one in here
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: This shatters my whole perception of reality


Mallow: the internet is for porn. the internet is for porn. why you think the net was born?
Daniel Bryan Is A Farm: How did we suddenly get onto puppets singing about porn the internet being really, really great.


Jumpropeman: I occasionally barf up something on my blog without warning
Jumpropeman: i find it parallels my real life eating disorder quite well
Mallow: JRM PLZ


Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: I go /hard/
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: In Papa's Burgeria
Mallow: please don't give people heart attacks
Gooper Blooper: Spy, make a Double Triple Bossy Deluxe
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: I'll make 2 . . . sa-lads
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: . . . I looked up the Double Triple
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: Found an image from Goops
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: Thought "hey that's stealing!"
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: mfw its Goops
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1:
Mallow: yeah that's diabetes right there
Mallow: i rather get my diabetes from brownies
Mallow: oh yeah I have a smrpg rom up i should work on that
Gooper Blooper:
RubyChao: that's not just diabetes
RubyChao: that's a whole host of health issues
Gooper Blooper: sarah still ate the whole thing
Mallow: wait i'm basically swearing at myself
Mallow: oops
Gooper Blooper: "Okay, so you want a burger with 24 grilled all-beef patties, 24 layers of everything with extra onions, 24 extra slices of cheese, and all of that on 14 slices of toast with extra butter and mayonnaise.
And the whole thing has to be deep-fat fried."
"I AM READY." Sarah bellowed.

Mallow: *weeps*
Gooper Blooper: there's your ingredients spy
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: Where the fuck does the bread even go
Jumpropeman: on the bottom and top
Mallow: nowhere
Saberwulf: Joe dons a baseball cap and dramatically turns it around, switching the boyga powers to on
Saberwulf: "Let's cook."
Mallow: that is so random I just kind of fucking laughed
Draco: In regards to the Bubble Bass Burger, In N' Out Burger uses "4x4" as slang for four patties, so I think a ten patty burger would be more accurate.
Daniel Bryan Is A Farm: My heart just painfully lurched reading that
Mallow: poor CW just had a heart attack
Jumpropeman: next episode of Man Vs. Food: Man visits the Krusty Krab, orders the Bubble Bass Burger
Gooper Blooper: you cannot comprehend the calories of sarah's attack
Mallow: gigyas sarah would be terrifying
 Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: I'm 2 patties in
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: I'm already near the top of the screen
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: Help me
Gooper Blooper: Spy, just make the bottom and top
Daniel Bryan Is A Farm: *you cannot grasp the true form of Sarygas' attack!*
Gooper Blooper: Use printscreen to assemble the middle
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1:
Gooper Blooper: WE SERVE FOOD HERE


Waddler-D: Sorry if I haven't been too much of a talker tonight. But I'll be around again of course. You all have a good night now.
Gooper Blooper: no problem dufe
Saberwulf: See ya Waddler
Harpy: Alright, see ya Wads
Gooper Blooper: Wadow Maker
Harpy: waddle maker
Draco: No worries, Waddler. I understand how it must feel, basking in the warm light of the sun that was previously cut off by that Chatzy banner at the top.


Delstruction joined the chat
SteelKomodo: ey del
Delstruction: pow
Harpy squeals like a very happy Siren after cracking open a safe full of gold
Harpy: hey del
Harpy: Draco paid for a premium room here
Delstruction: what
Delstruction: seriously, did he?
Harpy: yes he did
Harpy: no ticker at top
Delstruction: oh my god
Delstruction: draco is the only person here with a job a hero




RubyChao: YAAAAY
RubyChao muppet arms
Harpy: holy shit
Harpy: he
Harpy: he sent me a giant hershey bar
RubyChao: giant hershey bars are the worst dilemma
RubyChao: how do you decide whether to eat it all now or wait
SteelKomodo: ahahahahaha
SteelKomodo: amazing
SteelKomodo: Sarah Intensifies


Dacro: Has Del noticed we're not in a flea-infested free room anymore?
Delstruction: i have
Delstruction: the chatbox is so plush


Gooper Blooper: "the character artist behind Bravely Default, Akihiko Yoshida, has just joined the Kickstarter for Unsung Story."
Gooper Blooper: it's an FFT reunion party
Harpy: *screams*
SteelKomodo: oh god


Saberwulf: Speaking of money and David, I was actually just discussing with someone how David is the embodiment of wealth
Harpy: oh wait what
Saberwulf: Like he doesn't know how it happened but he has retroactive money
Harpy: I read that as "radioactive money"
Saberwulf: Pff
Harpy: please stop giving david omnusbucks
Saberwulf: But all joking aside, David somehow became the literal manifestation of money and he isn't sure how
Harpy: because he drank omnus


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BULGRAVETIDE: Alright guys give me a planet name
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BULGRAVETIDE: I'm starting a new Spore file
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BULGRAVETIDE: Because of fucking course I am
Saberwulf: SPOREA


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BULGRAVETIDE: ./still remember when Meat Boy was removed from Zeph's shoulder
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BULGRAVETIDE: ./sheds single tear


Saberwulf: I may join the character relationship bandwagon this season
Gooper Blooper: =O
Saberwulf: But such things are mist in the future winds


Harpy: i return
Harpy: with POGEYS
SteelKomodo: yissss
The Tableter: Excellente
RubyChao: yay
Harpy: execute plan a: god cleffa anihillation
Harpy: she will purge those unworthy of her presence
SteelKomodo: a good plan
Harpy: Carla has started her adventures as
Harpy: Lil C
Harpy: :U


Delgeon Keeper: guys
Delgeon Keeper: online dating has produced a result
Delgeon Keeper: i now have the facebook page of a girl who likes laser tag, call of duty and dr who
RubyChao: >​laser tag
RubyChao: jonesy jokes
SteelKomodo: wooooot
Delgeon Keeper: er
Delgeon Keeper: ah
Delgeon Keeper: hm
Delgeon Keeper: she deleted both her online dating and facebook profiles
Delgeon Keeper: like 6 minutes ago
SteelKomodo: D:
RubyChao: welp
RubyChao: that is unfortunate
Delgeon Keeper: it is


Gooper Blooper: Half of the remaining half is gone
Gooper Blooper: So first it said "RON PAUL", then part of it fell off so it said "RON P"
RubyChao: Xeno's Ron Paul Sign
Gooper Blooper: Now it says "N P"
Gooper Blooper: BUT IT'S STILL UP
SteelKomodo: "NOT POSSIBLE"
Delgeon Keeper: NO PROBLEM
Gooper Blooper: NEED POKEPUFFS


Harpy: "I just traded for a cool new pokemon!"
Harpy: *Magikarp*
Harpy: kid you just got gypped
Gooper Blooper: That happens every game
SteelKomodo: poor kid


Gooper Blooper: "Four trillion dollars! Happy Kwanzaa!" is still one of my favorite wham lines ever


Harpy: I will pick Bulbasaur and call him Alex if its a guy
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: alex used cut
SteelKomodo: yisss Bulbasaur
Harpy: ...
Gooper Blooper: oh god what is it
Gooper Blooper: YES
Gooper Blooper: let the mental images flow through you


Cornwind Evil: *looks at GIF*


Delgeon Keeper: okay guys
Delgeon Keeper: i have a confession
Delgeon Keeper: the android dungeon keeper has hooked me
Jumpropeman: its okay del, we'll get through this together
Delgeon Keeper: now, that doesn't invalidate what I said in the review
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
Delgeon Keeper: buuuuut it's got me in the loop and also i unlocked a dude that revives your dead guys as skeletons
Delgeon Keeper: basically i think i'll stick with it for a while
Jumpropeman: "Skeletons"
Jumpropeman: well we've lost del

(Later that same day)

Delgeon Keeper: fuck it
Delgeon Keeper: sick of this damn android game
Delgeon Keeper: it wants my money and i refuse to play with it
Jumpropeman: I'm guessing the latest patch removed skeletons
Cornwind Evil: Spooky scary microtransactions.


Harpy: Harpy Personality: "Mild. Impetuous and silly."
Harpy: oh my god they got me down to a tee
Harpy: Shroud: "Jolly. Highly Curious"
Harpy: Jolly...shroud?
Harpy: what
SteelKomodo: yep
RubyChao: he's jolly that he's finally doing something for once


Jumpropeman: I was playing God of War on my PSP today
Jumpropeman: and at one point they are talking about the gods of the wind
Jumpropeman: and you encounter Zephyrus
Jumpropeman: they spell it Zephyros, but still. ZFRP not only ruined Air Man, but it ruined Greek Myth too


RubyChao takes so long to complete Y that a new calendar is established and another 200 years past


Delgeon Keeper: where's the pogeyman namer guy
SteelKomodo: he's in Camphrier, where there isn't shit to do


Gooper Blooper: Harpy's gonna wind up with a team of superpowered pogeys because they'll all have the Mon-Ami exp boost
Harpy: yes
Harpy: I mean, I love petting cats and playing with them
Harpy: now i can do that to my pokemon
Harpy: AND REAP THE BENEFITS and get a slyveon
Gooper Blooper: Harpy bursts into the elite four with five level 80s and a level 95 clefairy
Draco: That was me, except without a Clefairy.
Harpy: *lvl 100, ev trained clefairy


Gooper Blooper: >​Waluigi and Table-San make love in Sims 3
Gooper Blooper: Broadcaster bazza87: Shut it down
SteelKomodo: hahahahahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: Also TOH played DK sound effects while it happened
SteelKomodo: that's hilarious and amazing and oh god my sides
Gooper Blooper: the chat responded with EXPAND DONG


Jumpropeman: I was playing Game Dev Tycoon, and like Draco, I've been naming my games after RP jazz
Jumpropeman: I made a game called Deleter Killing People, and it was probably my least successful game yet. HOWEVER, it had so many fans that they went and made an illegal fan remake of it
Delgeon Keeper: what
Gooper Blooper: sounds about right
SteelKomodo: oh god what D:
SteelKomodo: what other games have you made
Jumpropeman: my first game was a horror game called M Sheep Extravaganza
Jumpropeman: I made an NES game called Samus Going All Kindsa Crazy that somehow sold badly
Jumpropeman: I made Eshe Killing Homeless People for the Sega Genesis, one of my more popular titles
SteelKomodo: XD
Jumpropeman: Erebus and Jonesy Kicking Butt for the SNES was also a big seller
Delgeon Keeper: amazing
Delgeon Keeper: gold award
Delgeon Keeper: platinum award
Jumpropeman: I've named my game engines Faith, Mr. Chips, and most recently: Celestia's Best
Gooper Blooper: awesome
SteelKomodo: yissss
Jumpropeman: making a virtual pet game right now. Calling it "Cute and Cuddly Phantomon"
Gooper Blooper: Huggle Me Sarah
Jumpropeman: I am now making "David: The Game"
RubyChao: David: The Game changes genres every move
RubyChao: with david dating david
SteelKomodo: DavidXDavid
Delgeon Keeper: davidcedption
Jumpropeman: so... David: The Game is my bestselling game yet
Harpy: yaaay
RubyChao: awww yeeeah
Gooper Blooper: of course it is
RubyChao: jrm: it's because of the free cocaine included with every cartridge
Jumpropeman: I just unlocked Romance games >:D
Jumpropeman: alright, here goes... Pitsuho the game
Jumpropeman: well, pitsuho made me go from around 7 million dollars to 2 million, so...
SteelKomodo: ...D:
Gooper Blooper: Saralex would sell better though
RubyChao: excuse you
Gooper Blooper: I believe I was vindicated!
Jumpropeman: i could try it, but I'd probably go bankrupt :V
Gooper Blooper: Budget flash game
Gooper Blooper: still outsells Pitsuho
SteelKomodo: I beg to differ >:I
Jumpropeman: ok
Jumpropeman: so I made Saralex the game
Jumpropeman: it outsold Pitsuho's entire combined sales in the first two weeks :V
SteelKomodo: Pitsuho will have it's revenge!


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BULGRAVETIDE GIVEN: Twitch dies, Wyatt jokes are made
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BULGRAVETIDE GIVEN: It's almost like as soon as anything happens
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ BULGRAVETIDE GIVEN left the chat
SteelKomodo: D:


Harpy: i should name a shitty pokemon "i'm a butt lel" and trade it and hope I get a shitty poke back
Harpy: because otherwise my soul is damned
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: No, no, no
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: You trade a Machoke
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: With an Everstone
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Named "lel nice try"
Gooper Blooper: Harpy names Pidgey "Ima butt lel", gets a shiny Kyogre
Harpy: OH
Harpy: MY
Harpy: GOD spy that is evil
Harpy: do i even want to try that


Delgeon Keeper: i found the worst pokemon card
Delgeon Keeper: flip a coin
Delgeon Keeper: if heads you win, tails you lose
Harpy: shit man
RubyChao: so basically
Gooper Blooper: The Tractor in pokemon card form
RubyChao: it's - DAMMIT GOOPS


Gooper Blooper: gonna take off for tonight, bye guys
RubyChao: D: night
Gooper Blooper: oh you stop with the sad faces I was here for like five hours
Gooper Blooper pries chao off of leg
RubyChao: it's never enough


Harpy: i have a feeling sammy encourages siren to hack the government computers
Harpy: or nintendo computers
Harpy: "I need to know when the next Sarah and Ariel game is coming out!"


Harpy: and mailing it to some random single person in ZFRP for valentine's day
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Yes this must happen
Harpy: give me a list of singles
Harpy: gender does matter
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Every RedSpy Character Except Probably Leo *SHOT*
Harpy: no, I'm sorry
Harpy: I meant
Harpy: "Gender does NOT matter"
Harpy: so she might end up hitting on Ariel for all we know
Harpy: oh god
Harpy: what if Siren hits on Oceanus
Harpy: his hat would probably have seashells and pearls all over it
Harpy: yes this hat will be tailored to the person in question
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Oh god xD
Harpy: "Siren, I'm sorry, but I'm in a relationship with MY FIST"
Harpy: "Oh... oh my. I'm quite sorry you have such the lonely life, but if you insist..."
Harpy: no siren he doesnt mean THAT way
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: I'm trying to imagine Osh doing relationship things. I can't stop laughing
Harpy: he'd be super awkward
Harpy: or turn into a super shy robot
Harpy: or care too much about fighting to care about relationships
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: He'd probably go super over-the-top at first to try and impress, only to snap back into awkwardshy when he realizes that kinda thing isn't needed
Harpy: ...
Harpy: if siren draws General Cleft in her tractor
Harpy: i'm gonna worry
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Oh god XD
RubyChao: "Thank you for the gift, miss. But my heart already belongs to my one true love - The United States of America!"
Harpy: "i knitted you an american flag"
Harpy: cleft is dating an entire country
Harpy: gg
Harpy: in all seriousness, Siren wants to experience this love thing
Harpy: and so she turns to online dating and ends up dating Zephy over the internet
Harpy: ends in her being friendzoned but she's cool with it
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Depends
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Is it in triples?
Harpy: I dunno if zeph would consider her a sister friend buddy
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Friend, buddy, and guy
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Triple Canada Zoned
Harpy: maybe i just want an excuse for siren to knit a galaxy

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