Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 111: Give This Guy A Drink

SteelKomodo: "Celestial Seasonings Tea"
SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: er


RubyChao: a surprising number of inverted colors turn out to be blues and oranges in my experience


RubyChao: Banjo-Kazooie
Harpy: banjo why do you have a legendary in your backpack
SteelKomodo: that is awesome
Harpy: banjo D:


SteelKomodo: I've just remembered - I've always wanted to have Dirk call someone a c***
SteelKomodo: but I've never found the opportunity
RubyChao: also too bad he didn't use it on periwinkle :V
Saberwulf: I've only used that insult twice, since it carries more weight in the US
SteelKomodo: yeah, missed opportunity there :U
SteelKomodo: ...really? where?
SteelKomodo has shit memory
Saberwulf: I think Jaxx said it to Christopher's wife, and a scottish dude name Tookie said it in a Sentinel one-off
Super Spy School Level Despair: Yeah, in the US its the most awful word ever
Super Spy School Level Despair: in England its an insult
Super Spy School Level Despair: In Australia its "hi"
Saberwulf: ^
RubyChao: according to forum search it was Young Jaxx who used it in the sentinel one-off
SteelKomodo: ouch D:
Saberwulf: Ah
SteelKomodo: It's pretty bad in England as well
Saberwulf: Yeah that's right, he called that pedophile the C word before he lotused his head


Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: i feel the need
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: the need for weed writing
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: weed normal writing
Saberwulf: Well you could always write ABOUT weed
SteelKomodo: XD
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: huh
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: that's genius
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: brb writing about weed
Saberwulf: pff
Saberwulf: "Hi I'm Del, and I've never smoked weed. OR HAVE I?" *smokes oregano*
SteelKomodo: lolz
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton smokes maple leaves because they're the same shape right?
Saberwulf: Hahaha
RubyChao: ronnie is actually based on del himself
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: oh no you found my self insert that isn't jonesy
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: :U
SteelKomodo: :U
Saberwulf: "self insert" Del confirmed for southern woman fond of whiskey
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: THE TRUTH COMES OUT


Gooper Blooper: Siren you doof
Harpy: why you callin her a doof, she didn't do anything particularly doofy?
Gooper Blooper: The whole "repeatedly singing on an island despite making it drown people" thing
Gooper Blooper: you'd think it'd occur to her to move inland
SteelKomodo: :<
Harpy: they'd probably drown anyway because they might try to cross the lake
Harpy: unless she sat in front of it
Harpy: then inappropriate touching happens and she will probably bitchslap them to hawaii
Gooper Blooper: that's NO good
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: FIRST YOU SAY NO
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: THEN YOU GET OUTTA THERE
Harpy: yiss


Cornwind Evil is just wandering in and out of the chat wailing NO.
Saberwulf: Did [insert wrestler here] lose
Saberwulf: or did [insert wrestler here] win
Gooper Blooper: Yes but this time it was VGCW
Gooper Blooper: Terra from FF6 did not defeat Game Over Gruntilda
Saberwulf: Bideo Gamu Mega Wrassle-Showzen


Saberwulf: An image just came into my head
Harpy: you mean there are times they don't?
Saberwulf: David going out to the store and all the hindu monks throwing rice at him and chanting wealth prayers and he's just like "goddammit can I just pop down to the bloody konbini and pick up croak without you gits?!"
Harpy: xD
Harpy: nope


Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: the idea for acid dragon land came from a comment in the dnd next thread on sa
Harpy: lel
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: where everyone was complaining about how lame tiamat looked
Saberwulf: Haha
Gooper Blooper: ruined
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: and someone said that tiamat should just be a big whirl of color and dragon shapes that was impossible to make head or tail of
Del, 2nd Level Skeleton: and then i STOLE IT AND NOONE EVER KNEW


Saberwulf: Damn you Fairy Tail I just want to watch something good without boobs and butts everywhere
Cornwind Evil: Thank god. ZFRP with Fairy Tail fanservice would be weird
HypeKomodo: but
Gooper Blooper: butts
HypeKomodo: but
Harpy: that's impossible with anime dude
HypeKomodo: damn it, goops ninja'd me
Harpy: Cu Sith is what happens when you edit the fanservice out
front butt: Good thing Zephyrus neither has boobs, butts, nor a tendency to stare at the former two!
front butt: Anime is saved!
Cornwind Evil: Sine probably became the most hated character on the show when she turned him down
Cornwind Evil: "SHE BROKE THE HEART OF ZEPHY-CHAAAAANNNN​!!!!!!!111!​!!11!"
Harpy: Alex is probably shipped with some other dude
Harpy: many yaois
Saberwulf: The 4D chatboards ignited with rage
front butt: 2014 plot - Zephyrus tells brokenhearted nice guys to stop projecting on him
HypeKomodo: El Tigre became the most popular character despite his brief appearances
front butt: Then tries to get the Alex-Zeph yaoi fangirl off of his back
front butt: "Guys please he's married and I'm a robot D: "
Harpy: Stella became oversexualized after becoming empress
HypeKomodo: a whole fan club on Deviantart dedicated to his sole catchphrase of "ARRIBAAAAAAAAA"
front butt: El Tigre and Ksar get their own spinoff series
Harpy: they draw her with overly huge tits and picture her as a tsundere
front butt: It gets cancelled when Wulf realizes he can't draw and only has ~5 minutes of footage from each
HypeKomodo: spy that would be awesome
HypeKomodo: ...XD
Harpy: Stella kind of just broke the TV after that
Gooper Blooper: it's not like she wants to eat ice cream with Rain or anything
HypeKomodo: also harps what of Nicky-poo D:
Harpy: no clue, maybe they picture him as her slave or a masochist
front butt: Fans angrily gather at Osh's door when they realize he isn't using their fan-designed faces
Harpy: Carla is just there
Gooper Blooper: The Celestia's Love Muffins thread surpasses 10 million posts
HypeKomodo: Pit ends up being shipped with everybody
HypeKomodo: as in everybody
Gooper Blooper: Pit X Dirk
front butt: Mach and Poseidon get a ton of humanized versions, usually shipped together
HypeKomodo: GOOPS NO PLS
Saberwulf: "Pit X Dirk" Kobber High School Host Club
Gooper Blooper: There's a small but desperate fan movement to put Sir Periwinkle in Kobber Kart
Harpy: Sonia rockets to the top 10 "want to see back in the next season" characters
Gooper Blooper: Sonia's cool yo
Harpy: you say all my characters are cool, goops :I
Harpy: you are biased
Gooper Blooper: I know
Gooper Blooper: I'm sorry
Gooper Blooper: BUT SHE'S STILL COOL


Akuma Choujin Number One: Alright c'mon Snoop work with me here
Akuma Choujin Number One: When a guy's in need bring out the weed


Saberwulf: Actually I've been deciding on an anime to watch
Saberwulf: (I chose Watamote which is about a human trainwreck completely failing at everything socially related)
RubyChao: (does it speak to you)
Saberwulf: I prevent failing at social situations by avoiding them
RubyChao: it's the perfect plan


SteelKomodo: "How do I know there's not another me in another universe with milkier titties? I don't. I find myself running toward questions that cannot be answered. I'm taking a road less traveled. I'm using a toilet flushed by many but used by some. Masturbating in a garden of existentialism."
- Cr1TiKaL, 2014


Dacro: Hi Harpy. Are you swimming in chocolate today?
RubyChao: hi draco
Dacro: Hi RubyChao.
Harpy: Nope. I'm gonna buy some later
Dacro: Tragedy! );
Dacro: Goops' giant Hershey bar shipments are behind schedule.
SteelKomodo: lolz
Harpy: if he did that I would appreciate it. As a friend mind
Harpy: Friendship chocolate is good chocolate
Harpy: then again, anything chocolate is good chocolate
Harpy: except for chocolate flavored products
SteelKomodo: hear hear \m/
Dacro: Word.
Dacro: I must remember to send Harpy giant candy bars so I can win all the friendship. :V
Dacro: I must go now. Any words of wisdom for me?
SteelKomodo: Beware of the Meat Hash Surprise
Dacro: Good words. TTFN


Harpy: how was the valentines day for all of ya'll
Cornwind Evil: Empty, like my life
Cornwind Evil: In retrospect, I should be Noing over that instead of Terra losing
Cornwind Evil: ....TERRA LOST
Cornwind Evil is now a cow.


RubyChao: "Gloria is the oldest and tallest of the girls"
RubyChao: allow me to correct this
RubyChao: "Gloria is the oldest, tallest, and best of the girls"
Harpy: "the best"
Electro Blooper: bias
Harpy: excuse me, you're forgetting
Harpy: Draco was the best sarahkin
Draco: ^
RubyChao: true
RubyChao: second best


RubyChao: oh waddler never showed up
RubyChao: sad
SHUPPETS!: Waddler is alwayshere
SHUPPETS!: In our hearts
Draco: He's bored of us already.
Draco: "Pffft. Amateurs. I write ten pages of white mages eating cookies every night."


RubyChao: a game that lets you play as a skeleton for free but you have to pay to add the rest of the body


Deletons: "Popular user-defined tags for this product: Hats"
Deletons: not sure if this was a good idea valve


Harpy changed name to ( ☞゚∀゚)☞
( ☞゚∀゚)☞: :3
Gooper Blooper changed name to ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
☜(゚ヮ゚☜): AT LAST
( ☞゚∀゚)☞: You're the best~


( ☞゚∀゚)☞: "did you pick out your clothes in the dark? or from a trash can?"
( ☞゚∀゚)☞: I'm sorry Danielle
( ☞゚∀゚)☞: carla can't hear you over the screams of your pokemon being steamrollered
☜(゚ヮ゚☜): yeah that girl is so rude
☜(゚ヮ゚☜): don't EVER tell carla that
( ☞゚∀゚)☞: fucking dick
( ☞゚∀゚)☞: Scolipede avenged her honor
☜(゚ヮ゚☜): Entire chat is pointing emotes
( ☞゚∀゚)☞: "i was distracted by your bad style"
( ☞゚∀゚)☞: girl if you don't shut up


Harpy: best booty in bangok can't compete with best booty in mysidia
Harpy: bout to be a booty fite
Saberwulf: #bootyfite
Nine Hells Kitchen: David and Celestia, Fite Yer Asses


Harpy: i probably should make some tea
Harpy: let me see if I have any sugar
Harpy: only 3 packets
Harpy: i need to buy more sugar
Harpy: i sound like sarah and it scares me


Gooper Blooper changed name to Bravely Blooper
Bravely Blooper: I started the BD demo today
Harpy: I can help goops
Harpy: key thing: fucking ninjas
Bravely Blooper: I see
Bravely Blooper: Why are ninjas good?
Bravely Blooper: Ah yes, of course
Bravely Blooper: I've already got one ninja
Harpy: And they have an ability that buffs you up if you evade
Harpy: Comeback Kid
Draco: I bravely defaulted on my car loan! =D


Gorons, Fuck Yeah: jeremy clarkson may die from radiation poisoning
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: wulf are you there
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: tell me facts about chernobyl
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: i know you know them
Bravely Blooper: wulf falls from the heavens to share radiation fun facts
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: based wulf


Gorons, Fuck Yeah: oh shit i rolled a 4
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: stu has made everything so much worse
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: that xp though
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: is anyone even here i am sure what i just said would have elicted a reaction
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: even a "i don't know what you are talking about" would suffice
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: are you all ghosts too
SteelKomodo joined the chat
SteelKomodo: Eyo guys
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: oh thank god someone is alive
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: sk i think we're in silent hill, everyone is dead
SteelKomodo: D:
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: we have to battle the freudian representations of our faults in order to escape
SteelKomodo: that's terrible, we gotta get out
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: whilst dealing with shitty controls, terrible voice acting and poor draw distance
SteelKomodo: Noooooo D:
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: a fate worse than death
SteelKomodo: Indeed
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: could be worse
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: we could be in deadly premonition
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: i have no idea what is up with that game
SteelKomodo: Nooooo not deadly premonition D:


Bravely Blooper: "One ridiculous attempt to ride the coattails of the Flappy Bird phenomenon is "Flappy Bird - Gift of Valentine's Day and Lover's Day," which has nothing to do with birds or flapping. It's just a free photo app, which might make some money from advertising if people download it expecting the return of Flappy Bird."


Cornwind Evil: I had a dream about wrestling last night
Bravely Blooper: Did you wrestle, CW
Cornwind Evil: Cena wasn't in it
Cornwind Evil: I was apparently at a WCW match at some point when they were crashing and burning, because there were like 300 people in the arena
Cornwind Evil: And the match was going to be Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff vs Sting and a WCW referee.
Bravely Blooper: Sounds like WCW all right
Cornwind Evil: But the WCW ref didn't want to wrestle because he didn't want to be beaten up by the NWO
Cornwind Evil: So he was just sitting in the audience saying he wouldn't wrestle
Bravely Blooper: he's shooting, brother
Cornwind Evil: Also, despite being in the NWO, Hogan came out in his red and yellow Hulkamania colors.
SteelKomodo: Yep, that is WCW
Cornwind Evil: So I said "Why don't you just take Sting's bat and stay outside the ring and hit anyone who gets close?"
Cornwind Evil: And the ref thought this was a great idea
Cornwind Evil: I will note that the crowd was so small that this could audibly be heard when I suggested it
Bravely Blooper: WCW's rarely-seen Take Suggestions From The Audience Night
Cornwind Evil: The ref said 'Give this guy a drink', so I got a free soft drink.
Bravely Blooper: pfff
Cornwind Evil: Things went well until a second NWO goon, I think it was Horace Hogan, went and took the bat away from the ref and started beating him up with it
SteelKomodo: Lolz
Bravely Blooper: oh noooo
Cornwind Evil: And I went "That's bad!"
Cornwind Evil: So I went to go throw my drink in Horace Hogan's face
Bravely Blooper: And That's Terrible
SteelKomodo: D:
Cornwind Evil: I will note that I did not do this under the mark thinking process of 'Save the ref', but under the smark idea of 'I was the one who made the suggestion, it makes sense to the match's story that I help.'
Cornwind Evil: With a 'Oh god they have no idea I am going to do this I am going to be beaten up.'
Bravely Blooper: Even in dreams it's fake
Cornwind Evil: Because that's what happens when fans run into the ring
SteelKomodo: Oh lawd
Cornwind Evil: Anyway, unlike real life, there were no barricades around the ring
Cornwind Evil: I guess WCW was going on the honor system to keep fans away
Cornwind Evil: And there was a third NWO member, Scott Steiner there
SteelKomodo: #Wrasslin
Bravely Blooper: They couldn't afford barricades anymore
Cornwind Evil: ....but evidently he either approved or didn't like Horace Hogan, because he more or less ignored me
Cornwind Evil: So I threw my drink into Horace Hogan's face. Poor guy.
Cornwind Evil: Then I retreated before any wrestlers could beat me up
Cornwind Evil: Then the Ultimate Warrior, who was there for some reason, expressed his approval and threw my empty drinking cup back to me
Cornwind Evil: And that's all I remember.
SteelKomodo: Welp
Bravely Blooper: It probably ended with a disqualification
Bravely Blooper: For something small after the whole drink-throwing thing
Bravely Blooper: And when the announcer said it was a no-disqualification match at the start
Cornwind Evil: So that was my wrestling dream
Bravely Blooper: It was surprisingly coherent, CW
SteelKomodo: Indeed it was
RubyChao: that it was
SteelKomodo: Most of my dreams are fragmented messes


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