Monday, February 10, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 109: I'm Your Nephew From the Future

つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE JRTIDE: But Cranky can't keep DK out of trouble in this feature-length film, which finds everyone on Congo-Bongo Island battling for the elusive Crystal Coconut (whoever holds the Coconut will receive any wish). Most vehemently after the Coconut is the mercenary King K. Rool (and his reptilian horde of Kremlings) and the pirate Captain Scurvy. Fortunately DK, despite some false starts, manages to save the day. The 3-D animation here is well done and engaging, and the music is notably good, fun, and catchy.
Gooper Blooper: catchy is right


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: I should do eats ;;
Gooper Blooper: well don't cry about it, just eat dufe
Delgeon Keeper: spy how the hell do you put off vital functions
Delgeon Keeper: i bet if you could delay breathing you would
Gooper Blooper: Spy's dorm goes up in flames
Gooper Blooper: delays as long as he can
Gooper Blooper: "I have to evacuate ;;"
Delgeon Keeper: he's got leo luster on repeat
Delgeon Keeper: hypnotised by badly animated monkey
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Pretty much, Goops
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Generally when I say "brb" I mean "give me 5 minutes and if no further response I'm brbing"


RubyChao: so if pit dresses up to get into tak-sin's court, what are the odds he'll run into utsuho by accident :V
RubyChao: Pit: "I swear, Okuu, there is a very good reason for this"
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Dirk: *critical existance failure*


Gooper Blooper: "It was announced at today's WWE live event in Kansas City, MO that John Cena was injured and wouldn't be there."
Gooper Blooper: And the WWE's week ends as it began
Gooper Blooper: badly
SteelKomodo: ouch D:
Delgeon Keeper: lel cena
Delgeon Keeper: job cena
SteelKomodo: #Badman
RubyChao: there's one thing a cena always keeps
RubyChao: his odds


Gooper Blooper: S.A.R.A.H


Gooper Blooper: For future reference
Gooper Blooper: what would you name a togepi
Harpy: Cinnamon
Harpy: :U
Gooper Blooper: every day cinnamon gets closer to canon
Harpy: in all seriousness, Pudding
Gooper Blooper: Pudding, got it
Harpy: sarah and alex gun frick
Gooper Blooper: XD
RubyChao: a knight with an idiot hair jumps through a portal, confronts gloria
RubyChao: "I'M YOUR NEPHEW FROM THE FUTURE!" "...How am I supposed to believe that?" "My name is Cinnamon Triden." "you're sarah's kid alright"
Harpy: next year they have a tiny widdle sorta chubby cheeks baby
Gooper Blooper: *makes pregnant sarah cravings joke again*
Harpy: please don't make me write that
Harpy: sarah might become anger in the last few months
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: I'm guessing Zeph is too ugly/nofaced to visit babby
RubyChao: :sadphyrus:
Gooper Blooper: Do what you said you'd do with Conrad and put a smiley face hubcap on his fan


Saberwulf: I just remembered Chet has a personal AI and it's named after the Aztec god of corn
Saberwulf: #Nebraskajokes


SteelKomodo: I tend to underlevel my Pokemon
SteelKomodo: because then I feel like I'm in Dodgeball
SteelKomodo: i'm the underdoooog


Bowjah From His Cashle: Furret is a terrifying fleshsnake
Bowjah From His Cashle: Its 5'11" and like 50 pounds


Gooper Blooper: Pudding is ready, gonna train up Cinnamon now
Harpy: "pudding is ready"
Harpy: *Sarah pregnancy intensifies*
Gooper Blooper: oh dear
SteelKomodo: ...harpy why D:
RubyChao: wait, am i missing the joke with pudding or something
Harpy: because cravings
Del: welp we've done it
Bowjah From His Cashle: Sarahbabby is probably 3 steps from canon now
Harpy: Pudding is the name (or at least nickname) of one of the Triden triplets
Harpy: or siblings really
Gooper Blooper: oh god now there's multiples?
Harpy: and Jonesy is the godmother for all of them
Gooper Blooper: Sarahkin II: Sarahkin Harder
Harpy: well Tridens come in threes
RubyChao: what're the others?
Harpy: Alex was one of three
Bowjah From His Cashle: Pudding, Cinnamon
Bowjah From His Cashle: No, wait
Harpy: Pudding, Cinnamon, and Eclair
Bowjah From His Cashle: PUDDING! CINNAMON! AND.
Cornwind Evil: Christian is back!
Del: why would you inflict those names on your children
Del: goddamnit sarah
RubyChao: because it's sarah
Harpy: Those are just nicknames
Harpy: Alex had to pretend those were the real names before Sarah throttled him
RubyChao: don't ask cleft to name your kids
RubyChao: he'll only suggest things like George, Abraham, Thomas, or Benjamin
RubyChao: Theodore is also an option


(Chao announces he won't be in Chatzy the next day)

Gooper Blooper: you'll be in our hearts chao : >​
RubyChao: thanks
Harpy: chao you're always here in spirit
Harpy: silently judging people for not listening to touhou
RubyChao: and silently trying to convince them to try overly hard games
Gooper Blooper: *chao watches disapprovingly as I lower game difficulty*
JOHNNY CAGES NOT AFRAID TO DIE: Shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame​
JOHNNY CAGES NOT AFRAID TO DIE resumes beating my head against The Binding of Isaac


Saberwulf: Goddamn making up fantasy timelines is hard as shit
Del: i know wulf
Del: that's why i don't bother
SteelKomodo: neither do i :U
Saberwulf: But it's gotta be accurate sssssss
Saberwulf: Damn you Sentinels and your fucking weird history


ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS: . . . Terrifying idea
ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS: Gloria and Osh do the fusion dance
Gooper Blooper: Not bad guys


Draco begins RPing about a dramatic death in Flu's family only to quit after mentioning he'd left for space and never mention it ever again even after Flu returns with a quesadilla.
Jumpropeman: did Flu's family member die... OF THE FLU
Draco: We'll never know. I dropped a hint but since I never dropped a second one the first one went unnoticed.


Harpy: "Viola"
Harpy: lel
Harpy: she's a type of violin
SteelKomodo: oh lord if she meets Froakie
SteelKomodo: "IMMA CATCH IT" "D:"
Harpy: "Kekekeke! A Froakie? Bleh! Maybe it was a Water-Ghost, type. Keke..."
Harpy: sorry goops for impromptu butchering of your character
Harpy: but no character is safe
RubyChao: not even harpy's
Harpy: ...why does Puerto Rico sounds like "Port Rico?"
Harpy: and make me think of Ricco Harbor
Harpy: and thus Super Mario Sunshine
Harpy: and back to Gooper Blooper


shovel joined the chat
King of Delkyo: hi shovel
King of Delkyo: :D
Harpy: stop being a shovel
Harpy: you're not shoveling shit
King of Delkyo: harpy rude
King of Delkyo: :I
shovel: I don't shovel I bury
Harpy: don't bury me
Harpy: at wounded knee
shovel is the king of kings


Saberwulf: Elfen Lied is filled with EXTREMELY violent scenes that make attack on titan look like babby's first goreflick, but it's also chock full of tits
Saberwulf: For no reason
Saberwulf: Just naked women everywhere
Harpy: wow
Harpy: just watch anime for the stories
Saberwulf: I crack up though because my born-again christian friend just started watching it
Harpy: wish there was less fanservice in some of em but whatever
Harpy: wait what
Harpy: do i even want to comprehend that
King of Delkyo: hahahahahahaha
King of Delkyo: ahahahahahahahahahahaha
King of Delkyo: oh my god that's amazing
Saberwulf: She's also the singer in a death metal band
King of Delkyo: born again christian watching tit anime
Saberwulf: She'll try out basically any anime if it has psychopaths murdering the shit out of each other
Saberwulf: Just like Death Note
King of Delkyo: give her fist of the north star
King of Delkyo: also the anime
Saberwulf: Pff
King of Delkyo is not very subtle


(✿◕‿◕) Get BANKTIDE: I read an article the other day about Nintendo criticizing free to play. Guess what Nintendo calls free to play games
Harpy: mmos?
(✿◕‿◕) Get BANKTIDE: "Free To Start"
Harpy: HAAA
Saberwulf: Oh damn
Harpy: HA
Harpy: shots fired
(✿◕‿◕) Get BANKTIDE: Nintenshots


Saberwulf: I just realized something really fucking weird
Saberwulf: Threnody To the Victims of Hiroshima calms me down as much as smooth jazz does
King of Delkyo: well
King of Delkyo: you're weird
Saberwulf: That I am
King of Delkyo: so that makes as much sense as it can within wulf logic


SteelKomodo joined the chat
SteelKomodo: dongs
King of Delkyo: dongbots
SteelKomodo: i am a dolphin


Jumpropeman: seeing that spy got octodad on steam is like watching one of those videos where a soldier comes home from the war and meets his daughter for the first time
RubyChao: with the music playing and everything


RubyChao: man it's weird to not have the ticker
RubyChao: like i just noticed it was gone and now i can't unnotice, even though i knew it was gone


Expand Dong: "Jellyfish can live forever . . . can you?"
Expand Dong: The fuck kinda ominous-ass aquarium is this


Gooper Blooper: I considered RPing as Vespiquen once but I decided she'd be too similar to Kauket
Gooper Blooper: She even looks like Kauket


Gooper Blooper: Today I imagined Sarah singing "If You Were Gay" to Ariel
Harpy: ariel
SteelKomodo: ...XD
Harpy: ariel plz


Gooper Blooper: Used Pokemon Bank to send over 30 more pogeys
Gooper Blooper: all 30 were needed for the dex
SteelKomodo: woot
Harpy: pogeymania running wild, brotha!
Gooper Blooper: 24-inch ekans brotherjackdude
SteelKomodo: ...XD
Harpy: thats one long snake
SteelKomodo: Dirkjokes
Harpy: hahaha


Gooper Blooper: Josephine tricked into saying she "likes the D", thinking D stands for Dirk
SteelKomodo: ...I literally don't know what reaction face I'd use for Dirk there
SteelKomodo: like, it swings between his mischievous/giggling one, the embarrased one and the shocked one
Harpy: all three at once
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: he's doing an embarrassed little giggle while blushing and his eyes are threatening to pop out of his head from the shock
Gooper Blooper: never forget
SteelKomodo: Pit: *locks himself in his room so no-one can hear him laughing uproariously*
Harpy: josephine plz
SteelKomodo: bananasephine


The Tableter joined the chat
The Tableter:
The Tableter:
The Tableter: Had to
The Tableter left the chat
SteelKomodo: XD


Gooper Blooper: Someone just put up a shiny Kyurem named Billy Mays on the GTS
Gooper Blooper: They want a Scatterbug for it
Gooper Blooper: The trainer's note is "OxiClean"
Gooper Blooper: I'm guessing it's too late to go catch a scatterbug
Dacro: It was too late the moment you saw it.


RubyChao: Goops, Chao, Spy, and Harpy


RubyChao: "Erebus and Pech: Nightmare for Dream Land"
Harpy: *screams*
RubyChao: is that a good *screams* or a bad *screams*
Harpy: is screams
RubyChao: ok


The Tableter: Top gear is a good comedy show that may accidentally be about cars


The Tableter: And some stella cider to start
Harpy: st-stella
Harpy: stella no
Harpy: stop drinking stella
The Tableter: Outworld booze best booze
Harpy: You're drinking the empress plz
Harpy: del plz
Harpy: stop drinking characters
The Tableter: #ruined
Harpy: rp ruins everything


Harpy: damn spy, we look fabulous


Harpy: oh hey spy want to watch donkey kong stuff
Harpy: no there is no leo luster involved
Release The Doves: I heard DK
Release The Doves: Where
Harpy: this sunday
Harpy: 3 PM
Harpy: I TELL YOU NO OTHER DETAILS because i am a dick
Release The Doves: yesssss
Harpy: also if i catch you saying "Expand Dong" i'm kicking you to the curb
Release The Doves: Dexpand Ong
Draco: =o
Harpy: ...
Harpy: I'll let you get away with that


Harpy: I forgot I caught a female Mareep and without thinking
Harpy: I named it "Baaaazza"


Jumpropeman: can Pokebank detect if you're pokemon isn't legit?
Jumpropeman: cuz I would hate to find out this Deoxys named Krypto I got off of GTS is fake
Waddler-D: I wonder if it will Death Egg your game if it does.
Harpy: Yes it can, JRM
Harpy: Goops kind of confirmed it with some of his legendaries
Jumpropeman: did it turn his game into a Death Egg and him into Doctor Robotnik?
Harpy: Yes
Harpy: Yes it did
Jumpropeman: sweet, can't wait to see what Goops is like now

1 comment:

  1. I'm kind of sad that my only appearance in this one is a random line yelling about a wrestler buried in the midst of Sarahkid chat.
