Friday, October 25, 2013

This Is Canon: Miscellaneous RP Fun Facts

This post contains various little details and things I've thought of concerning my RP characters that never (or almost never) came up in day-to-day roleplaying. Some of it has been stated in Chatzy before, but this post serves as a more permanent place. There's also some Cutting Room Floor-esque behind-the-scenes stuff.


*This may not surprise you, but I personally consider Widow Maker and Sarah my "flagship" characters.

*Celestia's hair color is not natural. She normally has brown hair, but likes to dye it purple. She does this because she feels the look adds a bit of exoticism to her appearance.

*When Celestia was in college, she took a dancing class for a year. College was also how she met her future husband.

*Widow Maker was in love with Final Mantisy before its' untimely death.

*Although they worked in construction more frequently than demolition, X Demolition still call themselves that because they think "demolition" is a cooler-sounding word.

*Josephine was initially designed to be "average" in all respects in terms of her body type and physical appearance, thus lending a new dimension to her body image issues. You could call it a moral or example or something, maybe. This is also why brown is a color associated with her (aside from her chemists' outfit): She would normally just be an unremarkable person, the sort that might blend in or be ignored. The fact that she is not, in fact, ignored has given her self-esteem an enormous boost.

*We all know Sarah has Magical Weight Gain Prevention, but I also considered her having Magical Weight Loss Prevention. Meaning, no matter what she did, she would remain the same size forever. ETERNALLY PUDGY.

*All four of Celestia's daughters inherited an aspect of her personality. Sarah inherited Celestia's love of baking and food, Ariel inherited her generosity and empathy, Josephine inherited her thriftiness, and Gloria inherited her leadership ability. This was completely accidental.

*Sarah's joy over pairings and relationships stems from her troubled family history. Similarly, Josephine's struggles with food may come from her mother, who loved to cook and bake, vanishing when Josephine was at a tender young age. Both girls overcame their past and ultimately succeeded in what had plagued them - Sarah found a lifelong partner in Alex, Josephine similarly found strength from Dirk - and their once wrecked family has been mended back together.

*Shroud has no special abilities whatsoever. His magic skills are powered by his staff, not himself, and his fortune-telling ability is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

*Baltan was originally conceived as a possible RP character in 2011. He would be a snide prankster who tended to make enemies rather than friends, similar to Shuma-Gorath. When he finally debuted, however, his characterization was drastically retooled into the lovable buffoon he is known as today.

*The Coneheads have an old eighties-era television that came into their boss's possession during the last star festival. It is powered by shoving the standard plug into an electric-element magic crystal. Reception is spotty but it manages to catch wrestling shows and romantic comedies frequently.

*The initial idea for Samhain was an unexpected source: Letty Whiterock, a Touhou Project character. Letty is a "winter spirit" who ceases to exist during the other three seasons. I was interested in the concept/gimmick of a character that could only be around for a certain time of year, so I came up with the idea of a "Halloween spirit" that only existed in October.

*Is it possible there's more to Stag Beetle than meets the eye? Maybe. And maybe not. We may never know, because stag beetles cannot talk.

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