Sunday, March 26, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 285: The Potato Goddess

(Chao leaves to get something to eat, then comes back)

RubyChao: so
RubyChao: the place i was going to
RubyChao: is out of business
RubyChao: notice from the landlord and everything
RubyChao: but my second choice is still around!
RubyChao: shame, though; really hyped for that pita bread
Gooper Blooper: :<
Gooper Blooper: When was the last time you got to go there
RubyChao: hmm... i want to say about two or three weeks ago
Gooper Blooper: Wow, that soon? I'm surprised you didn't overhear anything or see a warning
RubyChao: judging from the notice
Gooper Blooper: they're in Zenith's graveyard of lost businesses now
Spy Somehow Still Snowed In: D:
RubyChao: they didn't pay the rent and it's been shuttered until claims court happens
Spy Somehow Still Snowed In: That sucks Chao
dedvel: there was one really great buffet in our town that I miss
Draco: I know the feeling, Chao.
Draco: Every place in town that's done slices, the burger place I was at when Cray Fish won, the waffle sandwich shop that took over the burger joint's location...
Gooper Blooper: Don't forget that shitty ribs place!
RubyChao: yeah but that's a place that we don't mind going away
Draco: I was TRYING to, Goops.
Gooper Blooper: ;V
Draco: :l
Arthur Bishopfish: there was a place here called Rib Train that my dad always wanted to go to but then he found out it had closed, and every day on the way to work we drive by where it was. We saw it torn down and they're building an apartment complex there, but for some inexplicable reason the Rib Train sign is still up and the city doesn't know what to do about it
Arthur Bishopfish: its shaped like a train too, and we thought it might be some historical thing, but the newspaper did a story saying "It's still up for no good reason"
Gooper Blooper: Rib Train Sign vs Ron Paul Sign
Arthur Bishopfish: what's the status on Ron Paul
Gooper Blooper: Last I saw it was still there, but I haven't looked at it in a while
Arthur Bishopfish: hopefully the snow won't kill it
Gooper Blooper: snow didn't kill it the last four years running so probably not
Arthur Bishopfish: true, but something has been gradually killing it
Arthur Bishopfish: its like a dead tree in the forest
Arthur Bishopfish: it won't grow, but gradually the world breaks it down
Arthur Bishopfish: and then someone puts a new Ron Paul sign in its place
Arthur Bishopfish: thus continuing the circle of life


Frankenstein Jr. entered for the first time
Draco: Enough people call the monster Frankenstein that it almost could be Frankenstein Jr.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 284: Roll To Not Explode... AGAIN

Baron Frederik: there's a burger delivery place putting up posters where i work
Baron Frederik: to which I say
Baron Frederik: bout freaking time someone realizes fast food delivery is a great idea!


Gooper Blooper: if you didn't google JRM's current sig, you should, it's a keeper
RubyChao: you weren't kidding
RubyChao: and that's from a heartwarming scene, too


Baron Frederik: good ad
RubyChao: christ
Gooper Blooper: I've been wondering if the ads I've been seeing for eight years talking about "OBAMA WAIVES REFI REQUIREMENT" will be updated or changed at all
Gooper Blooper: I bet not
Baron Frederik: oh man, there's bound to be a wave of trump ones eventually
Baron Frederik: brace your buttocks
RubyChao: prediction: they're exactly the same as the obama ones
RubyChao: but with Trump swapped in for Obama
RubyChao: they're both five letters, you don't even need to change the spacing


Baron Frederik: "This was surprisingly entertaining and with a few minor exceptions, very inoffensive family fare. It's another one of those adults-and-kids can enjoy flicks with a number of lines that border on being too much for kids but are still tame for adults - close, but safe. There are also some funny special effects and some good slapstick humor.
Being basically a kids' film, the main child, played by Eric Lloyd is cute but a little too spoiled for me but he's tolerable, as is his brother. Jason Alexander is the father, a very likable subdued guy but a little too lenient.
The real surprise in this cast is Faye Dunaway. Usually playing hard-edged types, she is the opposite in here which is kind of refreshing to see. She shows a nice comedic touch. The chimpanzee is probably the most entertaining, which is the idea, but so is the villain played by Rupert Evert. In other words, there are a lot of likable characters in this movie.
This a "sleeper:" an underrated film that a lot of people would enjoy. I'm sorry it never got much "press.""

Baron Frederik: the chimpanzee in Dunston Checks In was so good, he looked like an orangutan
Gooper Blooper: close enough
Baron Frederik: "The definitive monkey movie"
Gooper Blooper: CLOSE ENOUGH
Baron Frederik: so many of these reviews are just "here's the plot"
Gooper Blooper: ow
Baron Frederik: "Depends on your orangutan tolerance."
Baron Frederik: this is a make or break factor in many films
Baron Frederik: "anybody who doesn't like this movie just might be some kind of schmuck"
Baron Frederik: "Faye Dunaway steals every scene she is in with this chimp. LOLOLOLOLS a'plenty!"
Baron Frederik: this might be my favorite review though: "An ape can't check into a hotel! Or can he...?"
Baron Frederik: as if this was the story of some plucky ape who is doing his darndest to check into a hotel despite society telling him no
Gooper Blooper: I like it because it reminds me of the endless shitty "questions" that get posed on kids' novel back covers and summaries
Gooper Blooper: "will ash ketchum get the girl or will he not, please review"
Baron Frederik: Is Dunston really different from us? You'll be surprised at what you discover
RubyChao: i believe in you, dunston
RubyChao: fight the system
Draco: Ash would only get the girl if he could stuff her in a baseball and make her fight dragons and sharks.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 283: Mr. Nutrient

RubyChao: *checks ivel's steam profile for reasons*
RubyChao: >​he's friends with youmu
RubyChao: lucky D:


N❜Yasunna: "Once again, there are some subtle aspects I wish weren't lost when this Pokemon evolves, since Toxapex sort of trades "sad goth medusa child" for "devil ghost in a cactus igloo""
Beautiful Chickadee: i'm the devil ghost in a cactus igloo
Gooper Blooper: oh good, I'm not the only one reading Bogleech's Pokemon reviews
Gooper Blooper: he hates Gallade but aside from that I line up with him an awful lot
Beautiful Chickadee: unreasonable gallade hate
N❜Yasunna: yoooooooooo
N❜Yasunna: I don't remember how I found them
RubyChao: but what does he have against gallade
N❜Yasunna: but I agree a lot too
N❜Yasunna: especially on Lucario
RubyChao: it's so evil :<
N❜Yasunna: not as strongly as him though
Gooper Blooper: Lemme go check the review again to refresh
Gooper Blooper: His dislike of Gallade seems to stem largely from what makes Gallade so popular in the first place
Gooper Blooper: That being it seemed like pandering to the Gardevoir fan club by giving them a male version so they can pretend male Gardevoirs don't exist
RubyChao: rip
RubyChao: can't argue with that, i suppose
N❜Yasunna: I think the one thing that bothers me about Gallade's design is that waist
Gooper Blooper: but yeah Lucario is his least favorite of all
N❜Yasunna: its like he swallowed an ostrich egg and it got stuck
Gooper Blooper: weird design choices being the main thrust of that, not so much the fact that it's really obvious fanservice bait
RubyChao: to be fair, i might be biased towards Gallade since i've ruined him for myself for years
N❜Yasunna: he's the only person on earth who agrees with me that giant inexplicable spikes are not justification for a steel typing
Gooper Blooper: I never liked Gallade's waist either, I remember in some drawings of Gallade I did long ago I adjusted it to look more natural, like a giant bellbottom
Gooper Blooper: I think so too tho!
N❜Yasunna: a trio has formed!
Gooper Blooper: also bogleech gave Beheeyem a perfect score
Gooper Blooper: so that's nice
N❜Yasunna: we all make mistakes
RubyChao: *jrm immediately - kek
Gooper Blooper: :>​I
Gooper Blooper: oh god I fucked that up and it looks creepy
Beautiful Chickadee: goopy is horrified that he has a nose now
ivel: Harps pls
RubyChao: it looks hilarious


Beautiful Chickadee: my dog begs for pizza
Beautiful Chickadee: but no dog
Beautiful Chickadee: i am more hungry than you

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 282: Streets of Poop Ketchup

Del: i made the blogposts
Muckingabout Sheep: Oh hey, I'll go take a look then
Muckingabout Sheep: That
Muckingabout Sheep: That's a lot of Chastity and Toinette
Muckingabout Sheep continues scrolling down
Muckingabout Sheep: That's A LOT of Chastity and Toinette
Muckingabout Sheep digs in for the long haul
Del: hahahaha


Boreas (Brand) Coffee: damn it goops don't give me ideas about how to make Brandon a healer, I CAN'T DO THIS TO MYSELF
Jumpropeman: ice is good for preserving corpses!


RubyChao: "A mistake of Galoob rather than Nintendo: there was a set of Game Genie codes for the NES version that allowed Mario to be, and remain, in a certain suit. However, these codes overwrote additional data that was part of the door animation after the final fight with Bowser, causing the game to freeze if you did not enter the door immediately. The Game Genie code book warned the player to enter the door immediately, or else they would be 'caught in Bowzer's Time Trap, and the game will pause forever!'"
Draco: Bowzer is the Sammy of Koopas.


ivel: so several European sources have confirmed Nintendo isn't making any more NES Classics available there. We in the US will still get more for now
Gooper Blooper: pff
Gooper Blooper: The best way to address demand is to just stop making something, yes, good job :V
ivel: clearly
Jumpropeman: they're probably going to make 16 Switches at this point
Gooper Blooper: 16 switches, but only 15 copies of Breath of the Wild

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Cabinet Of Curiosities

Dolby stared dully at the pinball as it meandered about the machine. It headed for the flippers and she pressed the buttons, sending the ball flying back up the playfield. The pinball machine she was currently playing seemed half-dead, like the soul had been sucked out of it. There wasn't any music or sound effects, and she couldn't tell whether it was muted by the owners for being too noisy or if the sound system had simply broken. The game still had a soundtrack, though - a repetitive thudding noise, courtesy of one of the slingshots. The slingshots were the triangular things just above the flippers seen on most every pinball game, and the left slingshot on this one was on the fritz. It activated over and over, thudding as it thrust at the air, but the ball was nowhere near it. Then, as she sent the ball upward again, it landed in an awkward position and got stuck. Dolby stared for a moment, then gave the machine a nudge and the ball was freed.

In sum: This table had seen better days. It needed maintenance, but Dolby knew it would never get any.

With minimal feedback and the annoyance of the broken slingshot, Dolby didn't play very well. Eventually the ball drained and she didn't really care that it was her last one. She looked at the dot matrix display to see her final score, wanting to write it down for her records, but found she didn't do well enough to make the high score list - and as a consequence, the game simply deleted her score almost immediately, giving her no time to record it. It went straight into the "match sequence" - a perennial pinball feature that awarded free games if a score's final two digits matched the two digits the game chose. Naturally, Dolby lost, but she didn't seem to mind. She shoved her hands back into her pockets, looking sadly at the machine one more time before turning and looking at the rest of the games. Half of them were carnival/midway games of one sort or another, with the goal being to win a prize rather than play a video game. She imagined they were little better than claw machines. The only other two games on offer were a deer-hunting game that asked for a dollar per play and an ancient Ms. Pac-Man machine. Dolby had played Ms. Pac-Man a hundred times, but she approached the cabinet anyway. It was out of order.

Dolby sighed. Even though she wasn't actually there for those days, arcades weren't like they used to be. At least there was still ONE in this city she could count on, though. Eager to leave this depressing excuse for an arcade here in the lobby of a movie theater, she made her way to the one she knew was the best in Las Vegas.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 281: Talk Woomy To Me

RubyChao: >​try to type Joseph
RubyChao: >​type Josephine
Theodore Horstmann: a sexy Josephine pornbot followed me on tumblr today
Theodore Horstmann: she's getting around
Gooper Blooper: I bet it's the same one that followed me
Theodore Horstmann: so when does she join our humble RP community


RubyChao: i found my next 2017 plot to do after Kawashiro


William Gull 3-Gullible: I should write a My Little Pony fanfic next
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: not if I do it first!
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: "This is the story of my OC, bisexual pink fluttershy..."
RubyChao: that forum
RubyChao: i still remember it
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: if only I had convinced some people to join us
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: we could have had different colored fluttershies of all sexualities!
Gooper Blooper: my characters stare
RubyChao: maaan why didn't webarchive save that quality rp :<
William Gull 3-Gullible: So it an OC or Fluttershy
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: both
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: that's how bad their RP was
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: they were also one of those forums that has a subforum for everything


William Gull 3-Gullible: Turned my head and sneezed
William Gull 3-Gullible: Sneezed on Manic
William Gull 3-Gullible: He fled
William Gull 3-Gullible: Brief pause
William Gull 3-Gullible: I turn to sneeze again
William Gull 3-Gullible: Manic wanders back in to get sneezed on again
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: geeze cornwind
Sergeant Purley Stebbins: get a hanky


Sergeant Purley Stebbins: mentally figuring out Gysel's height, resisting urge to make another small character...


Beastly Chicken: i
Beastly Chicken: i learned too much about tanukis today
RubyChao: is it the part about their balls
Beastly Chicken: yes

Monday, March 13, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 280: Boss Baby

Komodo: Okay um
iKomodo: this episode got dark as fuck
iKomodo: a woman got hit by a truck and had to have a blood transfusion
iKomodo: also it's implied she's psychic and also the daughter of Zetton
ivel: Zetton?
iKomodo: which further implies an alien monster got his bone on at some time before the series
iKomodo: and Jesus Christ look at the time
ivel: ahahaha
Baking Cupcakes: and thats how psychics are born, Sammy
Baking Cupcakes: Brandon: D:
Baking Cupcakes: Sammy: >:I
iKomodo: This thing, Ivel
Baking Cupcakes: that thing could not have given birth to a psychic
ivel: I mean
Baking Cupcakes: i
Baking Cupcakes: i refuse
ivel: that face
ivel: that's all I have to say about that :U
iKomodo: Oh yeah, her dad also contacted her and told her "yo I'm gonna kill Ultraman"
Morose Sheep: The Secret Origins of Psychics!
Morose Sheep: You heard it here first!
Draco: Sammy is Baltan's daughter.
Baking Cupcakes: woah man, Baltan dated a girl in FLORIDA
Baking Cupcakes: and he hadn't even graduated from high school
Morose Sheep: Baltan actually had a fling with Florida
Morose Sheep: back in the day
Baking Cupcakes: oh my
Baking Cupcakes: sammy has very questionable origins indeed
Morose Sheep: When he was young, wild, and free
ivel: he got the magic power of the music in him?
Baking Cupcakes: someone remind me not to make character origins while high
iKomodo: Okay I got it wrong
iKomodo: This is the girl's dad - a Zettonian
Draco: Wait, is that what you think I do? D:
iKomodo: The Zetton monster is just a weapon made by that race
Draco: Ew.
Baking Cupcakes: lewd: ​he even has a sperm for a head D:


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: aloha
Morose Sheep: alola
Baking Cupcakes: alola
Morose Sheep: aloe vera
RubyChao: alomomola
Draco: AloHA
Morose Sheep Jrm reevaluates his decision to to enter the chatroom
Baking Cupcakes: :,C
Draco: I'm the only one who said Aloha back. He must not feel like he's in Hawaii.
Jumpropeman: Mary Kate and Ashley taught me one thing, and that the word "aloha" means anything you want it to
Jumpropeman: so
Jumpropeman: aloha aloha aloha >:I
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Jumpropeman: aloha gooper


Morose Sheep: to thy self be true
Morose Sheep sheds glitter

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 279: Aggie In Strangvia

Orrie Cather: funnily enough, despite my position being eliminated soon, they really gussied up the office and turned the desk back to facing people instead of away
Gooper Blooper: they're gonna sit the robot at the desk and he'll wave at everyone
RubyChao: well hey, Robot was designed for that, after all
Orrie Cather: ive been RPing machines that help old people
Orrie Cather: and now one takes my job
Orrie Cather: not sure if that's irony


RubyChao: "Its title character is a young woman named Skye who lives in a fantasy realm searching for her mother. She does not use firearms, but can perform magic using Skittles candies, as well as use her staff as a melee weapon, though it also becomes an energy weapon when used in conjunction with the Skittles."
RubyChao: ah, product placement
Gooper Blooper: SKITTLES
RubyChao: "A 300-page script, by lead writer and designer Andy Wolfendon, was written and submitted to Mars, which only asked to change a joke, utterances of "damn" and "remove all the snakes from the game." When Braswell asked for clarification, they said that there could be snake-like creatures, but no actual snakes."
Gooper Blooper: That's a weird one. I guess they just hate snakes
RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: skittles removing lime was one of the greatest betrayals in maria's life
BEFRIEND CLEFFA: it is the biggest betrayal of my life
BEFRIEND CLEFFA: and i will never forgive them for it
BEFRIEND CLEFFA: i will gorge on kit kats instead :I
Draco: Lime was a good Skittle.
RubyChao: not the best tho
RubyChao: that will always be grape
Draco: True facts


Draco: "I would like a Brgrgr with a side of personal space, please. ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )" is still my favorite line.
Gooper Blooper: edea was very excited okay
Draco: ​It's a shame Edea left for Eternia. Parsee was going to order more Brgrgrs in the off-season.
Draco: ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
Gooper Blooper: noooo
Draco: Fortunately Stacy is the best chef ever.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 278: Some Meaty In My Cheesy

Slam Jammin Japan asked Chatzy to choose between he and he. Chatzy chose: he
Slam Jammin Japan asked Chatzy to choose between has and has. Chatzy chose: has
Slam Jammin Japan asked Chatzy to choose between no and no. Chatzy chose: no

Slam Jammin Japan: choose style, style
Slam Jammin Japan: fuck


Del: i feel bad because i kept dunking on shantae for being a game for people who like midriffs


PhoneDel: The Shovel Knight ruse was a distaction
PhoneDel: I has the Shantae


Sora: i somehow want to go ice scating
Sora: ...
Sora: skating.
Nero Wolfe: gross
Gooper Blooper: I'M THE SCATMAN


Nero Wolfe: if I can't use it on my lap, NO ONE CAN
Gooper Blooper: "I'm mildly inconvenienced! TIME TO NUKE ALL MY DATA"


Sora: sarah
Sora: *holds up a white mage*

Monday, March 6, 2017

Here Be Monsters, Part 3

In the stifling, choking fog, Ariel, Penny, and Rinoa clenched their weapons, holding them at the ready with trembling hands. Their boat was overturned, nobody knew where they were, and the animal they thought was going to eat them had just itself been eaten by an unknown SOMETHING that was even larger.

All was quiet, silent, and still. All the girls could hear was the sound of their own breathing and the gentle lapping of the water against the shore. Then, some forty or fifty feet away, they heard the water churn as something emerged from it. There was the sound of something being dragged across the marshy earth. Ariel looked back at her companions, and she saw the same terrified, uncertain looks on their faces that she knew she must be wearing as well. What do they do? Is the creature leaving to feast on its' seafood dinner? Should they try and get the skiff righted? Would that draw more trouble?

Finally, Ariel swallowed and understood that if someone didn't take control of the situation, the three of them would just stand here quaking in fear until they were all dead. She gathered her composure. "Okay. Let's get the skiff upright and get out of here. It's probably still seaworthy, I don't think Hyneria broke any holes in it."


The girls edged into the water, wincing as the sloshing liquid made noises. They had to act quickly. Penny, Ariel, and Rinoa gripped the skiff and tried to push the end they held up and over to make the boat roll right-side up. With all the sounds of water, they didn't hear one more splash added to the chorus.

They had nearly gotten the skiff onto its' side when Penny saw the dark shape moving towards her in the water. "IT'S HERE!" she screamed, making a break for the shore. Ariel and Rinoa hurriedly followed, as a mouth big enough to swallow a truck tire whole snapped at the air where they had been standing only moments before. The girls quickly aimed their weapons as the creature finally revealed itself...

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Here Be Monsters, Part 2

The air was thick and heavy, almost tangible in its' mass. Ariel felt like she was breathing cotton candy, but instead of sugary sweetness it was a swamplike stench. Visibility was poor. The girls could see about twenty feet in front of their faces clearly, but then their surroundings began to fade away into the mist.

"I don't like this at all..." Penny said, looking down at her feet as they slightly squashed on the damp ground. "What IS this place?"

"Something about this island feels... wrong." Ariel concurred, nodding. But her urge to explore it kept her going. She was frightened, true... but she was also very excited. An uncharted island, discovered by the World Progress Alliance?! Think of the publicity! So, carefully, she led her two companions forward. Ariel and Rinoa kept one hand on their bows, ready to shoot if necessary, while Penny carried a tranquilizer gun. Not the most devastating of armaments, but they should do if a wild animal got uppity with them.

As Ariel walked slowly forward, watching her step and remaining vigilant, she suddenly caught sight of something in the sky... she thought. It was blurry and foggy, and when she looked, it was gone. Might have been just a trick of the eyes.

The first definite sign of life was spotted in a tidal pool. Ariel stopped the others when she saw something squirming out of the corner of her eye, and slowly moved in to take a look. Within the pool were several inch-long wormlike creatures. Each one crawled around on the bottom of the pool on a dozen fleshy, boneless legs, and their backs were lined with pointy spines. Their tiny, near-featureless heads waggled to and fro as they sifted the water for nutrients.

"...What the..."

Ariel knelt down, studying the creatures closely. Her eyes were wide. Penny knelt down next to her.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Here Be Monsters, Part 1

Here Be Monsters, it said simply.

Within her World Progress Alliance base on Kuwahawi's main island (really basically just a clubhouse), with her friends Penny and Rinoa at her sides, Ariel looked down at the faded, worn map in her hands. The Kuwahawi Archipelago was not yet fully studied and understood. One thing or another had come up time and again to keep the archipelago out of the minds of explorers and scientists. Another, closer and larger island, or lack of funding, or bad weather, or any of a million excuses. Civilization was coming to the islands, true, or at least some of them, but it had been remarkably slow, and there were at least a few islands in the vicinity that were not known well at all. These islands were uninhabited by humans - at least as far as anyone knew - and at least one was not even included in some maps. Given modern aerial photography, Ariel didn't understand why...

Regardless, this was all she had to go on. An old map passed down from residents of the mainland, made untold years ago by some ancient mariner. And all they had to say about this mysterious island was 'Here Be Monsters', accompanied by an elaborate sketch of some kind of monster. It looked like some kind of salamander, but with nozzles on its' knees that sprayed water.

"Well, girls, what do you say?" Ariel asked.

"I say we check it out!" Penny exclaimed, smacking a fist into an open palm. "We're likely to find some new species of animals!"

"New species?" Rinoa perked up at that. "Ah... Aye, it doth be true. Islands are known to carry many unique and beautiful creatures seen nowhere else on this planet..."

"Then it's settled. We'll gather our supplies and catch a skiff to this island, scope it out for a few hours, and head right back here to determine where to go from there. No camping, we don't know what kind of trouble could be on that island."

"Sounds like a plan. Let's do it!"

"It promises to be quite the experience."

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 277: I'm Covered In Hornets

Trufflehunter: "Fireworks market explodes" oh that's nice, I guess with New Year's coming up sales would really pick up- *it literally exploded* ...oh
Gooper Blooper: well, it comes with the territory
RubyChao: from what i read it's not even the first time it exploded
RubyChao: because, again, fireworks


Trufflehunter: "a chemistry is performed so that a chemical reaction occurs and generates a signal from the chemical interaction with the sample, which is translated into a result, which is then reviewed by certified laboratory personnel."
Trufflehunter: That is the most science sounding science I ever heard!
Gooper Blooper: josephine etc
Trufflehunter: I actually got it from a story about a lady who scammed her way to 9 billion dollars with fake blood testing equipment
Trufflehunter: "When Cramer asked Holmes for a terse true-or-false answer about an accusation in the article, she replied with a meandering 198-word retort."


Trufflehunter: just finished reading a synopsis of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Trufflehunter: *brain sparks and struggles not to shut down*
RubyChao: yeah when those spoilers leaked people thought they were fake because of how absurd and nonsensical they seemed
RubyChao: nope
RubyChao: all real


Missile Sheep: I can never remember Tenshi's last name correctly
RubyChao: just use "banana"
RubyChao: it's close enough
Missile Sheep: As a small "joke" that probably didn't play, I had Squid call her Hinawani or soemething during a fite vote
Draco: Tenshi Kuwahawi