Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 275: Alola Edition

RubyChao: i actually tried to search "mizuki" on danbooru recently before i remembered that oh right that's not her canon name


Lucy Pevensie: >​"Ships December 29th-January 25th"
Lucy Pevensie: >:I
Lucy Pevensie: >​Expedited shipping: "$48 to get it sooner!"
Lucy Pevensie: ​>:I
RubyChao: HO HO HO HO


Lucy Pevensie: did a bit of Christmas shopping, most of it wasn't really discounted for the holiday but once I got the discounted ones I just said "Screw it" and bought some others too :P
Lucy Pevensie: unrelated but wouldn't it be funny if you totally PM'd me your address on the forum some time?
Brinehammer: Nice! I still need to shop, sooner or later. I believe it though. If you're ever in Ohio, swing by!
Lucy Pevensie: Whenever Self-Driving cars get big you bet I'm taking cross-country road trips while I'm sleeping in the front seat


Lucy Pevensie: "Richard Nixon admitted in later life that he dreamed of becoming a rapper, saying "I have often thought that if there had been a good rap group around in those days, I might have chosen a career in music instead of politics.""
Lucy Pevensie: I'd kill to hear Nixon rap


Gooper Blooper: remember when I played Pokemon White and my team slowly filled up with bug types
Gooper Blooper: it's happening again in Moon
ivel: sounds about right
Gooper Blooper: Half the team is bugs
Gooper Blooper: two more ​look​ like bugs but aren't actually bugs
Gooper Blooper: the odd one out is a misdreavus because Viola
ivel: something about your team really
ivel: bugs me


RubyChao: another thought i had while looking at alolan desks and the computers on them
RubyChao: it's actually really cool that you can see the progress of technology over the past twenty years both in a meta and in-game context when it comes to pokemon
RubyChao: compare what we see of computers in gen 1 to gen 7
RubyChao: and of course what gen 1 and gen 7 look like :V
Gooper Blooper: What really hammered it in for me was some of the enemy trainers
RubyChao: the ones with smartphones, right :V
Gooper Blooper: specifically, ​the tourists carrying their tablets everywhere
Gooper Blooper: ...yes :V
RubyChao: ​reminder that one of them was literally named Mariah, that was too perfect
Gooper Blooper: but yeah, one of them starts going on about apps and I'm like "we've come a long way from 'It's a SNES!'"
RubyChao: Better get going!
Gooper Blooper: I know it doesn't get the love Fat Science Guy does
Gooper Blooper: but pokemon wouldn't be complete without the little nintendo console ad in the player's room
RubyChao: yep
RubyChao: i mentioned this already, but one of the things i was most looking forward to finding out was "did Fat Science Guy make his obligatory appearance"
RubyChao: i was very happy when i found out he did


Gooper Blooper: catching legendaries is always a tricky business
Gooper Blooper: Either I catch it too early and it feels like, to borrow a phrase from SK, a damp squib
Gooper Blooper: Or it takes goddamn forever and it's just annoying
Gooper Blooper: gotta get that sweet spot of like a fifteen-turn battle


RubyChao: "I always get a little down when I get home. Maybe I can travel forever?" - you all know very well why I'm posting this trainer quote
Gooper Blooper: Hahahaha yeah I saw that one and thought exactly what you're thinking


Jumpropeman: Rainbow Dash and I were talking just now, and she says "How's Zoofights? Were they mad when Rainbow Dash didn't win?" and I said "No... I think they're kind of used to that now" and she immediately 180'd and left the room
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: I love how it's been half a decade and she's still so defensive of her favorite pony
RubyChao: "I call it: Rainbow Dash!" "More like belongs in the trash (of death)"
Gooper Blooper: see you next summer dashie
Gooper Blooper: you'll die again and JRM will make it even sillier and we'll all kek


RubyChao: the new pokemon game had a jurassic park reference
RubyChao: on the second island, ​there's a guy in a trailer who says his big dream is to build a park entirely themed around fossil pokemon
RubyChao: ​including, of course, resurrecting them from their fossils
Sick: ​The fool. The brilliant, stupid, clueless fool.


Monsterman entered for the first time
Jumpropeman: hello
Sick: Hello, there.
M Sheep: And he was gone in a flash
M Sheep: The Monsterman
Sick: I hope he enjoys the Mash.


Winterwulf: I'm proud of your nerd resolve, children


Harpy: did they make flabebe and its evo line fairy/grass yet.
Jumpropeman: nope


Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: "Mr. Tumnus: also apparently, there was a Mortal Kombat tv series in the 90s"
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: There was!
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: The last episode of Season 1 had Shao Kahn seemingly going "Enough of this." and unleashing these invincible shadow warriors we'd never seen and heard of before
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: And while he and Raiden had a chat on a smokey blank set, they went and killed everyone
RubyChao: oh wow
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: Literally everyone, every single named character
RubyChao: so does shao khan just win
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: The idea was that when Season 2 began, it would be revealed this was a sort of nightmare premonition and hence the writers could decide who actually lived and died
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: ....except the show got cancelled
Jumpropeman: top quality writing
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: So it ended with the villain KILLING ALL THE HEROES AND WINNING
RubyChao: nice
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: They had to explain it in the official MK timeline since the show was canon then
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: And they couldn't have all the named characters dead because some of them were still around when the games started
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: So they put in a line about how "The Elder Gods were enraged at Shao Kahn's overreach, so they turned back time and put everyone back. And then they decided they didn't want this to happen again so they put all the characters back where they had been at the start and wiped their memories."
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: So the whole show ended up negated
Gooper Blooper: good work, team
ivel: welp
RubyChao: rip


Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: Back when they were making the very first Mortal Kombat, with the real life sprites and all
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: All the actors could flip back to their feet and be recorded doing it as get up animations
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: But the guy playing Raiden couldn't, because every time he did it his hat fell off
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: So eventually the game makers went "OKAY FINE! Instead he just...REMATERILIZE-TELE​PORTS BACK UP TO HIS FEET!"
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: And others went "How?"
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: "...BECAUSE HE'S ACTUALLY A GOD OF THUNDER!"
RubyChao: well that's one way to fix it
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: And so basically the whole start of the MK lore was because a guy couldn't get up without losing his hat


Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: -reach down to pet Manic-
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: -Can't see so I start smacking his nose with the side of my hand-
Pregnant Gnat Tried To Kill Me: He does not approve
Gooper Blooper: you tried


ivel: My brain: finish this book!
-Me: but it's 3 AM.
-Brain: do it
-Me: pretty convincing

ivel: Is this you, Chao :U
RubyChao: yep


Gooper Blooper: There is no long-term plan for Sumi right now, now that she's had her big plot and stuff I'm not sure exactly what she'll be doing going forward
RubyChao: be a nerd


Jumpropeman: this morning, I went to play my Virtual Boy, and it wasn't working. After I took the game out and tried to put a new one in, it wouldn't snap in and start, and when I would shake the Virtual Boy, I could hear rattling inside and looking in I could see a piece moving around. Desperately I tried to ram the game in and get it to work... but then I jammed a knife in there and pulled the piece out. Turns out... that piece was a dust protector that had been on Virtual Boy Wario Land. Somehow, the game was able to work in the Virtual Boy with the dust protector on, but taking it out left the protector behind and made it impossible to play anything else until it was removed. Then i was able to play Mario Clash until my nose was sore
Gooper Blooper: that was close!
Draco: O_o
ivel: I thought jrm was sending a creepypasta at first
ivel: and then it was Wario Land
Draco: Just playing Virtual Boy is creepy enough.
ivel: true
Gooper Blooper: I thought he was writing a pasta at first too :V
Jumpropeman: I was certainly scared
Jumpropeman: you should see the Virtual Boy
Jumpropeman: the screws holding it together require some nonexistant tool to undo
Jumpropeman: so I thought there would be no way to fix it


M Sheep: You know, I'm beginning to think Goops likes Charjabug
Draco: I don't think he does.
Draco: He only wants Charjabug so he can get it beat up by Rattatas.
Gooper Blooper: there's more to me than that
Gooper Blooper: I also like Grubbin


M Sheep: Oh my god, this clickbait title: "WHY PLAYERS HAVE TURNED AGAINST 'POKEMON GO'"
M Sheep: the fans, they've TURNED!


Jumpropeman: "I'm a nerd"
Jumpropeman: what an intro line for Sumireko
Jumpropeman: "I took good care of Butterfree in Pokemon Refresh on 11/28/2016"
Jumpropeman: Gooper petting bugs
Jumpropeman: not big surprise
Gooper Blooper: I don't know how Butterfree became such a long-lasting party member
Gooper Blooper: it just kind of happened


M Sheep: "You must be the Kobbers! No other group would look so ragtag or pile into my lab unannounced in this manner..."
M Sheep: I mean
M Sheep: He's not wrong
M Sheep: MAYBE the Lightning Bolt Society
M Sheep: But I like to think they have a little more class than that
Jumpropeman: they would announce themselves at least
Draco: No, the Lightning Bolts ​would announce themselves​ ​have class​ get stuck at the front door.
Jumpropeman: draco's right
M Sheep: It's that darn tree costume
M Sheep: "Science is about progress! It does not matter what steps must be taken to ensure it, even if you must set aside things such as "ethics"."
M Sheep: Seemed to be another recurring thing this year
Draco: That's exactly how Yamame feels about baking.
Jumpropeman: Owen, Naeem, Engelstein, and DeMonde have Mad Science Mondays where they meet up and discuss new morally bankrupt experiments
M Sheep: Englestein, Dr. Zara, Dr Naeem, Colins Corp...feel like i'm forgetting-
M Sheep: oh, well, there you go
M Sheep: Can't believe I forgot Owen
M Sheep: I will have to fall on my sword to repair this disgrace
M Sheep: and mail Owen my kidneys
M Sheep: "Progress at the expense of others is hardly progress at all. It took me a long time to see that. "
Jumpropeman: it was a good year for Bulgrave
M Sheep: Always interesting to see Bulgrave tangle with other men of letters
M Sheep: and numbers
Jumpropeman: but what about punctuation marks?
M Sheep: Let's not get crazy now
Jumpropeman: ​Dr. Zara's face was mostly made of those after all
M Sheep: Although, if I may comment, I've found this interesting
M Sheep: Despite Engelstein largely coming off, so far, as a fun return to form of the delicious, cackling mad scientist
RubyChao: that was pretty much what i was going for, yes
RubyChao: i just decided to go full bore on the classic mad scientist villain type
M Sheep: He spends a lot of time talking about the importance of moving science forward and often presses upon others the heights of his genius and prowess to others present in pretty much all of his appearances
RubyChao: that's engelstein, alright
M Sheep: But, thus far, all his creations are actually recreations
M Sheep: He's yet to really make anything entirely new on his own merits
RubyChao: huh, i never actually thought about it, but that's an interesting point
RubyChao: see this is why i like sheep reads rp
M Sheep: But then if you take into account something like the B.O.X augmented by Medals, it's more like he's making a better wheel
M Sheep: or at least a different wheel
M Sheep: which is sort of science in a nutshell
Jumpropeman: science is about PROGRESS, not INNOVATION
M Sheep: and, yeah, that's discussion you then get into if you examine a deliberately written as a B Movie mad scientist far more closely than actually needed
M Sheep: Next: Sheep disassembles WALL!! as a character in his 206 page essay "What is a wall?"
Jumpropeman: "On the nature of WALL!! and his predilection towards the exaggerated female form"
M Sheep: "They called me mad, you know!"
RubyChao: i had to do it, sheep
RubyChao: i had to do it
M Sheep: Wouldn't be proper otherwise!


RubyChao: there is a strange metal bar i don't remember in my laundry basket
RubyChao: that's very odd
Jumpropeman: how could your forget your cybernetic attachment?


RubyChao: never forget floatzel ;_;7
M Sheep: who?


Phone asked Chatzy to choose between fast food, home, get well, write shit later and do over. Chatzy chose: write shit later
Phone asked Chatzy to choose between fast food and home. Chatzy chose: fast food

Jumpropeman: darn, was hoping Get Well would be pic- HERESY
iKomodo: Hahaha
Phone: Grease for Slaanesh


M Sheep: Let's see, it's not procrastination if it's dinner, is it?


Mr. Goodbar: "Dictionary.com has named "xenophobia" its 2016 Word of the Year" seriously, 2016?
RubyChao: didn't they name an actual emoji their word of the year once
Goodbar Blooper: build a wall of dictionaries to keep out the illiterates
RubyChao: as in not "emoji", the actual emoji
Mr. Goodbar: was it the poop emoji?
Mr. Goodbar: or maybe the peach butt?
Goodbar Blooper: It was the REAL NIGGA HOURS HIT THAT LIKE emoji
Mr. Goodbar: its the lol of a new generation


Muteable Sheep: Gosh darnit
Muteable Sheep: roommates are having people over


Shasta: this is the only candy I want for Christmas
Gooper Blooper: ~a dainty morsel~
ivel: I expected it to be DJ Candy
ivel: I did not expect it to be something that unpleasant
Shasta: sadly there is no DJ Candy merchandise seemingly
RubyChao: oh geez how old is that box
ivel: too old


Shasta: "Plumpy is "The Last of the Plumpa Trolls" and the Caretaker of the Gingerbread Plum Grove" This makes his absence in subsequent Candy Land games rather unfortunate
Shasta: the last of the Plumpa Trolls is no more
Shasta: the character who replaces him is a sapient Gingerbread Tree
Shasta: I think the tree killed him
Shasta: to protect its plums


Aravis: I realize this name might look vaguely Asmodeus-esque
Aravis: I can assure you, I am definitely not Jumpropeman
Aravis: I wouldn't even know a guy named Jumpropeman!
Aravis: seriously, who would like jump ropes that much to name himself after one
Aravis: sounds like a right tosser


SteelKomodo: ​His next mistake was thinking he could ride Tauros. Some say Mele Mele Island still echoes with his terrified screams.


Harpy: Bagon will never not be anything BUT a bagel


(Harpy attempts to catch a Mareanie by making Corsola call for help)

Harpy: and nobody came
Harpy: rip
Gooper Blooper: B U T N O B O D Y C A M E
Jumpropeman: its the unpopular corsola
Gooper Blooper: No one else... IS GONNA GET TO SEE YOU GET CAUGHT
Harpy: imagine a horde SOS battle
Harpy: that'd be fucking insane
Gooper Blooper: the 3DS just explodes

(Eventually, the Mareanie appears...)

Harpy: i wanna watch it murder corsola in some sick, twisted game
Harpy: but it hasn't done anything
Harpy: oh it HAS done stuff
Harpy: its just that corsela fucking hardened enough
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: Wait, the Mareanie is attacking the Corsola?!
Harpy: unfortunately that means i have to murder you, corsey
Harpy: YES
Harpy: IT IS.
Gooper Blooper: DEEPEST LORE
Harpy: the pokedex entry isn't fucking kidding when they say mareanies love those branches
Harpy: same applies to sableeye and carbinks
Gooper Blooper: oh my god the Corsola's calls for help are used by Mareanie as a hunting beacon
Gooper Blooper: that's twisted and I love it

(And finally, Harpy caught her Mareanie!)

Harpy: i'd name this thing "fucker" but that's censored


RubyChao: "Now, you may be wondering, why am I scheduling the finale before parts 2 and 3? It's because 2 and 3 are flexible in when they can happen and don't have to be back to back, but I need the two-part finale to be two days in a row for it to flow correctly."
RubyChao: imagine if goops didn't bother
RubyChao: SARAH HAS JUST BEEN KIDNAPPED BY BARON SAMEDI'S TRUE FORM and we'll check back in a week
RubyChao: see you then!
Jumpropeman: eh, its just sarah


Draco: Well, Goops left. Now we're doomed.


Brief Spy Cameo During Finals: Why am I playing WWE Supercard again


Gooper Blooper: So here's a fun moment from my Adventures In Bargain Hunting
Gooper Blooper: I saw a Jurassic Park Collection DVD set at Walmart that was going for I think thirty bucks and it had all four movies on it
Draco: GASP. That's less than ten dollars a movie!
Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom likes the series so I considered it, but it felt a little pricey especially because we already have Jurassic World's DVD
Gooper Blooper: Then I checked the bargain bin where they tossed all their four-dollar DVDs and found Jurassic Park 3
Gooper Blooper: I kept digging, found Lost World
Gooper Blooper: And then, after much more digging, I managed to find the original too
RubyChao: well that solved that problem
Gooper Blooper: 30 dollar value for 12 bucks, whammo
Gooper Blooper: probably missed out on some special features but we never watch those anyway
Gooper Blooper: You just KNOW the screamer for Five Nights At JP would just be the T rex roar
ivel: I like watching deleted scenes and bloopers
ivel: there's a Five Nights at Jurassic World
ivel: and it's apparently shit (go figure)
Draco: Huge surprise.


Bree-Hee-Hinny-Hoo-Hah: *looking at my old paystubs now that I can*
Bree-Hee-Hinny-Hoo-Hah: Holy crap, at some point I got a raise!
Bree-Hee-Hinny-Hoo-Hah: *throws a dime, nickel and three pennies into the air*
MThwarbldypeg Sheep (MThwarteohwhy Sheep) joined the chat
Bree-Hee-Hinny-Hoo-Hah: hi sheep!
MThwarbldypeg Sheep: Hullo
MThwarbldypeg Sheep scumbag who enters chat with nothing to say
Bree-Hee-Hinny-Hoo-Hah: *throws a dime, nickel, and three pennies at sheep*


Shasta: Ratatoing is amazing

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