Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 273: Bigger Than The Washington Monument

WorkDel: okay serious question for SK
WorkDel: is dirk in the high heels
SteelKomodo: i... don't know?
WorkDel: wrong answer
WorkDel: >:I
SteelKomodo: okay fine he is
WorkDel: yaaaaaaay
SteelKomodo: is this really important >:I
WorkDel: yes


The distracted: Lewdjokes
Barpost rather
2Goopy: can't it be both?
The distracted: It would rather appear to be. =v


Jumpropeman: "He was really difficult, as hard as fighting a witch convinced she was a goddess! But we managed to take him out eventually!"
Jumpropeman: don't worry Dia, we'll find out how to stop Sonia some day
Jumpropeman: *installs the Witch Windows*
Harpy: well it's actually a completely different witch
Harpy: Sonia is a good goddess
spoopvel: a gooddess
Harpy: like the crazy aunt who gives you tongs of gan- plz
Harpy: *tons
Harpy: *of candy
Harpy: yes tongfuls of gangrene or whatever
Harpy: how
Jumpropeman: that's why she has to be stopped of course


Harpy: "those burgundys sure are bears"
Harpy: -harpykuro, 2016


Jumpropeman: so back in 2004 it was coming up on the presidential election, and George W. Bush was going up against John Kerry
Jumpropeman: As people started looking into John Kerry's life a bit more, people and the media realized he was married to the lady who was heiress to Heinz ketchup
2Goopy: Oh god I forgot about the ketchup thing
Jumpropeman: suddenly, Republicans lost their shit over Heinz ketchup, saying it was leftist and refusing to buy it
Deleton Warriors: Lol
Deleton Warriors: Ketchup
Jumpropeman: so instead, they created their own ketchup, and called it W
Jumpropeman: look at the back of it too
Jumpropeman: it is so freaking American and try-hard
RubyChao: even general cleft would be like "woah, slow down there"
Deleton Warriors: Ameriketchup
Deleton Warriors: Fuck yeah?
Jumpropeman: from their website: W Ketchup was launched on June 14, 2004, nine days after President Ronald Reagan died at age 93. We thank President Reagan for his selfless service to this nation.
Reagan won the Cold War, let private enterprise flourish, and most of all made Americans proud to be Americans again.
“We look for that fine day when we will see him again, all weariness gone, clear of mind, strong and sure and smiling again, and the sorrow of this parting gone forever. May God bless Ronald Reagan and the country he loved.”

Jumpropeman: check out these comments too
Jumpropeman: its basically all anti-heinz
Deleton Warriors: Heinz is British tho
Deleton Warriors: And we all fascist
Jumpropeman: "My 6 yr old grandson says, "No Way" to Hunts which I switched to over Heinz for obvious reasons."
Jumpropeman: obvious reasons
Deleton Warriors: The right wing should love heinz


RubyChao: ...oh hey, goops, i just realized
RubyChao: -actually, nvm
2Goopy shrug
RubyChao: yeah, changed my mind on something
Jumpropeman: oh hey goops, I just realized
Jumpropeman: you're cute
Jumpropeman: *finger guns*
2Goopy: kek
RubyChao: kek
Harpy: jrm sounds just like ivel
spoopvel: that sounds like you too :U


Bree: when are we getting that seventeen-page dissertation on pokemon-digimon relations
Jumpropeman: after Phantomonplot


ivel: Inurian: Do you remember that terrifying mcdonalds mascot "mac tonight"?
-ivel: yes
-ivel: because of a certain group of RPers I can never forget him :U
-ivel: anyway, why?
-Inurian: was just reminded of him
-Inurian: xD

ivel: welp
ivel: #ruined
SteelKomodo: #ruined


Draco: Gonna write me some epic Paru when I get home to wrap up.
RubyChao: paru paru, paruuuuu, until we paru again
Jumpropeman: Season change, time parus by, until the weeks become the months become the years


Jumpropeman: I've been trying to find a picture of a robot body for Dr. Zara, but the only designs that match my idea are also, sadly, drawn as porn. Dr. Zara's not THAT sexy :I
Gooper Blooper: curses
Bree: it'd probably be okay to just describe it with text?
Jumpropeman: that's pretty much the plan currently. If I do enact my plan to RP her one day, I'll probably just draw it up myself
Jumpropeman: ​or pay Setz NO! no more commissions :I for now :I
RubyChao: ​*sneaks off to pay setz for JRM*
Gooper Blooper: *JRM pays Setz a thousand dollars to illustrate the entire Brawl*


Jumpropeman: the theme of my 2016 wrap-up posts is: *frets*


Stuff: Sheep's Island main character?
Jumpropeman: that would be a sheep character, no fooling
Jumpropeman: the only problem with your theory
Jumpropeman: is sheep having a main character :V


RubyChao: [6:38 PM] HDT: I just saw an add for a reeces cup deep dish cup that has reeces pieces inside
[6:38 PM] HDT: Has humanity overstepped its boundaries?
[6:41 PM] Bobo: no
[6:42 PM] Bobo: we need to go deeper
[6:42 PM] Bobo: we can go deeper
[6:45 PM] HDT: Giant reeces pieces filled with a deep dish reeces cup filled with reeces pieces
[6:46 PM] Bobo: and in those reeces pieces are mini reeces peanut butter cups

RubyChao: this makes me think of those ridiculous season 1 sarah fuds
Gooper Blooper: sarah would eat that
Jumpropeman: the turducken of chocolate
ivel: I want that deep dish now


Jumpropeman: "Apple devastated emoji users when they unveiled that the new update to iOS would have a new peach emoji that did not look like a booty."


iKomodo: Jesus fuck my mind is being consumed by the meme we call 7 GRAND DAD
iKomodo: I've watched this one remix so many times
Jumpropeman: GRAND DAD


WorkDel: tossing edrick into the bleed is a good idea that will not come back to fuck us up
Stuff: I assume that to be sarcasm ​because I thought the same
WorkDel: it is
Jumpropeman: and that's when we ban Cornwind for an entire season
iKomodo: TBH if CW was gonna do that
iKomodo: i think he would have done the throwing with more ceremony
iKomodo: Also I'm okay, fv
Jumpropeman: I doubt Cornwind has that planned because I wager he didn't plan this reaction to Erdrick at al
WorkDel: yeah erdrick was always this kinda mentor/comic relief character
WorkDel: so the fact he came off the way he did was like
WorkDel: wow
WorkDel: i feel like he should have got some lines though
Jumpropeman: something like I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, GADGET!
WorkDel: ah, classic


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: oink
WorkDel: hi jumpropepig


ivel: "10 Worst Street Fighter Characters of All Time"
ivel: >​picture of Skullomania
ivel: >:I
Deletons: sounds intensely wrong
SteelKomodo: >:I


Gooper Blooper: tell us how Deadfall and Devil's Heir did at the box office
Playing SVU Link-Up asked Chatzy to choose between okay, bad, great and FRANCHISE BABY. Chatzy chose: okay
Playing SVU Link-Up waves hand.
Playing SVU Link-Up asked Chatzy to choose between bad, great, good, horrible, total bomb and FRANCHISE BABY. Chatzy chose: total bomb
Playing SVU Link-Up: ....I should have been okay with it
Gooper Blooper: pfffff
Playing SVU Link-Up: Screw that, the classic tractor
ivel: ahahahahaha
Playing SVU Link-Up rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
RubyChao: rekt
Harpy: i'm sorry what
Gooper Blooper: We're back to okay
Playing SVU Link-Up: Once again we get okay
RubyChao: i think you'll have to settle for "okay"
Playing SVU Link-Up rolled a die with 10 sides. The die showed: 3
Playing SVU Link-Up: ....I'll be over here now
RubyChao: Deadfall did okay, but you've still got Devil's Heir
Playing SVU Link-Up: Fine. HOW DID DEVIL'S HEIR DO
Playing SVU Link-Up rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Playing SVU Link-Up: ....fitting as that was the more developed idea.


Rolly Duckfield: my post RP idea is ​Harry Potter marries Ginny and Ron and Hermione get married and everyone has wizard kids, but I regret it in a few years and forget that those were more appropriate pairings and give in to the shippers
Rolly Duckfield: make sure to also check up ZFRP 2.5 where Harry Potter kicks a blitzball and dies so I can make Ginny sexy and single again
RubyChao: that's my favorite ZFRP
Draco: My favorite ZFRP was when Sarah found out Celestia was her mother after their duel at Cloud City and Celestia cut off her hand.


Rolly Duckfield: fun fact: I considered naming next year's fite topic Fite Yer' Mates 7: The Fite Awakens
RubyChao: do it


RubyChao: so guys
RubyChao: i was thinking recently
RubyChao: and i believe i have identified the single most absurd individual chaoplot event in all the time i've been here at zfrp
Draco: Was it....Alan Anderson?
RubyChao: nope :V
RubyChao: Patchyplot, because i haven't topped "a sedentary librarian and her friends fight a guy dressed like elvis and a skull on a stick to settle a years-long struggle over who gets to vote on fites"
RubyChao: "and then the skull on a stick piloted a giant robot that looked like her"
Draco: To be fair, that was THIS YEAR. It's not like you did that five years ago and still can't top it.
RubyChao: true
Rolly Duckfield: I think my most ridiculous was my first ever dayplot and ive never recaptured the magic
Gooper Blooper: what WAS JRM's first plot
Rolly Duckfield: Roller Disco Devils :V
RubyChao: why am i not surprised
Gooper Blooper: I will forever associate a quote from that event with the RDD and disco in general
Gooper Blooper: "DO YOU LIKE DISCO, BABE?"
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: do you?
Gooper Blooper: YOU'D BETTER
Gooper Blooper: wo wo


Deletons: holy fuck netrunner
Deletons: my dick is bigger than the washington monument right now
SteelKomodo: DEL PLS
Draco: inhale


Draco rearranges the furniture.


Draco sighs.
Draco: Just saw my first Christmas-themed commercial of the year.
RubyChao: the onslaught has begun
Draco: Samhain unintensifies.


Wyman Manderly: *contemplates posting the all important Horatio wrap-up post*
RubyChao: do it
RubyChao: we all need to see his epilogue
Harpy: kevvy is single
Harpy: *unrelated*
Wyman Manderly: good to know harpy
Wyman Manderly: *makes Horatio ask him out*
Harpy: lel
Gooper Blooper: That Horatio wrapup better be him slapping a bag of kitty litter for an audience of thousands
Wyman Manderly: XD
Gooper Blooper: admission is just 10 dongs at the gate, 5 dongs if you preordered tickets online
Draco: What if I pretended to order tickets online?
RubyChao: 7 dongs
Gooper Blooper: if you don't have the receipt you'd better cough up those extra dongs
Draco: :I
Draco coughs up some dongs.
ivel strange: ew
ivel strange: that's unsanitary
Wyman Manderly: srspost

(Horatio's wrapup is indeed him slapping kitty litter for a cheering crowd... but it's a dream)

RubyChao: this post is amazing
Wyman Manderly: ​I'll try to write some actual write-ups late tonight when there's less work :V
Gooper Blooper: ​even if it's only a dream, it's still beautiful
Gooper Blooper: if my house's kitty litter didn't come in a box instead I'd give it a few good slaps
ivel strange: plz
Wyman Manderly: true art is never appreciated in its time
Gooper Blooper: oh wait, I forgot
Gooper Blooper: We switched to a nice brand because it was dust-free, but there's still an old bag of the cheap stuff down in the basement
Gooper Blooper: I know what I must do
Wyman Manderly: *gooper slaps it, dust explodes off it*
RubyChao: and then goops slaps it and records himself doing so
Wyman Manderly: I kind of hope Goopsbro or Goopsmom catches him and he has to explain himself
Gooper Blooper: For the record, I'm not doing it tonight :V
Gooper Blooper: but perhaps later
Gooper Blooper: because now I just have to know what it sounds like
RubyChao: the next time goops has the house to himself
RubyChao: it will echo with the sounds of slapped kitty litter


Draco: Bad news: there's an actual image result for Ringabel the Hedgehog.
Deletons: oh noooo
Deletons: what a result
SteelKomodo: nooooo D:


ivel asked Chatzy to choose between left and right. Chatzy chose: left
Jumpropeman: that's one way to chose your political leaning
Draco: I make all my decisions based on how much cake a candidate can eat.
RubyChao: *okuu runs for president*
Draco votes for Sarah instead.


Jumpropeman: i wish I was only able to type by blinking because that seems less effort than actually typing it out *flop*


RubyChao: oh man
RubyChao: i just remembered this picture i forgot to show people
RubyChao: reimu being a nerd
Draco: You've ruined her reputation for being a badass.
Gooper Blooper: badass nerd?
RubyChao: so, gloria?
Draco: Yamame will eat anyone who thinks that they're a more badass nerd than Cookie.
Gooper Blooper: Cookie: a name to be feared
Jumpropeman: Cookie vs. Sippy
Gooper Blooper: AVE DOMINUS NOX
RubyChao: so wait, i shouldn't do my 2017 plot where you fight an army of waddle dees that can only be stopped by killing them
Gooper Blooper: Change it so we're killing Scarfies instead
Gooper Blooper: Scarfies are assholes
Jumpropeman: chao, it's rude to take draco's plot away from him
ivel: I was gonna say that too :U
Jumpropeman: nobody expected the Parasol Waddle Dee heel turn
Gooper Blooper: Parasol Dee has turned her back on the ZFRP Universe
ivel: I still believe in the Dee ;;
ivel: I still Deelieve
RubyChao: what about John Deena
Draco: You've ruined the dramatic conclusion where Bandanna Dee and Parasol Dee talk about their feelings and end the war with a lovely kiss. :I
Draco: Now to write the Clownpiece wrap-up where she announces she's leaving Earth to find the Quintessons and destroy them.
RubyChao: good
RubyChao: nobody likes them anyway
Draco: Unfortunately, they all went to Kuwahawi on vacation.


RubyChao: how the hell am i going to justify tenshi showing up for the brawl
RubyChao: she'd want to watch it
RubyChao: but also >​ocean
RubyChao: (secretly she was freaking out half the time in BBB5)
Gooper Blooper: She can just watch it LIVE VIA SATELLITE
Draco: Watch old episodes of the A-Team and see how they got BA Baracus on planes.
Draco: Drugs, lots of alcohol on the flight there?
Draco: We kidnap Viola and FORCE her to come?
Gooper Blooper: Alternatively, teleportation
RubyChao: alcohol sounds good
Gooper Blooper: oh man
RubyChao: pour booze into tenshi until she forgets about the ocean and then place her in viola's lap
RubyChao: that will be enough
Gooper Blooper: Have Tenshi show up just as drunk as she was when she met Jonesy, and provide drunken brawl commentary all night
Gooper Blooper: "who th' hell are all thesh assholesh" "they are newcomers to the king of beasts, tenshi" "YEAH WELL I WAS BETTER"


Draco: Man, going through old RP and clicking on some of the Youtube links only to find the videos no longer there...
Jumpropeman: going through even older RP and finding the images replaced with NO HYPERLINKING, photobucket cats, and imageshack frogs
RubyChao: IMAGESHACK *foams at mouth*
RubyChao: but yeah, i've sometimes noticed that
RubyChao: "this youtube video describes the situation!"
RubyChao: *video does not exist*
Jumpropeman: "and music begins to play..." Music blocked by WMG group


Jumpropeman: so if it wasn't made obvious lately, I found a strange and sometimes delightful old comic strip called Frolicky Fables that is so 1920s it hurts, with flappers and corny slang galore. Unfortunately... sometimes the worse side of the 1920s shows as well
Jumpropeman: "She longed for a caveman sweetie who would sock her into black-eyed bliss"
RubyChao: i
RubyChao: wow
Harpy: what
Jumpropeman: it may not surprise you that the artist for the strip also made tijuana bibles
Harpy: what
Gooper Blooper: 2017 arielplot: seeing all her sisters paired, Ariel longs for a caveman sweetie
Gooper Blooper: (no)
RubyChao: she ends up with CAPTAIN CAVEMAN
Jumpropeman: my forum stuff are from far better Frolicky Fables


ivel: Aeronaut: oh god it's happened
-Aeronaut: It finally happened
-Aeronaut: I found a giant internet picture that's just a huge collection of physics formulas and thought "Neat, I should save this for reference"
-Aeronaut: Went to save it under the name "PHYSICS" because I'm good at naming images
-Aeronaut: "There is already an image with this name"
-Aeronaut: "Wait what"
-Aeronaut: It's this same image. It's already on my harddrive.
-ivel: XD
-Aeronaut: WHEN

Gooper Blooper: Poor Aeronaut is japed again
Gooper Blooper: this time by himself


Jumpropeman: you know you haven't used a character in a while
Jumpropeman: when you typing in their address bar brings up the old silent hill circumcision debate instead of a picture link for them


Draco: ​Expect Mr. Satan for the Brawl.
Jumpropeman: ​I guess there's no rule against you winning two years in a row
Draco: ​Once I win, you'll have to introduce a two-championship limit and ban me from future Brawls.
Jumpropeman: ​as if I'd cheat people out of Twenty Years of Hercule
Draco: ​Nah. Cirno will beat him in 2019.
Jumpropeman: ​that would also be the final brawl ever, as I fled the results by moving to a log cabin with no electricity
Draco: ​Nah. We'd just send you some envelopes and stamps so you could mail out the Brawl via snail mail.
Phone: The Brawl of a Ven victory will see the world it set out upon destroyed. JRM works to secure future tomorrows for its peoples.


RubyChao: "I saw an approved by Nintendo way to get Pikablu on Red/Blue! I forgot the site name but if you do a search on "Real Pokegod Codes" and look through them, you will probably find it. That's how I found it. Not sure whether it'll work. They also said that if you have a Raticate and a pikachu and nothing else in your 6 pokemon slots, leave your GB on for an hour without touching it and heal at a pokemon center and you'll get Ratichu. My Red version is stolen, so I can't try it."
RubyChao: ah, early 2000s pogeysites
RubyChao: back when nobody had any verification
ivel: amazing


RubyChao: i always like how the Zoofights RP section of the forum has nearly 70,000 posts
RubyChao: and the other three combined are like 130
RubyChao: our priorities are very clear :V
Jumpropeman: its time for the Announcements forum to RISE


Brief: Doctor Briefs is guaranteed the only panties in the world designed to smell of soda. Other companies will sell you fetish wear like candy bikinis that may or may not kill you, but our completely non-edible line is solely for the amusement of the wearer. Getting them out of aluminum cans in the vending machines in Japan only adds to the experience. Try it now, for the novelty! Keep doing it later, when you have something to hide!


Penny: I joked about not working on my profiles or blogposts, but apparently the thing I've decided to do is read a riveting article on wooden pallets
Gooper Blooper: that's just research for BBB7's arena consisting entirely of wooden pallets
Penny: *changes name from Penny to Pallet*
Penny: SHHH
Gooper Blooper: and your 2018 character, a chunk from those wooden pallets who returns seeking revenge
Gooper Blooper: because of course we destroyed the arena again
Penny: "Not all pallets belong to the world of whitewood. The most important other category—and whitewood’s chief antagonist—is the blue pallet. These blues are not just a different color; they are also built differently, and play by different rules, and for the past twenty-five years, the conflict between blue and white has been the central theme in the political economy of American pallets."
RubyChao: well i know what Palletplot is now
Gooper Blooper: oh god there's a fuckin palletplot ready to use
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
ivel: brilliant
Harpy: nobody is ready for palletplot
Gooper Blooper: CONFLICT
RubyChao: kobbers have to defuse a violent civil war over white pallets vs. blue pallets
Harpy: nobody is ready for ginoplot either
ivel: especially Gino
Gooper Blooper: Gino oversleeps and misses his own plot
Harpy: gino too lazy to attend his own plot- shit
ivel: lel
Gooper Blooper: Harpy runs a dayplot and Gino stumbles in at the end and reveals it was meant to be his
Harpy: i'd
Gooper Blooper: "guess you took care of it for me, thanks"
Harpy: i'd fucking laugh
Gooper Blooper: "bye"
Harpy: i'd also fucking do it too


(Chao examines the old forum for possible hints on what JRM could be doing for his Old RP Plot)

RubyChao: i went through and there's some interesting possibilities
RubyChao: ...and also some one post wonders who had absolutely nothing special :V
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, some of them don't offer anything to work with
Gooper Blooper: especially the ones who didn't play a character or even have an avatar
Gooper Blooper: but I'm sure it's a goldmine in there
RubyChao: also i forgot that Final Mantasy was basically Gooper Blooper: The Entrant
Gooper Blooper: she was so beautiful
Gooper Blooper: and so emblematic of season 1 GB RP
RubyChao: (and then she died)
Gooper Blooper: :<
RubyChao: the only problem with me going on this plot
RubyChao: i have no season 1 callbacks to make :V
Gooper Blooper: ​payne​
RubyChao: ​only for the inevitable Uncompleted Courtroom Segment
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: i just realized
RubyChao: jrm ​has​ to reference the Trial of Devil Ed somehow :V
RubyChao: even though ed didn't
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: maybe the evil mailmen are behind it all
Gooper Blooper: and we need to reunite devil ed with his illegitimate child
RubyChao: but where does naiose factor in
Gooper Blooper: when we need something impossibly heavy moved
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: Sarah?
Gooper Blooper: no, Sarah's retired
Gooper Blooper: Gloria
RubyChao: everyone flipping out, "HOW DID YOU DO THAT"
Gooper Blooper: "i dunno its not that hard" *waving Gloria around with one hand while gesturing dismissively*


RubyChao: clownpiece's_reaction_to​_plots_after_brawl


RubyChao: things i forgot
RubyChao: in BBB1, mac tonight died in the same post he was revealed in
RubyChao: just like that
ivel: pff
Gooper Blooper: he did absolutely nothing but play the theme and then die
Gooper Blooper: I asked JRM once if Mac was tractored, since in BBB1 we were barred from voting for the Mystery Fiter
Gooper Blooper: he said he didn't remember
RubyChao: i bet he wasn't
Doran Martell: mac was tractored in BBB1 I believe, or rather, everyone else was tractored and his number never came up


SteelKomodo: there
SteelKomodo: all my wrapups are done
SteelKomodo: and don't anyone mention Dewnine >:I
SteelKomodo: now to ​wank​ consider my 2017 roster
RubyChao mentions Dewnine

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