Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 271: Rainbow Dash Edition

Dong Dong Never Del: Stephnu is vomit-inducingly cute
Dong Dong Never Del: And there is no defense


RubyChao: okay jackal
RubyChao: moment of truth time
RubyChao: have you changed at all
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
RubyChao: apparently, yes!
Gooper Blooper: woah now
Draco: It's not Jackal; it's Ricard in disguise!


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
RubyChao: woah jackal
RubyChao: twice in a row!?
Draco: This is the beginning of Jackal's full-time return to RP. ​Jackal rolls ten straight 1s when he does.


RubyChao: okay jackal
RubyChao: how can you do on defense
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
RubyChao: this isn't the jackal i know
RubyChao: did he spend this entire year training
RubyChao: all in preparation for this day
Gooper Blooper: he got a hold of the same cameo power that made Arthur do so well in the brawl
Mob: He was watching appule's training vids
Draco: He spent two days in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to prepare for the Cell Games Presented By Hetap.
RubyChao: i'm just going to assume that all three of those are canon
Gooper Blooper: I have another more serious one
Jumpropeman: he's on his home turf baby
Gooper Blooper: Before, Jackal usually fought because other people were fighting or because he wanted to steal stuff
Gooper Blooper: Now, he's fighting for his home
Draco: ​Now, he's fighting for Praline.
RubyChao: no, that's raspberry


Surprise! It is a butt joined the chat
Jumpropeman: *faints from surprise*


RubyChao: things i learned today
RubyChao: apparently botwoon is very complicated in the coding of super metroid
iKomodo: Oh?
Jumpropeman: the super nintendo struggles to hold all that power
Draco: Probably because Botwoon's a dozen sprites all stuck together.


Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17

Gooper Blooper: JACKPOT
Gooper Blooper: *crabs rain from the sky*
Draco: 8D
Draco: ​Beth rolls three consecutive 18s.


Jumpropeman: *rolls on Random to hide that he will still do an attack* "If it's a 21 no one will believe it actually was rolled-" *rolls a 21 >​_>​*
Draco: Pics or it didn't happen. ;p
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: JRM, you gave us Mac Tonight, Big Bar Brawl Champion
Gooper Blooper: I know you don't flub tractors
RubyChao: donkey kong and what?
RubyChao: WHAT?
Jumpropeman: you'll never know


Draco starts burying Mob.
Cornwind Evil: I didn't know Mob was in VDEW
Jumpropeman: is that the new Mountain Dew flavor?


Draco: This year I've paid premium prices for THREE nostalgic drinks: Ecto Cooler, Crystal Pepsi, and Surge.
RubyChao: have you achieved Maximum Overnostalgia
Draco: Almost. I need to DRINK the Surge first.
Draco: ​I've also been told Hydrox cookies are being made again so I need to hunt them down.
RubyChao: so what happens if you set up a classic car with a TV that plays old commercials and black and white films, a cassette player in the dashboard, and an atari in the back seat
Gooper Blooper: Chao, that's one of those joke "summoning circles" people make and post on tumblr and stuff
Gooper Blooper: it summons Dolby to be your real life friend
RubyChao: brb building it
Draco: My Very Own Dolby (copyright Dra Co 2016-2017)


Cornwind Evil: Sheep you just had to give Purmina's car weird weapon names for everything and force me to KEEP LOOKING THEM UP
Gooper Blooper: that's why you keep notes
Mblah Sheep: It's true
Gooper Blooper: you wouldn't have to keep asking me what Cannonbeetle does either :V
Gooper Blooper: although the funny part there is that I got Cannonbeetle from Sheep
Gooper Blooper: It's not a Celestia creation, it's a Purnima one
Mblah Sheep: ​I gave them all names just to vex you​ Purnima's always given her stuff weird names
Mblah Sheep: Doesn't even stay consistent
Mblah Sheep: Sometimes we get purple prose gibberish and sometimes we get Hindi
Jumpropeman: Cannonbeetle's original name was Vajiralongkorn Barommachakkrayadisonsan​tatiwongse Deveshrathamrongsubariba​n Abhikhunuprakarnmahittal​aduladej Bhumibholnaresvarangkura​ Kittisirisomburana Savangavadhana Barommakhattiyarajakumar​a
Jumpropeman: Celestia changed it a little


Draco: Patchouli Battle Mode
Jumpropeman: that face at the end
Gooper Blooper: MUKYU


Gooper Blooper: RainbowDash checking out the consolation brawl again
Jumpropeman: maybe she'll read it this time
Jumpropeman: but what will she post without Rainbow Dash to get angry about losing?!?!
Gooper Blooper: Rainbow Dash proclaiming ponies are better than deer and Vinyl's loss was a fluke?
Jumpropeman: just got a bunch of texts from RD saying you cannot kill Blue that way
Jumpropeman: "Only one game of blues clues and she was blown away!!! She almost had him too"
Draco: Owch.
Gooper Blooper: If Blue had gotten further (and Baltan had gone far alongside her - as far as he went would have been okay but ideally he would have gone late) I'd planned to spread out the Blue's Clues over the entire brawl in a sort of Clippy And Widow Maker Lost In The City routine
Gooper Blooper: Instead Blue got last so I had to cram it all in the beginning
Jumpropeman: Rainbow Dash is accusing me and Gooper being in cahoots to rig it against Blue :V
RubyChao: fucking kek
Gooper Blooper: Believe me, I actually WANTED Blue to get far enough to kill something
Gooper Blooper: Hopefully Dubois will soothe her injured ego
Jumpropeman: maybe it will after she's finished reeling :P
Jumpropeman: she's reading the dubois stuff now
Jumpropeman: "Lay in wait, my winner, you lay in wait"
Draco: Uh oh.
Jumpropeman: "I." "I...." "I don't know how I feel about this. A fellow pony down but madame is advancing"
Jumpropeman: here come the "NO"s
Jumpropeman: she's seen 3rd place
Jumpropeman: "WHY ARE MY FAVORITES SO CLOSE BUT NEVER 1st?!?! Outrage! Moosh, my best guy. He know how it's done."
Draco: Moosh is loosh
RubyChao: >​not liking dr. deer
Draco: I feel your pain, Rainbow Dash. Yamame came so close to winning the Brawl, but the victory was stolen from her. D:
Jumpropeman: she did vote for Dr. Deer
Jumpropeman: it's probably a hard pill to swallow. She liked Cleft too but that was the year Rainbow Dash got fourth
Draco: lol
Jumpropeman: also Deer killed Dubois so there may be some salt :V


Draco: Paru Mob is Tutorial Boss '17.
Draco: Jealous from her defeat at Hecatia and Hecatia's hands, Paru goes Paru Paru and tries to Paru the city, forcing everyone to leave after she Parus her Paru to Paru.
Jumpropeman: Paruuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Draco: Then she conquers Peru and renames it Paru.


Bree: some people enjoy jumpscares!
Bree: those people are insane


Gooper Blooper: >​the dirk length
Meow: It's a weapon. And not a particularly flattering one to be named after ​in bed​. =u Double a dagger, half a sword. Sorry, buddy.
Meow: Admittedly, the giant has a might good dirk, there.
Jumpropeman: a dirk's like a foot long ain't it? even at it's smallest it's still a respectable length
Meow: Averages about twelve. Some are as small as six and a half, whereas some have been built in such a mannerism that they cannot be classified as a sword by the handle to blade ratios, but still exceed twenty two inches despite the blade and handle. The latter sort are more often custom jobs than anything. b= Mostly meant to be a long thrusting dagger, the sort you use to puncture armor or slip into holes or seams in it. Get a good under shoulder stab into chest cavity, get through the neck, so on.
Draco: It's not the size of the weapon that matters. It's the one wielding it.


RubyChao: Held in San Francisco's Masonic Center for a crowd of 3,000 invited guests, the 2000 Webby Awards were widely considered the peak of the Webby Awards and a watershed of dot com party culture.[1] The event took place May 11, 2000, shortly before many of the event's perennial nominees and participants suffered business failures in the dot com crash.[2]
RubyChao: Future award events were more somber. By the next year's event, one fifth of the 2000 nominees were out of business, and more than half of the winners had been sold, suffered layoffs, or failed.[2] By 2002, there was not enough money available to pay for a live event.[4]

Gooper Blooper: (you enjoyed your format wars books didn't you)
RubyChao: yes, both dot con and dot bomb were fantastic reads
RubyChao: it really was a wild time
Gooper Blooper: The turn of the century, man
Gooper Blooper: Pokemania, early internet, and hanging chads


RubyChao: oh hey i found a flyer for a 90s party
RubyChao: sadly it's from last week
RubyChao: sorry dolby :<
Draco: Dolby will have her own 90s party.


RubyChao: Name: Sumireko Usami.
Semirenko Salami.
Semirenky Peperami.
Semisumirenkyreko Pepperamisalamiusami.
The Meme Lord.
Small Meme Nerd.

Jumpropeman: Sumemereko


(During the reveal of the Nintendo Switch)

Draco: O_O
Draco: Holy he playing Skyrim on that?!


RubyChao: "I want Part 9's protagonist to be named Joey Joestar."
ivelnx: ​I want part 9's protag to be named Josephine
Draco: ​Josephine Joestar
RubyChao: ​Josephine Jouteille, it's basically just ZFRPsephine as a Jojo
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: i would watch that


Gooper Blooper: That's Mary's second 21
Gooper Blooper: Now to try and figure out how the hell she's going to use it


(re: Twisted Metal)

Draco: ​The Paru KO was a fake. She's going to pop out of the ground with her other six attack units to kill Wheatley and Celestia as they fight for the Championship.
RubyChao: *cw curls up in a ball from flashbacks*
Gooper Blooper: If only CW didn't hate that sequence so much :V


Jumpropeman: Nitori Kawasari
Cornwind Ill Again: WHAT THE HELL IS IT
Jumpropeman: Nitori Kuwahawi
Draco: Nitori Kakarotto
RubyChao: Kawashiro is the real one
Bree: Nitori Cowabunga
Bree: Nitori Kumbaya
Draco: Nitori Onozuka
RubyChao: Nitori Arata
Bree: >​Nitori Onozuka
Draco: ;D
Bree: *komachi turns red and then faints*
phone: Cowabunga-sama-channnn


Mortuary Sheep: My God, do I miss the old pokemon art style
Mortuary Sheep outta nowhere


Mortuary Sheep: "Oh, god dammit, it happened again, didn't it?"
Mortuary Sheep: You can't beat Halloween creep
RubyChao: samhain looked in the mirror
RubyChao: and he realized he had become the creep
Mortuary Sheep: for it shall exist so long as the hearts of humankind are filled with fear and a need to smother their house in plastic kitsch


The Work of an Enemy Del: Toinette's massive extended family of alien shitlords
Gooper Blooper: The Shitlords Are Coming To Dinner
Harpy: plz



Margaery Tyrell: as I was going to work today I got a call from Rainbow Dash
Margaery Tyrell: she was reading the Brawl and couldn't continue until I sang the Brawl Anthem to her
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: RD is a national treasure
Draco: Jrm best brother


Draco: The Paru Institute of Science announced new research findings today: Hecatia's coloring is a defense against predators. She makes them too nauseous to attack.


Harpy: i'd close up hell too if i found out some bozos were invading through a crack


Margaery Tyrell: I feel calling the city Kuwahawi as well is a fine idea. The alternatives are something perhaps uninspired PORT TOWN or something that would be island appropriate but Cornwind would never spell right
RubyChao: call it Port Harbor
Margaery Tyrell: Welcome to beautiful Town City! Population: People!
Ven: For side towns, I propose:
Port Denari
Port Makrin
RubyChao: >​nganigan
Ven: Paul will have a population of solely Adam West and Cats.
RubyChao: it's like you're trying to hurt Cornwind
Ven: Maybe.
RubyChao: let's just do what we did for my old RP
RubyChao: we call it Unnamed City
Gooper Blooper: welcome to unnamed city, now scram


Margaery Tyrell: we've got some small loose ends to wrap up
Margaery Tyrell: but otherwise we're pretty much done
RubyChao: >​small
RubyChao cancels his plot JUST FOR THAT SLIGHT
Gooper Blooper: I don't think we can call NBN, Council, Psychics, and Sarahplot "small loose ends" :V
Gooper Blooper: But after them!
Margaery Tyrell: teeny tiny loose ends


Mortified Sheep: This giant, wrinkled apple is fascinating to me for reasons I cannot articulate


Margaery Tyrell: ""witch windows", or diagonal windows, exist almost exclusively in Vermont. The name comes from the superstition that witches cannot fly their broomsticks through slanted windows."
Margaery Tyrell: we need to ask Gooper why he's trying to keep Sonia out of his house
Ven: Because the man desperately needs his chocolate to stay reasonable in the face of personalities like me, Del, and CW all flaring in the same space.
Ven: He can't afford to give it to Sonia.
Margaery Tyrell: "before Vermont became a state they tried to become part of Quebec, but Quebec refused so Vermont joined the United States instead."
Margaery Tyrell: Gooper's not only keeping witches out of his house, but he tried to join Canada! D:<
Gooper Blooper: I can't spare enough chocolate for Sonia to match what Lily gives her
Gooper Blooper: she's welcome to visit though, I don't think this house has any witch windows
Draco: Which windows?
Draco: ;D


BreeBlob: "an abandoned warehouse in the scenic abandoned warehouse district"
BreeBlob: 10/10 narration
RubyChao: confirming that's totally where the coalition hid out last year
RubyChao: nobody could find their warehouse next to all the OTHER warehouses
Fishbones Del: every toku show has a scenic abandoned warehouse district
Fishbones Del: and every kamen rider has fought next to the same river


Fishbones Del: lemme take a break for a sex
Fishbones Del: *sec
RubyChao: lol
Fishbones Del: i am not a sex haver
Harpy: oh my
Fishbones Del: despite what past chatzy madnesses may tell you


Gooper Blooper: sports
Harpy: sports
iKomodo: sports
Brinehammer: sports?
RubyChao: sports!
BreeBlob: spooooooorts
Fishbones Del: sports
Fishbones Del: football
Fishbones Del: aeiou
iKomodo: Uuuuuuuuuuu
BreeBlob: c-c-c-combo breaker
Harpy: fasdfadsfs
Draco: AEIOU


Jumpropeman: I'd totally go as Mega Tento for halloween
Jumpropeman: except I'd go all in
Jumpropeman: I'd be crawling along the ground
Jumpropeman: scooping up small animals in my sandbox lid


Gooper Blooper: Notice the last three years RD has lost to a character belonging to RD the user's family
Gooper Blooper: dat sibling rivalry
phone: Ferocious.


(Gloria and Yamame have a snack between boss fight phases on a plot)

 Draco: ​3rd most romantic Glorimame picnic
Gooper Blooper: does it beat the time they had a picnic in the pickup while waiting outside area 51
Draco: We'll check with the review booth. Call on the field says yes because the pickup was pre-Glorimame.
Draco: What do you say, Judge Spy?
Seven. Seven human souls.: I say: booty
Draco: ......
Draco: I think that means the pickup picnic is #2.
Gooper Blooper: next gloriamame sequence needs more booty, got it
Draco: (b^_^)b


phone: My fellow Americans, I would like to talk to you today about a man badly in need of arrest. A corporate embezzler routinely involved in child endangerment, public and private property damage, and assault and battery on the lower class and mentally ill, often incurring years of costly recovery or permanent damage. A man that excels in breaking and entering, obfuscation of evidence to his own ends, theft, and the red tape that prevents him being weighed for his actions. Come. ​Let's beat Batman to a pulp.
Jumpropeman: but Ven, he has the CollinsCorp defense
Jumpropeman: which is NUH UH
CouncilChao: AAAAAAA
CouncilChao: anything but that
phone: D=


Harpy: ​everybody's yelling at this guy and Yew's just being a sad cinnamon roll.
Draco: To be fair, ​Yamame didn't yell at him. ​Probably because she'd just been scorched within an inch of her life.
Harpy: ​Yamame whispered in his ear. 'Omelete du Fromage.' ​
Harpy: ​then bradley died swooning and Yamame knew how to knock Gloria off her feet.


CouncilChao: AND
CouncilChao: ​​SRSPOST
Jumpropeman: "and then bradley escaped lel see you in 2017"
Jumpropeman: what an ending chao
Gooper Blooper: pffff
CouncilChao: if i did that you would all shank me
Draco: If you DON'T do that, we'll...probably be happier that way.
CouncilChao: so guys
CouncilChao: that was a Chao Megaplot
CouncilChao: i hope you liked it!
Jumpropeman: I gotta say Chao
Jumpropeman: it was too Ruby, not enough Chao
Gooper Blooper: oh, you
CouncilChao: fucking hell i need to fix that next year
Gooper Blooper: *laugh track*
CouncilChao ponders way to add more Chao
CouncilChao: so who wants a minor fun fact about Corporal Guy on this plot
Jumpropeman: was he secretly naked the whole time?
CouncilChao: no, he had his uniform on
CouncilChao: like a reasonable person :U
Jumpropeman: darn
Gooper Blooper: but he was naked under that!


Draco: ​Yamame's going to ride Gloria's train alright. WINK WINK WINK WINK ow I have something in my eye and Yamame likes trains.
Gooper Blooper: ​Gloria's Cookie Caboose​


Cornwind Evil: ​You have NO IDEA how happy I was when I rolled the tractor and Amity's name came up as the winner. I literally danced in my chair.​
Gooper Blooper: My congratulations on finally getting it done, CW


Nonesuch: Well. I now know better than to look up fur coat again. That got weird results faster than almost anything else I've tried on Devart. =s Suppose I'll drop some at least interesting stuff so the effort isn't wholly wasted, but I need eye bleach, even after my years of exposure and wandering. :S
RubyChao: you fool!
RubyChao: you underestimated the internet again!


WorkDel: hi im del
WorkDel: i am vaguely in charge here?
WorkDel: by which i mean i think i am
WorkDel: but im not


  1. Still haven't had that Gloriamame scene.

    1. We'll have the two of them interact with Jasper. Booty achieved!
