Sunday, February 19, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 274: Gen ‘The 150,000‘ Gar

RubyChao: "Temperatures are said to be in the excess of 620 degrees Celsius. Entire beaches reduced to glass. Plant life burnt off the face of the earth. All that remains of Kanto is that single, flying object. To this day, it never stops moving, and with my eyes adjusted to the eternal light of the fires, I can make out a barely-outlined winged object."
RubyChao: okuu, why?!
Draco: She just wanted to have fun in the sun. ;-
Harpy: bad end TH11 okuu
Draco: My other eye got blind.


RubyChao: so goops, if zenith met hecatia
RubyChao: would his first reaction be to play that ad
Gooper Blooper: it was even in las vegas
Gooper Blooper: incredible


Harpy: i had a dream where spy posted his wrapups
Harpy: and somehow
Harpy: someway
Harpy: one of his characters trusted a superweapon/great magical artifact/whatever the fuck to Sine
RubyChao: >​trusted it to sine
Harpy: and then in the next post it clarifies that he was trusting it to some squidlady with the same name


Jumpropeman: maybe now that Sarah's retired, people will stop dumping bodies on her lawn
RubyChao hurls the corpse of Kasumi on Sarah's lawn


Jumpropeman: if I had done lightning bolt society finale before Spectrumplot finale
Jumpropeman: I would have tried to work in a Lightning Bolt Society quote during the Identity part
Jumpropeman: maybe two so they could still be pairings
Jumpropeman: ​or a Woppy quote :V
Gooper Blooper: "Those who dress up as trees..." "And those who forsake clothes entirely."
Harpy: i laughed
Jumpropeman: XD


Gooper Blooper: fun fact
Gooper Blooper: I once considered making my three plots connected
RubyChao: would that have worked
Jumpropeman: the occult orbs would summon Dahlia
Jumpropeman: who was actually the Baron
Harpy: good god no
Gooper Blooper: Tiffany would have been a psychic rather than a clone, created from Trent Johnson's program after being commissioned by Dahlia. I'd even considered making them husband and wife
Jumpropeman: ​now that you mention it she does look like Melania Trump
RubyChao: holy crap
Harpy: WOW
Gooper Blooper: And there would have been subtle hints that Salvation was pulling the strings behind all of the other villains the entire time to kill as many people as possible
RubyChao: damn, that sounds crazy
RubyChao: ultimately, though, i think these three benefited from being split up
Jumpropeman: yeah, its fun to connect things, but you don't want the spiderweb too big or its more easily torn down
Gooper Blooper: Basically yes
Harpy: yep
Gooper Blooper: I wasn't confident I could connect them well enough so I separated them
Jumpropeman: ​hence why Sonic Man had no Indigo Spectrum
RubyChao: ​i thought that was because you hated indigo
Jumpropeman: ​shhh, that's the real reason


Harpy: early in the mornin
Gooper Blooper: what do ya do with a gamer harpy early in tha mornin
Harpy: nothing
Harpy: there will be nothing stopping me


Jumpropeman: "Spongebob uses Instaclam"
Jumpropeman: so Nick is trying to stay hip with the kidz


Gooper Blooper: I've told Chao already, but I'm gunning for a Living Pokedex this time
RubyChao: meanwhile i'll settle for borin' old complete dex :V
FUCK HEADACHES SPY: You got this, Goper Bopper
Gooper Blooper: MORE FUN THAN
Gooper Blooper: A PILLOW FIGHT


Gooper Blooper: *runs a forum search for "gahahaha" to see if every result is maria*
RubyChao: so, is it?
Gooper Blooper: Instances Of Other People Gahahaha-ing:
Gooper Blooper: 1: Dolby, while dressed as Maria :V
Gooper Blooper: 2: Nitori, twice
Gooper Blooper: 3: Yuugi
Gooper Blooper: 4: Carol
Gooper Blooper: 5: Ultra Ridley
Gooper Blooper: and that's it
RubyChao: nice
RubyChao: and to think, i threw it in on the spur of the moment
Draco goes back and edits every "Hu hu hu hu hu" into a "Gahahaha"
RubyChao: like a lot of things about Maria
Tormund Giantsbane: so Maria is actually the next Ridley
Gooper Blooper: Maridley
RubyChao: well, you spoiled it
RubyChao cancels Mariaplot
Tormund Giantsbane: her arm shifting powers are just her body struggling to take on its dragon form
Gooper Blooper: she was his daughter the whole time
Draco: Good. Now we can fit Kasumiplot back on the schedule.
Gooper Blooper: all 25 events of it
Tormund Giantsbane: Kasumiplot: 25 events of her having doors shut in her face and just missing the crosswalk lights


Phone: Doomguy has the best presidential promise I've heard today, in that he won't kill you if you vote for him.
Welcome to Del: Doomguy is too busy to run for President
Welcome to Del: Demons don't kill themselves
Olga Munchkinbane: Always a bit of a blase, that. Workers in the Ring of Suicide just plain watch the mortals, but demons don't kill themselves. h=
Tormund Giantsbane: "South Carolina has some great city names. Due West, North, Ninety-Six, Six Mile, which is six miles from Twelve Mile and 12 miles from Eighteen Mile.""The unincorporated community of Mexico. " " forgot Ketchuptown in South Carolina" Coward, SC. Pumpkintown, SC
Olga Munchkinbane: You picked Vegas instead of ​Ketchuptown?!
Tormund Giantsbane: I could have done W Ketchup plot
Olga Munchkinbane: We have blogs... maybe.......... we.... still ​can....
Welcome to Del: :U


Draco: Well, now I'm watching The Wickedest Witch.
Draco: ​The scary obscure witch lady sends a dragon Muppet to get a child. It returns with Tenshi. "She's so small and immature, I couldn't tell otherwise."


RubyChao: "Okay, okay. Here's one of my favorite gun jokes, then!"
"What happened to the man who had a gun pointed at him?"
"He was shot and killed! HAHAHAHA!"

RubyChao: ah, Jester Chao
Gooper Blooper: Jester Chao reading that minecraft joke book, I see
Gooper Blooper: HE WAS DESTROYED


Jon Connington: this lady with the caption "Vermont to the core" is on the side of a package at work
Jon Connington: everything Vermont is automatically Gooper related to me
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: I haven't seen that particular logo or product line but that's very accurate
Gooper Blooper: Lots of "folksy homemade goods" up here
Gooper Blooper: otherwise normal stores with little sections off to the side where you can buy expensive maple syrup


Nede: Beware
The pony is learning
Nede: NEXT Brawl-
SteelKomodo: oh god


RubyChao: so i made the most important discovery in pokemon sun just now
RubyChao: ​the "science is amazing!" guy is still there
iKomodo: Yisssssss


Jumpropeman: I opened my Youtube subscriptions, and its all Pokemon content or Pokemon related... except one of them who decided Pokemon Sun/Moon launch day was a good day for a Super Mario Bros. Movie video
ivel: EVERY day is a good day for a Super Mario Bros. Movie video


Gooper Blooper: summary of my Pokemon Moon experience so far:
Gooper Blooper: seriously it took me like forty minutes to find one
That Tree Caused World War 3: Why anyone would want a Pokemon called Grubbin, I have no idea
Uncle Andrew Ketterley: not as bad as Scatterbug, the worst Pokémon of all time
Gooper Blooper: This is Grubbin and he is my precious babby
That Tree Caused World War 3: He looks like a cuted up version of something the Stranger would be shooting out of his crossbow
Uncle Andrew Ketterley: did not expect an Oddworld reference
Uncle Andrew Ketterley: but it is apt
Gooper Blooper: ​I don't know what Grubbin evolves into but with those mandibles I'm thinking "stag beetle" so I'm hype
Uncle Andrew Ketterley: ​Grubbin gives no fucks
Uncle Andrew Ketterley: also sorry Goops but it evolves into an Octopus


Uncle Andrew Ketterley: work radio is playing the HEYEAYEAYEAYEA song
Gooper Blooper: the memes, jack
Uncle Andrew Ketterley: I am resisting the temptation to bend my head back He-Man style
Gooper Blooper: is anyone watching
Uncle Andrew Ketterley: I'm right next to a window so maybe :V
Gooper Blooper: sometimes it's a risk you just have to take
Gooper Blooper: I'll leave this critical decision in your hands

(a short time later)

Uncle Andrew Ketterley: I'm pretty sure I got away with He-Manning it up, but there are no rainbows behind me so... it's just not the same


Jumpropeman: when I got home from work this morning, I found that CKR had put up a drawing of the sunrise on my wall while I was gone that says "Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History"
Gooper Blooper: Did she draw it herself
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: yes
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Jumpropeman: its right below the Cow Yoga calendar my brother got me for my birthday
Jumpropeman: I guess the word got out my wall is a bulletin board for nonsense
Gooper Blooper: speaking of JRM sisters
Gooper Blooper: I'm gonna be disappointed if the "Rainbow Dash betting on Jigglypuff" running gag doesn't climax with her entering Jigglypuff in the Brawl
Gooper Blooper: the ultimate bet
Jumpropeman: im betting on it myself


RubyChao: i need to play more sun
RubyChao: i was too busy watching a musical yesterday, ruining prime video game time with culture
RubyChao: so shameful
RubyChao: so disappointing
Jumpropeman: i cant believe you chao
Moderately Sheep: What did you see?
RubyChao: Hamilton
RubyChao: at the same time as the next vice president, even
Moderately Sheep Junkos to floor
RubyChao: i can't tell what type of Junko that is
RubyChao: pls Junko more specifically
Moderately Sheep talks about Chang'e and Junkos to floor
Draco: Junko is my favorite ship.
RubyChao: that's not what i meant but fuckin' lel
Moderately Sheep: I can't believe you've seen Hamilton
Moderately Sheep: I rather desperately wish to see it
RubyChao: it was really good
RubyChao: but we had to book it really far in advance to get a friday night showing
RubyChao: as in "we bought these tickets in january" early
RubyChao: i had them the entire RP season!
Jumpropeman: and you didn't invite me? ; w ;
RubyChao: they're expensive
RubyChao: you're worth a lot, but not that much
Jumpropeman: that's fair
Jumpropeman: I hope you had to pay 10 dollars for them
Jumpropeman: since that's the bill Hamilton is on
Gooper Blooper: does that mean a play about woodrow wilson should cost 100,000 dollars
RubyChao: yes.
RubyChao: ​we can give all of the proceeds to sheep
Moderately Sheep: ^_^;


Jumpropeman: *one week later on all message boards* "Well, of COURSE the Koopalings aren't his children, because Bowser is impotent!"


RubyChao: current pokemon status: "i should advance plot" *fucks around in the tall grass and the stores instead*


(Regarding JRM playing as Shimmer in Pokemon)

Jumpropeman: Shimmer looks pretty Shimmer even without the pink hair and visor
Jumpropeman: it helps the rest of her clothes are very pink
Gooper Blooper: shmer
Jumpropeman: even though she mostly wears purple
Gooper Blooper: I just had a mental image
Gooper Blooper: JRM dressing Shimmer in pink, going online with people here in the community with her that way
Gooper Blooper: goes offline
Gooper Blooper: dresses her all in blue
Gooper Blooper: "that was close"
RubyChao: one halloween, cirno goes as shimmer
RubyChao: while shimmer goes as cirno
RubyChao: nobody can tell the difference
Jumpropeman: ;>​_>​
Draco: On the contrary: Okuu can tell the difference. ​The real Shimmer doesn't melt when she gets close.
RubyChao: another ace attorney-style plot happens
RubyChao: jrm sends Shimmer and Cirno
RubyChao: the miracle never happen
Gooper Blooper: that reminds me of a thing from a few seasons back
Gooper Blooper: RubyChao: good thing i went with the impulse of Minor Touhous rather than my main destructive duo, then :V
-Gooper Blooper: those two dunderheads wouldn't have figured out shit :V
-RubyChao: *Utsuho and Tenshi stand over Rin's dead body* "Do you think... there was anything else we could have done?" "No."
-Gooper Blooper: *laugh track*

RubyChao: amazing
Draco: They couldn't even figure out how to set the clock on a VCR! :D
Draco waits a moment as nobody gets it.
Draco: Oh, right. Old people jokes. :V
Gooper Blooper: *Dolby laughs uproariously*
Gooper Blooper: *realizes she's the only one, tapers off and blushes*
Jumpropeman: *looks at VCR* *no time is set, not even a flashing 12:00*
Jumpropeman: I don't even see the point really
Jumpropeman: I got clocks all around me
Gooper Blooper: ...Ah, that would explain why my VCR I've owned for over a decade has those dashes


Harpy: goopy
Harpy: i bought moon for ivel
iKomodo: Awesome
Gooper Blooper: good work harpy
Draco: Moon is best version. I base this entirely off the fact that I have it.
Gooper Blooper: a mainline pokemon game is a five-star gift
Gooper Blooper: Me and Chao just call them Pokemon Utsuho and Pokemon Magnolia
Draco: Utsuho and Change'e
Gooper Blooper: We came up with the names before The Moon Crew rose to prominence in RP
Draco: Well, shucks.
Jumpropeman: took me too long to figure out you meant Bravely Second Magnolia
Jumpropeman: I was like "there isn't a touhou named Magnolia now, is there?"
Gooper Blooper: Ha, yeah, we pulled from two franchises
iKomodo: Pokemon Lion King and Pokemon... erm, Ferngully?
Gooper Blooper: Pokemon Pit and Pokemon Dirk
Jumpropeman: Pokemon Stella Luna
Gooper Blooper: Pokemon Paper and Pokemon Plastic
Harpy: pokemon pancakes and pokemon waffles
iKomodo: Pokemon Aggie and Pokemon Medusa
iKomodo: and now I feel dirty
Draco hoses off SK


Jumpropeman: I don't even really associate Alex with Ramza anymore
Jumpropeman: Gooper's art sort of morphed him away from it
Harpy: i associate him mostly with the chapter 4 assless chaps
Jumpropeman: Alex is small and rounded while Ramza is tall and gangly
Jumpropeman: even their faces are different
Jumpropeman: Ramza's always serious and Alex always looks like he's found a ladybug
Gooper Blooper: XD
Harpy: Alex didn't find a ladybug
Harpy: he found
Gooper Blooper: Aside from shortening him, I really was using Ramza as my base
Harpy: a stag beetle :3
Gooper Blooper: although that does remind me
Gooper Blooper: The very first time I drew Alex, I don't think his height was confirmed
Gooper Blooper: so I made Sarah much shorter then him
RubyChao: sarah's been wearing platform shoes ever since
RubyChao: she's actually like 4'7''
Harpy: i still love that art


Gooper Blooper: wait for it
RubyChao: holy shit
Jumpropeman: ​grinzz0rz


ivel: have a quiz to test whether you can recognize Pogeynoises
Jumpropeman: *sets all generations, starts... here's a generic bug noise*
Jumpropeman: well crap
ivel: :U


Gooper Blooper: do not deny harpy her thanksgiving cookies


RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: all these cliches
RubyChao: at once
RubyChao: are you prepared
Gooper Blooper: bring it on
RubyChao: "When I started my game was what seemed to be the old gold version for the GBC (gameboy color), and I was in the lighthouse on the bottom floor. I instantly checked my pokemon and they were gone. I put the game down and tried to go back to the website but it was gone, and I located the address on google Earth and it was an empty lot. At this point I was freaking out, but I picked up the game and continued. I tried to exit the lighthouse but the door wasn’t letting me leave instead giving me a message saying “kill them” written in unknown. I checked my player status and everything was at zero and my name was Kill Them. I decided to try to get to the top of the lighthouse. When I went to the next room it was nothing but doors on every wall. I decided to go trough one, and when I went through it there was I painting. I clicked on it and a very detailed picture of Professor Oak shot at least five times laying on his back in a pool of blood. I hit the off switch and turned it back on and the same picture came up, so I had no choice but to continue."
RubyChao: we've got mysterious disappearing website, mysterious disappearing store, unown, KILL THEM, hyper-realistic dead oak, and NO CHOICE
Gooper Blooper: ​NO CHOICE​
Gooper Blooper: What are we missing... something about it being all his fault, for starters
RubyChao: we get dead pokemon later on, don't worry
RubyChao: aaaaand there we go!


Mr. Tumnus: happy thanksTAKING everyone! *turns into a cartoon villain and steals the holiday*
Mr. Tumnus: the only way to get it back is to teach me the true meaning of the holiday
Mr. Tumnus: (which is, of course, the chance to make "Gobble up your food!" jokes)
RubyChao: or i can beat you to death with a turkey, right
RubyChao: if i don't feel like teaching
Draco: "Don't be a turkey; have some turkey."
Mr. Tumnus: when I was reading the Free Birds reviews last night
Mr. Tumnus: they tried so hard to make Turkey jokes work
Mr. Tumnus: It was like watching a kindergartener tell a joke
Mr. Tumnus: it's not going to be funny but god bless em for trying
Mr. Tumnus: "No, Free Birds is not (sorry) a turkey of a film. But it doesn’t really soar terribly high either. I only wish the quality of the writing in the earlier parts of the movie had been maintained throughout. If that had been the case, Reggie, Jake and their fellow turkeys just might have been flying high with the eagles—our official national birds"
Mr. Tumnus: "Like so many modern animated features, Free Birds packs too much in; the picture feels cramped and cluttered, and, despite its occasionally manic action, it moves as slowly as a fattened bird waddling toward its doom."
Mr. Tumnus: the best reviews are the serious ones though: "Even setting aside the film's disregard for time-travel paradoxes and genocide metaphors—trust me, you don't want to wade into either of those—Free Birds just isn't funny." "Finally, there's a movie vegetarian parents can enjoy with their impressionable offspring."


Mr. Tumnus: I forgot they were making Monster Hunter Amiibo
Mr. Tumnus: ​but there's not Stanley or Ilsaria one so no buy
RubyChao: ilsarwho?
Mr. Tumnus: that head in the jar
Mr. Tumnus: presumably it did stuff before being a head in a jar
Mr. Tumnus: Spysaria was like the inverse of the Gust and Blackbird scenario


Maudlin Sheep: >​Ronald was having a good day.
Maudlin Sheep: I should probably stop reading right now then
RubyChao: nope, keep going
Maudlin Sheep: Also, I have a feeling I've already commented on the cold open of this post
Maudlin Sheep: >​There's no way that whirlwind and a giant, bony chicken wife would go unnoticed in the streets.
Maudlin Sheep: First, yes, I agree
Maudlin Sheep: Second, you seem awfully sure of the marital status of this chicken
Maudlin Sheep: I..should I expect a rooster husband?
Maudlin Sheep: Do they have any chick kids
Bad Ideas: Chic chick kids, even, Sheep.
Maudlin Sheep: that they're working double shifts for to try and provide enough chicken scratch to get them through chicken college?
Maudlin Sheep: I have so many questions!
Maudlin Sheep: >​In the King of Beasts, Sol was having a terrible day.
Maudlin Sheep: I should probably stop reading right now then
Maudlin Sheep: >​It makes a strange "uguuuuu" sound
Maudlin Sheep: Harpy's really branching out into a horror, I see


Mr. Tumnus: "Black Friday deal! Tales of the Borderlands: 15 dollars!" *stares at the deal... stares DEEPLY at the deal... rubs chin at the deal...* "But one day it might be only 10 dollars"


RubyChao: ​i can't wait for sheep to reach Beelzebubsy
Maudlin Sheep: no
Maudlin Sheep: that is not a thing
Maudlin Sheep: i deny it


Mr. Tumnus: ...
Mr. Tumnus: holy crap
Mr. Tumnus: I think I just heard the moment a radio station switched from general oldies to Christmas music
Maudlin Sheep: Did it sound like the grinding of chains?
Mr. Tumnus: it's like catching the moment the butterfly emerges from the cocoon


Welcome to Del: Hhhhhhhhhrg
ivel: ?
iKomodo: ?
RubyChao: !
iKomodo: Chao bucking the system
iKomodo: I hope del is ok and not 2drunk
Welcome to Del: I'm good
Welcome to Del: Don't worry
Welcome to Del: I just imagined M rated Splatoon again
Welcome to Del: Lol
RubyChao: you fool
Welcome to Del: No I'm a god
Welcome to Del: Or rather
Welcome to Del: A dogge
Welcome to Del: Birk
iKomodo: Oh lawd del
iKomodo: stop imagining m rated squids
Welcome to Del: THE INK IS BLOOD
Welcome to Del creepypasta
ivel: my mind went in a different direction
Welcome to Del: I bet it did
Welcome to Del: Besides SK made the squids not pg-13 already
Welcome to Del: So I mean
iKomodo: I did
Welcome to Del: Standing on the shoulders of giants here
iKomodo: get off my shoulders, you're too heavy >:I
Welcome to Del: K
Welcome to Del jumps off of SK's shoulders
iKomodo: Phew


Mr. Tumnus: "Pokemon Go: Diary of a Jigglypuff(Unofficial Pokemon Book) (Pokémon Go)"
Mr. Tumnus: an excerpt: "I was rudely awakened by the hard, bristly end of a broom swatting me right between my big blue-green eyes. As a Jigglypuff, I am not used to being treated like this."
Gooper Blooper: Pokemon has always had shitty bootlegs and knockoffs but Pokemon Go really opened the floodgates to a level we haven't seen since Pokemania
Maudlin Sheep: What is this masterpiece?
Mr. Tumnus: about the author: "I am good at deal with the problems of marriage, parenting and pregnancy. Having much experience from my friends and myself I can share a lot of useful knowledge to help the people who have the problems of marriage, parenting and pregnancy."
Mr. Tumnus: this jigglypuff story might get strange down the road
Mr. Tumnus: Diary of a Gengar, Diary of a Dragonite Warrior, Dragonite of a Fiery Charizard...
Mr. Tumnus: there are tons of these
Maudlin Sheep: I didn't realise there were so many pokemon compelled to record their private thoughts
Mr. Tumnus: oh my
Mr. Tumnus: I have to post this entire paragraph its so good
Mr. Tumnus: "Entry Seven Dear Diary, It’s just so weird that I would happen to find this diary again. I had buried it in this exact spot almost a year ago. I had thought that maybe it would be at least a few years before I came back here again, but… SURPRISE! I’m back here in less than a year. Maybe after this entry, I wouldn’t even come back to this spot anymore, maybe someone else would discover this exciting diary instead? If that were the case, I think it be best if I gave some background information on myself and perhaps turn this into something interesting. (I doubt anyone would want to read a boring diary anyways). So the introduction… After this entry, there are a total of six other entries about my entire life. Basically, I wrote about everything that had happened to me from the very beginning. So what is the beginning? Well, to start off… My name is Gengar. I’m sure everyone knows me as the purple ghost with red eyes that is perpetually smiling and you’d probably even find me a little scary. My real name is Gen ‘The 150,000 ‘gar. Truthfully, this probably isn’t even accurate anymore. I call myself that because there are so many Gengars in the world. I’m just one of many and for some reason we ALL happen to have the same name, which just makes me less of an individual and so I decided to give myself a different name… "
Mr. Tumnus changed name to Gen ‘The 150,000 ‘gar

RubyChao: GEN THE 150,000 GAR
Gooper Blooper: IT'S CRAIG
Maudlin Sheep: >​Gen ‘The 150,000 ‘gar
Maudlin Sheep: I
Maudlin Sheep: what
Gooper Blooper: Too bad I didn't know about this guy for the Codd Branford battle
thanksgivel: lel
Gen ‘The 150,000 ‘gar: a lot of these diary entries read like Edutainment animals introducing themselves
Gen ‘The 150,000 ‘gar: " Zzzzzzz… I love sleeping! What else would you expect from a Snorlax? There’s nothing better than finding a nice, soft grassy spot in a beautiful green field and just napping the hours away. I’m starting to yawn just thinking about it… Sometimes I get in the way because I fall asleep in the wrong places. I’ve been known to block off entire roads because I fell asleep in the middle of the street. I’m a pretty big Pokémon, so I can really be quite a nuisance. I’m a pretty heavy sleeper too -- once I’m asleep, it’s not easy to wake me up again. The longest I’ve ever slept was one full week."
Gen ‘The 150,000 ‘gar: so Gooper, what would you rather have for Christmas: Diary of a Snorlax, or Diary of a Sleepy Snorlax
Gen ‘The 150,000 ‘gar: because both exist
Gooper Blooper: Prediction - Diary of a Sleepy Snorlax is the same book, but with "Zzzzzzz" randomly added to various sentences
Gen ‘The 150,000 ‘gar: "In this book, you will meet Charlie, a female charizard (which is rare!) who has to win the Pokemon Showcase tournament for her trainer, Marina. Join the adventures of the fiery charizard on her way to mega evolution! Is Charizard really different from us? You'll be surprised at what you discover"
Gooper Blooper: Can we just reiterate that Amazon is letting people sell their fanfics
Gen ‘The 150,000 ‘gar: "In this book, you will meet a special Munchlax who has evolved into a gigantic sleepy snorlax. Join the adventures of Berry the Sleepy Snorlax to unleash his high-powered Z-moves -- Pulverizing Pancake. Is Snorlax really different from us? You'll be surprised at what you discover"
Gooper Blooper: I mean we knew after the Rock Bull Incident that they had no standards but damn
Gen ‘The 150,000 ‘gar: these books have a lot of surprising things for me to discover
Gen ‘The 150,000 ‘gar: I'm a bit disappointed the Diary of a Pokémon Trainer doesn't have the line "Is Pokémon Trainer really different from us? You'll be surprised at what you discover"
Gooper Blooper: I guess there are no surprising discoveries in that one
Gooper Blooper: *Chao buys all the others just because of the word "Discoveries"*
RubyChao: DID SOMEBODY SAY- oh they did
Gen ‘The 150,000 ‘gar changed name to Mr. Tumnus
Mr. Tumnus: leaving that oubliette before I remain forever trapped in it
Maudlin Sheep: Jrm's here to have some faun
Mr. Tumnus: ...
Mr. Tumnus: *goes back to the oubliette*
Draco hoses off JRM.


Lucy Pevensie: ...lewd?
ivel: D:
Gooper Blooper: farfetch'd pls
RubyChao: well, it looks like we finally found out what the d stands for
Gooper Blooper: Farfetch'D's Journal
Gooper Blooper: Ringabel stares down at it
Gooper Blooper: "...'My name is Far 'The 150,000' Fetch'd'. I think there was a mistake made somewhere."
RubyChao: i know, ringabel
RubyChao: it sounds really
RubyChao: really
RubyChao: ​farfetched


Jon Connington: *finishes chatzy madness*
Jon Connington: *holds bowl up to Goops* please sir, can I have some more?

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