Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 178: Kanye's DEAD ZONE

Ringabel: "French roast coffee is considered to be a double roast coffee, which is a category of dark roasted coffee characterized by and intense and smoky-sweet flavor, accompanied by a thin body and mouthfeel. These roasts completely overpower the beans themselves, so it is not possible to taste much at all of the origin or coffee varietal of the beans."
Ringabel: i'm pretty sure this is code for "it tastes like charcoal distilled into bean water"
Tableter: Yes
SteelKomodo: yep :<
Saberwulf: ew


RubyChao: too many utsuho
SteelKomodo: Crisis on Infinite Okuu's
SteelKomodo: Dirk: ...geez, now I have to order more cakes!


Saberwulf: Haha, someone called NJ a nanny state
Saberwulf: We have concealed carry and you can open-carry machetes what kind of nanny state do they think we are
Saberwulf: Shit I think you can even make slam bats and keep them in your home as long as you call it decor
Tableter: Your state is fucked up
RubyChao: remind me to go to new jersey if i need to duel anyone
RubyChao: apparently i'd have my pick of weapons
Saberwulf: It's pretty easy to buy guns too
Saberwulf: Thanks craigslist
Saberwulf: And also the lovely town of Asbury Park
Saberwulf: We're a surprisingly chill state though
Saberwulf: Legal gay marriage, medical marijuana, abortion, anti-discrimination laws for transfolk, and the fact that we have 40+ spoken languages
Tableter: Ive been hearing bad shit about seattle recently, has it gone crazy or
Ringabel: reminds me of the joke i made while watching Megas XLR's first ep (since it supposedly takes place in New Joisey)
Saberwulf: But I think a lot of the weapon laws being lax is because half the state is woods
Saberwulf: Seattle is the heroin capital of the world so
Ringabel: entire city is destroyed and I'm like "i don't think wulf appreciates giant robots aside from gundams destroying cities"
Ringabel: so apparently giant robots are legal in NJ
Ringabel: :U
Saberwulf: They are
Saberwulf: Funnily enough our car laws are fucking weird
Saberwulf: Like full-blackout windows and plate dimmers are quasi-legal
Saberwulf: And now cops have cameras on them
Saberwulf: It's just the weirdest shit
Saberwulf: Now these people are complaining that "the laws are so vague that everything is illegal in NJ"
Saberwulf: As long as you aren't being some dumbshit flake to a cop they don't care at all
RubyChao: it sounds more like everything is legal
Saberwulf: I actually had a cop say to me "I don't give a fuck what you do after this I'm not pulling you over again"
Tableter: NJ - the zfrp state
Tableter: Its all legal king


Tableter: God damnit it sabrewulf is some bullshit
Tableter: Not our wulf but the fighting game wulf hope that clears things up
Tableter: Talking about killer instinct is gonna be so weird
SteelKomodo: hahaha
RubyChao: it's like if you wanted to talk about the chao garden from sa2
RubyChao: or if you brought up from other m
RubyChao: the deleter
RubyChao with the LOW BLOW
Saberwulf: Killer instink
Tableter: Petition to make wulf an altermate skin for sabrewulf
Tableter: Because it'd be funny


xX-CONTINENT-PULLER-Xx joined the chat
SteelKomodo: ey FV
xX-CONTINENT-PULLER-Xx: I don't know who this FV guy is, broham
SteelKomodo: ...oh, hi Regigigas
xX-CONTINENT-PULLER-Xx: So I was just minding my own business when I get the BRO SIGNAL tellin me to head over to some cave in the middle of nowhere
xX-CONTINENT-PULLER-Xx: And there's this tiny little girl and she starts throwing balls and shit
xX-CONTINENT-PULLER-Xx: Then everything went black, and next thing I knew some guy was telling me I had "perfect IVs in HP, Attack, and Speed", whatever the hell that means
xX-CONTINENT-PULLER-Xx: I have no idea what's going on anymore but the kid seemed happy
xX-CONTINENT-PULLER-Xx changed name to Gooper Blooper
SteelKomodo: oh lawd D:
SteelKomodo: of course it's goops :U
Gooper Blooper: and that's how I completed my pogeydex


RubyChao: nerds
Ringabel: ringabel is the CUTEST nerd
Gooper Blooper: edea makes for an adorable nerd herself


RubyChao: maximum poweeeeeer
Ringabel: ruby that's a lot of power contained in that chest hoooly smokes
Gooper Blooper: the most powerful boobs
RubyChao: next year, we meet tenshi's younger sister, who has a better weapon, cool sidekicks, and tits
Ringabel: lel
SteelKomodo: lel
Gooper Blooper: my original character titshi


Cornwind Evil: "AT LONG LAST MY CURSE, AND REVENGE, IS COMPLETE...what do you mean it hit the mother?"
Tableter: Catte mage
Cornwind Evil: Cornwind Plot 2015: for the 5th anniversary, the Lord returns, as a cat, with a new evil plan: turn everyone into cats.
Bree: and then they accidentally mix her up with another catte and can't remember which catte is celestia
Bree: cue gloria examining two identical black cats and demanding "are you my mother????"
Bree: "or are you my mother???"
Bree: "gah I can't tell help"
Tableter: Conrad is turned into a cat
Tableter: Jonesy just sighs and drinks some more
Ringabel: "Looks like someone's got himself into a catty situation. ;3"
iKomodo: Lisa turns herself into a cat
Cornwind Evil: Sine's poking through an alternate universe for solutions, finds one where everyone is a cat
iKomodo: nobody is fazed
Ringabel: Ringabel is a buff as hell maine coon
Ringabel: 20lbs
Cornwind Evil: When the Lord is defeated, he was turned into...a lamp.
Tableter: Cattsey is some beat up ginger thing that purrs like an earthquake
Tableter: And always trys to sit on your head
Ringabel: kevin is basically his family cat
Ringabel: purrs up thunderstorms and is capable of typing things on the internet
Ringabel: like "meow" "Meow" and "GIVE ME PET FOOD"


Cornwind Evil: "Unfortunately, without his filter Russo was free to bring practically every idea that he had to television. Abominations such as the Oklahoma character began to appear, as did an unhealthy fixation with pole matches that eventually led to Buff Bagwell’s mother being competed over."
RubyChao: but was she on a pole too
Gooper Blooper: Yes
RubyChao: oh my god
Gooper Blooper: never underestimate WCW



Gooper Blooper: The holiday Fite Club battle, by the way, was going to be a 2-on-2 against Heat Miser and Snow Miser
Gooper Blooper: my explanation for the battle not happening is that Beheeyem couldn't get the two of them to stop yelling at each other for more than five seconds
RubyChao: lel
Dacro: Oh geez.
Cornwind Evil: "YOU BOTH SUCK!"
Dacro: Heat and Snow Miser vs. Gamera and Gyaos: who can stop arguing with their partner long enough to Fite the other team? =V
Cornwind Evil: Ash: I would argue Snow Miser sucks more as he appeared in Batman and Robin.
iKomodo: Hahaha
iKomodo: "Stay cool, Bird Boy."


Ringabel: the week after this one is birthday time
Gooper Blooper: =o
RubyChao: yaaaay
RubyChao gets Harpy the gift of completing Bravely Default
Ringabel: finish OR for my birthday and that'll be the best gift
Ringabel: srsly tho i just want art stuff, mandela books, or food
Gooper Blooper: That's about how long it took for me to beat OR :V
Ringabel: okay that's totes plausible, get to work Ruby
RubyChao: goopy why
RubyChao: you should have lied and said it took you two years
RubyChao: given me breathing room
Gooper Blooper: but it doesn't
Gooper Blooper: one or two hours a day, off you go
RubyChao: but i still need to complete the BD bonus challenges :I
Gooper Blooper: 3DS TIME


RubyChao goes to doublecheck something in the Fite Club
RubyChao: "In Room 3, the two transformers will find themselves on a large bridge." GEE I WONDER WHAT BRIDGE IT IS
Gooper Blooper: NOW YOU KNOW
RubyChao: you were there when i mentioned how you kind of ruined praline right
Gooper Blooper: *turns towards screen, waves hands, theme music plays*
Gooper Blooper: I don't recall
Ringabel: gooper double ruined derosa
Gooper Blooper: double?
RubyChao: i expected her to be an NPC
RubyChao: not a boss
Ringabel: i have no idea where i'm going with this
RubyChao: because of how she was portrayed and also working with edea
Gooper Blooper: Oh yeah
Ringabel: the bad thing about her is that she only knows one song ;;
Gooper Blooper: The actual reason they teamed up was that, if you recall, that match was a special one reserved for Draco
Gooper Blooper: so I used his two favorites
RubyChao: and that's why no one could possibly play praline for the whole season
RubyChao: because everyone would get sick of LOOOOOVE IN THE CROSSFIREEEEEE~!!!
RubyChao: (except draco)


Gooper Blooper: One thing Gen 6 did that saddened me a little
Gooper Blooper: Gigas had an awesome animation in Pokemon Battle Revolution that wasn't kept for XY/ORAS
Ringabel: nnnnoo
Gooper Blooper: it actually partly inspired his character
Gooper Blooper: He basically does a manly flex
RubyChao: oh this i absolutely must see asap
Gooper Blooper: 49 seconds in
Gooper Blooper: (This video also reminded me he had ANOTHER great animation where he smashes his fists together)
Gooper Blooper: basically PBR Gigas is a monstrous mastodon
RubyChao: that is amazing
Gooper Blooper: *clicks back to chat just as the announcer says what Chao typed*
Gooper Blooper: lel


RubyChao: guys i've finally decided which BD character to roleplay
RubyChao: i hope you're all prepared for six months oooof
RubyChao: *drumroll*
RubyChao: Til Arrior!
Gooper Blooper: >​Not Egil
RubyChao: egil's too busy being rescued after the shieldbearers asked them to do it


Ruburrito: sudden thought
Ruburrito: the first words pit heard when he visited okuu's home were "Welcome to Hell!"
Ruburrito: i'm sure that would fill him with confidence :V
Tableter: Hahaha


(Monster Hunter)

SteelKomodo: YES
SteelKomodo: ...it was easier than I thought
SteelKomodo: see, Arzuros has a major blind-side - his butt
SteelKomodo: keep behind him and he can't do shit to you
SteelKomodo: and he's surprisingly weak, for a massive bear
Tableter: So you hit him
Tableter: In his bear behind
SteelKomodo: yes :U
SteelKomodo: and now i have a taste for bear
Tableter: Hiyooo


Blood Pianta (is on hold) joined the chat
Blood Pianta (is on hold): Please pardon the wait, I gotta move to college
Blood Pianta (is on hold): However, to tide you over, how would you like a shorter spooky story?
Dacro: Okay.
Blood Pianta (is on hold): Kanye's . . . DEAD zone
Blood Pianta (is on hold) changed name to Kanyes DEAD ZONE
Dacro gasps.

Kanyes DEAD ZONE: it was just a normal day in the zoofites chatzy when suddenly my friend jimropeman logged in for the day
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: he seemed kind of funny today. usually his avatar is a happy goat, but today it was a very sad one
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: so i asked if he was oka nad he voided the question but he did tell me about new game he found
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: it was called kanye zone, and it was a fun little game where you stopped kanye yest from touching a big pink circle
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: so if gured he was just having too much fun and wasnt going to be taking much, so i thnanked him for the link and began to play
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: it was rally fun but really hard too, and no matter how much i tried i couldnt beat it. kanye always touched the circle, laughed, and tokd me "im definitely in my zone"
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: thisangered me
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: but then, the high scores wiped. this is normal because the high scores wipe at the top of every hours
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: but i saw a chance and kanyed like i could never kanye before. soon the high score . . . . . . . . . . . .
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: was mine
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: the game said "thats pretty good but how would you like the REAL kanye experence"
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: i stared at the link. on one hand the game was a fun game, and if ther was a part two id be so excited for it.
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: on the other hand, the link wasnt blue like most links. it was blood red
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: but maybe they just liked that color, because it went really well with the site's purple
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: i go to the chaty to ask advice and there's johnropeman and his goast avatar. this time he was crying and the bell in his head and the shades on his face were cracked
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: he sent me a private message. dont do it man it said
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: you;l never get out of kanye's zone
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: i was a bit weirded out but i figured he just thought id be addicted. i mean i was already addicted tobinding of isaak and two games would mean id never leave the compuerbox
RubyChao was timed out 14 seconds ago
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: so i clamed him down and clicked on the link
RubyChao joined the chat
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: just then ominous lightningstruck and my other friend rubbyhao left the chatzy. but it didn't say "rubychao was timmed out"
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: it said "rubychao is has entered my zone"
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: i shrugged it off because i had agame to play
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: the game was hardr than before. this time kanye wouldnt let himself be stopped so easy. he moved fast, faster than any kanye ive ever seen
Dacro: OH MY GOSH JUST LIKE IN THE CHAZTY!!!!!!!!111111one
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: i went to hit him with my little circle before he could enter his zone, but then . . . . . . .. . .
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: he turneded
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: ive never seen a knaye tur before. usually they have to hit the walls and they still go straight. this was no ordinary kanye
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: just then, another item spawned. it was wepon
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: kanye beelined toward weepon and his picture changed. now he was holding a gun, and his usual grin seemed to look a bit menacing
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: still, i did m best to stop him from reaching kanye zone. he never seemed to use gun but it stille weirded me out.
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: however, he never went for zone. he just orbite d around the box, taunting me. "don't let me into my zone. don't let me into ymzone"
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: how can i when i cant reach you!?
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: thiscontinued for a while, and the high scores began to rack up. five million dollars. seven million dllrs. soon i had ten million dollars. and then i saw something weird
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: the screen breifly flashed to kanye wet. he was outside and next to him was a dead body. he held it up proudly nad showe me the bullet hole, and i couldve sworn i saw the words "kanye's zone" over the wound
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: it only lasted for a frame but it was too hyper realsitic. i could baely breath. now, more than ever, i didnt want to let kanye into his zone
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: this happened every ten thousand bucks. kanye west with a body at disneyworld. kanye west with a body in a hosptial. kanye west with a boody in a graveyard but that one was skeleotn
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: but id idnt want to stop even though i was scared. i was about to have highest score every at kanye world, one hundred million dollar
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: seventy million. kanye was at a fnce.
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: eighty million. kanye was on some stares
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: ninety million. kanye was at a s door and it looked really vamiliar but i did not know why
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: then ih eard a knock and i realized why. kanye west was at my door
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: i moved the circle around and tried to mnock him away but he moved around it,laughing evilly. dont let me into my zone. dont let me into my zone
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: then, at ninety ninet million dollars and inety nine sense, he made a beeline right for the cirlce. he was too fast. i couldn't stop it
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: as he hit the cirlce i heard boolet, and flet warm blood seeping through my shit
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: as i turned to the door i saw him, crack opened through the door like he was the shining
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: he grinned evlly at me and i saw stan in his eyes
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: as i blacked out i heard him say the last words i would ever hear. "im definitely in my zone"
Dacro: =========OOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Dacro: 2spooky
RubyChao: that was the scariest story i've ever heard and i'm never going to have a nightmare-free night ever again
RubyChao: i hope you're happy spy
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: Ecstatic actually
Cornwind Evil: ....then how did the story get on the internet
RubyChao: that's the joke, cw
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: ^
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: So many pastas end that way. Also, obviously Kanye wrote it for me and because you read it YOU ARE NEXT
Dacro: I'm pretty much never coming to Chatzy again in case Kanye's waiting for me.


Ruburrito: bd update: nothing happened
Ruburrito: for the first time in days i have no BD or Pogey update
Ruburrito sits quietly and reads a book


Bree: weird mental image I just had
Bree: someone talking to the wheelers
Bree: "how do you grin like that, you shouldn't even have that many teeth"
Bree: wheeler opens mouth
Bree: full set of human teeth
Bree: everyone screams forever
SteelKomodo: D:
Saberwulf: Discount teeth at Wulfo's Calcium Barn
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: The Wheelers are like Wids
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: drawn too cutely for us to realize the horror
Saberwulf: Realistic ZFRP is like realistic pokemon: Not for mortal eyes
Gooper Blooper: saved because I draw cute
Bree: now I want to see goops draw babby wheeler
Bree: teeny babby snake in sunglasses and a baby bonnet


SteelKomodo: man, what a convo
SteelKomodo: the science of constriction to character heights in a few simple steps
SteelKomodo: it's like something Billy Mays would pitch
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Ruburrito with the sudden unrelated Touhou
Bree: ONLY 9.99, MAGGLE!


Cornwind Evil: Cena's wearing his new eye searing shirt
SteelKomodo: what does this new shirt look like, CW?
Cornwind Evil: It's neon blue
Cornwind Evil: Neon sky blue
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: Here it is
SteelKomodo: oh god
SteelKomodo: that is rather garish
Gooper Blooper: that product description
Gooper Blooper: the perfect summary of cena
Ruburrito: gotta hype that cena up
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Harpizza: my eyes burn at the sight of it


Kanyes DEAD ZONE: It did like nothing because he's a white mage, but now the music is all Tizzy
Kanyes DEAD ZONE: Gettin' tizzy with it


Harpizza: next time on harpblog: lets tango with a demonologist w/ kogasa and friends
Harpizza: and then i'll stop that to actually write things people actually care about
Harpizza: baking cookies w/ Sarah
Ruburrito: next time on chaoblog:
Ruburrito: nothing ever
Gooper Blooper: >​cookies with sarah
Gooper Blooper: yes
Harpizza: "first you make the dough, then you put in the chips and- whoops, looks like Alex needs help fighting that dragon, give me a moment~"
Harpizza: sarah last seen licking the dough off the spoon
Harpizza: because who wouldn't, really
Bree: well if it contains eggs you're not supposed to
Harpizza: yeaaah
Gooper Blooper: sarah licks anyway because she lives life on the edge
Harpizza: i lick the spoon anyway
Gooper Blooper: #sarahlife


Ringabel: i will find ringabel's spirit pogey yet, i will
Ringabel: then use it, while full of regrets later
Ringabel: when we last left off, sammy got herself the third badge and was well on her way to kick flannery's ass when apparently, some dude's space rock got stolen
Ringabel: so now she's tryin' to get it back oh and also fossil guy is a dick
Ringabel: "oh my brother is so nice" no he is not, he hogs all the fossils. do you know how many fuckin cradilys he's keeping
Gooper Blooper: maybe if there was a pogey with hair like ringabel
Gooper Blooper: ...no
Ringabel: brb dying
Gooper Blooper: then I remembered Pepe Le Pew
Gooper Blooper: there's some sort of case forming here


Ruburrito: "Luigi's voice sounded real...yet unnatural. It's resonance blared as though there was an echo to it. The fact that I could hear it all the way down here with such clarity haunted me. The DSi's speakers were not strong enough for this voice of Luigi's to be like this...let alone carry so well over this distance; I knew this for a fact."
Ruburrito: so guys
Ruburrito: is this voice
Ruburrito: hyper-realistic​
Gooper Blooper: hyper-realistic Hyper Voice
Sciencewulf: blast processed voice


Ruburrito: eating ice cream straight from the carton is the epitome of laziness
Ruburrito: and yet
Ruburrito: it's still good


Dacro: I was looking at an old Chatzy Madness and noticed Goops posted a picture of the FFT Ninja and called it Stella. Therefore, STO Stella is a ninja. Now I gotta find her a sword.
Bash joined the chat
Bash: Ninjaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
Dacro: Go ninja! Go ninja! Go!
Bash: Okay. -leaves to Lonely Man theme from the incredible Hulk-


Ringabel: Spinda caught!
Gooper Blooper: oh, spinda, why did they make you
Ringabel: it's the secret code to FFT
Ringabel: PolkaPolka
Gooper Blooper: look at those stats
Gooper Blooper: why
Ringabel: improve this spinda, goops
Ringabel: also it seems to be another mew-type pogey, with all the stats even
Ringabel: iirc
Gooper Blooper: of course... MEGA SPINDA
RubyChao: because if you assemble the 4 billion spinda patterns
RubyChao: in exactly the right order
RubyChao: you unlock the secrets of the universe
Gooper Blooper: HP: 60
Attack: 50
Defense: 100
Special Attack: 100
Special Defense: 100
Speed: 50
Total: 460
Type: Normal/Psychic
Ability: Negative Zone - Instantly confuses opponent upon appearing
SteelKomodo: oh god Mega Spinda D:
Gooper Blooper: that base stat total is still far lower than many Pokemon
Gooper Blooper: even after mega evolving
Ringabel: yeah
Gooper Blooper: so I had to give him a cheap ability :V
Ringabel: special move: Dizzying Dance
Gooper Blooper: Dizzying Dance sounds too similar to Teeter Dance
Ringabel: i forgot all about teeter dance, which is why! :U
RubyChao: clearly spinda introduces a new thing
RubyChao: +300 BASE STATS
RubyChao cackles
Gooper Blooper: oh god hold on
Gooper Blooper: HP: 60
Attack: 100
Defense: 130
Special Attack: 140
Special Defense: 130
Speed: 100
Total: 660
Type: Normal/Psychic
Ability: Infinite Confusion - Opponent is always confused, confusion instantly vanishes if Spinda leaves battle
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: what have i unleashed


RockCandyGuy joined the chat
SteelKomodo: eyo whoever this is
RubyChao: sup dude
RubyChao: for everyone: this is a friend of mine and Gooper's, who wanted to check out the community
SteelKomodo: oh, hi
SteelKomodo: welcome to the KoB!
RockCandyGuy: Aw snap, look at that, it's working. We in mad business now, evening folks.
SteelKomodo: indeed we are
Ringabel: welcome to the club
Bash: I'm not going to lie, at the first, I mistook 'welcome to the KOB' for 'welcome to the KGB', which, I must assure you hastily, RockCandyGuy, that most of us we are not in any way related to.


Ringabel: if you join us you will probably cry as ruby tortures your favorite character
RubyChao: what do you mean by that
RockCandyGuy: I'm liking the atmosphere here though just from right off the bat
RubyChao: what, i ain't doing anything
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
RubyChao pans to show Tenshi tied up over a shark pool
Ringabel: *drops stacks of papers detailing Tenshi's brutal removal from the BBB5*
RubyChao: LIES
RockCandyGuy: Hey, I could use any kind of creative outlet other than my own paper
Burgwelf: Really don't we all torture the favorites
Burgwelf: ZFRP is basically "Everyone's Hughes"
Ringabel: Kevin's my most tortured character yet
Ringabel: no wulf, you're banned from RPing Hughes
Ringabel: we can't have him die again


Gooper Blooper: have an utsuho aggressively drinking soda
Gooper Blooper: because The Internet
RubyChao: it's clearly the ZFRP Soda Yer' Mates
RockCandyGuy: Straight up gangsta
Gooper Blooper: New plot: The bar is taken over by a kid's company when it purchases the entire block, ZFRP characters struggle with their new surroundings: A G ESTABLISHMENT
Gooper Blooper: all beer replaced with soda, all curse words censored
Gooper Blooper: what will they doooo
Ringabel: Kevin somehow doesn't mind
RubyChao: don't forget the lack of discussion about tits and butts
RubyChao: dirk and lisa are just outright banned
Ringabel: if only because he works for a magical girl show
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: everyone compliments each others good-looking faces
Burgwelf: "What the *$@! happened to all my bleeding drugs?!"
Gooper Blooper: "My goodness, you certainly have a nice clean face!"
Gooper Blooper: "Why thank you!"
Burgwelf: David just slowly curling into a ball of soberness and clean language


Saberwulf: How the fuck does someone start out a chill song playlist with an anamanaguchi song
Saberwulf: That's like an acoustic playlist having Green Day on it


THE VIGILANTE STING: Is Rock Candy Guy spy?
SteelKomodo: no, he's a friend of Chao and Gooper
Draco: Hello, SK, RubyChao, and Rock Candy Guy.
RockCandyGuy: Hello guy, I too am a guy, yep.
THE VIGILANTE STING: Wait Rock Candy Guy doesn't sound like Spy
THE VIGILANTE STING uses flamethrower.
SteelKomodo: CW please D:
Draco: I'm fairly certain that RockCandyGuy is not me, because I am not a friend to Chao and Gooper. =p
RockCandyGuy: I might be your true self, we cannot rule that out
Jumpropeman: I gots me a bowl of cheese
Jumpropeman: can you tell I was born in Wisconsin
Draco: =O
THE VIGILANTE STING shoots self in head.
Draco throws the bowl of cheese at his Persona.

Legend of -Protagonist-: See, I like you, mate. :l I've already admitted to being JRM's evil twin, and now, you reveal that you are our true selves. :E Further evidence that the multiverse is a delightfully batshit insane joke.


Gooper Blooper: One month $16.90 or only $0.56 a day
3 months $39.90 or only $0.44 a day
12 months $129 or only $0.35 a day

Saberwulf: What the fuck 16 dollars and 90 goddamn cents for a month of premium
Saberwulf: Is this room made of peruzzi diamonds
Jumpropeman: no wulf
THE DEAD STING: Now you see why Daniel Bryan's season pass was a gift
Jumpropeman: its made of Comedy GOLD
Gooper Blooper: Chatzy Premium is the high-class life
RockCandyGuy: I didn't even know people could charge for chat services these days, I mean really
Gooper Blooper: Saberwulf: If I ever get rich I'm gonna buy a premium Chatzy and always refer to it in rich white person voice
-Saberwulf: "Why yes, I DO own a premium Chatzy! Money for children in Africa? Ha ha haaaaaa"

Jumpropeman: I heard Warren Buffet owns six Premium Chatzy chatrooms
RockCandyGuy: Priorities!
Gooper Blooper: you gotta roll the R if you wanna get EXTRA fancy
Gooper Blooper: prrrrrrrrrrEEEMium


Jumpropeman: I still have that oddish you gave me in my party chao
RubyChao: has it become an unstoppable powerhouse, jrm
Jumpropeman: it has three moves and is level 11, you tell me


Saberwulf: Why does googling "cyberpunk girl from ipanema" have so many hits


RubyChao: spoiler: i am now 99% sure bravely default is going to be involved in my rp this year
RubyChao: the 1% is in case i suddenly wake up overnight and hate BD for absolutely no reason
Gooper Blooper: chao wakes up
Gooper Blooper: *chao kicks Tiz*
RubyChao: oh god why am i laughing so hard
RubyChao: help


Saberwulf: Cor fucking blimey I just realized
Saberwulf: "Tableter: I keep making badass ladies or huge dorks"
Saberwulf: I accidentally made Ellie BOTH


Cornwind Evil: Time for 2014 characters to be Gangsta'd
Jumpropeman: Ledyba>​Dead Bully Red Snappa
Gooper Blooper: Sonia Revel = Ribbed Pond Swimma
Gooper Blooper: Silence = Heavy Nutz Mint Flava
RubyChao: Tenshi Hinanawi ->​ Clowny Robba
Gooper Blooper: Edea Lee = Stupid-Ass Goat Smuggla
Cornwind Evil: Ash Marsello: Janky G
Cornwind Evil: Ash:...That's IT?
Gooper Blooper: hey, Ash's is actually pretty catchy
RubyChao: Viola Nightshade ->​ Old Dirty Lumpynutz
RubyChao: wow viola got the short end of the stick
Jumpropeman: Janky G is like a cartoon character name
Cornwind Evil: Christine Brynn: Slimy Crack Baby
Gooper Blooper: still better than Celestia
Cornwind Evil: Christine: SPEAK FOR YOURSELF
RubyChao: Checkmate ->​ Black Canadian
Gooper Blooper: Blade = Black Pud
Ringabel: Ringabel ->​ Trip-n-Fall Mafiosi
RubyChao: but he's not black OR canadian
RubyChao: what will he do
Jumpropeman: >​Slimy Crack Baby
Jumpropeman: *jots down new character idea*
Ringabel: Kogasa ->​ Straight Goat Smuggla
Cornwind Evil: Deacon Crowe = Broken Baller
Saberwulf: Straight Goat Smuggla sounds like David's myspace handle
Ringabel: Kogasa took it for some reason
Ringabel: probably just uses it for friends on skype because she has too many fans on her main
Cornwind Evil: Malachi Dalca = Dances With Ho Slappa
Gooper Blooper: so he dances with sammy
RubyChao: Mother Brain ->​ Stanky Left-Hand Gorilla
Cornwind Evil: Solomon Vass = Rump-Thumpin Rot Sloth
Gooper Blooper: Tried Celestia again, this time using a different spelling of her last name
Gooper Blooper: Stupid-Ass Pee Hands
RubyChao: why does it hate celestia
Gooper Blooper: this generator just does not like celestia
RubyChao: 2015: gangsta name generator fuses with the remains of genzu generator
RubyChao: attacks celestia and utsuho at once
Jumpropeman: generator is actually Tiamat
Gooper Blooper: calls them fat ugly gorillas
Gooper Blooper: with stupid-ass pee hands
Cornwind Evil: Filippa Lucinda DaFoe = Machete Masta Rat Snatcher
Cornwind Evil: I might actually use that
RubyChao: Praline a la Mode ->​ Gun Doggy Ass-whippa
Cornwind Evil: Putting in Utsuho's married name
Saberwulf: Zoe's is no-pants baller which fits her very well
Ringabel: she's not married yet tho
Cornwind Evil: Utsuho Angelos = Played Out Stank Ho
Saberwulf: fuckin burn
Jumpropeman: what if she doesnt take Pit's name
Ringabel: Kevin ->​ Off Da Hook Hung Daddy
Ringabel: oh my
Gooper Blooper: Buttsephine = Straight Couch Bouncer
Jumpropeman: and instead takes Obama's
Saberwulf: hahaha
Cornwind Evil: This generator doesn't like ANY of the extended Sarahkin family
Gooper Blooper: if the couch is rockin'
Ringabel: Kevin blushes intensely and just slams his laptop shut
Cornwind Evil: Air = Played Out Kelp Licker
Gooper Blooper: Played out after two appearances
Saberwulf: Chet = Rotten Cracka Fool


Jumpropeman: the users I actually ship
Jumpropeman: are harpy x ivelchild
Jumpropeman: controversial, I know
RubyChao: nah jrm
Jumpropeman: but I think they got a chance
RubyChao: there's no way that'll EVER be canon
Ringabel: you know what else won't be canon
Jumpropeman: my fanfics beg to differ chao


SteelKomodo: dirk philosophy


Saberwulf: Oh boy a Vocaloid cover of Numb


~By RedSpy~

it was just a normal day in the zoofites chatzy when suddenly my friend jimropeman logged in for the day. he seemed kind of funny today. usually his avatar is a happy goat, but today it was a very sad one so i asked if he was oka nad he voided the question but he did tell me about new game he found. it was called kanye zone, and it was a fun little game where you stopped kanye yest from touching a big pink circle so if gured he was just having too much fun and wasnt going to be taking much, so i thnanked him for the link and began to play.

it was rally fun but really hard too, and no matter how much i tried i couldnt beat it. kanye always touched the circle, laughed, and tokd me "im definitely in my zone". thisangered me, but then, the high scores wiped. this is normal because the high scores wipe at the top of every hours but i saw a chance and kanyed like i could never kanye before. soon the high score . . . . . . . . . . . . was mine. the game said "thats pretty good but how would you like the REAL kanye experence" i stared at the link. on one hand the game was a fun game, and if ther was a part two id be so excited for it. on the other hand, the link wasnt blue like most links. it was blood red. but maybe they just liked that color, because it went really well with the site's purple. i go to the chaty to ask advice and there's johnropeman and his goast avatar. this time he was crying and the bell in his head and the shades on his face were cracked. he sent me a private message. dont do it man it said. you;l never get out of kanye's zone i was a bit weirded out but i figured he just thought id be addicted. i mean i was already addicted tobinding of isaak and two games would mean id never leave the compuerbox so i clamed him down and clicked on the link. just then ominous lightningstruck and my other friend rubbyhao left the chatzy. but it didn't say "rubychao was timmed out" it said "rubychao is has entered my zone" i shrugged it off because i had agame to play.

the game was hardr than before. this time kanye wouldnt let himself be stopped so easy. he moved fast, faster than any kanye ive ever seen. i went to hit him with my little circle before he could enter his zone, but then . . . . . . .. . . he turneded! ive never seen a knaye tur before. usually they have to hit the walls and they still go straight. this was no ordinary kanye. just then, another item spawned. it was wepon. kanye beelined toward weepon and his picture changed. now he was holding a gun, and his usual grin seemed to look a bit menacing. still, i did m best to stop him from reaching kanye zone. he never seemed to use gun but it stille weirded me out. however, he never went for zone. he just orbite d around the box, taunting me. "don't let me into my zone. don't let me into ymzone"

how can i when i cant reach you!?

thiscontinued for a while, and the high scores began to rack up. five million dollars. seven million dllrs. soon i had ten million dollars. and then i saw something weird. the screen breifly flashed to kanye wet. he was outside and next to him was a dead body. he held it up proudly nad showe me the bullet hole, and i couldve sworn i saw the words "kanye's zone" over the wound. it only lasted for a frame but it was too hyper realsitic. i could baely breath. now, more than ever, i didnt want to let kanye into his zone. this happened every ten thousand bucks. kanye west with a body at disneyworld. kanye west with a body in a hosptial. kanye west with a boody in a graveyard but that one was skeleotn. but id idnt want to stop even though i was scared. i was about to have highest score every at kanye world, one hundred million dollar

seventy million. kanye was at a fnce. eighty million. kanye was on some stares. ninety million. kanye was at a s door and it looked really vamiliar but i did not know why. then ih eard a knock and i realized why.

kanye west

was at my door.

i moved the circle around and tried to mnock him away but he moved around it,laughing evilly. dont let me into my zone. dont let me into my zone. then, at ninety ninet million dollars and inety nine sense, he made a beeline right for the cirlce. he was too fast. i couldn't stop it. as he hit the cirlce i heard boolet, and flet warm blood seeping through my shit. as i turned to the door i saw him, crack opened through the door like he was the shining. he grinned evlly at me and i saw stan in his eyes. as i blacked out i heard him say the last words i would ever hear.

"im definitely in my zone"

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