Thursday, January 22, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 176: My Client Tenshi Hinanawi

Fashionaaabluh!: "Lanky Kong is commonly associated with water. In Donkey Kong 64, his color was blue, which is commonly associated with water. He also was the only Kong who could become Enguarde in that game, and his only boss fight by himself was against a fish in a boat. In Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble, his only cameo is in the water, although most Kongs appeared in the water with him."
Fashionaaabluh!: Thanks Mario Wiki
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: kinda stretching there, Mario Wiki
Tableter: He has no style
ivel: stretching it eh Goops
Gooper Blooper: If Lanky actually did things in more than one game maybe you could build a case
ivel: just like Lanky
Tableter: He has no grace
Gooper Blooper: it stretched its logic just for me
Tableter: This kong
Tableter: Has a funny face


ivel: I still find it hilarious in WWE 2k14 how they censored references to the WWF
ivel: I understand why but it was still funny
ivel: "The WW *silence*"


Cornwind Evil: My god
Cornwind Evil: They actually decided this guy's original name was so bad
Cornwind Evil: They retconned it as a alias
Cornwind Evil: Because I remember this guy and the alias was listed as his actual name for years
Draxo: From a universe with guys like "Grievous" "Whorthsom" and every "Darth" ever...Sleazebaggano is the one they hated.


THE dark LORD: WoW news: I found Oceanus' quest you guys
THE dark LORD: Dwarf is telling tall tales that are literally just "yeah I punched this dragon god of death right in the face"
Gooper Blooper: >​a short boastful character claiming to have punched gods in the face
Gooper Blooper: wow
Gooper Blooper: (the difference is that Oceanus actually did it)


THE dark LORD: I love this image
BlargBree: congratulations
BlargBree: :I
THE dark LORD: |:<
BlargBree: |:<
RubyChao: |:<
Cornwind Evil: That Pokemon's response is like the classic someone saying 'Good morning' and the response being 'Prove it'


Gooper Blooper: two pogeys left to complete pokedex
Gooper Blooper: again
Gooper Blooper: the other is furret
Gooper Blooper: when I was hatching eggs yesterday I saw I was missing Bidoof and I was like "imagine if by some quirk of trading and transferring someone has a Pokedex that is missing nothing except fuckin Bidoof"


(Bravely Default)

RubyChao: *finishes getting the Golden Egg from Norende unlocked*
RubyChao: *checks price*
RubyChao: >​200,000 pg
RubyChao: hi mammon


Gooper Blooper: CHRISTMAS TREE UPDATE: Christmas tree still up
Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro: "When I'm done being sick I'm taking that tree down." Goopsmom: "DON'T TOUCH MY TREE D:"
RubyChao: goopsmom pls you have to accept it's over eventually
Tableter: Your mom is crazy
Harpy: goopsbro then magnificently suplexes the tree
Harpy: i will pay money to see this happen
t: Does replicating the myconid give me more exp?
Harpy: yes
Harpy: i don't like those types of enemies though as once they start, its sometimes hard to get them to stop
t: Well then! You're gonna be my beeeeeeest friend, Mr. Mushroom~
t: Thankfully Agnes doesn't care how many mushrooms there are
t: Aww tiz no you killed one
Gooper Blooper: memories of endless Koopatrol summon dances
RubyChao: you got 70 star points
iKomodo: Hahaha


Gooper Blooper: I've found a tumblr blog called "This Is Normal" that describes normal-type Pokemon to show what Game Freak considers to be "normal"
Gooper Blooper: "A lizard with a huge tongue. It can only realize its full potential if it knows how to do somersaults."
Gooper Blooper: "In 2013, Game Freak decided that Kirbys with pointy ears are not normal after all, but this-is-normal chooses to note them anyway for the record."
Gooper Blooper: "Barefoot Kirbys with pointy ears and huge eyes, on the other hand, are still considered normal."


t: Sin Cara's intense point of fury is my reaction to seeing DeRosa's stupid face
Gooper Blooper: YOUUUUU
Gooper Blooper: womancage vs womanvat, fite yer mates
Harpy: goops if you don't immortalize all of spy's reactions to derosa I will be very disappointed
Gooper Blooper: I have quite enjoyed the elite four's reactions to derosa
t: Okay so this is the part he reveals he's draining their nutrients, right?
Harpy: oh spy
Harpy: keep watching
Harpy: just keep watching
Gooper Blooper: Reminder that I toned derosa down because otherwise I would have been too uncomfortable to use him
Harpy: any person would have been uncomfortable knowing what he did
t: . . . What
t: Did
Harpy: there it is


Bree: where did my cornwind go
RubyChao: oh where oh where has bree's cornwind gone, oh where oh where can he be


RubyChao: tenshi has a super sized pumpkydoo
Gooper Blooper: gee tenshi
Gooper Blooper: why'd you catch that
Gooper Blooper: ~
RubyChao: "Because Viola tells me they're really cool. ...There, I said it."


RubyChao: >​ditto
Gooper Blooper: hi is ruined


Harpy: quick question goops: did i capture the essence of Ringabel
Gooper Blooper: I read his lines in his voice and they fit pretty well, Harpy
Gooper Blooper: that's an easy test to see if you're being in-character with any char that has a voice actor
Harpy: i could make a whole line of his be just "butts butts butts" and it'd still fit tho :U


Harpy: shedinja cannot be fed
Harpy: in amie
Harpy: because it is
Harpy: a shell of its former self
dedvel: ...
dedvel: harpy
dedvel: no


dedvel: that reminds me of this one battle in one of my favorite games
dedvel: that being Radiata Stories
dedvel: there's an early battle that plotwise you lose
dedvel: but in new game+ you can be strong enough to win
dedvel: but still lose plot
dedvel: also that game had the best boss dragon I've ever seen
Harpy: >​best boss dragon
Harpy: please
Harpy: continue
Harpy: *hopelessly drowns in JRPGs*


M Sheep joined the chat
RubyChao: SHEEP
Gooper Blooper: >​M sheep
Harpy: M SHEEP
Gooper Blooper: WHAT
Harpy: how is life, dude?
iKomodo: M SHEEP
RubyChao: how have you been?
M Sheep: Still alive; please note
iKomodo: welcome back, dude!
RubyChao notes that!
M Sheep: Hello, everyone!
A Talking Cat!?: SHEEP!!
Bree: HI SHEEP!!!!!!


iKomodo: Off to sleep
M Sheep: Good noght, SK!
M Sheep: >​Good noght
M Sheep: It's like I upgraded my browser to one with spel lcheck for nothing
M Sheep: >​spel lcheck
M Sheep: I am my own two man stand up act
M Sheep: I take the piss outta me better than anyone


Bree: spy's voice is super adorable


M Sheep: back in my day, you used a masterball accidentally on a pelliper halfway through the game, and then bought 99 pokeballs to waste on Groudon
Gooper Blooper: I got Groudon with one ball somehow
Gooper Blooper: 2lucky
M Sheep: I wasted about a day and a half of my life trying to catch Groudon and never touched a pokemon game again
Gooper Blooper: >​a legendary being hard to catch killed sheep's interest in pogeys
Gooper Blooper: damn you groudon
M Sheep: I'm sure my woe is far from uncommon
Gooper Blooper: then why didn't you use the m-
Gooper Blooper: that pelipper story had basis in fact didn't it
Gooper Blooper: damn you pelipper
M Sheep: I really like how Pelipper looks, okay?
M Sheep: I have no idea what happened with that pelliper. I must have selected the Master Ball by mistake. I only figured it out later because I think that game shows the design of the pokeball when the pokemon pops out
Dra: It do.
M Sheep: So I basically got to Groudon-so naive in my assurance of victory-only to stare at an inventory of your regular pokeballs
M Sheep: only to find out later, tooling around and grinding experience, when the Pelipper pops out with its stupid face


RedSpy: I want to get a Master Ball
RedSpy: Use it on a Bidoof
RedSpy: And just Wonder Trade it
RedSpy: Make people wonder what the fuck the deal with this Bidoof is


Bree flops on the ground


RubyChao: i love biting my tongue
RubyChao: and by i love it
RubyChao: i mean i fucking hate it


RubyChao: >​fearow
RubyChao: more like
RubyChao: ...
RubyChao: something
Gooper Blooper: failow
Gooper Blooper: mental image
Gooper Blooper: Tenshi sees Fearow
Gooper Blooper: has to actively resist a strange overwhelming urge to catch it and put it on her team
Gooper Blooper: "Okay, so Fearow has nothing on Dodrio, and I mean nothing. Overall, what separates the two is the fact that Fearow has 10 higher HP, 2 higher Special, 10 lower Defense, and 40 lower Attack. Also, Dodrio gets Body Slam."
Gooper Blooper: gamefreak why


Gooper Blooper: this year I'm bringing in a normal character living a normal life who is surrounded by bullshit and no-sells it
Jumpropeman: that's what you say, but wait until we find out the truth about Mary Bishopfish, here to avenge her father Arthur Bishopfish!
Gooper Blooper: IT'S TRUE


Jumpropeman: anytime is good time for Troupple King
dedvel: exactly


Jumpropeman: mighty no. 9 is reaching completion, hopefully, maybe, possibly, seems like
Jumpropeman: ive kickstarted 4 games and none have finished yet :I


Nine to Del: "The necromancer is a half-ghost whose skeletal minion is his OWN SKELETON"


RedSpy joined the chat
RedSpy: Greetings friends. I have humor for you all
RedSpy: What is Pac-Man's favorite wrestler? X-Pac
RedSpy: What is Pac-Man's favorite artist? Tupac
RedSpy: What is Pac-Man's favorite painter? Pac-Pablo Picasso.
RedSpy: How does Pac-Man get to work? Pac-Public Transportation
RedSpy: What does Pac-Man do before moving day? Pac Packs his stuff
SteelKomodo: ey spy
RedSpy: Greetings Pac Komodo.
Tableter: Oh dear
Harpy: i think he turned into skeiron
RedSpy: It is the Pacleter. Greetings.
SteelKomodo: oh god
SteelKomodo: spy are you okay
Harpy: my name is not pacpy
RedSpy: No worries, Pac-Harpy. I am fine.
RedSpy e v e r y t h i n g i s f i n e.
RedSpy: Pac
Harpy: spy seriously are you okay
Harpy: this is "la li lu le lo" levels of crazy
RedSpy: Yeah, I'm just bored and gimmicky
Harpy: oh okay
Harpy: crisis averted
RedSpy: I mean trust me, if I was having a bad day I'd be a lot more up front about it
SteelKomodo: kk
RedSpy: This is just me being a PacSpy
SteelKomodo: hahaha
RedSpy: (<
RedSpy: (< - - - - - - -
RedSpy: This Pac-Smiley displeases me.
Harpy: (< o o o o o o O o o o o
Tableter: Wakka wakka
RedSpy: I will never not die of laughter at the pac-joke book


Tableter: I accidentally typed "chatzy man" into google and just before i hit backspace google reccomended "chatzy yiff mansion"
Tableter: Now my life is ruined


RedSpy: Harps, is it bad if my Edea
RedSpy: Is literally a Super Saiyan
Harpy: no


(After defeating the rival in Victory Road in Pokemon Y)

RubyChao: hahahaha this dramatic scene with the touching music
RubyChao: and you just know tenshi would be like
RubyChao: "Blah blah blah... now get outta here, loser. I'm too busy becoming the Champion."
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: and so tenshi moved onward towards glory (with viola following behind)


(GB finishes writing The Very Best)

Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: Now it's wrapped up and I can move on to something else
RubyChao: like more stuff about viola?
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: This was viola's offseason thing
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: I don't have anything else for her until May
RubyChao: also yes i know, it was an "i like viola" joke
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: "do viola stuff" "no" "do gloria stuff then"
RubyChao: pretty much, goops


Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: go for iiiiitttt
RubyChao: "the illustrious Tenshi" you got that right
RubyChao: nice to see tenshi getting the respect she deserves
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: the indispensable, the authoritative, the essential Tenshi
RubyChao: goddamn the E4 rooms got super fancy
RubyChao: i remember when they were just tiny chambers
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: yeah, the E4 is actually bad for grinding from Gen 5 onward because of all the pomp
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: it takes too long to get to the fights :V


Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: *tenshi panics internally*


RubyChao: ...bwahahaha
RubyChao: okay, first, and most importantly
RubyChao: anyhow, would people like to know how it ended
RubyChao: it was kinda funny
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: Wow!
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: You won first try? Awesome!
RubyChao: thanks :)
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: pls share
RubyChao: okay so
RubyChao: i was doing pretty good up to mega gardy
RubyChao: i only lost tyrantrum and had chesnaught slightly damaged
RubyChao: so mega gardy comes out... and OHKOs shrike
RubyChao: she then OHKOed chesnaught, skurvy, and utsuho before any of them even had a chance to get a move off
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: MEGAAAAA
RubyChao: so i saved gaben for last since he was bulkiest and thus most likely to survive a drawn out confrontation...
RubyChao: gaben OHKOed mega gardy with heavy slam
RubyChao: pokemon XY 90% off on steam forever
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: perfect
Harpy: SAFE
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: see the thing about Mega Gardevoir
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: boosts to Special Attack, Special Defense, Speed...
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: No boost at all to her shitty Defense
RubyChao: and thus the crushing might of steam sales wins the day
Harpy: my confrontation with mega garde was actually pretty drawn out
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: gardy 2thin, no chance against gaben's splash
RubyChao: three poke balls, two ultra balls
RubyChao: and that one fucking dusk ball
Harpy: enough that I had to use a full restore or two to tough it out
Harpy: then again I was decimating her entire team with Sammy and no other pogey
RubyChao: >​crowds of people gather to cheer for their new champion tenshi
RubyChao: she's loving every minute
Harpy: "yes, yes, cheer louder"
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: it's great isn't it
RubyChao: every single minute of adoration and applause
Harpy: "LOUDER"
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: a parade is held for tenshi
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: literally
RubyChao: so much ahahahahahing
Harpy: and then she gets married to viola right there
Harpy: *closes fanfic book*
RubyChao: time for tenshi to fight a jobo
RubyChao: *hobo
Harpy: jobber
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: jobbo
RubyChao: IT'S BEEN 3,000 YEARS
RubyChao: i mean it is touching but it's also been completely ruined


Cornwind Evil: Now here's a quiz
Cornwind Evil: Who is this
Cornwind Evil: Macho Man Randy Savage.
iKomodo: WELP


RubyChao: man guys did i ever tell you i almost didn't jump into 2013 rp for the dumbest reason
RubyChao: and it took the death of the old forums to catapult me into it
RubyChao: for the much better
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: oh god, chao, THAT
RubyChao: major failure's lack of hosting bills had one good consequence
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: yeah that was a bad excuse considering Season 3 was a reboot of sorts
RubyChao: for the uninformed: i didn't try to join 2012 because i hadn't finished reading 2011
RubyChao: so when 2013 rolled around and i hadn't finished 2012 i was like "no no i'll join after i finish"
RubyChao: a month went like this and then the old forums died locking me out of 2012 (because this is back when i had a shitty comp)
RubyChao: and goops was all "OKAY LOOK THE BRAWL'S HERE JOIN ALREADY DO IT DO IT DO IT" (dramatization)
RubyChao: and here we are


RubyChao: reminder that somehow Buff Eggman became my most popular villain
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: "somehow"
RubyChao: 3
RubyChao: (that was a typo)
RubyChao: also yeah somehow
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: well listen here brother, were you there when eggerman got 3 KOs in a row in front of 500,000 million screaming eggermaniacs
RubyChao: hahahahahaha
RubyChao: eggermania ran so wild that day
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: (I thought your "3" was going to lead to another post "KOs" and then "IN A ROW"
Cornwind Evil: MY EGGMAN WAS THE ONE IN......9 AND 1
RubyChao: >​Eggman
RubyChao: and then he suplexes CW
RubyChao: 16 times


RubyChao: important question for goops: does viola have the booty/the booby
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: compared to Tenshi Viola looks like a damn succubus
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: but she's not particularly impressive otherwise
RubyChao: so tenshi's friend is bustier, bootier, AND taller than her
RubyChao: let's hope tenshi doesn't grow to resent her for that!
RubyChao: She won't.
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: well to be fair
RedSpy: But we all know the best booty on this vessel is Survy's
Dacro: Cleffa's mom has got it going on.
RubyChao: >​Survy
Cornwind Evil: I don't think Tenshi cares about being flat
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: EVERYONE is bustier, bootier, and taller than Tenshi, or at least one of the three
Cornwind Evil: She doesn't strike me as the type
RedSpy: USS Spy Can't Spell
Bree: melody and momoko aren't
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: stag beetle etc
RubyChao: why do you think she's not gonna resent it, cw?
Cornwind Evil: Tenshi is the kind that if you said "Tenshi, you're a carpenter's dream, flat as a board!" she'd just go 'Huh?'
Cornwind Evil: But if you said "I bet this sledge hammer would knock you flat!", she'd yell at you to smash her right in the face with it
Cornwind Evil: Tenshi invites domestic violence
Cornwind Evil: Tenshi is setting back the feminist cause by decades
Dacro: What about Ariel?
RubyChao: tenshi final boss 2015
RubyChao: ariel is still bustier than tenshi
Bree: and bootier
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: this is correct
RubyChao: not taller tho
Dacro: What about Morgan and Lily?
Pineco, Destroyer of Worlds: I dunno Draco it's pretty close
RubyChao: when put next to them, tenshi's chest appears negative somehow
Cornwind Evil: I love how we have to say 'bootier' because if we say "butter" we're suddenly talking about an angry living pumpkin.


Saberwulf: Oh damn I figured out how to do my Hank Hill accent again
RubyChao: that accent ain't right i tell you what


Tableter: I looked at the sa xbox one thread
Tableter: I should not have done that
Tableter: The name shark tank is appropriate


Gooper Blooper: after winning a Pokemon contest you get adoring fans in the hallway of the contest hall who give you items
Gooper Blooper: there's a hex maniac here
Harpy: viola wishes the best for ariel
Harpy: but would much rather have tenshi
Gooper Blooper: "You and your Pokemon... it would appear that you possess some mysterious power. I found myself fascinated by it in spite of myself. There must be something to this power! I will bestow this upon you. Strive to further amplify your power!"
Gooper Blooper: Take out the exclamation points and that could definitely pass for Viola
Harpy: who knew nintendo could write viola so well
Gooper Blooper: she gave me a "belue berry"
Gooper Blooper: not a blueberry, a belue berry
Gooper Blooper: so clever, gamefreak
iKomodo: don't forget bluk berries
Gooper Blooper: tamato berries


Gooper Blooper: Fun fact: Trapinch's attack stat is equal to Flygon's
RedSpy: Goops, no
RedSpy: Trapinch's attack stat isn't equal. Not to Mega Flygon's
RedSpy wants to belieeeeeeeeeve
Gooper Blooper: spy the dream is dead
Dacro: What about Mega Trapinch?
RedSpy: Its not dead, Goops
Gooper Blooper: Mega Flygon went to live on a farm with Smash 4 Waddle Dee
RedSpy: Not until Brock Lesnar hits it with an F Fi-
Gooper Blooper: they're very happy there
Harpy: that's a low blow
RedSpy: . . . You had to go there Goops ;;
RedSpy changed name to Waddle Dee Is A Farm
RubyChao: goops why
Waddle Dee Is A Farm changed name to Flygon Is A Pizza Store


Jumpropeman: should I make a breakfast pizza
Jumpropeman: or be a normal person
Rube: Yus.
Rube: Down with normal.

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