Sunday, January 4, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 171: Ivel's Mom Has Got It Going On

RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: >​no goopy
RubyChao looks sadly at the package
Harpy: PM him :I
RubyChao: "Last Activity » Today, 5:03 PM"
ivelchild: pm him and get him here so you no longer have to sadly look at your package
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Harpy: GOOPY
Harpy: RUBY
RubyChao: yeah as far as i can tell it's confir-
RubyChao: harpy confirmed for shipper
Harpy: i live through your ships
Harpy: because i hardly make them anymore


PostSpy Red: Sup guys
ivelchild: just being amused that a Gundam character was named Full Frontal
PostSpy Red: ahahaha what
Tableter: Does his robot have a huge robodong
ivelchild: it looks like it at least has a cup
Tableter: Hagaha
PostSpy Red: Anythng with a robodong
PostSpy Red: Should just be called a roboner
ivelchild: yes
Tableter: Correct


PostSpy Red: All is lost


SteelKomodo: (281): Never drink rum straight from the bottle, even if people say it'll make you a pirate. It won't: it'll make you a bumbling shitfaced idiot who just drank rum straight from the bottle.
SteelKomodo: gonna get dirk to quote that at some point
Gooper Blooper: I imagined Dirk telling Josie this while she's in her pirate outfit


Gooper Blooper: I tried out Cerise in combat today
Gooper Blooper: She is almost completely impossible to kill, just as planned
Bree: yay cerise 2OP
iKomodo: :D
Gooper Blooper: Cerise is so powerful I'd actually feel like a jerk if I used her all the time, so I made up a team for 2-on-2s that can be used in two different configurations
Gooper Blooper: If the opponent abuses ubers or is unprofessional somehow, I send in Cerise. Otherwise I use a more standard team built around buffing Regigigas
PostSpy Red: I'm scared to know what Cerise is now
Gooper Blooper: Cerise is:
Chansey @ Eviolite
Relaxed, 252 HP, 252 Def
Seismic Toss
ivelchild: oh god
PostSpy Red: DAMN
iKomodo: Dayum son
RubyChao: OP
RubyChao: pls nerf
Gooper Blooper: My best match was against someone named "BonerBong420"
Gooper Blooper: I saw that name and I said to myself "Someone's fighting Cerise today."
ivelchild: welp
Gooper Blooper: But he had a Minimize Chansey counter: A Cobalion with Sacred Sword (Sacred Sword ignores defense and evasion buffs)
iKomodo: Hahahahaha
Draco: The joke was on you, Goops.
Gooper Blooper: Regardless, Samantha the Clefable used Follow Me to let Cerise get off a crucial Minimize first, then Cobalion started attacking
Gooper Blooper: But Cerise was actually able to survive the Sacred Sword and use Softboiled every turn
Gooper Blooper: With those two deadlocked, his Charizard gave Cerise a burn. Samantha was KOed, out came Letty the shiny Froslass
Gooper Blooper: Letty used Psych Up on Cerise, so now they both had buffed evasion - and Froslass is Ghost type so Sacred Sword would fail
Gooper Blooper: Charizard was KOed, out came a Sylveon. It failed to hit either of them with Dazzling Gleam, letting Letty wear down Cobalion
Gooper Blooper: Once he was gone it was all over
Gooper Blooper: (although not before Letty was KOed and I revealed my Regigigas ALSO has Psych Up)
ivelchild: haha
iKomodo: #Gigas


RubyChao: i can literally remember exactly how the narrator said all this
RubyChao: help


RubyChao: also goops
RubyChao: i can see why you recommend russel stover chocolate
RubyChao: or well taste why
Gooper Blooper: It's the best taste/cost ratio in chocolate, imo
Gooper Blooper: See if you can track some down after crimbus when every store suddenly desperately wants to get rid of everything with santa's face on it


Gooper Blooper: I quoted the beginning of this earlier but I need to share the whole thing
RubyChao: i
RubyChao: oh my god
RubyChao: wow
Gooper Blooper: chao RP plot 2015
RubyChao: viola finds the story during the offseason
RubyChao: becomes very confused
Gooper Blooper: "Xero was sad because he knew they where tainted with evil and beyond saving 'maybe you are right but I will fight to prove the good of mankind' he said and held his sword up in the attack pose as he flew towards them and used zandatsu to cut up there magic attacks as they exploded and did no damage to xero
the hot wind blowing-metal gear rising revengence"

Gooper Blooper: Xero kita the finale begins.
I wanted to represent the fall from grace and the misery of conflict and the cycle it causes in which people are dragged in and destoried by the very hate they engineer.
bit inpired by warhammers horus heresy with the emperor facing horus too.
Either way the finale will be heartbreaking.

RubyChao: yes walfas and its style is the best way to represent all that
Gooper Blooper: And don't miss part 1 of Tenshi's struggle
Kogasa: Wut


Harpy: all i did was eat a burrito bowl
Harpy: and think of dumb story ideas that i must not do
Harpy: i regret everything but the burrito


RubyChao: would anyone like to know a dramatic confession
Harpy: only if you link the most dramatic music possible
Gooper Blooper: it's not very dramatic if you hesitantly ask beforehand
Harpy: ...
RubyChao: just the first star or so in hotels
Harpy: you're dead to me
RubyChao: finished DS, though
Harpy: you're undead to me
ivelchild: neither did I
RubyChao grabs Spy, eats his brain
Harpy: ...
ivelchild: I also didn't play much of DS
Harpy: ivel come to my house so you can FUCKING PLAY SUPER MARIO 64 MY FUCKING GOD
Harpy: or paper mario
Harpy: whichever works
RubyChao: ivel you're not allowed to keep dating harpy until you play mario 64
Gooper Blooper: I played Mario 64 a bunch of times via rentals, then finished 64 DS via Luigi abuse, then picked up 64 DS again years later and was like "how did I control this"
Harpy: luigi 2 broke
RubyChao: that happened to me with mario kart (dd)
RubyChao: i tried getting back into it and i had no idea how
Harpy: i didn't finish mario 64
Gooper Blooper: Why is playing it so important if you didn't finish it
ivelchild: I loved Paper Mario, did beat that
Harpy: because I was being dramaticly stupi-
Harpy: okay i am banned from this relationship until i finish paper mario
RubyChao: yes you are harpy
ivelchild: :U
Gooper Blooper: bring on the papper merrio
RubyChao picks up Ivel and carries him away
Harpy: drowning in vidyah
Gooper Blooper: it was a gift from meeeee
RubyChao: you can have him back when you beat paper mario
ivelchild: my hero~
Harpy: ruby x ivel
Harpy: they're too good for me
PostSpy Red: XD
Gooper Blooper: now harpy is mine! ALL MINE
RubyChao: the shocking twist that NO ONE expected
Harpy: goopy i can't do ldr's, besides my mom is horrible
ivelchild: She is
Harpy: the most horrifying thought: having harpmom as your mom-in-law
PostSpy Red: Nah, the Harpy belongs to the people! Viva la revolution!
Harpy: that's awkward to think about, spy
Gooper Blooper: harpmom worstmom


Harpy: stupid story idea: war between demons and fairies? hey there's a dullahan who is here to save the day! or just in it for the chicken nuggets.
Harpy: "You stole my chicken nuggies, you bastard! D:< "
Harpy: end stupid story idea
ivelchild: best idea
Harpy: and so the demon moth queen was defeated because she stole and ate the chicken nuggies
Harpy: other stupid idea: insect kingdom with a mantid princess
Harpy: "mom where's dad?" "Oh, him? Oh... haha... we kind of.... got into a fight..."
Harpy: *flashback to fight and queen mantid devouring the king*
Harpy: "It wasn't a very good fight so uh, he had to pack his bags and leave"
Gooper Blooper: bugs
Gooper Blooper: I still plan for Stag Beetle to return next season
Harpy: it'd be a crime not to
Harpy: "[9:19:39 PM] Ivelchild: it could be worse since mantis
[9:20:05 PM] Ivelchild: "Well we were making love..."
[9:20:14 PM] Ivelchild: Harpy: flashback to fight and queen mantid devouring the king"

Harpy: "but thats how you were born"


RubyChao: did i ever mention how one touhoumon hack of emerald was heavily #ruined in hindsight after zfrp happened
Harpy: no
RubyChao: the world was in peril because of the awakening of the dreaded touhoumon
RubyChao: utsuho and suwako
RubyChao: and guess who calms their shit
RubyChao: that's right, tenshi
Gooper Blooper: utsuho is groudon
Gooper Blooper: it all makes sense now
Harpy: goddamn it tenshi
Gooper Blooper: Rayquaza descends from the heavens with a pumpkaboo following it
Gooper Blooper: "you saved my trainer, rayquaza" "go away"


RubyChao:'s too bad we don't have bree
RubyChao: otherwise we could have the rare full set
Gooper Blooper: you are all holographic rares in the card binder of friendship
Harpy: ivel you're the holographic charizard
RubyChao: can i be the holo regigigas
Harpy: and i'm the holographic clefable
Harpy: base set charizard lel
PostSpy Red: i'm a holo Togepi in Trouble
Harpy: red no
RubyChao: but the real question is
RubyChao: who is the fossil grimer
Harpy: all of us
Gooper Blooper: fossil grimers are the unseen masses
Harpy: goops you should send ivel a fossil grimer
Gooper Blooper: tapogres, people who enter the chat via google search, forum guests
Gooper Blooper: Next time I send you something I'll include a grimer to pass along
RubyChao: but it's the elite four
RubyChao: ivel needs a different card
RubyChao: like
Harpy: but that would be like saying he's better than us :I
RubyChao: okay okay
RubyChao: fossil koffing? :V


Gooper Blooper: Goopsmom was like "Ehh, not done yet, gonna go shopping on maybe Mond- wait, WEDNESDAY IS CHRISTMAS EVE ISN'T IT? OH MAN"
PostSpy Red: XD
Harpy: goopsmom plz
RubyChao: oh god
RubyChao: don't tell me goopsmom is going follow my example and live on the edge


Gooper Blooper: If I ever do another run of FFT, it will be a 100% ruined run
Gooper Blooper: Alex, the Sarahkin, Stella
Harpy: no sophia qq
Gooper Blooper: FFT was where I got Ariel, Josephine, and Gloria's names - they were randomly assigned
Harpy: amazing
Gooper Blooper: Gloria and Josephine were starter generics and Ariel heel-face-turned because of stel-stel
Harpy: clearly stel gave a convincing argument about enviromentalism
Harpy: yer killin the planet
Gooper Blooper: planet's dyin, ari- 2slow
RubyChao: good thing Stellet Wallace was there to help
Gooper Blooper: Ariel's dyin, Ariel
Harpy: sarah's dyin, ariel
Harpy: give fud


Vibreeva: I can mostly deal with RP!bugs
Vibreeva: I mean Goops has Wids, Wids don't bother me
Vibreeva: I just don't wanna look at pictures of real bugs
Harpy: brb asking goops to give wids a tiara-*shot*
Harpy: but yeah, just silly ideas
Gooper Blooper: princess wids
PostSpy Red: Postman Wids
Harpy: princess mantis new avie
RubyChao: postman wids
RubyChao: postman wids
RubyChao: postman wids and her black and white... kids?
Vibreeva: postman wids and her black and white lids
Vibreeva: *cut to a room full of container lids without actual containers*


Tableter: Hype for howard the duck movie
Tableter: (There wont be one)


ivelchild: I heard the chat was dead so I decided to join to be of no help whatsoever with that


Gooper Blooper: Amazon is kinda funny at this time of year
Gooper Blooper: first they do the countdown in the corner, "X DAYS LEFT TO ORDER WITH FREE SUPER SAVER SHIPPING"
Gooper Blooper: then when that runs out it becomes "X DAYS LEFT TO ORDER WITH AMAZON PRIME FREE 2-DAY SHIPPING"
ivelchild: welp
Gooper Blooper: That will run out tomorrow, so they'll do "IT'S NOT TOO LATE, BUY A GIFT CARD"


RubyChao: i can't believe marisa kirisame is fucking dead


Harpy: dude my bro was with me trying to suggest stuff for you
Harpy: and the biggest problem was
Harpy: he didn't fucking know you
Harpy: so he was suggesting stuff like this two foot tall stormtrooper doll
Gooper Blooper: "How about a tie? You said he was old"


Gooper Blooper: My monster movie collection contains
Gooper Blooper: Every Godzilla movie except the new one, Vs Megalon, and Vs Hedorah, all Mothra movies except Rebirth 3 (pirated because not released on DVD), all new Gamera movies and most old Gamera movies, the complete first season of Ultraman, Space Amoeba, and Rodan
ivelchild: daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa​aang
Gooper Blooper: I had Megalon and Hedorah on home video but the VCR ate the tape
Harpy: lets get him kamen rider shit
RubyChao: i'm impressed
ivelchild: My mom would love you
ivelchild: She loved Ultraman
Harpy: your mom loves just about everybody, ivel
Gooper Blooper: I slowly acquired every Godzilla movie over half a decade
RubyChao: does his mom love me? [smug] ​
RubyChao: wow that was not what i wanted to go for
RubyChao: chatzy emoticons why
ivelchild: Especially you
Gooper Blooper: Every single one of these films was watched by Goopsmom as well
Harpy: woah man you're putting on the moves for ivel's mom
Gooper Blooper: I made her a kaiju fan
ivelchild: no


Gooper Blooper: Dual Destinies mega spoilers: When The Phantom took off his first mask, Goopsmom's response was "NOOO WAYYYYY!!!" and then she was disappointed when it wasn't actually Starbuck
ivelchild: yes
RubyChao: ahahahaha


Harpy: ivel and i saw giant wrassler action figures
Harpy: and i said "i would get one for spy if they got one of john cena"
iKomodo: Pfffft
Gooper Blooper: Between the giant wrasslers and the giant stormtrooper, I know darn well what you saw
Harpy: mastodons
Gooper Blooper: The Jakks Pacific line of giant action figures
Harpy: we were in F.Y.E.
Gooper Blooper: They do in fact make a Cena
Gooper Blooper: A two-foot cena
Harpy: oh shit
Harpy: man i'm sad i'm sorta broke i would totes get that for spy
Harpy: i also saw a small daniel bryan POP! figure
iKomodo: Oh lawd
Harpy: that I would get for CW if I knew his address
Harpy: alas
Gooper Blooper:
ivelchild: I said that nobody deserves a giant John Cena
ivelchild: OH GOD
Gooper Blooper: 31 inches of jhon census
iKomodo: Oh god
Gooper Blooper: He could fight GIANT GODZILLA and overcome the odds
iKomodo: Also I read that as John jesus
iKomodo: Why
Harpy: john jesus plz


Harpy: alas I cannot draw worth a dang
RubyChao: it's okay harpy, i can't either
RubyChao: still be unable to draw
Gooper Blooper: you should still try
Gooper Blooper: you should have seen my first attempts at drawing white mages
Gooper Blooper: they were
Gooper Blooper: unimpressive
Harpy: welp
Gooper Blooper: in fact
Gooper Blooper: I'm going to draw a white mage right now, but the way I did it in 2005 when I first tried

Harpy: leeel
RubyChao: whytemage
iKomodo: Sarah no D:
RubyChao: "I'M NOT SARAH"
iKomodo: the gigantism' set in too deep
Gooper Blooper: most recent pic of sarah for comparison

RubyChao: isn't the most recent pic the nMo :V
Gooper Blooper: technically yes but she's not wearing her white mage outfit so it cannot be used
Gooper Blooper: White mages were the first non-stick-figure humans I ever drew
iKomodo: That's more like it!
Gooper Blooper: In retrospect the mages were crucial to my drawing development, as I was able to use their robes as a crutch until I was able to start grasping how to draw bodies
iKomodo: woot
Gooper Blooper: many draws creates much more passable white mages
iKomodo: Indeed
Gooper Blooper: I still do a lot of mittenhands tho
Gooper Blooper: I've been slowly moving away from that, like how I've never drawn Silence with mittenhands
iKomodo: Awesome
Gooper Blooper: then again I've drawn Silence a grand total of twice
Gooper Blooper: (her "concept art" and the BBB4 pic vs Shuma)
Harpy: draw silence again
Harpy: or kevin *shot*
Gooper Blooper: I'll have reason to draw Silence again next year
RubyChao: but will you draw
RubyChao: BLADE
Gooper Blooper: her backstory is starting to come together at long last, and you guys will be able to discover it
Harpy: yess
Gooper Blooper: I may draw Blade if there's a need for it
RubyChao: blade confirmed not buried
Gooper Blooper: I never know what I'm going to end up drawing before a season starts
Gooper Blooper: like, if you told me a year ago that I would be drawing this

Gooper Blooper: ...well, I'd go "lel that's zfrp for you" but I still wouldn't expect it


Gooper Blooper: I love walking into a store, physically holding something you want, and paying for it and having it IMMEDIATELY, but online is so gosh darn convenient
ivelchild: same
Harpy: ...i am about to make a lovey dovey joke and i apologize
Harpy: that's why you walked out of the story carrying me ivel :U
Harpy: *store
Gooper Blooper: :3
Harpy: story? were we in a book
Gooper Blooper: ivel carries harpy over the threshold... of a bakery
ivelchild: more like a candy store
Harpy: dude a bakery is better
Harpy: i mean
RubyChao sideeyes Ivel suspiciously
Harpy: i could loaf around
Harpy: like a LOAF OF BREAD
ivelchild: :3
ivelchild: [angel]
Gooper Blooper: HARPY is loafing around!
Harpy: so ivel, when are you class changing to white mage
ivelchild: changing class? What was I before
Harpy: a knight
ivelchild: lawl
Gooper Blooper: no, no, that's not how it works
Gooper Blooper: he's a knight, but harpy teaches him white magic and he becomes a paladin, not a white mage
Gooper Blooper: and she gives him the crystal of earth and they hide in a box together to avoid a 2lewd caveman movie
Harpy: he's too tall to be alex
Harpy: he's too tall to be alex, i say
Gooper Blooper: it's not the looks, it's the personality
Gooper Blooper: maybe he's not meek enough to be alex
Harpy: he rejects gifts outright if you ask him if he wants something
Harpy: "hey you want a cinnamon bun?" "noooooooooooooooo"
Harpy: meanwhile alex would never reject the generous offer of cinnabons :U
Gooper Blooper: new from celestia's
Harpy: ugh


RubyChao: *trainer appears*
RubyChao: *sees who it is*
RubyChao muppetflails excitedly
Harpy: FOEla
Gooper Blooper: at long last, chao has made it to the hex maniacs
RubyChao: >​anina
Gooper Blooper: #ruined
RubyChao: viola stop changing your name
Harpy: the hex maniacs are really just viola in different disguises under different names


Solsticewulf: Male reporters are fucking garbage
Solsticewulf: And ask dumb questions about Obama's birth certificate
Gooper Blooper: whar birf certifikit
Cornwind Evil: Are they still doing that
Solsticewulf: They never stopped


ivelchild: Harpcard arrived in the mail today
Harpy: it needs more butts
ivelchild: indeed
SteelKomodo: back
SteelKomodo: >​"harpcard" and "butts" in the same chat
SteelKomodo: do tell
Harpy: it lacks any posteriors whatsoever
Harpy: :C
SteelKomodo: :<


Tableter: wulf im managing your goddamn irc
Tableter: They're asking me atomic robo questions
Tableter: I'm the gm for one game not two aaaaaaaah you goober
Saberwulf: I'll be on in a sec
Saberwulf: "Hey GM how do I do this" "fuck I dunno I've never played this"


RubyChao: hey, that melotta plushie dropped in price!
RubyChao: now it's only $635!
Gooper Blooper: yeah they slashed over 300 bucks off it
Gooper Blooper: All they have to do is lower the price another 625 dollars and I'd consider buying it!


RubyChao: goops were you basically trying to catch up to now in chatzy madness
RubyChao: is that why this one is sarah sized
Gooper Blooper: Chatzy madnesses vary in size
Gooper Blooper: but yeah, this one's got some heft to it due to a large backlog and also relatively short logs making it quick and easy to sift through them for content, so I kept going for a while
Gooper Blooper: saraheft
Tableter: Sarahfatlel
Gooper Blooper: and yet she was the first ZFRP lady to get paired up
Gooper Blooper: haters gonna hate
iKomodo: dirk is still gonna try that chocolate theory on valentines
iKomodo: and that is still a statement
Spynix Wright: Dirk no
Spynix Wright: You'll never walk again
Gooper Blooper: dirk underestimates how much chocolate josie can eat at his own peril
Spynix Wright: Patman Post will have to ship you your legs in a body bag
Spynix Wright: That made no sense, I'm sorry
RubyChao: no it does
RubyChao: dirk's pelvis is so pulverized his legs just kind of fall off
RubyChao: dirk picks them up
RubyChao: "That's bad, right?"
iKomodo: Hahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: "Oh, dear." *loads body bag in van* "that's one way of delivering a parcel"
Tableter: "Most active corpse competition!"
iKomodo: Patman Post: Sorry, miss Goggins. Had to make an emergency delivery. New set of legs for a Dark Angel
Gooper Blooper: I was disappointed when chao's list of rumble predictions didn't include patman post
Gooper Blooper: as if I wouldn't want to use him for dumb gags
Tableter: As long as its just dirks legs and the rest of him stays on it'll be alright
Tableter: Celestia can make him some new ones
Gooper Blooper: there's plenty of cushioning to help him survive the wear and tear
RubyChao: santa already made him a new arm
RubyChao: now celestia makes him legs
Tableter: Fukken hell goops
Gooper Blooper: we can rebuild him
RubyChao: what's next in the gradual conversion of dirk to a robot
Tableter: His donger


Spynix Wright: This christmas, get your baby the gift of Dean Ambrose


Gooper Blooper: watch JRM buy all three of these
Gooper Blooper: "have your grandma pull the car around"


Gooper Blooper: Fancy chocolate boxes are usually not that great anyway
Gooper Blooper: they always take advantage of "assorted chocolates" to mean "have some shit absolutely nobody buys separately mixed in"


RubyChao: wait, i've got it
RubyChao: i'm sure you'd all love to read A Christmas Carol featuring.............
RubyChao: patchy
Gooper Blooper: interest is piqued
RubyChao: shit no you weren't supposed to actually be interested!
RubyChao throws a smokebomb and flees



(Twenty minutes and several conversations later)

ivelchild: I found Dolph's phone
iKomodo: Yay


Gooper Blooper: I like to save my Ominous Bad Things for April
Gooper Blooper: that's why I posted "The End" in April instead of posting it at the end of season 3 so it would hang over everyone's heads for six months
RubyChao: ominous bad thing: tenshi loses her hat
RubyChao: spends the entire rest of the offseason chasing after it across the world
Gooper Blooper: the worst thing
RubyChao: finally catches it, looks up
RubyChao: she's in vegas and it's may 1st
Harpy: welp


Cornwind Evil: Ah Kill La Kill
Cornwind Evil: Which has maybe the most absurd hot blooded declaration of heroic not gonna give up gonna beat you I've heard in a while
Cornwind Evil: 4:50.
Cornwind Evil: Also rather NSFW
ivelchild: anything from KLK should be assumed nsfw
Harpy: i already saw it subbed, it's okay but pretty lewd
Harpy: from the guys who brought you panty and stocking
Cornwind Evil: The funny thing is minus all the ridiculous clothing that's pretty much how Ash's battle with Xaxargas went
Harpy: ash battled xaxargas with nearly nothing on
Harpy: erdrick was actually a lewd suit
RubyChao: he won with the power of practical nudity?
Gooper Blooper: the less clothes you wear, the better your armor
Harpy: ira gamagori was the best part of that show not gonna lie
Gooper Blooper: succubi confirmed defensive juggernauts
RubyChao: tenshi takes that to heart
Cornwind Evil: I meant in terms of style and drama and shonen craziness
RubyChao: starts going into battle as a nudist, but luckily her blue hair is absurdly long enough to provide convenient censorship
Harpy: Sammy goes in with nothing but her PJs
Cornwind Evil: Though if you want to picture Ash battling Xaxargas as an extra from Magic Mike I can't stop you
Gooper Blooper: viola intensifies
Gooper Blooper: sammy bravo bikini
Harpy: "Put some clothes on, it's freezing outside!" yells Carlos, concerned for his friend's safety
Harpy: oh no
Harpy: goops has set me off on another obsession with psychics
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Cornwind Evil: The funny thing is, Ash has a teammate, Chastity, who does wear outfits like that non-ironically
Cornwind Evil: But she only does so if she's fighting sapient creatures
Cornwind Evil: If she has to go fight monsters, she actually has practical, traditional armor
iKomodo: But CW
iKomodo: earlier on this year, you told me Ash vs. Xaxargas was more like the final battle with Mundus in DmC
Cornwind Evil: IT WAS BOTH
iKomodo: Which one is it- oh
Cornwind Evil: Hey, Quentin Tarantino makes movies
Cornwind Evil: By smashing together bits of OTHER movies
Gooper Blooper: ash vs xaxargas is like whatever anime or game CW most recently experienced :V
RubyChao: usually with film, i take it
Cornwind Evil: So...the same way Tarantino does it


Harpy: [8:14:05 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: do you want another dumb joke
[8:14:10 PM] HarpyKuro: yes
[8:14:28 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: if you have the phrase "is a fucking bird" it's talking about okuu
[8:14:33 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: but if you reverse a and fucking
[8:14:36 PM] Rin Kaenbyou: it's talking about pit


Gooper Blooper: There are gift cards on sale at a few stores in my area for places that aren't within a hundred miles of here
Gooper Blooper: oh boy, a gift card for Cheesecake Factory, I'll just drive two hours to Burlington


iKomodo: ORAS Pogey movie coming soon
iKomodo: obviously stars Hoopa as well
Gooper Blooper: sounds like a lot of HOOPA
ivelchild: Gooper no
iKomodo: hahaha


Harpy: Carlos relaxes as the last customer is treated
Harpy: turns around
Harpy: sees that someone is trying to drink all of the half and half
Harpy: stares into the abyss
Gooper Blooper: sarah sticks her mouth under the cream machine
Gooper Blooper: vrrrrrrmmmmmm
Harpy: "Sarah, you may be a Kobber, but I can push you out of here if you don't stop drinking that."
Gooper Blooper: sarah instead orders a big cup and fills it with just cream and leaves
Harpy: Carlos is completely confused
Harpy: "You could have ordered a hot chocolate! :I"


(Bree is opening an envelope filled with Pokemon cards sent by GB as a Christmas present)

Bree: more cards: froslass, golurk, milotic x2, diancie, gardevoir holo
Bree: and a chansey with a shiny background
Harpy: how much HP does it have and what are its moves
Harpy: because I have a feeling it's the maximum stallbait chansey, with 120 HP
Gooper Blooper: It's this one
Bree: yes it has 120 HP
Gooper Blooper: the original and best chansey card
Gooper Blooper: Remember that time a month ago I traded ingame legendaries for cards?
Harpy: yyyyess
Gooper Blooper: I wrangled a Chansey from that
Harpy: holy shit
ivelchild: not sure if I have one of those
ivelchild: but the vidya game
ivelchild: *shudders*


ivelchild: wait what that was legit?
ivelchild: "A quarter of a million participants in a Chicago game-maker’s holiday fundraising campaign can now lay claim to small pieces of an island in Maine that the company bought this year and renamed “Hawaii 2,” according to Max Temkin, a co-creator of the popular party game Cards Against Humanity"


Harpy: fun fact: for a moment one day i looked at the pic again
Harpy: "is that alex in a white mage robe"
Harpy: "...goddamn it harpy it's SARAH- but wait what if they swapped clothes. NOBODY WOULD KNOW THE DIFFERENCE"
Draco: Alex confirmed crossdresser? D:
Bree: isn't alex like, 100 pounds lighter than sarah :U
Bree: lel sarah fat
Draco: What Alex lacks in fat, he makes up for in armor.
Harpy: :U
Bree: alex cosplays as inexplicably misshapen sarah
Gooper Blooper: "they weigh the same" *Alex in full armor, Sarah wearing normal robe*

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