Thursday, January 8, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 173: Roller Ghoaster Tycoon

Spy Ready To Party: guys i found spoopy scary bootleg
Gooper Blooper: oh noooo
Spy Ready To Party: instad of ruler coaster typhon it was roller GHOASTER tycoo
SteelKomodo: oh nooooo D:
Spy Ready To Party: i go to menu and contnue option is there but i click and it says you cant continue if your ded
Spy Ready To Party: so i hit new game and all the park are broken and on fire except one
Spy Ready To Party: mr. bons funhouse
Gooper Blooper: mr. bon-bon
Spy Ready To Party: so i click on it and the game loffed and loffed
Spy Ready To Party: the loding csreen took forever. it loaded for hours (and hours is long time)
Spy Ready To Party: well it felt like hours at least
Spy Ready To Party: i reached on my head and pulled off a hair and it was GREY. HOW?>​
Spy Ready To Party: but then the game loded. te gerass was brown and charred and the wate was all blud red
Spy Ready To Party: i tried to build a cosdrer but it said you cant, mr bonesis already perfect
Gooper Blooper: perfect kyurem skeleton
Spy Ready To Party: then the ride began. i tried to stand up but i couldnt out o my chair. i was stuck
SteelKomodo: lolz
Spy Ready To Party: all i could do was watch and wait as the roler cosrtre went at a very slow speed
SteelKomodo: spy this is perfect
SteelKomodo: keep going
Spy Ready To Party: i am writing this to you now, hafway through the ride of my life. i ma 60 years old. my hair and teeth have fallen out. my vision is going blurry. i havent eaten in years.
Spy Ready To Party: please never play roller goaster tycoon. it will be the last thing you ever play.
Gooper Blooper: too bad chao isn't here
Gooper Blooper: Don't worry though, I'll save this for him
Spy Ready To Party: Yay :D
Gooper Blooper: I wonder how this would do if you posted it on Some Ordinary Gamers
Spy Ready To Party: I'd probably at least need to tighten up the grammar and spelling mistakes
12 Days of Delmas: yeah spy
12 Days of Delmas: there needs to be more of them


Draco: The cat jumped on my desk when he heard I was using the mouse, then left when he found it wasn't something he could eat.
SteelKomodo: catte :3
Draco: Now he's back on his tower, looking out the window for birds.
SteelKomodo: does he ever catch any?
Draco: No. He's yet to get through the glass window.


12 Days of Delmas: eggnog
12 Days of Delmas: nog even once


Drunksephine joined the chat
Harpy (still a giant dork): hi sephine
SteelKomodo: hi sephine
RubyChao: hello boozedsephine
Drunksephine: i had fgvie botlrelrs ofv alcocoadohol to celbrter the newyear
Drunksephine: ...wait
RubyChao: silly jojo
Drunksephine: newq year is leik three daysa away
SteelKomodo: it's not new year's yet :U
RubyChao: that's not for another few days!
SteelKomodo: yep
RubyChao: i guess you'll have to get drunk ALL OVER AGAIN
Drunksephine: so i guesds i hadsc fivfe bottles of slcocoahol becauasse
Drunksephine: ...BECASUE! :D
RubyChao: because dirk was there
RubyChao: that's always a good reason
Harpy (still a giant dork): the best reasons
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: is Dirk with you?
Harpy (still a giant dork) changed name to Kogasa-Chan~
Drunksephine: hesd got sdrunk too... comes ti think of itd... he didx give me a lcook when I sed "NEW YEAR LETS DRiNk"... but I tikn he justc weneet alongvwith it ecause he wqnted drink
Drunksephine: lel
SteelKomodo: lel
Kogasa-Chan~: Eeeeh?
Drunksephine: dirkyyyyy you card
SteelKomodo: :3
Drunksephine: okay gon go szee if I can stil walsk to th fridge
Drunksephine: BET I CAN
Drunksephine left the chat


Drik joined the chat
Drik: what's up, everyone?
Drik: hahaha ei'm sbo drukn right nrow
SteelKomodo: oh god what D:
Gooper Blooper: Did Josephine make it, Dirk?
Gooper Blooper: we've all been on the edge of our seats
Drik: byep snhe made it
Drik: and guess what tjhere was more boeoz in vthere and olas yfood
Drik: wheeeeee~
Gooper Blooper: Somehow I knew it
SteelKomodo: bbl
Drik: whoops gotta go jo-jo's talking bout dat ass
Drik: and i wanna talk abohut it qtoo
Drik: laterrrrr
Gooper Blooper: *sunglasses, bites lip*


Kogasa-Chan~: for some reason i thought crobat was steel/poison
Kogasa-Chan~: it is not
Kogasa-Chan~: no total fairy shutdown just yet


Tableter: "One second Hazel is doing her OCD thing with meticulously polishing her ball, and the next the crystal is just a red mess of skull jelly and stringy pulps of flesh. There's a large hole torn open in the trailer wall just a couple feet behind and to your right. Moments later the whole can is filled with piercing shrieks and screams, with Sonette's banshee wail resounding over all. There's a mad cattle rush to the door, bodies pushing and shoving and straining to get by you. You feel Mamba's arms cling around your waist in a grip of fear."
Gooper Blooper: I guess when they call it Apocalypse World, they aren't kidding
Tableter: If you've ever watched anything from hbo, that's how apoc world works


Gooper Blooper: lamenting the fact that Final Fantasy TCG cards are hard to get
Gooper Blooper: I wanna assemble the sarahkin in cardboard form but the only person on Amazon selling them wants five freaking dollars shipping per card
Gooper Blooper: it does not cost five dollars to ship a piece of paper
iKomodo: Cardsephine?
Kogasa-Chan~: >​5 per card
iKomodo: Dirk would buy that
Gooper Blooper: cardesphine indeed
iKomodo: :3
Kogasa-Chan~: send them in bulk you doofus and maybe we'll see about your fuckin 5 dollar shipping
Gooper Blooper: They have a bulk deal
Gooper Blooper: If you buy more than one card it's 5 for the first card and 3 for each additional
Gooper Blooper: this is not much of an improvement
iKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: *envelope with two cards in it* "THAT'LL BE EIGHT BUCKS"
Gooper Blooper: maybe I'll get lucky and find someone who will take pogeycards for them in a trade
Gooper Blooper: the ones I want are all commons
Kogasa-Chan~: what a ripoff


Saberwulf: I like this pic
Saberwulf: Just all this goofy shit he's gonna write about
Tableter: I like the fish guy
Tableter: Heyyyy buddyyyyyy
Saberwulf: FISH KNIGHT
Tableter: He looks so stoned


Kogasa-Chan~: my brain went and pooped itself
Gooper Blooper: it's okay, I do that a lot
rubyvel: you poop yourself a lot?
rubyvel: or your brain does
Kogasa-Chan~: i would hope he doesn't poop several smaller gooper bloopers, that would be awkward to explain
Gooper Blooper: pooper gooper bloopers
Kogasa-Chan~: pooper gooper blooper scoopers


Gooper Blooper: If I'm remembering right, Pokemon started out as a cult hit in Japan and slowly grew more and more popular via word of mouth until it became an unstoppable god-king of media for a few years


Gooper Blooper: starting another small project
Gooper Blooper: my yearly END OF THE YEAR GAMING REVIEW
Gooper Blooper: I did not beat too many games this year so it'll be short
Kogasa-Chan~: super short goopy bloopers
Gooper Blooper: *looks*
Gooper Blooper: ...
Gooper Blooper: Three.


Jumpropeman: draco, all I want for Christmas is a Captain Sarah video
Gooper Blooper: did Draco and JRM gift each other Gearcrack Arena?
Draco: No.
Draco: JRM, I will make another one then.
Jumpropeman: thank you draco
Gooper Blooper: *Draco makes a ten-second-long Captain Sarah video of her at the pie-eating contest*
Gooper Blooper: *chomp smack burp video ends*
Jumpropeman: that was the previous video :V
Jumpropeman: there
Jumpropeman: now Gooper was half right


RubyChao: did i ever tell you guys i found the source of the picture used for dr. eggerman
Jumpropeman: cornwind
Gooper Blooper: I know it's from a sonic comic book
RubyChao: to be precise
RubyChao: it was a one-panel example of one of the backup bodies robotnik had
RubyChao: i think i've squeezed juuust a bit more mileage out of it than the comic did lol
Gooper Blooper: I love that kind of mileage-getting
Gooper Blooper: *looks at all the characters I made that were originally generics*
Gooper Blooper: who would ever care about the summoner from FFT
Kogasa-Chan~: me
RubyChao: i would! i would!
Kogasa-Chan~: *COUGH*
Jumpropeman: not me BI
Draco: Summoner is lame. Archer is best.
Gooper Blooper: there was a time I didn't care about them either
Gooper Blooper: that was long ago
Kogasa-Chan~: i always cared about them
Jumpropeman: best fft class is orator
Kogasa-Chan~: mage classes best classes
Jumpropeman: turn the entire enemy team into allies
Kogasa-Chan~: and any time i can summon a dragon is a good day


Jumpropeman: spoiler: bravely default is fun
notivel: biggest spoiler right there
Jumpropeman: we don't want chao to find THAT out till later
Draco: Spoiler Alert: Agnes and Edea OTP...wait, there's my headcanon, not actual spoilers. D:
Gooper Blooper: food spoiler: stretchy ice cream
Kogasa-Chan~: food spoiler: praline a la mode
Jumpropeman: im surprised how much the characters talk about food in BD
Gooper Blooper: fashionaaaaaaaabl​ah- fuck, 2slow
Kogasa-Chan~: i wonder if I should finish BD at this point
RubyChao: you should
RubyChao: then you can help me when i catch up!
Gooper Blooper: That amused me when I looked at the profiles, JRM
Gooper Blooper: Agnes' journal entry says she likes sweet things
Kogasa-Chan~: agnes is sarah
Gooper Blooper: Edea's journal entry says she likes "REALLY" sweet things
Kogasa-Chan~: edea is more sarah
Kogasa-Chan~: she's like 100% more sarah
Kogasa-Chan~: which is why goops used her as a ref pic :U
Gooper Blooper: reminder
RubyChao: ringabel opens his wallet after the date, mourns
Gooper Blooper: will sarah bring back the pirate outfit for another stint as Sarah The Cuddly? FIND OUT IN 2015
RubyChao: also i recognize the inn's location now
RubyChao: HOORAY
Jumpropeman: agnes just wearing the vestal garb in that comic like no big deal
Jumpropeman: she should be dressed as a pink wolf
RubyChao: clearly the artist was going for an all-freelancer run
Gooper Blooper: You can unlock equips by rebuilding Norende that give your characters the appearance of a freelancer but retain their jobs
Gooper Blooper: I used one for Edea in lategame
Jumpropeman: i like my dramatic cutscenes ruined by dog costumes thank you very much >:I
notivel: made better by*


Tableter: Destiny trip report
Tableter: No clue whats going on


Kogasa-Chan~: hi goopy
Kogasa-Chan~: ruby has begun the canary hunt
RubyChao: also the bard quest
RubyChao: i had painful flashbacks to general white
RubyChao: "Oh, no, you just missed him. he said something about an island in the south"


Kogasa-Chan~: *told chao the entire kogasa episode in a nutshell*
Kogasa-Chan~: i
Kogasa-Chan~: *falls over and dies*
Kogasa-Chan~: i have become too animu
Gooper Blooper: 2animu4del
Tableter: I have been animu'd
Tableter: Oh no
Tableter dies
iKomodo: Oh no D:
Kogasa-Chan~: for people interested
Gooper Blooper: beeeeees
Kogasa-Chan~: that's all goops can think about
Gooper Blooper: I think about many things, thank you very much
Gooper Blooper: like pogeys, and food, and ZFRP, and um
Gooper Blooper: and other things
Kogasa-Chan~: bees
RubyChao: white mages
Tableter: Chocolate
Gooper Blooper: white magessssss
Gooper Blooper: those things fall under ZFRP and food tho
Kogasa-Chan~: vidya
iKomodo: bees
iKomodo: my god
RubyChao: not ALL white mages
Kogasa-Chan~: vidya =/= pogeys tyvm
Gooper Blooper: just the important ones
Kogasa-Chan~: rude
RubyChao: are you saying other white mages are not important
RubyChao: i'd never expect that from you
Kogasa-Chan~: how will poor stephanie the white mage ever get your attention now
RubyChao scraps his plan to rp a white mage in S5
Gooper Blooper: who's stephanie
Kogasa-Chan~: a person I just made up :I


Gooper Blooper: >​scolipede plush for five dollars
Gooper Blooper: I hate not being able to buy shit off of ebay
Kogasa-Chan~: inb4 10 dollar shipping
Gooper Blooper: no, free shipping
Kogasa-Chan~: in after free shipping
Gooper Blooper: obvious bootleg but I don't even give a fuck
Draco buys the plush and puts in the safe next to the Clefable plush.
Kogasa-Chan~: draco plz
Kogasa-Chan~: give goop the doll
iKomodo: Pfffft
Gooper Blooper: "29 watching"
Gooper Blooper: bitches love scolipede


Gooper Blooper: Rock Bull has now branched out to sell "art prints on canvas"
Gooper Blooper: they cost even more than the mousepads
Kogasa-Chan~: whats the ratings
Gooper Blooper: They have a new storefront for these and custom iPhone cases called "ROCK BULL DESIGN"
Gooper Blooper: The ratings are 5, 5, 4, and 5
RubyChao: >​design
RubyChao gurgles
Kogasa-Chan~: ew
Kogasa-Chan~: do the accounts look like throwaways to boost its ratings?
Gooper Blooper: Can't say for sure
iKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: okay the search must be screwy - it says they have 134 pages of products total, but if I search for "reimu" I get 125 pages of results
Gooper Blooper: that would mean nine tenths of their merchandise has Reimu on it, there must be excess tags or something
Gooper Blooper: and most of the prints come in three sizes for maximum search clogging
Kogasa-Chan~: are they displaying the same amount per page?
Gooper Blooper: Yes, 18 per page
Kogasa-Chan~: now that's weird
Gooper Blooper: maybe they just poop out "reimu" in the tags like a bad youtube user
Gooper Blooper: "EPIC FUNNY MEME VIDEO WATCH THIS! --- do not read: cats dogs pokemon johnny bravo reimu mario sonic food epic lel batman"
Kogasa-Chan~: reimu, reimu, reimu, reimu, reimu, reimu
Kogasa-Chan~: reimu doesn't have beams, marisa does
Kogasa-Chan~: reimu does have nice kicks
Gooper Blooper: okay yeah searching for "touhou" returns their entire stock
Gooper Blooper: reimu has become an all-purpose tag for more hits
Kogasa-Chan~: oh god
RubyChao: reimu nooooo
Kogasa-Chan~: this company has become greed incarnate and has locked onto reimu the greedy shrine maiden for more cash
Kogasa-Chan~: entire reimuplot next year revolves around kicking this company's face in
Gooper Blooper: she knows how to get money! KIDNAP HER
Gooper Blooper: kobbers fight a giant bull golem made of stone that shoots mousepads at them
Kogasa-Chan~: giant bull golem? YOU MEAN FINALTAUR?
Kogasa-Chan~: like something out of Earthbound
Gooper Blooper: *BD boss music*
RubyChao: defeat Rock Bull
RubyChao: earn the Steal Art And Put It On Mousepads Asterisk
Kogasa-Chan~: so Art Thief?
Kogasa-Chan~: you do more than put it on mousepads
Gooper Blooper: we defeat a villain later in the year by sucking their soul into a mousepad and selling it on amazon for ten dollars plus five dollars shipping
iKomodo: Pffffft
Kogasa-Chan~: you put it on shirts, pants, dolls, newspapers, canvases, posters, and bitcoins
Kogasa-Chan~: what do you mean I can't put it on bitcoin
Kogasa-Chan~: what do you mean it's not worth anything?!?


(Chao continues to default bravely)

RubyChao: i remember saying that i was gonna stop at chapter 3 for now
RubyChao: what basically happened was i got to chapter 3 and was like "but what happens next"
RubyChao: i am not strong against the temptations of seeing what happens next


Saberwulf: Somehow I didn't actually guess that Bae City was sampled from Bay City
Saberwulf is a simple farmer


HorribleDraco: Did you get a Sony Walkman for your cassette tapes?
Ō-Wulf: I did not, but I did put the cassette in my mom's car and spent an hour figuring out how the fuck it works


Ō-Wulf: Oh my fuck I just thought of something
Ō-Wulf: Scorp taking Joe to a speed dating buffet because the giant ant can't get himself a goyl
Ō-Wulf: And Joe just being fucking exasperated the entire time
Gooper Blooper: bugplot 2015
Gooper Blooper: "Look, I even found this giant mantis!" "I KEEP TELLING YOU I'M GAY"
DnD Rustles My Jimmies: Hahahahahahaha
Ō-Wulf: I'm just getting this really strong mental image of Joe in a guy fieri shirt sweating as a revolving door of freaks blurs past his table talking about seven divorces and how many wyrms they have
DnD Rustles My Jimmies: "Scorp I can't tell what deyre sayin!"
Ō-Wulf: Joe's bug hands slowly rise to his equivalent of temples, stress building


Ō-Wulf: So this is what a serval kitten looks like
Ō-Wulf: It's just like "I SENSE SOMETHING"
DnD Rustles My Jimmies: A disturbance in the force
Kevin~: their ears are ridiculous
Kevin~: btw, look up pallas cats
iKomodo: Servals are awesome
iKomodo: they catch birds in midair
Ō-Wulf: Oh man, I forgot about pallas cats
Ō-Wulf: Fat steppe catssss
Gooper Blooper: >​steppe
Gooper Blooper: ruined
Ō-Wulf: Y'all ruin characters, i ruin GEOGRAPHICAL FEATURES
iKomodo: There isn't shit to do in Littleroot Town
HorribleDraco: That's why nobody with a Pokemon stays.
HorribleDraco: Otherwise they're trapped by Level 3 Zigzagoons.


AUC 97 party horns wulf: This sexy arabic music video is a surprisingly accurate portrayal of Rome
AUC 97 party horns wulf: They even found an arabic dude who looks like augustus ceasar
SnowDel: you watch some weird shit wulf
AUC 97 party horns wulf: I do
AUC 97 party horns wulf: But at the moment I'm trying to find good music to represent the streets of Zeika Shan, and cacaphonous arabic music is the only thing that will suffice
AUC 97 party horns wulf: Wait holy shit arabic reggae is a thing that exists
HorribleDraco dances.



Seth Rollins What The Fuck Man: One of these days I should pick up Brivvle Diffles
RubyChao: yes spy
RubyChao: yes you should
RubyChao: i can vouch for it being a good game, as it already being in second place of "most playtime" on my activity log shows
RubyChao: when i only started playing it on christmas day
ivel: that IS impressive
Seth Rollins What The Fuck Man: DAMN


Tableter changed name to New Year`s Delsolution
New Year`s Delsolution: My resolution - eat sleep game repeat
RubyChao: i like your resolution
RubyChao: can i borrow it
New Year`s Delsolution: Yes
Seth Rollins What The Fuck Man: What's my resolution


RubyChao: that reminds me of a relevant youtube doubler thing
RubyChao: i would link but
RubyChao gestures to Bravely Default
Goopy New Year: Chao has gotten utterly hooked on BD
Goopy New Year: I am happy
RubyChao: i have
RubyChao: i haven't forgotten about pokemons though!
RubyChao: i do want to play Y and Omega Ruby it's just
RubyChao: i need to know what happens next in bd
RubyChao: and after i find it out then ineed to know what happens after that, and so on
Goopy New Year: The same thing happened to me when I played Y
Goopy New Year: I was almost at the eighth gym when Dual Destinies released
Goopy New Year: Pokemon Y was politely but firmly put aside until DD was finished


Seth Rollins What The Fuck Man: *looks at Goops' biting commentary on FF2*
Goopy New Year: Of course I'm talking about the actual FF2
Goopy New Year: I've played FF4 and that one's fine
Seth Rollins What The Fuck Man: I tried to play FF2
Seth Rollins What The Fuck Man: FF Twoooooooooooooooo
Seth Rollins What The Fuck Man: No one understands a thing
Seth Rollins What The Fuck Man: FF Twooooooooooooooooooo
Seth Rollins What The Fuck Man: The story won't get going
Seth Rollins What The Fuck Man horribly attempts to sing like octodad
RubyChao begins to bleed from his ears, losing his hearing to Spy's song
Goopy New Year: FF2 is you and JRM's kinda game, spy
New Year`s Delsolution: Why is ff2 bad
New Year`s Delsolution: Is it because ITS A FF GAME HIYOOOOOOOO
Daniel Spyan: It had some kinda weird Elder Scrolls style level system that made like no sense
RubyChao: rekt
Harpy: it is the low tier of FF games
Harpy: so it's extra shit in your opinion prolly :U
Daniel Spyan: The plot was some weird incomprehensible mess where the main villain takes over both hell AND heaven
Harpy: extra garbage
Goopy New Year: FF2 is broken for several reasons but I'd like to give special attention to two of them
New Year`s Delsolution: Fucknig gargbage
Daniel Spyan: Every character was just kind of a jack of all trades
Daniel Spyan: When I was just THE BABY and tried to play I got so lost
Daniel Spyan: Also it was ~~~nonlinear~~~ so you ended up wandering into ridiculously high level fights because the game was shit with directions
Goopy New Year: 1: The weird leveling system makes it impossible to grind and enemies vary wildly in power, so no matter what you do some of them will kick your ass. I won only by save scumming to avoid certain enemies
Daniel Spyan: Yes, put the level 1 happy smiley goblins right next to Hellopocalypse
Goopy New Year: 2: Here it comes... ~~GUESS WHICH DOOR~~
Goopy New Year: In FF2, every dungeon - and I do mean every dungeon - has a part where you come upon a row of doors
Goopy New Year: Doesn't matter if it makes sense that there are doors or not
Goopy New Year: So you have to pick a door
Goopy New Year: And there's no indication which door is the right door, but only one of them is the one to pick
New Year`s Delsolution: Oh boy
New Year`s Delsolution: Do bad things happen
Goopy New Year: If you choose the right door, there's a little room that looks like a stairwell that you go down. This room is copy-pasted over and over for every "right door" in every dungeon so it looks super lazy
Goopy New Year: If you choose the wrong door, you are placed in the center of a small square room
Goopy New Year: Attempting to leave triggers a random encounter
Goopy New Year: After clearing this encounter you can (usually) get out and try a new door
New Year`s Delsolution: Wow
New Year`s Delsolution: Top kek
Goopy New Year: That is Guess Which Door. Complete and utter trial and error.
Komodo 2015: Kek
Goopy New Year: And incredibly, incredibly lazy game design.
Komodo 2015: so much kek
Daniel Spyan: Any other broken bits of note? I never got past town 1
Daniel Spyan: . . . I never got past SCREEN 1
Harpy: i never made it past the first battle
Goopy New Year: I beat the whole thing because I wanted to unlock the Dawn of Souls sound test
Goopy New Year: it required enormous amounts of save scumming
Goopy New Year: like this game is very close to impossible on the original NES version because you can't save anywhere
Daniel Spyan: I did find the chapter you unlock when beating the Dawn of Souls version a really clever idea
Daniel Spyan: ./lel I read the whooooole strategy guide
Goopy New Year: It's a cool idea!
Goopy New Year: It's just in a bad game
Goopy New Year: I tried to beat that too but it has even worse problems
Daniel Spyan: How do you get worse?
Goopy New Year: In the bonus dungeon your characters' levels are all over the place, so you have to spend hours grinding the shitty ones before you can even consider doing anything important
Daniel Spyan: . . . Do they keep their main campaign levels
Goopy New Year: The original game had no grinding almost by design
Daniel Spyan: PLEASE tell me they keep their pre-permakill levels
Goopy New Year: Yes, same levels and equipment
Daniel Spyan: HAHAM
Goopy New Year: If you did the old "haha you're leaving so I'll take all your shit" trick?
Goopy New Year: SUCKS FOR YOU
Daniel Spyan: OH MY GOD
Harpy: haham?
Daniel Spyan: THAT'S
Komodo 2015: D:
Daniel Spyan: You broke me Goops
Daniel Spyan: Holy shit
Daniel Spyan: You guys don't even understand
New Year`s Delsolution: What
Komodo 2015: That is literal bullshit
Harpy: never playing FFII seriously
Daniel Spyan: These are the characters that serve as Party Member #4
Daniel Spyan: They show up for their chapter
Daniel Spyan: They die
Goopy New Year: So they took a game that was specifically designed to not be about grinding and forced grinding into the game
Komodo 2015: Shit from a bull, you might say
Daniel Spyan: There is no possible way you can get them all the same level
Goopy New Year: It's a special kind of effort to make it suck
Daniel Spyan: And then they all get tossed into one party
New Year`s Delsolution implodes
Daniel Spyan: With like 4 COMPLETELY DIFFERENT power levels
Goopy New Year: The enemies are all over the place in level too
Goopy New Year: so you keep plowing through Rank Twos hoping for a Rank Six to level up
Daniel Spyan: Also don't you need to get hit to level up your defense?
Goopy New Year: There's nowhere to fight Just Rank Twos or Just Rank Sevens or whatever
Goopy New Year: Every area is all over the place
Komodo 2015: Oh god
Goopy New Year: Yes. The classic FF2 cheat code is "attack your own characters to build your stats"
Daniel Spyan: So you kinda HAVE to grind
New Year`s Delsolution: What????
Goopy New Year: The character attacking builds their Attack or Magic, and the one getting hit builds defenses and HP
New Year`s Delsolution: What the hell kind of unintuitive bullshit is that?
Daniel Spyan: Or else end up with a bunch of glass cannons
Goopy New Year: You're SUPPOSED to let the ENEMIES do that to you, but you can target your own guys sooooo
Komodo 2015: Gimme a moment
ivel: sounds like Elder Scrolls
Daniel Spyan: Its like the elder scrolls system
Daniel Spyan: But in a JRPG
Daniel Spyan: And with absolute 0 explanation
ivel: that really is dumb
Daniel Spyan: In other words the worst possible implementation
Goopy New Year: In case you haven't figured it out yet
Goopy New Year: the series did not return to this style
Komodo 2015: Aw, can't find a vid of gunnery sergeant Hartman going Jesus H Christ
Goopy New Year: I wanna say a different guy led the project and he got exiled from the series like what happened to the sap at Toho who came up with Godzilla vs Hedorah


HorribleDraco: Dangit, BD, why won't you let me put Ringabel in the Bravo Bikini? D:<
RubyChao: because it's too powerful, no lady would be able to resist
RubyChao: he avoids it for the good of the world
Goopy New Year: well there IS that one Japan-only Ringabel outfit...
Goopy New Year: #lewd
Harpy: ...i was not ready for that
HorribleDraco: =X
Goopy New Year: semi-related
Harpy changed name to New Years Kevvy~
Goopy New Year: Angry American Edea
New Year`s Delsolution: Lol
RubyChao: ringassbel
New Years Kevvy~: Oh dear
Goopy New Year: it's shirtless pit all over again
HorribleDraco: Lul
iKomodo: Hahahaha
New Year`s Delsolution: wonnerful
Goopy New Year: (and for those curious, yes, that image on the left in the second pic is indeed THE bravo bikini)
New Years Kevvy~: kevin in the bravo bikini
Goopy New Year: 2lewd4US
Goopy New Year: it probably wouldn't stay on Kevin :<
iKomodo: Might make Dirk wear that Ringabel outfit
Goopy New Year: only if sephine wears the bikini
New Years Kevvy~: "hey mom I got you a-"
New Years Kevvy~: "mom what are you doing"
iKomodo: Hahahaha
New Years Kevvy~: Saria shows off why she should never be allowed to wear a bravo bikini
iKomodo: done and done
Goopy New Year: whyever not~?
iKomodo: the buttpocalypse will be upon us
RubyChao: pit's like "oh god dirk why"
iKomodo: Hahahaha
New Years Kevvy~: "MOM WHY ARE YOU TAKING SO MANY PICTURES OF MOM" "sssh, i am documenting this for all eternity"
New Years Kevvy~: Kevin embarassed, turtles in his sweater
Goopy New Year: pit bluescreening, utusho just stares dumbfounded
New Year`s Delsolution: Dirk pls
Goopy New Year: unyu
RubyChao: secretly pit wishes he could get utsuho to wear the bikini
iKomodo: XD
Goopy New Year: "she'd fill that top a lot bet-WHAT THE FUCK AM I EVEN DOING THINKING ABOUT THIS"
New Years Kevvy~: Tina dies at the thought of Scarlet wearing a bravo bikini
Goopy New Year: "I NEED AN ADULT"
New Years Kevvy~: don't let scarlet wear a bravo bikini
Goopy New Year: buffo bikini
New Years Kevvy~: Sophia stares blankly at all of these girls in this incredibly skimpy bikinis
Daniel Spyan: I read that as buffalo bikini
iKomodo: Moo
Goopy New Year: the ancient settlers used every part of the buffalo
New Years Kevvy~: "They're all going to catch colds."
New Years Kevvy~: goes back to pumping iron
RubyChao: not okuu!
RubyChao: 2warm
Goopy New Year: AND THEN SARAH wears her usual one-piece
Goopy New Year: "Is it pool party day already?!"
New Years Kevvy~: Sophia approves of Sarah's taste in swimsuits


Goopy New Year: "limited + exclusive"
Goopy New Year: :I
iKomodo: :|
New Years Kevvy~: 40 dollars
New Years Kevvy~: you're shitting me
Goopy New Year: "Limited to 200 pieces"
Goopy New Year: and the comments section
Goopy New Year: "I will give you give you my house for this doll pls pm me"


New Year`s Delsolution: Gooooooodnight everybody
New Year`s Delsolution: Remember you own bones
New Year`s Delsolution: And bones own you
RubyChao: night del
RubyChao: you're a bro
RubyChao: a britbro but also a bro bro
New Year`s Delsolution rattles


RubyChao: bravely default gives you these boss characters who it makes you feel kinda bad for killing
RubyChao: and makes up for it with all these ones who are assholes


merry newmas chitchats joined the chat
Jumpropeman: I was waiting for you to show up
Jumpropeman: because I was at Walgreens recently, and they had toothbrushes
Jumpropeman: and they played the themes of wrestlers
Jumpropeman: so you could brush your teeth to John Cena's entrance music
merry newmas chitchats: . . . Oh my god
HorribleDraco: *o*
HorribleDraco: The ultimate gift for Cornfriend!
Jumpropeman: the ultimate gift for Cornwind
Jumpropeman: is Bad Rats


Cornwind Evil 3200: Happen 3200
Cornwind Evil 3200: Everyone else is going to wish you a happy 2015 but I'm looking ahead
Cornwind Evil 3200: By the way I didn't mispell happy by then English had altered enough that happen means happy
Cornwind Evil 3200: Happy means sleepy
Cornwind Evil 3200: Sleepy means dirty
Cornwind Evil 3200: Dirty means 'To go find some people and sing a song and get all the lyrics wrong'
merry newmas chitchats: Isn't that Ditty?


Roller Ghoaster Tycoon
~by RedSpy~

i found spoopy scary bootleg. instad of ruler coaster typhon it was roller GHOASTER tycoo. i go to menu and contnue option is there but i click and it says you cant continue if your ded so i hit new game and all the park are broken and on fire except one... mr. bons funhouse.

so i click on it and the game loffed and loffed. the loding csreen took forever. it loaded for hours (and hours is long time). well it felt like hours at least. i reached on my head and pulled off a hair and it was GREY. HOW?>​ but then the game loded. te gerass was brown and charred and the wate was all blud red. i tried to build a cosdrer but it said you cant, mr bonesis already perfect. then the ride began. i tried to stand up but i couldnt out o my chair. i was stuck. all i could do was watch and wait as the roler cosrtre went at a very slow speed.

i am writing this to you now, hafway through the ride of my life. i ma 60 years old. my hair and teeth have fallen out. my vision is going blurry. i havent eaten in years.

please never play roller goaster tycoon. it will be the last thing you ever play.

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