Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 175: Sexy Singles In Your Area

Butt: . . . Oh my god
Butt: Antiknuckles is from a SUNKEN island
SteelKomodo: Penders: Imagination? What's that, the thing that comes before Masturbation?
SteelKomodo: yes I typed the m-word get over it :U
RubyChao does NOT get over it
Butt: AntiZephyrus totes around the R-Rated Establishment sign
Butt: And beats you over the head with it if you're not swearing every other word
Butt: Also he's , , , come on, come on, inexplicable accent . ..
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: Anti-Dirk is Australian and likes bewbs
Butt: Czech!
SteelKomodo: ...actually, Anti-Dirk is written by Ken Penders himself
RubyChao: so does that mean Anti-Pit is an Aussie who likes butts
Butt: Anti Delmond is a pacifist, allergic to barbeque, and voted for AntiMengsk in the election
SteelKomodo: maybe, chao :U
RubyChao: what about antitenko
RubyChao: also Anti-Delmond has a Brazilian accent
RubyChao: for no reason
SteelKomodo: Anti-Lisa is a dude, and made of peanut butter
Butt: AntiOceanus is a pacifist who, when in need of a fight, just glumly kicks things
Butt: To compensate for AntiWily building him with a crippling lack of arms
Del: AntiJonesy cannot exist
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
Del: Not possible
Butt: He used to be way more brash
Butt: But AntiYursarsh gave him etiquite lessons
RubyChao: anti-lisa meets lisa
RubyChao: they anniliate each other by cancelling out into sandwiches
SteelKomodo: Or they ganged up on Dr. Vortex and TP'd his castle of doom
Butt: They tried to have that rapscallion AntiAlex join them


Cornwind Evil: I think due to the troubles my interests have with women is why I overcompensate whenever I have to write relationships
Cornwind Evil: Remember how everyone thought Ash and Christine's relationship was highly dysfunctional when it wasn't?
Saberwulf: I still say Sine and Shakespeare name girl's relationship was very realistic
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I've seen the struggle to work out a pairing through the seasons
Cornwind Evil: Yeah and that ended with a sad whimper
Cornwind Evil: .....REALISM! *thumbs up*
RubyChao: oh god i laughed


RubyChao: i'm generally not keen on dark grim bad ending stuff
RubyChao: unless it's horror in which case KILL OFF EVERYONE WOO


Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman: Blue haired Chemist.
-Jumpropeman: That's not Josephine
-Gooper Blooper: new character for 2015 after the sarahkin retire
-Jumpropeman: Bluesephine
-Gooper Blooper: "LOOK GUYS I'M NOT USING THEM ANYMORE" *bluehaired chemist*

Gooper Blooper: spoilers: the sarahkin have not retired
E4qdo flips a table, cancels ZFRP '15 plans.
E4qdo realizes he had no plans.

E4qdo: .......
E4qdo makes plans so he can cancel them.
Gooper Blooper: Draco cancels his RP plans more often than... something that happens frequently


iDel: Snakenerd asked angel girl to go to the homecoming dance with him :3
SteelKomodo: :3
iDel: Also he has the condition "colossal dweeb"
iDel: Which he is
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Conrad's alt-universe snakedude cousin?
RubyChao: snakenerd is clearly Snakefights Conrad
iDel: Yes
Harpy: awwww
iDel: This is all true


(Spy has joined the Bravely Default club)

Sad John Cenafetti: Tiz, you . . . you . . .
Sad John Cenafetti: DOUBLE WIZARD
SteelKomodo: oh no
SteelKomodo: D:
Harpy: lolwut
Sad John Cenafetti makes Tiz a White Mage and Time Mage
SteelKomodo: oh god
Harpy: i'm making ringabel a monk
Harpy: he's pure offense on my team
Sad John Cenafetti: He can use white magic up to level 3 already
Harpy: tiz gets to wear the stupid clock outfit
Sad John Cenafetti: So I figure I'm good at least another town before he needs to get changed back into a White Mage
RubyChao: who doesn't love the stupid clock outfit
RubyChao: btw, how far are you? just wondering
RubyChao: like have you done anything after khamer and khint or
Sad John Cenafetti: I just beat Kramer and Clint
E4qdo joined the chat
RubyChao: hi draco
RubyChao: good timing, we are discussing spy's default bravely antics :V
Harpy: let me know if you need a friend summon, I have a reaaaaally good supportive/healing one
RubyChao: all i have is a not that powerful attack
RubyChao stares sadly
Sad John Cenafetti: Oh my god Tiz you look so stupid xD
RubyChao: everyone looks stupid as a time mage, it's amazing
E4qdo: You beat Kramer, but can you beat JERRY SEINFELD?
Sad John Cenafetti: Meanwhile, Edea ruins the whole arabian nights setup of the spellfencer outfit by having giant gaudy mythril brass knuckles
RubyChao: he'd better
RubyChao: otherwise he'll NEVER get the Comedian asterisk
Sad John Cenafetti: It looks like she's just holding giant chaos emmerrowds
E4qdo: "What's the deal with Default? You have to hide so you can be brave"
RubyChao: well she is using
RubyChao: knuckles
E4qdo: "They should have called it Cowardly Default!"
Sad John Cenafetti: Ahahahaha the dark knight just walks on your airship and fucking punches Tiz in the kidney
Sad John Cenafetti: No faffing about or dramatic speeches
Sad John Cenafetti: Just knock knock it's knuckles
SteelKomodo: "OW MY GLUBOK"


iKomodo: So um
iKomodo: what to talk about
RubyChao: talk about birds
RubyChao: like this one
Sad John Cenafetti: Not gonna lie for a second I thought she was teaching her chesteye how to play the trumpet
Del: Utsuho put some clothes on


Del: Okay so snakenerd has become conrad
Del: He even has the same damn meme
iKomodo: Hahaha
Del: I cannot escape my own fucking characters
Sad John Cenafetti: That he's a big nerd?
Del: Yes
Del: Colossal dweeb
Del: Its the SAME MEME
iKomodo: It is D:
Del: Im gonna be thirty and write a novel and publish it and the moment i open a copy from the shelf I'll realise ive accidentally written about jonesy again
Del: And then weep


Gooper Blooper: so I just had the roller coaster thrill ride of a lifetime on Omega Ruby because a single critical hit spiraled out of control
Harpy: woah what happen
Gooper Blooper: I was fighting a legendary and it started spamming Recover, so in my efforts to get it back in the red I accidentally took it out
Harpy: oops
Gooper Blooper: But instead of reloading my save, I looked it up and legends will respawn if you beat the elite four
Del: Gasp
Gooper Blooper: I wanted to get the other half of my team in the Hall of Fame, so I took the six mains I didn't use the first time and challenged them
Del: Thats new
Del: When was that added
Gooper Blooper: I think Platinum or Black/White
Gooper Blooper: Little did I know that when you rematch the E4 after Delta Episode, their levels skyrocket from 50 to 70
Harpy: neeerooom
Gooper Blooper: So there I was, with an average amount of healing items and an underleveled team
Gooper Blooper: I pressed forward anyway, defeating one member after another and finding my item stash depleting severely
Gooper Blooper: Then the Champ rematch, with his Pokemon approaching level 75. It came down to my level 64 Skarmory, alone, against three of his Pokemon
Del: Oh boi
Gooper Blooper: Two of them were weak to steel so Skarmory managed to take them down with Steel Wing. Out came Mega Metagross.
Gooper Blooper: Skarmory was able to stay alive an incredibly long time but was finally worn down when I ran out of healing items (I had resorted to using Sitrus Berries). Upon reloading the save I wanted to teach Skarm Roost but it knew two HMs and I needed both of the other two (Steel Wing and Night Slash)
iKomodo: Aw :<
Gooper Blooper: Attempt number two. This time I gave Skarm a Rocky Helmet to try and kill Metagross with recoil. It came down to Skarm and Metagross again, but at the crucial moment I accidentally used my last Full Restore on my KOed Avalugg, and instead of telling me "it won't have any effect", Ariel wasted a turn trying to use a full restore on a ded pogey and Metagross KOed Skarmory.
iKomodo: D:
Harpy: ffffff
Gooper Blooper: Attempt number THREE. This time Rotom (my lead) died early due to a critical hit from Aggron's Stone Edge, but the rest of the plan was executed well. I actually still had half the team alive when Skarmory finally took down Metagross (Avalugg and Rotom were still in reserve, Rotom having received my one Max Revive so he could paralyze Metagross with Thunder Wave). And lo did I finally win.
Gooper Blooper: The team was Rotom, Diancie, Wigglytuff, Avalugg, Skarmory, and Scolipede.
iKomodo: Ouch, man
Del: Noice
Gooper Blooper: The fairies were VERY IMPORTANT earlier in the run but for the champ battle Diancie was KOed the whole time in all three versions and Wigglytuff's biggest accomplishment was kind of damaging Claydol a little in the first run and dying instantly to Metagross in the other runs.
Gooper Blooper: the moral of the story is that jesus christ Skarm is beast no wonder that fucking thing is Smogon's favorite


Saberwulf: I look like this
Bree: I like the color of your hair
Bree: also those glasses look good on you
Saberwulf: Thank ye
Bree: but not that sweater, lel
Saberwulf: gasp
Saberwulf: I like that sweater
Saberwulf: I only wear it in the house though
Bree: I look two hundred percent awful in everything I wear so it's okay
Bree: wear your sweater with pride


Sad John Cenafetti: I'm depressingly average
Sad John Cenafetti glares at the inches until they either make me tiny and adorable or tall and handsome


Bree: I feel like human!Octavious will call Celestia a lot for parenting advice regarding human!Melody
Bree: this occurred to me while taking cough medicine (sick bree is sick) and it tasted like something died in my mouth
Gooper Blooper: Celestia's gotten that before
Gooper Blooper: Jonesy contacted her in season 3 when Conrad was a babby
Bree: and I had this mental image of Octavious calling like "Celestia I can't get Melody to take her medicine, she says it's - and I quote - 'the worst'"
Gooper Blooper: Celestia was the original RP mom
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha
Gooper Blooper: #TheWorst
Bree: the worst - the rarely seen complement to #TheBest
Gooper Blooper: Melody needs to call a villain that if she hasn't already
Bree: she hasn't
Bree: we'll see what villains she faces in season 5
Bree: p.s. the awful medicine I took was robitussin
Bree: hand to god, it's the nastiest medicine I've ever had the displeasure of needing to take in order to not be miserable
Bree: at least Melody's not a babby, I can't imagine Octavious with a babby
Bree: ninety percent panicked flailing, ten percent calling Celestia like "HELP ME"


Gooper Blooper: *hears "ARE YOU READY FOR A MIRACLE" blaring from goopsmom's laptop*
Gooper Blooper: ruined


Bree: >​search for hex maniac images
Bree: >​nekkid viola is in third row
Bree: oh internet :I
Gooper Blooper: the kalos hex maniac is "popular" in ways the hoenn one never was
Bree: 2sexy
Rubysephine: and yet you've managed to completely ruin her for us
Gooper Blooper: yep
Gooper Blooper: I liked the design too! Just not in a "quintuple her chest size and make her naked" way
Rubysephine: i still don't understand why she's associated with tits twice the size of her head
Gooper Blooper: I think I do
Gooper Blooper: It's all about that one viola in Dendemille that sells moomoo milk
Rubysephine: dangit dendemille viola
Bree: actually "quintuple her chest size and make her naked" seems to just be the standard operating procedure for internet fanartists


iKomodo: I just had some really hot salsa
iKomodo: ow my mouth
Harpy: salsa is a spicy mistress


Gooper Blooper: I don't think I ever told you guys about the time I went to a steakhouse
Gooper Blooper: It... could have gone better
Harpy: oh dear
Harpy: i must know
Tableter: It wasnt Delmond's Steakhouse was it
Gooper Blooper: I'm a picky eater, always have been, so when me and Goopsmom were out shopping in Burlington one day a few years ago I was a little concerned when we decided to try something new but I went for it since she was interested
Gooper Blooper: When they asked for my order I made very clear what it was since I knew it was unconventional - I just wanted a plain boyga to play it safe
Gooper Blooper: I got a boyga with everything
Tableter: Top boyga
Gooper Blooper: So I made clear I didn't want a boyga with everything, I wanted a plain boyga
Gooper Blooper: They come back ten minutes later with a boyga with a bunch of stuff on it
iKomodo: Hahaha
Harpy: ow
Gooper Blooper: I picked the stuff off the boyga, ate it, and told Goopsmom we were never coming back
Gooper Blooper: Two years later we were in the area again and saw they'd shut down :V
Gooper Blooper: Not a dirty or skeevy place at all but they just would not listen
Harpy: yeah, sounds it
iKomodo: Aw :<
Gooper Blooper: "Ponderosa Steakhouse" remains an injoke between us
Harpy: >​ponderosa
Harpy: >​ponderosa
Harpy: >​ponDEROSA


Tableter: Goop help
Tableter: I cant escape my characterz
iKomodo: Oh no
Gooper Blooper: There's no need to escape your characters. Let your created universe fill your life and enrich day-to-day experiences that would normally be boring.
iKomodo: Hahaha
Tableter: You dont understand
Gooper Blooper: If it gets too repetitive, make more characters
Tableter: I keep making badass ladies or huge dorks
Gooper Blooper: Exactly. See, a couple years ago every character you made was Jonesy
Tableter: I need to sit down and brainstorm someone new
Gooper Blooper: Now it's Jonesy or Conrad
Harpy: where's del
Gooper Blooper: You've already doubled your variety


Harpy: i'm only RPing one character this year
Harpy: IS
Harpy: :U
Gooper Blooper: >​Harpy only RPing a single character
Gooper Blooper: not even the slightest bit believable
Tableter: Dirk vs ringabel
Tableter: Make it happen
Gooper Blooper: Ringabel wouldn't be in the bar longer than half an hour before one of harpy's lady badasses burst in
Sad John Cenafetti: ITS NO DQ HARPS
Sad John Cenafetti: THERE IS NO BEL TO RING
Harpy: Reimu knocks over the door and flies in to kick ringabel
Gooper Blooper: it's dirk vs ringabel in a butt on a pole match
Harpy: ...ringabel pole dancing is possibly the one thing I don't want to happen
iKomodo: ...is it a bad thing
iKomodo: that I wanna make this happen
iKomodo: That or Ringabel vs Jewel Man?
Gooper Blooper: I don't even know how a "butt on a pole match" would work
Gooper Blooper: maybe just have Josephine sit up there
iKomodo: ...ok yeah forget I said anything :U


Fashionaaabluh!: Tiz no you're saying it like a fucking square
Fashionaaabluh!: What is this "fashionable" shit
Fashionaaabluh!: Put some HIPNESS into it man
Gooper Blooper: Tiz IS a fucking square though
Gooper Blooper: He's this random farm boy dropped into a fantasy adventure, he has no idea what he's doing
Fashionaaabluh!: He needs to stop being square and start being
Fashionaaabluh! !
Gooper Blooper: he never asked for this


RubyChao: i remember when i saw this sprite as a kid
RubyChao: i thought it was red eyes and the head was some kind of weird arm
Fashionaaabluh!: So Chao, you thought it was . . . a mask, or a face?
RubyChao: a face
Gooper Blooper: the wonders of tiny sprites on a non-backlit screen
Fashionaaabluh!: Then we are allies
Gooper Blooper: how long did it take for you to figure out Torkoal was a turtle
RubyChao: too long :V


(Spy encounters Mephilia in Bravely Default)

Fashionaaabluh!: Oh god she has the noblewoman's laugh
RubyChao: *the tenshilaugh
Fashionaaabluh!: . . . And now she's being a jerk to her dead sister
Fashionaaabluh!: I will ENJOY fighting you, you-
Fashionaaabluh!: . . . Summoner
Gooper Blooper: bitchy gloria
Fashionaaabluh!: OH HELL YES
Fashionaaabluh!: I HATE YOU LADY
Fashionaaabluh!: Not as much as Mr. Monopoly
Fashionaaabluh!: But GOD I'm gonna enjoy fighting you
Fashionaaabluh!: You weirdass sadist
Fashionaaabluh!: MAGGLE
Fashionaaabluh!: MAGGLE LOOK AT HER HP
Fashionaaabluh!: ITS ONLY
E4qdo: 12
Bree: 999?
Fashionaaabluh!: YOU GOT THAT RIGHT MAGGLE! 999! (add an extra 9 too)
Bree: this game has completely ruined the words "brave" and "default" and I haven't even played it


Gray Witcher: Draco finally published his tome of Sarah 2 fat jokes. It was not merely thick, nor meaty reading, but positively colossal. Less so, the dragon claimed, than the subject matter. However, his sister-in-spirit series, the Sine-B-Thin, has not caught on in the slightest. There was a little amusement in the canid community at the shtick where given a choice between Sine's curves and a long rotted squirrel skeleton, the clearly more hearty filling meal was the squirrel; but thin jokes are out of vogue.
Bree: "Sine's curves"
Bree: lel math jokez
Gray Witcher: Arcsine~


GB 2.0: trying to get used to Windows 7 again
GB 2.0: Vista: window in use is darkened, others are lighter. 7: window in use is lit up, others are darker


Del: have a map from miskatonic inc
Del: warning huge
SteelKomodo: ooh
Saberwulf: Taipeiiii
Del: note - the city in the background isn't taipei it's beijing whoops hahahahaha
Del: that's probably offensive in some manner but i couldn't find good ariel photos of taipei
Saberwulf: citycist
Del: also yes that is professor sycamore
GB 2.0: "ariel photos"
Del: me rite gud
SteelKomodo: lellery


Saberwulf: Random thought
Saberwulf: Hub robots pissing people off by talking like shitty chatbots for fun
Del: they always do that to conrad
iKomodo: Hahaha
Del: "lol u n00b" "will buy karzantium for ca$h" "oh my fucking god please stop"
GB 2.0: "wood doghouse"
Saberwulf: And they just access their subfiles and split the output so they're blaring this shit down the block as Conrad arrests them
Saberwulf: "SEXY SINGLES IN YOUR AREA" *loud honking music* "holy shit someone get the e-mag"
Saberwulf: *badly compressed facebook pictures of Jonesy and Celestia with flashing borders*
Del: jonesy laughs hysterically for like an hour
Bree: or the most offensive one I've ever seen: "UGLY GIRLS WANT FUCKED TOO" *picture of attractive female*
Del: yeah that's like
Del: ew
Saberwulf: The best part is the invention of flickerflies means they didn't need to use holograms so you can get physically assaulted by spam
Bree: or a variant that says fat girls except the picture (different one) isn't of a girl that's even remotely fat >:I
Saberwulf: Just goddamn swarms of dong pills
Del: conrad fighting off adverts for nerd dating sites with a baseball bat
Bree: conrad ends up with so many dick enhancement pills that he finally decides to just try one
Bree: just one
Bree: temporarily turns his dong blue
GB 2.0: "YOU DON'T HAVE ANY STANDARDS RIGHT?" *upside down vibrating jpg of [insert a kobber that would make the other kobbers want to defend their honor]*
RubyChao: sarah
Del: "eh, close enough"
Saberwulf: The picture's just vibrating sarah turned 180 degrees
GB 2.0: exactly


Saberwulf: Height comparing chart
Saberwulf: Now you too can see how freakishly large Wids is
GB 2.0: Enter "4'10" and "6'5" to compare Sarah and Silence's heights
iKomodo: Oh god D:
Cornwind Evil: I think I gave Sine's height in the 5'10-5'11 range
Bree: if she's 5'11" that makes her exactly the same height as Jonesy
RubyChao: >​exactly the same height as jonesy
RubyChao: i approve of this for laughs
RubyChao: it makes their dramatic staredowns EVEN MORE DRAMATIC
Metaphysical Quagmire: The lols have demanded it.


Tableter: How much energy would it take to shove an asteroid out of orbit
Draxo: A lot.

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