Monday, January 5, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 172: Thunder Intensithighs

Harpy: so basically, kevin is going to be the sexiest girl ever


Harpy: >​isn't a pizzarito just a calzone
Harpy: *stares*
cookie pizza: . . . *stares at hands*
cookie pizza: What have I done


(Originally posted on December 23. GB's family traditionally opens presents on Christmas Eve.)

Goopy Claus: Goopsbro has finally completed his Christmas shopping
Goopy Claus: Goopsbro has yet to start his Christmas wrapping
Goopy Claus: Goopsbro lives on the edge


Goopmas: goopsbro comes out after 20 minutes of wrapping with two tiny presents
Goopmas: "I'm really bad at wrapping"



RubyChao: someday i should make backloggery
RubyChao: someday
RubyChao never makes a backloggery


Goopmas: top five tenshi pics of 2014
RubyChao: is this viola's blog
Khristmas Kevin: that last one oh yes
Goopmas: Viola's blog would probably use a much more gothic background and theme
iKomodo: Hi is teshni
Goopmas: Like it's very subdued and drab and spooky but there are lots of tenshi pics mixed in with the spooks and every so often she reblogs a keffy


Khristmas Kevin: mikey is confirmed to be on the correct side of the pogeywar
Khristmas Kevin: up until delta emerald is released :U
Goopmas: considering the plot of Ruby and Sapphire the whole point is that both teams are wrong
Khristmas Kevin: sol confirmed emerald fan
Goopmas: Mega Rayquaza being by far the most powerful Pokemon ever created drives the point home
Khristmas Kevin: *Most powerful pokemon that will be killed by a fuckin Sylveon
Goopmas: magical girl beamuuuuuuu
Khristmas Kevin: we made that joke so many times, i made it canon
Khristmas Kevin: kevin's parasol prop can fire magical girl beams for realsies (but takes forever to charge up for it)
Khristmas Kevin: watch out vegas villains
Goopmas: +6 252+ SpA Choice Specs Pixilate Sylveon Helping Hand Hyper Beam vs. -6 0 HP / 0- SpD Rayquaza on a critical hit: 48224-56736 (15070 - 17730%) -- guaranteed OHKO
RubyChao: didn't we already go over how OP that was :V
Goopmas: yes but I had more damage multipliers to cram in
Goopmas: *makes rayquaza level 1*
Goopmas: +6 252+ SpA Choice Specs Pixilate Sylveon Helping Hand Hyper Beam vs. -6 0 HP / 0- SpD Rayquaza on a critical hit: 1976964-2325842 (15207415.3 - 17891092.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
ivelchild: level 1 rayquaza why
Khristmas Kevin: what the heck what are you doing to this poor rayquaza
Khristmas Kevin: haven't we embarrassed it enough
Khristmas Kevin: i mean groudon and kyogre are laughing now
Khristmas Kevin: but can kevin murder them too
Goopmas: hang on, doing something else
Goopmas: +6 252+ Atk Choice Band Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Helping Hand Flare Blitz vs. -6 0 HP / 0- Def Dry Skin Paras on a critical hit: 4542136-5343696 (41292145.4 - 48579054.5%) -- guaranteed OHKO
RubyChao: 48 million times overkill
RubyChao: wat
Goopmas: rest in paras
Goopmas: hmmm
Goopmas: *makes charizard level 1 and paras level 100*
Goopmas: +6 252+ Atk Choice Band Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Helping Hand Flare Blitz vs. -6 0 HP / 0- Def Dry Skin Paras on a critical hit: 180-216 (100 - 120%) -- guaranteed OHKO
ivelchild: wh
Goopmas: the minimum damage is exactly the HP a minimum HP level 100 Paras can have


RubyChao: oh god a tenshicar
Goopmas: imagine her head retracting like a turtle when they roll the window down
ivelchild: pfffffffff


Saberwulf: Ahahaha oh my fucking god I just figured out how to end my plots next year in a single post
Saberwulf: I'm not telling anyone, it's way too awesome
Tableter: Does everyone die wulf
Saberwulf: You'll see in like 7 months


A Collect Call From John Cena joined the chat
A Collect Call From John Cena rapadoos into the chatzy
RubyChao reveals himself to be Lesnar
RubyChao suplexes Cena 16 times

A Collect Call From John Cena: D:
A Collect Call From John Cena is broken
A Collect Call From John Cena: Chao no you broke your phone D:


RubyChao: >​check steam
RubyChao: >​receive two gifts from jrm
RubyChao: >​it's bad rats and gearcrack arena


Cornwind Evil: Kill La Kill's pretty damn neat but I can't show it to anyone because GODDAMN IT SHOWMAKERS WHAT WERE YOU THINKING
Tableter: Dirks reaction to ryuko's transformation
Tableter: "Where do i get one for jo?"
Goopmas: I can only imagine Jo crammed into one of those things
Goopmas: I leave you with that thought


Goopmas: Goopsmom comes out, "are we opening presents soon"
RubyChao: hahahahaha
RubyChao: goopsmom is the most eager one in your family ain't she
Khristmas Kevin: Goopsmom has the right idea
Khristmas Kevin: well she can't be more eager than me, do you know how hype i was last night
Khristmas Kevin: i just sat down by the tree and waited
Khristmas Kevin: 12 o clock
Khristmas Kevin: "DAD CAN WE OPEN PRESENTS NOW" "did you think it was christmas? it's only christmas eve"
Khristmas Kevin: "GODDAMN IT"
Goopmas: Hang on, there, harpy
Goopmas: I will never forget the one year she bust down my door on, like, December the fucking 22nd or 21st or something
Khristmas Kevin: oh shit
Goopmas: and she said "ENOUGH WAITING, LET'S DO IT"
Khristmas Kevin: she got me beat
Goopmas: hahahaha
Goopmas: "GOOPSBRO WANTS YOU TO ORDER NOW" she says after convincing goopsbro to leave early
Khristmas Kevin: eat faster dammit


Draco joined the chat
Jumpropeman: !!!
Jumpropeman: it's the draco-type person!
Draco: I'm not at work. They let us go early and then I left even earlier, but I still left later than 95% of the department.
SteelKomodo: ey draco
Draco: Hi JRM and SK.
RubyChao: yo draco
Tableter: ho ho ho draco
ivelchild: hiya Draco
Khristmas Kevin: hi santa dragon
Draco: Hi Ruby, Hi Del, Hi Ivel, Hi Harpy.
Jumpropeman: santa dragon, hurry down the chimney tonight
Draco gives Harpy the gift of more Clefairies.
Draco hurries down the chimney and steals all your coal.

Jumpropeman: :I
Jumpropeman: what am i supposed to eat now
ivelchild: your presents
Draco: What every good Texan eats: soup made from fracking run-off and giant pieces of beef.
Tableter: jrm tries to survive on nothing but copies of Cory in the House and Bad Rats
Jumpropeman: *nibbles on a copy of Q*Bert*
Tableter: becomes Bad Cory
Draco: leleter
ivelchild: Bad Cory who talks like bert
ivelchild: Qbert
ivelchild: I had the Q there where did it go
Jumpropeman: *^%&$*!
Draco: If JRM is Bert, is FormerVengeance Ernie?
Jumpropeman: if we're being realistic, the roles would be switched
Jumpropeman: although I think I can say anything to Ven and he'll put up with me


Cornwind Evil: I made a promise for Christmas to post an old terrible fanfic
Cornwind Evil: So here we are
Jumpropeman: the glorious gift of christmas garbage
Draco: Um, hello, I thought you said terrible. That is GOLD. 8V
SteelKomodo: ahahahah i've seen this!
SteelKomodo: floating around on the internet!
Jumpropeman: reminds me of DBZ Abridged
RubyChao: oh god i remember my days of lolrandom
Cornwind Evil: Except about a billion times worse
Jumpropeman: also reminds me of Lemmy interviews
RubyChao: yeah it's very lemmy's land, really
Jumpropeman: dat music choice
Tableter: cornwind
Tableter: i dont know what to say
Tableter: except condolences
Cornwind Evil: Like I said, due to undiagnosed Aspergers my mental age was like 11
Jumpropeman: I miss the old budweiser frogs
Jumpropeman: better than 20something male at a bar commercials of these day
Jumpropeman: "What will you drink?" "Some trashy lite beer, that's why I go to bars"
Jumpropeman: my life is better having read this
Jumpropeman: thank you cornwind
Tableter: on the bright side you could probably weaponise this


Khristmas Kevin: agg dumb thing
Jumpropeman: minor typo harpy, it says "Home for the Holidays" when it should say "Ho-Ho-Home for the Holidays"
Khristmas Kevin: plz no


Goopmas finishes reading blog
Goopmas: I can't wait to beat the shit out of this magical girl company, figuratively or literally
Khristmas Kevin: final boss 2015: MagiKorp
Qropeman: i thought we liked magical girls
Goopmas: well I can because I have entirely too many things to do before returning to RP but it's not literal
Goopmas: We love magical girls
Goopmas: We aren't so keen on monolith fashion industries that torture actors to fit an artifical image while hypocritically spouting that girls can "be who they wanna be" as long as said thing they wanna be fits in a breadbox
Goopmas: like, Josephine is going to fuck their shit up
Qropeman: goops is getting political
Qropeman: preach on
Qropeman: oh wait, you mean the blog
Goopmas: Companies like that are the reason sephine got so messed up in the head that it took two seasons of plots and character development to heal her
Goopmas: she's gonna be so mad it's gonna be great


(GB reports on his Christmas gifts)

Goopmas: The harpygift chosen from Amazon was a Legendary Treasures booster pack!
Goopmas: I asked specifically for this set because it has good odds for getting cool stuff. It's possible to get three holos in one pack
Goopmas: The spygift chosen from Amazon was a Godzilla figure. He has an action feature that makes him wiggle feebly. He's wonderful.
Khristmas Kevin: openthecards
Goopmas: Spy also threw in a second gift that he swore wasn't a gag gift and said was "good"
RubyChao: was it bad rats
Goopmas: It was Donkey Kong Country: Legend of the Crystal Coconut
RubyChao: YES
RubyChao: goops you'd better fucking watch that
Goopmas: Goopsmom wants to watch it
Khristmas Kevin: oh my god no
Khristmas Kevin: GOOPSMOM PLZ
RubyChao: tell her your weird internet friend who likes the magical girls supports it
Goopmas: I can only imagine her reaction to 1990s donkey kong CGI musical
RubyChao: i bet she'll love it
Khristmas Kevin: which one, ruby :U
RubyChao: both of them
Goopmas: When I went to open the Smash Strike and said it was from the same guy, Goopsbro said "It's a Donkey Kong plush"
Khristmas Kevin: lel
Goopmas: Goopsmom said "I hope so, that'd be awesome!"


Khristmas Kevin: *dad watching anime*
Khristmas Kevin: *obligatory hot spring scenes*
Khristmas Kevin: *TITSTITSTITSTITS* goddamn it japan
Qropeman: and that is why anime isnt taken seriously
Goopmas: BREASTS


RubyChao: i am here in between periods of courageously assuming the preselected state
RubyChao: also i got pogeymon Omega Me


Dies Natalis Wulf Invictus: So this is cool
Dies Natalis Wulf Invictus: This guy got introduced to vaporwave by a friend's son, and he liked it so much he decided to release the chiptune soundtracks he composed for canceled games back in the mid 90's for free online
Dies Natalis Wulf Invictus: They're really good too
Dies Natalis Wulf Invictus: There's even old commercial and spa music in there that he composed
Goopmas: awesome
Goopmas: despite growing up with the 16-bit Genesis, spending many many hours with a game boy color in the early 2000s makes 8-bit stuff sound so nostalgic for me, especially if it sounds like game boy specifically
Goopmas: >​second track uses Sonic 2 instruments
Goopmas: oh bby


Spy Ready to Party: I had the stupidest gimmick run idea for a Pokemon game
Spy Ready to Party: "When its life comes to an end, it absorbs the life energy of every living thing and turns into a cocoon once more." This Pokedex entry inspired . . . the Yveltallocke
Spy Ready to Party: Your starter is a kevek 5 Yveltal, which always has to be in the party.
Spy Ready to Party: If it dies, game over
Spy Ready to Party: Also the apocalypse


Goopmas: I'm using a Venipede in Omega Ruby
Khristmas Kevin: like you should
Goopmas: It is named Nygtilger
Khristmas Kevin: YES
Khristmas Kevin: NIGGLES


RubyChao: god now i'm imagining viola's reaction to touhou fangames
RubyChao: "Tenshi, you don't seem to be in this one. Is it an oversight?"
RubyChao: also one thing i found entertaining
RubyChao: at one point the lot2 devs replied to a tweet which was basically "you guys haven't said anything in 6 months are you even still working on it"
RubyChao: i'm glad i'm not alone :V
Goopmas: so what was their excuse reply
RubyChao: "we're working on it but we've been too lazy to update the site"
Goopmas: good sign
RubyChao: i believe in them as much as i believe in sheep
Goopmas: me too
RubyChao: wow goops wow
RubyChao: i'm so offended i think i'll play some more bravely default


RubyChao: so did viola get tenshi a keffy plushie
Goopmas: lessee... a keffy plushie, something related to rocks (maybe a little gemstone keychain or something)...
Goopmas: and a backup hat in case the current one is destroyed
RubyChao: excellent choices
RubyChao: tenshi will keep the keffy plushie at home so she can secretly cuddle it
Goopmas: :3
RubyChao: that is EXACTLY the comic i was thinking of


Goopmas: Tenshi's ego is the Brock's Onix of egos
Goopmas: you'd really think something that big could fend for itself
Goopmas: but just add a little water and it's gone
RubyChao: she just needs to trade it with a metal coat
RubyChao: then it'll evolve and... still be weak to water
Goopmas: we need a mega stone, too
RubyChao: imagine mega tenshi
RubyChao: +50 def +50 sp. def
RubyChao: no other changes


Draco: I'm finishing my RegiQuest today. I must find Regigigas!
SteelKomodo: yiss
Draco: "Zut zutt!" HE APPROACHES.
Draco: Quick, throw ALL the Luxury Balls at him! D8


Harpy: cookies
Spy Waiting For His Emals: . . . How
RubyChao: that's celestia's table
RubyChao: no other possibility
Harpy: well it could be alex and sarah's table
Goopmas: unleash the sarahkin
Harpy: knowing that they can and will bake cookies


Goopmas: ...spy, I feel I should mention
Goopmas: "Emals"
Spy Waiting For His Emals: Emals?
Spy Waiting For His Emals: . . .
Spy Waiting For His Emals: Are you fucking kidding me
ivelchild: welp
Spy Waiting For His Emals changed name to spy sucks
Tableter: Hahahaha
ivelchild changed name to spy rules
Tableter: That will never stop being funny
Goopmas: It's been a while, but the USS Spy Can't Spell has pulled back into the station


(Spy got tickets to a WWE house show as a Christmas gift)

spy sucks: hgnnnnngh guys I'm so excited
Kogasa-Chan~: get more excite
Goopmas: and then silence does a run-in during the main event
Goopmas: Buildup to Wrestlemania: Brock Lesnar vs Silence, Blade and Heyman promo-ing at each other
RubyChao: sunshine attempts to show up and promo for checkmate, stopped by checkmate
RubyChao: ...on that note, silly headcanon
Kogasa-Chan~: sophia raises a sign for silence
RubyChao: sunshine insisted on calling their christmas celebration "CHRISTMAS JIGOKU"


ivelchild: also the chat scrolled back too far for me to recover this but earlier I read Goops going to do pogey things as Goops going to do Goops things
Goopmas: well that essentially is a goops thing
ivelchild: Exactly
ivelchild: After mentioning my misreading I said it was the same thing :U


Kogasa-Chan~: status report on chocolate
Goopmas: chocolate status report: chocolate graham crackers eaten
Goopmas: they were great
Kogasa-Chan~: yessss
Goopmas: bit crumbly tho, napkin/plate recommended
ivelchild: she actually said yessssss
ivelchild: over voice chat
Kogasa-Chan~: should have it with marshmallows
ivelchild: true
RubyChao: yaaay
Goopmas: harpy can feed Sarah all season to continue getting joyful feelings from feeding people


Goopmas: Joltik likes to have the Compound Eyes ability, it lets it spam 90% accurate Thunder
Kogasa-Chan~: compound eyes is this little buggy's ability
Goopmas: *thunder intensifies*
Kogasa-Chan~: welcome to the ORAS team you two <3
Goopmas: *lily shows up, thunder intensithighs*
Kogasa-Chan~: haw
Kogasa-Chan~: thunderthighs: 100% accuracy, 100 power, chance to attract/paralyze :U
Goopmas: thunderthighs OP nerf pls


Goopmas: >​loads up Pokemon Global Link
Goopmas: >​the Logbook keeps track of each individual Super Training match now
Goopmas: oh god why
Goopmas: "You played with Cleffa in Pokémon-Amie."
ivelchild: hahaha
Goopmas: she has a name you know


Gooper Blooper: went to the store to buy peanut butter, Goopsmom was like "oh you're going out?" and gave me a list of stuff to get for her
Gooper Blooper: Wound up following her list and forgetting to buy peanut butter
Gooper Blooper: herp
Spy Ready To Party: I'm sorry Goops but your peanut butter is in another market


(Chao begins fighting to unlock the Archer-type class in Bravely Default)

RubyChao: time to see if i can BECOME THE ARIEL
giant nerd: beware the wild ariel
giant nerd: almost typed oreo
giant nerd: how the heck did i get oreo from ariel
giant nerd: usually i get them from sarah


Gooper Blooper: Ariel fought Gabby and Ty today
Gooper Blooper: When Gabby asked Ariel for an interview, I typed in "Buttsephine" and it got accepted


(more Bravely Default)

RubyChao: question: how do i trigger the next phase of the derosa event? ringabel had his scene at the inn and there's still a mark in florem
Gooper Blooper: I think you have to do it twice? Did you find the NPC affected by DeRosa?
RubyChao: oh, no, i haven't
Gooper Blooper: There's an NPC that advances the sidequest and makes you hate derosa more
RubyChao: oh god i found her
RubyChao: D:
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: Now I think you need to stay at the inn again, and if that doesn't work, try entering Florem at night
RubyChao: wow they really went out of their way to make derosa literally the worst, christ
Gooper Blooper: we weren't kidding, chao
Gooper Blooper: Reminder: Florem is the succubi's hometown in ZFRP
Gooper Blooper: it seemed to fit them perfectly :V
RubyChao: gee i wonder why
RubyChao: oh here we go, story progression!
RubyChao: this looks ominous


RubyChao: you weren't kidding when you said you toned him down


Gooper Blooper: *checks*
Gooper Blooper: BD2 is due out in Japan April 2015
RubyChao: get hype


Gooper Blooper: "You bought a bottle of Fresh Water in a Vending Machine, and got one extra for free!"
Gooper Blooper: sometimes I cannot believe the stuff Pokemon games keep track of
RubyChao: very important that you remember your fresh water


12 Days of Delmas: diablo trip report
12 Days of Delmas: jonesy owned skeleton king
12 Days of Delmas: and took his crown
Draco: Awesome. Jonesy is new Bonerlord.
SteelKomodo: jonesybones
12 Days of Delmas: The bonerqueen
12 Days of Delmas: her first decree will be to slash the prices of chocolate and whiskey
SteelKomodo: =D
Draco: Sarah and that guy who likes whiskey declare Jonesy best Bonerqueen.


AlsoNobody: so this is how it ends
AlsoNobody: not with a bang
AlsoNobody: but a baofbawwigbwioagw

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