Thursday, January 29, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 179: The Unstoppable Water Fountain

SteelKomodo: yo bro
SteelKomodo: remember primary school?
Tableter: Yeeeeeeesssssss?
SteelKomodo: remember the Making Table?
SteelKomodo: because that's all I remember from Year 1, like I don't remember what the other tables were
Tableter: What bought this on
SteelKomodo: just reminiscing
Tableter: There was the one you had to sit on if you didnt do your work
SteelKomodo: ...oh yeah, I remember that
Tableter: I spent a lot of time there after we got banjo kazooie
SteelKomodo: del pls
Tableter: Never
RubyChao: darnit young del


RedSpy joined the chat
Tableter: Hey spaps
SteelKomodo: ey spy
RubyChao: greetings spy
RubyChao: if that IS you
RedSpy: O)_(O


Cornwind Evil: Tom Nook will win Star Road 2
Cornwind Evil: That is my prediction because that's what the AI will do


Gooper Blooper: and then, when no one was looking, French Toast Crunch returned
Gooper Blooper: still waiting on the return of Oreo O's
RubyChao: go find a south korean box


Draco: I had to rush in here because I found an article that is ZFRP relevant.
RubyChao: is this saying that josephine's kid is gonna be a genius
Gooper Blooper: dem fat banks
Thrash: So Sarah-baby would be the Emperor of Mankind, is what Draco-article read for me.
Thrash: :U
Ringabel: Kevin is not sure how to feel about this article
Gooper Blooper: they're talking specifically about the lower body areas tho
Thrash: Not entirely. The breasts are covered in the last paragraph, for infants already born and feeding.
Gooper Blooper: Are the sarahkin smart enough or did Celestia's hips in fact lie
Ringabel: but he appreciates his fine tush regardless
Gooper Blooper: The largest-chested sarahkin is Gloria and that's more like being the tallest midget
RubyChao: and yet they're all bustier than tenshi
Draco: Tenshi somehow manages to be concave.
Thrash: Celestia's hips didn't lie. :v Their intellect manifests in their magic, tho.
Draco: All the Sarahkin took class Archetypes that use Int for their Spellcasting instead of Charisma or Wisdom.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 178: Kanye's DEAD ZONE

Ringabel: "French roast coffee is considered to be a double roast coffee, which is a category of dark roasted coffee characterized by and intense and smoky-sweet flavor, accompanied by a thin body and mouthfeel. These roasts completely overpower the beans themselves, so it is not possible to taste much at all of the origin or coffee varietal of the beans."
Ringabel: i'm pretty sure this is code for "it tastes like charcoal distilled into bean water"
Tableter: Yes
SteelKomodo: yep :<
Saberwulf: ew


RubyChao: too many utsuho
SteelKomodo: Crisis on Infinite Okuu's
SteelKomodo: Dirk: ...geez, now I have to order more cakes!


Saberwulf: Haha, someone called NJ a nanny state
Saberwulf: We have concealed carry and you can open-carry machetes what kind of nanny state do they think we are
Saberwulf: Shit I think you can even make slam bats and keep them in your home as long as you call it decor
Tableter: Your state is fucked up
RubyChao: remind me to go to new jersey if i need to duel anyone
RubyChao: apparently i'd have my pick of weapons
Saberwulf: It's pretty easy to buy guns too
Saberwulf: Thanks craigslist
Saberwulf: And also the lovely town of Asbury Park
Saberwulf: We're a surprisingly chill state though
Saberwulf: Legal gay marriage, medical marijuana, abortion, anti-discrimination laws for transfolk, and the fact that we have 40+ spoken languages
Tableter: Ive been hearing bad shit about seattle recently, has it gone crazy or
Ringabel: reminds me of the joke i made while watching Megas XLR's first ep (since it supposedly takes place in New Joisey)
Saberwulf: But I think a lot of the weapon laws being lax is because half the state is woods
Saberwulf: Seattle is the heroin capital of the world so
Ringabel: entire city is destroyed and I'm like "i don't think wulf appreciates giant robots aside from gundams destroying cities"
Ringabel: so apparently giant robots are legal in NJ
Ringabel: :U
Saberwulf: They are
Saberwulf: Funnily enough our car laws are fucking weird
Saberwulf: Like full-blackout windows and plate dimmers are quasi-legal
Saberwulf: And now cops have cameras on them
Saberwulf: It's just the weirdest shit
Saberwulf: Now these people are complaining that "the laws are so vague that everything is illegal in NJ"
Saberwulf: As long as you aren't being some dumbshit flake to a cop they don't care at all
RubyChao: it sounds more like everything is legal
Saberwulf: I actually had a cop say to me "I don't give a fuck what you do after this I'm not pulling you over again"
Tableter: NJ - the zfrp state
Tableter: Its all legal king

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Quick Guide to Pokemon Moveset Building for In-Game Play

As I am often called on in Chatzy to help determine which move a Pokemon should learn, here are some tips Pokemon players can keep in mind when their Pokemon are faced with the decision to learn a new move or not.

1: Consider STAB.
If a Pokemon attacks with a move that matches its' own type, it gets a 50% power increase. Therefore, the 100 base power Earthquake rises to 150 power when used by a Ground type, making it a no-brainer for almost any Ground Pokemon. This is called Same Type Attack Bonus, or STAB.

2: Consider stats.
Check the Pokemon's stats. Pokemon with high Attack will want physical moves, and Pokemon with higher Special Attack will want special moves. Pokemon with low Defense/Special Defense stats will probably want to skip status moves.

3: Consider coverage.
You want to hit as many Pokemon super-effectively as possible. Look to teach your Pokemon "coverage moves" that do lots of damage to Pokemon that their STAB moves won't work well on. Also avoid doubling up on two or more moves of the same type unless they fill very different niches: for instance, it's okay to use both Thunder Wave and Thunderbolt, and it's also okay to use both a weak move that always goes first as an emergency attack (like Aqua Jet) with a stronger move as the usual choice in other situations (like Waterfall).

Chatzy Madness Volume 176: My Client Tenshi Hinanawi

Fashionaaabluh!: "Lanky Kong is commonly associated with water. In Donkey Kong 64, his color was blue, which is commonly associated with water. He also was the only Kong who could become Enguarde in that game, and his only boss fight by himself was against a fish in a boat. In Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble, his only cameo is in the water, although most Kongs appeared in the water with him."
Fashionaaabluh!: Thanks Mario Wiki
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: kinda stretching there, Mario Wiki
Tableter: He has no style
ivel: stretching it eh Goops
Gooper Blooper: If Lanky actually did things in more than one game maybe you could build a case
ivel: just like Lanky
Tableter: He has no grace
Gooper Blooper: it stretched its logic just for me
Tableter: This kong
Tableter: Has a funny face


ivel: I still find it hilarious in WWE 2k14 how they censored references to the WWF
ivel: I understand why but it was still funny
ivel: "The WW *silence*"


Cornwind Evil: My god
Cornwind Evil: They actually decided this guy's original name was so bad
Cornwind Evil: They retconned it as a alias
Cornwind Evil: Because I remember this guy and the alias was listed as his actual name for years
Draxo: From a universe with guys like "Grievous" "Whorthsom" and every "Darth" ever...Sleazebaggano is the one they hated.


THE dark LORD: WoW news: I found Oceanus' quest you guys
THE dark LORD: Dwarf is telling tall tales that are literally just "yeah I punched this dragon god of death right in the face"
Gooper Blooper: >​a short boastful character claiming to have punched gods in the face
Gooper Blooper: wow
Gooper Blooper: (the difference is that Oceanus actually did it)

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 175: Sexy Singles In Your Area

Butt: . . . Oh my god
Butt: Antiknuckles is from a SUNKEN island
SteelKomodo: Penders: Imagination? What's that, the thing that comes before Masturbation?
SteelKomodo: yes I typed the m-word get over it :U
RubyChao does NOT get over it
Butt: AntiZephyrus totes around the R-Rated Establishment sign
Butt: And beats you over the head with it if you're not swearing every other word
Butt: Also he's , , , come on, come on, inexplicable accent . ..
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: Anti-Dirk is Australian and likes bewbs
Butt: Czech!
SteelKomodo: ...actually, Anti-Dirk is written by Ken Penders himself
RubyChao: so does that mean Anti-Pit is an Aussie who likes butts
Butt: Anti Delmond is a pacifist, allergic to barbeque, and voted for AntiMengsk in the election
SteelKomodo: maybe, chao :U
RubyChao: what about antitenko
RubyChao: also Anti-Delmond has a Brazilian accent
RubyChao: for no reason
SteelKomodo: Anti-Lisa is a dude, and made of peanut butter
Butt: AntiOceanus is a pacifist who, when in need of a fight, just glumly kicks things
Butt: To compensate for AntiWily building him with a crippling lack of arms
Del: AntiJonesy cannot exist
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
Del: Not possible
Butt: He used to be way more brash
Butt: But AntiYursarsh gave him etiquite lessons
RubyChao: anti-lisa meets lisa
RubyChao: they anniliate each other by cancelling out into sandwiches
SteelKomodo: Or they ganged up on Dr. Vortex and TP'd his castle of doom
Butt: They tried to have that rapscallion AntiAlex join them


Cornwind Evil: I think due to the troubles my interests have with women is why I overcompensate whenever I have to write relationships
Cornwind Evil: Remember how everyone thought Ash and Christine's relationship was highly dysfunctional when it wasn't?
Saberwulf: I still say Sine and Shakespeare name girl's relationship was very realistic
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I've seen the struggle to work out a pairing through the seasons
Cornwind Evil: Yeah and that ended with a sad whimper
Cornwind Evil: .....REALISM! *thumbs up*
RubyChao: oh god i laughed


RubyChao: i'm generally not keen on dark grim bad ending stuff
RubyChao: unless it's horror in which case KILL OFF EVERYONE WOO

Monday, January 12, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 174: Master Splinter, Should We Buy Destiny?

RubyChao: dirk slightly modifies the marriage speech for pit and okuu
RubyChao: "Do you Pit Angelos take this bird-" "DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRK​"
SteelKomodo: hahaha
Gooper Blooper: "do you take this bird to have and to hold and TO SHACK UP WITH DEAR GOD PIT I STILL CAN'T GET OVER IT SHE'S A BIRD"


Kevin: possibility of me getting a kirby amiibo from wal-mart? 70%


Gooper Blooper: hey remember that time I bought a giant cookie for a dollar
Gooper Blooper: Dollar Tree put them on clearance. Giant cookies for 50 cents
ivel: nice
Gooper Blooper: bought four, much sarah such cookie wow
RubyChao: consume
SteelKomodo: hahaha


RubyChao: "I hope I still have Pokemon when I grow up. Because if I have kids, I'd want to trade Pokemon with them."
RubyChao: goops_as_a_dad.txt


(Harpy begins her Omega Ruby adventure)

Harpy asked Chatzy to choose between Sammy and Siren. Chatzy chose: Sammy
Harpy: oh god I am the Sammy
Harpy: i'm gonna play omega ruby and end up with like a blajillion pogeys
Gooper Blooper: The first thing I did after leaving my house in OR was to look for The Science Guy
Gooper Blooper: If they ever stop doing "fat guy talks about how great science is" in Pokemon I will be very disappointed
Harpy: "hey want me to catch you a pokemon"
ivel: Kappa Mikey?
Harpy: Sammy just stares and pulls out a picture of Carla and her E4 pogeys slowly and points
Harpy: "she givin' me pogeys :D"
Harpy: oh hush ivel :U
RubyChao: choose the one that prepares itself for dinner for you
Harpy: torchic you look so adorable
Harpy: but I have a version of you with your hidden ability
Harpy: don't give me that look
Harpy: no stop giving me that look
Gooper Blooper: burd
Harpy: "love me ;;"
Harpy: ...
ivel: WELP
Gooper Blooper: 12.5% chance!
RubyChao: you know what to name
Harpy: okay sorry but this means I have to name it Mokou and keep it on my team
Harpy: if it were male I'd trade it but
Harpy: it was female
Harpy: i can't give away such a cutie
Harpy: *weeps*
Gooper Blooper tosses Torchics onto Wonder Trade without a care
Harpy: oh god now i have this stupid vision of sammy wearing a knapsack the wrong way (in front)
Harpy: and in it is Mokou the Torchic, all happy
Gooper Blooper: chansammy

Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Very Best, Part 3

And so Gloria and Viola's cross-country road trip began in earnest.

Celestia had once, years ago, used a beat-up old red pickup truck to get around Manhattan. Later, it became one of her first big "projects". The old rig looked largely the same on the outside, but the inner workings were overhauled completely. It was now a top-of-the-line, cutting-edge supercar with a powerful engine, four-wheel drive, insane fuel economy and loads of protection. It had air conditioning, it had USB ports, it had GPS. And yet it still looked like an old beater on the outside. Gloria appreciated her mother's odd taste.

Regardless, Celestia had long moved on to other projects and was all too willing to give Gloria the pickup. It was this machine that would carry the unlikely duo of Gloria and Viola across the United States.

At first, Viola was all too eager to get from one gym to the next. No sooner had she earned her second badge when she urged Gloria on to take her to Nashville, Tennessee for a third badge. Here, she faced a crooning country starlet and her southern-fried, sun-hat-wearing Jigglypuff in a Cute Contest, which Viola naturally entered Cleffa into. It had come down to a split decision, with two of the three judges giving the nod to Cleffa and earning Viola her third badge.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 173: Roller Ghoaster Tycoon

Spy Ready To Party: guys i found spoopy scary bootleg
Gooper Blooper: oh noooo
Spy Ready To Party: instad of ruler coaster typhon it was roller GHOASTER tycoo
SteelKomodo: oh nooooo D:
Spy Ready To Party: i go to menu and contnue option is there but i click and it says you cant continue if your ded
Spy Ready To Party: so i hit new game and all the park are broken and on fire except one
Spy Ready To Party: mr. bons funhouse
Gooper Blooper: mr. bon-bon
Spy Ready To Party: so i click on it and the game loffed and loffed
Spy Ready To Party: the loding csreen took forever. it loaded for hours (and hours is long time)
Spy Ready To Party: well it felt like hours at least
Spy Ready To Party: i reached on my head and pulled off a hair and it was GREY. HOW?>​
Spy Ready To Party: but then the game loded. te gerass was brown and charred and the wate was all blud red
Spy Ready To Party: i tried to build a cosdrer but it said you cant, mr bonesis already perfect
Gooper Blooper: perfect kyurem skeleton
Spy Ready To Party: then the ride began. i tried to stand up but i couldnt out o my chair. i was stuck
SteelKomodo: lolz
Spy Ready To Party: all i could do was watch and wait as the roler cosrtre went at a very slow speed
SteelKomodo: spy this is perfect
SteelKomodo: keep going
Spy Ready To Party: i am writing this to you now, hafway through the ride of my life. i ma 60 years old. my hair and teeth have fallen out. my vision is going blurry. i havent eaten in years.
Spy Ready To Party: please never play roller goaster tycoon. it will be the last thing you ever play.
Gooper Blooper: too bad chao isn't here
Gooper Blooper: Don't worry though, I'll save this for him
Spy Ready To Party: Yay :D
Gooper Blooper: I wonder how this would do if you posted it on Some Ordinary Gamers
Spy Ready To Party: I'd probably at least need to tighten up the grammar and spelling mistakes
12 Days of Delmas: yeah spy
12 Days of Delmas: there needs to be more of them


Draco: The cat jumped on my desk when he heard I was using the mouse, then left when he found it wasn't something he could eat.
SteelKomodo: catte :3
Draco: Now he's back on his tower, looking out the window for birds.
SteelKomodo: does he ever catch any?
Draco: No. He's yet to get through the glass window.


12 Days of Delmas: eggnog
12 Days of Delmas: nog even once

Monday, January 5, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 172: Thunder Intensithighs

Harpy: so basically, kevin is going to be the sexiest girl ever


Harpy: >​isn't a pizzarito just a calzone
Harpy: *stares*
cookie pizza: . . . *stares at hands*
cookie pizza: What have I done


(Originally posted on December 23. GB's family traditionally opens presents on Christmas Eve.)

Goopy Claus: Goopsbro has finally completed his Christmas shopping
Goopy Claus: Goopsbro has yet to start his Christmas wrapping
Goopy Claus: Goopsbro lives on the edge


Goopmas: goopsbro comes out after 20 minutes of wrapping with two tiny presents
Goopmas: "I'm really bad at wrapping"



RubyChao: someday i should make backloggery
RubyChao: someday
RubyChao never makes a backloggery

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Chatzy Madness Volume 171: Ivel's Mom Has Got It Going On

RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao: >​no goopy
RubyChao looks sadly at the package
Harpy: PM him :I
RubyChao: "Last Activity » Today, 5:03 PM"
ivelchild: pm him and get him here so you no longer have to sadly look at your package
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Harpy: GOOPY
Harpy: RUBY
RubyChao: yeah as far as i can tell it's confir-
RubyChao: harpy confirmed for shipper
Harpy: i live through your ships
Harpy: because i hardly make them anymore


PostSpy Red: Sup guys
ivelchild: just being amused that a Gundam character was named Full Frontal
PostSpy Red: ahahaha what
Tableter: Does his robot have a huge robodong
ivelchild: it looks like it at least has a cup
Tableter: Hagaha
PostSpy Red: Anythng with a robodong
PostSpy Red: Should just be called a roboner
ivelchild: yes
Tableter: Correct


PostSpy Red: All is lost


SteelKomodo: (281): Never drink rum straight from the bottle, even if people say it'll make you a pirate. It won't: it'll make you a bumbling shitfaced idiot who just drank rum straight from the bottle.
SteelKomodo: gonna get dirk to quote that at some point
Gooper Blooper: I imagined Dirk telling Josie this while she's in her pirate outfit