Monday, February 24, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 112: Dr. Robotnik's Big Gay Circus

Bravely Blooper: Impromptu Cutting Room Floor tidbit
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: buttception
RubyChao: oh?
Bravely Blooper: Remember how during the Conehead Groom plot a couple times during the early fights I had little cuts back to the church as the ceremony started?
RubyChao: yeah
Bravely Blooper: I was going to include one where Periwinkle asks for the Wedding March, but instead a member of The Great Conehead Brigade begins playing a cover of Fat-Bottomed Girls on the church organ
Bravely Blooper: and gets yelled at
RubyChao: those wacky coneheads


Bravely Blooper: "Poor Pussy" and "Tell The Truth" sound like real hootenannies
Gorons, Fuck Yeah: hahaha


Gorons, Fuck Yeah: trigger warning - spider
Bravely Blooper: that spider has seen enough
RubyChao: fun fact
RubyChao: that spider is me whenever i accidentally see a creepy image i was unprepared for
Bravely Blooper: Funnily enough, if it turns out that instead of creepy pictures it's terrible video game creepypasta, the opposite occurs and Chao rolls in from miles away
RubyChao: exactly

Saturday, February 22, 2014

How It All Started

Everyone who remembers their school days remembers the times when students would file into the auditorium to watch the band play a concert. As it turns out, Mysidian schools are little different.

A young white mage enrolled in Mysidia University that would one day name himself "Helios" takes advantage of the light briefly going up for intermission to once again review the program he'd been handed when entering the auditorium. Here at the University, students aimed to settle into the classes they had chosen in school, and often would add additional abilities to their arsenal through extracurricular programs. For instance, the musicians who had just finished their set were mostly people who had enrolled to become Bards, although some were only Bards on the side. White Mage observed that next up was a troupe of dancers.

"Hahaha, awesome!" the red mage sitting next to White Mage elbowed him, a lecherous grin on his face. "This is my favorite part!"

"What, the dancers?"

"You bet!"

"I never took you to be much of a fan of the arts."

"Nah, dude, that artsy stuff ain't for me. The girls, though..." The mage's grin widened. "The chicks who become dancers have the best bods in school, man. It's like a prerequisite or something."

White Mage rolled his eyes. "Can't you think about anything else?"

"Don't be a downer, dude! it's... like, an oasis of sexy in a desert of lame."

The lights dimmed, and the crowd grew quiet as they anticipated the incoming show.

"Aw hell yeah!" Red Mage said quietly as White Mage grunted and looked to the stage as the dancers arrived.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 111: Give This Guy A Drink

SteelKomodo: "Celestial Seasonings Tea"
SteelKomodo: um
SteelKomodo: er


RubyChao: a surprising number of inverted colors turn out to be blues and oranges in my experience


RubyChao: Banjo-Kazooie
Harpy: banjo why do you have a legendary in your backpack
SteelKomodo: that is awesome
Harpy: banjo D:


SteelKomodo: I've just remembered - I've always wanted to have Dirk call someone a c***
SteelKomodo: but I've never found the opportunity
RubyChao: also too bad he didn't use it on periwinkle :V
Saberwulf: I've only used that insult twice, since it carries more weight in the US
SteelKomodo: yeah, missed opportunity there :U
SteelKomodo: ...really? where?
SteelKomodo has shit memory
Saberwulf: I think Jaxx said it to Christopher's wife, and a scottish dude name Tookie said it in a Sentinel one-off
Super Spy School Level Despair: Yeah, in the US its the most awful word ever
Super Spy School Level Despair: in England its an insult
Super Spy School Level Despair: In Australia its "hi"
Saberwulf: ^
RubyChao: according to forum search it was Young Jaxx who used it in the sentinel one-off
SteelKomodo: ouch D:
Saberwulf: Ah
SteelKomodo: It's pretty bad in England as well
Saberwulf: Yeah that's right, he called that pedophile the C word before he lotused his head

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 110: A Big Insect Jesus

RubyChao: i had a dream about chatzy last night
RubyChao: can't i escape even in my sleep D:


Harpy: and now I need to continue the horrors of grinding in Pokemon
Harpy: because the electric gym will school me hardcore
Harpy: sarah not fat enough to handle the electricity
Jumpropeman: well, Sarah has the Water Crystal, so naturally she would be weak to electricity
Jumpropeman: even though it was fire that really messed her up :V


Harpy: twinsies are cute
Harpy: spy is cute
Harpy: wulf is cute
Harpy: i haven't seen RC but he's probably cute
Harpy: i'm pretty sure Draco is actually a dinosaur
nosebleed pls: Am not
Harpy: shut up I've seen you irl YOU ARE FUCKING CUTE AND YOU WILL ACCEPT IT
Harpy: all in all all of you are cute and if you say otherwise I will have to do something drastic and buy you bad rats
Jumpropeman: well, since everyone else is saying they aren't cute, I shall accept the title of cutest
nosebleed pls: Sounds reasonable
Saberwulf: JRM King of Kute

Monday, February 10, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 109: I'm Your Nephew From the Future

つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE JRTIDE: But Cranky can't keep DK out of trouble in this feature-length film, which finds everyone on Congo-Bongo Island battling for the elusive Crystal Coconut (whoever holds the Coconut will receive any wish). Most vehemently after the Coconut is the mercenary King K. Rool (and his reptilian horde of Kremlings) and the pirate Captain Scurvy. Fortunately DK, despite some false starts, manages to save the day. The 3-D animation here is well done and engaging, and the music is notably good, fun, and catchy.
Gooper Blooper: catchy is right


つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: I should do eats ;;
Gooper Blooper: well don't cry about it, just eat dufe
Delgeon Keeper: spy how the hell do you put off vital functions
Delgeon Keeper: i bet if you could delay breathing you would
Gooper Blooper: Spy's dorm goes up in flames
Gooper Blooper: delays as long as he can
Gooper Blooper: "I have to evacuate ;;"
Delgeon Keeper: he's got leo luster on repeat
Delgeon Keeper: hypnotised by badly animated monkey
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Pretty much, Goops
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE BEARDTIDE: Generally when I say "brb" I mean "give me 5 minutes and if no further response I'm brbing"


RubyChao: so if pit dresses up to get into tak-sin's court, what are the odds he'll run into utsuho by accident :V
RubyChao: Pit: "I swear, Okuu, there is a very good reason for this"
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Dirk: *critical existance failure*


Gooper Blooper: "It was announced at today's WWE live event in Kansas City, MO that John Cena was injured and wouldn't be there."
Gooper Blooper: And the WWE's week ends as it began
Gooper Blooper: badly
SteelKomodo: ouch D:
Delgeon Keeper: lel cena
Delgeon Keeper: job cena
SteelKomodo: #Badman
RubyChao: there's one thing a cena always keeps
RubyChao: his odds

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 108: In Which Chatzy Goes Premium

Daniel Bryan Is A Farm: "With all WWE's terrible luck this week, I reckon Cena dropped dead directly after Raw and Vince is now going to Weekend at Bernie's him."
Harpy: lawdy
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: here's hoping not
Gooper Blooper: Control ded cena with a system of wires from the rafters
Gooper Blooper: like how they puppet King Ghidorah's heads


Harpy: *jumps on cake*
Harpy: fuckin bundt grumble grumble
Gooper Blooper: Bundt vs Sarah 2014 boss battle
Harpy: don't make me actually do it, I will
SteelKomodo: lolz
Harpy: it fits right into Psychicplot
Harpy: caekmonstur
Gooper Blooper: Sarah/Sammy bros attack
Harpy: double chomp


Jumpropeman: i would read anything with a cockney tarantula


Gooper Blooper: fast chat tonight
Jumpropeman: maximum capacity
Jumpropeman: :') its been so long
CM Punk Is A Pizza Store: Are we . . .
CM Punk Is A Pizza Store: Are we going to have to get a paid room
Gooper Blooper: NEVER
SteelKomodo: D:
RubyChao: >​Paying Chatzy
Waddler-D: Or... migrate to another chat?
Harpy: I blame Waddler's presence which is actually my fault
Dacro: Guess so. Time to start selling "authentic" Kamacuras and Ebirah figs on ebay.
Waddler-D: MEAN!
Harpy: Nah, we can't do that. We don't know any other chats that can handle this many
Harpy: that don't suck, anyhow
Jumpropeman: if we only paid for a room during the ZFRP season
Gooper Blooper: I like Chatzy despite its faults
Jumpropeman: it would be a measly 79.80
Harpy: "80 dollars"
Harpy: no
Gooper Blooper: I could buy myself and Harpy a copy of Bravely Default for that kind of money
Waddler-D: Per... month or... just once?
Jumpropeman: that's for 6 months
Harpy: that 80 dollars could have paid for all my food
Waddler-D: Gah...

(A few moments pass)

Adminco joined the chat
Adminco: Hi. I gave Chatzy money. Now I can have five aliases in here at the same time.
Adminco: We have one month until Chatzy needs another fix.
xXxGokuSephiroth1337420xXx: oh snap, draco really did, didn't he
SteelKomodo: he hasn't I know draco
SteelKomodo: he's just fucking around again
xXxGokuSephiroth1337420xXx: WE CAN PM PEOPLE
xXxGokuSephiroth1337420xXx: THAT TICKER IS GONE
xXxGokuSephiroth1337420xXx: PANIC MODE
Gooper Blooper: draco what did you do
Gooper Blooper: I used the premium "view all chat" feature and found the birth of the chat
RubyChao: how did it start goops
Jumpropeman: !!!
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman started the chat 542 days ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 542 days ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 541 days ago
Jumpropeman rolled a die. The die showed: 6
Jumpropeman cleared the room 541 days ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 541 days ago
Iamastegosaurus joined the chat 541 days ago
Iamastegosaurus: Wow, first one in here. Surprised
Iamastegosaurus: (this is RedSpy)
Jumpropeman: Hello!
Jumpropeman: Interesting name
Iamastegosaurus: Thanks
Iamastegosaurus: This is what happens when I watch too much asdfmovie
Gooper Blooper: THE BEGINNING
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: . . . So
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: I WASN'T the first one in here
Devil Devil Buffalo Brutal No1: This shatters my whole perception of reality

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Chatzy Madness Volume 107: sdfhdsf

Cornwind Evil joined the chat 5 hours ago


SteelKomodo: tbh, I'm not entirely sure we can really convict a Kobber of anything
SteelKomodo: except David, but then he just goes OMNUS FUCK YEAH
Harpy: well, the lawsuit's just an excuse
Harpy: but Apollo doesn't know that
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, it's a plot device to get Apollo involved
Harpy: it'll take until the end of the season for Manhattan to realize "no fuck this ain't happening"
Harpy: Judge is terribly confused
Harpy: just talks about his grandson all day
Gooper Blooper: That's exactly it, Harpy has to make sure nobody makes it to the courtroom
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: because if it does, it's all ogre
SteelKomodo: D:
Harpy: then Apollo catches someone murdering someone in cold blood
RubyChao: watch, we'll get to the courtroom
RubyChao: apollo bumps into Devil Ed and Mengsk
RubyChao: just waiting there for their trials to end
Harpy: it will only be for one person because you'd have to be insane to try to convict all the kobbers without hard evidence
Gooper Blooper: Most of the deaths are self-defense anyway
Gooper Blooper: Except for "Erebus character murders homeless person"
Harpy: Erebus murdered innocent Waddle Dees
RubyChao: But he felt really bad about it afterwards!
Gooper Blooper: Dedede returns and this time he has an attorney
RubyChao: Apollo meets Samus
Gooper Blooper: Samus' suit falls apart whenever she lies
RubyChao: "So is it true that you're an amazing fighter?" "...Yes." *Apollo picks up like 5 tells at once*
SteelKomodo: lolz
My client, BRRRRROCK LLLLESNAR: Samus is Winston Payne
Gooper Blooper: "And I was never damaged!" *thumps chest, makes suit collapse*
RubyChao: samus's damage animation is just her suit exploding off