Friday, June 7, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 51: Game of Bones

Deletons joined the chat
Deletons: hullo
SteelKomodo: oh lawd D:
SteelKomodo: bro you okay why are you a skeleton
Deletons: i have playtested myself
Deletons: TO DEATH
Deletons rattles bones
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: went it?
Deletons: it went great


SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: ...someone is playing Venga Boys quite loud in the distance
SteelKomodo: loud enough for me to faintly hear
RedSpy: I read that as Vegeta Boys
Deletons: Bad Men
SteelKomodo: oh god no that would be terrifying XD


Gooper Blooper: Instructions:
1. Go to McDonald's. Order two double cheeseburgers, one chicken sandwich, and chicken nuggets with barbecue sauce.
2. Take out all three sandwiches and remove the bottom buns (the boring ones without any toppings or condiments).
3. Set one cheeseburger with its top bun facing down and place three chicken nuggets onto the meat.
4. Place the chicken sandwich on top of the chicken nuggets with its top bun facing down. Adhere with barbecue sauce.
5. Using the remaining barbecue sauce, attach the final sandwich to finish off the stack.
6. Struggle through a few bites until the whole thing comes apart in your hands, then keep eating while barbecue sauce gets everywhere.
7. Question whether you're even a human being anymore.

Gooper Blooper:
RedSpy: Sounds like Josephine and Sarah Go To White Castle
Gooper Blooper: basically yeah
Gooper Blooper: you go girls
Saberwulf: I was just at McDonald's, too
SteelKomodo: you kiddin? this is Dirk's regular lunch now that he has his own house!


RedSpy: Obviously our ship should be the ZFS King of Beasts
RedSpy: Gezora christened it with a Finisher before running to the ocean, laughing and declaring that he was "finally free"


SteelKomodo: also goops, spy has sad news
Gooper Blooper: wat
SteelKomodo: it ties in to what you said about legacy characters
Gooper Blooper: Who's gone now
SteelKomodo: I'd say what it is, but Spy can do it better
RedSpy: Depending on my final evals of my roster for ZFRP3, I might be tossing Osh along with Zeph
Gooper Blooper: nuuuuuuuuuu
SteelKomodo: ;_;
Gooper Blooper: forever in the shadow of his brother
Saberwulf: Robotless
RedSpy: But while Zeph is a 100% chance, this is more of a 50-50
RedSpy: Also, Wulf is correct. If I indeed don't have Osh, this is the first time I have a robotless roster
Gooper Blooper: now who will punch gods and dragons and dragon-shaped gods
Gooper Blooper: in the face
Saberwulf: Ulrika?
Saberwulf: Her drunk ass is still rolling around somewhere
SteelKomodo: what about the rest of her :P
SteelKomodo: hi-yoooooooo
Saberwulf: Hahaha
RedSpy: Ulrika is a transformer
RedSpy: Her ass is her mini-con
RedSpy: Together they fight crime
Deletons: that's my line
SteelKomodo: naw, that's Celestia
Saberwulf: pffffff
SteelKomodo: deal with it, del :P
Gooper Blooper: GIGANTIC ASSES
Gooper Blooper: hmm
Gooper Blooper: ...nope, can't really tell either way from here
RedSpy: Goops are you checking for giant asses
Gooper Blooper: it's very important spy
Gooper Blooper: it could turn the world of RP on its head
SteelKomodo: >​_>​
RedSpy: Oceanus has a bubble butt, does that count


Deletons: that doesn't quite work
SteelKomodo: ...I'm above the joke I was gonna make.
SteelKomodo: when the patient woke up, his skeleton was missing
Deletons: it had gone to get a coffee


Gooper Blooper:
RedSpy: "Aw, Sarah, these nice boys are giving me some new weapons!" "Moooom, give your character some clothes!"
Gooper Blooper: YES
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: 2013 Plot of the Year: Celestia gets addicted to MMORPGS
SteelKomodo: basically, Celestia doesn't know how to play WoW
Gooper Blooper: she knows exactly how to play
RedSpy: Holy crap I did something right!
Gooper Blooper: make your avatar a sexy girl and have men give you free stuff
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: works everywhere
SteelKomodo: goops you should totes do that plot :P
Gooper Blooper: I can combine it with the "Josephine starts online blind dating" plot and do a series of computer-related Sarahkin antics
Gooper Blooper: Gloria starts off irritated by all the conveniences of high technology and old stuff getting left behind
Gooper Blooper: But she keeps using modern conveniences without noticing
Saberwulf: In next week's special, Gloria shuns technology and converts to lay Buddhism
Gooper Blooper: "I can get up and get my own drink, jeez." *waitress hands Gloria a drink* "Hey, thanks." *slurrrrp*
Gooper Blooper: "...Shit."
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: Ariel discovers the power of online petitions
SteelKomodo: while Sarah discovers the allure of online recipe guides
SteelKomodo: and tries out home baking again
RedSpy: Join the Technocracy, Gloria!
Gooper Blooper: Ariel's campaigns lose some of their luster when she suddenly starts campaigning Capcom to release Mega Man Legends 3
SteelKomodo: pffft
RedSpy: . . . Ahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: Sarah's gotta be something something food, yeah
Gooper Blooper: because food
RedSpy: Sarah discovers Epic Meal Time, and that everything original Sine promised her was a lie
Gooper Blooper: I got the impression Sine was broadcasting the actual Epic Meal Time episodes somehow
SteelKomodo: yeah, that's what I thought
RedSpy: I know, I just had to reference that
Gooper Blooper: Sarah keeps tapes of them under her mattress
Gooper Blooper: Alex doesn't know
RedSpy: "I love you, Alex. BUT I LOVE FOOD MORE"
SteelKomodo: and then Alex finds them and the traditional porn-under-the-mattress argument starts, except with food
Gooper Blooper: Polyandry
SteelKomodo: "How could you do this, Sarah?!" "I'm so sorry D:"
Gooper Blooper: "Why didn't you share?!"
RedSpy: "oh Martha Stewart, if only your meals had idiot hairs . . . "
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: Cut a little piece off a bacon strip and stick it in frosting
Gooper Blooper: this is so going in chatzy madness
RedSpy: Sarah makes pound cake Alex cupcakes
SteelKomodo: huzzah!
Gooper Blooper: Sarah with Godfather's WWE 13 entrance
Gooper Blooper: She's got two cakes following her
Gooper Blooper: "eatin's easy"
SteelKomodo: XD
RedSpy: Bonus points if, for no reason, Bowser's theme still plays
Gooper Blooper: SARAH with Chocolate and Vanilla
Deletons: that was weird
SteelKomodo: indeed
Gooper Blooper: I like weird
Gooper Blooper: Our RP thrives on it
SteelKomodo: it sure does


Saberwulf: I want to play a game but I don't know what oh god help
Jumpropeman: play Frog Fractions


Gooper Blooper: At Toys R Us I saw they were selling a Mortal Kombat four-pack
SteelKomodo: ooh
Gooper Blooper: Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Reptile, and I think Rain was the last one
Gooper Blooper: In their original costumes
Gooper Blooper: So it was the same figure four times
SteelKomodo: savin teh moneys
Gooper Blooper: They at least included little skull and reptile heads for Scorp and Reptile
Gooper Blooper: And it was even on clearance
SteelKomodo: woot
Gooper Blooper: The only problem was that in Toys R Us' severely addled mind "clearance" apparently meant "forty-four dollars"
Gooper Blooper: bitch that ain't clearance
SteelKomodo: ...D:
SteelKomodo: nicky-poo nooooo
Gooper Blooper: Oh, I found a picture online, my mistake, it wasn't Rain
Gooper Blooper: It was Human Smoke
SteelKomodo: aw :<
Gooper Blooper: They did, however, make a SIX-pack
Gooper Blooper: That one adds Rain, Ermac, and Noob Saibot and leaves out... Scorpion, of all people
SteelKomodo: Scorp was busy fliiping boygas, so he couldn't make it
SteelKomodo: also holy fuck, it is the same figure repainted
SteelKomodo: thank god they updated the designs of all the ninjas now
Gooper Blooper: Amazon's listing the set for fifty dollars. I guess that WAS clearance
SteelKomodo: D:


RedSpy: Goops
RedSpy: I had a fucking brilliant idea
RedSpy: What if, -what if-, The Undertaker drove the Grave Digger monster truck
Gooper Blooper: bah gawd king
Gooper Blooper: do we know he doesn't already
RedSpy: Mein gott


SteelKomodo: as far as I'm concerned, Irys hasn't got an origin
SteelKomodo: things are scarier if you don't know much about them
Gooper Blooper: It just sorta showed up one day and began shipping itself with a girl
TheDeleter: it's a tumblr user?
RedSpy: Holmes, you cracked the case!
TheDeleter: :D


Gooper Blooper:
TheDeleter: XD
Gooper Blooper: What is WWE 13? A miserable spinning W
Gooper Blooper: forever


TheDeleter: mother of god
RedSpy: Isn't he the best?
TheDeleter: he was so ugly, everyone died


Gooper Blooper: Okay, Del, here's a question for you
TheDeleter: yeeees?
Gooper Blooper: If you were to look at Sarah's fine visage here
Gooper Blooper: Would you say that you could "feel the raw excitement from the look on her face"?
TheDeleter: she certainly seems happy about something
TheDeleter: so i'm going to give a yes
Gooper Blooper: Perhaps lights are flashing when she steps in the place
TheDeleter: you son of a bitch
Gooper Blooper: press X to reload count down from 3 go
TheDeleter: i got you dead to rights
Gooper Blooper: red carpet hittin it hard
TheDeleter: noir phrases


Saberwulf: I enjoy food too much
Saberwulf: "Why yes I would like to eat this entire dominos pizza by myself"


N Goat: Oh God, now I'm going to have drudge up the hellacious, pompous name of Purnima's ship
Saberwulf: My naming will probably be restricted to planets that are nowhere near the setting whatsoever and so make fuck all difference
Gooper Blooper: as usual
SteelKomodo: :P
Saberwulf: Mmhmm
Saberwulf: "The horrible neon chromeraiders of Hoobastank Upsilon"
TheDeleter: the shittiest, gaudiest alien invaders of all time
Saberwulf: The entire invasion's actually a misunderstanding, but the only person who can understand their language is Ulrika
TheDeleter: hahaha
TheDeleter: hey wulf, wanna come on skype and hurl ideas at each other like a bunch of artistic monkeys
Gooper Blooper: save_us.ulrika
Saberwulf: Yes
Gooper Blooper: a thousand monkeys roleplaying


Gooper Blooper: People wanted to know what arino's challenge was
Gooper Blooper: Broadcaster bazza87: I dunno win or something
Gooper Blooper: pukingmagma: ARINO'S CHALLENGE: WIN OR SOMETHING


TheDeleter: basically we're in a weird tea house with hookahs because this is saberwulf we're talking about, if there isn't any middle-eastern or asian culture in it he can't write it
TheDeleter: anyway some dude is trying to offer us jobs smuggling antiques or something
TheDeleter: but a) papa cheng can cook, b) papa cheng doesn't like this dude, and c) i'm fed up of following everyone else around
TheDeleter: so he's fucking off and going solo
M Sheep: Papa Cheng Adventures!
M Sheep: He has to collect the talismans, Jackiiiiie!
TheDeleter: insert jason derulo I'm Riding Solo here (i won't post it, it's horrid)
TheDeleter: i can't wait for him to snap and insult people
TheDeleter: the chinese have a lot of weird insults, some of which involve turtles for some reason
SteelKomodo: sadly, none of those turtles are teenage, ninjas or mutants
SteelKomodo: :<
M Sheep: Chinese Mutant Ninja Turtles!
M Sheep: Papa Cheng taught them to be ninja teeeeeeens~
TheDeleter: it's the hub, there will be some kind of teenage/mutant/ninja turtle eventually
M Sheep: He's a radical cook!
SteelKomodo: pfffft
TheDeleter: sadly his students all eat pizza so his cooking skills are wasted on them
SteelKomodo: didn't think of that D:
SteelKomodo joined the chat 118 minutes ago
TheDeleter: papa cheng is gonna rip the hub a new asshole, you heard it here folks


Gooper Blooper: So, in SaRahPG
Gooper Blooper: There's this library in the second town
Gooper Blooper: And if you check the bookshelves it lists off books, and I made every bookshelf have its own books
Gooper Blooper: so much joke text
SteelKomodo: ooh, sounds awesome
Gooper Blooper: "Dummy Books For Dummies"
SteelKomodo: pfffft
Gooper Blooper: "Effects of Sewer Slime on Adolescent Turtles"
Gooper Blooper: "Entirely Too Much Information About Plungers"
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: "The All-Chocolate Diet"
Gooper Blooper: "Dr. Bulgrave's Steamworks: A How-To Guide for Steam-Powered Gizmos, Gadgets, and Geegaws"
M Sheep: "The Idiot Hair War"
SteelKomodo: woooot bulgrave!
Gooper Blooper: "It's the Encyclopedia Britannica. They stopped making print versions of this not too long ago. Gloria was inconsolable, allegedly."
SteelKomodo: poor Gloria :<
Gooper Blooper: they really did do that btw
Gooper Blooper: The shelf of giant hardcovers in my school research days shall fade away
SteelKomodo: aw
SteelKomodo: that kinda sucks :<
Gooper Blooper: "Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, Because if it's Dark You Can't See Those Damn Illustrations"
Gooper Blooper: It does, but eh, the Internet CAN do it better
SteelKomodo: mmhm
SteelKomodo: also pfffft
Gooper Blooper: "Sonic Joke Book: THE INVISIBLE MAN'S OUTSIDE"
Gooper Blooper: "A Bucket of Duck: An Ape Stars in Movies"
Gooper Blooper: "Maguma, The Giant Walrus That Couldn't"
Gooper Blooper: "All Toasters Toast Toast: A Book Of Logical Errors"
M Sheep: Poor Maguma i_i
M Sheep: He tries so hard
Gooper Blooper: "Three Heads, One Body: The Tragic Tale of a Forsaken King In His Own Words"
Gooper Blooper: And finally "Extreme Explosions: Don't Try These At Home"


Gooper Blooper: One of my favorite VGCW matches ever is still Gary vs Gaben
Gooper Blooper: Particularly because of the chat's slowly increasing horror as the carnage continues
SteelKomodo: Pffffft
SteelKomodo: I forget if I ever had a fave match, it all kinda blurs together into one big lump of suplexes and AAAAA


Gooper Blooper: I gotta go for tonight
Gooper Blooper: bye guys
TheDeleter: bye gooops
TheDeleter: goooooooops
Gooper Blooper: goooooooooooooops


Saberwulf: Bbl, gonna go play Don't Starve for the first time
TheDeleter: awesome, good luck
Draco: Try not to starve.


Gooper Blooper: dirkphone.jpg
SteelKomodo: XD


TheDeleter: damn it now i want to play more don't starve
TheDeleter: arg damnnation
Saberwulf: pff
Gooper Blooper: I play don't starve several times a day, every day
Gooper Blooper: I'm really good at it
TheDeleter: that's not funny
TheDeleter: :I
Gooper Blooper: :<
RedSpy: Sarah beat Don't Starve
Gooper Blooper: Sarah has fucking godmode on


Saberwulf: Mother of fuck Shadowrun doesn't tell you how to play until page 60
Saberwulf: Everything before page 60 is "the history of everything from 1993-2070" and a bunch of fluff stories
Gooper Blooper: Certainly better than most manuals today
Gooper Blooper: Look at video games
Gooper Blooper: "Here's the controls, go away"


TheDeleter: yo wulf
TheDeleter: pro tip for Don't Starve
TheDeleter: do NOT eat any mushrooms
TheDeleter: red ones hurt you, green ones make your sanity crash
TheDeleter: like seriously, mushrooms = bad news
Saberwulf: Yeah, I realized that after eating them


Gooper Blooper: I attempted to make a dubstep version of Honky Tonk Badonkadonk with the Wub Machine
Gooper Blooper: it tried
SteelKomodo: no no no dubstep doesn't work with that track D:

1 comment:

  1. The funny thing is, the Honeypants character has the Fearless title, which you can only get by beating a tier-end boss on Heroic Mode. So ironically, Honeypants won't need anyone to give them stuff, because they're likely already a very skilled player.
