Monday, June 17, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 53: Eggwang

SteelKomodo: Japan why u so deranged
TheDeleter: they are cramped together on an small island with not a lot of livable space and their culture emphasises obediance and respect for betters no matter how crazy those betters are
TheDeleter: it's an entire nation with cabin fever
Saberwulf: Yaaayyy
TheDeleter: whoooo


Saberwulf: I actually paid money for Spore
VeryHungrySpy: We all did
VeryHungrySpy: Oh, we all did . . .
SteelKomodo: :<
TheDeleter: :<
TheDeleter: never again
VeryHungrySpy: Until Spore 2 comes out
VeryHungrySpy: And we're all fooled again
SteelKomodo: or they actually make it work
TheDeleter: hahaha, EA fucked up with maxis on simcity recently, they won't do ANYTHING for a while now


BadSpy: Don't forget to have Garland and the Sentinels come back as robots so Erebus and Jonesy's kid from the future can kill them with his sword
TheDeleter: don't you do it spy
TheDeleter: don't you start


Gooper Blooper: "Ya gotta have counters! Ya gotta have counters for yer counters!"
BadSpy: "I tanked an Ice Beam once." "Yeah, big whoop-" "Without any yache berries"
Gooper Blooper: "How tough am I? You got a Luvdisc?" "Sure." "IT'S ON"
BadSpy: "How about that bar?" "LITTLE CUP JUNIORS!?"


Gooper Blooper: I was only ever really good at one game, and it was only because hardly anyone else played it
Gooper Blooper: I'll just cling to that one achievement for the rest of my life
SteelKomodo: pfffft XD
TheDeleter: huzzah
BadSpy: Which?
Gooper Blooper: Space Invaders Get Even, was once the 13th highest scorer on the planet
BadSpy: Holy shit, nice!
BadSpy: How big was the leaderboard?
TheDeleter: holy shit
TheDeleter: that game ruled
Gooper Blooper: wait wait
SteelKomodo: awesooooome
Gooper Blooper: Del played SIGE?
TheDeleter: yep
Gooper Blooper: =D
TheDeleter: it was so goog
TheDeleter: *good
TheDeleter: GOOOOG
SteelKomodo: I think I played a bit of it myself
Gooper Blooper: Man, I thought this woulda come up when it was on my 100 Games list
Gooper Blooper: I had no idea
SteelKomodo: but del was always better than me :P
BadSpy: inb4 Del was #12 on the leaderboard
Gooper Blooper: My leaderboard name was "Kracko"
BadSpy: Del was here, Gary is a jbober
TheDeleter: i don't remember how well i did on the leaderboard
Gooper Blooper: There was only one European player ahead of me, as I recall, so he'd have to be the best invader in all of europe
TheDeleter: i just played for the explosionz
Gooper Blooper: The top ten was littered with japan
Gooper Blooper: To answer Spy, I think the leaderboard had something like 20,000 people on it
Gooper Blooper: although the number of people who actually bought all the levels was much smaller
BadSpy: Maybe Del was the Japanese one *SHOT*
Gooper Blooper: Del was from Japan the whole time
SteelKomodo: XD
TheDeleter: i'd rather die tbh
TheDeleter: that sound really racist [lovestruck]
BadSpy: How the hell did that emote happen
Gooper Blooper: see, he secretly loves japan despite his outward hatred
Gooper Blooper: he cares on the inside
SteelKomodo: bahahahaha
TheDeleter: i have emotes disabled
TheDeleter: what happen
Gooper Blooper: You made a smiley with a pumping heart
BadSpy: You either love Japan or love racism
Gooper Blooper: it's twue wuv
SteelKomodo: tis the lovestruck emote


SteelKomodo: Billy is dumb and cannot recognise aliens :P
SteelKomodo: But hey, he's a minimum wager, what do you expect
TheDeleter: i was gonna work for minimum wage at morrisons bro
TheDeleter: >:I
Gooper Blooper: minimum wagist
SteelKomodo: Sorry bro D:


Gooper Blooper: this has to be my favorite snoop dogg video ever
Gooper Blooper: that fucking final 20 seconds


BadSpy: . . . I tried to listen to EGGMAN instrumental
BadSpy: Its just not the same
Gooper Blooper: Of course not
Gooper Blooper: The story never begins
BadSpy: You can't rock that song without stories beginning and knowing who's gonna win
Gooper Blooper: We don't know which blue one he's referring to
BadSpy: Or what he is
Gooper Blooper: And most important, we don't know his name or that he is the enemy and will succeed
BadSpy: (The EGGMAN)
TheDeleter: or that he will conquer the world with his tools
TheDeleter: sometimes i omit the s from tools because i am a child
BadSpy: . . . oh god please tell me you don't mean eggwang


Gooper Blooper: ...
Gooper Blooper: BEE MOVIE = B MOVIE
Gooper Blooper: MOTHER OF FUCK
TheDeleter: yep
BadSpy: Fun fact: that was literally the only reason the movie existed
TheDeleter: and they came up with the title first and then the movie after
BadSpy: Seinfeld came up with a shitty pun and decided to write a screenplay


TheDeleter: pimpin ain't easy
Gooper Blooper: I have always wondered what exactly was so difficult about pimpin
Gooper Blooper: seems easy enough, honestly - the girls do all the work


TheDeleter: what the fuck
TheDeleter: is that facebook RP
TheDeleter: i mean i know it exists but wow
TheDeleter: this is like being taught about the holocaust in schools and going "yeah whatever" and then you go the the museum and you see all the shoes and you're like "holy shit"
SteelKomodo: it was exactly like that
SteelKomodo: I totes remember that
Gooper Blooper: Man, that is some top quality RP. We should just hang it up cuz it ain't gettin better than that


abe lincoln joined the chat
SteelKomodo: who?
TheDeleter: hullo, lincoln's ghost
SteelKomodo: how?
SteelKomodo: and possibly why?
TheDeleter: things are very different in the year 2013 aren't they
abe lincoln: that they are


Gooper Blooper: This is the English boxart for Kid Icarus Uprising
Gooper Blooper: BUT
RedSpy: Inb4eyebrows
Gooper Blooper: This is the boxart for the Japanese version
Gooper Blooper: Angry American Pit
RedSpy: Now with 25% less pink
SteelKomodo: American Pit is Hardcore
SteelKomodo: pfffft


RedSpy: This
RedSpy: Is this real
Gooper Blooper: Look at another one of their fine articles and judge for yourself
RedSpy: pfffft okay its fake
RedSpy: Either that, or CM Punk has a lot of weird match gimmicks
SteelKomodo: CM Punk trolls you all once again


Saberwulf: Oh my god it's so fucking hot and humid outside
Saberwulf: I feel like I'm in the south
Saberwulf: Getting the vapors


SteelKomodo: so RP continues to ruin things for me
SteelKomodo: as in today's Yogscast, Lewis made a tent out of branches and canvas as part of their Don't Starve Challenge
SteelKomodo: and guess what he called it?
Gooper Blooper: WHAT DID HE CALL IT
SteelKomodo: Josephine
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
TheDeleter: haha
SteelKomodo: and then went on to say "She'll keep me warm and cosy"
Gooper Blooper: do bad things happen to josephine
TheDeleter: lewd
Gooper Blooper: #lewd
SteelKomodo: he knocks out a support stick after like a minute of it being up
SteelKomodo: and it collapses on his head
Gooper Blooper: Collapsephine
SteelKomodo: #lewd
SteelKomodo: XD


Draco: Prove it.
RedSpy breathes
Draco: Dead people breathe.
RedSpy: Huh, really?
RedSpy: Dag, maybe I am dead
Draco: Is it breathing or eating brains that I'm thinking of? >​.>​
RedSpy: I dunno, haven't seen any live people eat brains
Draco: They...they don't? D=
Draco: Maybe I'M dead.
Draco wipes brains off his face with a napkin.
RedSpy: D:


Gooper Blooper: Time for another scintillating round of USA Boxart vs Japanese Boxart
Gooper Blooper: USA
TheDeleter: i shall watch whilst attempting to make a pulveriser in minecraft
Draco: That was an awful game.
RedSpy: Awww shit its Godzilla
RedSpy: Wait . . . wait, its on the Game Boy
RedSpy: Oh no. Oh no, I know which game you're linking to
Gooper Blooper: Japan
Draco: 8|
TheDeleter: hahahaha wow
TheDeleter: the difference is night and day
RedSpy: No
RedSpy: No Goops
RedSpy: C'mon, gimme a break


TheDeleter: minecraft report - i have a set of power armor legs that charge my entire suit as i walk
TheDeleter: i am now ready to break the game over my knee
Gooper Blooper: but you cannot
Gooper Blooper: because it is a digital game
Gooper Blooper: the true cost of going online-only
TheDeleter: i meant this in a metaphorical fashion


TheDeleter: oh god this is like someone took sex, reduced it to a raw elemental form, made it into instruments and then made music with them
TheDeleter: so good
TheDeleter: oh my gooood
RedSpy: Oh god not eargasms D:
TheDeleter: Lose Yourself to Dance is great
TheDeleter: the vocoders, pharrel doing his best prince impersonation, the bass
TheDeleter: diasyfgdoasgdsa\iygdaswy​d
SteelKomodo: stay with us del man
SteelKomodo: stay with us D:


Cornwind Evil: Did you hear about the ship carrying a hold full of yo-yos that ran aground off New York?
Cornwind Evil: It sank 47 times.
TheDeleter: booo hisss get outta here


TheDeleter: do i watch dotes and level up my courier for pogeyman power
TheDeleter: or do i watch virtual wrasslin
JRM (lvl 25): open them in separate adjacent windows and assign an eyeball to each


TheDeleter: someone in the dotes chat said "fuck you deleter you were the worst thing about other m"
TheDeleter: i told him "i swear i've had this name before other M, i was like 15 and really dumb"
TheDeleter: he said "that's okay, the writers of other M were 15 mentally"
JRM (lvl 25): nice


Draco: Plot twist: Zoofights was all a dream of Widow Maker's while waiting to fight Marlin the Magnificent for Snake Pilgrim's amusement.

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