Saturday, June 29, 2013

Chatzy Madness Volume 55: Bowser Hangs Himself

RedSpy: Truly that would be the world's worst curse
RedSpy: Having Cole and King narrate your sex life


RedSpy: THQuality in real life
Draco: O_o
TheDeleter: wow
Draco: The one guy's just curled up in a ball?
RedSpy: Think about it
RedSpy: You can't pin that
RedSpy: Makes for shit TV, but you can't pin that if you can't break the ball


M Sheep joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: M Sheep takes time out from his grueling 18-country drama tour to join us in Chatzy
M Sheep: In over 110 languages!
M Sheep: But yeah, finally done with everything for now
Gooper Blooper: Man, I actually said "18" completely at random
Gooper Blooper: It's in my fucking subconscious at this point
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: Six straight months of this insanity


TheDeleter: dragons are rendered extinct because they are assholes who take all the money and then don't do anything with it
TheDeleter: just like the 1%
Gooper Blooper: Occupy Mysidia


TheDeleter: yo sk i have seen a trailer for waorld war z
TheDeleter: *world
TheDeleter: i look a bit lame
TheDeleter: *it looks
TheDeleter: i also look a bit lame but i have low self esteem
Cornwind Evil: Zombies do not move that way
SteelKomodo: Pffffft
Cornwind Evil: PEOPLE do not move that way


Saberwulf: Good god you people have a fuckton of characters


M Sheep: The day is yet young
M Sheep: I might even make a POST
M Sheep: ....yeah, let's not dream too big here


Gooper Blooper: jesus my browser keeps hanging
Gooper Blooper: stoppit, you browser
RedSpy: D:
RedSpy: Why is Bowser hanging himself
Gooper Blooper: because Princess Peach will never love him like he loves her
Gooper Blooper: this conversation took a dark turn quickly
SteelKomodo: tragedy in the Mushroom Kingdom


Harpy: anyway, i'll prolly pop in tonight. bringing in Carla and my idea of a hemophobic, tae-kwon-do black belt psychic who works as a janitor
Harpy: no the janitor is not alex get out


Gooper Blooper: You've mostly just missed character introductions, some minor plot setup, the first Fite, and a battle against a bear
Harpy: guess it fought with bare hands
Gooper Blooper: it was almost unbearable
Cornwind Evil: The fight was grisly
Harpy: haaa


TheDeleter: goddamn it fantasy, i just want a normal-looking king, not a king surrounded by half-naked women
TheDeleter: google you are useless


Gooper Blooper: Mod mrphoenixcross: Is this anyone's first VGCW show?
Broadcaster bazza87: This is like, my 4th or something
seannao: lol
helkone: LIES
outrageoustaric: bazza pls
stophangingdjs: Lol get gud Bazza scrub


Draco: I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride. D8
TheDeleter: not possible
TheDeleter: one of us one of us etc
Draco: You mean I'm British now? D8
SteelKomodo: Being British ain't so bad
SteelKomodo: you get to wear top hats and go "I Say" a lot
Draco: I say, I do believe that is in fact quite exhilarating. I no longer have the urge to watch a brutish game like hockey and enjoy a more civilized variety of sport such as football.
Draco locks pinky in the "out" position.
Gooper Blooper: and not that daft game with the skin of a pig you yanks call "football", either
Cornwind Evil: America football needs a new name
SteelKomodo: We call it Rugby over here
SteelKomodo: you might wanna- actually, Smashball sounds much better
Gooper Blooper: SMASHBALL
TheDeleter: i was only partly kidding


TheDeleter: toasted
Gooper Blooper: yo-yosted
TheDeleter: boated
Gooper Blooper: boted
Cornwind Evil: Coast to coasted
Draco: GI Joested
TheDeleter: draco wins


Draco: Cray Fish destroyed the forums in a Grudge Match with Gezora.


SteelKomodo: I'm torrenting Piranhaconda
SteelKomodo: why
TheDeleter: why not


RedSpy: Mission successful. They don't know I'm a Weepinbell
SteelKomodo: I just read that in Kr1T1kal's voice
SteelKomodo: it really fits
RedSpy: ow fuck i legit sprained my ribs laughing ;-;
Draco: Did you yell out "MEDIC"?


Cornwind Evil: Who'd want to rent a place like that?
Gooper Blooper: Someone incredibly stupid


Actually Twelve Spies: Goops, our game of Munchkin is being run by a hobbit and a swarf
Gooper Blooper: what's a swarf
TheDeleter: it's like a dwarf
TheDeleter: but with an s


Jerry Lawler joined the chat
Michael Cole joined the chat

Jerry Lawler: Hey Michael, did last night's WVGCW remind you of your last date? :P
Michael Cole: :<
Jerry Lawler: I hear the male division is having an episode tonight!
Michael Cole: DEER LORD
Jerry Lawler: AAAAA
Michael Cole left the chat
Jerry Lawler left the chat


Gooper Blooper: I'd like to see 17 participate in the 2016 presidential debates
Gooper Blooper: "...I disagree!"
BazScrewedBaz: pffffft
BazScrewedBaz: An entire political speech, condensed into 5 seconds
BazScrewedBaz: 17 truly is a visionary


Gooper Blooper: okay I think I got it
Gooper Blooper: I think Ariel's chat name is gonna be WhisperwindDryad
SteelKomodo: Awesome!
Gooper Blooper: Clearly a hippy name, but it's not quite screaming at you to deposit your bottles and change your lightbulbs
TheDeleter: That's not bad
TheDeleter: It is kinda hippie though
Gooper Blooper: well it's gotta be KINDA hippie
Gooper Blooper: because let's face it
Gooper Blooper: she's a hippie
TheDeleter: True
SteelKomodo: Mmhm


SteelKomodo: On the subject of puns, I've just thought of loads for Josephine
Gooper Blooper: there are so many
SteelKomodo: Bowsephine when she has a bow, Towsephine when giving someone a tow, Showsephine for her broadway debut, Nosephine when DENYing someone...
Gooper Blooper: I gave her such a wonderful name
SteelKomodo: Also Snowsephine for Christmas
Gooper Blooper: snowsephine :3
Cornwind Evil: "Blowsephine when she's doing cocaine..."
SteelKomodo: :3
TheDeleter: Josephine is not suited for the high life CW
SteelKomodo: CW what XD:
TheDeleter: That would require David to give her a big bar of Billionairium
TheDeleter: CW you are terrible, please stop, you are scaring the children
Cornwind Evil: What children?
Cornwind Evil: "Coldsephine when she starts cooking meth for money..."
Gooper Blooper: Depressephine when she starts reading CW's plans for her


TheDeleter: Night all, stay awe so e
TheDeleter: #awesome
TheDeleter: One day I will learn to type


Cornwind Evil: Meanwhile, Sine tinkers with...I have forgotten the name of Zephyrus' hoverboard
nice dodge dere :3: Mach
Cornwind Evil: She tinkers with Mach to try and make him more environmentally friendly
Cornwind Evil: "Ariel's obsession has carried over."
nice dodge dere :3: Obviously the easiest way to handle it is make it wind powered
nice dodge dere :3: And then permanently bolt Zephyrus there
Cornwind Evil: "I floated that to Zephyrus. Oceanus waved his fist at me, so no dice."


TheDeleter: miniature golf course, because I think it would be cool if the ZFS King of Beasts had a


Draco: How is it possible that we still have MORE fantasy after the Final Fantasy in the 80s? Are we being lied to? Is it just a corporate conspiracy to sell Harry Potter dolls and magic wands?!


nice dodge dere :3: What if you fused the Yello Dello's legs with Trogdor's arm?


Draco: Did that Caitlyn bot come back earlier or something?
Gooper Blooper: Looking at the chat history, 'Catilyns' joined the chat then didn't post
Draco: Ah.
TheDeleter: Yeah, she returned
TheDeleter: To no applause
SteelKomodo: :<
Draco: Well, she broke Goops' heart. How can we welcome her back so easily?


Gooper Blooper: top advice from the pokemon prof
SteelKomodo: ...ahahahahaha I remember these :P
Saberwulf: "There's only one masterball, catch a tentacruel with it"
Draco: Those are quality tips! XD
SteelKomodo: damn it Oak you're stoned again go home


Draco: I'm going to wager one character death on Captain Falcon. If he loses, I'm killing off an RP character.
SteelKomodo: Cap's gonna win, he already beat red twice
SteelKomodo: ...D:
TheDeleter: Damn son
Draco: =3
Gooper Blooper: It's a Hell in a Cell match to boot
Draco asked Chatzy to choose between Draco, Flu and Anonymous Extra. Chatzy chose: Flu
TheDeleter: If you don't go through with that I'm gonna probate you for like six hours because I have the power and also for laughs
Draco: Deal.
Draco: Go sad with power instead.
SteelKomodo: D:

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