Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Legalized Gambling For Children 14 Years Later

I have right here ten packs of eight cards each from the Topps "Pokemon: The First Movie" trading card set. I am quite a ways from a complete set, but I do have over half the cards. With eighty new cards to pull from these packs, I should finish this blog post substantially closer to my goal.

So, what's in this set? Here's the rundown:

-The meat of the set is a collection of 72 cards based on the original Pokemon movie and the "Pikachu's Vacation" short that aired before it. Each of the 72 cards also has a holofoil variation, and there is one holofoil in every pack - guaranteed. I am missing 17 "First Movie" cards and 7 "Pikachu's Vacation" cards.
-There are two sets of rarer cards. The first type is the "Evolution Cards" set, which consists of twelve cards featuring the Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, and Dratini families. Each of these cards can be holofoil, uniquely shaped, or ordinary. The odds of getting a unique-shaped evolution card are listed as 1 in 12 on the pack, making these little gits a real pain to gather if you want all the variations. I've managed to collect eight of the cards - I'm missing Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, and Dragonair.
-The third type of card is the "sticker card". On one side is a sticker, and on the other side is a piece of a picture. There are twelve sticker cards and the odds of getting one is 50/50. I don't have a single sticker card.

Miscellaneous Facts:

-These packs originally cost 1.99 each, as marked on the package. I bought the whole lot of ten for eleven bucks, so I actually got a discount here.
-Every pack has an identical design - it's a great foil wrapper with a picture of Mewtwo on it.
-The back of the package offers a bizarre sweepstakes that allows people to mail contest entries to Topps for a chance to win additional cards "at the same odds". Sweepstakes winners don't get the evolution sets or holofoils - they just get a random card. One. But then again, if you remember 1999 like I'm pretty sure it went down, that was enough for a lot of kids to enter. It's almost impossible to overstate just how huge Pokemon was for people my age in 1999.

So! As nice as it is to look at these gorgeous sealed packs, it's time to open them and view THE GOODS. First, though, a quick rundown of what I'm looking for (courtesy of a complete list from Bulbapedia):

Super Psychic Pokemon
Mechanical Mewtwo
The Nefarious Team Rocket
The Tempest - A Bad Omen
Underwater Adventure
The Temple of Mewtwo
The Trainer's Failure
The Battle of the Champions
Round One Equals Defeat
The Chase for Pikachu
Psychic Showdown
The Ultimate Match
The Fight Rages

Don't Cry, Togepi
Racing Cheek to Cheek
Everyone Pull
Better than Ever
A Great Day
New Friends and Farewells


All twelve

I also need the Checklist. I will be listing the cards in each pack, with new ones highlighted in bold. If it's not in bold, I've already got it in my binder. An italic card means I have the card, but it is a variation that I didn't have (a holo, for instance).

All right, here we go with Pack 1!

Pack 1:
The "Tail" End of the Race
Stealing Pokemon
Like It Never Happened
Consciousness and Congratulations
Trying Out the New Toy (holofoil)
Bulbasaur Evolution Card
Marina In Chaos
Rest and Relaxation At Last

Not the most promising of starts. This first pack has yielded only a single new card. I even already had the damn holo. Still, maybe this is leading up to something...

Pack 2:
Rescuing Pikachu
Ash's Sacrifice
The Trainer's Failure
Everyone Pull
Looks Like Trouble (holofoil)
Squirtle Evolution Card
Battle Before Lunch
The Battle Renewed

This one was more promising. Two new cards and a new variation. If I want a better return on investment than just buying the damn things one at a time, I need more than one new card a pack. This is a small step in the right direction. Still no sticker cards though.

Pack 3:
Trapped Charizard
Meowth Times Two
Peacemaker Pikachu
A Call to Arms
Introductions (holofoil)
Charmander Family Sticker Card
Don't Cry, Togepi
Mechanical Mewtwo

The first half of this pack worried me, but it turned out to be the best one yet! Four new cards means half the pack was new - no small feat when I had over half the set already. And the holofoil being new was just ice on the cake.

The packs are improving with each new one I open. When will the crash occur? It's bound to happen.

Pack 4:
Stealing Pokemon
Like It Never Happened
Togepi In Trouble
Togepi In Trouble (holofoil)
Dratini Evolution Card
Round One Equals Defeat

There it is. Got a new card and a new holofoil, but jeez. Dat double Togepi. I have still not been saddled with the horror of a pack of all repeats, although the chance of such a thing is technically rising with every new pack.

Pack 5:
The Story of Mewtwo
The Ultimate Match
Leaving the Nest
C'mon, We Need Help
Charmeleon Evolution Card
Introductions (holofoil)
Squirtle Family Sticker Card
Togepi In Trouble (AGAIN)

This pack is full of highs and lows. Another sticker card is kinda neat. Another movie card is great. A non-holo version of a card I have a holo of is decent. But a repeat holo? And a THIRD Togepi In Trouble card? How many Togepi In Trouble cards am I going to have by Pack 10?

We're at the halfway point and I have 10 new cards and 3 variations. Not too bad.

Pack 6:
Battle Before Lunch
Racing Cheek to Cheek
Checklist (holofoil)
Dratini Evolution Card
Ash's Sacrifice
The Trainer's Failure
Everyone Pull
The Proposition

The Checklist of all things is the holofoil. I won't complain, though, because it actually looks pretty damn slick. Only one other new card in this set.

Pack 7:
The Trainer's Failure
Everyone Pull
The Proposition
Looks Like Trouble
Dratini Evolution Card
Dragonair Evolution Card (holofoil)
The Chase For Pikachu
Pikachu's Vacation

A terrible pack is salvaged by the new holofoil - FINALLY I have a complete Evolution Set trio!

Dratini, The Trainer's Failure, and Everyone Pull have joined Togepi In Trouble as troll cards. GOD DAMMIT GO AWAY

Pack 8:
Rest and Relaxation At Last
The Best of the Best
The Tears of Pokemon
Ash and Company
Blastoise Evolution Card
Rebellion (holofoil)
Pikachu Family Sticker Card
The Invitation

Another pack with a lame beginning but a strong end. That seems to be the general theme of the good packs - sucker one in with duplicates, then halfway point and EVERYTHING CHANGES BABY. I'm just two cards away from a complete Evolution Set, and so far an Evolution card has appeared in every pack. If the stars align, Charizard and Venusaur will be in the last two packs. But those are long odds...

This is why I don't play the lottery.

Pack 9:
The Future Looks Bright
The Temple of Mewtwo
Better Than Ever
Wartortle Evolution Card
The Story of Mewtwo (holofoil)
Venusaur Evolution Card
A Call to Arms


Just like that, two Evolution cards in one pack! (I know I got two earlier, but I thought maybe the holofoils played by different rules).

Oh, jeez. If the last pack has Charizard in it...

guys I'm getting hype over this dumb shit


Pack 10:
Donfan (yes, that's how it's spelled on the card)
Trapped Charizard
Meowth Times Two
Peacemaker Pikachu
Squirtle Sticker Card
Success (holofoil)
The Ultimate Match
Leaving The Nest

And the final pack is lame, I repeat, the final pack is lame. The lamest of them all. At least I got a sticker card.

New Cards: 21
New Variations: 4
Duplicates: 55
Sticker Cards Obtained: 4 out of 10 packs with 1 in 2 odds
Unique-Shape Evolution Cards Obtained: 0 out of 10 packs with 1 in 12 odds

That works out to about fifty cents a card, which is awful steep, but better than it could have been. Now, let's look at that list of what's needed one more time, now updated:

Super Psychic Pokemon
The Nefarious Team Rocket
The Tempest - A Bad Omen
Underwater Adventure
Psychic Showdown
The Ultimate Match
The Fight Rages

A Great Day
New Friends and Farewells


8 to get out of 12

If I want to complete this set, it'd probably be best to find someone else who collects it (or used to) and trade with them, but that's proven difficult. Ah well, closer than I was before.

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