Thursday, November 15, 2012

Gunningshire: Storm

"Home... sweet home."

Dr. Bulgrave stood in the pouring rain, standing in front of his heavily damaged castle.

"This place has certainly seen better days. *psssh* Well, no sense standing out here in the rain."

The doctor entered slowly, looking around with some trepidation.


He was completely alone here. It was such a bizarre feeling. Bulgrave had been a bit of a loner, true - aside from Dr. Welward, few ever visited him. Which had made this previous summer all the more unique.

There was no chance. No way. The kobbers had killed him. He couldn't have fled. The chances were infinitesimal. But to hell with probability, he was alone and had nothing else to do.

"...Gust? Gust, my boy, are you here?"

Silence descended upon the fortress once more, with only the rain and Bulgrave's breathing apparatus to dull the silent roar of emptiness.

He traversed the halls of his castle like a stranger, noting and observing every chipped stone, every smashed glass, every overturned object or fallen keepsake. The blackboard he'd used so many times to communicate with Blackbird was face-down on the floor. Some of his books had tumbled off the bookshelves, with one on insects having busted its spine upon landing. The food in the pantry had gone bad, except for the canned stuff.


The doctor stopped walking.



He reached behind him, grasping a handheld device hooked to his life support and sifter.


"It's picking something up... Someone sifted here?"

Bulgrave stared at the readings for a few moments before it dawned on him.

"...He got away. *Psssh*

He did survive."

He began fiddling with the device, flipping levers and turning dials, energy seeming to return to his movements.

"It might not be too late."

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