Sunday, November 18, 2012

Chatzy Madness Volume 22: Stella's Zoofights Fanfiction

GB: So last night I played another one of my shiny new old Atari games
Saberwulf: Nice
GB: This one's called Mouse Trap
SteelKomodo: ooh
RedSpy: D:
GB: You have to avoid enemies and eat all the dots in the maze
GB: totally not pac-man guys
SteelKomodo: ...pffffffft
GB: Actually there are a couple huge differences
GB: See, you're a mouse, and the dots are cheese
GB: Or at least they're supposed to be cheese
GB: And you're pursued by three cats instead of four ghosts
GB: If you hold down the fire button the whole maze transforms
GB: The reason I brought up Mouse Trap is because of this
GB: I guess that means I won
Saberwulf: Haha
Saberwulf: Nice
GB: it's not a very hard game
SteelKomodo: yesssss
RedSpy: Wait what?
GB: max score bitches
RedSpy: Holy shi-
GB: See, I nabbed one more dot and it rolled over
GB: Activating the "power pellets" whenever you want really helps
GB: You don't use them as soon as you touch them
RedSpy: That's OP


GB: Well, it looks like Hurricane Sandy has managed to slow the onslaught of "DONATE TO OUR CAMPAIGN" emails
GB: I guess they figured emailing people in disaster areas and telling them to give money would be in bad taste


TheDeleter: Bus, its a little weird that we don't really have Erebus' opinion on little Conrad
TheDeleter: He seems befuddled
Erebus: I mean, primarily. You go ten millenia being at least 100% sure you can't have kids and then HOLY SHIT THERE'S A LITTLE PERSON IN THE HOUSE WITH YOUR EYES
SteelKomodo: quite the shocker
TheDeleter: Haha :3
Harpy: "Thats an odd looking potato you have there."


GB: I would say that yes, that is pretty much exactly how Sarah trying to explain Halloween to Kayle would go
Erebus: Haha, i figured XD


MannVsNature: Also, speaking of cameos, Gutsman has gone as Gutsman's Ass for Halloween
SteelKomodo: XD
MannVsNature: No I do not know the logistics, but it involves brown construction paper and a "DUN UUUUUUUN!" button


MannVsNature: Dork Put
Harpy: yes


Stormberwulf: and yes I am fine
Stormberwulf: though much of my state is gone
Stormberwulf: and our governor is still fat enough to serve as a flotation device


GB: David's probably flying the Espinoza low over the city, tossing out alternating handfuls of firecrackers and gold doubloons


Stormberwulf: Guess I'm just... Stuck in the middle hint hint of this power outage
Stormberwulf: eh? eh?
Stormberwulf: Watch as no one gets that
GB watches
TheDeleter: Don't cut off people's ears wulf
TheDeleter: I know things are desperate
TheDeleter: But stay calm yo
SteelKomodo: i don't get it either :<
Stormberwulf: Told you no one would get it


Stormberwulf: Haha, I love how excited Sarah is at Jonesy having a family
GB: Nothing warms Sarah's heart more than a happy loving family
GB: It may or may not be connected to how her own family fell apart when she was twelve
SteelKomodo: BOOM sudden dark history
GB: :<
Stormberwulf: That's our manic white mage Sarah! *laugh track fade out*


GB: I looked up Four Heroes of Light on to see what I would get
TheDeleter: oh no
TheDeleter: that is never the start of anything good
GB: It's not exactly a bustling fandom - there were only three fics, and two were unfinished
TheDeleter: like, if a sentence starts with "so i went on"
TheDeleter: you're in trouble
TheDeleter: although that's not
TheDeleter: too bad maybe?
GB: I read the finished one - it wasn't written well but it wasn't sick or twisted or gross or anything, just kind of a lamely written story
TheDeleter: the default level of quality on
GB: It was Aire x Jusqua - that's Sarah x Pit for us kobbers
GB: The second story's pairing was Pit X Josephine
GB: And the third one was Alex X Rolan
SteelKomodo: well
SteelKomodo: Pit ends up in a crazy love triangle
SteelKomodo: ...why am I not surprised?
TheDeleter: life is cruel on pits
TheDeleter: cruel and unusual


GB: Well, I made an interesting discovery today when I tried the last of my six new Atari games I ordered
Harpy: oh?
GB: See, this site I ordered from had a section for carts with damage to them
GB: And you could get damaged carts for cheap, like if the label was worn
GB: So I bought some games that were missing labels - the guy wrote what game it was on a piece of paper and taped it to the cart - and it turns out one of them was mislabeled
GB: It was labeled "Lock N Chase" - this is a Pac-Man style game where you're a robber collecting gold bars in a bank vault and have to avoid the cops
GB: But the game I actually got was "Night Stalker" - in this one you're a dude in a maze avoiding and shooting at pursuing robots
SteelKomodo: WELP
TheDeleter: pfft
Harpy: oh noes
GB: Couple interesting things to note here
GB: First one - Night Stalker was made by Mattel
GB: But Mattel used to have their own video game system, and it competed with the Atari. It was called the Intellivision.
GB: And apparently this was a big thing back then - rival companies would actually port their games for the systems they were competing with
SteelKomodo: pffft
GB: It's like if Mario Galaxy came out for PS3
GB: Other thing - I looked up the games on a rarity guide that scores them from 1 to 10, 10 being the rarest
GB: Lock N Chase is a 3 and Night Stalker's a 5
GB: Not that this label-less, damaged cart is worth anything >​_>​
TheDeleter: welp
TheDeleter: you got gipped
GB: But Night Stalker is rarer!
TheDeleter: true
GB: I only paid 50 cents though so it doesn't really matter
TheDeleter: so if a rarity 5 is like 50 cents
TheDeleter: well
TheDeleter: :/
GB: Generally unless the game comes in a box and is in great shape the rarity doesn't mean anything unless it's an 8 or better
GB: I was lurking an Atari forum and apparently a good price for a 5 in box is 20 bucks
SteelKomodo: ah
GB: Meanwhile, Air Raid is worth 3000 dollars even if it's just the cart
GB: bitches love air raid
Harpy: wow
SteelKomodo: ouch
TheDeleter: fuck yeah
GB: Hilariously enough, it's rare because it sucks
GB: It was a bland, generic shooter, so most stores wouldn't carry it, ergo very few copies were ordered


Inurian: Is it just me, or is dirk kind of Johnny Bravo
Inurian: Except not living with his mother
SteelKomodo: pretty much
SteelKomodo: replace "mother" with "idiotically famous and rich brother who happens to have a sociopathic cyborg for a girlfriend" and you're golden
GB: I love how nobody who reads the description "idiotically famous and rich brother who happens to have a sociopathic cyborg for a girlfriend" would ever, EVER guess the character in question was Pit
TheDeleter: zfrp is weird
SteelKomodo: it is
GB: That's why I love it


TheDeleter: phone derped so i had to do the king of all resets
TheDeleter: pull out the battery
TheDeleter: hardcore phone surgery
SteelKomodo: D:
TheDeleter: but all is k now
SteelKomodo: yay!


Saberwulf: Whoa what the fuck Neil Gaiman wrote Coraline?
Saberwulf: Why wasn't I told this?
Saberwulf: What the fuck he wrote Stardust too?!
Saberwulf: Jesus christ
GB: your life is a lie
Saberwulf: It is
SteelKomodo watches saberwulf's world slowly break down.
Saberwulf: Well fucking hell he wrote Princess Bride too
Saberwulf: How is this man so good at writing
SteelKomodo: he just is
RedSpy: Magic


SteelKomodo: Stella missed out on Dirk Pat in general
SteelKomodo: the amount of rabid ships she could make from him alone beggars belief
Inurian: xD
TheDeleter: i just assumed stella had bugged everything and was shipping as we spoke
Harpy: maybe she put out some fanfic somewhere
SteelKomodo: ^ a terrifying notion
SteelKomodo: @ both Del and Harpy
GB: Stel-Stel surrounded by notebooks wearing a headset, scribbling madly
TheDeleter: oh lawd
GB: paper everywhere
Harpy: i mean what
SteelKomodo: XD
Harpy: criminals have to read My Immortal
Harpy: wait that wasn't until later fuuuu
Inurian: xD
SteelKomodo: actually, we did dabble with that
SteelKomodo: when Pit found a King of Beasts "Fan Site"
GB: Celestia's spongy lovemuffins
SteelKomodo: and was disturbed by 95% of the content
Harpy: welp
Inurian: I'm pretty sure stella does a lot more buggering than bugging. In her fanfics, at least :v
Harpy: you don't even know who stella is inurian :I
SteelKomodo: I am pleased to report that since then, it has only gotten worse :U
Harpy: fan site (C) stella


MannVsNature: oi, del
TheDeleter: yo
MannVsNature: go to Telltale
TheDeleter: alrighty
MannVsNature: Offer to write more Sam and Max
TheDeleter: hahahahaha
TheDeleter: i might try
MannVsNature: Because holy shit this is official quality right here


TheDeleter: i just discovered that the british invented plastic explosives
TheDeleter: oops
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: yeah, that kinda makes us jerks


GB: Okay then
GB: That makes Save Antoinette the final event
GB: I think
Erebus: Excellent!
Erebus: This'll make it that much more horrible when I kill all off my charact- I MEAN UH
TheDeleter: you can't do that, then I'd have to do it as well because I thought it was such a good idea
GB: don't you do it
TheDeleter: and then we'd all be doing it
MannVsNature: Not if I kill Zephyrus fir- I MEAN WHAT
TheDeleter: like the blogs but more horrific
SteelKomodo: D:
SteelKomodo: DDD:
SteelKomodo flails and dies.
TheDeleter: but seriously our final posts will probably be like "EVERYONE DIED"
GB: And then Destroyah kills everybody
TheDeleter: "THE END"
SteelKomodo: the closest thing my RP has to that will be "OGRE TRAMPLES JAPAN BECAUSE YOU BEAT UP KAZUYA, WELL DONE"
SteelKomodo: but then actual Tekken canon happens, so it's alright


MannVsNature: I forgot how ass the original Meat Boy controls were
SteelKomodo: how ass are they?
MannVsNature: Kardashian-level
MannVsNature: That's a whole lotta ass


GB: I got one call a couple weeks ago that was kind of exciting
GB: I'd always looked at political polls and wondered "Who gets called by these people, anyway? I've never been called for my opinion."
GB: lo and behold
SteelKomodo: woot!
GB: Now, since I live in Vermont, I wasn't asked about the presidential election
GB: Because Vermont would vote for Obama if he was a shapeshifting lizard man from Jupiter
SteelKomodo: and so would I
GB: Instead the question was about the race for governor, which is basically "president of Vermont"
GB: This year's choices are Peter Shumlin, the Democratic incumbent, and Randy Brock, the Republican challenger
GB: The whole thing was automated, so I pressed 1 to indicate I was definitely voting for their first question, and 2 for my support of Shumlin. Turned out the thing was paid for by the Vermont Republican Party.
TheDeleter: whoops!
TheDeleter: XD
GB: I guess that's why the automated voice sounded more enthusiastic when he said "Press 1 for Randy Brock!"
SteelKomodo: XD
GB: "Press 2 for petershumlin."
MannVsNature: Brock will never win
MannVsNature: Not with his massive history of promiscuity
GB: His Onix looks intimidating but it's goddamn weaksauce
SteelKomodo: indeed
SteelKomodo: ...oh come on, the joke writes itself!
MannVsNature: He might have the Squirtlecrat and Bulbatarian votes locked down, though
MannVsNature: He's a pushover for those parties
SteelKomodo: indeed
MannVsNature: Us Democharmanders need to band together and oppose his rockslide style of economics
GB: Rockslide economics does not result in Pokedollars trickling down
GB: only rocks
MannVsNature: (This ad is sponsored by the Democharmander party of Kanto. Because only one of us becomes a goddamn dragon)
MannVsNature: Goddamn Pikachundecided voters
GB: Undecided voters are like when Pokemon won't listen because you don't have any badges
TheDeleter: that last one was a bit of a stretch spy
GB: "It fell asleep!"
GB: "It turned away!"
SteelKomodo: may I just say, the Conservaturtwigs have made a real mess of Britain
SteelKomodo: and their coalition with the Liberal Dunsparces has gone to pot
MannVsNature: pffft
SteelKomodo: I preferred it when Lablastoise were in power- yeah, the joke's dead now
TheDeleter: oh no now you're doing it too
MannVsNature: Let me just finish by saying that Congressional seats are like Pokedex entries
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: and now the joke is dead :<
SteelKomodo: we'll miss you, Pokepolitics jokes
MannVsNature: RIP Pokepolitics
MannVsNature: 11/2/2012 - 11/2/2012


MannVsNature: Second worst idea: Uncle Rain's Edenian Style Pizza
SteelKomodo: ^ canon
GB: what
SteelKomodo: maybe
SteelKomodo: i dunno
SteelKomodo: gotta do something other than watch tv, have parties, go swimming, command Tarkatans to dance...
GB: Aunt Celestia's Pie Eatery
GB: home of the two-foot pie
GB: (try the love muffins)
SteelKomodo: (XD: )
MannVsNature: Zephyrus' Discount Fan Warehouse
MannVsNature: No, Our Manager Is Not For Sale
SteelKomodo: Samson's Traditional Home-Made Scottish Ales
SteelKomodo: WARNING: Not Safe for Children or Animals
TheDeleter: or anybody
MannVsNature: Meat-za Pizza: The only pizza shop run by Meat Boy
MannVsNature: Try the Meat Lovers (sausage, pepperoni, chicken) or the Meat Haters (buzzsaws, salt, monocles)
SteelKomodo: Dirk's Boxercise and Yoga Centre. Our Manager Is Totally Not Oogling You, We Swear.
MannVsNature: Pech's Diner: Don't kiss the cook. He has rage issues.
MannVsNature: The Bottomless Pit: Home to the world's biggest all-you-can-eat buffet
GB: *excited Sarah*
Erebus: Pech's Pizza.
Erebus: "Order ssomething or leave."
GB: Widow Maker's Used Plotlines: Amnesia 50% off
TheDeleter: Jonesy's Grill
Inurian: Except for the fact that the buffet would probably be empty.
Inurian: Because the manager probably ate it all
TheDeleter: "You better like it well done, motherfuckers."
SteelKomodo: "Aw, come on! The ice cream wouldn't have chocolate sprinkles if it wasn't asking for it!"
MannVsNature: La Casa Del Draco: Food and a severe verbal beatdown
GB: "And remember, Saturday is Nightmare Where Everyone Dies day. Buy anything, get a nightmare free."
MannVsNature: New attraction: try to out-eat the robotic Sarah
Inurian: XD
MannVsNature: Steaks-ton Hale: Home of the Yeti Burger
MannVsNature: (Warning: you may need to beat your yeti down before consuming. Use bare hands or bear hands for a discount!)
TheDeleter: BRAVE COOK


GB: And now
GB: A PS2 controller made out of chocolate
SteelKomodo: yessssss

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