Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Chatzy Madness Volume 11: We're Calling the Bar

Pit joined the chat
Pit: ...darn, missed everyone
TheDeleter joined the chat
TheDeleter: oh god the walls of reality are breaking down
TheDeleter: rp characters in the chat, next thing you know I'll go downstairs and there will be a non-elucidian chocolate fountain
TheDeleter: able to be easily stored, yet big enough to let a space marine and his human wife frolic in it
Pit changed name to SteelKomodo
SteelKomodo: Pffft, sorry man XD
TheDeleter: oh thank god


Del joined the chat 3 hours ago
Del: howdy yall
Jonesy: hey del
Pit: Hi, del!
Jonesy: how's things?
Del: not bad
Del: you fellas doin okay
Pit: Doing alright, I guess
Jonesy: yep!
Del: swell
Pit: and how is it with Eshe?
Del: pretty dang swell
Jonesy: :3
Del: oi
Pit: yaaaay~
Del: cut out those catfaces
Jonesy: :3 :3 :3
Del: you been hanging around ann too much
Pit: pfffft


Gooper Blooper: "We're calling the bar."
Gooper Blooper: The four most frightening words on the face of the earth.


SteelKomodo: I just wanted to set up the Kazuya thing to make sure who was ready
SteelKomodo: thanks for volunteering, suckers! >:D
SteelKomodo: so it's Jonesy, Sine, Morgana and someone else
SteelKomodo: this works fine for me
TheDeleter: god damnt sk, your plan didnt do anything
Erebus: Charlies Angels, the Bar version.
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: I'd watch that maybe
Erebus: Morgana, Sine, and Jonesy going around and, I dunno, busting up drug rings or whatever the hell they did in that show? I would totally watch that.
TheDeleter: somehow making every bit of clothing they wore revealing
Gooper Blooper: Won't be an all-girl affair, I'm afraid
TheDeleter: somehow
TheDeleter: via the power of hollywood
TheDeleter: also X Demolition are the cool cars
TheDeleter: so it can still be all-girl :P


RedSpy: So if you cut Pit's ass off
RedSpy: Would he be a bottomless pit
Gooper Blooper: PFFFFF
TheDeleter: whaaaaa
SteelKomodo: also PFFFFFFFT XD
TheDeleter: saaay whaaaaaaa
Gooper Blooper: This gives new meaning to Robot Wars' Arena Pit Trigger
RedSpy: The Pit Trigger sets off his PTSD
SteelKomodo: XD
Gooper Blooper: *Pit eats the enemy robot* "DOWN THE PIT OF DOOM AND GLOOM!"
SteelKomodo: oh god my sides
TheDeleter: sir killalot vs pit
TheDeleter: fite yer bots
RedSpy: read that as Sir Mixalot
Gooper Blooper: Mixalot Vs Pit: Fite Over Girl's Butts
RedSpy: Dark Pit protests the notion that his butt is big
TheDeleter: he cannot lie


Saberwulf: Speaking of, the heir to Red Bull almost got away with killing a Bangkok cop with his ferrari
Gooper Blooper: "He almost got away. But it looks like he thought wrong. All he gets... IS BANGKOK JUSTICE."
Gooper Blooper: Also dead Sarah, good job Raw
Saberwulf: What
Gooper Blooper: RP tractor madness
RedSpy: Dead bort
Gooper Blooper: ded srah
Saberwulf: No fucking way Sarah's dead
Gooper Blooper: She'll come back
Gooper Blooper: Rather quickly, in fact
Saberwulf: But
Saberwulf: how?
Gooper Blooper: Josephine with a Phoenix Down, most likely
Saberwulf: Haha goddamn I should've thought of that
RedSpy: Final Fantasies are built to last
Saberwulf: But wait, she died in a plot death! That means she can't come back!
Gooper Blooper: fuck that shit
Gooper Blooper: We're not even in a real fight
RedSpy: So she died in random encounter
Gooper Blooper: basically


Gooper Blooper: There is a 97% chance the conversation we're having is a cake.
TheDeleter: welp
RedSpy: So its a lie
RedSpy: So none of you exist
Gooper Blooper: I was trying to avoid that particular cake joke
RedSpy: You're all figments of my imagination as I slowly go insane
RedSpy: Both of my parents are gone and I've been locked in an abandoned building for years
RedSpy: My face when I'm Garfield
Saberwulf: And the truth finally comes out: I wrote Redspy
Gooper Blooper: Every time a user leaves, that's more of Spy's brain cells dying off
Gooper Blooper: He's just got a little bundle now
RedSpy: As slowly, SLOWLY, I finally discover my fate and accept it
RedSpy: I just look at this world and go
RedSpy: "Come at me world"
SteelKomodo: XD
RedSpy: ./Cut to padded cell, where American teen is rocking back and forth and babbling to himself about the Megamans and the Team Fortresses
RedSpy: ./Slow fade to black
RedSpy: ./Fin
Gooper Blooper: *TF2 ending flourish*
Gooper Blooper: Meet the Kobber
TheDeleter: The true ending of Meet the Spy
RedSpy: And so I've just filmed my autobiography. Yaaaaaaaaay!


Gooper Blooper: So how about that Garland
Saberwulf: I hear he's going up against that other, rival small town Garland
Gooper Blooper: Leg healed up real nice, looks like
RedSpy: Dat Garland
SteelKomodo: I can honestly say, I didn't expect Garland
RedSpy: I KNEW that was only leg wound
SteelKomodo: But then again, I know fuck all about Final Fantasy
Gooper Blooper: I am sucking FF1's scanty lore dry
SteelKomodo: Goops: The Lore Vampire
RedSpy: Next year, he'll need to introduce Bikke, Astos, and the Vampire
RedSpy: Just to make ends meet
Gooper Blooper: Astos appeared last year
Gooper Blooper: Sarah shared a flashback of how her sisters fought him
Gooper Blooper: Their teenage MAGEQUEST was basically "FF1 minus the Fiends"
Gooper Blooper: Which means I still have Bikke the Pirate for a future flashback
Gooper Blooper: Next year, a giant complex plot revolving around Dr. Unne


Saberwulf: General ZooFights
Saberwulf: All My Kobbers
Saberwulf: Days of Our Bar
Saberwulf: Guiding Pint
Gooper Blooper: Bayscotch
Saberwulf: Real Housewives of ZooFights
Gooper Blooper: Touched By An Angel From A Video Game


RedSpy: . . . Jonesy X Tank XD
TheDeleter: well Jonesy hasn't had any in a while
TheDeleter: that sort of thing takes it's toll
Erebus joined the chat 9 seconds ago
TheDeleter: after a certain point a victim of SCIENCE looks attractive
TheDeleter: oh
TheDeleter: uh
TheDeleter: hey bus
TheDeleter: >​.>​
RedSpy: This is awkward XD
SteelKomodo: XD
Erebus: ?
RedSpy: Jonesy's tired of Erebus, and divorcing him for Googly-Eyed Science Tank
Erebus: Aw man =(


Gooper Blooper: The plan is to start slow, with Alex as decoy, right? Who looks harmless?
RedSpy: Sine
TheDeleter: Sine is fairly harmless yes
SteelKomodo: pfffft
TheDeleter: hiyooo
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, Sine, you go on out there with those 500 soldiers
TheDeleter: (sorry)
Gooper Blooper: Jonesy'll enjoy this
RedSpy: More than it is healthy
Harpy: oh god why did I imagine Alex the Janitor being the decoy instead of the dinosaur
Harpy: fffffffffffffu
SteelKomodo: an unfortunate fact of the internet that they share the same name
Harpy: nobody would take the janitor seriously
SteelKomodo: but Alex riding into battle on Alex is too good to pass up
Harpy: then suddenly Excalibur
Harpy: suddenly janitor on a dinosaur with excalibur
SteelKomodo: yessss
TheDeleter: alexception
RedSpy: Someone contact Draco on Skype
Cornwind Evil: Should I just post Sine being volunteered or do you want to actually do it?
RedSpy: So we can Fite Yer Alex
Harpy: pfft
Gooper Blooper: Sarah would explode into a million hearts
Gooper Blooper: And each of those hearts turns into a Sarah
Gooper Blooper: And they all glomp Alex
Harpy: Sarah army
Harpy: oh god
TheDeleter: the other secret weapon is pitcake
SteelKomodo: no it isn't >:|
Harpy: raincake makes a perfect decoy
Harpy: "wtf is this OOH GOD MY EYES"
SteelKomodo: XD
RedSpy: pfffffft Raincake
SteelKomodo: What can I say? I was bored and tired and had too much cider to drink


Cornwind Evil: So when Pit takes a break, is he making a Himstop?


RedSpy: Sniper isn't invited because he throws piss at people and lives in a van
RedSpy: Kind of a buzzkill
Gooper Blooper: Kazuya: Defeated by a jar of piss
SteelKomodo: "I HATE YOU ALL D:<"
RedSpy: pfffft
Gooper Blooper: A Jar Of Beer Garden Frog Piss
RedSpy: The Sniper's not THAT disgusting
Harpy: jar of piss gains 1 mil EXP
Harpy: :U
RedSpy: He at least has the courtesy to use his own piss, not steal somebody else's
SteelKomodo: i am laughing for real here
Gooper Blooper: The medic had to stop doing those pee-in-a-cup tests because SOMEONE kept taking them


RedSpy: Eshe gets the blood, Del gets thesteka
RedSpy: . . . the steak
RedSpy: What the fuck is a thesteka
TheDeleter: its russian
Gooper Blooper: #Thesteka


Saberwulf joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: hey wulf
Saberwulf: Yo
RedSpy: The wulf of sabers has arrived!
Gooper Blooper: you missed ALEXTHEJANITOR
Saberwulf: FUCK
Saberwulf: FECK
Saberwulf: FICKIN
Gooper Blooper: She visited the chat today
Saberwulf: I dunno I'm tired
Saberwulf: How be'th she
Gooper Blooper: And apparently she'll be making occasional forum appearances in the future
Cornwind Evil: But there's a fair chance she'll be back tomorrow
Saberwulf: woo
Gooper Blooper: *dramatic chord*
Saberwulf: That's a given
Gooper Blooper: The ladies love him
Gooper Blooper: The guys want to BE him
SteelKomodo: Pfffft
Saberwulf: Mr. Darcy
Saberwulf: "And my tunic is popping open?"
Saberwulf: David is the kind of guy who would invest in robotic zippers that unzip themselves just so he can be more like Darcy


Gooper Blooper: (of course she did)
Gooper Blooper: Sarah giving Morgana a potion is so out of character it's not even funny
Gooper Blooper: Like, healing people? Why would she do that?!
RedSpy: We all know Sarah would drink it
RedSpy: And the potion is actually bacon grease
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: Just be as grotesquely unhealthy and gluttonous as possible
Erebus: Bacon ice cream

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