Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chatzy Madness Volume 7: Saxton Kayle

Gooper Blooper: Okay guys, I put the list of bar characters with cards into's list generator, plus I added a couple other characters. LET'S SEE WHAT PAIRINGS WE GOT HERE
Gooper Blooper: Santos X The Sheep
Gooper Blooper: The Lord X Eshe
Erebus: W
Erebus: wha
Gooper Blooper: Gezora X Veshen
Gooper Blooper: X Demolition X Lotta
Gooper Blooper: Sine X Alex (the knight)
Cornwind Evil: "Well I suppose that's oddly fitting."
Saberwulf: You're Joseph on Skype, right Red?
Cornwind Evil:'s a stupid engine...put your hammer away-!
Gooper Blooper: David X Skeiron
Saberwulf: "Well he is burly."
Saberwulf: "And made of metal, like my lady."
Gooper Blooper: Nostro X Missingno
Gooper Blooper: Tapogrepogo X Shao Kahn
Gooper Blooper: Rainbow Dash X Artemis
Erebus: hahaha
Saberwulf: "I don't know what these pony things are. Are they some kind of children's toys?"
Gooper Blooper: You may be wondering who got Celestia. The answer is Richard!
RedSpy: Yep @ Saberwulf
Gooper Blooper: Clippy X Oceanus
RedSpy: Also oh god these are amazing
Gooper Blooper: Kayle X Ksar
Erebus: I
Erebus: I have no words
Gooper Blooper: Antoinette X Sarah
RedSpy: Best pairing, yes
RedSpy: @ Ksar
Erebus: O.O
Gooper Blooper: Purnima X Ceadeus
RedSpy: . . . I take it back
RedSpy: THAT'S the best pairing
Saberwulf: And that's how that happens
RedSpy: Sorry KayleKsar, you've been replaced
Gooper Blooper: Ariel X Bass
Saberwulf: burn those bras, girls
RedSpy: Oh god wat xD
Gooper Blooper: Gust X James The MechaBlastoise
Gooper Blooper: oh lawd, Dark Pit got Sister Alice. You lose, kiddo
Gooper Blooper: Brilliant Kid X Wheatley
RedSpy: Why
RedSpy: So
RedSpy: British
Gooper Blooper: Randy Avalon X Starscream
Gooper Blooper: Vdrizen X Dr. Bulgrave
Saberwulf: Well he did win the singing contest, I can see why.
Gooper Blooper: Meat Boy X Regal
RedSpy: . . . pfffffffft
Gooper Blooper: Pech X Optimus
Gooper Blooper: oh holy shit, Zephyrus got Spy.
RedSpy: XD
Erebus: hahaha
RedSpy: Why do I have a feeling Goops is going through this whole list one by one
Gooper Blooper: Shuma Gorath X Christopher Ravensky
RedSpy: Until we get one poor forever alone sucker
Gooper Blooper: Josephine X August
Saberwulf: I bet it's Jaxx
Gooper Blooper: (I'm picking out the best ones)
RedSpy: I pity whoever gets Wily
Gooper Blooper: Ottoia X Desdemona
RedSpy: Happy to be an old man. Ecstatic to be a futuristic tech-warrior
Gooper Blooper: Widow Maker X Honey Badger
Gooper Blooper: Jaxx got Mac Tonight.
Saberwulf: fuck
Gooper Blooper: Jonesy X Flamedog
RedSpy: inb4 fire puns
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman X Blade
Gooper Blooper: Chester X Blackbird
Gooper Blooper: Draco X Silf
Cornwind Evil: "CU VILGEHK RAYJO."
Gooper Blooper: Designate 5 X Kirby. Remember Designate's fear and respect of the pink one?
Gooper Blooper: Okay, who got Vile-y... Lightwing.
Gooper Blooper: The odd man out on the list is Dragoshi, who gets no partner
Gooper Blooper: A few more... Morgana X Lucy, Crunk Wizard X Chet, Rathalos X Tut-Tut, Lich X Doomrider and Erebus X Eddie
Erebus: Oh god, that all just sounds BAD XD
RedSpy: Oh god Eddiebus


Jumpropeman: Rage and The Professor should team up
Jumpropeman: get people pissed and then offer them deals to fix their current aggravations
SteelKomodo: yay!
SteelKomodo: also pfffft, I'd have to bring that up with M Sheep, but that'd be cool to see
SteelKomodo: also, hate to ruin my villain's motivations
SteelKomodo: but the Rage doesn't really have much of a choice in what he's doing
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, he's not so much a dick as he is an eldritch abomination
SteelKomodo: he's basically doing this to survive. Yes, it leads to falling-outs and bad things, but when food is scarce you gotta grow your own, you know?
SteelKomodo: He's not inherently evil. He's just a bit of a dick.
Gooper Blooper: Makes it a tad harder to get pissed at him. Maybe we can hook him up to a political talk show or something and he can get all the food he needs without messing with anybody :3
Gooper Blooper: "WE'LL DO IT LIVE!" "delicious"
SteelKomodo: ...yes
Jumpropeman: Rage could be the CEO of Fox News


Jumpropeman: what Rage needs
Jumpropeman: is a phone that Kayle and Morgana can talk through
Jumpropeman: and he'll never go hungry again
Gooper Blooper: "TRAITOR" "DOUCHENOZZLE" "TRAITOR" "ASSWIPE" "TRAITOR" "God Kayle, mix it up a little will you?"


Erebus: Kayle is trying to fix a bay window..... It is suprisingly difficult.
Erebus: (It is a bay window because I forgot how big Kayle is and that she'd get stuck in a regular one.)
Gooper Blooper: oh bother
Erebus: (Or just slam through the wall)
Gooper Blooper: Kayle the Pooh and the Tiny House
SteelKomodo: "Oh help and bother. Sarah, I'm stuck!"


Gooper Blooper: On a scale of 1 to 10, how contrived would it be for Widow Maker to stroll in at this particular time
RedSpy: Obviously her genre senses were tingling
RedSpy: . . . Now imagining the Widowmobile
RedSpy: Method of propulsion: whatever would be most convenient for following the plotted line
Gooper Blooper: We've seen the Widowmobile!
Jumpropeman: she'll just crash her plane through the wall and hug Spy
Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: at least JRM has an excuse to show up anywhere
RedSpy: I told you 'bout them snappers man
Jumpropeman: Gooper has the helpful characters, I have the plothole filling characters
RedSpy: Not to be confused with Snapers, who scowl a lot and hate Gryffindor


Erebus: Everyone I play is a goddamned superhuman who hates homeless people =C
Jumpropeman: Not Ann!
Gooper Blooper: freaking homeless people. Who do they think they are, bein' all smelly and poor and stuff?
Erebus: How DARE they?!
Gooper Blooper: Time to eat them and sacrifice them to Project Honeycomb
RedSpy: Obviously Servitor is the Honey Nut Cheerios Bee
RedSpy: "Bee happy, bee healthy, bee a volunteer!"
Gooper Blooper: Purchase is mandatory.
RedSpy: "Your soul is part of a balanced breakfast, I'm afraid!"


Jumpropeman: If only we had Delmond and Erebus in the bar
Jumpropeman: nostalgia~
Jumpropeman: "Erebus jumped out of bed and ran to the bar, his Astartes senses cluing him in to the arrival of an old ally"
Gooper Blooper: And then Alex and Hanz and ROB and Saguaro PI and Owltomaton and Ogopogo all came back
Jumpropeman: and Gezora rose on the third day
RedSpy: Hallelujah!


Gooper Blooper: Destroyah just won a game of basketball btw
SteelKomodo: woot!


Jumpropeman: i heard about Nintendo Power this morning. I had recently cancelled my subscription, I hope that didn't put them under D:


SteelKomodo: ...Mr. X told Sarah to stop eating breakfast.
SteelKomodo: THE MONSTER D:<
Gooper Blooper: History's greatest monster


Gooper Blooper: Do you think it's that time again?
Gooper Blooper: Because I think it might be that time again
RedSpy: YUSH
SteelKomodo: YES
Gooper Blooper: Hold on a moment please
SteelKomodo: sure
Gooper Blooper: All right I have the list
Gooper Blooper: Garnet X Doktor Hanz
Gooper Blooper: Sakura Atari X Draco
SteelKomodo: "You haff such an... interesting musculature, mein dear..."
Gooper Blooper: Erebus X Jonah
SteelKomodo: *produces scalpel from pocket*
SteelKomodo: ...D:
SteelKomodo shoots self
Gooper Blooper: Cagnazzo X Rain
SteelKomodo: ...who was Cagnazzo again?
RedSpy: Giant turtle
Gooper Blooper: The giant turtle fiend
SteelKomodo: ...DDDD:
RedSpy: Replacement fiend for Kraken
SteelKomodo kills self again.
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman X Meat Boy. How nice, they made up
RedSpy: If he and Zephyrus both wore trenchcoats they'd be dead ringers for each other
RedSpy: . . . XD
Gooper Blooper: Vile-y X Tut-Tut
Gooper Blooper: Sine X Ottoia
Gooper Blooper: Pit X James
RedSpy: What is with those two and tentacles
SteelKomodo: D:
Gooper Blooper: Nepeta X Tiamat
SteelKomodo: why are all my characters getting paired with turtles?
SteelKomodo: what's going on?
Gooper Blooper: Stag Beetle X Sister Alice
Gooper Blooper: Sarah X Zephyrus
RedSpy: . . . pfffffft Stag Beetle x Alice
Gooper Blooper: Solomon X Yahoo Bot
RedSpy: The one creature in the whole world with less fucks to give than her
SteelKomodo: "...This is awkward."
Gooper Blooper: Alexander Triden X The Roller Disco Devils
SteelKomodo: ...come back brain
Gooper Blooper: Waspinator X Stella
SteelKomodo chases after brain
Gooper Blooper: Phantomon X Alex the Dinosaur
Gooper Blooper: Blake Caden X Oceanus
Gooper Blooper: Bill X Cocytus
RedSpy: The Weegee Group
TheDeleter: i wish i understood but i don't
Gooper Blooper: Shuma Gorath X Optimus Prime
SteelKomodo: i can't
SteelKomodo: i have lost the ability to can
Gooper Blooper: Santos X Purnima
Gooper Blooper: Clippy X Ulrika
RedSpy: Santos can see many things with his scope
Gooper Blooper: Captain Haddock X Widow Maker
SteelKomodo: D:
RedSpy: Well, hey, to Haddock she's normal
RedSpy: Just don't let him get sober and it'll be smooth sailing
Gooper Blooper: Kirby X Dr. Albrecht
Gooper Blooper: Oh here's a good one - Honey Badger X Doomrider
Gooper Blooper: Tapogrepogo X Spy
Gooper Blooper: Almost saving him from falling became so much more
SteelKomodo: that doomrider one doesn't surprise me
SteelKomodo: I mean, who knows what Doomrider would date, given the chance
RedSpy: pfffft
Gooper Blooper: Odd man out is the sheep
Gooper Blooper: And finally, Mac Tonight X The Five Mantis Band
RedSpy: Doomriderbadgerette
RedSpy: Mac Tonight had one hell of a run-in at the battle of the bands
RedSpy: He lost the competition . . . but gained something better
Gooper Blooper: One more - Josephine X Lucy
Gooper Blooper: Oh, and Dark Pit got Rebecca. Not bad.
TheDeleter: success i guess
SteelKomodo: Josephine and Lucy would be wierd as all hell
SteelKomodo: "Lucy, put the cookie jar down!" "Aaw, but it makes such a lovely noise when it explodes!"
Gooper Blooper: "You blew up the Wheel-A-Meal plate?!" "Now you're free!"
Gooper Blooper: "Besides, can't you just buy another?"
SteelKomodo: owch XD
SteelKomodo: although Lucy would be more likely to say "it was looking at me funny"


Gooper Blooper: SAXTON KAYLE
SteelKomodo: YAAAAAAY

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