Sunday, August 19, 2012

Chatzy Madness Volume 5: Intervention Yer Mates

Jumpropeman: no Google, I'm looking for "Nue mythology", not "nude mythology"
TheDeleter: oh that wacky google


Gooper Blooper: Hey guys, look what was outside my house this morning
RedSpy: Its the Snapture!
Gooper Blooper: More
Saberwulf: Put some glasses on that thing
Gooper Blooper: Took him to the lake and let him go so he wouldn't get run over
Gooper Blooper: And I heard him exclaim, ere he swam out of sight, "Happy August to all, and to all FUCK YOU"
Saberwulf: Saluton, Snapture.


TheDeleter: how swooshable is blik
TheDeleter: this is important
Saberwulf: He has a sphere head, so I'd probably say really aerodynamic. But that's up to sheep.
M_Sheep: Blik is surprisingly aerodynamic.
M_Sheep: And deathly afraid of intimate contact.


SteelKomodo: What do we talk about?
Saberwulf: How about that small town sports team
Cornwind Evil: I'm not really a sports fan
Cornwind Evil: Probably best
Cornwind Evil: I handle pressure HORRIBLY
Cornwind Evil: Even when I have no snakes at all
Cornwind Evil: STAKES at all.
Saberwulf: Snakes
SteelKomodo: CW - he needs snakes to play sports
Cornwind Evil: I mean, the last two times in the Winter Olympics where Canada Hockey team was playing for gold I was a nervous WRECK
Cornwind Evil: And I got nothing if Canada won or lost save a sense of satisfaction or disappointment
Saberwulf: The only thing I care about in the Olympics is the continuation of the Cold War through small girls contorting their bodies in physically impossible shapes


Erebus: Pit wears Mandals, not sandals. Fact.


SteelKomodo: I only recently got into fighting games, mind you
SteelKomodo: Like, my first proper fighter was Tekken 5 on the PSP
SteelKomodo: And that was a few years ago
RedSpy: See ya
Gooper Blooper: Wow. SK struck me as the type who grew up playing Street Fighter 2 in the arcade
Gooper Blooper: He'd be that one kid everyone gathered around
Gooper Blooper: Go to the MK machine, "HE KNOWS HOW TO FIND REPTILE!!!"
SteelKomodo: I never went to the arcades as a kid because I live in the middle of nowhere :<
SteelKomodo: I only know as much about fighting games as I do because I'm a massive nerd and look everything up on the net
SteelKomodo: I'm also a bit crap at fighting games, too :(
Gooper Blooper: D:
M_Sheep: O_O


Jumpropeman: Server I'm trying to get on now has a user called Hella Jeff
Jumpropeman: and another named "New Friend Geromy"
Saberwulf: Nice
RedSpy: Name yourself Sweet Bro
RedSpy: And tell the chat "dufes let me in"
RedSpy: "come on bro don't be like that"


TheDeleter: i don't think i want to ever play normal tf2 now
TheDeleter: because the normal experience for me is like this
SteelKomodo changed name to Medic
TheDeleter changed name to Heavy

Heavy: medic medic medic medic medic
Medic: NO
Heavy changed name to TheDeleter
Medic changed name to Steel Komodo

TheDeleter: And that's why I hate playing medic


M Sheep: Oh yes. I'm sure Kayle taking a trip back to her realm can only end spectacularly.
M Sheep: And by spectacularly
M Sheep: I mean delicious grimdark
Erebus: Am I so obvious? =(
M Sheep: I just always imagine the worst possible outcome for things, Erebus.
M Sheep: I'm a little ray of sunshine on a cloudy day
M Sheep: But the total opposite.


M Sheep: Your suffering is but nourishment to me!
M Sheep: Your tears a tasty garnish
M Sheep: Yeah, I don't totally have a grimdark problem....
Steel Komodo: M Sheep is secretly Cthulhu
TheDeleter: purmina ftahgn
M Sheep: Pfft


M Sheep: I suddenly have a craving for some Sakura Atari brand suffering.
M Sheep: Thems good eats right there.
Gooper Blooper: You should be careful M Sheep.
Gooper Blooper: Everyone has their limits.
Gooper Blooper: ~ominous~
M Sheep: And then Sakura Atari atomized the bar with sheer hatred.
M Sheep: It was the worst day ever.
TheDeleter: a passing stephen king was inspired by the rampage to write Carrie
M Sheep: Oh
M Sheep: My God
M Sheep: Sakura Atari
M Sheep: is Sister Alice
Saberwulf: "Rrrrrrrandy Avalon, right here, with you at the King of Beasts! I'm here with the lovely Sakura Atari, and I'm about to give her a million dollars so she doesn't destroy this place like the Chancellor of Shardin did his face!"


Saberwulf: You know, I've always wondered. How tall are Celestia's girls?
Saberwulf: Because I always think Sarah is even shorter than David.
Gooper Blooper: GB Ensemble tells me Sarah's 4'10". I believe that's one inch taller than Alex without his idiot hair and one inch shorter than with.
Saberwulf: Goddamn she is short.
Gooper Blooper: yes she is
Gooper Blooper: I didn't want her to tower over Alex
Gooper Blooper: Josephine's 5'5". Ariel is somewhere between the two. Gloria's the tallest by a couple inches.
Saberwulf: Ah, ok. Just wanted a reference to where Ulrika was looking, and it seems to be "just above her knee"
Saberwulf: "Feckin' hell me boots are talking again—Nope, just Sarah's sister."
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, that's part of why I wanted Sarah to be Ulrika's drinking partner at that party. The contrast is ludicrous.


Cornwind Evil: Sine: Okay, this is the last door....
Cornwind Evil: Sine: *ends up outside*
Cornwind Evil: Morgana: *ends up outside a misty town*
Erebus: ...I think a Fallen Angel in Silent Hill would result in a black hole of awful o.o
Erebus: Just, just ALL BAD.
Cornwind Evil: I do wonder what the monsters would be like
TheDeleter: crows
Erebus: Incomprehensible amalgations of pure evil. Or, comedy option, just a bunch of Wheatleys.
TheDeleter: hordes of motherfucking crows
Erebus: Wheatleys ALL OVER
Cornwind Evil: Yes
TheDeleter: caaw caaw
Erebus: "Caw! Blimey!"


M_Sheep: I wonder how dark Canada's past is...
M_Sheep: I mean, they're all so POLITE
M_Sheep: Seems like they're hiding something...
M_Sheep paranoid


TheDeleter: "Hopefully your graph still holds true."
TheDeleter: which part, eh, morgana
TheDeleter: eh
TheDeleter: eh
TheDeleter: is it the irish bit
TheDeleter: i bet it's the irish bit


Gooper Blooper: I actually have a hilarious idea for a one-day plot involving one of my characters in a craaaaazy situation
Gooper Blooper: It's a JRM sort of story
TheDeleter: so everyone loses their legs?
Gooper Blooper: not quite
TheDeleter: one leg
TheDeleter: everyone loses a leg
TheDeleter: or a finger


RedSpy: Y'ever notice
RedSpy: How M Sheep and Saberwulf are never in the same place at the same time?
M_Sheep: Coincidence!
M_Sheep: Global Warming!
M_Sheep: ...
M_Sheep: You can't prove anything!
Gooper Blooper: it's a bunch of otters swimming in a line
Gooper Blooper: it's a weather balloon
Gooper Blooper: swamp gas
TheDeleter: a dude in a costume
Cornwind Evil: Bleed interference
SteelKomodo: UFO's, clearly
TheDeleter: cardboard cutouts
TheDeleter: dingoes ate my rp
SteelKomodo: Okay, we'd better stop now XD


Jumpropeman: Poochie was almost the mystery fiter when I started second guessing the Monstars
Gooper Blooper: What the hell could Poochie have done in battle?
Cornwind Evil: Distracted people with his terribleness
Gooper Blooper: Not that I doubt your ability to make ridiculous characters deadly
Jumpropeman: Get killed instantly a la Mac Tonight :P


Gooper Blooper: Morgana hates big mouth billy bass, confirmed for villain at last
Erebus: That was the final straw XD


Saberwulf: Also man, you should just re-name your blog Chatzy logs, Goops
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure something else will be posted on it again someday
Jumpropeman: I'm sure after a while we will stop being amazing here in Chatzy
Saberwulf: You shut your mouth, ghost
Gooper Blooper: talk about godzilla and tf2 erryday

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