Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Chatzy Madness Volume 6: Rolling for Hot Dog Holding

Jumpropeman: If we got more people, we could always have MORE CHATZYS!
Jumpropeman: Send Messengers between rooms to deliver the information
RedSpy: Chatzymass
TheDeleter: like separate nations of chatzys
TheDeleter: the united chatzies of zoofights
RedSpy: I call dibs on calling the main chatzy Strong Badia
Jumpropeman: "Greetings from Room 3. RedSpy has been chatting about Kaijus, Deleter has talked about Mann Vs. Machine, and JRM sang space jam"


RedSpy: :crossarmslegsfingersand​toes
SteelKomodo: ...yes spy
SteelKomodo: yes you are
Jumpropeman: :crosseseyes:
RedSpy: :crosslungs:
RedSpy: :dieofsuffocation:
SteelKomodo: SPY IS DEAD


TheDeleter: dark pit will never find love a quick shag
TheDeleter: the most tragic story ever
TheDeleter: makes romeo and juliet look like a kindergarten scribble
TheDeleter: i laughed i cried i give it a thumbs up
Saberwulf: Karzantium Madame starring Dark Pit, directed by David Wulf.
Gooper Blooper: He wouldn't survive anyway
Saberwulf: Ulrika jumps in his arms, they rip out of the sockets
SteelKomodo: I am laughing so hard right now
Gooper Blooper: hugtimes-YOU DIED
TheDeleter: he's gonna need a bigger bed
TheDeleter: *jaws theme*
SteelKomodo: oh my god XD
Saberwulf: Dark Pit: Died like he lived: Tryin' to get shagged
TheDeleter: looks like he was
TheDeleter: [cool]
TheDeleter: screwed
Saberwulf: pff
SteelKomodo: Here lies Dark Pit. He flew fast and died a virgin.


SteelKomodo: WB
SteelKomodo: I mean, I'm back
Gooper Blooper: welcoming yourself back you narcissist
Jumpropeman: nice XD
Jumpropeman: nah, he was just plugging Warner Brothers
SteelKomodo: Sorry, Dark Pit is starting to rub off on me


Jumpropeman: I can't wait to see how Antoinette reacts when she finds out The Mummy is nothing like Tut-Tut
SteelKomodo: Badly
Erebus: Just BAD XD
Saberwulf: "Hey, it's Tut-TuAGAUGH"
Saberwulf: The movie just literally stars Tut-Tut
Jumpropeman: "I'm oh so sorry, and I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but Death is only the beginning. Okay, I'm gonna die now even though I'm immortal if that's okay with you"
Gooper Blooper: It's okay, Tut-Tut. We love you, really.
Saberwulf: Hug-Tut


Jumpropeman joined the chat 26 minutes ago
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Jumpropeman joined the chat 24 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 24 minutes ago
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Jumpropeman joined the chat 23 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 23 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 23 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 23 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 23 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 23 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 23 minutes ago
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Jumpropeman joined the chat 22 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 22 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 22 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 22 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 22 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 22 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 22 minutes ago
Jumpropeman joined the chat 22 minutes ago
Gooper Blooper: So JRM, why did you join the chat fifty times in the space of four minutes?
Jumpropeman: I can explain
Saberwulf: Time ghost magic


TheDeleter: goops, if you read this, you can use review mode to look back through ALL of the messages and pick out more quotes for Chatzy madness
Gooper Blooper: Review Mode only provides the most recent page. BUT IF WE BOUGHT A PREMIUM ACCOUNT IT'D BE ALL GRAVY
Saberwulf: I can sponsor a fucking kid in goddamn Zimbabwe for less than that
SteelKomodo: pffft
Gooper Blooper: "For just fifty cents a day you can give a kobber safety and security."
Gooper Blooper: *close-up of Sarah's sad face*
Jumpropeman: For just 50 cents a day you can pay for half a second of Sarah's food budget
Gooper Blooper: *and Antoinette. Both of them, peering into your soul*
Saberwulf: *In the background is David burning piles of money*
Saberwulf: "Why can't I hold all this cash?"


TheDeleter: once again, jonesy demonstrates her inability to comprehend the simplest of multiversal mechanics
Saberwulf: MAGIC
Saberwulf: THE BABY
TheDeleter: Replace Samus in Other M with Jonesy, watch the game improve by a minimum of 50%
Saberwulf: Heh
TheDeleter: "You aren't authorized to-" "SUCK MY DIIIIICK" *explosions fireworks etc*


SteelKomodo: also, trying to think of a solution to Raw's cinema food problem
Jumpropeman: A funnel
Jumpropeman: then you don't have to touch her lips
SteelKomodo: pffffffft
Jumpropeman: maybe you guys could sneak some watermelons in
TheDeleter: hot dogs
TheDeleter: hot dogs are easy to hold and delicious
Saberwulf: Shiskebab
Saberwulf: You already have the shishaliks
SteelKomodo: "Excuse me, sir, I'd like to buy this Pik 'n' Mix shovel."
SteelKomodo: "I'm sorry, it's not for sale-"
SteelKomodo: "I'm buying it anyway, so shut up."
Jumpropeman: my vote goes to a Pee Wee Herman-esque breakfast machine to feed her
Gooper Blooper: One of those grabber things
Gooper Blooper: A funnel, a shovel - geez she's not Sarah
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Jumpropeman: did you just roll for hot dog holding?
Cornwind Evil: Yes
TheDeleter: well congrats
Gooper Blooper: She is a hot dog holding DYNAMO
TheDeleter: it was the perfect hot dog hold
TheDeleter: not too hard, not too soft
TheDeleter: just the right position too
TheDeleter: you win the prize
Gooper Blooper: Sine is great at standing still and Raw can hold hot dogs
Cornwind Evil: Basically Pit just earned himself a really good date
Saberwulf: The most useful characters
TheDeleter: truly valuable additions to the bar
TheDeleter: why am i laughing, this isn't funny
Cornwind Evil: As he inadvertently made Raw feel normal
TheDeleter: help
Jumpropeman: you'll see. One day we'll fight an evil wiener that attacks based on movement


Gooper Blooper: "I must kill the zerg!" "No, Amanda. You are the zerg." And then Amanda was a zerg.
TheDeleter: well that was my life story everyone


Saberwulf: I could never guest write. It'd be a philosophical discussion between like Ulrika and Missingno and you could just not understand what the fuck either was saying because I'm bad at non-dialogue.
Saberwulf: "魔法" "Yeah shit's feckin' cray cray buv can't bock it none sleep on it kenneit yeh?"


TheDeleter: its simple
Cornwind Evil: ....whoa, deja vu

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