Friday, August 10, 2012

Chatzy Madness Volume 1: Sarah's Cousin Blarah

Iamastegosaurus: So gentlemen, I believe the answer is simple
Iamastegosaurus: WE KILL THE BATMAN
M Sheep: One does not simply KILL the Batman!
Iamastegosaurus: We trick the Batman into walking into Mordor?
Cornwind: You're wrong! Batman and Robin WILL NEVER DIE
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: hey guys what's going on in this chat
M Sheep: The additional vaporation of my sanity, Goops.


Gooper Blooper: Do you how I know who Iamastegosaurus is?
M Sheep: No
Gooper Blooper: He spaced out his ellipsis.
Erebus: haha
Iamastegosaurus: Geez, that's my trademark now, isn't it
Gooper Blooper: It's like if an anonymous user said "eatting" or "sheenanigans". It's a dead giveaway.


Cornwind: Okay. So Hep wants a trillion dollars. The largest US denonmination is $50.
Cornwind: So I require 20 billion trillion dollar bills
Jumpropeman: what happened to 100 dollar bills
Cornwind: They were removed by Richard Nixon in the 70's
Cornwind: They were primarily being used by the Mafia
Cornwind: So they still exist and are still legal tender but they're not made any more
Gooper Blooper: One trillion dollars in pennies.


Gooper Blooper: I am wondering if anyone will go after Josephine. Des hit on her once but it was drink-induced and Josephine isn't gay
Gooper Blooper: at least I don't think she is
Jumpropeman: If she keeps bringing cookies for Theodore...
M Sheep: sheepxJosephine OTP
Erebus: Doomrider X Pretty much everyone.
Jumpropeman: JengolemXThe Doll
M Sheep: sheepxJosephinexDesignat​e 5, or alternatively sheepXJosephinexDoomride​rxAlice
Erebus: MorganaXsmugness
M Sheep: DoomriderxAlice Alicexhate
M Sheep: Father Squidxguilt
M Sheep: WALL!!xinsert female here
Gooper Blooper: Dark Pit x Celestia's Ass
Gooper Blooper: not the rest of her, just the ass
Gooper Blooper: Widow Maker X Final Mantisy
M Sheep: ProfessorXLord of the Night


Iamastegosaurus: I would kill to see
Iamastegosaurus: Erebus and Pech's College Years
Iamastegosaurus: It'd be the best bar spinoff imaginable
Erebus: Erebus and Pech's college years were pre-heresy stomping of people not yet in the Imperium, it was... kinda brutal, honestly.
Iamastegosaurus: Well that's depressing
Gooper Blooper: Of course it's depressing, it's warhammer
Iamastegosaurus: But if they're busy face-stomping people
Iamastegosaurus: How can they beat Da Orkz at the Battle of the Bands?
Gooper Blooper: DEMS HISKOOL DAZE *babby antonet*
Erebus: By ripping out a Warboss spine and beating Orcs to death with their own arms while spitting blood.
Iamastegosaurus: That's not how a battle of the bands works at all!
Iamastegosaurus: Also, we all know Pech'd be the bassist
Iamastegosaurus: Would Herzog be on drums?
Erebus: Keyboarist, Erebus is bassist.
Erebus: That Blastmaster needs use, after all.
Iamastegosaurus: Ah, that makes sense
Erebus: And probably, meanwhile Ksar is vocals XD
Iamastegosaurus: Forces of Chaos could've done good at the 'Battle, but they killed the entire audience
Iamastegosaurus: Slaanesh thought the whole thing was a sacrifice, kinda ate the whole crowd and all the band members
Iamastegosaurus: . . . I had the thought of Principal Doomrider. Then I quickly exorcised it from my brain because dear god that'd be either amazing or horrifying
Gooper Blooper: "Yo PECH! What the FUCK is UP with this D MINUS?!"
Gooper Blooper: "So I hear you've been doing drugs on campus." *thumbs up* "GREAT JOB!"
Iamastegosaurus: PFFFFFFFFFFFFT
Gooper Blooper: Silf is Assistant Principal and has to deal with all the paperwork
Erebus: !
Gooper Blooper: Mathias is also assistant principal. There are two of them.
Erebus: I was going to have Drunk Pech tell embarrassing stories about Antoinette growing up, damnit =/
M Sheep: In the vein of KOB: SKOOLED, Blik would either be the science teacher, or the english teacher. Maybe Purnima the art or Drama teacher.
M Sheep: Alice: school counselor
M Sheep: Think about it.
Iamastegosaurus: Also, Sister Alice would be best school counselor
Iamastegosaurus: "You're worthless and you can't do crap. Now get out of my office"
Erebus: "Someone has to dig ditches, kid."
Gooper Blooper: "When you grow up, you might have a job."
Gooper Blooper: "No, you won't be President, who told you that shit? Squiddy? He's talking out his ass, as usual."
Cornwind: Sine: I want to own a shipping company, Miss Alice. You're looking at the wrong file.
M Sheep: Dr Albrecht, school nurse
M Sheep: "No Mrs. Atari, I do not know where your daughter's kidney's ran off to."
Erebus: Ksar, Gym Teacher.
M Sheep: School of Beasts


Jumpropeman: A few days after Halloween might be best
Jumpropeman: That way we can have a fun last event and then do the goodbyes on the next few days
Gooper Blooper: Right, last year's Halloween buildup and holiday was great
Jumpropeman: and then come back for Christmas!
Jumpropeman: And then Valentines
Jumpropeman: and then our St. Patrick's day special
Iamastegosaurus: Yeah, I loved the holiday special idea for Christmas last year
Gooper Blooper: Valentines would be so amazingly mushy
Gooper Blooper: all of the pairings
Gooper Blooper: hugging and kissing
Jumpropeman: and finally
Jumpropeman: Love Yer' Mates
Jumpropeman: a cutest couple contest!
Gooper Blooper: #Alex and Sarah
Gooper Blooper: Saralex
Jumpropeman: no voting for your own pair!
Gooper Blooper: :(
Iamastegosaurus: #Pit and Hotsprings
Jumpropeman: Lightimus...
Jumpropeman: Optiwing
Jumpropeman: shit
Jumpropeman: we're gonna lose
Iamastegosaurus: Those sound like batteries
Iamastegosaurus: And Saralex like a watch
Iamastegosaurus: . . . Nepeta comes back next year decked out in equipment made of shipping names
Jumpropeman: Sinedemona ain't a bad shipping name
Iamastegosaurus: Amandabus
Jumpropeman: Redsaria
Iamastegosaurus: The snake god of the desert
Jumpropeman: Sisterheadonastick
Gooper Blooper: Saralex has joined Redsaria in the Retired Pairings Pile D:
Iamastegosaurus: Cocainerider
Jumpropeman: It's a shame our first couple is now a long distance relationship with no communication
Jumpropeman: at least Stella and Rain got happily ever after
Iamastegosaurus: Yeah, its a shame Sarah and Alex are so far away
Gooper Blooper: The only way to fix it is to retire Sarah, and not only do I love RPing as that little marshmallow but she's needed for healing
Jumpropeman: Alex is married to his work in Levia


Jumpropeman: "I would go to an Asteroid Garage sale", says JRM
Gooper Blooper: I love garage sales!
Gooper Blooper: I imagine Sine's prices aren't exactly bargain hunter friendly, though
Jumpropeman: Well expect a lot of snappers diving into the garbage to look for stuff JRM might buy
Cornwind: No. This is Singularity level tech, more often than not
Gooper Blooper: might be a good opportunity for Celestia to pick up something more unconventional than her usual straightforward stuff
Iamastegosaurus: Worst case scenario: Father Squid finds the sale
Jumpropeman: Sine only makes a few thousand if he shows up!
Gooper Blooper: "Father, this is for saving the city from monsters!"
Gooper Blooper: "I'm not paying five thousand for your space toaster, Ms. Cosine! Utterly preposturous!"
Cornwind: "Then...why are you here, Father?"
Gooper Blooper: "For a good deal, of course!"
Jumpropeman: and then Sine goes on Pawn Stars with her stuff
Cornwind: "Also, you missed three zeroes."
Gooper Blooper: And then Father Squid has a heart attack


Gooper Blooper: Man, the FF1 family is so important. Imagine what people would have to do without Sarah, Josephine and Celestia. The next step down for organics is Albrecht and a freaking deer.
Jumpropeman: I've thought about the healing situation before especially during Marilith
Gooper Blooper: We got a taste of it when Sarah stayed in dreamland while everyone else went home. Jonesy and Erebus wound up bedridden for a few days.
Jumpropeman: we need someone to RP Sarah's cousin Blarah
Erebus: Oh, god, so many people would be gone. The bar would be a revolving door of new characters.


Iamastegosaurus: ohholyshitijusthadanepip​hany
Iamastegosaurus: Best humiliation bet ever
Gooper Blooper: For Morgana?
Iamastegosaurus: Nah, for Josephine oddly enough
Iamastegosaurus: Follow her around playing this song
Jumpropeman: Wheel-A-Meal plates that chase her instead of running away
Gooper Blooper: Poor, poor Josephine.


Gooper Blooper: Imagine a dinosaur Gundam with knight armor and an idiot hair. ALEXES UNITE.
Iamastegosaurus: ALEXFORMERS
Iamastegosaurus: ALEX IN DISGUISE
Jumpropeman: Sister Alex: "Hey Jello Pop, get your folds of fat over here and give me a kiss, but don't have chocolate coating your teeth this time!"
Iamastegosaurus: . . . if only Alex the Janitor was still here. we could Fite Yer Alex


Jumpropeman: The chat is a lot better than I thought it would be


  1. I feel so out of the loop! That's because I'm in the other loop. The one with tabletop games and beards. Jonesy beards.

  2. There's a link in the Games Night topic!

  3. The madness begins...

    ...Yeah, Saralex really stayed retired. :P
