Friday, May 31, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 338: I'd Rather Be Watching Dino Dana

Cornwind Evil: AHHHHH A HARPY
Jumpropeman: *hides Taserface*


Draco: "Being short has its advantages. A second to aim low is a second I have on them." <- So what happens when he gets in a shootout with Zeldoten and HE accidentally aims too high?
Draco: "Always aim for the knees, copper." BANG.
Jumpropeman: zeldoten wouldn't use a gun though
Draco: You're right. She just throws crabs at people.
Draco: Then Niftu's REALLY in trouble because he wasn't expecting a crab with a ratling gun.
Jumpropeman: I believe voluses are 3 feet tall
Jumpropeman: since they're like half the height of 6 foot tall Shepard
Draco: Ah. So we actually found someone shorter than Zeldoten! Still taller than Nib "Kop Killa" Bles, though.
N Goat: But how tall is Blasto?
Jumpropeman: that is a difficult question
Jumpropeman: I'm guessing 8 feet?
Jumpropeman: most of it is tentacle
N Goat: Aren't we all
Jumpropeman: here's a hanar with regular people
N Goat: But how tall is
N Goat: Inch High Private Eye?
N Goat: Standing on top of Theodore.
Jumpropeman: Inch is about 1.6979e-19 siriometers
Jumpropeman: on top of Theodore though
Jumpropeman: idk probably like 20 feet
Draco: Blasto's all leg.
N Goat: Them pins.
Jumpropeman: those legs do go all the way up
Draco: Even Longlegs McLengthylegs is impressed!


N Goat: "But I AM Death." She said uncertainly,
N Goat: You should never claim to be death uncertainly.
N Goat: "Was it your party? Is today your birthday?! I know humans care about those!"
N Goat: There's a lot to unpack when it comes to Giselle.
N Goat: "Only by the slimmest of margins did she not throw her arms wide and tell Jared that She Was Death; If she did, he would have thought Aiko was a clown. Compared to anything else, including dying, Gen 2 couldn't imagine worse. Clowns were subhuman scum."
N Goat: There's just so much
Draco: She's a doll.


N Goat: "But like Aiko would've said, that would be whack."
N Goat nods sagely


Jumpropeman: *twirls microphone on its wire* Kaede is so padded... now I say, I say KAEDE IS SO PADDED, that people be trying to hire her as a hockey goalie! SHE'S SO PADDED, that Ford offers her as an alternative to air bags!
Cornwind Evil: She's so padded you can use the term dummy thicc without me wincing...wait no you can't I still hate that mangle of words.
Jumpropeman: I wish it meant the opposite of what it does
Del Lives: Kaede so thick you can use her as a thickener in a stew
Jumpropeman: like, it sounds like it would mean something that tricks you into thinking its thicc


Jumpropeman: retro
Gooper Blooper: Copyright © 1996, Universal City Studios, Inc.
Web site designed by Z.M.Interactive.

Gooper Blooper: nice find JRM
N Goat: Oh wow
RubyChao: so goops
RubyChao: is that what the ingen site in ZFRP looks like
Gooper Blooper: well I mean
Gooper Blooper: The Curse's sole computer expert depicted on screen so far is a Y2K bug
Gooper Blooper: draw your own conclusions


Harpy: shut up and RP with me, your waifu's in the bar
Draco: Which one?
Harpy: all of them
Draco: D8
Jumpropeman: Noah's in the bar? 8D
Harpy: not your waifu, jrm
Draco: Excellent. I'll send Ladies' Lady DeMonde to seduce them all.
Jumpropeman: D8


N Goat: "It can copy anything you can imagine! People! Paper clips! Paper! Paperweights! Paper dolls! Things unrelated to paper!"
N Goat: But mostly paper!
Jumpropeman: man knows his market
N Goat: "She splays her fingers and puts her hand in front of her face."
N Goat: Yohane exuding dangerous amounts of anime radiation.
Draco: She's reached critical anime mass. MELTDOWN


RubyChao: ok
RubyChao: who wants
RubyChao: a late night srspost
Jumpropeman: "The Rise and Fall of the Yaoi Paddle"
Jumpropeman: is what I will watch if you don't make that post
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: i have freed you
Draco: That would be good.
N Goat: JRM, what are you even doing
Jumpropeman: somebody's gotta dive down these rabbit holes so you can read about GarfieldEATS and pallet wars
RubyChao: so with Jack Diamond and Dane Gustavia, i ended up turning two of my few rejects into Curse members instead
Jumpropeman: Yaoi Paddles were 35 dollar paddles with the word Yaoi on them sold at anime conventions that people would use to spank sexy male cosplayers
Jumpropeman: without their consent of course, since this was the era of glomping and other "Great" con stuff
N Goat: Why
N Goat: have we been burdened with this knowledge
Jumpropeman: chao's post, while good, just wasn't long enough to save me
RubyChao: noooooo
Jumpropeman: somebody actually put a cosplayer in a wheel chair with one of them
Jumpropeman: by getting a running start and then hitting them not with the flat side, but the edge
Draco: Yowch!
Jumpropeman: well now that I know the dark truths of human history
Jumpropeman: I go to sleepytown, usa


RubyChao: so that was the start of hibiki tachibana's punch out!
RubyChao: you will see more of it in due time
RubyChao: a lot more :V
RubyChao: pizza pasta.


beep: "she has, uh, a lot of... volume"
beep: look
beep: just say she got the big tiddy
beep: thats the only reason ivel plays these games
ivel: it's for the plot :I
beep: tiddy is the plot.
beep: me describing every hentai game ever


Jumpropeman: I really wish Curse had been done next year
Jumpropeman: I'd have so many more characters for it then
Gooper Blooper: On the other hand, The Curse's concept... kind of wouldn't work in the second year of a setting :V
Gooper Blooper: it's like when a new gen of Pokemon comes out and "oh, we 'discovered' all these new Pokemon!!!" and there are absurdly common ones that weren't in the last game
Jumpropeman: Kanto just shot any Wingull who entered those waters on sight
RubyChao: nonsense
RubyChao: it's entirely possible this 30+ member gang was just there but offscreen!


RubyChao: i must tragically say
RubyChao: Honoka will not join Season 11 :(
Jumpropeman: well duh chao
Jumpropeman: we're killing her this year
Jumpropeman: In the Game of Loaves, you win or you die
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: she'll win
beep: the iron bread throne?
Jumpropeman: that's what you think chao
Jumpropeman: but when I introduce my curse members, the Spongemonkeys from Quiznos, she'll have no chance
beep: i have no words
Gooper Blooper: I used them already though
Jumpropeman: it's a callback
beep: not when i'm done with it
Jumpropeman: we spend all season rebuilding and then destroying the underdome


Jumpropeman: Look who got posted to Lesser Known Waifus recently
RubyChao: that's not Super Noah
Jumpropeman: everyone knows Noah though
RubyChao: kek
Gooper Blooper: so when is JRM introducing Pappy Van Poodle as Fay's grandpa
beep: when decima stops hitting all the story requirements for progression
Jumpropeman: Pappy Van Poodle went from no google results
Jumpropeman: to having a sexy genderswap version appear in GIS
beep: oh
Gooper Blooper: Rule 34 jokes aside, it's a nice story
Gooper Blooper: good ol pappy
Jumpropeman: that video made me very curious about Rusty's Real Deal Baseball
beep: he went from being secret fiter material to being disqualified. now we have to find someone even more obscure.
Jumpropeman: besides, if I'm going to become the accidental furry RPer, I might as well RP an old man furry
Gooper Blooper: I used Rusty to make fun of microtransactions back when I did the Final Boss BBP
Gooper Blooper: how times have changed


Saberwulf (Wulfcember) joined the chat
Saberwulf: FOOLS
Saberwulf: I AM HERE
Jumpropeman: GARSP
Gooper Blooper: speaking of changing times, hi wulf
Saberwulf: Hello dear
Saberwulf: I have been bribed and cajoled and given delicious living for a very special mission
Saberwulf: And that mission is a delivery you see
RubyChao: hey wulf
RubyChao: what's up
Saberwulf: probably a trio, maybe a quad, who cares either way Jake asked me nicely do RP again so uhhh I said yes because of course I did
Saberwulf: So expect something
RubyChao: that was something i did not expect
RubyChao: but neat
Saberwulf: Thank you I try my best to give my fans what they want
Saberwulf: Disregarding me being dumb though hi everyone I hope you're all well and great because you're all wonderful and I missed you
 Draco: Roger that. I look forward to seeing someone snorting themselves or making tea out of the fabric of the universe.
Saberwulf: thank you Draco I will try my best to roleplay good and wacky characters, except I'm not like 17 anymore so I won't be as badly obnoxious


Jumpropeman: so guys, anyone gonna play that hot new game
Jumpropeman: Sometimes to Deal with the Difficulty of Being Alive, I Need to Believe There Is a Possibility That Life Is Not Real.?
RubyChao: english or japanese
Gooper Blooper: sounds fun
Jumpropeman: far as I can tell, 100% English
Bree joined the chat
RubyChao: hi bree
Bree: things happened while I was gone I see
Bree: wulf things
Gooper Blooper: indeed
RubyChao: yep
Jumpropeman: I would have snared her ankle or something if I knew you were coming
Bree: no I'm good
Bree: even I'm not sure if I'm actually here
Bree: I might still be asleep
Jumpropeman: I could break your finger to test if you are
Cornwind Evil: I KNEW IT
Cornwind Evil pulls off JRM's face to reveal Gregory House.
Gooper Blooper: Sometimes to Deal with the Difficulty of Being Awake, I Need to Believe There Is a Possibility That Life Is Asleep.?
Jumpropeman: that's pretty woke, goops
Bree: 9/10 joke, would have been a 10/10 if you said "Life Is A Dream"


Bree: me and azure and her boyfriend are going to play GTA online
Bree: now we can all go to titty bars together
Jumpropeman: finally
Bree: the other day I watched him stream it again (azure was there too) and we made a tragic discovery
Bree: GTA V does not have... jiggle physics
Bree: yes, really. it's a game where you can buy a lap dance and it doesn't have jiggle physics
Bree: those titties don't budge
Jumpropeman: that's legit surprising
Gooper Blooper: I would expect that from, like, Vice City or something, but GTA V?!
Gooper Blooper: PATHETIC
Bree: gryph was like "well there could be as many as 180 people on screen at once, that'd be a lot of jiggle" and azure and I were like "yes, but... *waves at screen*"


ughlglfdjgkl: found on a shitpost part of a server i'm in
ughlglfdjgkl: how dare they
Del Lives: Mac 2nite
Jumpropeman: if I got a mac tonight costume
Jumpropeman: I'd wear it every halloween
ivel: only Halloween?
ughlglfdjgkl: would you enter the brawl
ivel: hasn't Jumpropeman already Brawled
Jumpropeman: which wouldn't be worth mentioning because it's just one of 365 days I wore it
Jumpropeman: which wouldn't be worth mentioning because it's just one of 365 days I wore it
Jumpropeman: which wouldn't be worth mentioning because it's just one of 365 days I wore it
Jumpropeman: which wouldn't be worth mentioning because it's just one of 365 days I wore it
Jumpropeman: which wouldn't be worth mentioning because it's just one of 365 days I wore it
Jumpropeman: which wouldn't be worth mentioning because it's just one of 365 days I wore it
Jumpropeman: well chatzy
Jumpropeman: that's how you know you're borked
Gooper Blooper: It's been a while
ughlglfdjgkl: you're really enthusiastic about that costume, huh!


Jumpropeman: >Underdome rebuilt in middle of June
Jumpropeman: that can't be a coincidence
Jumpropeman: It's so close to Global Wind Day after all
Gooper Blooper: Just a meta gag :V
Jumpropeman: there goes my "Zephyrus created the Curse" theory
Jumpropeman: because it's clearly actually AirCon Man


Jumpropeman: is anyone ever gonna address the fact that Skull Kid from Majora's Mask has no actual reason to be called "Skull" Kid
RubyChao: No
Gooper Blooper: this attack to the skull king
Gooper Blooper: one has to consider the possibility of a concussion
Draco: I mean, that WAS gonna be the finale to my plot this year, but I guess I won't.


Jumpropeman: off i go for now to the wild wet yonder
Draco: Bye JRM. Have fun in Florida.
Draco: Try not to become Florida Man.
The Editor Key: Ya know JRM
The Editor Key: Maybe you shouldn't shower so much. I hear it can disrupt the natural oils of the body
Jumpropeman: the natural oils of my body should feel less stinky and gross then
Draco: Maybe you shouldn't shower using Tim Hortons' coffee.
Gooper Blooper: Only Wilkins Coffee can give you that clean fresh feeling. Drink - and shower in - Wilkins.
Jumpropeman: my hair ain't brittle and my skin ain't dry, so I seem fine for now
RubyChao: goops: does Wilkins canonically shower in Wilkins
RubyChao: i will be disappointed if he doesn't
Draco: Wilkins vs Coffee Dad
Gooper Blooper: of course he does
Gooper Blooper: he also only eats things that can have Wilkins Coffee as an ingredient
RubyChao: i unironically hope Wilkins and Wontkins appear again someday
RubyChao: just because
RubyChao: those commercials.
RubyChao: (and the jokes about them)
Draco: Wow. Um.
Draco: It seems Wilkins went on to become Kermit the Frog.
Gooper Blooper: You can see the resemblance
Draco: I can HEAR the resemblance.
The Editor Key: I can TOUCH the resemblance
Draco: Um...
Draco calls HR.


Draco: We need to introduce Shimmer to the Maw.
Jumpropeman: she meet her maw last year
Draco: Her Step-Maw then.


Jumpropeman: Water World for Virtual Boy has a nine-player alternating multiplayer mode
Jumpropeman: which I'm sure has never been used to its full potential before


RubyChao: i typed "crossiant"
RubyChao: guess what the second autosuggestion besides croissant was
Jumpropeman: cro magnon
RubyChao: Rosicrucian
Jumpropeman: damn
Jumpropeman: if I had known it was your catchphrase
Jumpropeman: I woulda just guessed Rosicrucian right out the gate!
Jumpropeman: *makes a note of Rosicrucianism in case it appears in a later Chao plot*


(JRM links to a since-deleted Steam game called "Drumpf Presidential Dating Simulator". Google it if you must, there are screenshots.)

Jumpropeman: it's official, steam must be deleted
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: you know what the game hoard says:
RubyChao: every game.
Jumpropeman: *dissolves*
Jumpropeman: can't I just play Piggy Peter's Adventure instead
Jumpropeman: which, as you might have guessed is of course
Jumpropeman: a Volleyball game
Draco: This is why we have the Epic Game Store: to DESTROY STEAM.
The Editor Key: Looks like it's already deleted, JRM
Jumpropeman: I appreciate the attempt cornwind, but it takes more than dragging the steam icon to the recycle bin


Jumpropeman: im proud of yohane
Jumpropeman: I'm going to hire her for an anti-doping psa
Draco: She's a dope in other ways though. D:


Gooper Blooper: Fun fact: My original idea for Metxel was to have him revive an old discontinued brand for nostalgia points and I almost pulled the trigger with Nestle Alpine White just for the incredible commercials
Jumpropeman: well then it would be more obvious he put cocaine in them
RubyChao: well now i want chocolate


Jumpropeman: this game I'm playing has characters who constantly say Meowzah
Jumpropeman: which is awful, don't they know Meowza has no h?!
RubyChao: meowza
Jumpropeman: exactly


nep: "According to Information Resources International, in 1993, Doritos earned $1.2 billion in retail sales, one-third of the total Frito-Lay sales for the year. Nevertheless, in the costliest redesign in Frito-Lay history, in 1994 the company spent $50 million to redesign Doritos to make the chips 20% larger, 15% thinner, and rounded the edges of the chip. Roger J. Berdusco, the vice president of tortilla chip marketing, said a primary reason for the change was "greater competition from restaurant-style tortilla chips, that are larger and more strongly seasoned".[6] The design change was the result of a two-year market research study that involved 5,000 chip eaters. The new design gave each chip rounded corners, making it easier to eat and reducing the scrap resulting from broken corners. Each chip was also given more seasoning, resulting in a stronger flavor. The redesigned chips were released in four flavors beginning in January 1995."
nep: fifty million dollars
nep: you know
nep: they made a good change
nep: nacho cheese and spicy nacho cheese are my absolute jam
Jumpropeman: Elliot's got the real secret to good business: Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location Location and soon a new Location!
Jumpropeman: I spelled Elliott's name wrong...
nep: FAILURE...
nep: (awwwwww)


Jumpropeman: "Can you tell us why you became an F-Zero racer?" "I was born to be an F-Zero racer" Captain Falcon that's not an answer, that's a cop out
Gooper Blooper: the most important part of getting f-zero races in RP
Gooper Blooper: is that the winner gets to RP a one-question interview with Chao playing as Mr. Zero
RubyChao: it's true
Jumpropeman: I think Mr. Zero could ask more questions
Jumpropeman: but he actually has crippling stage fright
Jumpropeman: that's why he's so rigid and awkward too
RubyChao: and in five specific cases
RubyChao: it's not just STAGE fright :V
MobileDraco: YISSSSS
Jumpropeman: the crabtain phoenix interview would be interesting
Gooper Blooper: I talked at length to Chao about how silly Mr. Zero was a while back in a PM, lemme dig it up
Gooper Blooper: The more you think about the F-Zero TV interviews, the stupider they are.
-everything having to do with asking the interviewee only one question
-the logistics of getting someone to the studio to ask them that one question
-the studio audience packing the bleachers to listen to that one question
-the frequency with which the driver answers the one question in the least clear way possible
-not just asking them on the winner's podium
-the concept of airing a thirty-second-long television show
-holding your thirty-second show in a massive stadium
-there is no cameraman
-being afraid of the winner but inviting them anyway
-inviting them when they are wanted criminals
-no one ever comes to stop the criminals even though they are being broadcast live on television
-Mr. Zero will never get to ride in one of those machines at least once in his life

RubyChao: to be fair, i realized recently
RubyChao: the winner's podium MIGHT be the same place as the interview studio
RubyChao: the rest, though........
Jumpropeman: that reminds me of something else I realized recently
Jumpropeman: I was reading about a comic story where it was a big deal that Norman Osborn's identity as the Green Goblin was finally revealed to the public and I though
Jumpropeman: he's been in jail
Jumpropeman: how did they not know sooner
Jumpropeman: did they just respect the mask


Jumpropeman: He recalled everyone and everything he ever knew.
His brothers, once bold and brave, standing against the evils that tainted Sevalia, Levia.
Xavier, snarky and perverted.
Stella, talking and talking and boring half the people in the room to death.
Garnet, crushing a poor bloke's skull with only her hand.
Widow Maker, cheering her head off as her brutes finally saw victory.
Red Spy, cheering right along with her.
Erebus, snatching chocolate faster than the eye could see.
Jonesy, laughing at her lover's antics.
Eddie, making epic guitar riffs.
Rain, worrying his head off over Stella.
Jumpropeman, organizing Fites for sheer entertainment value.
Pech, who hated him for reasons he couldn't possibly fathom.
Fang Fo- no, Antoinette, drawing cats all over a sketchpad.
James, acting cool and tough while trying to eat a sundae.
Sine X. Cosine, who once spoke little but now speaks so much.
Zephyrus, who would give anything to defend his loved ones.
All of the touching moments they had, from beginning to end.

nep: well
Jumpropeman: that's so 2011 it's great
nep: plz
nep: UH
nep: uhm
nep: hrm.


Jumpropeman: "Look, you snorklebutt!" new insult discovered
nep: bed
nep: nite!
Jumpropeman: night snorklebutt
nep: i am not a snorkelbutt...


Big Bad BeetleDel: link
SteelKomodo: ROCKS
Big Bad BeetleDel: SCREAMING


nep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
nep rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1

nep: party raptor...
Jumpropeman: attack rolls?
nep: for nikki and party raptor at least.
Jumpropeman: i meant to chao
nep: oh yeah
nep: i was gonna sk
nep: ask
Jumpropeman: harpy is now sk
nep: i cannot
Draco: Harpy is now a Britbrosis.
RubyChao: oh!
RubyChao: sorry, forgot
RubyChao: fixed
Jumpropeman: can you delete those attack rolls?
Jumpropeman: they're too high
Draco: lel
nep: wow
RubyChao: you brought it upon yourself :V


nep: i just need to go to michael's TOMORROW before the COOKOUT
nep: and be silly as fuck
nep: harpy is a literal child as an adult: news at 11
Draco stops mashing his Parsee and Yohane figures together.
Draco: You say something, Harpy?
nep: nevermind :V
RubyChao: someone's enjoying his new yohane figure isn't he
Gooper Blooper: *looks up from playing with Action Attack Suchomimus and Mega Dual Attack Suchomimus* Hmmm?
nep: plz.
Draco: Coincidentally, Goops, those are the two dinos in plot right now.
Gooper Blooper: well I mean I did directly reference the toy in my last post for the keks :V


nep: i
nep: hm
nep: do i really want to be a degenerate
Draco: Yes.


Jumpropeman: "The way I see it, Josephine is just an average woman trying to have a normal life, even if her flatulence is hyperactive. She is a nun, but she's also a character, rather than the stock fetish nuns you see everywhere." This comment on an image of her filling a room with farts to gas criminals
N Goat side-eyeing JRM
RubyChao: jrm i... ok.
Jumpropeman: im on an art search on deviantart
Jumpropeman: I assure you I didn't look up fart nun specifically
Bree: how'd you land on farting nuns though
Gooper Blooper: Oh, The Places You'll Go!
N Goat: JRM, I have a spade in the garage, if it'll help.
Bree: so he can bury the memories?
Jumpropeman: nuns were at least somewhat relevant to my search
N Goat: I, for one, look forward to The Flying Nun's long overdue Brawl debut.


N Goat: Wait
N Goat: Is this
N Goat: Taserface?!
N Goat: I look forward to Taserface's inevitable Brawl win


Jumpropeman: "THIS CRIME STUFF BELONGS TO WANG CHEN" Now THAT'S the kind of evidence that will hold up in court!
Draco: (b^_^)b
Sora Says: Screw Gravity: Damn it Zeldoten you're incorrigible
Jumpropeman: at least she keeps products moving through the economy
Sora Says: Screw Gravity: Damn it Eternity you'll ruin everything
Bree: do we get a damn it meiling for the rule of three
Jumpropeman: at least meiling's hot
Sora Says: Screw Gravity: No she didn't do anything


Cornwind Evil: NOT IN HERE


Cornwind Evil: What is E.T short for?
Jumpropeman: Emergency Tacos


Cornwind Evil: Why can't you hear a pterodactyl go to the bathroom?
Cornwind Evil: Because they're all FUCKING DEAD.
Gooper Blooper: r-rude
nep: well no shit, bud :V


RubyChao: i think jimbo has his wires crossed


Jumpropeman: when you have literally 1 minute to make a theme song for a character you know nothing about besides they're a cop
RubyChao: he's a cop.
Jumpropeman: no chao
Jumpropeman: he's a GOOD cop
Gooper Blooper: hahahahahaha
Gooper Blooper: "I like how he's only a good cop, rather than great or adequate."
Jumpropeman: you don't want to get the audience TOO excited now!
Draco: Decent cop.
Draco: It's no Batman, but it' intro.
Draco: At least it's not...Taz-Mania.
Draco: I know I've shown it here before, but it's relevant! :V
N Goat: Mongolian
N Goat: Manchurian
N Goat: Tazmania
Jumpropeman: Buddy is the Tasmanian Devil's best friend, a Hollywood agent type who often talks on a cell phone. In "I'm Okay You're Taz", it is revealed that he still lives with his mother.
In "Willie Wombat's Last Stand", it is revealed that "nobody liked him", so he was made a show producer, ostensibly to explain his few appearances.

ivel: oh god I forgot about the flashing screen
Draco: I wouldn't remember the show at all except it was all over Cartoon Network around the time we'd first gotten cable.
Jumpropeman: darn. the most interesting character's a bit player


Bree: I smell a new nerd pairing
Jumpropeman: draco's been working that tree for a while, I was wondering if it would ever bear fruit
RubyChao: neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerd
Gooper Blooper: Took me a long time to take the bait
Gooper Blooper: but I'm taking the bait so help me god
Jumpropeman: her cloak is consuming her


N Goat: "I'm fine! I don't need to be monitored everywhere, after all!"
N Goat: Kaede was never seen again.
Jumpropeman: Jason-3 took her off into space
Draco: Radical.


N Goat: "First of all, Elliott, Two T's, two L's, "
N Goat: That's OH-KER!
Draco: When do we get a Fite between the two of them?


Jumpropeman: "Early/Mid 2000s aesthetic: Subbed anime episodes on youtube split into three parts"
IDelneth Delkin: Yes
RubyChao: very much jrm


nep: oh god i have an emergency
nep: the chickens
nep: have broken loose
nep: what is going on
nep: (so i will be spending some time between posts trying to wrangle them, so i might be a lil bit)
IDelneth Delkin: CHICKEN RUN
Gooper Blooper: THIS JUST IN, we have a live feed from Ivel's house
nep: the chickens were wrangled
nep: some were dumbasses


Gooper Blooper: so, here's a funny thing: My t-shirt collection is almost entirely shirts with designs of stuff I like - I have an Atari shirt, a Jurassic Park shirt, a Battlebots shirt, some Godzilla shirts, and recently got a Jaws shirt
Jumpropeman: excellent choice, honey~
Gooper Blooper: but I had one t-shirt that was not like the others
Gooper Blooper: it's a black shirt that says "Olympia Sports"
Gooper Blooper: I like this shirt a lot more now
nep: i saw an olympia sports store somewhere
Jumpropeman: you were prepared for this year


RubyChao: gooper
RubyChao: how much did it hurt you inside to kill off tito dick dickman baby
Jumpropeman: are we going to have to scrap Nutshack plot now
Gooper Blooper: I mentioned him solely because of this:
Gooper Blooper: Jumpropeman: I feel like we can RP all kinds of characters from awful works across all mediums in interesting and meaningful ways... all except the cast of Nutshack
-Jumpropeman: they are a hopeless dead end
-RubyChao: i found some Nutshack episodes
-RubyChao: and now i want to ask
-RubyChao: JRM how can you say that Tito Dick would not be a valued addition to the lore of ZFRP >:I
-Jumpropeman: *Spy has Tito enter the bar*
-Jumpropeman: *is immediately hit with a permaban from all admins*

Jumpropeman: well goop, I hope you'll help us permaban you
Gooper Blooper: not so fast
Gooper Blooper: he didn't enter the bar
RubyChao: i'm looking forward to the post where goops tries to write horror by giving us an in-depth description of tito's last moments
RubyChao: and his last words are
RubyChao: "if only i had... hit on more ladies..."
Gooper Blooper: he managed to take out one of the crites with his bare hands before going down
Jumpropeman: "Tito Dick was once famous! He was part of one the very 1st boy bands called the “Boy Friends” "
Jumpropeman: gotta love a wiki that uses exclamation points
RubyChao: was tito dick that guy where nobody remembers how he got hired and nobody really likes having him around but you can't justify kicking him out
RubyChao: so he's just kind of... there
Gooper Blooper: Everyone's certain Plague hired him but no one can prove it
Gooper Blooper: and Plague didn't even like him


Jumpropeman: preview of BBB9
Draco: How'd you know I was entering Robotnik's Mom as Moltar's assist?
Jumpropeman: that's gonna scuttle my plans to make Momma Robotnik the host D:
Gooper Blooper: Lesko chuckled. "You mean the Chaos Emeralds?"


Gooper Blooper:
Jumpropeman: I'm Lo-------------------------------ving It
Bree: reimu looks oddly ominous in that picture
Bree: like she's fattening them up so she can eat them
ivert: maybe she is
Gooper Blooper: that reminds me
Gooper Blooper: Bree: wait, but does duplicated food still taste like food
-Bree: because that'd be a great way of eating without getting fat
-Bree: ...which is moot since nobody gets fat from eating in ZFRP :V

Gooper Blooper: I remembered at least one case of evidence to the contrary
Gooper Blooper: so at least it happened once
Jumpropeman: #LegalizeObesity
Gooper Blooper: *sarah waving a picket sign*
Bree: nitori eats 10,000,000 cucumber cookies a day, she is an outlier and should not be counted
Bree: (^ lame attempt at a spiders georg meme)
RubyChao: does kaede count?
Bree: kaede arrived pre-marshmallow
Bree: nitori got marshmallowized by exposure to komachi, a noted marshmallow


Jumpropeman: "a moth is like a butterfly but with no moral center"
Gooper Blooper: Hey now, Mothra has tremendous morals
N Goat joined the chat
N Goat: The "M" stands for "Morals"
Gooper Blooper: Does that mean the N stands for No Morals?
N Goat: The N stands for Captain N and The New Super Mario Bros


Bree: I'm looking for alternate outfit art of sonia and so far I've found
Bree: 1) Ultimate Lion Tamer Sonia Nevermind
Bree: 2) Ultimate Yakuza Sonia Nevermind
Bree: 3) Twogami, the Ultimate Imposter, as Sonia Nevermind
Bree: but nothing actually useful
Gooper Blooper: quoth the sonia, nevermind
nep: >twogami
nep: !
Bree: the perfect disguise
Gooper Blooper: Looks just like her!
nep: i don't see a difference
Bree: twogami is great and I love him. I'll never forgive DR2 for what they did to him.
Bree: apparently he's so great at disguise that everyone just accepts he's the person he claims but 500 pounds heavier.
Jumpropeman: he's like that D&D bear
Bree: he's so great at disguise that we know nothing about him. is he actually a he? what is his actual name? what does he really look like besides being fat? we don't know


N Goat: "But there's too much of a mess, with smoke and spraying water and likely Curse upsetness, to really check to see if there's more. Might well be buried under the wreckage, or in pieces buried under multiple piles of wreckage, or reduced to mostly wet ash and soot. Maybe."
N Goat: Absolutely the last we'll see of Wild Dog
N Goat: It is certain this is the end of him


N Goat: "That is the man who attacked the Underdome."
N Goat: Who?! WHO could have possibly foreseen Wild Dog would somehow appear again?!
Cornwind Evil: It's the greatest surprise I ever pulled off


N Goat: I am very pleased thus far with how people are building up the Green Hell Zone
N Goat: I'm starting to get reminded of the way people consistently wrote about the Warp :V
RubyChao: joke's on you sheep
RubyChao: i NEVER wrote about the warp!!
N Goat: Well then
Jumpropeman: don't worry sheep, I'll show the Green Hell Zone is actually a nice place to visit with plenty of regular people soon
N Goat shrieks while revolving rapidly until he boils into mist and flies out the window


RubyChao: so who's ready
RubyChao: for futo to just turn out to be the coolest curse member EVER
Jumpropeman: Codename: FRESH MEAT
Cornwind Evil: Well she can't be any worse than Fang
Jumpropeman: Fang's just mad he's discount wolverine


RubyChao: dance-off in two and a half hours
Waluigi joined the chat
ivert: hi wa, yes somebody did say dance-off


RubyChao: new switch program, Pokemon Home
RubyChao: allows for pooling of Pokemon from Bank, Go, Let's Go, and Gen 8
RubyChao: so despite going to the switch the chain of transfer remains unbroken
RubyChao: early 2020
Gooper Blooper: We needed either that or a Bank port, yeah
Gooper Blooper: vital
Harpy: bless
Gooper Blooper: (reminder that this means you can catch a Pokemon in Pokemon Colosseum and fifty transfers later it'll be on your switch)
RubyChao: you can even catch it
RubyChao: from
RubyChao: Miror B
Gooper Blooper: take that sudowoodo on a journey across time and space


ivert: wha
ivert: that video
Gooper Blooper: *ahnuld noises*
N Goat: That Schwarzenegger Mammoth is my hero


Jumpropeman: my neighbor wants to play fortnite and I sent him a message saying I don't have a mic on xbox
Jumpropeman: his response?
Jumpropeman: "Ight bet"
Jumpropeman: I racked my brain to decipher this foreign tongue
Jumpropeman: Ight is easily assumed to be Alright, but bet? Is he being sarcastic like, "I bet you don't"? Turns out, bet can also mean Okay


N Goat: "Will his muscles be enough to stop his enemies!?"
N Goat leans close
N Goat breathes into the mic

N Goat: No.


Delbly: I thought Pokémon sleep was a meme. What the fuck.


Gooper Blooper: >Jurassic Bark: The Fallen Kingdom of Bones
Gooper Blooper: "The Star Paws team is back and this time the entire galaxy is at stake! When an evil cat named Marlon Butterpaws makes plans to destroy the universe, it's up to an elite space dog team known as Star Paws to find and stop Butterpaws and save the world!"
CERATO ACTIVATED: who would believe
Gooper Blooper: marlon butterpaws for curse
Gooper Blooper: "This is a very poorly made movie. The characters are digital but the voices do not match up to the characters mouths. The humor is terrible. The story was terrible. I could almost feel my son losing brain cells while he watched it. I honestly would rather watch Dino Dan or Dino Dana on Amazon Prime with my 4-year-old, a show that actually teaches him things and has a good storyline. The only reason I gave it two stars is because my 4-year-old laughed at a couple of the terrible jokes."
CERATO ACTIVATED: >"i'd rather watch dino dana"
RubyChao: i remember dino dan!
Gooper Blooper: link
CERATO ACTIVATED: is it bad that
CERATO ACTIVATED: now i'm morbidly curious
RubyChao: wait no
RubyChao: i think i'm thinking of something else
RubyChao: 1 sec
CERATO ACTIVATED: even though it is a show that does not cater to me in the least
RubyChao: ahhhh
RubyChao: i was thinking of dino don
RubyChao: from highlights magazine
RubyChao: man that takes me back
Gooper Blooper: "My kids were excited to see it, then wanted to shut it off after 20 minutes."
Gooper Blooper: "This movie is so good it makes the avengers movies look like comic strips from the news paper. On surround sound my neighbors literally think They are at the movie theater. Don’t buy just 1, buy one for every member of your family."
CERATO ACTIVATED: are you even talking about star paws anymore
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: It's one of those things where the only positive reviews are sarcastic
CERATO ACTIVATED: as much as i laugh
CERATO ACTIVATED: this is actually a kinda interesting premise
Gooper Blooper: I like that the lead is female
CERATO ACTIVATED: i have underestimated this girl's clout
Gooper Blooper: as harpy so aptly demonstrates, dinosaurs are not a boys thing
CERATO ACTIVATED: and now i actually DO wanna watch
CERATO ACTIVATED: "Fantastic show! Great CGI, good story lines, wonderful dinosaur education too. What I most love is what it teaches my elementary age autistic daughter. She watches Dana interact with a sibling, through real life sister-hood issues. Dana has trouble relating to some people (and dinosaurs) and is often in her own world - just like my high functioning autistic girl. I really hope that they have enough support for a few more seasons. Not to mention the support for a female in science. We need all the role models we can get! Love it!"
CERATO ACTIVATED: this is an actual review and now i am going down the dino route in an unexpected day
CERATO ACTIVATED: teach me dino things


CERATO ACTIVATED: *misreads jumpropeman as "jumpropepost"*
Jumpropeman: I'm more than just my posts ; o ;
RubyChao: no ur not


Gooper Blooper: I looked up that video as soon as JRM confirmed Elliott for RP
Gooper Blooper: it sums him up pretty well
Jumpropeman: I am now watching
Jumpropeman: the original Birdman cartoon
Jumpropeman: specifically the episode with the deadly duplicator
Gooper Blooper: oh man
RubyChao: wait wait
RubyChao: the deadly duplicator was an actual birdman villain?
Gooper Blooper: I never doubted he wasn't!
Jumpropeman: all the main characters in Birdman Attorney at Law were
Gooper Blooper: I just couldn't find anything when I checked youtube last november except that video JRM linked above
Jumpropeman: Mentok, Reducto, Vulturo
RubyChao: wow
Jumpropeman: even Birdgirl had an episode in the old show
Gooper Blooper: just like how Space Ghost was a legit show and then they did Coast to Coast to make fun of it
RubyChao: and sealab 2020 became sealab 2021
Jumpropeman: it appears Elliott's evil plan was... nuclear nonproliferation?
CERATO ACTIVATED: coast to coast was amazing
RubyChao: go on, jrm
Jumpropeman: when he copies a person in the old cartoon, they immediately gain his thoughts and obey him
Jumpropeman: so he copies military officials to dismantle missiles
Jumpropeman: Elliott straight up kills his clone in this episode
Gooper Blooper: well of course he does, he needs the toner
Jumpropeman: "Gentlemen, you will tell me the ideal spot to kidnap the president!"
Jumpropeman: a still from the episode
CERATO ACTIVATED: that is his entire existence in that still
Gooper Blooper: "oh boy, what bullshit is coming over here now"
Jumpropeman: are you ready for the twist of the century
Jumpropeman: the villain isn't even the original Deadly Duplicator
Jumpropeman: its a clone who became more evil than the original!
Jumpropeman: this episode is really giving me so much to fill in the backstory of Elliott with
Gooper Blooper: excellent!
Jumpropeman: clearly his old clones used to have independent thought and he adjusted the formula after this incident
The Shining But With Roombas: I wonder if that's where the idea of the Mangle Twins in Invincible came from
The Shining But With Roombas: They were a pair of monstrous scientists who had forgotten which one of them was the original and which was the clone
The Shining But With Roombas: And they were always arguing over it
The Shining But With Roombas: Finally it was proven both were clones and the real one was injured. Then he died.
The Shining But With Roombas: Brief pause
The Shining But With Roombas: Then they started arguing over which one of them was the original clone
The Shining But With Roombas: And it kept up all the way to the end of the series.
The Shining But With Roombas: Side note: Unless you are Brine, do not read Invincible.
CERATO ACTIVATED: nah, i'm watching doctor strange turn into ghost rider instead
The Shining But With Roombas immediately is trying to place where that happened.
Jumpropeman: an even better image from the episode
CERATO ACTIVATED: he set us up the bomb!!!
Gooper Blooper: as opposed to non-destruct bombs
Gooper Blooper: which just kinda sit there
Jumpropeman: he is literally suicide bombing Birdman


Gooper Blooper: harpy beat me to it
Jumpropeman: perfect reply


N Goat: "a guy with the stupidest name in the solar system"
Draco: That's Moltar, right?
N Goat: Surely we've had more sillier
N Goat WALL!! appears!
N Goat: "Let's pick something shitty so we can laugh til we pass out!"
N Goat opens up the vault
N Goat: I am wondering though if this line is what will lead to the Rollergator 2 mine still in wait for me to fall on.
N Goat: "With none of the Kobbers the wiser."
N Goat WALL!! looks up at Reqium with a full mouthful of scoritos


N Goat: "A black, ink-like liquid dripped from her fingers and the hem of her blouse, marking her trail in a series of black dots. When she reached the counter she leaned over it and stared at the bartender silently, two very small pools already puddling around her elbows."
N Goat eyes screwed shut, fingers crossed, silently chanting "c'mon mutant, no whammies"
The Shining But With Roombas watches Sheep land on a whammy.


IDelneth Delkin: WAN WAN
IDelneth Delkin: I love Chompette
Waluigi: I'm just glad I found the niche to shoehorn her in bring her out.


Jumpropeman: the yugioh mammoth has more lines
RubyChao: "I finally understand the feeling people have when they're not sure if a clip they're watching is from the official dub or the abridged series."
N Goat joined the chat
N Goat: I see I've arrived at the right time
N Goat: the right time for Ahnoldphant.


Jumpropeman: and then honoka learned from today's events that she didn't NEED a bakery as long as she had good friends
Jumpropeman: and that's how honoka become homeless and broke
dork: please
RubyChao: pls
Gooper Blooper: pft


dork: i wonder
dork: is lying cat even around this season?
Gooper Blooper: There's been no mention of it
Gooper Blooper: but maybe CW will bring it in later
dork: welp
Jumpropeman: this year we will be using Lying Wildebeest
N Goat: Lying Cirno
RubyChao: i read that as Lying Chao
N Goat: Lying Chao, Hidden Goops
Jumpropeman: "He's probably lying! Or maybe not! I don't know! Let me ask him! Are you lying? You gotta tell me the truth, I'm the Lying Cirno and I'll lose my job if you lie! Or lie about lying, the first lie is okay!"


Cornwind Evil: I have a feeling that if they could behave themselves any villain could go into the bar. The problem would be they'd probably get into a debate with the Kobbers, and by the nature of our beast, neither side would be able to get anywhere.
dork: *looks at The Lord*
Cornwind Evil: To be fair that was back in Year 1
Cornwind Evil: We didn't really hammer down "No one fights in the bar, ever." until what, Year 6?
RubyChao: year 7
RubyChao: but you can DANCE in the bar!
Jumpropeman: Punfisher entered the bar
RubyChao: god, punfisher
Cornwind Evil: Yeah but he was a joke villain
RubyChao: "Tenshi and Nibbles are calmly sitting at a table together, chowing down on the freshest fish sticks either have ever had. On the table in front of the celestial was an assortment of fish-based weaponry which she was idly admiring as she ate. Perhaps Bikker would find some comfort after taking a pufferfish to the chest by joining her."
Cornwind Evil: ....still can't believe you guys ate him
RubyChao: reminder that tenshi ate the punfisher after frying him


Cornwind Evil: "And it's not like there are babies robbing banks or stealing diapers!" No one show Cirno Boss Baby, she will get very confused.
Draco: Bank-robbing baby Final Boss Cirnoplot.
Jumpropeman: if we're being honest here
Jumpropeman: Cirno has definitely seen boss baby
Jumpropeman: which is gonna make it awkward when I reveal Boss Baby is my curse member


Jumpropeman: "Cirno's favorite hobby is freezing a frog instantly, then watching it revive as it thaws in the water. She tends to fail one out of every 3 attempts, however, and the poor amphibian shatters to pieces. "
Jumpropeman: this is not RP canon
RubyChao: no, no, it's too late
RubyChao: you didn't deny it in time
RubyChao: Cirno Is A Murderer
Jumpropeman: well yeah, she is
Jumpropeman: but she wouldn't fail only once in every 3 attempts
Jumpropeman: she's a lot worse than that
Gooper Blooper: RIP bar frogs
Jumpropeman: "She is sometimes seen barefoot or in socks."
Jumpropeman: important trivia


Draco: But if you rip up Yohane's ID card, how will she get lunch at the CURSEateria?
Jumpropeman: she's not missing out, I heard they only serve Crave bars now
Gooper Blooper: Dane Gustavia is so disappointed

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