Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 339: What, Don't YOU Wear Five Bras?

RubyChao: futo confirmed dumbass
Draco: Futo more like "Fuck you Imma join the Curse" and then next year it's CRP instead of ZFRP.
dork: shes a dumbass because she got a coloring book but no coloring utensils. :|
Cornwind Evil: No no see, Plague lets people buy their own crayons so they can pick out their favorite colors.
dork: should have a bucket fulla crayons on his desk
Cornwind Evil: But those are HIS crayons.
dork: im liking plague too much
dork: i have the plague
dork: I am going to die
Cornwind Evil: I think antibiotics works wonders on that stuff....
RubyChao: watch as Dawn compliments Futo on her expert infiltration like she did with Aura
RubyChao: and then realizes no, Futo is just that dumb


Bree: the most incredible thing has just happened in D&D
RubyChao: go on
Bree: tom's wizard's familiar, a small owl named Bimpnottin
Bree: just killed
Bree: a massive clockwork kraken
Bree: Bimpnottin the owl executed the final blow to this kraken
RubyChao: owltomaton flashbacks
RubyChao: but that's excellent
RubyChao: Owls
RubyChao: (for context in the first big bar brawl the small robot owl Owltomaton killed the deity Shuma-Gorath)
Cornwind Evil: Must have yanked out a crucial part
Bree: also
Bree: our bard's cursed sword polymorphed him into a polar bear
Bree: he now has an intelligence of 2, meaning that, miraculously, the team idiot has gotten stupider
Bree: he's also hungry so ven's ranger is rolling Animal Handling on the bear-bard
Jumpropeman: Owltomaton's reference image was also the clockwork owl from a movie where they fought a kraken


Jumpropeman: goop
Jumpropeman: I played Anime Girl or Bottle?
Gooper Blooper: yessss
Jumpropeman: and I'm sorry to report it's not very good!
Gooper Blooper: :O
Gooper Blooper: Unbelievable! I was sure I'd picked a winner for you this time
Gooper Blooper: one of these days I'll gift JRM a Quality Time
Jumpropeman: well there is a sequel called Anime Girl or Boy?
Jumpropeman: maybe THAT'S the quality time


Jumpropeman: a supposed leak of Pokemon Sword/Shield's pokedex came along and it of course has a billion evolutions for old Pokemon like Dunsparce and the usual suspects
Gooper Blooper: pff, yeah right
Jumpropeman: we're gonna be at Gen 20 and Farfetch'd and Dunsparce will still be single stage


N Goat: "Dana marches up to the bulletin board and tacks up a photo of Ima Goodlady with the caption 'DO NOT SERVE'."
N Goat: The Kobbers have shoveled out some harsh punishments
N Goat: and some downright inhuman, horrific ones
N Goat: but this
N Goat: THIS
N Goat: I have no words that could possibly stoop low enough to convey this level of depravity.


N Goat: "Jay Elbird, despite appearances, does not have a bear cub hanging off of his chest"
N Goat: I'm so
N Goat: disappointed
N Goat slouches to the ground
RubyChao: sheep, the bear cub is still there!
RubyChao: why is nobody noticing that
Draco: Because it's bear-ly noticeable.
Gooper Blooper: It's because everyone rushes to react as soon as they see the first part without reading the rest
N Goat: It's true!
N Goat: I still need to read the rest :L
dork: i saw the bear there!
dork: how'd that bear pass the coaching thing?
dork: it's a bear!
dork: but i'm sure kuma would be proud ;w;
Jumpropeman: Olympia is very diverse harpy
dork: it is diverse, indeed, but i'm sure there were many obstacles in that bear's way
dork: as many obstacles as there is for Hibiki, even!
RubyChao: not quite as many for hibiki
RubyChao: i mean
Jumpropeman: the bear is an inspiring story that we will never know
RubyChao: hibiki had more
RubyChao: because of Totally Fair and Unbiased Reasons
Draco: That bear used to be a scraggly pet on Ardea and now it's a boxing coach.
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: the scraggly bear returns
dork: least this isn't a shaggy bear story
Gooper Blooper: no shag, only scrag
dork: scraggles intensifies


Cornwind Evil: Are the Giant Insects tied to the Green Hell Zone?
Draco: No, they aren't.
Cornwind Evil: Are they tied to anything?
N Goat: That's just Zeldoten
Draco: They're tied to something, yes. :V
N Goat: Locusts showing up wherever she goes
N Goat: that scamp
Jumpropeman: she really should wash
Cornwind Evil: Turns out Draco really liked my Goldbug plot and is redoing it
N Goat: Zeldoten's just been a bunch of bugs in a costume this whole time
Draco: Sheep figured it out.
Cornwind Evil: Perfect time to debut Jack Skellington
N Goat: That's why holy magic doesn't work!
Draco: Holy magic doesn't work because you're only reviving one bug.
N Goat: Exactly!
Draco: That's also why she never goes near the bar frogs. She's instinctively afraid of them.
N Goat: It's also why she buzzes constantly.
Jumpropeman: she's actually stealing all those things to feed the Queen Zeldoten
Draco: Back at the hive in the Green Hell Zone where she originally came to this world.
Cornwind Evil: Pictured: Actually Zeldoten
Draco: link
N Goat: The spitting image
Jumpropeman: Great Geiger's Ghost!
Draco: Yep. The long con revealed. The Ravage came to Olympia to root out the Zeldotinfestation.
Draco: Dawn knew all along and was trying to warn us.


N Goat: "Bikkie, I've got it!" Rachel smacks her fist into her open palm. "What if I was your coach?!"
N Goat: It'll never work!
N Goat: "That... hmm. You know... that could work!"
N Goat: oh, okay.
Jumpropeman: Hibiki then went on to lose every match
N Goat: "Long as this test isn't too crazy I should pass it no problem."
N Goat: Time to get those arms measured
N Goat: See if they're long enough to box with God.


N Goat: So these will, generally speaking, be kind of serious threats, yes?
N Goat: That sentence had far, far too many commas.
IDelneth Delkin: Haha
dork: You go hard or you die.
dork: That's the threat we're dealing with.
ivel: you skate
ivel: or you die
N Goat: If you get rejected in Rp you get rejected in real life!
dork: too bad i'm already rejected in real life
dork: ...thats dark
ivel: I didn't reject you tho
N Goat: I was waiting for the ivel reply
Gooper Blooper: Ivel's always in the shadows, waiting
Gooper Blooper: with a smooth reply
Gooper Blooper: for his bae


Jumpropeman: "Amazon: Your friend with benefits"
Jumpropeman: spam emails are mixing their approaches
Jumpropeman: do you want to fuck Amazon?
Gooper Blooper: I love you Amazon, but you're not my type in that way
ivel: pff


Gooper Blooper: Small edit to remove Byakuren saying Isotope's name since she wouldn't know it
Jumpropeman: Macehands McGee, help me
Gooper Blooper: Ol' Red-Eye
dork: Mr. Hip Hop
Gooper Blooper: Rooty Tooty Macey Facey
dork: i dry heaved
dork: thanks goops.
Jumpropeman: he does LOOK like an Isotope though
Gooper Blooper: the spitting image
Gooper Blooper: some people look like a Frank, or a George, but this lad
Gooper Blooper: an isotope if there ever was one
Jumpropeman: Molecule is how Isotope looks after a particularly good use of the mace hands
Gooper Blooper: too bad I already used Nightmare for the Inexplicable Robot Romance


(Neptune, upon being given a banana, says "Ooh, banana!")

Jumpropeman: ivel I hope this is how nep said her line
ivel: it is
Gooper Blooper: "Ohhhh, banana!! AHUEUHSUAHSUEUHEUHAUHAHS"
MobileDraco: "Oh my how lewd" says Donkey Kong
Jumpropeman: Oh my how lewd *Mario Kart 64 DK Noises*
MobileDraco: Pffft


Draco: Clownpiece spent the entire plot freaking out.
Jumpropeman: freaking out that she's no longer the biggest fairy?
Draco: Yes, Clownpiece has been defeated. She has surrendered her title to Eternity Larva, who can only be surpassed as biggest fairy by being murdered with an icicle.


Jumpropeman: I guess Grover molted the skin on the left
Gooper Blooper: e v e r y
Gooper Blooper: g a m e


Jumpropeman: I've seen a lot of Godzilla/Mothra ship art since the latest godzilla movie came out so I gotta ask... is there a smooch scene
Gooper Blooper: There is not a smooch scene
Jumpropeman: *tears up movie ticket* gonna need to find something else to do tomorrow then


Jumpropeman: "Because the Football game was split between two cartridges, (one for running, the other for passing & kicking) plus the Odyssey had no save feature, you needed to keep track of your score and positions using the included game and scorecards, as you switched between cartridges on the console."
Jumpropeman: Holy crap
RubyChao: amazing
Draco: That's sad.


Cornwind Evil: "In the Xbox 360 version of Secret Service, shooting the President results in a game over... and unlocks a zero gamerscore achievement entitled 'The Exact Opposite Of Your Job'. "
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
RubyChao: hey goops
Jumpropeman: hello mr president
Jumpropeman: *takes aim*


Jumpropeman: the pokemon direct is tomorrow
Jumpropeman: we will finally see what we're all waiting for: An All Quilladin Only Mode


Cornwind Evil: How much of a tab is Biscotti running up?
perish: you don't wanna know!
Cornwind Evil: Because there's only like 20 grand in that bag...
Jumpropeman: sounds like she needs to buy more money
perish: do you honestly think biscotti could try to drink 20 grand worth of booze
Gooper Blooper: If she bought something grotesquely expensive
Jumpropeman: try? no. Succeed? yes.
Cornwind Evil: No but if she's trying all sorts of drinks, what Gooper said
Cornwind Evil: Who knows what she might buy
perish: she's not going to ask for the "Classy Piano Fairy On A Sunshine Cloud" or anything.
perish: because that would imply she has class.
Jumpropeman: Triple Bossy Beer Deluxe
Cornwind Evil: I wonder 1) What that's made of, and 2) How much is it
perish: it's a glorified zen star, obviously
Gooper Blooper: 80,000 quarter waters
ivel: I believe in Biscotti


perish: next up: battlebots forces me to choose between my bot children


N Goat: "Riotous was a bike now. That’s something that horse can do."
N Goat: Horses are just the bike of the plains.
N Goat: "The bike begins to shift around, Joy’s other weapons coming together to begin to form her superweapon Ravenous,"
N Goat: He's no one trick pony
N Goat: Because he's a horse!
N Goat: Not a pony.
Jumpropeman: :I
Jumpropeman: save it for the Rainbow Dash vote
N Goat: Also because he possesses not only the knowledge but the ability to consistently demonstrate multiple skills
N Goat: It works on multiple levels.
N Goat: "Uhh, don't you mean 'Boo! The Underdome's fights are way better!'" "But they aren't, though. This place is better."
N Goat: It's the Underdome because it's been buried
Cornwind Evil: Technically Riotous becomes more of a hoverbike than a wheeled motorcycle style bike.
N Goat: But is there a recumbent option?
Cornwind Evil: Being a horse is the recumbent option
N Goat: Hm.
N Goat: Fair.
N Goat: "The first officer to find both their hands caught in a pair of metal bracelets would lose this arrest fite"
N Goat: forget about wood
N Goat: and zirconium is right out!
N Goat: "He raises a pistol skyward, this time making sure he brought his Fitestart-inator gun"
N Goat: Is the ref Marvin The Martian or Dr. Doofenshmirtz?
N Goat: "Well, it would be strange if Kotohime prepared to charge at Heavy Gunner and didn’t wouldn’t it?"
N Goat: Don't push your moral proclamations onto me, Narration.


Jumpropeman: my Ingen dinosaur use


N Goat: Oh man
N Goat: Finally saw Chao's Curse reveal
N Goat fans self
Jumpropeman: I can't believe Chao is actually using Don Genie
Gooper Blooper: It all comes back to Don Genie
Gooper Blooper: originally Chao was only going to use the don as a minor antagonist, but as you can see his plans have snowballed to the point that you could use the snowball to build the snowman from Freezeezy Peak
perish: money is power
RubyChao: it's true!
RubyChao: don genie was going to be a one-off opponent who wasn't relevant outside of his plot day
RubyChao: then i thought "hey, michael chain is also from f-zero, what if don genie was paying him"
RubyChao: then i thought "hey, this guy is a robber baron, maybe he's connected to don genie"
RubyChao: and it just cascaded until i threw up my arms and went "okay this guy is the big boss of chao curse stuff and every non-futo chao curse member works for him"
Jumpropeman: even the crites are taking Don Genie's money


Draco: Yohane would've been at auditions today but she was very sleepy after a long day of doing her job, so she stayed home and sat on the couch watching TV with her cat.
N Goat: Did she make a cushion fort?
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco: No.
Draco: She WAS the cushion for her cat.
N Goat: She WAS tired!
N Goat: The cat claims this land
N Goat: in the name of tuna
N Goat: What's the cat's name?
Draco: Dan.
N Goat: Dan the Man Cat
Draco: It's technically something longer and edgier, but Yohane just calls him Dan now.


N Goat: Plot ideas for years from now
Bree: del: fucking read that
Bree: when you have a moment
Bree: the thing sheep linked
Bree: it's beautiful
Bree: every word
Big Bad BeetleDel: holy shit i just read the first post
Big Bad BeetleDel: it's better from here?!
Bree: it's like a whole story
Bree: and it just gets better
RubyChao: bree i just read that
RubyChao: that
RubyChao: that was incredible
RubyChao: thanks sheep
RubyChao: i loved it
N Goat thumbs up
N Goat: Oh, uh, if you're planning to try and scour for other stuff that user's written though
N Goat: Warning, it may be a bit darker
Big Bad BeetleDel: holy shit it got better
Big Bad BeetleDel: holy
Big Bad BeetleDel: FUCK
Big Bad BeetleDel: that story
Big Bad BeetleDel: its SO GOOD
Gooper Blooper: oh jeez Chatzy wasn't updating in the taskbar and I missed posts while reading the anime story
Gooper Blooper: they just
Gooper Blooper: they took that one joke about anime as far as they could possibly fucking go, didn't they
RubyChao: they did
RubyChao: and they made it actually good
dork: they did and they weaved it into a fuckin tapestry
Gooper Blooper: ordinary bobs are heckin cute tho
Gooper Blooper: just sayin
N Goat: Hahah
dork: they can pry my ordinary, brown haired freckled gals from my cold, dead hands
dork: i forgot what a bob was
dork: i am here to remind myself
dork: bobs are cute


N Goat: "The big man, Tiny,"
N Goat: Well done.
N Goat: "The small man, Big, was the brains of the team"
N Goat: Yes.


(Meiling teases Caprice for choosing to ride in a cop car instead of riding her in dragon form)

Gooper Blooper: Clearly Meiling just carries the car to California
Bree: but that would require her to take back the sick burn she just dealt caprice
Bree: I don't know what I'll do when I retire meiling someday
Bree: I'll have to invent a new character to embarrass their more serious friends
Jumpropeman: Meiling Jr.
Jumpropeman: Half hologram, half dragon
Jumpropeman: all raunchiness


Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Jumpropeman: Mamma mia
N Goat: Blasto just shoots them all dead.
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Jumpropeman: Niftu straight up rolled two 21s
Jumpropeman: he is a god
Jumpropeman: *prepares for a 1 next round*


Jumpropeman: imagine being a plain old mafioso goon and then one day, while in a car chase, you see a freaking hot air balloon descend down to follow you
Jumpropeman: that somehow feels stranger than looking back to a see a dragon with an alien dangling from it
Hooded Pitohui: I'd been spending a lot of time trying to figure out what Tressa and Cyrus could ride in that would go fast and fit their aesthetic and when I had the mental image of them just speeding along in a magic-powered hot-air balloon I knew it was all at once too simply effective and too striking an image to pass up


Jumpropeman: has anyone else played Mach Rider
dork: not i
Gooper Blooper: nope :V
Gooper Blooper: This is not the only Curse member I have no personal experience with - Frost and Valentine are also in that category
Jumpropeman: I figured Valentine was a "cool design" pull rather than personal experience :V
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, Curse is good for that
Gooper Blooper: lets me mess around with characters I normally wouldn't go for
Jumpropeman: don't worry, Mach Rider is not available on Nintendo Switch Online, but they'll probably put it on there in like December!
Gooper Blooper: gotta slowwwwwwwwly roll out them classics
Gooper Blooper: when's urban champion
Jumpropeman: I am shocked they haven't trotted out that abysmal experience


Cornwind Evil: I didn't realize until today that Nibdebrand's partner was DeMonde and not Zeldoten
Gooper Blooper: It was Zeldoten every other time
Cornwind Evil: ....Gooper you are not allowed to use that for a CM title
Draco: Don't give yourself TOO much credit, Cornwind. ;V
Gooper Blooper: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


RubyChao: >hoodoo comes out of fucking nowhere again
RubyChao: tell him to come back in ten days
RubyChao: see if we can finally make it happen
Draco: lel
Jumpropeman: don't make me dream, chao
dork: hoodoo arrives... too soon, yet too late
Jumpropeman: I got BK and DMG last year and even surprise return Hanz, I was happy to settle for that!
RubyChao: this is our best chance to tell him to come back at brawl time
Jumpropeman: well, DMG wasn't last year
RubyChao: i know it won't happen but
RubyChao: we can try!!
N Goat: The Hoodoo Driveby is becoming a tradition
Bree: hoodoo is that guy that stumbles into the party after everyone's already left, with a lampshade on his head and a brewski in each hand, shouting "WHO'S READY TO PARTY???"... and the only person there to hear him is the janitor sweeping up the confetti
RubyChao: that is accurate, bree


Draco: Braks are for sissies.
Draco: *Brakes
Gooper Blooper: "Braks are for sissies," Moltar insists
Cornwind Evil: Last I checked Brak got his own show and you didn't
Draco: https://youtube.com/watch?v=POMBlDx2YY0
Jumpropeman: what a great video about Ben 10 Slammers!


Jumpropeman: I'm sorry chao
Jumpropeman: but every time I read Big on this plot
Jumpropeman: I keep thinking of the cat
RubyChao: i can't lame you, jrm
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: i can't blame you
RubyChao: ut i can't disable your leg either
Jumpropeman: Blasto could lame me though
Draco: He already has. You used to be cool. BI


Bree: voyd continues to be a cinnamon roll
Bree: she's offering to help with the station but I am trying to think of ways she could do that right now :V
Jumpropeman: It doesn't need to be anything concrete, we can always have it come up later what work Jenny found for her
Jumpropeman: spam email advertising campaign
Jumpropeman: she could be a warm body in the seat to play music during odd hours
Bree: well the thing is, the broadcasting equipment is currently at jenny's house
Bree: because she couldn't afford rent for a place to live AND a place to run her business, so they're the same place right now :V
Bree: so it would require voyd to be at her house at odd hours
Bree: ...which isn't necessarily something she'd object to, but at the same time I can't imagine her being like "hey we just met but you can visit my house at 3 AM"
Bree: it's not actually a house, I'm not sure what to call it
Bree: a hole in the wall?
Jumpropeman: voyd would definitely be down for it too but also realize the social borders she should acknowledge
Bree: which is also why she doesn't want to just invite voyd over to see the dump she lives in :V
Jumpropeman: Jenny could live in a box and Voyd would just be overjoyed for the invite :V
Bree: I don't know her sexual orientation but voyd is absolutely a disaster whateversexual
Bree: she's such a nervous mess and so desperate to just...be liked by anybody, ever
Bree: it's relatable XD
Bree: sheep really hit the nail on the head when he said (I think it was him?) "voyd is like if you took my anxiety voice and wrapped it in spandex"


N Goat: "Over here we have one opponent, and over there we have another,”
N Goat: Well done, Marvin.
N Goat: I'm curious how many times at this point we've made JRM write wrestling.


Big Bad BeetleDel: i should have a little baba event at somepoint
Big Bad BeetleDel: solve one of the early game puzzles
Big Bad BeetleDel: or something
RubyChao: i'd be down for a silly baba event
Big Bad BeetleDel: BABA has PLOT
Bree: dude fuck yes that sounds great
MobileDraco: BABA IS CURSE
Big Bad BeetleDel: Baba
Rank: Baba
Codename: Baba


Cornwind Evil: "Oh hey, Battlebots is on" Reminds me of how when HBO started, for some reason it would run the film The Beastmaster over and over
Cornwind Evil: Apparently it was a thing, as TBS also ran it over and over.
Cornwind Evil: So TBS got the nickname of "The Beastmaster Station"
Cornwind Evil: And to some, HBO was known as "Hey, Beastmaster's On."
Bree: heh
Cornwind Evil: I will note that Beastmaster 2 is one of the first films that I saw a 4th wall break in
Cornwind Evil: The plot has the hero and villain thrown into our world in modern times
Cornwind Evil: So there's this scene where the main character is being driven around L.A trying to adapt
Cornwind Evil: And he drives past a movie theater playing...the very same movie he's in.
Cornwind Evil: He double takes in confusion


RubyChao: i don't plan to make a full blogpost for funky plot so instead
RubyChao: ask me anything now that it is done!
Bree: how much did you cringe at those character designs from the show
Bree: be honest
RubyChao: i actually went and dug around until i found the 4kids dub of the show to see if they had done any edits to tone the designs down
RubyChao: they hadn't.
Gooper Blooper: XD
Gooper Blooper: At least fix the lips on Dobbs you fuckers
Gooper Blooper: cmon now
Draco: Never.
RubyChao: and it's 4kids!
RubyChao: they edited that kind of thing all the time!
Bree: maybe it was just the angle but when I saw that picture of parker and walker one of them looked like he just had a whole section of his head removed
RubyChao: how is this the one show they left visually untouched?
Bree: like where did they put his brain??? his head is like L-shaped


 N Goat: Just imagining Meiling in like some TV Talk Show host cardigan designer glasses dealie as she glides across the bar in a plush chair and a couch scoops up Voyd
Jumpropeman: Good Sex with Dr. Meiling
N Goat: "Welcome to Gay of Thrones."
N Goat: "I'm the dragon."
Draco: Then Meiling is drowning in dragon maids.


N Goat: "Hello, new friends! You are not secretly being Neeko, are you?"
N Goat checks
N Goat: I don't think so.
N Goat: "Such are the chains of an idol's life..."
N Goat: These are the chains I forged in life
N Goat: I made them kawaii by desu and nyan by gao
N Goat: Well
N Goat: time to burn another keyboard.
N Goat: "but the purple-edged leaves end in tendrils that swell into fleshy, gourd-like pods, about the size of a quarter water bottle"
N Goat: This is how thoroughly embedded quarter water has become into the forum
N Goat: It is now a form of measurement.
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: yep


N Goat: I just want you all to know
N Goat: The Rocky Mountain High Cheeseburger Delight
N Goat: a CBD infused food item
N Goat: a promotional 4/20 item
N Goat: offered to you
N Goat: yes you
N Goat: by Carls Jr.
N Goat: existed
N Goat: This freaking weed hamburger was available as early 6:30 am
N Goat: Which is the weirdest part ot me for some reason
Gooper Blooper: so we need to start selling the weedburger in RP, is what you're saying
N Goat: :I
N Goat: "We enjoy being at the center of our customers' happiest memories" You need to slow your roll the heck down, weedburger press release


Gooper Blooper: Harpy care package arrived today
Draco: Knock-off Rex
Gooper Blooper: Not knock-off! Lost World!
Gooper Blooper: It's based on the coloring of the bull rex from that movie
Draco: Oh, wow.
iKomodo: I love how the green rex is giving this deadpan stare to the blue dino
iKomodo: as if to say “you kiddin me with this shit?”
Gooper Blooper: Rex is Not Impressed
Jumpropeman: "you always do this at picture time"
Jumpropeman: "cant we have one nice family picture"
dork: Ä


RubyChao: the duality of man
Gooper Blooper: kek
Draco: You don't need more images than that.
dork: nooo...
Delbly: Orang jus


Delbly: I'm ready for a new banjo kazooie game
Delbly: I'm so excited
Delbly: It's gonna happen guys
Delbly is skeleton
Jumpropeman: Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge HD
hypevel: I can't wait for the Medieval remake
Draco: Oh?! New Banjo-Kazooie? :D
Gooper Blooper: Banjo-Pilot 2
Jumpropeman: ...actually, taking Grunty's Revenge and doing a full 3D style remake isn't the worst idea
Jumpropeman: and you could pass it onto someone besides Rare
Jumpropeman: like those guys who did the Xbox Banjo remakes
Jumpropeman: 4J Studios
Delbly weeps
Gooper Blooper: it's the game everyone was waiting for!!
Delbly: Diddy Kong Racing 2
Gooper Blooper: It's Mr. Pants 2
Jumpropeman: Snake, Rattle, and Roll Some More
Jumpropeman: Digger T. Rock Returns


N Goat: Probably.
Jumpropeman: I feel like I'm really going to love this raccoon in battle
N Goat: Super authentic to real life animal brutality here
Gooper Blooper: For more information on how a raccoon fights, please consult Incredibles 2
Jumpropeman: too much Incredibles 2 in RP
Gooper Blooper: when's underminer
Jumpropeman: where's the love for Incredibles: Jack Jack Attack?


hypevel: asked Abra if she's a silly dog
hypevel: she stuck her tongue out at me


RubyChao: for waluigi
Waluigi wipes a tear away before his mustache falls off.


N Goat: I should have had BK pick up the dropped bread in his last post.
N Goat: I have failed
N Goat: I have failed this loaf.
N Goat falls on his bread


RubyChao: my recommendation, by the way
RubyChao: once is fine, twice is okay, three escapes would be pushing it
RubyChao: so only bust out wild dog when you're ready to write him off
Jumpropeman: rule of threes
RubyChao: i'm not even sure how many times black shadow actually got away :V
RubyChao: at least two
RubyChao: and his car did it once
RubyChao: so...
RubyChao: shit.
Gooper Blooper: fun fact: I almost had a villain get away three times last year
Gooper Blooper: You know how Masher appeared in Sonic Mania plot before resurfacing as a Curse member?
Gooper Blooper: He was also going to return for Samhain Plot among the B-movie monsters and do the exploding sifter trick again
Gooper Blooper: Then pop up yet again for Pokemon Plot as a Team Plasma security guard
RubyChao: ahaahahahaahaha
Gooper Blooper: and the running thing would be "who the hell is this guy and why does he keep showing up in completely different groups of villains"
Gooper Blooper: then it's revealed in November that it's because he's a bounty hunter
RubyChao: i honestly woulda been okay with that
Gooper Blooper: Unfortunately I wound up scheduling him for plots that were exceedingly crowded already and simply forgot to bring him back


Jumpropeman: "So there's a T Rex loose in the Undercity now." Pssht, so what? There's one loose in the overcity and he just eats cookies
Gooper Blooper: the female of the species seems more dangerous than the male
Jumpropeman: XD


RubyChao: sheep
N Goat: me
RubyChao: i'm sure the Enormous Vault of Sheepchars
RubyChao: has a couple more to brawl with
N Goat: It's all raccoons now
Jumpropeman: Nemu Statue for BBB9
Jumpropeman: haha just kidding WHERE'S WREXER SHEEP
N Goat: Okay okay
N Goat: what about
N Goat: TWO
N Goat: raccoons in a trenchcoat
N Goat: eh?
N Goat: Just as good
Jumpropeman: that's pretty funny haha BUT WHERE'S WREXER SHEEP
N Goat deflects


Jumpropeman: somehow, not a bootleg
N Goat: That is a shock


RubyChao: https://youtube.com/watch?v=iXuc7SAyk2s
e3vel: pfffff
dork: is this going to happen on SLOW WEATHER JAMZ


Jumpropeman: I did a Talk to Transformer: "Voyd had finally worked up the courage to admit she was in love with Steve Wozniak. On the night that she found him, in his room at the Apple Computer Company in Sunnyvale, California, she found him reading a copy of "The Little Prince" as he watched The Simpsons. It was in the episode that she met him as both a student and partner in the company." Time to make this canon
Gooper Blooper: kek
Bree: wait, so is voyd actually in love with someone :V
dork: ha
dork: haw
Gooper Blooper: http://tohno-chan.com/9/src/132344899126.jpg
Jumpropeman: don't call me a moron, I'm super astute
Jumpropeman: my IQ is the infinite space from here to the moon
Bree: jrm dodged my question :V
Jumpropeman: love is a strong word, so she's not THAT far yet
Jumpropeman: "Miyu and Fay refused to believe it when Decima revealed that she is not a witch. Instead, she tells him that she is the reincarnation of a dead girl whom she murdered.
In the anime version of this same scene, the trio is told by Fay why they should believe the girl is not a witch. It turns out that she is not only the same girl, but a witch in disguise.
The anime's only episode during which all 3 girls appear is "In the House of Death". Their first appearance as a group is during one of their fight scenes with the Death Knights at the final battle. In this scene, Kyoko was shown in a full wig and a robe, the clothes Kyoko wore in the show. In her flashback sequence, Kyoko and Fay appear nude while wearing high heels."

Bree: I like that talk to transformer just tossed miyu to the curb
Bree: she's no longer important to this story after the first sentence
Jumpropeman: Kyoko is the new hotness
Gooper Blooper: I can't believe CW brought back Kyoko for this
Cornwind Evil has forgotten if he ever RP'd a Kyoko.
RubyChao: kirigiri?
Jumpropeman: "Jason-3's creator was finally revealed, and to the shock of everyone, it was...Jax.
Now, there is no denying the fact that Jax was a powerful character, which in the context of Danganronpa is a positive for a franchise that has only ever had one true protagonist. But there was something strange about them.
Jax had a very simple story-line, and it was to put them on a mission together. There was a lot of filler that didn't fit in with the rest of the story and it didn't really feel "important". But why? And what did he intend to do with them? And to put them on the same mission, why didn't the characters make their own way to the school?
Jax doesn't care. His goal is to get everyone back to Tokyo to stop the Danganronpa. There were no consequences as long as all of them are there together."

Jumpropeman: speaking of dangan
Gooper Blooper: Kirigiri, yes
Gooper Blooper: I had to check forum search to make sure there was an RP character named Kyoko and there was :V
Cornwind Evil: Ah. I mainly remember her LAST name
N Goat: "franchise with only one protagonist"
Gooper Blooper: me too, hence the above
Bree: did you put in something about dangan before this, jrm
Bree: because if not talk to transformer just pulling that outta nowhere would be spoopy
Jumpropeman: nope
Jumpropeman: just been putting in my characters
Bree: so it just randomly started talking about danganronpa?
Jumpropeman: "The real Elliott was in fact not on Olympia, but in the basement of the Wrigley Theater where he performed as DJ Bleep at one point in time. His career did not take off after he began performing in the underground clubs, which gave rise to some of the greatest names in hip-hop, including Young Wiggity Killa, Big Poppa Bear, and DJ Z-Bo. It is hard to overestimate the impact Elliott's early career had on other artists in and outside of hip-hop, starting with Ice Cube being in his class from the very beginning. There were artists like Jay-Z, MF Doom, Biggie Smalls, Eazy-E, and MC Hammer, to name but a few."
Jumpropeman: yup
dork: DJ Bleep.
dork: my god.
Jumpropeman: he had a more vulgar name before
Jumpropeman: but it had to be bleeped :V
Jumpropeman: "My final entrant into Big Bar Brawl 9 will be none other than Big Bar, a small-scale arcade.
"This was one of our first big events and it has been absolutely fantastic. People have been asking for it to come back ever since," said Chris, Big Bar's operator."

Jumpropeman: finally
Jumpropeman: Big Bar enters the Brawl
Gooper Blooper: >Big Bar
>small scale
dork: draco confirmed the true operator of the BBB
Jumpropeman: both parts of the name are ironic. It's not big and it's not a bar
Jumpropeman: "Eternity wants Cirno to kill her because she was supposed to take over a company that was trying to get them into space (they were a small space program). She's not that kind of person, that's for sure. So I think, yeah, the thing that really drew me was it's a pretty big twist." He continued, "As soon as Cirno was on camera, I knew this is going to change the course of the game. I like that Cirno's actually going to kill Cirno. She's going to kill herself and take over the whole thing, and she's going to kill all of the people around her, and, yeah, so it's a fun, scary twist. I like that they pulled this one off so well and it was really clever. They really managed to do this.""
dork: uh
dork: this sure took a dark turn!
Jumpropeman: Cirno has been the real threat this whole time
Bree: cirnopocalypse
Jumpropeman: "Finally, Shimmer and Nova meet, and Shimmer can't help but immediately mention who she just met. Shimmer can't help but think about what is now happening, how she's been feeling for the past 3 days that just went by.
So Nova says what she said and Shimmer asks what's her name. Nova says her name is Nova Shimmer. Shimmer thinks for a moment before saying her name. She sees that Shimmer is wearing a black dress, and asks who is that. Shimmer says her name is Shimmer. Nova turns back to the mirror and she says she wants to say some nice things to people."

Jumpropeman: the second paragraph hurts my brain
N Goat blinking
Jumpropeman: it's like a Fibonacci sequence but with words
Bree: sheep, this is a neural net/self-learning AI that writes stories from prompts
Bree: hence the incoherence
Bree: sometimes it no work :V
Cornwind Evil: It's like a Darren Aronofsky film.
Gooper Blooper: She's Shimmer, she's Shimmer, SHE'S Shimmer... I'M SHIMMER! Are there any other Shimmers I should know about?!
dork: do i need to do this for a laugh
Jumpropeman: do it harp
dork: hrm
Cornwind Evil: I AM SHIMMERCUS
dork: ...
Gooper Blooper: good to see JRM has found entertainment in TTT
Jumpropeman: yeah, I think it just took thinking up better prompts
dork: "Listen... from all my time in the force, there's one thing you should know," Selena said as she looked down at the wide-eyed recruits staring back at her. "I love you."
* * *
Caitlin wasn't sure what a "love" was but she knew it was something, at least.
In short, they all knew they might be the most important person in the world to her.
"Let me guess," he said finally. "You didn't want to go on the date, did you?"
She bit into the meaty chunk of meat she'd cooked earlier.
"Yes, I did."
It wasn't like the two of them had ever actually held hands but their mutual interest and mutual understanding was palpable. It made sense. The girl in question had just moved back to her hometown, moving far behind them, and the guy had never made her feel welcome or comfortable, even outside of his strict, religious household.
"Well, how about you sit your ass down and show off your big boobs?" Selina said, pushing her back into her chair at the table. "Tell me a story."
Caitlin didn't say anything. She just let the blonde take the lead, knowing it would make her look like a complete dork."

Gooper Blooper: You have to learn to adapt to TTT a bit
dork: should have just left it at "I love you"
dork: just... MOM ACTIVATED.
Jumpropeman: XD the random big boobs part
dork: wait
dork: hold on
dork: did they just typo Selena's name
Gooper Blooper: they do that sometimes
e3vel: they meant Catwoman
Jumpropeman: someone give that big boobs line to meiling
Jumpropeman: she needs it
Bree: meiling would never say something so rude on a first date
dork: -me
dork: also my new char caitlin has massive tiddies.
dork: wow.
dork: okay.
dork: i have no objections.
dork: ivel's doing non RP related ones for laughs
Jumpropeman: I just put ""Well, how about you sit your ass down and show off your big boobs?"" through TTT
Jumpropeman: and wow can it write porn
dork: ...
dork: pastebin
dork: now
N Goat: Harpy, why
Bree: I'm morbidly curious myself
dork: because i'm an idiot.
Jumpropeman: it gets very blue
e3vel: da ba dee da ba die?
dork: ...i have no idea what the heck that means in the context of lewd
Jumpropeman: dirty, vulgar
dork: oh well
dork: uh
dork: :V
e3vel: so about that pastebin
Bree: I said I wanted to read it and I do, I've read worse :V
Bree: why do you have to force me to say that outright in front of everybody in chat
Bree: we meant what we said the first time
e3vel: I typed in the start of All Star and it became baseball
dork: ...i'm not posting this one
Jumpropeman: alrighty
Jumpropeman: here it is: the lurid harry potter threesome it became
Jumpropeman: where a bra is removed like seven times
dork: "I diagnose you," said Renais as she pointed towards Diadem in a dramatic fashion, "with POTATO!" 不过也是除了主治基确在,就只不仅被划被的除了? "I'm pretty sure you aren't the only idiot from this place that made this mistake. How many times did you tell the guards we would be coming? Why did they give you the impression you didn't understand basic manners." POTATO看到了主治基确的,但是太就尽过让那个治基确中知道的情况。 "...Sirius, when did you start being so rude?" "Oh, it's nothing." Sirius shrugged casually as he looked away the two young women who were suddenly shouting, "Sirius, don't go and threaten me. This isn't about Sirius." 七了我的模样只是很难了的、和但好满那么做出"
dork: nevermind, ivel said i had to share it
dork: lets ignore all that other english and focus on the fact that there's random chinese in here
Bree: it's just as incoherent but also super lewd, this is hilarious
e3vel: Japanese
Gooper Blooper: What, don't YOU wear five bras?
dork: "POTATO I saw that the inscription was correct, but I did it too much to let the rule know."
Gooper Blooper: I thought that was normal!
dork: uh
Bree: "In February, OpenAI unveiled a language model called GPT-2 that generates coherent paragraphs of text one word at a time. For now OpenAI has decided only to release small and medium-sized versions of it which aren't as coherent but still produce interesting results."
Bree: this may explain why TTT is so incoherent
Bree: it's not the full thing
Jumpropeman: I keep rerolling this boob line
dork: oh welp
Jumpropeman: and for some reason breasts keep falling to the floor with giant thuds and bangs
Bree: the site has the medium-sized version which has 345 million parameters
Bree: that is a lot of code
e3vel: TTT means one thing to me, and that's Trouble in Terrorist Town, a GMod gamemode
Jumpropeman: these bras are doing us a service
e3vel: thanks Yogscast
Gooper Blooper: No wonder they need so many bras
e3vel: and other people I saw play GMod :U
Gooper Blooper: great huge tracts of land
Jumpropeman: https://pastebin.com/dUCxB4UW
dork: "What, you don't wear five bras?"
"I thought you said I only wear three, huh?" she says, then waves off her previous statement.
I tell her I'd be more comfortable wearing four.
"That's more comfortable, but, still," she says, "I like five because you're always there. I didn't want you to be alone."
"Oh come on," I say, shaking my head. "That's so stupid, your sister would never ask, she would love you, would always welcome you home or something. And you have to spend time with your sister, you know that."
"You said you were not comfortable," she says, her eyes now brightening as she looks me in the eyes again.
"You're okay, babe," I ask. "I'm glad, I think…"
We smile again as we make our way from the kitchen to the living area. I close the door behind us, and the two of us begin to walk towards the car, pulling the curtains shut behind us before closing them again as well. We get into the car, and slowly put my legs back into the driver's seat, and her legs into an uncomfortable t-shirt with her dress.

Bree: wat
dork: same.
Jumpropeman: "Hey, are you saying your big tits are actually going to be big?" my eyes immediately fell to the front of my tits, which had completely disappeared under my jeans." is a good line from that pastebin
dork: "i'm about as horny as a six year old butt."
dork: i'm
dork: i'm sorry what
e3vel: that's some sag
Waluigi joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi waluigi
dork: ...ivel if you're about ot fucking unleash bee movie stuff i recommend you cease
dork: i see it, from the corner of my eye
Bree: can you imagine being brine and walking in to the middle of this conversation
RubyChao: hi wa
Jumpropeman: holy crap the TTT is turning people into contortionists, it has no clue what human anatomy is
Jumpropeman: lewdpaste 3
Waluigi: Hey guys, what-
dork: i mean
Cornwind Evil: It reminds me of the final boss of Onimusha, the demon lord Fortinbras.
Cornwind Evil: And he draws out his name, so it sounds like his name is actually "Four tin bras."
e3vel: hi wa :U
Bree: that lewdpaste wasn't contortionist anatomy it was non-euclidean
Bree: chatzy madness vol whatever: brine regrets everything
Waluigi: Sometimes you come in to pictures of pets, sometimes it's a word..generator...thing talking about four to five bras.
Jumpropeman: "Waluigi entered the chat and saw something he could never unsee, a picture of Mario on the ground.
The picture looked just like what's shown at GameFAQs but it wasn't Mario. It was what looked like Luigi. And he got his hands on the picture and looked at it.
"The Luigi picture! It's from the SNES GameCube Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga! Here, have a look, Mario!" he asked the woman seated next to him, who was smiling at and smiling in delight. The two were playing Pokemon: Alola and Pokemon: Dream Land on his Nintendo Power GameCube.
The old man sat up in a chair and took a picture of the picture. That was pretty much all that needed to be said to this moment.
When Mario and Luigi met in the first Pokemon game, the two met in a battle against three Pokemon known as Groudon, Salamence, and Crobat. The battle ended with each of them having his/her turn to attack, and the first one to do so, Crobat, turned itself into a Poke Ball. Mario and Luigi were both shown holding Poke Balls and, before this happened, a wild Groudon-Groudon battle was shown. They then faced off in a wild Groudon-Groudon battles against each other as well"

Jumpropeman: there's a lot of great stuff here, but the old man is my favorite part
dork: are you traumatized yet, waluigi
Bree: "have a look, mario!" he asked the woman
e3vel: I like how my attempt to put the Bee Movie script into TTT just broke it
e3vel: it doesn't know what to generate
Waluigi: Mario's Groudon will win because Luigi BLOWS
e3vel: Luigi blows... the competition away!
Gooper Blooper: It managed to name several actual Pokemon! Strange obsession with Groudon though
dork: Groudon is the best!
dork: *toad voice*
Bree: it also named an actual pokemon region (alola)
Waluigi shakes his fist at Ivel and makes choked sounds of outrage
N Goat: The old man got a laugh
Gooper Blooper: and here is groudon's photograph


Jumpropeman: "desired pain level"
Gooper Blooper: well, y'know
Gooper Blooper: not gonna judge
Draco: Thought you were talking about hot sauce for a moment.
Draco: Vina likes her Pain Level at 5
dork: welp
dork: this is what happens when i leave you guys for two seconds
dork: god forbid what will happen if i abandon all of you for 8!
Jumpropeman: that's when the lewd pastebins return