Monday, May 20, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 337: Kobbers Should Do More Weed

Chatzy Madness’ Greatest Foe: It's 2 am who wants delirious Aiko posts
Chatzy Madness’ Greatest Foe: She's filling herself with blood
Chatzy Madness’ Greatest Foe: So it'll sync up great


All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Aiko has a bad origin story
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: It makes her sad
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: I dunno
Bree: del go to bed


RubyChao: part of why i wanted to throw Hibiki at Dana
RubyChao: is because they are two of that rare-in-zfrp-thing:
RubyChao: jocks :V
harp: don't leave selena out...
harp: ;;
RubyChao: i said two, not the only two
Jumpropeman: shimmer's still looking for another prep
harp: oh welp
harp: i'm sorry, i'm not ready for
harp: prepRP
Jumpropeman: oh my GOSH Harpy, you can't just say that! UGH
harp: like, duuuude, like... is ANYONE ready for such FAB?


RubyChao: so JRM
RubyChao: i decided to boot up Tropico 4
RubyChao: and i wanted to ask
RubyChao: how's my Ignazio
Jumpropeman: that suit's gonna get dirty :V
Jumpropeman: but it's good to see him alive
RubyChao: i gave him a green suit after i found one
RubyChao: i feel i figured out a good set of traits tho
Jumpropeman: yeah, those are pretty good


Waluigi: Seaport.
Waluigi: *Srspost
Waluigi: Gosh.
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Yeesh


Gooper Blooper: >Brine attempted to say "srspost" and wrote "Seaport"
Gooper Blooper: I'm proud of myself
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Lmao


Jumpropeman: the switch is a loaf of bread
harp: Cursed.
iKomodo: D:


ms. keeps closing chrome: ivel just
ms. keeps closing chrome: robbed me of my fanta
Gooper Blooper: the fiend
ivel: it's the last one in existence
Gooper Blooper sics patty wagon on Ivel
ivel: it needs to be protected
Gooper Blooper: the last fanta is in captivity
Gooper Blooper: the fridge is at peace
ms. keeps closing chrome: I just made that joke too
ms. keeps closing chrome: well, before he robbed me of my fanta
ms. keeps closing chrome: oh yeah, i need to get up kinda early tomorrow morning, work on my mother's day gift
ms. keeps closing chrome: its a ceramic mug i can paint!
Jumpropeman: *patty kicks away the fanta*
Jumpropeman: YOU'RE SAFE
ms. keeps closing chrome: it will not be a good painting but its a prolkasdfjgj]
Gooper Blooper: XD
ms. keeps closing chrome: if you keep that up the plot will never end
ms. keeps closing chrome: because i'll be DEAD
ivel: what's a prolkasdfjgj
Gooper Blooper: she's already critically wounded from me RPing as meme man
ms. keeps closing chrome: its a prolapse of words.
Gooper Blooper: she cannae take much more cap'n
ms. keeps closing chrome: ivel almost attempted
ms. keeps closing chrome: to kick the fanta
ms. keeps closing chrome: while yelling "YOU'RE SAFE"
ivel: I would kill my foot if I did that
ivel: worth it? Maybe
ms. keeps closing chrome: i would have been a casualty and i would have to actually call patty wagon to arrest this man
Jumpropeman: Mighty Switch Force 3: Ambulance Patty


N Goat: "Oh, name's Scooter, by the way, but you can call me Scooter! All my friends call me that."
N Goat squinting


Jumpropeman: i still know nothing about Sword Art Online
Jumpropeman: but watching the Pitohui videos that were linked
Jumpropeman: I do like the digital standin for gore that was used
Jumpropeman: that was a nifty visual effect
N Goat: Hold onto that ignorance, JRM
N Goat: clutch it tightly
N Goat: cherish it.
N Goat: these are the chains i forged in life
N Goat: i made them link by link
N Goat: and yard by yard
N Goat OoOoOoOoOoOoOo
N Goat: What is that voice
RubyChao: so
RubyChao: sheep
RubyChao: Black Clover or SAO
RubyChao: if you had to rank one above the other
RubyChao: which would it be
N Goat: Black Clover.
N Goat: No hesitation. I'd endure a thousand commoners and a million wizard kings and do so happily if it took a double slot over SWO
N Goat: Meanwhile: It's the mandated Adult Swim music video break
RubyChao: probably because at least Things Happen in black clover and they have something of an interesting fighting system
RubyChao: rather than swo
N Goat: I just
N Goat: I don't mean to end up just dumping buckets of complaints on SWO every week.
N Goat: I keep coming in and wanting to see what points people connect to with it
N Goat: and things end up devolving from there


N Goat: This is easily the most stupid episode of Black Clover I've seen.
N Goat: Suddenly, King of Thorn
N Goat: "Wow, that sure turned out to be a whole lotta nothing, didn't it?"-an actual line IN THE EPISODE
N Goat: fvnjfdjklfvjklfv
N Goat: vc klfiojrhuif


N Goat: "I can serve you a totally raw steak, but you have to sign a waiver acknowledging that you've ordered a raw steak and could get sick."
N Goat: And you'd hunt that thing down through a full bar after knocking back a cup of hot drugs!
Draco: I mean, you still can, Sheep, as long as it isn't served raw.
N Goat: Pretty sure a live weasel is raw!
N Goat: the cocaine was probably not
N Goat: you know ZF was cutting it with crayfish shells or something
Draco: ZF Corps cuts their cocaine with panda leather knives made of solid money in a candy osmium shell.


ivel: been watching vids on Magic cards that are "what the fuck"
ivel: it's been... enlightening
ivel: there are cards that say "You can't lose and your opponent can't win"
ivel: there's also a card that says "You can't win and your opponent can't lose"
ivel: but yes, I said cards. Plural
Waluigi slithers nearby
ivel: hi :U
Jumpropeman: *places cinnamon near the waluigi*
Waluigi: Platinum Angel and Abyssal Persecutor?
ivel: yes
dork: brine located
ivel: I knew brine would know immediately
Waluigi: I like alt-wincons and sudden death stuff a lot. I tried so, so hard to get this card to be useful back in the day.
ivel: what about Shaharazad
ivel: and yes, Transcendence was in the list
Draco: That seems like an odd card, Brine.
Waluigi: I've never tried Shaharazad, I kind of forgot about it. But that does look fun...
Waluigi: Waifu
ivel: it mentioned Phage too
Jumpropeman: and like all waifus
Jumpropeman: she's untouchable
ivel: it also mentioned some that have a book length of rulings to read through
ivel: I forgot what they were
ivel: but that's impressive
ivel: Fraternal Exaltation?
ivel: this is from a joke set isn't it Brine
ivel: if so that shouldn't count :U
Waluigi: Did they mention Final Fortune/Glorious End? I love those, they're the most Red cards I've seen.
ivel: yes they did brine
ivel: for reference
ivel: "Take an extra turn after this one. At the beginning of that turn's end step, you lose the game."
ivel: that's what the effect of what Brine mentioned is
ivel: the first one that is
Waluigi: Glorious End is even better.
ivel: the second one, Glorious end, is even worse :U
ivel: of course Brine said better, lel
Waluigi: It combos with reanimating Phage
Waluigi: The first Final Fortune had reminder text that was (You don't lose if you've already won) which is just perfect flavor. You either win gloriously or lose like a chump, it's all or nothing!
ivel: I love that they had to have that reminder
dork: oh shit, ivel's playing megadimension
dork: on a console that can actually fucking handle it
Draco: What a hero! :V
dork: 'but i played it before!"
dork: >all this fuxxin dlc
dork: hi its girl adell
dork: "your name is hard to pronounce!"
dork: its
Waluigi: It's not a win/lose, except when everyone turns on you for playing it, but I really like this too.
RubyChao: sure it is brine
RubyChao: it's a lose friendships
ivel: >Neptune's HP is 666
Gooper Blooper: oh god
Gooper Blooper: she was deflecting
ivel: "Are you sure your name is NEPTUNE I'm pretty sure it's actually SATAAAAAAN"
ivel: lel Goops
Gooper Blooper: she was satan the whole time
Bree: look at that gigantic list of rulings for that card
Bree: shit's complicated
dork: i just looked over my shoulder as i'm heating my fuckin bagel bites
dork: and i see that
dork: and make the joke
dork: this just makes it sound like you need to play it when there's three players :V
Waluigi: ^^^
Waluigi: For 1v1 all day
dork: nep actually wants to fight final boss material
dork: "this is not tournament legal."
ivel: "Our opponent is bigger than a skyscraper? Bring it on!"
ivel: Nep is actually a Kobber
ivel: all along
dork: NEP JR
Jumpropeman: of course she is ivel
Jumpropeman: once you use her
ivel: "It's useless to try and stop me. I staunchly refuse to listen to people all the time. I do what I want, and I want to help!"
ivel: Kobber.
dork: look if you don't, i will as divine intervention
dork: i'll take my reject back :I
Waluigi: link
dork: chaos, chaos
Bree: 1/19/2018 » If the person in control doesn’t know anything about Magic, it’s okay to get someone who isn’t you or the controlled player to advise them. Failing that, advising them to just say “go” is okay.
1/19/2018 » If the person you’ve enlisted to control your opponent wanders off or refuses to do anything, assume the controlled player did nothing during their turn and end the turn.
1/19/2018 » You can choose any player not currently in your game. This includes people who used to be in your game but left it.
1/19/2018 » It doesn’t have to be someone who plays Magic. This may be fun.

Bree: rulings on the above card :V
Bree: a ruling on the previous one: "You could gain control of yourself using Mindslaver, but gaining control of yourself doesn’t really do anything."
Bree: but if you would like to do it, you can!
Waluigi: I think Red has the most cards that probably end games and destroy friendships.
ivel: welp


dork: can't type, bagel bites


Jumpropeman: almost had Eternity debut as a late arrival to train plot
Jumpropeman: She wouldn't have fought at all, she's just stay in her seat and tear pages slowly out of her magazine
Bree: eternity has a great character design and I'm not sure if I'm mad or not that you're making her be like this :V


dork: just a warning
dork: i have no idea what i'm doing with Fairy Queen
Cornwind Evil: It's all right Harpy, I've had no idea what I've been doing for the last 20 years
ivel: same
dork: i mean, you have a better idea of what you're doing than what i'm doing in any given moment
Bree: he does not
Bree: listen to the experts


Cornwind Evil: Okay Gooper, you need to draw a pastiche of the Cuphead victory screen ranking the fight
dork: why would you make him suffer like this
Cornwind Evil: It doesn't seem like it would be THAT hard....
RubyChao: clearly you can commission it from him, corn
Cornwind Evil: I MAY JUST
Gooper Blooper: link
dork: welp
Cornwind Evil: Perfect, Gooper
Cornwind Evil: See? That wasn't that hard.
RubyChao: heheehehhehe
N Goat: ronk drawring


Jumpropeman: I need to take off now, but I look forward to more shenanigans with our little trio. maybe next time Fay can almost die
Cornwind Evil asked Chatzy to choose between a good movie, a bad movie, a wonderful movie, an awful movie, a Sine Movie, The Room and DONKEY KONG.. Chatzy chose: an awful movie
Cornwind Evil: Guess they'll be doing the MST treatment
Jumpropeman: Fay, unfortunately, will be getting few laughs with her attempts at humor
Cornwind Evil: They end up watching Birdemic
Draco: "an awful movie, a Sine Movie" You put this option in twice.
Draco: ;p
Cornwind Evil: Ha ha ha ha. Hey Deb, look, a Disney cartoon!
Football Del joined the chat
Draco: Hi Del.
Football Del: Bluh
Football Del: Morning
Cornwind Evil: IT SUMMONED DEL
Cornwind Evil: The irony
Football Del: SKELETONS
Football Del changed name to SkeleDel
Draco: Rude! Deb is a nice lady. Pick on Zeldoten all you want, you MONSTER.
Draco: jk
Cornwind Evil: Okay
Draco: Brutal. Just for that, Zeldoten's going to hide behind the moon for a few minutes so you get no sunlight.
SkeleDel: Rude planet


ms. keeps closing chrome: hi, its ass-o-clock
Teratophile: Time to play the Amazon from Dragon's Crown?


dork: dog is on lap
dork: i am paralyzed from the waist down
dork: goodbye
Jumpropeman: nonsense harp
Jumpropeman: your upper half can still write
dork: i can't move
dork: i'll starve
Jumpropeman: eat the less important keys on your keyboard
Jumpropeman: when are you really going to use brackets
dork: now
Draco: It's okay, Harpy, we'll RP your characters when you're gone.


Draco: link
Gooper Blooper: I have that toy
Draco: Well, let him play Xbox.


Draco: Wow. Home sooner than I expected.
Jumpropeman: that means you can party sooner than expected!
Jumpropeman: *sprinkles seven preapproved biodegradable pieces of confetti in a contained area*
Draco: WOO
Draco boogies.
Draco paid Bethesda $14 to be able to do this dance.


SKELETON KING: can't believe a young naive SK character has fallen for a possibly villainous CW character
iKomodo: scratch one off the bingo card :U


Jumpropeman: I'd say I'm mad they made Odlaw cute, but they made Wizard Whitebeard sexy so things balance out


Teratophile: Making magical girls is hard.
Teratophile: I forgot to add 500 ribbons, somehow.
Jumpropeman: only 500?
Jumpropeman: she must be the modest one
Teratophile: She is
Teratophile: And I was totally supposed to make her a boy, but boobs happened.
Teratophile: Boobs just happen sometimes.
Jumpropeman: picture of the main magical girl
Teratophile: Official pic


Gooper Blooper: all hail nikki
dork: let me take a moment
dork: for Nikki to give a fucking glare at the owner.
dork: "Waste of my time, my ass."
Gooper Blooper: LUIGI YO
dork rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
dork: i
Gooper Blooper: nikki no
dork: the fucking tractor fucking hates me today, huh?
Gooper Blooper: "I DID A THING" *flops*
dork: MAYBE
dork rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
dork: ....
Gooper Blooper: she's gettin there
dork: time to just fucking sit down and eat their BBQ rabbit or some shit
Gooper Blooper: 19 more rolls and she'll be stronk
dork: *19 rolls later*
dork rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
dork: ...
Gooper Blooper: told you
Gooper Blooper: just had to use a spongebob time card
dork: the tractor has spoken, and now i will take my 1 like a bitch


Jumpropeman: "rock hard professionals"
Jumpropeman: excuse you, no one in ZFPD is professional :I
Draco: Excuse YOU.
Draco: RANDY.
Jumpropeman: I feel so dirty
Gooper Blooper: pictured: a rock hard professional
Jumpropeman: rip marshmallows
dork: as rock hard... as stale bread.
dork: as fruitcake.
Draco: As a jawbreaker
RubyChao: did somebody say bread
dork: i thought you were gonna draw angry eyebrows on her and be like "YOU TALKIN SHIT ABOUT HER BREAD"
dork: "IN THIS HOLY SANCTURARY OF GLUTENOUS PRODUCTS althoughweactuallydohaveglutenfreebreads"
Jumpropeman: expert edit
Gooper Blooper: apparently Honoka is going to be Shield for Halloween


Draco: Draco RP in a nutshell
Gooper Blooper: cute girls and giant monsters
Gooper Blooper: Needs more robots and business, but pretty close


Jumpropeman: i got in on the ground floor of knowyourmeme
Jumpropeman: I made the dickbutt article


Bree: *reading funkyplot* "Hey, baby. Wanna go hit up the club after this?" is this like a platonic disco-slang baby or is dick hitting on patty
Bree: or maybe it's dick hitting on browny, I ain't judging
Jumpropeman: por que no las dos
Draco: Probably the first one since they've been coworkers.
Jumpropeman: one day
Jumpropeman: CopShip
RubyChao: he was hitting on patty
Jumpropeman: COPSHIP ALERT
Booster Gold RUINS EVERYTHING: Someone prank Ace with Patty's canon form.
Bree: ace is the other one
Booster Gold RUINS EVERYTHING: Someone prank the other one with Patty's canon form
Jumpropeman: that only makes him more into her


dork: i
dork: got something in my amazon recommends
dork: my god what is that
iKomodo: Jesus
iKomodo: This looks like some not great shit
dork: i showed that to goops and he gave me two responses
dork: Dana's backstory is a dino wrangler... maybe.
dork: and
dork: the best reaction image ever
dork: (not really)


Jumpropeman: so guys *leans in to microphone, taps it, and whispers* how bout that valhalla coffee amiright
Gooper Blooper: I'm not sure if I should be disappointed or not that the shitty coffee didn't make it to Quarter Water status before being replaced
Gooper Blooper: I found it oddly hilarious talking about Denise and her stupid crappy coffee she drinks anyway
Del Lives: Sorry goops, COFFEE DAD happened
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure there's plenty of awful coffee to be had elsewhere in the outer and undercities


N Goat: "Oh, and a potted plant with a name tag on the pot that said 'Leafy'."
N Goat: You laugh now, but he'll make Senior Manager in five years.


Bree: that's what parker and walker look like?
Jumpropeman: oh wow
Jumpropeman: I thought they looked different too
Bree: I didn't have a particular mental image of them but somehow I'm still floored by the reveal :V
Bree: they look like jerks


Waluigi: Wario and I are going to go pour sand in Luigi's gas tank, see you guys later.
RubyChao: have fun
iKomodo: Kek


Jumpropeman: "It brought in a lot, you know - I had to hold off on preordering the Blu-Ray of Rollergator 2: Roll Harder: Director's Cut: Collector's Edition just in case 'til I'd saved up a little more fun money!"
N Goat: I
N Goat: what
N Goat: I can see Jrm wrote something in the chat
N Goat: but it's as if my brain refuses to interpret these strange hieroglyphs
N Goat: for some reason
N Goat: as if in self defense
Gooper Blooper: Oh, for sheep: The Rollergator line JRM quoted was a quote from Plague in a sequence I did today
N Goat: Oh my!
N Goat: Well I hope you remember writing it in two years when I get to the post
dork: you know
dork: i hate to admit it
dork: but I like Plague?
dork: ...actually scratch that, i do not hate to admit it, i will shout it from the rooftops
dork: he's a jerk, but he's also very likeable and personable?
ivel: yes, shout "I LIKE PLAGUE!" from the rooftops and see what happens ;U
Gooper Blooper: well he's gotta get people to like him for his grand plan of winning the Brawl to work
Gooper Blooper: Otherwise no one will vote for him!
RubyChao: i think everyone likes plague
RubyChao: i know i do
Jumpropeman: he's a super dork
dork: bitch i already have someone to vote for on your roster
dork: sorry plague
RubyChao: speaking of
RubyChao: he showed up IN MY HOUSE today!!!
Gooper Blooper: I'm glad I could give you the plague, chao
dork: now he has the perfect excuse to RP a plague doctor
Gooper Blooper: fun fact: Plague likes toys because in real life he is one
ivel: a boy-toy?
Gooper Blooper: a hunka hunka burnin nanomachines


N Goat: "More importantly though, you're on thin ice, and that ice's name is Kotohime."
N Goat: Cold.
N Goat: "Being short has its advantages. A second to aim low is a second I have on them."
N Goat: Niftu is growing on me
Gooper Blooper: Niftu really seems like your kind of character
Jumpropeman: *takes a tiny hammer and breaks the dusty glass to pull the Someone Actually Likes Niftu Alarm*


Cornwind Evil: That long slow realization
Cornwind Evil: When you realize Shimmer is the smartest one there


iKomodo: As much as I dislike Dante, I think he could have instantly solved the white walker problem
Cornwind Evil: Someone like Dante would just completely break Westeros over his knee.
iKomodo: And then he invents pizza
iKomodo: Westeros is saved
N Goat: Which knee?
Cornwind Evil: Either one, Sheep
Cornwind Evil: It's a low fantasy world heavily mired in human failing, with minimal 'fantastic' elements
Cornwind Evil: And along comes a superhuman demon hunter who's nearly impossible to kill and could take out whole armies with nary a wound
Cornwind Evil: He could pick a side and literally plow through everyone else until there was nothing left, and no one would have any sort of counter for him.
N Goat: Does Dante have a demon knee?
Cornwind Evil: In his demon form, one assumes
N Goat: A Devil Knee?
N Goat: One of those guys had a demon arm
Cornwind Evil: That was Nero, Dante's nephew.
Jumpropeman: making devils cry is quite the family business
Cornwind Evil: But Dante looks fully human unless he activates his devil trigger
Cornwind Evil: Then he actually looks like a demon.
Cornwind Evil: Otherwise it manifests by things like him ignoring giant swords being impaled through him in cutscenes
Cornwind Evil: It's the prime reason he beat Bayonetta in their Death Battle: under their rules of max potential, she really had no way of KILLING him.
Cornwind Evil: The guy shrugs off mortal wounds in cutscenes like Sarah would small sundaes


Waluigi: Gonna go throw bricks at Ridley's house, see you guys later.
RubyChao: don't blame me when he sets you on fire


N Goat: "Juan does have one eye on Eternity, the other one closed."
N Goat: That's a
N Goat: that's a wink, Juan.
HDDork: what
HDDork: no, he's got it closed
N Goat: Are you flirting with Eternity Larva, Juan?
HDDork: sheep.
ivel: he is
N Goat: me.
HDDork: stop
ivel: he is you?
HDDork: juan is you?
N Goat: Baba is you?
ivel: Juan is Baba is Sheep?
N Goat: Perhaps.
ivel: but who was phone?
N Goat: It was another Dawn body.
ivel: damnit dawn
N Goat: "but he simply can't take his eye off her for whatever reason."
N Goat: I'm just saying
HDDork: no
N Goat: "I can see souls you know."
N Goat: The scene continues its rampant escalation
Cornwind Evil: Speaking of what the heck is going on with Eternity Larva
HDDork: we just
HDDork: don't know
HDDork: she's like a pidgeon...
ivel: but larva are insects dear
N Goat: "You're wasting your other eye right now."
N Goat: Eternity Larva wants that other eye on her!
N Goat sets up a spaghetti dinner by candle light
Jumpropeman: more of the basics of Eternity will become clear over time
Jumpropeman: but she's gonna need a spaghetti dinner to give you the full deets
Draco: If Cirno kills Eternity Larva, she becomes Eternity Mothra.


N Goat: "It's expensive to import to Olympia, but the city helps keep the cost reasonable by shipping in stuff in bulk."
N Goat: Picture a warehouse full of swing things!
Jumpropeman: by god


Gooper Blooper: I'll explain this image when I'm out of review mode
Jumpropeman: damn that's a good toy lineup
dork: It begins
Gooper Blooper: Alright, the toy photo: I realized at some point recently that there are eight characters in the original, non-RP version of The Curse and I'd managed to get seven of them, so today I went out and bought the last guy I needed (the one on the bike)
Gooper Blooper: So I had them all pose together, alongside my new Bite And Fight Rexy and some other weapons and dinos
N Goat: Eeeeh, good job, Goops
N Goat: That's commitment to the bit!
RubyChao: all i have is Plague, Samus, Honoka, Samus, and Kaede
RubyChao: oh, and Samus
Gooper Blooper: Plague, of course, was intentionally posed as silly as possible
RubyChao: and i can't forget the spare Samus
N Goat: Stunt Samus
Gooper Blooper: Some of those figs have really impressive articulation considering how cheap they are, but others not so much
Gooper Blooper: Shrapnel has 18 points of articulation!
Gooper Blooper: Reaper has two.
RubyChao: to be fair
RubyChao: Honoka has 0
Gooper Blooper: Well, she's not an action figure, it's apples and oranges
Gooper Blooper: like comparing Mattel Jurassic dinos to the figurines made by Safari
Gooper Blooper: she's an inaction figure


dork: >ivel watching a vid fulla reversed songs
dork: >its fucking lavender town
dork: houvkbkv im fucking cursed
Jumpropeman: harpy joined curse
dork: I guess i am
Gooper Blooper: cursed image
dork: I DED


Jumpropeman: it's hard to believe Minecraft is 10 years old
Jumpropeman: I still remember buying it
RubyChao: i still remember buying minecraft
RubyChao: because
RubyChao: i bought it a week ago


N Goat: "Oh, welcome back sir. I don't know if you've been spreading the word or not, but lately the most popular thing to do here is for people to buy our coffee and then talk about how much it sucks."
N Goat: I've certainly been enjoying it.
Gooper Blooper: I think I'm doing a decent job at Jill's character
Gooper Blooper: deadpan, sarcastic, but also sympathetic when she needs to be and not emotionless like Mary often was
N Goat: I only regret David Mammoth couldn't bust in and give a monologue as to just how lacking he found the coffee.
RubyChao: well sheep
RubyChao: clearly he busts in NOW
RubyChao: and complains
RubyChao: and jill gives him coffee
RubyChao: and he's mad because he can't complain anymore
RubyChao: did i capture his character
N Goat: Quite possibly, Chao
N Goat: I seriously hope that there's another chapter of this Coffee Saga
HDDork: don't make me
N Goat: and it includes Wilkins and Wontkins
HDDork: pretend to be a coffee snob...
HDDork: ...wilkins and wontkins are curse members?
N Goat: Codename: BEANS
N Goat: "And just in time - if we sold the shitty coffee for much longer I'm pretty sure it was going to turn into a meme."
N Goat shakes fist
Jumpropeman: time to have Cirno complain about the bar's shitty ice cream
Gooper Blooper: nah, ice cream is a sweet
Gooper Blooper: It's gotta be high quality
N Goat: Time for
N Goat: Quarter Coffee
Gooper Blooper: XD
N Goat ominous guitar wail
Gooper Blooper: YOU'RE USELESS
Jumpropeman: Leafy, you're the new bartender
Jumpropeman: you clearly know your greens
N Goat: I warned you about Leafy
Bree: >someday ordered a salad from the bar and jill isn't sure anyone can make it
Bree: excellent
Bree: this is the top quality RP I expect
Bree: but of course sonia can do salad because salads can be just as unhealthy as burgers if you try hard enough
Bree: and therefore, it's still kobber food
Gooper Blooper: Especially after the other nonsense that went on in the bar today
Gooper Blooper: it was the perfect punchline
HDDork: Sonia can make a salad because salads are easy peasy :I
HDDork: and the food she's least likely to eat
Bree: mom is confused by my salad making because I only do like, four ingredients
Bree: 1: lettuce 2: tomatoes 3: croutons 4: so much cheese.
HDDork: my kinda salad: croutons
HDDork: just
HDDork: used to eat croutons straight outta the bag
Bree: breemom puts like bacon bits or diced ham or black olives and all sorts of other nonsense
Jumpropeman: I can make salad. Go to fridge, open premade salad, serve
Cornwind Evil: I generally get bagged salads, add some tomato chunks and some ceaser dressing, and done
Cornwind Evil: Never cared for croutons
Cornwind Evil: I dunno, I just don't think something dry and crunchy goes well with vegetables
 Cornwind Evil: At least vegetables served in that way
HDDork: i am now craving croutons and its nearly 12.
HDDork: of all the fucking cravings to have
HDDork: why am i craving fucking CROUTONS
Jumpropeman: at least you aren't craving gold-dusted truffles
Bree: got a bag of cheesy garlic croutons I'd give you if I could :V
HDDork: >gold dusted truffles
Bree: they're Texas Toast brand
HDDork: why.
Bree: that's right, texas toast croutons
Cornwind Evil: You could make some toast, Harpy. Make it zwieback and crush it up
RubyChao: to show off
Bree: hey jrm do they still call it texas toast in texas
HDDork: I don't have bread right now because the last loaf I got went moldy in record time
RubyChao: don genie never eats a meal if he suspects it cost less than $1000 to make
Jumpropeman: yes
HDDork: don genie is just a fucking showoff.
Jumpropeman: are you kidding? we'd add texas to everything if we could
RubyChao: i don't see you being called Texasropeman
Bree: only if you also made it bigger :I
HDDork: eating squid ink pizza and ice cream made with rare as shit ingredients just to show that he could.
RubyChao: he absolutely would
HDDork: that kind of inaccessible snobbery just makes me raging mad
RubyChao: that's why he's a villain :V
Jumpropeman: Don Genie loves tasmanian tiger t-bones
Bree: maybe don genie is just so fat, his appetite so titanic, that even meals of regular non-fancy ingredients have to be so large that they still cost over 1k
HDDork: though in one case, all the funds from said rich food went to a food bank? something that helped serve food to the homeless
HDDork: don genie just reeks of snob
Draco: Don Genie and Eadis are cousins.
Jumpropeman: speaking of reeking
Jumpropeman: I'll be back
Draco: He's off to spread his musk.
Gooper Blooper: JRM marking his territory
Jumpropeman: gotta throw off the bigfoot hunters
Bree: ew
Jumpropeman: since as we know
Jumpropeman: bigfoot's leave a grassy smell
Bree: none of you better mark territory or harpy and I will conspire to have you all neutered
Cornwind Evil: This talk about Don Genie and food reminds me of a recent writer did with Dr. Strange
Cornwind Evil: That all his magic wielding has altered his body so much he can't eat normal food, he basically has to eat crazy magic beast abomination meals
Cornwind Evil: Because normal food literally turns to ash in his mouth
Bree: that makes no sense
Gooper Blooper: srspost
HDDork: thats weird.
HDDork: like, outside the normal spectrum of weird
HDDork: like.... just... use your magic powers... chomp the food... and turn it into delicious magical energy


Jumpropeman: this just appeared in my recommendations
Jumpropeman: I blame the expected individuals
Draco: Nothing relaxes me like dinosaurus.
Jumpropeman: "Nobody:
No one:
Not a soul anywhere:
YouTube Recommendations: RELAXING DINOSAURS"

Jumpropeman: the comments are filled with other people laughing at youtube recommending it to them :V


RubyChao: if anyone wants to help me come up with the other three f-zero tracks on earth, feel free to hit me up
RubyChao: the second track on Olympia won't be open until a certain plot-relevant point
Cornwind Evil: -clips the Blue Falcon through the wall of Fukoto's Bakery-
RubyChao: >Fukoto
HDDork: wh
RubyChao: you combined two chaoacters into one and neither was the right one
HDDork: we are in another dimension
RubyChao: i am genuinely impressed
Gooper Blooper: we're hitting typo levels that shouldn't even be possible


RubyChao: anyhow, i'm heading off for now
RubyChao: laaaateeeer
SteelKomodo: bai
Waluigi joined the chat
SteelKomodo: hi waluigi
SteelKomodo: waaaaah
Waluigi: Waaaah- Ridley set me on fire and I blame Chao.
Jumpropeman: no wonder chao is leaving in a hurry


Bree: Denni Today at 6:03 PM
Gryph is streaming GTA5 for me, and he went AFK and left me watching a stripper working a pole
Bree Today at 6:03 PM
That sounds like him
Denni Today at 6:03 PM
He is THE BEST boyfriend.

Bree: azure about her boyfriend
SteelKomodo: hahaha
SteelKomodo: he sounds great :D
Cornwind Evil: Reminds me of how you bought the Strip Club in GTA: Vice City
Cornwind Evil: You went in and watched a badly graphiced stripper do a five frame dance
Cornwind Evil: And waited until your bank account had been drained by $600
Cornwind Evil: The drain happening as you watch this stripper
Cornwind Evil: So you sit and SLOWWWWLLLLYYYYY watch this 'show' for minutes....
Draco: Amazing. XD
Cornwind Evil: And then when you leave you own the strip club.
Jumpropeman: steamy
Draco: Amazing x 2


RubyChao: so
RubyChao: jrm
RubyChao: prediction
RubyChao: the original elliott dies at some point and stays dead, and it doesn't affect anything because you can duplicate a duplicate
Jumpropeman: we're going to find the original Elliott's skeleton and learned he died in 1963


Gooper Blooper: I see Brine has blessed us with this year's Personable Brinevillain
Gooper Blooper: looking forward to seeing them hit up Grab-N-Go


N Goat: "to run across the inner dome like a more literal Usain Bolt."
N Goat: More like
N Goat: l-like
N Goat: uh
N Goat: Insane Bolt
N Goat: In
N Goat: Insane Bolt
N Goat: because
N Goat: it's
N Goat: it's a crazy stunt
RubyChao: because it's actually
RubyChao: Steve Buscimi
N Goat: Codename: OVERKILLED
RubyChao: so sheep
RubyChao: you're going to be using Steve Buscemi as a Curse member right


Bree: here is something that just popped into my head for no reason
Bree: the other day
Bree: azure told me
Bree: that if I were a pokemon
Bree: I'd be...
Bree: a psyduck.
Bree: I asked her why but she did not elaborate
Bree: I have to assume it's because of my frequent tiredness, headaches, and general confusion
Bree: or because psyduck is great
Draco: Or both.


Jumpropeman: ""Observe" is a memorable quote uttered by the character Larry the Lobster on the American animated television SpongeBob SquarePants."


Jumpropeman: How the tortoise beetle protects its young: "The larvae collect their own droppings on the end of their tails, which they flail at predators like a hardened club that also happens to register as NOT GOOD FOOD when it hits the enemy in the face.
So, their mother is using her hard-shelled body to cover their unprotected heads, and they’re using their poop maces to ward off anything that would attack from the sides."

Draco: You mean their...treb-POO-chets?
Jumpropeman: 8I


Waluigi: Bubble Bass gives me Taco Bell PTSD. Scariest Villian by far.
KaijuWars: oh god
Gooper Blooper: time to have BB order a ridiculously complicated taco
RubyChao: goops, no!!
Gooper Blooper: well he's gotta review Waluigi's Taco Stand
KaijuWars: i'd like a double triple taco in a gordita topped with pico de gallo and pinto beans, extra cheese, with actual queso not that fake shit, and don't
KaijuWars: forget
KaijuWars: the soft tacos.
Waluigi: Only if he drives away and comes back 15 minutes later saying he wanted it soft, also his napkins were "forgotten" and he should get a free Empanada and large drink for our incompetence.
Waluigi: And he'll be calling corporate, what's your name?
Gooper Blooper: I have a feeling Brine's drawing on experience for that one
RubyChao: me too
Waluigi: :[
KaijuWars: i'm sorry bitch you want me to wipe your ass with the napkins too?
ivel: my dad would be tempted to say that
ivel: ngl
Bree: fuckin KEK harpy


regulardumbass: it is a literal crime not to put the shirley temple collection on that list
RubyChao: let's see
RubyChao: gerber life, lots and lots, chia, need cash now, allergies, mesotholia, nasonex
RubyChao: that's what i recognize
Jumpropeman: I saw that Empire Today commercial last thursday
Jumpropeman: it's still running
regulardumbass: i thought it was a local thing
RubyChao: and then there's this, which is the bane of everyone in new york city
RubyChao: wait
RubyChao: >>>>you love
RubyChao: NO
RubyChao: NOBODY
regulardumbass: wait what
RubyChao: you don't understand
RubyChao: this plays
RubyChao: on radio AND tv in new york city
ivel: pretty sure I saw all of those commercials in the thing Harp linked
RubyChao: it's super annoying
regulardumbass: nobody fucking loves kars 4 kidz
regulardumbass: i heard that shit in elementary school
RubyChao: (and also kars 4 kids is really sketchy because they don't actually say what your money is going TO)


regulardumbass: GIANT
regulardumbass: MCNUGGETS
regulardumbass: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiiiidon'teathoseeither
Bree: tl;dr for the above if people don't want to read it: super stoned guy has the kind of brilliant new food idea only stoned people can, amuses several people (cashier, two actual police officers) by going to a mcdonalds and ordering this "I'm obviously stoned to have thought of this" food
Draco: Jo went to McDonald's?
Bree: also idk why but reading it made me think "kobbers should do more weed."
Jumpropeman: chicken patties do taste different than nuggets or else I would try this
regulardumbass: ivel
regulardumbass: you gotta do it
ivel: NEP NO
Jumpropeman: ivel's gotta smoke weed?
regulardumbass: you have to do it, you gotta do it so we have weednep
ivel: no BI
regulardumbass: AT LEAST RP REGULAR NEP
regulardumbass: OR VERT, I WILL FORGIVE VERT
regulardumbass: leave noire out of this tho
ivel boops noire
regulardumbass: >:O
regulardumbass: absolute monster.
regulardumbass left the chat
Draco: Come to California, get stoned and RP Nep.
Jumpropeman: you're going downtown, buster
ivel: so upset she left
Bree: it's canon that a couple of breechars have had weed
Draco: I bet Ibuki's one.
Bree: I mean, that's fairly obvious, yeah :V
Bree: ibuki doesn't do it that often though, she's very careful to subvert the "sex drugs and rock n roll" stereotype
Jumpropeman: *looks at my cast*
Jumpropeman: *slowly hands Jason-3 a blunt*
Jumpropeman: Diversity achieved


N Goat: "Shimmer and Voyd did have to eventually leave the bar,"
N Goat: Never!
ivel: Sheeeeep
ivel: they need the bathroom sometimes too
N Goat: Clearly we need to replace all the barstools with toilets
N Goat: Don't put this in Chatzy Madness

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