Monday, May 13, 2019

Talk To Transformer, Volume 2

I made some more. Or rather, the AI generated some more.

The theme this time is that I tried every line twice (or more), because you get completely different results every time even if the prompt is exactly the same. Enjoy.


"Okay, fine." Dana sighed. "You want to know the story of how I lost my arm? I'll tell you the truth. This is how. I fell down a rabbit hole for a while." She paused, as she realized how much she hated to say that; she knew exactly what it meant. She had spent most of her time on Earth-2, and the others who worked there, trying to prevent the Second Impact from happening. She'd lost every other limb she had, and was no good with the pain. It always made her want to scream. She'd been at school for only two months, and had only managed to stay alive because a boy named John was nearby. She had barely survived the night the ship crashed; her mother had been killed, her brother injured, and John's friends were gone and didn't know where she was. One of the few members of her class was being driven to the nearest diner near the wreckage. She had learned how to make

(A surprisingly dark and tragic story about how Dana lost her arm. And everything else.) 


"Okay, fine." Dana sighed. "You want to know the story of how I lost my arm? I'll tell you the truth. This is how. I had all my friends in the world, and I had my friend at the wedding. Well, that ended badly. I was talking to the guy at the reception the night before, and the day before. He didn't understand me, which meant nothing to me. He was like "she wants a kid," or I was just mad that I was too old to have kids like I wanted. But then the very next day I just started crying, crying, crying. And she was there the whole time. And when I'd stop just to cry in my sleep I'd say, "'Baby, what are you crying for?' And he'd say 'Awwww! She can't have that!'" Now that I have my arm back and am working at the restaurant, and have even come back to my parents, and we were both at the wedding, the thing I have going for me right now is that all my friends are coming

(...Dana, you didn't answer the question. Good to hear you got your arm back though.) 


The Indoraptor crept up behind Rachel. It bared its' teeth and prepared to strike. Rachel's fist went through its' head and the Indoraptor fell to the sand. All the while, Rachel kept on running. Rachel's boots were covered in sand, they fell to the sand and dug into it. After awhile, the stone of the Indoraptor cave started to cave in into her shoes and she realized that her shoes weren't made for these harsh and unforgiving conditions. Her shoes wouldn't hold her weight up against the sand, and she had to stop running.

It had stopped and was holding up her arms and chest.

They were getting worse and worse the longer Rachel waited in the sand cave. She watched as the Indoraptor kept trying to bite her. At one point, the Indoraptor got to hold her head under the stone and bit her and then she knew: what time was it anyway?

A second later, it let go of Rachel right

(I was not expecting to get something this intense! What a fight, holy shit. This exact sequence of events could be in RP if it was a little more coherent.)


The Indoraptor crept up behind Rachel. It bared its' teeth and prepared to strike.

Rachel screamed, but it wasn't very loud and the pain in her throat was almost gone by the time the sword passed her. The Indoraptor looked away, but the shadow in its' hands caught the attention of Rachel, who grabbed it and started throwing it back, hitting it with more and more force, and then she ran, out of the alley, towards the other end of the street, and began running as fast as she could down the block, ignoring the noise of the street and the sounds of men and cars passing by – Rachel's friends and family, too, she decided, so as long as she did not get caught up in the violence she would avoid being hit.

She was faster than most of the boys in the neighborhood, and then some of the girls, too, and then almost all of the adults, she knew as she crossed over the edge of the building, but her heart felt

(This one's pretty good too, and the setting is a better fit for Olympia. Not sure I'll give the Indoraptor a sword, though.)


(I decided to see where the "Rachel vs Indoraptor in the sand cave" story would go if I allowed it to continue. Here's what I got by combining a few generations together.)

They were getting worse and worse the longer Rachel waited in the sand cave. She watched as the Indoraptor kept trying to bite her. At one point, the Indoraptor got to hold her head under the stone and bit her and then she knew: what time was it anyway?

A second later, it let go of Rachel right
at that moment and let go of Rachel on her neck and Rachel, as Rachel screamed for blood from its mouth, it screamed back, "NO!" and went over her and got onto Rachel's face.

A third and fourth time, Rachel was screaming and crying out in pain while the Indoraptor ran over Rachel and Rachel lost her own breath. And then, just as Rachel was getting back to full strength, it let go of Rachel again and ran over her again with it.

Rachel was sobbing in the sand cave when the Indoraptor dropped back into the water and the water dried the Indoraptor. Rachel got in the water as fast as she could, and pulled out her phone and went to call her mom to check on what was happening. She said she wasn't going to be able to see her mom again.

Mom came up to her in the sand cave and called out to her like she always did, but the Indoraptor was out of the way and she could feel the Indoraptor's claws and teeth digging into her body. Mom ran off while the Sand Dinosaurs were having their mating ritual while their mother and Indoraptor got together to celebrate. She found Rachel and hugged her, but when she told Rachel to go back to the cave to watch over her, she got on top of her and began to take her in. She took Rachel's hands and pulled her close, and cried a lot when they were both held by Mom and the Indoraptor. It was so sad, but she didn't mind.

"Mama, Dad…you are wonderful!" Mom shouted, rubbing Rachel gently on the back and neck.

"We have an awesome brother and a great sister," was all Rachel could respond. "But we are still only children," she explained. "We have a lot of time to grow. When your mom died, you were taken away from us, Mom and Dad. As a baby, your whole family were taken away from you, Rachel…You had just turned one. It was tough. But you loved your dad very much like any of our brothers. A few weeks later, he died, too, as did all the other kids we lost. He was one of the only friends we had left of his friends."

Rachel couldn't stop her tears as she was held tight by mom and dad and comforted by the girl at her side.

(That... that was a ride. I'm not sure what happened there, but I come away very moved. I feel like the Indoraptor's abrupt change in attitude is both the most noticeable problem and a big part of why this story is memorable.

In canon RP, Rachel's mom doesn't even know she exists any more.)


You are invited to Clownpiece's 4th of July barbecue! She'll happily make you a free hamburger or hot dog as long as you show up wearing something patriotic.

Please RSVP online and you will receive an additional discount to make this event even better!

The following dates will be at Lighthouse Square (11th Street & Main St):

Saturday 8/28 at 8:00pm

Sunday 9/2 at 8:00pm

We have a great lineup lined up and we are looking for some volunteers with a passion for BBQ! Volunteers are welcome to bring BBQ equipment, but only one person will be allowed to bring BBQ for this event. For this reason we have a large group to fill up the seats at our booth.

If you have any questions or would like volunteers be invited please contact us at or (213) 754-5463.

(Ah yes, the end of August. Perfect time to celebrate American independence. Should I be concerned about that email?)


You are invited to Clownpiece's 4th of July barbecue! She'll happily make you a free hamburger or hot dog as long as you show up wearing something patriotic.

Clownpiece's BBQ is one of those barbecue events that are held every year on the Fourth of July. We're trying to make it so we can serve our delicious grilled meats on June 24 and June 30! We make these tasty and easy tacos as an open-air bar/bazaar, just sit and enjoy the good stuff! We will be serving our great tacos as we speak! We'll have lots of great barbecue as we're not afraid to use the charcoal to light and burn our meats.

*If you're buying tacos from us as a guest and want to bring them up to us we can arrange to get additional food from a local taco vendor. But if you're making them yourself, you MUST have your own grill!

*Don't forget to bring your own barbecue/grill fuel

(This time an overenthusiastic Clownpiece attempts to pull off Fourth Of July Creep. Also, tacos?!?! THAT'S NOT AMERICAN!!!)


General Oda settled into her seat, surrounded by action figures, plush toys, and snacks. Her favorite anime was about to start, and she couldn't be more ready. Not that this was a complaint, it only made sense that Oda would spend a full hour reading a copy of the latest manga in her collection. Her parents had always been supportive. "What are you reading?" "I'm reading the current week's volume, which is now halfway through. And you'll get a great sense for which characters are making the best progress." So she read. Her parents sat silently, hoping Oda would make it to her end of that, but there was no time like the present. She turned back to Oda to ask, "Do I have to read a lot of characters? For example—Mako." The boy nodded and replied, "Mako has two more volumes to read, and we're also gonna need to read the next chapter. In order to properly read each character, it

(Oda's parents are very supportive of her enthusiasm for manga.)


General Oda settled into her seat, surrounded by action figures, plush toys, and snacks. Her favorite anime was about to start, and she couldn't be more ready.

After the initial excitement subsides, after the film goes into production, after all the actors, the director and all the extras have packed up to leave, Oda finally took her seat back. She was in for something special.

"Hey, what are you doing? I don't know if I want to stay watching a movie like the one you just played."

"...I'm going to get started."

Oda's voice cracked and she sighed like a defeated sailor. There was no need to argue with that reply. There was no point wasting time arguing again with her. As of now, Oda, with only two weeks until the film's release, and only one other day left before her job is officially done, wouldn't want to be sitting in an apartment that didn't have any entertainment

(Oda sighed like a defeated sailor.)


"Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?" Harry asked with a smirk, pulling out a box of cereal and putting the box back into his pocket and stuffing half inside. "Well, if you're really interested, I know the answer." He placed it back inside and took a long look around. "That should be enough for a few hours." Harry pointed and said, "And before anyone says anything, Harry Potter, just to warn you: this is an entirely dangerous situation to be in."

"Uh, yeah. Um, I mean, I, um, well, I really don't want to be here." Mr. Owl asked, walking over next to the window and turning on the TV. "So, how's it going?"

"The thing's going great, thank you. Do you want to eat a slice?" Harry asked, handing each piece of cereal to the old owler. And with that his phone began transmitting a live broadcast of

(Mr. Owl is in way, way, way over his head in this nightmare future.)


"Mr. Owl, how many licks does it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop?" It is easy to underestimate. The answer is 1."

In some ways, owls are a fascinating and beautiful bird. They are often classified as an endangered species. Some owls have been hunted to near extinction.

However, owls can be found in almost every state in America, and the bird is an attractive gift to many families.

These are only 10 of the birds on this page that will have me in tears. If I ever see one of these birds, it will forever be an inspiration if I saw it.

The birds on this page are those that people have spotted in New York City, Chicago, Las Vegas, Phoenix, and Austin. The list will end up growing with any new information gathered.

A few days ago, I spent a large amount of time visiting places like Disney World, Wal-Mart, Walt Disney World Resort, and a number of hotels and parks in New

(This one starts out great but then veers off into rambling about owls and Disney World.)


Karin's eyes shone under the bright hospital lights. It was time to give the patient an injection.

She was hooked up to a monitor, and the needle was held inside the man's arm, inside an IV.

Karin had heard everything she wanted to hear, to get her baby born on time, to save her money.

"They said, 'Do you want an IV?' And the baby didn't have a heartbeat," said Kamara, who lost a leg as a child because of a polio attack.

She thought this had to happen.

Doctors, including a surgeon, came to the hospital's neonatal intensive care unit to help a woman who, they said, didn't even respond to treatment in Germany.

Her mother was in the intensive care unit, too. And, at home, her sister with cancer.

It's important that baby A doesn't die in the hospital, the doctor said to Kamara.

But, the baby refused to speak.

Karin says she started to cry. Her chest hurt. Her head pounded as her mother held

(Jesus Christ! I guess her eyes were shining because of constant tears, my god. What a switcheroo.)


Karin's eyes shone under the bright hospital lights. It was time to give the patient an injection. She walked over to the hospital beds and started to stroke one of them with the needle. Her fingers had started to go numb, but she held on to it, not wanting to let go. I watched as a nurse placed the syringe into the arm. The pain was intense, but it wasn't enough to take her breath away. I was so close.

Gina looked across the room to her twin sister. She gave Ginny an annoyed look but she didn't move. She knew that it should not have been as bad as it was. "My parents don't understand but, now." Gina said. She felt better for a moment, like her eyes opened. "We have to get a better look at you."

I smiled at her sister as she nodded. Gina and I took the same steps towards each other. I pulled Gina's hand into my own and watched her hand go numb. We took some time

(At least Karin was actually the nurse this time.)


Officer Patty Wagon knew it was a dumb stereotype, but she didn't care. She loved donuts. She thought she had them in her heart and was never disappointed by the amount of dough she got for it.

She started out from scratch to make enough dough to roll out 100 donuts, a small batch of her own chocolate and some of the best coffee she could find.

Her first try, though, was off on the wrong foot, with her dough running dry, so she set out again to experiment. And again, the dough was dry. So she tried a second-generation dough. It ended up being good and more reliable than the old recipe, but still dry.

One of Wagon's biggest failures came in trying to make the dough for a party. She wasn't planning on having any friends over for the party, and she would've been very frustrated if she made the dough at home when no one was there. So Wagon decided to use her dough to make an eggnog.

(Patty Wagon, donut maker. They always come out dry, though.)


Officer Patty Wagon knew it was a dumb stereotype, but she didn't care. She loved donuts.

But then one morning, the cop on patrol on Monday morning noticed a car with a hood down, so he decided to take a swing!

(This one is so hilariously abrupt that it made me burst out laughing. Let's give this a third try.)


Officer Patty Wagon knew it was a dumb stereotype, but she didn't care. She loved donuts.

She was the officer in charge of the security cameras at the front of the Walmart in her district when she saw a man dressed in all white enter the parking lot. She watched as he pulled up, put on his hood and stepped into the store.

"He did a couple of things I don't even think anyone had ever done, which probably you never thought about when you're driving around the country."

She saw the man approach the store, open the back door, then open it and walk out.

"I thought that that was going to be a pretty cool thing. But at the same time I got in there and tried to talk (him away)," the cop said. "I kept seeing the look on his face when I tried to talk to him. That was the moment my heart sunk."

Wagon then heard him yell, "You've got nothing."

(Things no one has ever done: put on a hood and open a door.)


Baba is looking for a good place to be and I think they were a great place to be. What do you think?

RACHEL: I'm thrilled about that. I really think that, again, this is not something that will ever happen again. This will never happen again at all. I think he was very sincere about the fact that the family wanted to spend some time and they were willing to invest in what they'd have to do to rebuild their lives and have what they needed.

Now, my concern here, it's really a great story as far as getting closure to the investigation, but I think the family is aware of the fact that even though it's being done by a government official, they don't really have any authority over what the police are doing or how they're doing it. I think that's a reality.

DAVIES: You've written a book. It's called "Diary of a Madam?" I loved it.

WALKERS: It was a book that

(Hi again Rachel, good to see you in better circumstances. I don't think I gave Talk To Transformer enough information with this one. Further attempts to generate a story with "Baba is" just gave me stuff that read like news articles talking about shootings and fighting in the Middle East.)


Dashing through the sky,
Comes a fearful cry!
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Armies of the night,
Evil taking flight!
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Cobra! (COBRA!)

And the bright bright lights of battle!
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Oh, cobra!
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Cobra from the night!
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Cobra! (COBRA!)
From the dark,
And the night goes on for ever--
From the dark,
And the night goes on for ever--
From the dark, And the night goes on for ever--
From the dawn, And the dawn, Then, at last, for the first and last time,



Dashing through the sky,
Comes a fearful cry!
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Armies of the night,
Evil taking flight!
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Cobra! (COBRA!)

The dark side of night!
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Ooh! Cobra! (COBRA!)
Mountain of shadows, Cobra!
Cupid! Cobra! (COBRA!)
Beneath the night sky,
I've been waiting. *BEEP*
Cobra! (COBRA!)
Cobra! (COBRA!)
What happens, is known.
My power is pure and light.
I fight alongside you, as a true friend.
But just as we say, it doesn't last!
Cobra! (COBRA-)
I have always fought side-by-side with you,
And I continue to do so.
But for the past several years,
I've started getting a feeling...
A feeling that I was wrong.
I guess just what this planet needs.
Cobra! (COBRA-) *Cobra's voice rises and falls*
Yes... that's right.
It does need a change.
It needs to go where they tell you it should go.
What I'm trying to tell you isn't good enough

(...Holy shit, this one actually works really well as a song about someone preparing to betray Cobra because they've realized that this isn't the right side.)


(doorbell rings, Principal Skinner answers it)

Chalmers: Well, Seymour, I made it... despite your directions.

Skinner: Ah, Superintendent Chalmers, welcome! I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon!

Chalmers: Yeah.
I know I am.

Skinner: What...? We've gotta run to Mrs. Lott, that'll be her office soon!

Chalmers: I know, Chief. But I wanna make sure.

Skinner: Oh, you do! And there she is! Her door is finally open, Mrs. Lott.

Mrs. Lott: Yes, it's you, Skinner.

Skinner: Ah, yes, Mrs. Laursen... I'm sorry, Mrs. Lott. Is that all?

Mrs. Lott: No, no, my good lady, I can't tell how my eyes were open, but I can assure you, I don't need to be here. My husband, his best friend, is here. Very happy, Seymour!

Skinner: That's right, Mrs. Lott. I think you have a splendid man! It should be an honor to shake hands with him.

(Skinner and Chalmers greet the new hire.)


(doorbell rings, Principal Skinner answers it)

Chalmers: Well, Seymour, I made it... despite your directions.

Skinner: Ah, Superintendent Chalmers, welcome! I hope you're prepared for an unforgettable luncheon!

Chalmers: Yeah.
What was it?

Skinner: Well, I don't know about that. You know, a teacher of mine got up, and I was waiting outside. My head was swimming. And this guy, well, I don't know if he wanted to, but he came up to me and he said, "You're doing very well." And I said, "Yes, I'm doing very well." And he said, "I've been very surprised at your strength. What have you enjoyed doing?"

Chalmers: My favorite moment that I've had, it was going out with my daughter to her cousin's house one night, for all the girls. And my daughter took her mother's hand and turned it to me and she said, "Grandma, I'm your step-mother."

(Skinner and Chalmers share some personal moments.) 


Skinner: Superintendent, I hope you're ready for mouthwatering hamburgers!

Chalmers: I thought we were having steamed clams.

Skinner: Ohoho, no, I said steamed hams! That's what I call hamburgers.

Chalmers: You call hamburgers 'steamed hams'.

Skinner: Yes.
Yes I do!

Chalmers: Who knows where we are now, sir? There's a lot of stuff to do.

Skinner: It's all right. You can leave in peace. I'm the head cook here. As soon as we're complete, you'll be taking me down to the kitchen and I'll do the same to you.

Chalmers: Do you think I am up to the job?

Skinner: Good question. I was just going to say, the whole city is going to celebrate.

Chalmers: We've waited years, too long. We had to wait for the opportunity to make that big city of steel and this is what we get...

[Chalmers comes in with a beer and a plate and hands it to Skinner]

Chalmers: All right there, kids. Come on!

(Skinner and Chalmers sharpen their steamed ham skills to be ready for the big city celebration!)


Skinner: Superintendent, I hope you're ready for mouthwatering hamburgers!

Chalmers: I thought we were having steamed clams.

Skinner: Ohoho, no, I said steamed hams! That's what I call hamburgers.

Chalmers: You call hamburgers 'steamed hams'.

Skinner: Yes.
Hm, hamburgers are usually served with a side of steamed ham.

Chalmers: I suppose I need to learn to eat steamed ham sandwiches properly, then.

Skinner: Yes.

Chalmers: So you see how the difference between steamed ham and steamed clams can be made by simply adding the correct amount of liquid?

Skinner: You said the only time I'd ever heard you talk about liquid was when you were arguing for me to use milk and cheese in my hamburger.

Chalmers: If anything, you meant the opposite.

Skinner: Yes. When it comes to my Hamburger, it's a little more complicated. If a whole pound of ham are used on either side then it becomes a steamed ham

(So THAT'S how it works!)


Skinner: Superintendent, I hope you're ready for mouthwatering hamburgers!

Chalmers: I thought we were having steamed clams.

Skinner: Ohoho, no, I said steamed hams! That's what I call hamburgers.

Chalmers: You call hamburgers 'steamed hams'.

Skinner: Yes.
But you call your burger... hamburgers.

Chalmers: What the hell? That's not a burger. It's a burger that you put at the end of its line. Whoa! That seems like a great idea.

Skinner: Well, I'm really enjoying your hamburger, though. That's a great recipe for a hamburger, but don't eat the fat. That's gotta go.

Chalmers: I'm a vegetarian! I'm just gonna get your sandwich.

Skinner: Okay, then. You wanna watch me eat some burgers. Don't try this again.



Skinner: Superintendent, I hope you're ready for mouthwatering hamburgers!

Chalmers: I thought we were having steamed clams.

Skinner: Ohoho, no, I said steamed hams! That's what I call hamburgers.

Chalmers: You call hamburgers 'steamed hams'.

Skinner: Yes.
I call hamburgers 'steamed hams'!

Chalmers: No wonder you're afraid of people!

Skinner: I didn't think so! (chuckles)

[scene: Kitchen]

Skinner: I've already made some.

[scene: Skrunch]

Skinner: I wanted to buy some bread on my travels. (chuckles) I'm sure it would be delicious, would it not?

Chalmers: But surely we've got far more important things to talk about here.

Skinner: The rest have been settled by the time you and I are ready to depart.

[Scene: Skrunch]

Skinner: I didn't come back as part of this tour.

Chalmers: This is not your fault, I mean… you're the one who's been missing.

Skinner: I… yes, I've lost my way

(I think we've all lost our way, Seymour.

We've all lost our way.)


  1. "And my daughter took her mother's hand and turned it to me and she said, "Grandma, I'm your step-mother.""

    I'm surprised by the drama found in most of these, but there's classic nonsense between them all the same.

    "You said the only time I'd ever heard you talk about liquid" You know Goops, we really don't talk about liquid enough.

    1. Yeah, I get plenty of dud results using this thing, but if you reshuffle the thing a couple times you often manage to find something excellent, especially if you're careful in your wording of the prompt. As I showed here, TTT can usually parse if you're writing prose, an advertisement, a poem/song, or a script and will alter its' output accordingly. The Steamed Hams prompts were long to ensure TTT could figure out it was in script format and would react appropriately, which it did quite well.

      We talk about drinks pretty often, does that count?

  2. Yet again, this nonsense is hilarious.

    1. I'll space them out to keep the gimmick from getting old too fast, but I plan to revisit Talk To Transformer in the future for additional installments in this series. It's really interesting seeing a neural network attempt to write ZFRP content.
