Friday, May 10, 2019

Chatzy Madness Volume 336: HEY WHAT'S SO FUNNY ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

RubyChao: "The "Jurassic Zoo" scenario from Dinosaur Digs tasks you with rebuilding a catastrophically failed dinosaur park as a successful zoo featuring all available Jurassic dinosaurs."


Gooper Blooper: pretty sure I know what my first event will be
Gooper Blooper: it is very stupid and involves skeiron
Jumpropeman: Armabreaddon?
Gooper Blooper: don't get ahead of yourself, that's the finale
Gooper Blooper: this is just a minor breadcident
Jumpropeman: I thought the finale would be Breadgame
Gooper Blooper: Infinity Bread


ivel: saw a Granblue char that looked like he had no nose so Harpy called him a Goopschar
ivel: sadly there's a stronger version of him clearly with one
ivel: rip
Gooper Blooper: pff
Harpy: there are no men on goopy's roster anyway-
Harpy: *blatantly ignores the dudes*
ivel: Helios is my fave lady
Jumpropeman: just that weirdo helios
Gooper Blooper: The Curse is full of eligible bachelors
Gooper Blooper: I'm sure Giovanni's got oodles of fangirl fanart somewhere
Jumpropeman: I'm coming for that Dr. Mario
Gooper Blooper: and the ladies love Mr. L


Jumpropeman: why would someone be rude to such an amazing accent
Jumpropeman: it's nearly Horatio
Bree: when meiling needs to let sakuya know it's really an emergency


Jumpropeman: I got a prerelease review copy of a game by a little company known as Game Freak
Gooper Blooper: :O
Bree: whoa
Harpy: WHSH:Bdlkhj
Bree: hittin the bigtime
Harpy: WHAT
ivel: I thought he hit the big time when he got those lewd games
ivel: but this works too
Jumpropeman: AND IT'S POKEMON SWORD AND SHIELD it's called Giga Wrecker Alt and while I think the switch version came out today, the xbox one version comes out May 3rd. Not sure I can get the review ready in time for that day but I'll try to be close!
Jumpropeman: i got the xbox one version
ivel: oh that, neat
Harpy: Oooh
ivel: I forgot about Giga Wrecker
Gooper Blooper: I knew it wouldn't be Pokemon, of course :V Was wondering what it would be
Gooper Blooper: even if JRM had gotten to that level, Swoosh doesn't even have a release date yet
Jumpropeman: they send me a picture of Sobble and that's it
Jumpropeman: review that
Harpy: but how does it rate
M Sheep: Sobbobble
M Sheep: Oh wow, that is some big news, JRM!
Cornwind Evil: He thought he was getting Sword and Shield
Cornwind Evil: But it turned out to be Gamefreek's SWOOOOUURRDDDD and GUNGUN
Cornwind Evil: Alternately
Cornwind Evil: He thought he was getting Sword and Shield
Cornwind Evil: BUT IT WAS ME, DIO!


Gooper Blooper: You know, I can't actually remember ever being present for a chatzy ticker countdown running out
RubyChao: prepare
RubyChao: for
Harpy: i am prepared
Bree: prepare for bread
Harpy: *TOOT*
Gooper Blooper: BARPOST
Bree: let the playing of roles begin
RubyChao shatters a bottle of champagne on his computer in celebration
RubyChao panics

Cornwind Evil: -shatters a bottle of champagne on his computer in celebration- AH MY EYES


Bree: someone had to sit in the captain's chair to operate the controls, but me and danielle are both playing tiny women (I'm a halfling, she's a gnome)
Bree: so we both sat in the captain's chair, which andy found funny


RubyChao: futo's speech style is basically "idk, whatever feels most Futo"


 M Sheep: Voyd is like you wrapped my anxiety voice in spandex.


Draco: Anyone know where Goops keeps his list of Curse members?
Jumpropeman: his profiles
Draco: Thanks
Jumpropeman: dont worry draco
Jumpropeman: im sure he'll add parsee soon
Draco: Codename ELF


Cornwind Evil: Damn it Mario
Draco: I can't believe Mario just fucking killed Goops.


(Re: King Biruritchi, AKA Villicci, showing up as a Curse member who sells bootleg Pokemon cards)

Jumpropeman: He's not angry living hot dog, but he's a decent first day villain
Draco: We all knew it was downhill after Meaner Wiener, JRM.


Jumpropeman: "US Navy sailors instructed to 'clap like we're at a strip club' for Pence arrival"
Bree: wat
NEEKO NEEKO NI: what bree said but in all caps
ivel: taw


Jumpropeman: CHAO is UP
N Goat: Oh wow, BABA really is HERE


NEEKO NEEKO NI: Meanwhile, I have been sitting here
RubyChao: trying to make history?
NEEKO NEEKO NI: trying to unravel what is, in my opinion, the greatest mystery of the universe
NEEKO NEEKO NI: Um Bongo, Um Bongo, do they truly drink it in the Congo?
Gooper Blooper: well, they CLAIM they drink it in the Congo
Gooper Blooper: depends how strict the truth-of-advertising laws were at the time and place this aired, clearly
Harpy: She put the lime in the coconut and drank it all up
Harpy: i have now entered earworm hell


Gooper Blooper: bbs, gotta watch wario and dedede kill each other


Cornwind Evil: Look who it is
Gooper Blooper: ORIGINS


haRP: i'm gonna post after cleansing
haRP: i am wondering who to toss in first tho
Jumpropeman: Hansel
haRP: no.


Gooper Blooper: looks like Dia has competition
haRP: goops if you do this to me as a curse event i will come to your house and knock all your garfields on the floor
ivel: how can anyone but jrm run that event
haRP: >:U
RubyChao: >implying we'd do it as a curse event
RubyChao: >implying we wouldn't save it for next year
Jumpropeman: ah yes, garfields famed love for avocado is on display here
ivel: Garfield IS a curse
RubyChao: >implying that next year we won't be doing Multi-Event Garfield Plot
RubyChao: think about it
haRP: i
RubyChao: garfield kart
haRP: will come over to your house
RubyChao: garfieldEATS
RubyChao: garfield food truck
RubyChao: so many events
haRP: and knock over all your non-existent garfields, chao
haRP: ivel is forcing me to watch this
Draco: Oh man. Who needs Dia anymore?
Draco: JRM, review that STAT
haRP: oh
haRP: well
haRP: dia's canceled!
ivel: guess Gino runs the Diaden now
Draco: Yay :D
Draco: All crimes forever solved


Gooper Blooper: edited in a reaction to Joy
Cornwind Evil: I THOUGHT she was oddly blase about that
Gooper Blooper: sorry, was super overwhelmed by that avalanche of things happening
Jumpropeman: *Shimmer pulls out a list of 100 questions for Jill*
RubyChao: it'll wear off once we get past the initial Desire To Be Things again
haRP: oh, um, i'll prolly be slow as fuck if that helps
Gooper Blooper: it's weird because of how much it can swing
Gooper Blooper: like, it slowed down so I indicated to Chao to go ahead and do a thing he wanted to do
Gooper Blooper: then it promptly fired right up again to full blast :V
Jumpropeman: when we started posting last night
Jumpropeman: I had to prevent at least three attempts by Shimmer to extract Jill backstory from sleepy goops
Gooper Blooper: oh, shimmer


haRP: >nearly typed out "kill" instead of "jill"
haRP: yep, definitely my last post of the night
ivel: Kill Jill
haRP: no
Gooper Blooper: DEAD JILL, a haunted valhalla creepypasta
RubyChao: well
RubyChao: there's one in spanish!



Dels at Work: theres so many pictures of angry baba
Dels at Work: that i might have to use them


RubyChao: because i thought about it and decided it'd be a nice offer
RubyChao: Don Genie has approximately $Bajillion in resources and cash, and as seen with the Funky Plot blogpost he's happy to use that money in the interests of the Curse, so that he gets more money. So! If anyone wants to say he's bankrolling this or that Curse or Curse-related thing, you have my complete permission!
Jumpropeman: I'll have Don Genie... FUND THE BRAWL
RubyChao: :O
Cornwind Evil: He'd probably get killed like Mac Tonight
Jumpropeman: every user would get a Curse Slot
Jumpropeman: to enter their curse members with
Draco: Excellent! I can finally enter DeMonde! :D


All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Guess who else can float
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: That's right
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Baba
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Babapost
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: First it was barposting
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Then it was borkposting
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Now ladies and gents
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: I give you
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Babaposting
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Baba of Wall Street
Waluigi: Brine is return.


Jumpropeman: "Jared steps out more fully, dressed in jeans that have seen better days and a white t-shirt with MAC TONIGHT emblazoned on it."
Jumpropeman: ye gods
Jumpropeman: Jared might be a dork


Gooper Blooper: a summary of tonight's RP
Jumpropeman: perfect music doesn't exis-
Feelin Jazzy: wh
Feelin Jazzy: i thought it was gonna be mariachi in metal form
Feelin Jazzy: but this
Feelin Jazzy: is also good


Jumpropeman: "What's your armor made of?" "Talking cats."
DMG: not sure that would make very good armor
RubyChao: hiyayaya
Jumpropeman: it protects you from conversation


Jumpropeman: content warning: catastrophic levels of stupid


Jumpropeman: I just took my dogs out to go bathroom one last time for the night, but while I was standing there waiting on them I had RP on the mind, so when I tried to call in Duke I instead ended up shouting "WOPPY!" into the night
RubyChao: well, did he answer?
Jumpropeman: he did not reply to Woppy :V


Jumpropeman: "And she's also ordered...a whole bunch of ice blocks?"
Jumpropeman: Joy is making an ice level, everyone hide D:
MobileDraco: Joy's trying to lure in Cirno. She heard Cirno's the strongest and wants a Fite.


Gooper Blooper: The Battlebots tournament still won't start airing for another month but one of the builders posted on facebook that he's selling his robot
Gooper Blooper: I have a sneaking suspicion he did not win
Jumpropeman: all these battleleaks
Feelin Jazzy: uuh
Feelin Jazzy: sir, can you wait til we see them get decimated
Cornwind Evil: His answer is probably "No."
Feelin Jazzy: sir
Feelin Jazzy: sir
Gooper Blooper: It at least didn't appear to be heavily damaged
Gooper Blooper: *builder puts up a garbage bag full of parts for sale*


Gooper Blooper: "im going to bed but i just want everyone to know that i love sumireko usami so got dam much. shes just a dumbass occult leader who loves her lesbian dream world and i love HER"
Gooper Blooper: -tumblr
Feelin Jazzy: lesbian dream world
Feelin Jazzy: thats a big gay feel
Feelin Jazzy: speaking of big gay feel
Feelin Jazzy: i got
Feelin Jazzy: full art Welder
Feelin Jazzy: from trading one of my rares for it after i opened a fuckload of boosters for the new pogey set
Gooper Blooper: Welder is still A+
Feelin Jazzy: after they traded her away, after a bit since i was still looking at her haul
Feelin Jazzy: "oh god now that i look at her again she's cute"
Feelin Jazzy: another friend of hers came over and asked what the heck was going on and eventually say "oh, the big gay"
Gooper Blooper: "oh god now that i look at her again she's cute"
Gooper Blooper: why did you think Harpy wanted that card, you fool
Feelin Jazzy: i traded her a volcanion
Feelin Jazzy: it was holo!
Feelin Jazzy: 100% not a fair trade.
RubyChao: yeah
RubyChao: you shortchanged them :I
Feelin Jazzy: i needed to sell my soul to the devil but turns out
Feelin Jazzy: i am the devil
Feelin Jazzy: karma will get back at me for this
Feelin Jazzy: i pulled a fullart pokegear thing
Feelin Jazzy: worth the same as Welder? fuck no
Feelin Jazzy: a fullart lillie went for fucking thirty dollars
Gooper Blooper: will pokegear keep me warm at night
Gooper Blooper: no it won't
Gooper Blooper: only welder brings the heat
Feelin Jazzy: welder will set your house on fire on accident
Feelin Jazzy: no really i saw a lillie
ivel: Welder brings the heat because she's so hot
Feelin Jazzy: in real life
Feelin Jazzy: hyper rare
Feelin Jazzy: 30 fuckin bux
Feelin Jazzy: i like lillie but not that much.
Gooper Blooper: that was the joke, Ivel, yes :V
Feelin Jazzy: i also got hyper gardy + sylveon
Gooper Blooper: 30 bux for 1 cardboard is ech
Gooper Blooper: I expect MULTIPLE cardboards for that kind of money
Gooper Blooper: I could get a bite and fight rexy with 30 bux
Gooper Blooper: plus tax
Feelin Jazzy: someone will sell their left nut for a base set charizard
MobileDraco joined the chat
Feelin Jazzy: ...awkward, but okay
MobileDraco: Hi puddin's.


Gooper Blooper: I bought a Shrapnel figure, so my Plague figure now has one of his mooks to order around
Feelin Jazzy: ye!
MobileDraco: Neat
Gooper Blooper: He came with a sabertooth cat
Gooper Blooper: because of course he did
Feelin Jazzy: that is the best mount evver
Feelin Jazzy: well
Feelin Jazzy: guess i'm homestuck now
MobileDraco: I expect it to show up.
Gooper Blooper: The Primal Clash toyline is gloriously stupid and it's one of the reasons I merged Curse with Jurassic Plot


Bree: kasumi needs like an entire sparkling water but with like one syringe dropper of vodka in it
Bree: new from valhalla: we will drip-feed you booze
Draco: The next bar is a stable and everyone gets the muzzle full of food like horses get.
Gooper Blooper: have one of those water troughs but it's beer
Jumpropeman: we'll call it The Hitching Post
The Juan Song: kek
Jumpropeman: because it will be an actual hitching post
Bree: hitching post, ha ha
Bree: doubles as a joke about RP pairings


Bree: I have my door open and I can hear azure laughing about something and I keep wanting to bust in there like "HEY WHAT'S SO FUNNY ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"


The Juan Song: i'm just having fun with ms. stumps over here for 0 reason


Draco: I liked having Phantom Team Dad there. X)
Bree: del says he's gonna stay the season, I'm hype
Bree: he asked me to yea or nay on coffee dad and I'm like "duh, yes, he's #TheBest"
Draco: Excellent. We'll have Kobber Parents go fight Villain Parents.
Bree: good dads give me the feels and sojiro is a Good Dad
Bree: all of these orphaned/abandoned/neglected teens wronged by society start bumming around his cafe and he's like "guess I'm adopting all of them. I've got eight kids now."
ivel: so when does he meet Celestia
Bree: oh my god
ivel: that's great though
Bree: that's the best way to describe him
Bree: he is celestia but with coffee and curry instead of baked goods
Bree: jesus christ
ivel: lel
Bree: how did I never see it before
ivel: >curry
ivel: welp I like him :U


ivel: got my third copy of Marth in Dragalia Lost
ivel: too bad dupes can't be used for anything
Gooper Blooper: Only three more Marths and you'll have enough for smash bros
ivel: plz


Draco enters King Biruritchi in a Fite.
Gooper Blooper: a Pokemon TCG match, obviously
Gooper Blooper: thrill as JRM writes out people playing a card game
Jumpropeman: King Biruritchi draws one 30 HP Horsea and nothing else!
Jumpropeman: I had a few games like that in Pokemon TCG GBC by NOJ, GF, and CI
Jumpropeman: just drawing one card that's gonna get creamed immediately
Gooper Blooper: me too
The Juan Song: yeah that
The Juan Song: happened
Gooper Blooper: really emphasized how luck-based card games can be no matter how good you or your opponent's deck is
Jumpropeman: Imagine an episode of yugioh
Jumpropeman: where Yugi just spends his first turns drawing and not playing anything
Jumpropeman: and then he dies
Jumpropeman: shadow realm is filled with luckless losers


The Juan Song: ..
The Juan Song: i typed out hek instead of kek
The Juan Song: when will it end
Jumpropeman: HEK
ivel bans jrm for profanity
Jumpropeman: the breeds of lels are now interbreeding into liger like forms
The Juan Song changed name to MOM HARPYS ADDING MORE CHARS
Jumpropeman: and that's how harpy ended up rping phineas and ferb
MOM HARPYS ADDING MORE CHARS: ...although the villain doctor sounds like a curse member :V
Gooper Blooper: it's okay, harpy
Gooper Blooper: I'm adding another character soon too
Gooper Blooper: so we'll "suffer" together
Jumpropeman: I'm SUBTRACTING a character
Jumpropeman: hope you liked Miyu and Fay's invisible, silent third friend while they lasted
DMG: I keep coming up with characters but I feel like most of them would be more suited to be villains than anything
Jumpropeman: well if it's gonna break your heart harpy I'll put them back in
Gooper Blooper: JRM is retiring Decima already :<
DMG: and then I just RP an entire cast of villains
Jumpropeman: day 5 and I already adopted my brinechar for the year
Gooper Blooper: they're just so adoptable
Draco: Indeed.
Gooper Blooper: Gen 2 didn't even make it to the bar before becoming a cinnamon roll
Gooper Blooper: a cinnamon roll who kills people
Gooper Blooper: like most of our rolls, really
Waluigi: Cool ladies are like hermit crabs, they'll move in anywhere there's space :V
Gooper Blooper: speaking of adoptable, good to see Oda again!
Draco: Are you trying to steal Huge Hermit's shell, Gen 2? :I
Jumpropeman: zeldoten already called dibs
Draco: Yeah. Jasper's just not big enough for her. She grew an inch taller and needs more space.
MOM HARPYS ADDING MORE CHARS: do i have any adoptables-
Jumpropeman: Celestia laughs knowingly
Jumpropeman: sitting on her hill of harpchars
Draco: I have no adoptables.
Draco: Just employables.
Gooper Blooper: *employs Gyanko*
RubyChao: i had Shion
RubyChao: and then i buried her
Jumpropeman: *employs Meaner Wiener*
Gooper Blooper: "bury me with my sister's money"
Draco: Gyanko is already employed by Evil Inc.
Gooper Blooper: ah yes, Gyanko final boss 2019
Gooper Blooper: I should have known
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Draco: Gyanko still explodes because she's a powerless girl.


All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: "Morgana pretends to be a cat, which he already is."
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: I think this is my favourite dumb line i wrote in 2018


Gooper Blooper: oh my how lewd
ivel: stehbstdhgsetdftgrtbh
Gooper Blooper: *bubble bass laugh*
harp: it kind of was l-
harp: *grabs gun*
harp: don't do this.
Gooper Blooper: they're kinda similar!!
harp: bubble bass vs. nep


harp: well uh
harp: um
harp: there's a lotta tiddy in this anime...


Jumpropeman: gonna grab some grub real quick
Jumpropeman: and then ask that grub where the food at
Gooper Blooper: Purnima will be happy to direct you to an extremely overdecorated restaurant
Gooper Blooper: Sheep enters Purnima in BBB9 as just a large cocoon, gets votes from terrified people
MobileDraco: Terrified? 8D


Bree: god this fucking post
Bree: it's so stupid
Bree: where do I come up with this absolute drivel
Bree: y'all better be ready for the ham and cheese
MobileDraco: Cheesier than the Fallen Angel Yohane? 😄
Gooper Blooper: meiling fans both want and expect drivel
Bree: I dunno, draco, judge for yourself
Jumpropeman: Yohane's so cheesy that Chester Cheetah couldn't even handle her


Jumpropeman: if you RP a touhou, you get a ton of great fanart on danbooru. If you RP a real life satellite, you get this instead
Jumpropeman: there is some legitimately cool art of Jason-3 through
Bree: a ton of great fanart on danbooru and also a lot of porn.
Draco: Satellite-senpai~
Bree: you can try safebooru, but titanic bosoms are safe too
Jumpropeman: jason-3 will never get quite as much porn as them :(


Jumpropeman: "Hello I am Tedcruz Forpresident.
I have over 42 years!
I wish to shut down the space program and destroy all telescopes, abruptly and without explanation"

Jumpropeman: "I must return to my home town of T'EXAS to slumber for an amount of time you would consider reasonable
Thank you, your support and skull sizes have been documented"

Jumpropeman: "Ted Cruz is only one being and not several.
- Guy Manderson"

Gooper Blooper: another alruthine walks among us
Draco: Sounds like a guy who uses W Ketchup.
Gooper Blooper: EVERYONE uses W Ketchup, though
Jumpropeman: it's the only way to remain free since OBAMA occured
Gooper Blooper: thanks obama
Draco: Exactly. Genuine Hu-man Tedcruz is everyman.


N Goat: "Even if you make a cute girl flat, it's still a cute girl."
N Goat: The first thing i see as I look into the bar
N Goat: Well
N Goat: It's been a good run
Jumpropeman: goodbye sheep
Jumpropeman: it was nice having you for this year
harp: to be FAIR
Jumpropeman: maybe next year will go better
N Goat: Time to ascend
harp: thats not loudboy on her shirt
N Goat died on the way back to his home planet
harp: sorry sheep
harp: i had to reveal how much of a fucking dork with bad taste she is
RubyChao: bye sheep
N Goat: You laugh, but now somebody's going to enter Asta into the Brawl or something
harp: i won't
N Goat sideeyeing JRM
N Goat: It's fine though


Bree: nova and ibuki could bond over their hair cones


N Goat: I meant to say this before, but it's a riot to see Pitohui continuing the weird tradition of having an early character that uses your username.
RubyChao: the entire reason he first found out about her is because of her being named Pitohui
N Goat: Oh really?
RubyChao: yeah
N Goat: Haha


Jumpropeman: oh yeah, goops, I wanted to thank you for mentioning Game Freak on the Giga Wrecker review. I was tempted to do so and the name should be out there, but like every review of the game mentions Game Freak and I wanted to deviate :V
Gooper Blooper: That was the review that made me realize you don't list stuff like the developer, publisher, and release date
Jumpropeman: I used to do the release date on the old blog version, but then things complicated it like Star Fox 2 and games that just don't have clear release dates :V
Gooper Blooper: I'm not surprised all those reviews mention Game Freak though
Gooper Blooper: because every time a non-pogey GF game releases all the articles about it are like "And who made this game? WOULD YOU BELIEVE THE POKEMON GUYS?!"
Gooper Blooper: and then everyone forgets the new game exists a month later
Jumpropeman: I told my brother about the review and he said "was it that elephant game" and for a guy who barely touches indies I was surprised he remembered one of Game Freak's random other games
Gooper Blooper: Speaking of Game Freak I don't think I shared this with JRM
Gooper Blooper: but I read an article about Game Freak's history
Gooper Blooper: months back
Gooper Blooper: and they were talking about how they were trying to make Pokemon Red and Green but needed funding to stay afloat in the interim so Nintendo had Game Freak help develop a NES game
Gooper Blooper: The NES game sold well enough to ensure Game Freak would stay alive long enough to release Pokemon
Gooper Blooper: It was Yoshi.
Jumpropeman: @_@
harp: oh
harp: OH.
Gooper Blooper: Yoshi gave us Pokemon
Gooper Blooper: so even if it really WAS as bad as JRM originally thought
Gooper Blooper: it still would have been worth it in the end.
harp: Pokemon: Origins
Bree: dark origins
Jumpropeman: yoshi is original sin, giving Game Freak the knowledge to be great but at a terrible cost


Jumpropeman: i will never read Carnotaurus properly on a first attempt
Jumpropeman: my mind just autocorrects it to carnotasaurus
Jumpropeman: carnatosaurus rather
Jumpropeman: gotta spell my typo correctly
Gooper Blooper: I can understand that JRM
Gooper Blooper: all these dinosaurs with their "saurus"
Gooper Blooper: and then there's this asshole who goes and mixes it up with "taurus"
Gooper Blooper: like, how dare he
Jumpropeman: you think you're a cow, bruh
N Goat: Voydosaurus
N Goat: by Ingen
N Goat sinks back into the mud


RubyChao: barpost
RubyChao: poor nova
Gooper Blooper: lel nova
RubyChao: she was not expecting to walk into a potentially very awkward conversation on her first day visiting the kobbers
N Goat: We must examine the Nova
Bree: *flings komachi in nova's direction*
Draco: *Nova is crushed under Komachi*
Bree: the softest death


N Goat: Ooh, Laptop Brine is so shiny!
Brinehammer: Alolan Brine adds electric typing.
Draco throws a Cirno Ball at Alolan Brine.
Brinehammer lets the pokeball shake twice before bursting out at the last second.
Brinehammer: Aw! Almost had it...


Draco: To quote the 90s, don't have a cow, man! :D
Gooper Blooper: he seems pretty calm about that cow
RubyChao: so guys, when do i reveal that Gordon Ramsay is a curse member
Draco: You already have.
N Goat: >:I
DMG: sounds like you just did
RubyChao: codename: RAW
Jumpropeman: codename: idiot sandwich
Draco: No, that's Cirno's codename.
N Goat: codename: kids next door
Jumpropeman: Cirno's codename is Carl
Draco: I thought that was her REAL name?
Gooper Blooper: What I need to do, clearly
Gooper Blooper: is have Plague take one of the Cirno posters and use it to cover up the button that you have to push to get into the Curse's secret base
Jumpropeman: No one would ever look behind it because that would require first looking AT it
Draco: Koa uses one as a dart board.


Jumpropeman: The box art of Palamedes II really can't match the sexiness of the original
Gooper Blooper: a classic US/Japan contrast
N Goat: whyyyyy
Jumpropeman: I'd like to point out the only visible clothes in Palamedes 1's box art are gloves so...
harp: uh


 All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Games club trip report
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: BORN TO DIE / SHADESPIRE IS A FUCK / Scrag Em All 1989 / I am trash grot / 410,757,864,530 DEAD HUMIES
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Or, in English
All Persona Fanfics Are Canon: Goblins are fun and I won a bunch


Bree: one of my fave stories about self-learning AI is this one that was programmed to randomly generate new knitting designs/patterns by examining its database of designs and trying to use the same techniques and stuff
Bree: it was called Skyknit :V
Jumpropeman: won't be so funny when the Termiknitters take over
Bree: there was a whole forum that got into the habit of testing out the patterns it came up with and basically, the patterns were technically possible to knit... but it required some serious mind-bending from the knitters because the AI "thought" in such a different way
Bree: the patterns it created were fascinating mathematical oddities that often had fractals and stuff
harp: >fractal knitting
harp: i'm sorry that's outside of my level
Bree: link
harp: wh
harp: i love the rainbow one
harp: >an adults only knitting site


Jumpropeman: "US Senator to introduce bill to ban loot boxes and pay to win microtransactions"
Jumpropeman: We're in the lootbox endgame
SteelKomodo: oh man
harp: that just makes me think lootboxes are thanos in some way
Jumpropeman: with a single snap, half the money from parents' bank accounts disappear
Gooper Blooper: kek


iKomodo: *weeps uncontrollably*


Cornwind Evil: This event reminds me of my thinking I was brilliant some time ago
Cornwind Evil: I don't like carrying pizza boxes for extended walks
Cornwind Evil: So I thought "I'll just put it sideways in a bag and cinch it tight and that'll work fine."
Cornwind Evil: didn't
Cornwind Evil: Fortunately it was for me so I didn't care if it was all sqooshed and deformed


harp: guess who has more dinos?
Draco: Goops.
Gooper Blooper: I have the MOST dinos


RubyChao: i just like the mental image of bubble bass getting pizza from a girl sitting on top of another girl's shoulders
RubyChao: and the lower one is wearing weird magitech
Gooper Blooper: ZFRP is my favorite Symphogear/Love Live/Spongebob Squarepants/The Amazing Bulk crossover
RubyChao: mine too
harp: don't forget the bootleg touhou
Gooper Blooper: Symphogear/Love Live/Spongebob Squarepants/The Amazing Bulk/Harvey Birdman/Touhou/NASA/Jurassic Park/Mega Man/Kamen Rider/Gabe The Dog/Flush Force/Pokemon crossover
Draco: Also as good as that great Mega Man Legends/Sonic the Hedgehog/Persona/Big O/Final Fantasy/Danganronpa crossover, ZFRP.
Jumpropeman: I was pleasantly surprised to see flush force
Gooper Blooper: link
Gooper Blooper: Rekkeah: link
Gooper Blooper: coming 2019: evil traffic light boss battle

Gooper Blooper: and you fuckers thought I was kidding
harp: its not a boss battle, but it is a plot...
Jumpropeman: excelente
Jumpropeman: it was a boss battle in Jason-3's eyes
harp: infinity war is the most ambitous crossover in history
harp: zfrp: *exists*
Jumpropeman: it would be very hard to make a comprehensive list of all the crossovers we got going on
Jumpropeman: almost as hard as making a list of every bar character


Draco: Beetle Knievel
Gooper Blooper: beautiful, draco
harp: mein gott


Cornwind Evil: "Two robots with no hands who bake bread for a living made pizza for the first time ever, over half a dozen of them in fact, and then delivered every one of them fresh, intact, and edible in under thirty minutes despite a road blockage, a blackout, erupting water lines, and rampant destruction by an implacable titan on the same block as your house?" -Superintendent Chalmers pokes his head through a window-


Bree: skeiron will get some of his money back since soon she'll be buying bread from him
Bree: with the money he just paid her
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Gooper Blooper: it's the circle of bread
Bree: the ciiiiiiiiiiiiiiircle of breeeeeeeeeead
Bree: it moves us all
harp: the breadconomy


(Brine posts about Gunn ordering a bunch of comfort food, not knowing what it is)

Bree: thanks brine now I'm hungry
Waluigi: I just really want that Mac and cheese IRL




iKomodo: Also I just realised that I have no curse members who could participate in this
iKomodo: noel would look at this and then go to the other side of town for a coffee :U
harp: fair!
Gooper Blooper: noel.jpg
harp: accurate
iKomodo: Besides, he could give the excuse that HQ had him called away for something
iKomodo: That image is totally on point btw goops


Jumpropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: you tell em, goofy
harp: plz
harp: hyuck.
Cornwind Evil:
iKomodo: God damn it, goofy


Jumpropeman: oh yeah goop
Jumpropeman: that regigigas thing on the blog was the best
Jumpropeman: Regigigas just suddenly putting the moves after the boasting match
Jumpropeman: I tried the talk to transformer thing a few times
Jumpropeman: the only one I got that I found funny was North Dakota's final self-affirmation and confidence in herself. Which it immediately wrote after that she was so happy to be in Minnesota after leaving North Dakota
Gooper Blooper: TTT is fun, I will do a sequel blogpost later
harp: i might try to use it for something
Jumpropeman: I'm just gonna have it write the fites
Jumpropeman: "Joy and Pitohui, it's time to Fite Yer' Mate!
Hear Ye, Hear Ye!
Ace of Spades is a great classic by the name of The Golden Compass by Walt Disney. It tells how a man whose name was "Eduardo" (a French version of his original surname) came forth from his humble roots to be a king. He was able to acquire huge wealth, but what he gained is something far greater than his riches he's able to say. His name is Ace of Spades.
So, this isn't just an ordinary story where our hero has an ego and a vanity, but instead a story where he is able to make his own destiny and that is something that we can also live up to."

Jumpropeman: the fite immediately became about someone else
harp: oh :V
RubyChao: Jill Stingray glanced up at the clock for the fiftieth time this evening. It was 11:58, April 30. Almost time. Jill's parents were coming out of the house when she heard a heavy thud on the front door. Seconds afterward it sounded as if someone had slammed the door shut. She stared at the door with her mouth open and then the sound came rushing through the other side as Jill scrambled to her feet to make it to the doorway. "I swear we're home. It's a mistake to lock it!" she gasped. She looked around and saw no one at the garage. The door was covered with leaves, but Jill felt like she could hear the sound coming through the metal door. No one could be home from work today because there was no one home with her dad. "Why weren't we there when she was home today?" she said, but the voice was distant and almost mechanical-like.
RubyChao: i feel like this turned into a creepypasta
harp: it
harp: really was


RubyChao: due to his ask no questions, take no sides, and give no answers style
RubyChao: kalcyon will treat curse members or other villains who come to his clinic
RubyChao: just like he would anyone else
Jumpropeman: Elliott also takes no sides as long as the money's good, I was even going to ask you sometime if he and Kalcyon might collaborate :V
Gooper Blooper: If ever there was a setting for the morally grey half-protags to thrive, this is it
DMG: similarly with the Shadowrunners, they'll work for just about anybody who pays them well enough
RubyChao: if elliott's paying, he sure can!
RubyChao: i think this came up before but i like how we're slowly developing this little gang of undercity-specific characters
RubyChao: aiko, giselle, kalcyon, etc
Gooper Blooper: Faction-based RP has been popular for a long time
Gooper Blooper: it feels right
Jumpropeman: I also mean that Elliott could help him copy stuff, since I wager Kalcyon's body needs replacements often
RubyChao: oh! yeah, it does
RubyChao: there are disadvantages to losing your organic body
Jumpropeman: does that make Elliott Kalcyon's back alley doctor? :V
RubyChao: yes
RubyChao: it does.
Jumpropeman: it's back alleys all the way down


(Plague's response to seeing his battle arena destroyed is to hang a "CLOSED" sign on the door)

Cornwind Evil: Well, Plague isn't WRONG.
Gooper Blooper: He's never wrong!
Jumpropeman: Plague is more powerful than I dare to believe...
RubyChao: you know, i don't think you've met
Cornwind Evil: Pictured: Plague.
Hooded Pitohui: Clearly Plague is a true genius. Call things like they are in simple terms, and you'll never be technically wrong.


NeverSpeep: Whenever you are down, just remember:

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