Sunday, April 23, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 289: Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds

All You Zombies: "Cast out from the sanctuary of Suramar, this nightfallen wandered the coastline as his body deteriorated, and his sanity along with it. Just as he was about to lose the last vestiges of personhood, he sensed a radiating energy from a nearby cave. Within, he found a shard of power originating from the Nightwell itself. It sustains and empowers him, but also warps the flow of time and space nearby. It has broken his mind completely. Now, no one enters the cave of Withered J'im. Even fools know better."
All You Zombies: So of course I did
All You Zombies: He had treasure.


Bear Cuddler: bought some NX because nothing makes me happier than going on Diadem Simulator and making her look pretty
Bear Cuddler: gacha gave me interesting things
Bear Cuddler: i gave some to ivel
Bear Cuddler: and uh
Bear Cuddler: Dia is hiding it well, but she's actually very terrified
Bear Cuddler: so yeah Gino can transform into a monster Dia murdered
Gooper Blooper: hang in there dia
Gooper Blooper: the madness will end soon
Gooper Blooper: well, no, it'll all be in kuwahawi
Bear Cuddler: Magical Girl Mayhem: with more events planned than
Bear Cuddler: uh
Bear Cuddler: shit


Jumpropeman: boip
Gooper Blooper: piob
Burpo joined the chat
Jumpropeman: =o
Burpo: Who summons me? BI
Jumpropeman: Burpo my liege!
Gooper Blooper: a kid his age should be playing outside, not sitting up in his room all day burping his burpo
Burpo thunder crackles.


Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds:
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: Dn
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: Aid
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: Bsjshsis
Bree: that is a cute anime girl
Bree: is she your waifu
ivel: Harpy said she looked like that one Inkling girl :U
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: She might be my waifu
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: She is from persona 5
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: I dunno if i wanna wait for her to turn up or stick with Ann right now
iKomodo: Man del is riding the persona 5 train all the way to anime hell
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: I'm in hell already bro I'm deciding who to fucking date in my first playthrough
iKomodo: XD
Miserable Sheep III: >​ Bree: is she your waifu
Miserable Sheep III:
Bree: yayyyyy proZD is great


Pie.: No. ​No.​. :[ You can make a Battlefront 2 when you make the ​first​ attempt into a proper Battlefront, damn your eyes and pickle your genitals, you motherf... I'm gonna go get some food.
Draco: Star Wars?
Pie.: Star Wars.
Gooper Blooper: Par Wars
Gooper Blooper: it's about golf in space
ivel: Paru Wars
Gooper Blooper: Darthsee
Draco: Hecatia Skywalker
Gooper Blooper: So... Parsee is Hecatia's mom?
Draco: Yep. That's where she got the clone thing from.
Pie.: Shrinestalker, Earthbounder, Skywalker, Shipsailor, and all your favorite Touhou friends of the compound monosyllabic-dual-syllab​ic affiliation descriptor names return in Pleasant And Needed Distractor From Ven's Recurring Rage.
Draco: Clownpiece
Pie.: I'm not sure if Nukehugger is fair for Utsuho. :b
Off-RubyChao: suncrusher
Pie.: That works. Though Sunswallow may be more to the point?
Gooper Blooper: BombDevourer
Gooper Blooper: CannonStriker
Gooper Blooper: AngelCuddler
Pie.: Nah, that one's Pit's, surely. =u
Gooper Blooper: It depends on whether you want one who cuddles angels or an angel who cuddles
Pie.: Just like the conundrum of bearcuddler, in this very roooom! She's been a character ​all alooooong
Pie.: Darth Esoteric
Pie.: ... it doesn't actually sound that bad aloud, huh. .-. Could be a proper Sith name.
Pie.: Try it.
Gooper Blooper: link
Phone: Dun dun duuun


Off-RubyChao: kasumi ended up more popular than i ever expected :V
Gooper Blooper: to be fair, a single person could have said "you know, I guess Kasumi isn't completely irredeemable"
Gooper Blooper: and that still would have been "more popular" than Chao expected
Off-RubyChao: true
Jumpropeman: we'll see what happens this year when Fumes kicks open the door, wielding two shotguns at Kasumi. "Snub your nose at me, huh? >​BI"
Draco: Gamera looks and cheers. "You can hold two shotguns now! Yippee!"
Draco: A single person DID say Kasumi isn't completely irredeemable.
Draco raises hand.
Jumpropeman: its fun to play pretend
Gooper Blooper stares at forum
Gooper Blooper: ...yes, yes it is
Draco: What? Play pretend? You would never catch me DEAD doing that!!!! D:<
Draco mashes the Gloria and Yamame ​dolls​ ACTION FIGURES together.
Gooper Blooper: seven years of playing pretend
Draco foams at the mouth.


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hello my babies, honeys, and ragtime gals


Gooper Blooper: well guys, it's less than two weeks to RP now
Gooper Blooper: hope y'all are ready
Draco: Goops, you know I'm not. :I
Off-RubyChao: i will be if i can just get past my issues
Off-RubyChao: overcome the odds
Gooper Blooper: Honestly, are any of us ever prepared for what happens when we fling our toys at each other
ivel: lel
Draco: Sheep is. He's always the man with the plan.
Miserable Sheep IV: :I
Jumpropeman: I just need to scrap a few more characters
Jumpropeman: this season will be nothing but Clawhauser if I have my way
Gooper Blooper: JRM, you can't do that!
Gooper Blooper: we need Rex and Inch, too
Gooper Blooper: police RP for six months
Draco gives JRM a hundred Dracobucks to make it happen. :V
Miserable Sheep IV: The people demand more Ice Cold Water Man
Jumpropeman: they'll do a three person fusion dance to become the perfect cop
ivel: Gumshoe?
Draco: Bonkers?
Gooper Blooper: I'm already RPing the perfect cop
Gooper Blooper watches Browny job
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Draco: The Seacons become the Securicons we have Bixby back?


ivel: Aeronaut's reaction to finding out how long Kinnikuman has been going on
ivel: ivel: it's only on chapter 57, I will note
-ivel: stopped in '88, one chapter in 2010, then started back up again in 2012
-Aeronaut: Oh so it's like the Doctor Who of Anime

Off-RubyChao: hahahahah, yeeep
Gooper Blooper: perfect


Jumpropeman: one thing I like about anime is they aren't afraid to be generational
Jumpropeman: we got the JoJos, and the Kinnikumen
ivel: mhm
Jumpropeman: and hit anime character Bort
ivel: I like the idea of Boruto and hate what I heard of the characterizations of some of the chars
Jumpropeman: >the Sasuke kid's name is Salad
ivel: also fun fact: apparently when DBZ was going to start, they didn't want Goku to be an adult since people had been so used to Kid Goku. But it happened anyway
Jumpropeman: this picture is very uncomfortable
Jumpropeman: she's not surviving the night
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: the little man will stop bort
Off-RubyChao: are you sure she's the one doomed
ivel: that was my thought
Gooper Blooper: the power contained in those red glasses is legendary


Off-RubyChao: link
Gooper Blooper: Rifa X Nightmare
Off-RubyChao: make up your own caption!
Draco: Ashuraman discovers Friendship Is Magic
Jumpropeman: "The Mettaton show hasn't been the same since he met the human"
ivel: "I love this rock"
ivel: not sure if that screen is actually in a rock or not, but looked like it to me :U
Gooper Blooper: Two-Face's two faces could never agree on which show to watch.
Off-RubyChao: those are gr8
Off-RubyChao: thank you frands
Draco: You're welcome.
Jumpropeman: the best caption was, of course, ivel's. "not sure if that screen is actually in a rock or not, but looked like it to me"
Off-RubyChao: also who wants to hear probably the greatest contunity error in all of kinnikuman
ivel: me
Miserable Sheep IV: Whynaut?
Off-RubyChao: okay so
Off-RubyChao: when Akuma Shogun, a major antagonist, first shows up, hero Geronimo challenges him
Off-RubyChao: Akuma Shogun promptly grabs Geronimo and sets up for his finisher
Off-RubyChao: in the middle of the finisher, we cut to the other guys watching
Off-RubyChao: Robin Mask, Terryman, Brocken Jr, Kinnikuman... and Geronimo
ivel: ...
Off-RubyChao: yes, Geronimo is apparently watching himself get hit with the super move


Gooper Blooper: *finds article called "What To Ask Before You Switch To The NBN"*
Gooper Blooper: DON'T DO IT
ivel: lel
Draco heads out with Jackson.


Net was dead: Let 'em curse my name
On these bloodstained pages of misery
Let 'em call me a tyrant so cruel
Let 'em curse my name
But remember the truth
Miserable Sheep IV: You're a dancing fool?


iKomodo: Just woke u-
Jumpropeman: I'm surprised how much of it just seems to be the original movie but with Tom and Jerry crammed in


Died Laughing, Check Obituary: As the headache goes worse and I resign myself to death, my main regret in life is not touching more boobs. I leave my extensive library to Chao, my own written works to Brine, a piece of toast to the rest of you, and the videogames he no doubt already possesses to JRM.
SteelKomodo: D:
Died Laughing, Check Obituary: Getting sudafed, bbl


Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: Yo
SteelKomodo: hi
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: Pro tip
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: From games night
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: Do not invest in brick futures
SteelKomodo: got it :P


Off-RubyChao: "We’ve finally reached the end of an era. This is the last issue written by Ken Penders, and the last one Ron Lim does art for. Following this issue, we get an actual comic about Sonic the Hedgehog, and I cannot fucking wait."
Off-RubyChao: the ride is over
SteelKomodo: thank fucking god


Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Off-RubyChao: hellooooo
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Off-RubyChao: hellooooo
Jumpropeman: help, Gooper and I are stuck in a Chinese Finger Trap
Jumpropeman: that's why we keep entering around the same time
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: I have to wonder if you can order Chinese Finger Traps in bulk
Jumpropeman: if you can, I'm totally renting a parade float and showering them on the populace of my city, Joker in the first Batman movie style
Off-RubyChao: link
Jumpropeman: IT BEGINS


Bree: potentially controversial ad spot: guys, having a chatzy account is pretty nice
Off-RubyChao: GASP
Off-RubyChao flicks the flamethrower on
Off-RubyChao: stay back, strange imposter


Jumpropeman: The Urgent Care I went to one time while I was away at University still e-mails me. I've even clicked their unsubcribe button but I get the occasional email still
Jumpropeman: that's the real price of healthcare in america
Draco: Spending all the big bucks on spam emails.


Bree: so, azure's grandfather is dying, and don't be sad about this fact because I promise you he's like a hugely terrible person and azure hates him
Bree: but I went to the store with azure yesterday
Bree: and apparently her mom/grandma asked her to buy some stuff for her grandfather
Bree: and by "some stuff" I mean like a blajillion six packs of diet pepsi
A Gorillion Yen: well
SteelKomodo: is he a pepsi elemental?
Bree: and I'm like "isn't he on dialysis? is he seriously gonna drink all this pepsi?"
Bree: and azure's like "well he might as well have his simple pleasures"
Bree: and I guess that means pepsi
A Gorillion Yen: he's trying to become pepsiman
Bree: one more thing about the above
Bree: I feel like someday when jrm is super duper old and on his deathbed, that'll be like almost exactly his last wish
Bree: "what can I do for you, grandpa? ask me for anything" "bring me...dr pepper..."
A Gorillion Yen: "why is jrm's coffin filled with cans of pepsi?"
Bree: jrm doesn't drink pepsi you heathen
A Gorillion Yen: "he wanted it this way"
Bree: he drinks dr pepper
A Gorillion Yen: it's fine
A Gorillion Yen: it's fine though
Off-RubyChao: and then drinking the dr. pepper causes jrm to be completely reinvigorated and live another 15 years
Bree: *coffin full of pepsi* "didn't he ask for dr pepper?" "it's fine, he's dead so it's not like he cares" and then oldropeman BURSTS FROM HIS CASKET WAILING "I KNOOOOOOOW WHAAAAAAAAAT YOUUUUUU DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID"
A Gorillion Yen: and that's the premise of the bye bye man
SteelKomodo: wait what
A Gorillion Yen: jokes


A Gorillion Yen: persona 5 has a quarter american character but it needs a full american character to shout OH MY GOD and devour hamburgers imo
A Gorillion Yen: what im saying is
A Gorillion Yen: i want joeseph joestar in persona
SteelKomodo: of course you do :P
A Gorillion Yen: SON OF THE BITCH he screams in broken japanese as he is hit by ice and knocked down again
Bree: kek
A Gorillion Yen: i need to talk about things other than p5


Plan awry: Do normal people only take one espresso shot? This vader mug here holds sixteen. :l
Gooper Blooper: that much caffeine takes you to the dark side
Gooper Blooper: fortunately that's exactly where FV wants to go
Plan awry: The Dark Side has been on my mail slip for years, Goops, I've already been livin' there a-while. =h
Gooper Blooper: true
Draco: You think the darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the darkess. I was born to it, molded by it!
Plan awry: Lessee... According to DeviantArt, Darth Ven has been there for nine now. =u
Draco pulls a Bane and takes over Vegas.
Plan awry: Er... Bane, buddy, they've already nuked themselves for a long time. For funsies, even. ;v This blow up a reactor plan may not work as well as in Gotham.
Plan awry: Now, I know the Brotherhood of Shadows wants to destroy vice, and I'm sure you and the Brotherhood of Steel could have some long and fulfilling conversations, but you're going to need a different method. =y
Plan awry: Sidebar: Luck Be A Lady is a fairly rude admonishment to fate that it had best let the singer prosper, not any sort of tribute or plea. =U One shall see how well it works on the singing.
Draco muppet flails angrily.
Plan awry: Frank Oz? Is that you with Sean Connery inside that dragon puppet?
Draco: We also found Waldo.
Plan awry: Noice
ivel: but where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?
Plan awry: Netflix, apparently.
Plan awry: New series and everyt'ing.
Draco: Neat.


Plan awry: The whole of Outworld was shocked today to discover that Shao Khan's chamberlain had been spitting in his coffee for the last seventeen years. While not an act of defiance that could change reign or even mildly inconvenience the dark lord, it was still braver than most 'loyal' citizens ever dared to be in desired and unacted upon defiance.
He was, of course, summarily ripped to pieces and thrown into the flesh pits, but the damage had been done when the sheer
longevity of it was revealed.
Draco: LOL
Draco: Shao Khan drinks spit.


Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: So today I was remembering some...Norwegian? Fairy tales I read a long time ago
ivel: oh?
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: And one was based on this guy who decides he's gonna rob a big mean troll
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: Who lives on an island or across a river or something. So the guy goes and steals...I think his ducks? They're magic ducks?
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: So he's sailing away and the troll comes out and says "Hey! Did you steal my ducks?!" "Yeah!" "You coming back here?" "Maybe!"
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: I guess the troll can't swim
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: So he goes back later and steals the troll's coat
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: I remember specifically that this coat "had many checks of silver and gold"
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: I don't know what a check is in this context
Draco: Zeldoten intensifies.
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: So he's sailing away again and the troll comes out "Hey, did you steal my ducks and coat?" "Yeah!" "Are you coming back again?" "Maybe!"
Plan awry: It's a type of swatch, except instead of being a interwoven material like silk among lace, it's the obvious metal mentioned instead.
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: So I forget the details, but the thief goes back a third time and this time he gets caught by the troll (maybe on purpose) and the troll prepares to cook and eat him
Plan awry medieval The More You Know etc
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: But he leaves the cooking to his daughter, and the thief tricks the daughter into being cooked herself, and then he disguises himself, serves the main troll his daughter, and steals...I think a crown?
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: So the guy gets on a boat and sails away again, and the troll comes out and they go through the routine AGAIN, until the troll asks the question he really should have asked first. "Didn't I just eat you?"
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: "No, you ate your daughter!"
Gooper Blooper: This is where CW learned how to punish villains
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: And supposedly at this fact revealed, the troll became so angry that he 'burst'
ivel: welp
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: So the thief rowed back to the island and stole a bunch of other stuff, and rowed off with lots of treasure. The end
Draco: Zeldoten applauds. Encore!


Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: Off-RubyChao: Robin Mask, Terryman, Brocken Jr, Kinnikuman... and Geronimo
-ivel: ...
-Off-RubyChao: yes, Geronimo is apparently watching himself get hit with the super move
Cornwind Many Hoops Evil: Did the move kill him?
Off-RubyChao: yes, yes it did


Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: How blazed is Sam right this second
Blazing Fast Evil rolled a die with 10 sides. The die showed: 7
Blazing Fast Evil: He's pretty darn blazed
iKomodo: Very blazed
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: Good


Jumpropeman: I don't think its possible for toinette to enter a bed non-sexually with another person
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: Toinette only likes girls so it's possible
Blazing Fast Evil: Once she saw me she'd learn


Draco: Butts. Just realized I still need to finish Kamen Rider Hime. 😱


Bear Cuddler: i need to do some misadventure before kuwahawi
Draco: Misadventure? What? 😱
Bear Cuddler: i have a blogpost in mind but
Bear Cuddler: i'm not sure if i'll either A. have enough of an idea for it or B. i have the energy to do it
ivel: misadventure? does Tron Bonne make an appearance
Bear Cuddler: i can't just kidnap tron :c how else will she monitor the raunchy romance breaking out between Rifa and Nightmare?


Draco: Fun fact: Zeldoten has gone up three levels thanks to winning the Brawl.
Gooper Blooper: So what level is she overall
Draco: 8.
Gooper Blooper: Out of how many
Draco: 20
Jumpropeman: *21


Jumpropeman: hmmm
Jumpropeman: friday night
Jumpropeman: besides being alright for fighting, I feel like there was something I was supposed to do tonight
Gooper Blooper: link
Jumpropeman: theeeeeere we go
Draco: Nice.


Jumpropeman: I should probably start thinking about my first day characters
Jumpropeman: like Harth and Ethopeia
Gooper Blooper: don't forget Johnny Tsunami
Jumpropeman: I was having trouble of thinking up an example vote for the fite topic
Jumpropeman: I almost put #JOHNNY TSUNAMI


A Gorillion Yen: holy fuck i looked up the ultimate personas in p5
A Gorillion Yen: goddamn
A Gorillion Yen: glad i chose to date ann because man that looks rad
Draco: Later you meet Ann's dad, Pech.
A Gorillion Yen: oh god
A Gorillion Yen: the crossover nobody asked for


Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: So uh
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: Current P5 status
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: I'm dating Ann now
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: We do it
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: Well i mean
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: Uh
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: Not in that manner
Draco: Snrk
Wake Up Get Up Date Nerds: But yay i did it


Draco: ......I'm reading a list on some clickbait site called "The 25 Worst Cars of All Time."
Draco: My car's on it at Number 8.
ivel: your car specifically? D:
ivel: Rude :I
iKomodo: D:
iKomodo: what model/make is your car?
Draco: 2005 PT Cruiser Convertible.
Draco: And the list specifically mentions....PT Cruiser Convertibles.
Draco: Mentioning the original 2005 versions a few times.
Draco: So I'm going to cry. XD
iKomodo: Welp
Draco: In all honesty, I think I spent the entire list going "Okay, when are they going to make fun of my car."


(Regarding FV's new coworker)

Phone: Almost succeeded in bluffing Emily that my name was Gandalf


Phone: If I successfully invent and implement a spell to change fat into hair, will I finally be a wookiee?

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