Sunday, April 16, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 288: Arrested For Youtube Crimes

Shiā Hāto Atakku: trying not to buy the aether revolt starter decks
Shiā Hāto Atakku: the cards have sway over me brine
Shiā Hāto Atakku: i can't stop it
SteelKomodo: laughing at del being consumed by magic once more
Shiā Hāto Atakku: i gotta find all my werewolves somewhere
Shiā Hāto Atakku: zombies and werewolvessss
B.C.: Rip
Shiā Hāto Atakku: aether revolt has air ships and steampunk bullshit
Shiā Hāto Atakku: and next set is egypt
Brinehammer: Yeah... It's how it goes, get your shoebox or binder ready.
Brinehammer: Zombie jank tribal all day.
Shiā Hāto Atakku: fak


Off-RubyChao: how's it going
Space Texas Theme Park: Not bad
Space Texas Theme Park: Waking up getting up getting out there
Space Texas Theme Park: Buying cardboard crack
Space Texas Theme Park: Usual nerd stuff


Shiā Hāto Atakku: chao
Shiā Hāto Atakku: you didn't tell me there was a monkey with a stand
iKomodo: what
Shiā Hāto Atakku: it's a monkey
Shiā Hāto Atakku: with a stand
Shiā Hāto Atakku: that smokes a pipe
Off-RubyChao: yes
Off-RubyChao: specifically an orangutan
Shiā Hāto Atakku: he has no grants, he has no land
Shiā Hāto Atakku: this kong has a funny stand
iKomodo: pls del
Off-RubyChao: the rules are basically that you can get a stand if you can handle it
Off-RubyChao: even if you're an animal
Off-RubyChao: see: the rat, the hawk, and the dog with stands
iKomodo: donkey kong's stand would clearly be bananarama
iKomodo: get stronger from eating bananas, like in the cartoon


Cornwind Evil: So, Cornwind learned a few things
Cornwind Evil: Cornwind learned that just because the left open bag of milk is still drinkable
Cornwind Evil: The sealed bags are not necessarily so
ivel: welp


Cornwind Evil: A friend of mine watched Wrestlemania with me, so I was watching a repeat, and supposedly ​they greatly toned down Roman Reigns' boos.​
ivel: ​not surprising
Cornwind Evil: This would have been a great time to turn him heel
Cornwind Evil: So of course you can bet they'll keep presenting him as Cena 2.0
Gooper Blooper: I saw a comment that pointed out that Cena's clearly winding down
Gooper Blooper: so, in other words, it is now too late for the heel turn
Gooper Blooper: because there's no one else
Cornwind Evil: And really, can you blame Vince? Look at all those people booing Reigns for 20 minutes straight....all of whom paid for a ticket
Cornwind Evil: Until he gets Silence and empty arenas
Cornwind Evil: ...and I capitalized Silence by instinct
Cornwind Evil: Ahem
Gooper Blooper: fuckin' kek


Cornwind Evil: While I won't do it in Season 7
Cornwind Evil: Season 8 might see a new VEW. Or perhaps the Kuwahawi Extreme Wrestling League
Gooper Blooper: >​KEWL
Gooper Blooper: that acronym
Cornwind Evil: With a name like that
Cornwind Evil: I have to do it


iKomodo: I'm gettin a game controller accessory for my new phone
iKomodo: Speaking of, I found a way to put custom ringtones on your iPhone
Jumpropeman: sounds nifty!
Jumpropeman: both those sound nifty
iKomodo: so I now have the ULTRAAAAA COMBOOOOO sound as my text alert
Sick: Have you ever had the inexplicable urge to yell that into a drivethrou question box when hitting up a fast food joint?
iKomodo: Mmhm
iKomodo: i have not :U
Sick: What do you want, sir?
It may just be me.
iKomodo: Pffffft


Off-RubyChao: time to break sk's spirit
iKomodo: You can get em dead cheap on-
iKomodo: no
iKomodo: NO
iKomodo: FUCK YOU
Nintendo Spyitch Ordered Yes: No, no, Miku is Tupac.
ivel: he's being inducted into the Rock Hall of Fame this year
ivel: I'd be surprised if there weren't already so many rappers in it
iKomodo: Pfffft
ivel: Endorphine: LITERALLY ME
Endorphine: tell iKomodo i gave him a virtual high five
Endorphine: bc
Endorphine: personally offended

iKomodo: Yay
iKomodo virtual high five
ivel: she's my other friend who really loves the Gorillaz, for context :U


The Lost City of Pacifis: For Ruby
Shiā Hāto Atakku: sup drac
Off-RubyChao: nice titles
Nintendo Spyitch Ordered Yes: . . . Chao I misread that so badly
The Lost City of Pacifis: Not much here. Just finally getting Ruby his...Spy pls...Romance novels.
ivel: Spyplz
The Lost City of Pacifis: Hasn't even graduated and he's corrupted. :I
Nintendo Spyitch Ordered Yes: Nah. Just currently deglasses'd
The Lost City of Pacifis: Mmhmm.


Black Cats: *listening to La Pucelle Arranges*
Black Cats: NO
Black Cats: STOP
Off-RubyChao: hi goopy
Black Cats: AAAAA


Nintendo Spyitch Ordered Yes: I would unironically love a Greed Rumble for Fite Yer Mates
Nintendo Spyitch Ordered Yes: Greed, Greed, Greed
Nintendo Spyitch Ordered Yes: Beelzebub
Black Cats: Greedsephine makes a triumphant return
Draco: All of Kamen Rider 000's enemies join.
Black Cats: and then there's Ba'al- no wait I DON'T MEAN ALL SEVEN OF YOU I MEAN thE OTHER GUY
Black Cats: Ba'al just glares at all these lvl 100 wimpy knockoffs of him
Black Cats: "the fuck is this shit"


Black Cats: so um
Black Cats: i'm playing disgaea 5
Black Cats: the thief has an ability called "Steal Heart", which steals the stats from an enemy character
Black Cats: the stat is randomized and comes with a random name for it
Black Cats: so i'm stealing from a mage girl named Vanessa
Gooper Blooper: this gon b gud
Black Cats: "Steal Vanessa's Tears (INT)"
Gooper Blooper: she crai
Black Cats: not anymore
Black Cats: Kitty will steal her tears away
Black Cats: (i named my thief kitty, i'm so goddamn original :U )


Jumpropeman: "In a 1996 USA Today article, Washington State zoologist John Crane said, "There is no such thing as Bigfoot. No data other than material that's clearly been fabricated has ever been presented.""
Jumpropeman: I hope John Crane did his best Richard Nixon voice when he said this
Gooper Blooper: He forgot to do the Nixon- 2slow
Jumpropeman: "Bigfoot has had a demonstrable impact as a popular culture phenomenon. It has "become entrenched in American popular culture and it is as viable an icon as Michael Jordan""
Jumpropeman: Bigfoot vs. Michael Jordan
Jumpropeman: make it happen folks
Gooper Blooper: fite yer mates


Off-RubyChao: i have russel stover
Jumpropeman: Chao please, give him back ; o ; his family misses him
Off-RubyChao: make me


ivel: when I played Street Fighter 2 I thought Vega was a girl for a while


Cornwind Evil: From a bad history book
Cornwind Evil: "Examples of inaccuracy can be found on almost every page, ranging from minor to major. Minor example: Caligula’s last words, in reality. were “Strike again - I still live!” (spoken to his assassins.) Per Barber and Reed, they were “testicles!”,"
Black Cats: plz
Jumpropeman: My dad has a friend up in Wisconsin whose go to expletive is BALLS, so I'd believe it


ivel: Harpy: "Do I like nuking people? Yes I do."
ivel: :U
Black Cats: yes i do


Draco: You're grounded, mister.
Draco: No, I don't. Bl
Draco banishes JRM to the time out chair.
Jumpropeman: one of these days I'm gonna run away from chat and you're gonna be so sorry!
Draco: No, I won't.
Cornwind Evil: -watches JRM get kidnapped by the pedophile drug dealing cannibals that are apparently roving every street in the world these days according to DARE-
Draco: I'm going to turn your room into an office.
Draco: And hang a large portrait of myself on the wall.


Draco: "Alliance of Vengeance" <- So having gotten their Bad Guy Phase and Good Guy Phase out of the way, Gallade and his team begin their 90s Antihero Phase.
Jumpropeman: Jester Chao just covered in pouches
Jumpropeman: Axem Blue with a facial scar and constantly grit teeth
Jumpropeman: and you can never see Gallade's feet for some reason
Off-RubyChao: corporal guy is constantly smoking
Off-RubyChao: while lord crump makes all sorts of edgy killer potions
Jumpropeman: potions made out of DRUGS and BLOOD
Draco: Season 8: they begin their "ridiculous and lame cartoons moral guardians" phase.
Draco: Season 9: Cirno joins the Alliance, necessitating a new ZFRP Canon to prevent the meltdown of civilization.
Draco: We'll call it Ultimate ZFRP and have it going at the same time as normal ZFRP.
ivel: what about a new ZFRP Cannon
Jumpropeman: im glad this theme song doesn't have the character being mentioned on screen when they're mentioned
Draco: I thought this was just a fever dream I had once. D:
Jumpropeman: goop mentioned it in his blogpost, prompting me to look it up and uncover the horror
Draco: Get Along Gang Final Bozz All Year Every Year
Draco: Goops can hold on to Touhou Celestia until Season 16 when Celestia finally retires for good and we need a Team Mom to ride motorcycles with the other Touhous.
Cornwind Evil: Ultimate ZFRP WOULD let me fix early RP mistakes
Draco: Me too.
Draco imagines a world where only Zook was canon. :3
Jumpropeman: Zookfights RP
Draco: Exzooktly.


Big Blue: Oh man I'm non-specifically angry this morning for no reason!
Big Blue: I got a fuck you loaded up but nobody to shoot
Big Blue: Guess i should subliminate that into something else
Jumpropeman: is this Del or actually Big Blue
Jumpropeman: im guessing Del
Jumpropeman: since there is no Bree
Big Blue: It's del
Big Blue: Oh man i forgot about the other big blue
Big Blue: 1 sec
Big Blue changed name to Arrested for YouTube crimes
Arrested for YouTube crimes: There
Jumpropeman: did you try to upload Persona 5 endgame content?
Jumpropeman: because apparently that's the latest youtube crime
Arrested for YouTube crimes: I haven't done that but someone should
Arrested for YouTube crimes: It'd be in the spirit of the game


Arrested for YouTube crimes: I'm tearing my hair out about this game
Arrested for YouTube crimes: Fak
Arrested for YouTube crimes: The music owns tho
Arrested for YouTube crimes: And i will steal it for RP
Nintendo Spyitch Ordered Yes: Careful man
Nintendo Spyitch Ordered Yes: Atlus might copyright you
Arrested for YouTube crimes: I've already been arrested for YouTube crimes spy
Arrested for YouTube crimes: Plus they can't copyright ZFRP because it's not worth any money!
Arrested for YouTube crimes: Victory!!
Draco: This is true. Nobody's making money off of us except Chatzy and any artists we commission to draw our characters.
Arrested for YouTube crimes: We're not a profitable enterprise
Draco: Not really, no.
Arrested for YouTube crimes sells the brand to FFG, is sued by Major Failure
Arrested for YouTube crimes is arrested for RP crimes
Draco cuffs Del for stealing sugar mages.

Bree: a terrible crime
Arrested for YouTube crimes: Guilty as charged
Arrested for YouTube crimes: I would have gotten away with it too
Arrested for YouTube crimes: If it weren't for you pesky kids and your meddling dog
Draco throws Del into a WWE/Hanna-Barbera Crossover Cartoon.
Arrested for YouTube crimes: A cruel and unusual punishment
Draco: It's only unusual because we've only done it once. When we do it more often, then it'll just be cruel. :D
Off-RubyChao: did someone say unusual
Draco: AND cruel, so good job.


Bree: congrats stephen you've achieved zoidberg status
Bree: just add "(and stephen)" every time you mention the gorillaz
SteelKomodo: yep :P


B.C.: Bleh
Draco: Bleh?
B.C.: Bleh


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Off-RubyChao: jrm!
Jumpropeman: hello my ham sons


Off-RubyChao: did you know
Off-RubyChao: this year is wario's 25th birthday
Off-RubyChao: have a rotten year
Gooper Blooper: Year Of Wario
Off-RubyChao: in jojo part 3, there's a senator who runs into dio and gets killed off
Off-RubyChao: and in the dub of the 1993/2001 ova
Off-RubyChao: he's voiced by
Off-RubyChao: Charles Martinet


Gooper Blooper: So earlier today I stumbled across something I'd meant to tell you guys about a long time ago
Black Cats: oh?
Gooper Blooper: Namely, during my Ohio trip, I passed a billboard that was #ruined and jotted down a note about it
Gooper Blooper: I re-found the note today
Draco: NANI?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?
Gooper Blooper: The billboard was for a restaurant in New York called "Alex's Place" and it said "Awe man, now I want ribs!"
ivel: ...welp
Black Cats: holy shit that looks
Black Cats: delicious
Black Cats: ivel lets go on a road trip :U
Black Cats: (no i kid, i wouldn't do that)
Off-RubyChao: drat
Off-RubyChao: it's a bit out of the way for me
Off-RubyChao: sorry alex


 Draco: #ThanksgivingWithTheSara​hkin: ​Yamame shook Mr. Helios' hand and said "Thanks for inviting me. Someone named Bus told me your name was Garland though. Is it a middle name?" [/noncanon]


Gooper Blooper: One of the ten million things I like about the brawl is JRM doing such a nice job with the winner's epilogue
Gooper Blooper: all of them have been good
Gooper Blooper: naturally, Silence's is a personal favorite :V
Draco: Well, he's going to have trouble topping last year's when Zeldoten wins again.
Jumpropeman: I'm glad the epilogues are good, I don't think anyone has truly blindsided me yet on what to do
Jumpropeman: but i still worry :V
ivel: I'll make sure to win with the most unconventional character to make up for that
Off-RubyChao: lesko?
ivel: ​Gino transformed into a baby chick


Jumpropeman: the old lady who emailed me said that the official word around the Madison from the manager and all is that I was laid off properly and not fired or chose to quit
Jumpropeman: and she doesn't even know about the drama so that she used such phrasing is a good sign
Gooper Blooper: I bet she'd be a good character reference
Gooper Blooper: "he's a good egg"
Jumpropeman: oh sonny, if I needed character references, I've got an army of old ladies at my beck and call
Gooper Blooper: truly terrifying


Gooper Blooper: [utsuho joke goes here]


Cant Quite Yet Actually: Light, lithe creatures who can run atop snowdrift without sinking, you say. Noted climbers and archers who enjoy cavorting positions, you say.
I can't possibly see anything that might get in the way of this elf doing the gymnastic shenanigans usually associated with the species, can you?
Off-RubyChao: just look at ariel
Bree: ariel is an elf?
Bree: GASP
SteelKomodo: lolz


(GB playing Pokemon Moon)

Gooper Blooper: Rotomdex just told me there are "still lots of great pokemon to be found"
Gooper Blooper: I have a complete dex
Draco: Yeah, but he didn't say NEW Pokemon.
Draco: He said great Pokemon. Like Bidoof
Draco: Or maybe you want yet another Alolan Rattata.
Gooper Blooper: *goes into grass*
Gooper Blooper: *alolan rattata*
Gooper Blooper: pls
Draco: Or maybe you want.....ALOLAN BIDOOF.
Draco holds up Alolan Rattata with a Bidoof mask on.
Phone: But where is my Alolan Gengar and mildly sunburnt Viola?
Draco: Um...being a Trial Captain.
Phone: Darn. Trial captains. Didn't know I had to get Phoenix Wright too.
Gooper Blooper: she joined team skull
Draco: D: Tenshi is so disappointed. She's always been a lawful person.
Off-RubyChao: guess they'll have to date across the cell bars now


Gooper Blooper:


Phone: Never give jrm a gravity hammer


Black Cats: agh why can't i think of a decent personality for a new char :I
Black Cats: that doesn't completely overlap with another character- or i can just draw on a different aspect of me, that's fine
Draco: I know the feeling. I'm making a Cleric for a Pathfinder game and I'm trying not to make her Celestia.
Black Cats: but why not
Black Cats: at least you have the excuse that it's in a pathfinder game in which.... idk actually where i was going with this
Black Cats: i'm just a bit more concerned about it just in case i decide to bring the char into RP, which... knowing me, 50/50 chance
Draco: Goops is gonna sue me for copyright infringements someday.
Gooper Blooper joined the chat
Draco: And here he is with a cease-and-desist order.


Black Cats: time to eat
Draco: I had pizza. :)
Black Cats: i'm gonna order some
Draco: Neat.
Black Cats: ordering for delivery
Black Cats: that feel when the hunger hits
Draco: Hungry? Why wait? Grab a Snickers. OH WAIT, my friend tried that once and his got stuck; the bar was a minor office celebrity until the company who stocks it refilled the machine.


Gooper Blooper: harpy's up to her eyeballs in RPGs
Black Cats: i know
Black Cats: but i am not ashamed
Draco mails Harpy his copy of Xenogears for PS1.
Black Cats: i wouldn't be able to play it D:
Draco: Oh. ._.
Draco mails Harpy his PS2 too.
Gooper Blooper: JRM, not to be outdone, mails Harpy his virtual boy
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Black Cats: oh no
Black Cats: don't do that :C


WorkDel: look at these rad mummies
WorkDel: i wanna write some mummy society now
SteelKomodo: i say thee yay
Jumpropeman: man, look at all those mummies
WorkDel: everyone jokes about the skeleton economy
WorkDel: but man
WorkDel: mummy economy would be more fun
WorkDel: because only rich people got embalmed
WorkDel: poor people getting their jobs stolen by dead rich people
WorkDel: mummypunk
Jumpropeman: they should really have a hippo mummy
Jumpropeman: literally the only proper one I can find online


Arrested for YouTube crimes: I can't get mummypunk outta my head
Arrested for YouTube crimes: Imagine a contingent of mummies pulling stone blocks for the next pyramid
SteelKomodo: oh lawd
SteelKomodo: tell more
Arrested for YouTube crimes: Mummies rowing the boat of the pharaoh and feeding her grapes with silk gloves over their parched, bandaged hands
Arrested for YouTube crimes: Mummies in heavy bronze armor mining for jewels
Arrested for YouTube crimes: Mummies don't tire and don't question orders, so even a shitty pauper mummy only good for basic manual labour is more valuable than if that person were alive
SteelKomodo: welp
Arrested for YouTube crimes: Anarchists setting fire to mummies as protest, only to realise that now they've made something that doesn't feel pain, will defend itself and is now on fire
Arrested for YouTube crimes: It'd be better to die young as the resulting mummy is of better quality so the rich tend to take poison and leave behind a beautifully wrapped mummy matching their stature in life, and the poor all die of plague anyway so hey free mummies
SteelKomodo: oh lawdy
Arrested for YouTube crimes: I'm folding this into my Julius setting now
Arrested for YouTube crimes: City of Mummypunk
Arrested for YouTube crimes: Mummypunk is a real bad name


Off-RubyChao: i thought this was allergies but i think now it's just a cold
Off-RubyChao: it sucks, would not recommend
SteelKomodo: oh nooooo D:
Yall Mind If I BUGGLE UP: hang in there chao
Draco joined the chat
Off-RubyChao: drayo
Draco: Can I have your Walkman when you succumb to your cold?
Draco: I mean, hello.
Off-RubyChao: no :I


(GameFAQs prepares for a new contest - the best year in gaming!)

ivel: "Marble Madness"
ivel: I loved that game
ivel: as much as I wanna vote 82 for Dig Dug I have to go with 81
B.C.: I voted 82 for you
ivel: <3
Gooper Blooper: Goopsbro had a brief but amazing fling with Marble Madness a couple years ago
ivel: oh?
Gooper Blooper: We were messing around with Midway Arcade Treasures and he re-discovered it, then made it his life's mission to complete it
ivel: ooooooh
Gooper Blooper: It took hours
Gooper Blooper: ​hours
Gooper Blooper: And of course... when he finally made it, I had left to take a shower so I missed his moment of victory
Gooper Blooper: but I heard him cheering
ivel: lel
B.C.: thats like using the bathroom at a baseball game and a hitter getting a home run behind your back


Gooper Blooper: "Raise your hand if you’ve adopted a unappreciated character that the writers clearly didn’t love and decided to love them with all your heart because they deserve more than what they fucking got in canon."
Gooper Blooper: ZFRP
ivel: yup
Draco raises a hand and an elf.
Gooper Blooper: parsee was ahead of the elf curve and she's not even an elf
Draco: She wrote some essays on how to assist Santa's helpers. She called it an Elf-Help book. ;p
ivel: booo
ivel: :I
Gooper Blooper: I chortled
Draco: What do you say to your SO when it sprinkles at the North Pole? "Looks like rain, dear."
ivel: I heard a much longer version of that joke before
ivel: so I appreciate the shorter version
Draco: The longer version I've heard involves a Norwegian visiting Russia.
ivel: that was it
Draco: What does Santa do in his garden? Hoe hoe hoe.
Draco: I think I'm out of Christmas puns.


Arrested for YouTube crimes: I'm powered by my self-loathing and desire to find new kinds of cool bullshit
Arrested for YouTube crimes: And sugar


Off-RubyChao: [21:32] » Nabber » harley quinn is just a character made up by hot topic to sell clothes to edgy people
Off-RubyChao: replace harley quinn with hecatia
Gooper Blooper: heca's origin story revealed
Gooper Blooper: she was just a member of Mascot Force all along


Jumpropeman: I got the Drake comic in the mail
Gooper Blooper: I'm glad there was a way for JRM to continue his adventures in drakeworld
Gooper Blooper: soak in the scope of the franchise
Jumpropeman: "My shift is over in seven seconds. The exact amount of time... YOU HAVE TO LIVE!"
Jumpropeman: drake still with the excellent one-liners
Gooper Blooper: excellent
Draco: Good one.
Off-RubyChao: i keep reading them in a Duke Nukem voice
Jumpropeman: the comic continues the trend of constant exposition, but when it does write some actual dialog, the villains trying to be cool and evil is ruined when you remember their hillbilly voices from the game
Jumpropeman: "Like many foes, they depend on their weapons too much" Drake says, despite only using guns in the game
Gooper Blooper: all the genius you've come to expect from the verse
GlitterBree: I kinda wanna have someone force meiling to play drake of the 99 dragons
GlitterBree: cruel and unusual punishment
Gooper Blooper: well, I'm planning to bring back the Big Bar Brawl Betting Corner with Jinako
Gooper Blooper: maybe there
Jumpropeman: "Drake promises to keep you on the edge of your seat with double-fisted pistol, action, supernatural enemies, and a storyline with an unexpected twist."
Jumpropeman: and I'm pretty sure the "unexpected twist" is one of those things revealed in the first level but it takes Drake the whole game to find out
Draco: The unexpected twist is there were no dragons.
Jumpropeman: well, when the comic wasn't literally transcribing the game, it was marginally better, in that it actually did more than saying ELECTRIC MAHJONG to sell the future setting and bothered to explain a few things the game didn't
Jumpropeman: still not anything special though


Jumpropeman: I have edited my profiles to thin down my cast
Jumpropeman: by the start of the season I will be down to only half a character
Gooper Blooper: *JRM added Wenceslas The Younger yesterday and removed him today*


Off-RubyChao: "The cases involved were all named Arizona v. California, and were decided in 1931, 1934, 1936, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1979, 1983, 1984, and 2000."
Off-RubyChao: the epic rivalry
Gooper Blooper: what's the score
Off-RubyChao: right now california gets more water from the colorado river
Off-RubyChao: so i'd say they're winning
Draco: I think the original deal was struck when the river was exceptionally full and never took into account minor things like droughts.


Phone: Science having discovered that flowers are sex crazed addict hordes who consume corpses and offal while tempting others to do their bidding, albeit all usually put in nicer terms, I vote we make mobile sapient ones fantasy's new go to villains. Since its racist to use orcs now.
Draco: XD
Draco: Mobile sapient flowers?
Jumpropeman: they tried that with The Happening
Jumpropeman: people weren't too keen
Mystic ivale: I mean, the Warhammer 40k Orks are already like a fungus
Mystic ivale: on the other hand, that thinking led to this game, which I feel we need more of :U



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