Friday, April 7, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 287: The Great Bank Heist

Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Yuyumom gives Youmu coats while Reimudad sits in the corner reading the paper and telling Yuyu to just let the half-ghost freeze if she wants to.
RubyChao: that sounds canon
RubyChao: does reimu wear Dad Glasses for no reason while doing this
RubyChao: glasses she doesn't wear before or after
Draco: Absolutely.
Draco: Even has a pipe.
Draco: ​Youmukid definitely takes after Reimudad.


Barista Champion: i find it funny you added the 10x10 square to chatzy madness
Barista Champion: because i actually conquered it legit today!
Gooper Blooper: awesome!
Barista Champion: woo boy it was a trip
Barista Champion: it takes two armor knights to protect everyone and everybody going nuts for revenge (the game's gimmick, which revolves around taking enough damage (or allies taking damage) to trigger it... which enables crits on every move, reduced damage, and 1 SP specials)
Barista Champion: and overlords unleashing special skills called Overloads
Barista Champion: the enemies get revenge mode too...
Gooper Blooper: sounded awesome until that last bit, UH OH :V
Barista Champion: ...and you get shards if you beat 'em in such a mode
Barista Champion: which boost stats!
Gooper Blooper: neat
Barista Champion: basically this entire map is a setup for shard grinding because WOO BOY
Barista Champion: just a few attacks and the entire prinny squad was out for blood
ivel: Harps gave me permission to share this: at first she typed sharts not shards and had to stop typing cause we were both laughing
Gooper Blooper: pffff
Barista Champion: magic sharts
Barista Champion: used to improve stats?
Barista Champion: brandon isn't sure about this
Barista Champion: (nobody is sure.)


RubyChao: i'm properly watching the Touhou Ronpa crossover now
RubyChao: and satori points out that with TWO lucky people and a mind reader and a wall-passer and an illusionist
RubyChao: "Ronald Knox will turn over in his grave because we completely ignored his ten commandments..."
RubyChao: it's just a really good summary of how 2hu abilities and mysteries wouldn't normally mesh
RubyChao: (but they mesh really well here)
Warmech: SOMEBODY'S BEEN MURDERE- "Marisa did it" Geeze guys, at least let me finish before you use your powers >​BI
Gooper Blooper: Marisa after being found out
Warmech: that mouth


Gooper Blooper: Today I checked in on my childhood cassette player to see how it was holding up
Gooper Blooper: we were keeping it in the basement
Warmech: under a pile of dust
Gooper Blooper: Pried the bottom battery cover open and it was a mess, I highly doubt this thing still works
Gooper Blooper: old corroded batteries that were probably bought at Ames
RubyChao: man, the same thing happened to one of our cassette players
RubyChao: i just got lucky that we had enough to have a backup
RubyChao continues replaying cassettes he heard a hundred times as a child
Gooper Blooper: Man, I really fucked chao up with this dolby chick didn't I :V
Gooper Blooper: ​VICTORY​
RubyChao: you kinda did yeah
ivel: that feel when you love you some good dolby action -BC
Warmech: next year Gooper will RP a character big on typewriters, thus causing chao to do all his writing on typewriters from that day forward
Gooper Blooper: he mails all his RP to the people he's RPing with and we transcribe it onto the forum
Gooper Blooper: (there are some technologies I am okay with leaving behind :V)
RubyChao: well
ivel: sounds like a murder mystery waiting to happen -BC
RubyChao: we actually ​do​ have a typewriter in the chaofam apartment...
Gooper Blooper: in any case, look forward to plenty of dolby starting in one month
Gooper Blooper: including a run at the brawl
RubyChao: let's hope she doesn't pull a Silence 2016
RubyChao: or an Edea
RubyChao: or a Browny
RubyChao: or a Coneheads
Warmech: Gooper characters are sprinkled throughout the rankings
Gooper Blooper: I'm hedging my bets this time
Gooper Blooper: I'm planning an entrant that I EXPECT to crash and burn so as to fulfill the yearly GB jobber slot and let my more serious entries go deep
Warmech: and that character
Warmech: is Shroud
ivel: and that character wins the Brawl
ivel: one vote does it
ivel: - B.C.
Warmech: the Shroud epilogue is just him shrugging
Gooper Blooper: see, that's why it's someone that even if they do win
Gooper Blooper: everyone will be laughing too much to be upset
ivel: lel
RubyChao: like Mac Tonight?
Gooper Blooper: ...guess I might as well just say who it is, shouldn't I :V
ivel: is it a secret char
RubyChao: it's ​Sumireko
ivel: - BC
Warmech: its a secret chair
Gooper Blooper: no, not my secret fiter, that's a different thing
Warmech: Sarah's chair is back and ready for battle!
RubyChao: ​you're expecting her to flop again, and nobody will mind if she dies
Warmech: if Silence hadn't have won the year before, Sumi would've been pretty high on my list of characters I wanted to win last year
Gooper Blooper: ​I'm entering Team Skull
Warmech: ​whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Warmech: ​Unexpected/10
Gooper Blooper: ​Their weapons are Wimpod and Grubbin, think fazfucks but even more ineffectual
ivel: ​Emily prepared to destroy her lamer counterpart with sick moves. -B.C.~<3​
Gooper Blooper: ​Emily could probably take all four of them
RubyChao: ​Golisopod and Vikavolt come back for a better try next year
ivel: ​they do worse
Draco: Guys, Team Skull is everywhere here. Help. 😱
Gooper Blooper flashes gang signs while gyrating
ivel: goops plz
ivel: emily will save you
ivel: perhaps.
ivel: -b.c., not to be confused with d.c.
Draco: I'm at a convention with some friends. There are Team Skull grunts everywhere.
Gooper Blooper: it's an easy cosplay that gives you free license to act ridiculous so I'm not surprised
Draco: There's one Plumeria but not YA BOY GUZMA.


Bankharmer changed name to Designate_5
Designate_5 left the chat
RubyChao: and we never saw him again
Designate_5: Yeah, that was weird. Don't know why it kicked me. My bad.
Warmech: brine, you're breaking my heart here
Designate_5: He'll be back one day if we believe hard enough.
Designate_5: ​April fools​
Warmech: somewhere in Wisconsin there's a flaming blue skull man
Warmech: if I only I could find him when I go there this summer
Warmech: ​and then it turns out he's been my cousin this whole time
Designate_5: I wish. Designate was a really cool guy, anything he did would be awesome.
RubyChao: designate's one of the old guys i'm sometimes sad i never personally met
Warmech: dude was chill and friendly
Designate_5: Yeah, he was really nice too. The best Undead Cosmonaut.
Warmech: that is why he remains my white whale
Draco: Wot
Warmech: good Harpy impression, but it's pronounced "what"
Phone: Vhat?
Warmech: geeze, did NONE of you show up to my Harpy Impression Class down at the Rec Center?
Designate_5: I kind of
Designate_5: fell asleep
Designate_5: in the back.
Phone: I was at Wreck Center. .0.
Warmech: *sigh* well, you guys better pay attention next week at the "Pretend to be Del Seminar"
Warmech: our first subject will be when to say Dongs with little provocation
Draco: Dongers
Warmech: you're on your way :'D
Phone: Wait, Bankharmer? Are we... are we going to finally heist, Brine? Oh, man, this is gonna be great!!!!
Designate_5: Yup! The potted plants, the mints, every deposit slip, and maybe the cash if there's room in the car. We're taking it ALL.
Warmech: you better not take those pens that are chained to the counter BI
Designate_5: Oh, no way! We're not monsters, after all.
Warmech: phew, those things are the only reason I ever even go to the bank!
Designate_5: But you'd better believe we're taking every single pamphlet on fiscal responsibility and low-interest loans. And EVERY. SINGLE. PAPERCLIP.
Warmech: that's how you get on a Most Wanted list REAL quick
Warmech: all their papers are going to be loose and untidy
Phone: Yesssss


Cola rolled a die with 100 sides. The die showed: 91
Cola: Huh. :l I was going to joke that no matter the training Lucky still probably couldn't lift Priscilla without cheats. Chatzy has seen fit to stick its tongue out at me on that notion.
SteelKomodo: chatzy defies expectations, every time :P
Cola: It does enjoy confounding them.


The Andy Serkis Sex Tent: Concept: a Stand that can find songs you'll actually like in Spotify
iKomodo: That is a strong stand


Draco: Alright, got my tax documents sent to my accountant. Like many people who aren't the American president, I pay my taxes and contribute to the overall welfare of our nation.
Phone: I did mine in February. Now I'll never be president.
Phone: Eh. Just as well. I'd just have stolen 40 cakes and outlawed Superman.


(On JRM's final work day)

Workropeman: Dawn of the Final Night
Workropeman: 12ish Hours Remain
RubyChao: hi rm
RubyChao: *jrm
Workropeman: *wrm
RubyChao: wait unti they give you another night
Workropeman: well, I chose this name to be poetic, so they'd be ruining it >:I
Phone: This time with murderous animatronics, if meme is to be believed.
Workropeman: I don't trust Meme after they teamed up with Pipa


Workropeman: "Warmech: 'We think of nostalgia as being those moments when we fondly remember something that’s happened to us in the past. Nostalgia didn’t always have such a warm connotation though, and was originally thought to be a mental illness.'"
-Warmech: *trips over self as he rushes to tell Gooper*

Workropeman: ^I found out what drove Dahlia crazy
Gooper Blooper: I may not be all there mentally
Gooper Blooper: but it's not because I like old stuff
Gooper Blooper: :V


Workropeman: link
Gooper Blooper: >​JRM, unprompted, posting a non-ruined hu
Gooper Blooper: well chao, you got him fully now
RubyChao cackles evilly
Gooper Blooper: for the record I already consider cirno to be ruined just due to her chatzy jokes
Workropeman: every day I don't RP Cirno is a victory
Workropeman: I might make it to ​season 9​ probably the final post of Season 8
Gooper Blooper: Cirno finally busts out of the "SAVE FOR LATER" box and rushes into the king of beasts
Gooper Blooper: but all she finds is a mariachi band playing adios muchachos
Gooper Blooper: better luck next time
RubyChao: i've actually got a new character in the box
RubyChao: goops can confirm it's going to be as tough as nitori
Gooper Blooper: it might be even harder than nitori actually
RubyChao: nope
RubyChao: there's no way they'll be major until season 8
RubyChao: nooo waaaay
Gooper Blooper: I also have a boxed character in reserve for next season and plan to retire/rotate out more characters to help make room


Workropeman: this is still one of my favorite websites
Workropeman: You guys thought girls can't carve pumpkins? WELL THINK AGAIN!
Gooper Blooper: hahaha, I remember the one you linked a year or two back
Gooper Blooper: GIRLS CAN'T JUGGLE, I think it was
Workropeman: yup
Gooper Blooper: I can confirm that girls can in fact carve pumpkins
Gooper Blooper: goopsmom did one last halloween
RubyChao: b-b-b-b-but
RubyChao: she's a ​girl!​
Gooper Blooper: Samhain never told us about the institutionalized sexism in Halloween's history
Workropeman: Girls Can't show up for the drum set photo shoot apparently
Gooper Blooper: hmm
Gooper Blooper: they seem to have forgotten the girl, yes
Gooper Blooper: where's my cartoon girl with a smug, mildly disgusted expression?
RubyChao: driving her monster truck
Gooper Blooper: *squints*
Gooper Blooper: there she is!!
Gooper Blooper: I do hope at least they have some actual things that more readily come to mind as things girls "can't" do
Draco: No one fights like Goopsmom! Douses lights like Goopsmom! In a wrestling match nobody bites like Goopsmom! For there's no one as burly and brawny.
Workropeman: titled Pigtail Girl, this Girl proves that yes, girls CAN have pigtails!
Gooper Blooper: like a girl in an army uniform, or sitting at a CEO's desk, or playing baseball, or something
RubyChao: they have girls with guns
RubyChao: does that count
Workropeman: yeah, they have sports, military, and businessladies
Draco: Pigtail Girl for Brorl 7
Workropeman: its just amusing how far they stretched the brand
Workropeman: non-humorous example
Gooper Blooper: well, after you take care of the obvious ones, to keep the site going you have to get a little more esoteric
Gooper Blooper: yeah, there we go, that's a good one
Gooper Blooper: ​*pic of a girl playing Blood Bowl*​
Workropeman: inexplicable poem ski jumper
RubyChao: "girls can't expose the esoteric"
Gooper Blooper: Unfortunately, you can't ski jump if your feet are not securely in the skis
Gooper Blooper: nothing to do with gender, just, uh... check the straps, lady
Workropeman: clearly, by "now you can too", they mean there is an opening after her fateful jump
Draco: Girls can't build an army of battle mechs for a multi-headed dragon goddess.
Gooper Blooper: Girls can't WHAT?
Draco: Girls can't cast white magic.


RubyChao: i keep reading Barista as Batista
RubyChao: spy has ruined me


Workropeman: the people who leave reviews on Gamefly are brutal
Workropeman: so many games get 1-2 stars out of 10
Workropeman: i think people just get pissy if they can't rent it or it looks bad since there seems to be no vetting process for sorting out people who have played the game
Gooper Blooper: if they get a game over, that's a paddlin
Gooper Blooper: if the disc has scuffs, that's a paddlin
Gooper Blooper: no DLC codes? You better believe that's a paddlin


RubyChao: is Marisa still in jail
Barista Champion: no, but that's because Reimu slam dunked her ass back into Gensokyo
RubyChao: thanks reimu
Gooper Blooper: *dogsong blaring in the distance*
RubyChao: (gardevoir totally tried to recruit her into the coalition of malice first, though)
Barista Champion: the same applies to Kanako
Barista Champion: marisa has standards, gardevoir
RubyChao: but does kanako????
Barista Champion: kanako... also has standards
RubyChao: rip gardy
Barista Champion: you worship HER, not the other way around
Barista Champion: :I


Workropeman: since when did Metro-Goldwyn Mayer get involved in RP
Workropeman: oh, magical girl madness
Gooper Blooper: opening logo for the plot: Kevvy roaring in the MGM logo
Barista Champion: kek
Barista Champion: if you draw that, i will include it
Barista Champion: for sure
Workropeman: get CKR to draw it
Workropeman: she already gives him a lion face :3
Gooper Blooper: :3


Workropeman: too bad its not Apirl 1st so I could add Cirno to this rejected characters blogpost
Barista Champion: swerve


Draco retroactively steals Prier images for Zeldoten and then crudely adds horns.
Draco: Dammit, now I need to find out who this Prier person is. BI
Draco: And based on what I've seen of this game so far and the Internet, there will be boobs.
Draco: They're the one who porn everything up.
Workropeman: I keep telling Internet not to do that!
Draco: Disgaeapedia has helpful background information: "When Hero Prinny defeats Priere she is upset that she was beaten by mere penguins. One of the Prinnies corrects her stating that their not penguins, but Prinnies. Priere then questions why she lost blaming her weight for losing. Hero Prinny states that the Prinnies love big chicks because they have something to grab unto like pork loins while "flatties" are like kelp, "you use them once then throw them away". This angers Priere who then smashes the floor causing the Prinnies fall back and sweat in fear."
Draco: Priere is the evil Sarah.
Draco: Hmm. Yeah, if I hadn't been intent on using an OC picture for Zeldoten, Priere would've been a decent stand-in picture.
Draco: A sexier-than-intended stand-in, but decent nonetheless.


Gooper Blooper: there's this cow in the la pucelle town and every time you talk to it it just says "mooboo"
Gooper Blooper: but eventually
Barista Champion: WOW
Barista Champion: she has big thighs, that's diff-
Barista Champion: oh.
Barista Champion: :U


iKomodo: Be careful what you wish for
Fooooooooooo ooo ooood: I tried to hide that anime from JRM so he wouldn't marry Dr. Pepper. Now you've gone and done it, Komo.
Fooooooooooo ooo ooood: Ah, well. It was bound to happen eventually. =y
Workropeman: there are only two Dr. Pepper ladies in this world to marry
Workropeman: classic metal sign Dr. Pepper lady
Workropeman: and this perfect lady
Workropeman: "Fort worth resident Elizabeth Sullivan celebrated her 104th birthday in 2015. She says one of her secrets to aging is Dr Pepper.
Sullivan said that, aside from child birth and getting her tonsils removed, she’s never been hospitalized, and doctors can’t find anything wrong with her.
“Two doctors told me that if I drink [Dr Pepper], I’ll die,” Sullivan said. “They died first.”"

Fooooooooooo ooo ooood: "that's the power of love" as the chorus from the song of the same name was the instantaneous mental response to reading that.
iKomodo: Welp


WorkDel: uh oh
WorkDel: i'm getting that feeling I get
WorkDel: when I think
WorkDel: "Magic the Gathering seems pretty cool"
WorkDel: "I should buy"
WorkDel: NO
WorkDel: I'm already a whale for another card game
RubyChao joined the chat
RubyChao left the chat
O my: Distraught at the thought of Del being a whale, Chao fled.
The Andy Serkis Sex Tent: I can speak whale real good


Barista Champion: that feel when you leave your mom alone
Barista Champion: and she brings home four chickens


Draco joined the chat
Draco Muppet flails.
Draco left the chat


Draco breaks down the door, frothing at the mouth.
Ciaphas Cain activates the trap door

Draco: D8
Ciaphas Cain: BI
Draco: I would describe myself as someone who doesn't normally squeal with glee, but I've been giggling like a fool since I got out of Kong.
Ciaphas Cain: ooh, awesome
Draco: #KongOnSkullIsland: ​There was an after-credits scene that did this to me.
Ciaphas Cain: ​I do like to confirm if a movie has an after-credits scene, so thanks for the heads-up if I happen to see it
Draco: #KongOnSkullIsland ​Had a friend tell me I needed to stay and she was riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.​


Bacterial Culture: Disgaea is kind of influencing what I MIGHT do with Brandon
Bacterial Culture: maybe early in the year, maybe later
Bacterial Culture: just the dumb idea of "he learns HEALING MAGIC?!?"
Gooper Blooper: remember when Sarah helped teach Alex to cast white magic
Bacterial Culture: yep :U
Bacterial Culture: though i currently have no intention of teaching him Holy or Raise or anything
Bacterial Culture: like that
Bacterial Culture: just the basics
Bacterial Culture: cure line, buffs
Bacterial Culture: ​disgaea gets no rez so ye
Bacterial Culture: no prier you can't teach him
Bacterial Culture: you don't even know healing magic
Draco: ​She has the healing power of boobs.
Bacterial Culture: um
Bacterial Culture: Prier would crush whoever said that with her massive thighs
Bacterial Culture: :U
Jumpropeman: sounds like a touhou spellcard
Bacterial Culture: Thigh Sign: [Sparrow's Crushed Dreams]
Draco: Yikes. Never mind then. D:
Draco: ​Koakuma learns Thigh Kwon Do from Prier.


Jumpropeman: watching the latest Little Watch Academia
Jumpropeman: and the subber switched names for one of the characters between episodes
Jumpropeman: and genders
Gooper Blooper: oh dear


Bacterial Culture: guys
Bacterial Culture: i got
Bacterial Culture: a shirt
Bacterial Culture: its mimikyuu
Draco: Sweet. :D
Gooper Blooper: where'd you get it
Bacterial Culture: hot topic
Gooper Blooper: hahahahahahah
Draco: Parsee unintensifies.


Jumpropeman: Rainbow Dash and I just had "the talk"
Spynior: Oh jeez what
Jumpropeman: "the talk" being that she should make her BBB entries early this year
Draco: 8I
Spynior: JRM no
Spynior: It's way too soon for that kinda talk
Jumpropeman: she was the one to bring up the subject even :V she said she was already thinking of her entries while she did a little dance
Jumpropeman: so she seems hype
Draco: Rainbow Dash, a Rhino fresh out of the shower, Bob Ross, and a bottle of W Ketchup for a lotto.
Ciaphas Cain: lel


Gooper Blooper: Boss Baby opened at number one for box office
Gooper Blooper: 10th best opening for a dreamworks film
Jumpropeman: I watched a review for it this morning
Jumpropeman: and the reviewer said she liked it, and then there was a video of a ship labelled CREDIBILITY sinking into the water
Off-RubyChao: hehheheheh
Gooper Blooper: it needs a video game tie in
Gooper Blooper: Imagine Boss Babyz
Bacterial Culture: plz
Bacterial Culture: leo wouldn't be able to handle it


Jumpropeman: rainbow dash pointed me in the direction of a hidden object game for the ipad
Jumpropeman: so my inexplicable love for them has consumed me again
Gooper Blooper: oh god, hidden object games
Gooper Blooper: you will find them in spades on mobile
Gooper Blooper: enjoy
Jumpropeman: in that case, farewell my friends
Jumpropeman: I'm off to live with the hidden object games
Jumpropeman: *strips and runs off into the distance*
Off-RubyChao: i give him a week
Gooper Blooper: I give him 11 minutes
Draco: I give him a 10/10.
Ciaphas Cain watches jrm get arrested in the distance


Bree: speaking of danganronpa, I'm on the last chapter of DR2
Bree: all my favorite characters have died


Bacterial Culture: 'theres a game about making donuts and its already sold out"
Bacterial Culture: "sarah bought all the copies?" -harpy 2017
Gooper Blooper: how about a Celestia Simulator where you have to balance all three of her jobs
Gooper Blooper: and still have time left over for cuddling Helios
The Lost City of Pacifis rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
The Lost City of Pacifis: Yamame lost. Celestia did no cuddling.
Bree: helios died again, cuddle withdrawal
Bree: rip
Gooper Blooper: you've heard of cuddlebug
Gooper Blooper: now meet cuddlemom
ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 13
ivel: Gino doesn't get the best ending
ivel: rip
The Lost City of Pacifis rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
The Lost City of Pacifis: Shaggy ate the controller.
Bree rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Bree: komachi fell asleep midgame
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Gooper Blooper: "Mom, you're holding the controller upside down." "DID I WIN?" "I just don't get you sometimes."
The Lost City of Pacifis rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
The Lost City of Pacifis: Parsee is bored at work, wins all the games.
Gooper Blooper: yay parsee
The Lost City of Pacifis rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
The Lost City of Pacifis: And then she beats a Game Gear game without Sine unplugging her charger.
Gooper Blooper: kek
The Lost City of Pacifis rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
The Lost City of Pacifis: Zeldoten tanked at the game but put her initials on the Top Score when the winner wasn't looking.


Off-RubyChao: for jrm
Gooper Blooper: >​Esoteric Entertainment
ivel: lel
Off-RubyChao: sumi plays it up until she gets jumpscared
Jumpropeman: is this gorilla slender
Off-RubyChao: yes
Jumpropeman: what a brave new world, to have such creations in it


Space Texas Theme Park: I got my coworker into magic
Space Texas Theme Park: Fuck


Backed (out of) Chatzy: have a shoddily made blogpost about a new char
Draco: I didn't write a Rapping Scottie Dog post though. D:
Backed (out of) Chatzy: not YET
Draco: D8


Gooper Blooper: One of my favorite rules dodges on ebay is how people sell shiny and perfect stat Pokemon
Gooper Blooper: You're not supposed to sell video game items and digital goods of that like on ebay, so the people who don't completely ignore the rule claim you're getting a "guide" on how to obtain a pokemon of that kind (and some listings even put "guide" in quotes as a wink-wink to the buyer
Gooper Blooper: the "guide" is sent via email and - and this is just my guess - is just a friend code
Off-RubyChao: "just my guess" yeah right... you SHINY BUYER
Backed (out of) Chatzy: well
Backed (out of) Chatzy: i guess breeders are rolling in the big dough
Backed (out of) Chatzy: or somethin
Draco: Goops rolling in mad Grubbin money.
Gooper Blooper sidles up wearing large trenchcoat
Gooper Blooper: hey buddy
Gooper Blooper opens trenchcoat to reveal a dozen grubbins
Gooper Blooper: wanna buy a grubbin
Draco: Sure.
Draco: How much?
Gooper Blooper: the going rate for grubbins on ebay appears to be... 99 cents
Gooper Blooper: i got that lukewarm grubbin and it's only one dollar
Draco: Deal.
Gooper Blooper notices most of the auctions are actually listing the cards in sets of four
Gooper Blooper: DEAL
Gooper Blooper flees
Draco removes his coat to reveal he's actually Bruticus, Shaggy, and Shillelagh standing on each other's shoulders.

Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 3
Draco: Shillelagh tries to throw the Pitcher of Lemonade of Justice.
Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Gooper Blooper: Team Skull manages to outrun the thrown pitcher
Draco: CURSES.
Draco: Team Sea Land Air will crack this case yet!
Draco: ​Stay tuned for Team Sealander Plot.


Jumpropeman: "To be a guest host, just ask the appropriate person before setting up a match."
Jumpropeman: I don't think we adhere much to this rule :V
The Lost City of Pacifis rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
The Lost City of Pacifis: Parsee gets Polar Knight and his girlfriend Letty some matching towels.
Gooper Blooper: edited to fix rule
Jumpropeman: =0
Jumpropeman: ive been a positive force for change!
Off-RubyChao: "other people (usually Chao)"
Off-RubyChao: look just because i've done it like 20 times
The Lost City of Pacifis sends Koakuma to challenge all Knights.
The Lost City of Pacifis: She beats King Knight before the rest curbstomp her.


Off-RubyChao: hey goops, i have a dumb request
Off-RubyChao: can you add a subtitle to the rp planning and discusion thread for this year
Off-RubyChao: it looks weird without it
Jumpropeman: yeah, the RP Discussion title looks like its floating there
Jumpropeman: why is it doing that
Nintendo Spyitch Ordered Maybe: "RP Planning and Discussion 2017: Maybe Spy Will Participate This Time"
Jumpropeman: RP Planning and Discussion: Mele Kuwahawimaka
Off-RubyChao: i think what it is
Off-RubyChao: basically every thread that has multiple pages has a subtitle so the one without it stands out
Off-RubyChao: that's why barchives don't bother me, because the one-page nature means it doens't look weird
Gooper Blooper: Ah, I see why I never gave it a subtitle
Gooper Blooper: I ran out of sbahj quotes
Nintendo Spyitch Ordered Maybe: Barchives looks more centered
Nintendo Spyitch Ordered Maybe: Since 1 page
Jumpropeman: maybe put Kuwahawi's name in it
Jumpropeman: people are still typing it wrong
Gooper Blooper: how's this
Off-RubyChao: i like it
Jumpropeman: its nearly as good as Goody Proctor
Gooper Blooper: Filnsdfff is my new alruthine OC
Jumpropeman: your Alrusona


Jumpropeman: dude, I've been trying to find this webcomic for years and finally found it again
Off-RubyChao: i have that bookmarked
Off-RubyChao: i keep intending to read it someday
Jumpropeman: I quite enjoyed it
Jumpropeman: its non-indicative name threw me for a loop
Jumpropeman: another nostalgic webcomic for me is Thinkin' Lincoln
Off-RubyChao: i read that one!
Off-RubyChao: it was good!
Jumpropeman: i have two very important panels from that comic saved on my computer, should I ever need them
Jumpropeman: you never know when those two very specific things will come up in conversation!


Warmech: its weird reading a chatzy madness when you remember some of the stuff said from a day or two ago
ivel: It really is
Gooper Blooper: that's what happens when I'm actually caught up LV
Gooper Blooper: *:V
RubyChao: V:
Warmech: B^U
Gooper Blooper: 🦂

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