Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 290: KON'NICHIWA ALAN-KOUHAI

Brave Caterer: fun fact: Sumi is a shopkeep in my army of ghosties
Bree: yayyy sumi
Brave Caterer: the sprite looks too much like Sumi to let it slide
Bree: her goods are the most esoteric you'll find anywhere! buy now!!!
Draco: Sumi's prices are esoteric.
Brave Caterer: unfortunately, since she's a phantom, that means she died somewhere along the line
Brave Caterer: probably a peaceful death, with all her esoteric friends around her
Brave Caterer: Rachel cries at her bedside, and the one thing she says is
Draco: She died of old age in the Brawl.
Brave Caterer: "Y-you neeerd"
Brave Caterer: because Sumi said something completely dorky before she passed


Jumpropeman: Kamen Rider Hime meets the queen
Draco: JRM actually read my blog. Usually he just posts funny memes and hopes they're accurate. ;o;
Jumpropeman: the latest Kamen Rider Hime
Draco: JRM: See? Fits perfectly. I can't believe you don't read my blog you're so on-point.


Cornwind Evil: Sine gives Zeldoten the ultimate test
Cornwind Evil: Go through Aladdin's Cave of Wonders
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 8
Draco: Nope. Fail.
Draco: She got killed before stepping in.
Cornwind Evil: I'm reminded of a joke from the Mark Maid comic Irredeemable
Cornwind Evil: Where the Superman expy, who has turned evil, gathers up all his old villains and says he wants to team with them to do evil
Cornwind Evil: And to show he trusts them, he's given them all a switch that when pressed, activates a machine that will deactivate his powers
Cornwind Evil: Cue all the villains pressing their switches all at the same time
Cornwind Evil: It was, of course, a trick/trap
Cornwind Evil: Not-Superman: Wow. I didn't even finish my SENTENCE.
Draco: HA.
Phone: No matter how hard I press the button. ...
Draco: lel
Cornwind Evil: So I picture that with Sine, Zeldoten, and the Cave
Cornwind Evil: Sine: You can't touch anything bu- "INFINDEEELLLLSSSS!" Wow, I didn't even finish my sentence.
Draco: Sounds about right. 🙂
Phone: All the Cave of Wonders wants is true love, obedience, and a little lube before people get handsy. Why is that so wrong? Dirty thieves in all the wrong holes, grabbing whilly nilly.
Jumpropeman: go to bed
Phone: I would be glad to, but work.
Jumpropeman: they'll understand if you tell them what happened
Phone: I made bad, lewd jokes and my friend said go to bed, boss.


Draco asked a question: Ready for RP?
Chatzy closed the question after 3 responses:
Ready for RP?
No    1         Off-RubyChao
Draco stahp    1         Cornwind Evil
Yes    1         Gooper Blooper

Draco: Mixed results. Can't tell if people are ready for RP.
Gooper Blooper: Come May 1, people will bumble their way onto the forum and posts will happen
Gooper Blooper: ready or not, here we all come


Draco joined the chat
Draco: Now I am back.
Off-RubyChao: hi dracalackin
Jumpropeman: who are you again?
Draco changed name to Burpo
Burpo: Bl
Burpo: My trick worked.
Jumpropeman: how could I have not recognized Burpo's splendiferousness?
Jumpropeman: I remain unworthy
Burpo: You're grounded.
Burpo stuffs JRM in a grave.Burpo: LITERALLY.
Jumpropeman: cozy


Draco: Sometimes I wonder if mobile Chatzy glitches on me or if chat really does stop when I enter.
Gooper Blooper: nah, it's just quiet right now is all
Draco: Roger.
Garfield-sama (NotDraco) joined the chat
Garfield-sama: Don't believe him, my son. He is a false prophet.
Spy Days Til Graduation: 36ish: Wait what D:
Draco: My Lord. 😱
Draco kneels.
Garfield-sama touches Draco's shoulders.

Garfield-sama: Rise, my child, and be glad. The Monday is almost over.
Draco: Hai, Garfield-sama. What be thy will?
Garfield-sama: Kick the Odie of your sin off the table of your soul, for the false Arbuckle approaches.
Draco: Your will be done, for you made the Lasagna in Seven Days of Garfield. ;o;
Draco gives offerings of Teddy Bears and pasta.
Gooper Blooper: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B9Ksyf3CAAEMOjb.jpg
Garfield-sama: Blessed be the nappers. Amen.
Garfield-sama returns to the abandoned house.
Garfield-sama left the chat

Draco sings hymns from the fence in the middle of the night.
ivel throws a shoe at Draco

ivel: BI
Draco: Heathen! Oppresso-
Draco is hit and falls off.
Draco: Well, I'm done eating. Time to go home and cease all silliness.
Gooper Blooper: if you ceased all silliness, you would no longer exist
Draco: That's a risk I'm willing to take.
Off-RubyChao: "As for the title; Guasti explained that when he started the project, it was merely one of out of a quite few other attempted remakes of Metroid 2, hence the "Another" in the title. Ironically, where the other projects ended up being abandoned, Another Metroid 2 Remake was the the only one to actually get a full release."
ivel: welp
Gooper Blooper: just as I suspected
Draco: Another Metroid Elements Remake
Draco: Drat. That was a silly thing to say. I have failed. D;
Brave Caterer: welp
Gooper Blooper: that didn't take long
Draco: D;
Draco: Jrm, Goops is picking on me.
Gooper Blooper: bbl
Jumpropeman: there you go drac


Draco: Okay, um, time to write the thing.
Gooper Blooper: good luck draco!
I will MAKE Skype work: This should be fun. I look forward to your take on body horror, Draco. Are you gonna have the Sealanders fight the Thing, or Parsiel, or-?
Draco: I've already done body horror.
Jumpropeman: yeah, who doesn't remember the time parsee got fat
Gooper Blooper: Edea remembers that day well
Gooper Blooper: *Edea sighs wistfully while looking at a spike in profits on a chart*
Draco: Whew! That was a chore.
Gooper Blooper: best volume yet
Jumpropeman: wow! You wrote that in only an hour?
Draco: if dis blgoptos gits 200000000000 liks comints n subscrybz i wil Parsee agin
 I will MAKE Skype work: Wow. =u That's expensive. If I get one per blog, I won't kill most of my cast this year.
Draco: Okay, okay, real blogpost now.
Gooper Blooper: draco pls


Jumpropeman: oh hey, I did receive my Nintendo Switch in the mail today
Jumpropeman: .......
Jumpropeman: *keeps playing SaRahPG*
Bree: what now
Bree: oh okay phew
ivel: lel
Bree: I thought something would be horribly wrong and I'd have to get mad again


Jumpropeman: the switch cartridge tastes like earwax
Jumpropeman: but its not too bad
Jumpropeman: I don't need a drink to get rid of the taste
Brave Caterer: uh
Brave Caterer: why
Brave Caterer: why must you join them


Bree: I kinda wanna play shovel knight because it's the latest "game everyone is playing" but I suspect it'd be too difficult for me
Jumpropeman: the game's getting local co-op in all versions soon, if you have a friend to carry you through :P
Bree: cornwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind
Bree: will you carry my noob ass through shovel knight!?
Jumpropeman: I finally convinced my bro to let me buy him it by mentioning the co-op. Not because he needs carrying, but he likes to play games with his wife
Jumpropeman: my bro plays a very small, picky selection of games obsessively, and I play an enormous variety of games obsessively
Jumpropeman: its hard for me to convince him a game is good :V
Draco: Shovel Knight's the one with the eight robots you battle as a chameleon, right?
Spy Days Til Graduation: 36ish: I play too many things
Adam Impact: It's local co-op
Adam Impact: I think we'd have the same issue as when we tried to play Octodad
Bree: oh right
Jumpropeman: yeah
Spy Days Til Graduation: 36ish: Are you telling me Octodad 4-player co-op is not the best shindig hootenany?
Spy Days Til Graduation: 36ish: One player on the DK Bongos
Spy Days Til Graduation: 36ish: One player on a half-disconnected Wavebird
Spy Days Til Graduation: 36ish: One player on a Mario DDR pad
Spy Days Til Graduation: 36ish: And one player on this beauty
Jumpropeman: and one on the sega dreamcast fishing controller
Spy Days Til Graduation: 36ish: No JRM
Spy Days Til Graduation: 36ish: Big handles that thing masterfully
Spy Days Til Graduation: 36ish: He'd single handedly lead the group to glory
Spy Days Til Graduation: 36ish: So long as that level involves Octodad grabbing a frog


Jumpropeman: *tries casting a status spell on a boss in SaRahPG* MISS MISS MISS MISS
Jumpropeman: GOOPS WHY?! You were supposed to be the chosen one ; o ;
Phone: It's over, Jumpropeman; Goops has the high ground
Bree: well he should get down from there before he hurts himself


Jumpropeman: >A Binder Full Of Women
Jumpropeman: you can tell Goops has been working on this game for a long time with his Mitt Romney reference
Jumpropeman: remind me to ask Gooper the line of thinking behind "The Best Pokemon is Ekans and Here's Why"
Jumpropeman: Animal Soccer World; The Novelization however, makes perfect sense


Jumpropeman: >Gloria's weapon slot contains a book
Jumpropeman: and the book has some snark as its description :V
Bree: tell us
Bree: what does it say
Jumpropeman: "Gripping... I couldn't put it down!" -every novel review ever


Phone: You dare insinuate anything I post ever is relevant?!
Jumpropeman: since I said nothing to that effect, nope!
Phone: Good, good. The pointless unrelated will continue apace.


SteelKomodo: i have a story for you guys!
SteelKomodo: who wants to hear about how a game developer got told to fuck off?
B.C.: Me!
SteelKomodo: alright, so context
SteelKomodo: it's 2001, and Sega's announcing that they're leaving the console business because the dreamcast flopped so bad
SteelKomodo: which means they now have to buddy up with the people they used to compete against
SteelKomodo: Peter Moore, head of Sega of America, was in talks with Microsoft, who wanted some games for the XBox because that was gonna launch soon
SteelKomodo: but he was having a hard time convincing Sega of Japan to do this, because they weren't in time with the changing trends or something
SteelKomodo: so around 2001-2002, SoA conducted a survey of 18-19 year olds on what they thought of gaming companies like Sega, and the results weren't that great
SteelKomodo: Moore then flies over to Japan and presents his findings to Sega of Japan, and in the room is Yuji Naka
SteelKomodo: Moore and Naka were said to have a love-hate relationship... on a good day
SteelKomodo: and Naka got pissed at the presentation and claimed that Moore had falsified his evidence
SteelKomodo: at which point, Moore turned to his translater and said, and this is a direct quote
SteelKomodo: "Tell him to fuck off."
SteelKomodo: And that was how Moore eventually left Sega
Brave Caterer: nice
Stupid Steampunk Hitler: Moore gets his negotiation tactics from Dr Robotnik i see


Bree: okay frands, it's time for bree to play saRahPG
SteelKomodo: oh boy :U
Bree: *wanders into random house* HI I'M SARAH WHOSE HOUSE IS THIS
Bree: oh, it's celestia's
ivel: lel
Bree: this justifies my ability to blithely barge into it
Bree: 0/10, nothing like a real RPG
Bree: (jk though)


Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: hi brine
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: i bought steampunk hitler and lion jesus decks for magic
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: help
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: opening a booster still feels good and i can feel my soul dying
Brinehammer: You need to open more boosters until you're desensitized altogether.
ivel: haha
ivel: that's what happened to me


Bree lays on the floor and drinks pepto bismol


Sugarspear: link
Jumpropeman: ah yes, today is ven's day off
Sugarspear: To his regret, having slept through most of it, but yes, actually.
Jumpropeman: I'll warn the citizens about the deviantart flood, their houses may be lost, but they may at least escape with their lives
Sugarspear: Hello, spammed pictures and poor jokelines aside. Have a Prinny and a how goes
Jumpropeman: i dunno ven, we're both night people
Jumpropeman: I woke up a little after 8 and my day just started!
Draco: Post pictures of Touhou Batman.
Sugarspear: Per Draco's request.


Sugarspear: Aiden and Yuugi return, but it's solely to have a drinking match again
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Draco: DeMonde and her immunity to poison give them a run for their money.
ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
ivel: Gino passed out after 1
Off-RubyChao: that was a great twist on their fight, that's for sure
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
Jumpropeman: the Boo Brothers win- Excuse you chao
Jumpropeman: *fite
Jumpropeman: clearly its been too long since RP for you to make such an error
Jumpropeman: thank goodness there's only 5 days left
Sugarspear: The Boo Bros have to have stomachs and livers sewn for them. :l
ivel rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
ivel: Jorrovar makes it further than the last drinking contest
Draco: DeMonde gets out her surgery kit and puts the Ghost Touch pin on it so she can give to Boo Brothers stomachs and livers.
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: the boo brothers, according to Scooby Doo canon (THE MOST rigid canon in existence) are capable of eating food properly
Jumpropeman: they are found both in the fridge in the act of eating, and also eat the meal meant for Scooby, Shaggy, and Scrappy when its about to be served
Draco: Ah. Clearly DeMonde had already given them stomachs.


Sugarspear: Yessss. Baking the italian sausage was the right call. Frying left them a bit too raw, grilling is right out with that tiny apartment lawn, and boiling stripped most of the flavoring off, but baking at a good 400 Fahrenheit seems to have done the ticket but nicely.
Sugarspear: Might still try steaming next time, see how it goes, but this works.
Jumpropeman: streaming your food?
Jumpropeman: oh... STEAMING
Jumpropeman: so you'll be doing it on Steam
Sugarspear: Boo. =u I probably already tell you guys more than you want to know about my dinners and weird kitchen habits. I don't need to actually start videotaping it per streaming.


Draco: Generally how I perceive Bree except with glasses.
Bree: draco there's a glaring key flaw in your imaginary me-picture
Bree: can you guess what it is?
Bree: *jeopardy music playing*
Bree: okay, but really the answer is I don't wear glasses. :V
Draco: Well, I can't see what the problem is until I put MY glasses on.


Spy: A friend from the internet reported a tapogre sighting on their site, and CW would loathe it if he heard the name
Spy: Cenaromanvs
Spy: Sadly, all it tried to do was sell hondas


Push Mika For Summerslam: Okay spy
Push Mika For Summerslam: you are hype for Snipperclips, right?
Push Mika For Summerslam: because I have some advice
Spy Days Til Graduation: 34ish: I am very hype for Snipperclips
Push Mika For Summerslam: Take it from me when I say don't play this game drunk
Push Mika For Summerslam: because you WILL be a mess
Push Mika For Summerslam: Me and del last played it after imbibing two Cuba libres each and we barely scraped by a lot of the puzzles we chose to do
ivel: lel
Push Mika For Summerslam: Like, it's fun when you're sober and just sipping drinks, but it requires concentration and hand-eye co-ordination that we just did not have
Push Mika For Summerslam: Don't Drink and Snip
Spy Days Til Graduation: 34ish: That makes sense
Spy Days Til Graduation: 34ish: . . . So I should totally do it
Push Mika For Summerslam: Pfffft XD


(Re: Kirby's 25th anniversary)

Gooper Blooper: I expect there will be more Kirby merch than usual this year
Draco: Kirby: Other De
Brave Caterer: no
Off-RubyChao: no
Draco: Kirby: Meta Knight Force
Brave Caterer changed name to Brando Carto
Brando Carto: i'd play a game where i go on adventues as the Meta Knights
Brando Carto: i'm not gonna lie
ivel: Hotel Kirby
Brando Carto: stop
Off-RubyChao: Kirby and the Masks of Evil


Jumpropeman: they're remaking Night Trap
ivel: yep!
Jumpropeman: I have literally thought about getting a Sega CD just to play Night Trap


Off-RubyChao: >find broken imageshack links on a site
Off-RubyChao twitches involuntarily


Draco: That blogpost steamed my dumplings.


Break the Fast: What do you mean, the amalgamate name for the Hulk and The Flash isn't The Fast And The Furious?
Break the Fast: YOU HAVE FAILED ME
Break the Fast sullenly resumes cooking breakfast


Off-RubyChao: there's an Another Metroid 2 Remake pasta
Off-RubyChao: i am happy


Gooper Blooper: Specter of Torment is just as fantastic as the rest of Shovel Knight, at this rate Shovel Knight's easily going to run away with top honors for my GOTY blog
Draco: So when are they doing a story mode for every other knight?
Gooper Blooper: that'd be neat, but three free campaigns is already insanely generous compared to most vidya
Gooper Blooper: There's still one more free DLC after this one, and I'm anticipating that one a lot
Draco: Three campaigns? I know of Plague Knight and Specter Knight. What's the third?
Off-RubyChao: king knight
Draco: Oh!
Gooper Blooper: I'm expecting King Knight's campaign to be a Wario-esque It's All About Me caper
Gooper Blooper: he will search for riches and respect
Draco: He will find neither. I will bring Parsee back just to Fite Club him with sick burns and epic taunts.


Poof: Well. This was a terribly informative and grammatically well constructed article of great depth and substance. What a wonderful entry it was to read in utterly proper English capitalization and sentence structure, alongside appropriate punctuation.
SteelKomodo: hahahaha
SteelKomodo: this is why you need quality control, lads
Poof: It rather is, isn't it?


BORUBIKKU: ...I feel fucking awful for typing that
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: was it worth it
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: you fucking moron
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: you imbecile
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: >:I
Draco: Wow. Who pissed in Del's exotic foreign lager? 😱
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: 😜
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: im just saying
Ho-oh Sentai Featherman: if you gotta shitpost you gotta do something that'll feel good and not something you'll instantly regret
Draco: Oh, okay. Makes sense.
BORUBIKKU: I just remembered the Japanese volvic commercials
BORUBIKKU: and then I was like "I gotta do this"
BORUBIKKU: but then it turned out no, I ain't gotta


Poof: Hmm. In the interests of bribery, what would you do for a klondike bar?
Gooper Blooper: Not too much, they aren't bad but I prefer other kinds of ice cream
Jumpropeman: for some reason the klondike bar webpage is full of haiku
Jumpropeman: there's like 15 of them
Jumpropeman: actually, there might be 26
Jumpropeman: although one of them is:
Que Fantastico!
A Crunch Desert Taco!

Jumpropeman: so they got an 11 point penalty
Jumpropeman: *crunchy
Jumpropeman: *dessert
Jumpropeman: ...okay fine, you get the points back Klondike, my typos ruined your marvelous poetry


Poof: So who would you vote for if this was a Fite, folks?
ivel: Wendy
Poof: That can be arranged
Brando Carto: Wendys
Gooper Blooper: *Thurg crashes through the wall*
Off-RubyChao: ronald
Off-RubyChao: he has the home turf advantage
Jumpropeman: if you had played the game Sneak King, you would know the King wins
Gooper Blooper: possibly relevant
Poof: Not at all relevant.
Draco: Wendy's wins.
Jumpropeman: that image=harpplot
Gooper Blooper: hahahaha
Brando Carto: well shit man
Brando Carto: you got me


Jumpropeman: if you ever are worried about your chances in the brawl
Jumpropeman: just look to underpants


Gooper Blooper: I don't know about other folks, but I look at characters a little differently if they manage top five, top ten in a brawl these days
Gooper Blooper: just getting that far seems worthy of respect
Off-RubyChao: not if you're Tenshi!
Brando Carto: plz
Draco: It's okay, we respect Tenshi for her other accomplishments. Like when she....um....and how she did....that thing....and...um...she played Go once, right?
Gooper Blooper: don't forget tenshiola
Off-RubyChao: honestly it's too bad i never got to follow up on the Go Ghost
Draco: *poofy sleeve appears, silence* *dark robe sleeve appears, applause*
Off-RubyChao: i liked that
Draco: Okay, fine, you win, Tenshiola is an accomplishment because Tenshi did something with less likely odds than winning the Brawl: finding someone who can stand her.
Draco: ;p
Gooper Blooper: Tenshi is a former queen and Viola is a current champion
Gooper Blooper: draco spitting hot fire
Off-RubyChao: she was only queen because nobody else wanted the job
Draco: That's why Viola is Tenshi's girlfriend too.
Draco: I gotta get these sick burns out now since Queen Snark is in Vegas.


Draco: Another lame issue with a minimum of violence. This book will never sell.
Jumpropeman: im jealous of Parsee getting to be a kamen rider
Draco writes Kamen Rider Texas, the Kamen Rider who has a horse instead of a motorcycle and drinks Dr. Pepper to transform so that the sponsors can make lots of money tricking kids into thinking Dr. Pepper makes you a super hero.


Jumpropeman: naturally, ten minutes into the new zelda, I've set myself on fire
Spoof: It's just like our RPG days together
Spoof: C:


Spoof: 4 Chao, mornin
Off-RubyChao: yo
Off-RubyChao: flandre no your sister is not a weapon


Off-RubyChao: http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/2707694
Draco: Pictured: Me writing blogposts.


Brando Carto: BC actually stands for best character


ivelnapolis: today I got a board game about murdering a old man


Brando Carto: "I fit right in Kuwahawi, because I'm just one WHALE of a person!"
Brando Carto: Brandon laughs before diving face first into the ocean and making whale noises
Draco: Shillelagh has a friend!
Draco: Well, he has many friends, but now he has a NEW friend to give lemonade to.
Bree: danai likes whales
ivelnapolis: I guess you could say
ivelnapolis: they don't danai her
Spoof: I had something for the occasion, I just lost it between my ninety open tabs.
Spoof: Now forget all about that so the terror of the werewhale kaiju is still fresh and new in a few months, please.
ivelnapolis: forget about what?
Spoof: Good man.
Draco: Why you post Street Sharks fanart?
Spoof: I dunno, really. I guess the pixel knives just always appealed to me on a basic level, man. Or, wait, was that Streets of Rage?
Spoof: Was there ever a Streets of Rage Sharks?
Draco: Doubtful.
ivelnapolis: in my dreams there was
ivelnapolis: and still is
Spoof: We should commission Goops to do it.
Draco: Just slip him some Final Fantasy cards.


Cornwind Montreal: Jumpropeman: they're remaking Night Trap
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Cornwind Montreal: Why
Cornwind Montreal: Speak of the jackal
Jumpropeman: I'm looking for the man who shot my paw >BI
Cornwind Montreal: I heard that phrase on the BBC series Ripper Street
Cornwind Montreal: Seemed like a SLIGHTLY nicer phrase then 'speak of the devil'
ivelnapolis: it's only nice until it's associated with Jackal


Zeldoten joined the chat
Draco changed name to DeMonde
Zeldoten: Alright, it's time for the Zeldoten and DeMonde AMA! CUE THE MUSIC.
Cornwind Montreal: WHERE'S MY WALLET
DeMonde: Vhy am I doing zis again?
Zeldoten: Because I dragged you here, Doc!


Off-RubyChao: who wants to see horrific things
Myopic Sheep: You rang?
Off-RubyChao: warning: may be painful to even look at
Myopic Sheep: also, a craving for ice cream has suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks
Jumpropeman: *barfs forever*
Myopic Sheep: Maria just screaming forever
Off-RubyChao: fun fact
Off-RubyChao: that used to be my hard drive
Myopic Sheep: Oh
Off-RubyChao: yep!
Off-RubyChao: it failed and cost me a lot of data and all attempts at recovery were unsuccessful
Off-RubyChao: so i enacted a horrific revenge
Myopic Sheep: Oh dear
Myopic Sheep: geeze
Phone: You poor fellow. You mentioned before, but I had no idea of the extent.


Bree joined the chat
Draco: Hi Bree.
Befuddled Cartoonist: hi bree
Bree: hi you fuckers
Draco: That's the nicest thing anyone's ever called me today. :3


Jumpropeman: supposedly these are my most used words on facebook
Jumpropeman: I'm pretty sure I haven't said Parrot that much
Jumpropeman: also, once upon a time I posted a fact a day every day all year, and the word FACT isn't in there
Bree: "tweep"
Gooper Blooper: It's missing "dr. pepper" and "boip"
Bree: "digiorno", "papajohns" and "pizzahut"
Bree: also "papa" and "johns" as separate words, and "pizza"
Bree: the point is jrm really likes pizza
Befuddled Cartoonist: accurate


Draco: Oops. Accidentally posted. Time to ban myself.
Gooper Blooper: looks like someone needs Hecatia to dress them
Draco: Noooooooooooooooooooo
Gooper Blooper unbans draco
Off-RubyChao: too late
Draco silently thanks Ruby for saving him from The Legend of Zeldo.
Off-RubyChao: i already unbanned him
Draco silently curses Ruby for unsaving him from The Legend of Zeldo.


Satan is Weak to Wind: Wait
Satan is Weak to Wind: Is RP started
Piquant Pasta is Pleasing: RP is three pages in, Del baby.
Satan is Weak to Wind: Well
Satan is Weak to Wind: Shit
iKomodo: Yep
Satan is Weak to Wind kills self
Satan is Weak to Wind: I'll find time to post a thing
Piquant Pasta is Pleasing: Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make.
Piquant Pasta is Pleasing once again considers RP'ing Farquad and once again decides better of it
Piquant Pasta is Pleasing: All jests aside, I was pretty surprised at how far it went on my way home, too. =u Harps jumping the shark/gun ... jumping the shark gun early was something I was there for live, but two pages and a srs startup was kind of boggling for me too. Until I threw my hand in as well, anyway. h=
Piquant Pasta is Pleasing: Swim on in, the water's fine, Britbros~
Piquant Pasta is Pleasing: Coincidental note: I need a shark gun. If you know any suppliers, I'll pay tops for it, chums.


ivel: my experience with Danganronpa summed up perfectly


Jumpropeman: on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Sleep just barely outdoes RP


Bree: current teamspeak chat is reg and ari being like this: "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat"
Bree: "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat" "wat the fuck" "wat the fuck"
Bree: I don't even know what started this
Jumpropeman: are you on a Russian teamspeak
Made it: But everyone frowns at Actual Russian Comrade. h=
Bree: lel, no


Made it: Dooo I really want a Ted-Turner-as-Captain-Planet-murdering-people movie, or is that just the post glow of a two minute laugh at Robot Chicken messing with my head?


Off-RubyChao: fun fact about my presentation today
Off-RubyChao: i wore a full suit and tie ensemble for it
Off-RubyChao: it's too late friends
Gooper Blooper: business chao
Off-RubyChao: i have become a Respectable Adult
Off-RubyChao: mourn my lost innocence
Gooper Blooper: You've done a great job of balancing your two halves of yourself so far
Draco: Oh no D:
Draco buries Chao.
Made it: Take this and tell no one, Respectable Adult.
Off-RubyChao: i'm going to be letting a lot of the business nerd side leak through in kappaplot
Off-RubyChao: apologies in advance :V
Off-RubyChao: YOOOOO that is some cool shit
Gooper Blooper: "I read a lot, I do lots of math, I go to Broadway and the opera, I like golf, I like business speak, I like courtroom dramas"
Gooper Blooper: "also I keep a binder of touhou comics and I pretend to be a jester chao on the internet"
Off-RubyChao: fuckin' lel


Made it changed name to Secretly Lovecraft
Secretly Lovecraft eyes forum reputation and body of work

Secretly Lovecraft: I am not good at this secret thing, am I.
Bree: H.P. F.V. Lovecraft
Bree: and his friend J.R.M. Tolkien


Jumpropeman: I'm watching a video where a guy is playing Super Meat Boy, and he just called Dr. Fetus "Boss Baby"


ivel: nerrrrrrds

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