Saturday, February 25, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 276: Red Eyes Black Dragonite

Gooper Blooper: Well, something I wasn't sure would ever happen happened today
Gooper Blooper: I bought an Amiibo
RubyChao: gasp!!
Gooper Blooper: It's a Christmas gift for Goopsbro
Gooper Blooper: I got the Mario one since I figured that one probably can be used in the most games
Gooper Blooper: I then wrapped it in Mario wrapping paper and put it in a Mario gift bag, and addressed it as "From Mario" on the gift tag
Gooper Blooper: taking this joke all the way
RubyChao: amazing


Gooper Blooper: I never had an explanation in RP for why Viola's eyes are swirls
Gooper Blooper: maybe she was born with them
Gooper Blooper: "congratulations, it's a hex"
RubyChao: either that or she picked them up from all the spoop
Gooper Blooper: I can at least confirm that they are merely for show and do not affect her vision, for good or ill


Harpy: I don't freeze it or use dry milk, i just go jugs
Harpy: i'm not quite sure why one would freeze milk because then it would taste a whole lot more watery
A. Snark: ​Dem purdy milky jugs
A. Snark falls back into banned corner
Gooper Blooper: kek
Harpy: somewhere, out there
Harpy: a cow seductively winks at ven


Hwin: *pays Setz a hundred rubles to draw Jasper with the only difference being angry eyes*


Hwin: *googles the character Attwater is based on*
Hwin: "The Mutant Registration Act" comes up with a picture of Attwater
A. Snark: HEH


RubyChao: "Abandoned - Ames Department Store - Recommended for you"
RubyChao: well i wasn't expecting that particular ruined

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 275: Alola Edition

RubyChao: i actually tried to search "mizuki" on danbooru recently before i remembered that oh right that's not her canon name


Lucy Pevensie: >​"Ships December 29th-January 25th"
Lucy Pevensie: >:I
Lucy Pevensie: >​Expedited shipping: "$48 to get it sooner!"
Lucy Pevensie: ​>:I
RubyChao: HO HO HO HO


Lucy Pevensie: did a bit of Christmas shopping, most of it wasn't really discounted for the holiday but once I got the discounted ones I just said "Screw it" and bought some others too :P
Lucy Pevensie: unrelated but wouldn't it be funny if you totally PM'd me your address on the forum some time?
Brinehammer: Nice! I still need to shop, sooner or later. I believe it though. If you're ever in Ohio, swing by!
Lucy Pevensie: Whenever Self-Driving cars get big you bet I'm taking cross-country road trips while I'm sleeping in the front seat


Lucy Pevensie: "Richard Nixon admitted in later life that he dreamed of becoming a rapper, saying "I have often thought that if there had been a good rap group around in those days, I might have chosen a career in music instead of politics.""
Lucy Pevensie: I'd kill to hear Nixon rap


Gooper Blooper: remember when I played Pokemon White and my team slowly filled up with bug types
Gooper Blooper: it's happening again in Moon
ivel: sounds about right
Gooper Blooper: Half the team is bugs
Gooper Blooper: two more ​look​ like bugs but aren't actually bugs
Gooper Blooper: the odd one out is a misdreavus because Viola
ivel: something about your team really
ivel: bugs me


RubyChao: another thought i had while looking at alolan desks and the computers on them
RubyChao: it's actually really cool that you can see the progress of technology over the past twenty years both in a meta and in-game context when it comes to pokemon
RubyChao: compare what we see of computers in gen 1 to gen 7
RubyChao: and of course what gen 1 and gen 7 look like :V
Gooper Blooper: What really hammered it in for me was some of the enemy trainers
RubyChao: the ones with smartphones, right :V
Gooper Blooper: specifically, ​the tourists carrying their tablets everywhere
Gooper Blooper: ...yes :V
RubyChao: ​reminder that one of them was literally named Mariah, that was too perfect
Gooper Blooper: but yeah, one of them starts going on about apps and I'm like "we've come a long way from 'It's a SNES!'"
RubyChao: Better get going!
Gooper Blooper: I know it doesn't get the love Fat Science Guy does
Gooper Blooper: but pokemon wouldn't be complete without the little nintendo console ad in the player's room
RubyChao: yep
RubyChao: i mentioned this already, but one of the things i was most looking forward to finding out was "did Fat Science Guy make his obligatory appearance"
RubyChao: i was very happy when i found out he did

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 274: Gen ‘The 150,000‘ Gar

RubyChao: "Temperatures are said to be in the excess of 620 degrees Celsius. Entire beaches reduced to glass. Plant life burnt off the face of the earth. All that remains of Kanto is that single, flying object. To this day, it never stops moving, and with my eyes adjusted to the eternal light of the fires, I can make out a barely-outlined winged object."
RubyChao: okuu, why?!
Draco: She just wanted to have fun in the sun. ;-
Harpy: bad end TH11 okuu
Draco: My other eye got blind.


RubyChao: so goops, if zenith met hecatia
RubyChao: would his first reaction be to play that ad
Gooper Blooper: it was even in las vegas
Gooper Blooper: incredible


Harpy: i had a dream where spy posted his wrapups
Harpy: and somehow
Harpy: someway
Harpy: one of his characters trusted a superweapon/great magical artifact/whatever the fuck to Sine
RubyChao: >​trusted it to sine
Harpy: and then in the next post it clarifies that he was trusting it to some squidlady with the same name


Jumpropeman: maybe now that Sarah's retired, people will stop dumping bodies on her lawn
RubyChao hurls the corpse of Kasumi on Sarah's lawn


Jumpropeman: if I had done lightning bolt society finale before Spectrumplot finale
Jumpropeman: I would have tried to work in a Lightning Bolt Society quote during the Identity part
Jumpropeman: maybe two so they could still be pairings
Jumpropeman: ​or a Woppy quote :V
Gooper Blooper: "Those who dress up as trees..." "And those who forsake clothes entirely."
Harpy: i laughed
Jumpropeman: XD

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 273: Bigger Than The Washington Monument

WorkDel: okay serious question for SK
WorkDel: is dirk in the high heels
SteelKomodo: i... don't know?
WorkDel: wrong answer
WorkDel: >:I
SteelKomodo: okay fine he is
WorkDel: yaaaaaaay
SteelKomodo: is this really important >:I
WorkDel: yes


The distracted: Lewdjokes
Barpost rather
2Goopy: can't it be both?
The distracted: It would rather appear to be. =v


Jumpropeman: "He was really difficult, as hard as fighting a witch convinced she was a goddess! But we managed to take him out eventually!"
Jumpropeman: don't worry Dia, we'll find out how to stop Sonia some day
Jumpropeman: *installs the Witch Windows*
Harpy: well it's actually a completely different witch
Harpy: Sonia is a good goddess
spoopvel: a gooddess
Harpy: like the crazy aunt who gives you tongs of gan- plz
Harpy: *tons
Harpy: *of candy
Harpy: yes tongfuls of gangrene or whatever
Harpy: how
Jumpropeman: that's why she has to be stopped of course


Harpy: "those burgundys sure are bears"
Harpy: -harpykuro, 2016


Jumpropeman: so back in 2004 it was coming up on the presidential election, and George W. Bush was going up against John Kerry
Jumpropeman: As people started looking into John Kerry's life a bit more, people and the media realized he was married to the lady who was heiress to Heinz ketchup
2Goopy: Oh god I forgot about the ketchup thing
Jumpropeman: suddenly, Republicans lost their shit over Heinz ketchup, saying it was leftist and refusing to buy it
Deleton Warriors: Lol
Deleton Warriors: Ketchup
Jumpropeman: so instead, they created their own ketchup, and called it W
Jumpropeman: look at the back of it too
Jumpropeman: it is so freaking American and try-hard
RubyChao: even general cleft would be like "woah, slow down there"
Deleton Warriors: Ameriketchup
Deleton Warriors: Fuck yeah?
Jumpropeman: from their website: W Ketchup was launched on June 14, 2004, nine days after President Ronald Reagan died at age 93. We thank President Reagan for his selfless service to this nation.
Reagan won the Cold War, let private enterprise flourish, and most of all made Americans proud to be Americans again.
“We look for that fine day when we will see him again, all weariness gone, clear of mind, strong and sure and smiling again, and the sorrow of this parting gone forever. May God bless Ronald Reagan and the country he loved.”

Jumpropeman: check out these comments too
Jumpropeman: its basically all anti-heinz
Deleton Warriors: Heinz is British tho
Deleton Warriors: And we all fascist
Jumpropeman: "My 6 yr old grandson says, "No Way" to Hunts which I switched to over Heinz for obvious reasons."
Jumpropeman: obvious reasons
Deleton Warriors: The right wing should love heinz

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 272: Call Me Burpo

SOON entered for the first time
Jumpropeman: if it isn't my favorite Estonian lemma, Soon!
BreeBlob: no idea who that was
Jumpropeman: I think maybe Goop just trying to notify us he's coming?
Seven. Seven human souls.: Or CW
Seven. Seven human souls.: That's not Goop Blue
Seven. Seven human souls.: That's Coral Blue Number 5
illKomodo: I don't think that was CW
Jumpropeman: it's a U.S.A. person
illKomodo: I checked the locations and they were from the US
SOON: It is harpy
Jumpropeman: the great mystery is solved!
Jumpropeman: one single drink
Jumpropeman: we have to share, I'm not made of money >:I


BreeBlob: komachi serves up a heaping helping of "shut up fuck you"
Gooper Blooper: yayyyy
Gooper Blooper: just what I wanted
BreeBlob: lel, thank goop


Jumpropeman: ​"wait til Molly turns 100 or burns in a fire caused by a toaster at the very least!" *Shimmer goes around Molly's house blowing up all the toasters* "Not while I'm around she won't!"
Jumpropeman: I realize the issue with that is I implied for some reason Molly had more than one toaster
Jumpropeman: but here is an actual picture of her house
Gooper Blooper: I knew that would be the picture and I still laughed
RubyChao: AH-HA
Steam Will Live: She just lives in the rusting relic of the boss from last year when she's not with Sarah, apparently. Among a coterie of smaller Toasters.


Harpy: can
Harpy: can raven put on the hat
Harpy: god my post is going to be so stupid
Gooper Blooper: yes
Gooper Blooper: rock that hat
Harpy: posted
Harpy: i'm not sorry in the least

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Chatzy Madness Volume 271: Rainbow Dash Edition

Dong Dong Never Del: Stephnu is vomit-inducingly cute
Dong Dong Never Del: And there is no defense


RubyChao: okay jackal
RubyChao: moment of truth time
RubyChao: have you changed at all
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 20
RubyChao: apparently, yes!
Gooper Blooper: woah now
Draco: It's not Jackal; it's Ricard in disguise!


RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
RubyChao: woah jackal
RubyChao: twice in a row!?
Draco: This is the beginning of Jackal's full-time return to RP. ​Jackal rolls ten straight 1s when he does.


RubyChao: okay jackal
RubyChao: how can you do on defense
RubyChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
RubyChao: this isn't the jackal i know
RubyChao: did he spend this entire year training
RubyChao: all in preparation for this day
Gooper Blooper: he got a hold of the same cameo power that made Arthur do so well in the brawl
Mob: He was watching appule's training vids
Draco: He spent two days in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to prepare for the Cell Games Presented By Hetap.
RubyChao: i'm just going to assume that all three of those are canon
Gooper Blooper: I have another more serious one
Jumpropeman: he's on his home turf baby
Gooper Blooper: Before, Jackal usually fought because other people were fighting or because he wanted to steal stuff
Gooper Blooper: Now, he's fighting for his home
Draco: ​Now, he's fighting for Praline.
RubyChao: no, that's raspberry


Surprise! It is a butt joined the chat
Jumpropeman: *faints from surprise*