Saturday, April 30, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 248: We've Shipped Godzilla

Bree: M Sheep: "You were RAD AS CANADA back there!"
-M Sheep: Meiling's a big fan of northern landmasses, apparently
-Gooper Blooper: *hides letty*

Bree: when the hell did meiling say that
Bree: why the hell did meiling say that
StarlightChao: thanking papyrus after meshugah
Bree: that doesn't answer my second question
StarlightChao: i don't know
StarlightChao: you were the one who wrote it
Bree: this is what meiling does
Bree: I write her and then months and months later I'm like "what the fuck, meiling"
Bree: if that doesn't happen then I haven't written her properly I guess


Bree: I read an article about The Rock's diet
Bree: he eats like a pound and a half of fish ​per day​
Harpy: sounds like the wicasa diet
Bree: he eats other stuff too
Bree: his daily routine involved ​seven​ meals totaling 4,800 calories
StarlightChao: that diet
StarlightChao: it just sounds
StarlightChao: a little
StarlightChao: ...
Harpy: NO
StarlightChao: ...
Harpy: CHAO
StarlightChao: ​fishy
Gooper Blooper: JesterChao.txt
Harpy: i'm not inviting you to my christmas party
Spy: Its okay Chao
Spy: You can come to mine
Draco: Yeah, you can come to Spy's.
Draco: I'm not having one because I'll be too busy inventing things to feel terrible over.
StarlightChao: like the time you KILLED MY BROTHER
StarlightChao: the one who didn't exist
ivel: Chao
ivel: no
Draco: Why would I feel terrible about that? VB


StarlightChao: >​reading through old rp
StarlightChao: >​parsee extolling gluttony's virtues to edea all the way back at the end of may
StarlightChao: forty keks


StarlightChao: link
Gooper Blooper: piantas wear those things for a reason


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: librarian hobo patchy
StarlightChao: basically it's her real backstory
StarlightChao: she showed up at the SDM's library one day, and they could never dislodge her
Gooper Blooper: you can't dislodge the patchy
Draco glues a horn to the person in the last panel.
Gooper Blooper: kek


StarlightChao: >​windows 10 popup with "we'd like to schedule your upgrade for this time"
StarlightChao: microsoft, i know you have the church booked
StarlightChao: but i don't want this wedding


MERH: If I can roleplay King Friday until the Brawl and make him win it, I will retire and be god. I very much doubt I have that much of Mister Roger's Neighborhood in me though.


StarlightChao: if the serious thread is up
StarlightChao: should the casual thread go up too
Gooper Blooper: Believe me, it was the first thing I thought of
Gooper Blooper: I didn't expect Del to post it so soon, I think this is the earliest a "main" RP thread has ever gone up
Gooper Blooper: I need to gather my thoughts before I can put up casual, I want it to be a good intro like last year
Harpy: it goes up on april 30th, first post is sammy celebrating by herself with 50 lbs of chocolate cake
StarlightChao: lel
Harpy: much to the disgust of Carlos
Gooper Blooper: what's sammy celebrating
Harpy: the return of her best frands
Gooper Blooper: aww :3
Harpy: but yeah um don't trust me not to snipe the first post
Gooper Blooper: listen though
Gooper Blooper: you posting at exactly midnight on May 1? That was amazing
Gooper Blooper: If you want to do that again, you go right ahead, BUT NOT A MINUTE EARLIER
Draco: No, she posted at exactly 9 PM on April 30.
Harpy: watch
Harpy: i'm going to write up an introductory post on word and then end up posting it at midnight again :U
Harpy: ...
Harpy: i have a brilliant, and by brilliant i mean stupid, idea
Harpy: i will probably not implement it but my god
Draco: Stop stealing my ideas! :U
Harpy: knowing you you'd topple my idea over :U
Draco: Onto the pedestal it deserves! =V


Silence Is Knuckles joined the chat
Gooper Blooper: Unlike Blade she doesn't chuckle
Gooper Blooper: because she is physically incapable of doing so
Silence Is Knuckles: I had a very weird dream, where I was Silence
Gooper Blooper: I am impressed my silly wrestler OC has imprinted on you strongly enough to be a dream protagonist
Silence Is Knuckles: I had to go on a quest
Silence Is Knuckles: Into a dangerous dungeon
Silence Is Knuckles: Which had many floors which randomly were generated for the challenger
Silence Is Knuckles: I had a weapon, but it could break
Gooper Blooper: Silence trapped in a roguelike
Gooper Blooper: truly a nightmare
Silence Is Knuckles: I had items for restoring health and status, but no weapon fixing ite,
Silence Is Knuckles: Ergo it was best to fight as little as possible
Silence Is Knuckles: My chosen weapon, picked as the best one from a guide? A length of TV cable.
Gooper Blooper: with this cable, silence shall slay the dragon
Silence Is Knuckles: So I went into the forest and encountered my first challenge: golden bulls
Silence Is Knuckles: They were easily killed, but I realized it was a trick and I lured one into the dungeon to get a key for the next floor
Silence Is Knuckles: Then I found Silence's chosen weapon: a giant fountain pen made of gold (at least that's what it seemed like from my memory)
Silence Is Knuckles: But since I had to avoid combat I dodged a Team Rocket like bunch of goofs and got into an elevator
Silence Is Knuckles: There I was faced with my next challenge
Silence Is Knuckles: A goobledegook math question presented by the evil CHRIS JERICHO
Silence Is Knuckles: But I knew it was a trick! So I jumped on a convenient pad and apparently, SILENCE CAN GLIDE LIKE KNUCKLES
Silence Is Knuckles: There were chocolate chip cookies imbedded in the wall of the question, and I removed them! Which turned it into a clock!
Gooper Blooper: the dream appears to be breaking down
Silence Is Knuckles: I was spinning the clock trying to figure out the puzzle when I woke up
Gooper Blooper: at some point this stopped being a roguelike and started being Nickelodeon Double Dare
Silence Is Knuckles: So that was my dream where I was Silence
FLCL: That was an amusing dream. Mine was just cooking mongol bbq when the zombie apocalypse happened. Three broke in, I killed them, and I ate them, and that made me a zombie too. It got boring after that.


Gooper Blooper: JRM, I was rereading some of your blogposts
Gooper Blooper: and I have a very belated comment to make concerning
Gooper Blooper: bubsy 3D
StarbrightChao: and i had absolutely no fucking idea what the fuck
New Blogpost: Broderick: oh?
Gooper Blooper: 1) I'm pretty sure the joke in "Zzotz Nice" is "That's Nice", not "Not Nice"
Gooper Blooper: 2) "Bright Lights Big Woolies" is definitely a riff on "Bright Lights Big City"
StarbrightChao: *googles*
StarbrightChao: that is
StarbrightChao: a very unexpected reference choice
Gooper Blooper: it's bubsy
Gooper Blooper: expect the unexpected
New Blogpost: Broderick: clearly Bubsy 3D was too clever for me


Jumpropeman: at first I wasn't sure how I felt about the SRS thread being renamed Broadcast Station, but now with the bar called Queen of Fortune, I think I quite like it. It's almost like a new start, or at least a refreshing change after we clung to our roots so strong
Gooper Blooper: I figured I had to change it up slightly too
Gooper Blooper: I spent a long time trying to think of a good name since I'm gonna have to see that name bumped for six months
Jumpropeman: and because of that, I've decided after much controversy, Fite Yer' Mates is overdue for a name change too
StarbrightChao: Fight Your Mates?
Gooper Blooper: *waits for joke*
Jumpropeman: for season six, the apostrophe will be changed. This year, it will be Fite Yer'''''' Mates
Gooper Blooper: jrm pls
Harpy: kek
Gooper Blooper: Burpo Yer Poibs
Harpy: makes me wonder what 2017's bar name will be but we can wait!
Harpy: (i can't)
ivel: I thought it'd be Fite' Yer' Mates'
Jumpropeman: next year will be "Fite" Yer' "Mates"


Maturday Sheep joined the chat
Draco: Hi Sheep.
Gooper Blooper: hi sheep
Jumpropeman: hi sheep
StarbrightChao: hi sheep
Harpy: hi sheep
StarbrightChao: that beautiful five-person combo
StarbrightChao: i'm so proud
StarbrightChao: goops, put it in chatzy madness
Maturday Sheep: It was sheeperific
Draco: Was it really a FIVE-person combo? I used capital letters and punctuation.
Gooper Blooper: a flood of greetings for the sheepy one


Jumpropeman: Sheep, I made blogposts, if my names the past two days were not a clue
Maturday Sheep: I read one about Shimmer, one about Broderick, and one about Shimboa
Maturday Sheep: So i think I'm caught up
Jumpropeman: :I
Maturday Sheep: ^_~
Jumpropeman: ​:I​
Maturday Sheep: ^^__~~
ivel: :I intensifies
Gooper Blooper: a blogpost about
Gooper Blooper: cirno
Jumpropeman: ​>:I​
ivel: (9)


Maturday Sheep: >​Why would she suspect Sine?
Maturday Sheep raises finger, opens mouth
Maturday Sheep pause
Maturday Sheep lowers finger, shuts mouth


Why The Fuck Is Spy On So Late joined the chat
Why The Fuck Is Spy On So Late: . . . Wait, no
Why The Fuck Is Spy On So Late: It's not very late
Why The Fuck Is Spy On So Late changed name to Why The Fuck


Maturday Sheep: >​Praline has given them an entire album of Praline a la Mode's Greatest Hits!
Maturday Sheep: Is it-
Maturday Sheep: >​No, it's not all LOOOOOOOVE IN THE CROSSFIIIIIIIRE.
Maturday Sheep: Oh.


Jumpropeman: Shrek vs. Wreck-It Ralph: who would win
Jumpropeman: I need answers quick, I'm a gunpoint and the man must know the answer D;
Why The Fuck:
Draco: old classic.
Draco: Shrek's already proven he can survive five or six movies; I vote ​#Shrek
Maturday Sheep: The Blue Meanie would win, Jrm


Draco can't wait for Parsee's wedding now, because you can't wait for things that won't happen, right?
VolcanicChao: well of course she's not getting married
VolcanicChao: parsee seems like she'd be more comfortable in a casual, non-binding relationship with cian
Jumpropeman: Parsee's not getting married, she's getting in a civil union with Pariel


Maturday Sheep: "What I'm going to do is pretty straightforward"
Maturday Sheep: ...
Maturday Sheep: "I'm going to u-use leylines from the Plane of Shadow to c-connect the energies of these circles, to create Diametraide-status linked wormholes to a p-pure deposit of holy energy somewhere in a metaphysical pocket position n-near our universe."
Maturday Sheep: Mm-hmm
Jumpropeman: pre-school level stuff
Maturday Sheep: "Using that as a c-channel and myself as a focus, I'm going to use m-my magic to exactly copy as many h-healing spells that could help you as I can."
Maturday Sheep: Neato
Maturday Sheep: also
Maturday Sheep: Probably going to end horribly
Maturday Sheep: LET'S DO IT!
Draco: YEAH
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco: Parsee does it...horribly.
Jumpropeman: a surprise if there ever was one
Maturday Sheep: "It is a very small chance, the idea I had in mind, and you are probably best left to better hands- but I will continue to pray for your freedom, every morning. Now why have you come here?"
Maturday Sheep: What DOES a djin pray to?
Jumpropeman: Dgod
Draco: Ikea.
Maturday Sheep: “I apologize for nothing, Samuel Baker."
Maturday Sheep: The Word of God
Maturday Sheep: and the Word of God is "Suck it up, friendo."
Gooper Blooper: Josephine yelling with rage in the distance
Maturday Sheep: >​Then he moved.
Maturday Sheep: It's never a good sign when this is the first sentence of a new paragraph


Harpy: i meant for my foreshadowing to be much better
Harpy: alas
ivel: what about your aftshadowing
Harpy: why


Maturday Sheep: >​and the god laughed - a horrid, thin laugh like a knife
Maturday Sheep: it's the thin laugh that gets me
Maturday Sheep: a thin laugh, when it pops up in your reading, it never really is a good thing, is it?
Gooper Blooper: I don't think so
Gooper Blooper: You want hearty, wide laughs
Gooper Blooper: like hiker anthony
Jumpropeman: GWAHAHA
Gooper Blooper: now there's a man you can trust, when he's not being puppeted by an insane spirit of rebellion
Jumpropeman: it happens to the best of us, Goops
VolcanicChao: it does
VolcanicChao: but you know
VolcanicChao: is being puppeted by a spirit of rebellion ​really​ all that bad?
VolcanicChao: i mean that joyce jr. fellow, he had a point!
Maturday Sheep: >​Sam wasn’t listening. Through clenched eyes, he was seeing faces. Denice, always peppy and upbeat. John, the thinker and voice of reason. Karait, who’s knowledge of poisons had saved his ass more than once. Ash, who never gave up despite the odds. Christine, level-headed and always knowing what the score was. Chastity, who had an amazing rack. Josephine, who said what everyone was thinking. Dallas, who was a shoulder to lean on.
Maturday Sheep: One of these things...
VolcanicChao: also oh god i read karait as karkat
VolcanicChao: and it was very confusing for a second
Jumpropeman: Joyce Jr. offered a wonderful dental plan


Jumpropeman: link
SteelKomodo: to quote Nostalgia Critic
Jumpropeman: its from a Soviet cartoon
Jumpropeman: and that's why you don't go Communist
SteelKomodo: indeed


Gooper Blooper: I'm spooked
Harpy: oh hey creepypasta boss 2016
If I bore cat enough I win: Is that more of a scary linguine or shocking scampi?
Gooper Blooper: horrifying noodles
Harpy: its a boring pasta in which someone forgot to salt the pasta water
Harpy: 0/10
Harpy: you have been chopped


iKomodo: ...and now I'm thinking of Disney songs redone by the internet
iKomodo: Trust in Memes
iKomodo: Never Had A Friend Like Memes
iKomodo: um... Friends on the Other Chat?
Spy Feels A Slight Funny: Oh god
iKomodo: Yeah, that's as far as I got
iKomodo: Make a Meme Out of You
Spy Feels A Slight Funny: pffffft
Spy Feels A Slight Funny: You've Got A Friend in Meme?
iKomodo: Yes
iKomodo: at least one song in each film has to be about memes
iKomodo: or have the word meme on the title
iKomodo: or mention memes at some point
Spy Feels A Slight Funny: Goes without saying
iKomodo: Mmhm


OceanicChao: i beat Bravely Second
OceanicChao: it was good
Draco: Cool. :)
Draco: Now do it only using Freelancers
Gooper Blooper: I beat Bravely Second...'s second chapter
Gooper Blooper: can't match chao intensifying
Harpy: to be fair, can anyone?
Gooper Blooper: when chao sets his sights on something, brother, you best just get out of the way
Spy Feels A Slight Funny: Chao has intensified through the stratosphere
OceanicChao: pretty much, i just decided "bravely second is a good game. i want to finish it"
OceanicChao: so
OceanicChao: i did


Gooper Blooper: all of our season 6 threads are up now except the ones that don't go up at the beginning of the season
Gooper Blooper: it comes
Harpy: i am prepared
Gooper Blooper: you know who's not prepared
Gooper Blooper: adamantoise
OceanicChao: the council?
OceanicChao: oh
Gooper Blooper: them too
Gooper Blooper: though personally I think they may be slightly more prepared
Gooper Blooper: there are 13 of them after all
Harpy: adamantoise is going to be absolutely trashed and i'm going to love every moment of it
Harpy: unsure of trash level of other people in this motley crew aside from Lich being in the garbage :U
Spy Feels A Slight Funny: Why is Adamantoise not prepared
Spy Feels A Slight Funny: It's a toitle
Gooper Blooper: Was Dennis prepared?
Harpy: see my recent blogpost
Gooper Blooper: pictured: someone who is prepared
OceanicChao: holla holla get kappa


Gooper Blooper: You can't be a Bravely party member unless you are obsessed with food
Draco: Indeed.
Gooper Blooper: it's in the contract


Gooper Blooper: link
Draco: Yamame and Kisume are the best team.
OceanicChao: so when do i shockingly reveal that her full name is Kisume Kurodani
Gooper Blooper: RIGHT NOW
Draco: :I
Draco: Right after I reveal that Koakuma is actually......​KOAKUMA​ *Insert Sister Alice's Last Name Here*
Harpy: dun dun


Gooper Blooper: link
Harpy: poyo?
OceanicChao: rip food
Gooper Blooper: poyuko
Harpy: RIP Feed Yer Mates


Done Dat: I imagine it is a major sin right now to stick the cannoli I just bought with my meal through the hole in the donut that I bought yesterday morning.
Done Dat: I will devour them anyway.


Done Dat: -takes up a fancy pen and embroiders message-
​So as to remove any potential misunderstandings about phrasing, direction, or intent, we shall frame this message in a fairly direct and civil tone.
​Cornwind Evil "Legend Maker" Eric, your presence is requested for skype conversations, the duration of which is at this point unknown but estimated "until one goes to bed".
​We would be most pleased for the inclusion of your company.


Draco: I'm thinking of switching my new amazing thief's familiar from a Compy that turns into a raptor to a crab that turns into a GIANT CRAB.
Harpy: giant enemy crab has weak point that can be hit for MASSIVE DAMAGE
Harpy: do you really want to risk it
Draco: Familiars in Pathfinder can use an Archetype called Mauler that caps their intelligence at 6 but boosts their strength instead. It also gives them the ability to grow from a Tiny creature to a Medium creature at freaking will.
Draco: This wouldn't be giant enemy crab. It would be giant FRIEND crab! =D
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Draco: Giant Friend Crab still has a weakpoint. D:


Cornwind Evil: There was actually a Chatzy Madness about how ridiculously overdetailed the Secret Wars entry on Wikipedia was at the time
Cornwind Evil: Where you could learn what was happening IN EVERY SINGLE DARN TIE IN
Gooper Blooper: >​at the time
Gooper Blooper: So they finally pruned it, eh
Cornwind Evil: I don't know, let me check
OceanicChao: *checks*
OceanicChao: no
OceanicChao: no they did not
OceanicChao: "(293,080 bytes)"
Harpy: good stinkin gravy
Gooper Blooper: it's very important knowledge
OceanicChao: OH WAIT
OceanicChao: (cur | prev) 17:00, 15 March 2016‎ Konczewski (talk | contribs)‎ . . (304,071 bytes) (-6,248)‎ . . (→‎Plot: trims) (undo)
(cur | prev) 15:05, 15 March 2016‎ Konczewski (talk | contribs)‎ . . (310,319 bytes) (-4,624)‎ . . (→‎Plot: trims) (undo)

OceanicChao: so the gigantic page there
OceanicChao: is still after at least a bit was trimmed down


Harpy: I LOVE MY CUTE DEMONS *hugs cian tight along with prinnies*
Gooper Blooper: Sonia says that while hugging lily


Draco: Parsee is the worst monster. She once jaywalked.
Completed Questions: THE VERY FIEND
ivel: :O
Completed Questions: ​D​ 8


Jumpropeman: guess what game is on sale on the Nintendo eShop again
Jumpropeman: Demon King Box, a.k.a. Booby Succubus game
iKomodo: Nintenboobs
Harpy: lel
Jumpropeman: its 99 cents so I think I'm finally gonna say "sure why not"
Jumpropeman: after all, eShopGurus give it an 8.0/10! and I'm sure these guys I've never heard of don't just give those away


Jumpropeman: I got an email today
Jumpropeman: its title
Jumpropeman: "We've Shipped: Godzilla"
Jumpropeman: i fear for my safety
ivel: welp
ivel: rip in pieces
Tableter: Hes gonna turn up at your place
Tableter: Ask to borrow twenty bucks
Tableter: Then sleep on your couch
Tableter: Scumbag Godzilla
Jumpropeman: Dammit Godzilla you know I barely carry any cash these days >:I


Jumpropeman: look at that pretty face
Jumpropeman: I guess One Piece heard my criticism about same face and decided to really go in the opposite direction
iKomodo: Gonna be seeing that in my nightmares!


AtmosphericChao: tenshi can be summed up as
AtmosphericChao: "small angry woman yells at people for not listening to her"


Draco joined the chat
Draco: I'm finally here, performing for you.
Draco: If you know the words, you can join in too.
Draco: Put your hands together, if you want to clap.
Draco: As you listen to this Draco Rap.
Draco flops over.


Jumpropeman: I know Dani by reputation
Jumpropeman: which makes it sound like she's a criminal but its more "she's been talked about"
ivel: lel
pop: But she is a criminal! Didn't you hear about the way she stole Tom's heart and held him at ransom? =v
ivel: I think the one to worry about that sentence with is ven :U
ivel: "I know Ven by reputation"
Jumpropeman: "you wouldn't believe how many floppies he's copied"


AtmosphericChao: brb, crackers
Draco: Rude! D:<
AtmosphericChao: back
AtmosphericChao: actually i was getting crackers
AtmosphericChao: fud


Jumpropeman: I should play more Bravely Second so I can stay ahead too
Jumpropeman: *plays Mario Maker instead*


Samoa Dinosaurs: Julius isn't a cinnamon bun
Samoa Dinosaurs: He is an entire Cinnabon
Samoa Dinosaurs: Helicopter lifted and gently airdropped into the kob


Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Draco: Noakuma will be first to bed! Early to bed, early to rise, makes a thief happy, wealthy, and wise!...and you late-sleepers poorer for it. :3
Jumpropeman: is Noakuma like, a more negative version of Koakuma
Draco: Noakuma is a Tiefling alchemist who plans to someday become the world's most renowned thief with the help of her familiar, Giant Friend Crab.
Jumpropeman: I should've read review mode more closely
Jumpropeman: I thought Giant Friend Crab just came up when you encountered Enemy Crabs in BS
SpaceChao: i loved that
SpaceChao: and their fuckin' specials
Gooper Blooper: As I told Chao when I first encountered Enemy Crab
Gooper Blooper: their appearance in BS was just in time for the meme's 10th anniversary
Gooper Blooper: still one of my favorites after all these years
SpaceChao: i have to wonder what their japanese version was
SpaceChao: because there's no way it was that
Draco: Giant Friend Crab came about by me talking about how my new Pathfinder character was going to have a crab familiar that could turn huge. Harpy asked if it was a Giant Enemy Crab and I said no, it is a Giant FRIEND Crab. It still has a weakpoint for massive damage though. );
Jumpropeman: Heavenly Sword made a Giant Enemy Crab reference
Jumpropeman: which, reminder: comes from the early PS3 show
Gooper Blooper: Yeah, I'm guessing we got one hell of a woolseyism
Draco: Enemy Crab is Friend Crab's CoB counterpart. ;p
Jumpropeman: so the PS3 tech demo type game was already embracing the meme


Samoa Dinosaurs: Me: "I will not spoil Planet Robobot for myself"
Samoa Dinosaurs: Also me: *sees Kirby Planet Robobot All Bosses*
Samoa Dinosaurs: WELP
SpaceChao: spy
SpaceChao: if you don't click
SpaceChao: you won't spoil
Samoa Dinosaurs: It's too late I'm watching
SpaceChao: SPY WHY
Samoa Dinosaurs: I can't kirb my enthusiasm

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