Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 245: Hippity Jumpscotch Twirlyroo

Jumpropeman: is doctor who an omniglot
The Terrible Pokerpiller: His TARDIS has a universal translator on board
The Terrible Pokerpiller: Hence explaining why everyone speaks English
The Terrible Pokerpiller: He has been stated to speak 'Baby'
The Terrible Pokerpiller: So....I guess so
The Terrible Pokerpiller: They poked a little fun at this with the 9th Doctor, who was played by an actor who had a very clear subset English accent
The Terrible Pokerpiller: His first companion asks him if he's an alien, why he sounds like he's from "The North"
The Terrible Pokerpiller: The Doctor irritably replies "LOTS OF PLANETS HAVE A NORTH!"
Jumpropeman: oh my god i want to see Doctor Who having a conversation with a Baby like its Baby Geniuses or something
Jumpropeman: i will note I know his name is just The Doctor, but I forget that until I finish writing out my latest thought



N Goat: Here's a blogpost I want; Marina's continued adventures with RVPA
Littlefinger: well well well
Littlefinger: you may be in for a surprise
Littlefinger: except for the fact i just hinted at one
Littlefinger: you may be in for a fulfilled hint
N Goat: Yaaaaay
N Goat claps exitedly

(It happened!) 


Gooper Blooper: I expected Chao to find maybe 70 to 80 of the 88 discoveries in Skies of Arcadia without using a guide
Gooper Blooper: He managed to track down 86 of them before asking for exact directions
Gooper Blooper: chao is hardcore
ivel: welp
ivel: that is impressive
NovaChao: (and then i still haven't found the last)
Gooper Blooper: this last one has taken literally hours broken up over several attempts
Gooper Blooper: ​it's a fucking paper airplane​
ivel: haha
NovaChao: ​vyse is currently king of rogues, lord of battle, king of sky battles, charismatic, and has taken out an entire armada
NovaChao: ​and yet he can't catch one single paper airplane
ivel: sounds about right


Gooper Blooper: Sheep is here
Gooper Blooper: that means I can post this picture I found
Harpy: is that sheep during rehearsals
N Goat: Ahahahah
Gooper Blooper: I have no idea, I found it as is. Let's see what Google Reverse Image Search does
Gooper Blooper: I have an answer
Gooper Blooper: It appears to be from a manga called Coelacanth
N Goat: Oh my God
N Goat: taken from a review of the manga: "For me, the most striking character isn't even one with a name. It's Hisano's hallucination, a sheep born from the despair in her heart. As someone who has suffered with serious depression in the past, this sheep affected me particularly. By the end of the story, I was asking myself why I had never seen sheep before."
N Goat can't come to the chatzy right now
N Goat please leave a message


Harpy: balthier is bae


Jumpropeman: there is a character in FF9 I may one day RP
Harpy: if it's not Quina then all my faith in you will evaporate :U
Jumpropeman: actually, I did consider Quina once, but its someone different
Jumpropeman: this character is more difficult to beat than any other character in FF9
ivel: Zidane? :U
Harpy: oh, is it like, a superboss?
Jumpropeman: worse
Jumpropeman: his name
Jumpropeman: is Hippaul
ivel: oh
Harpy: oh my god
Jumpropeman: he's a minigame
Harpy: incredible
Jumpropeman: a running minigame
Harpy: i didn't get to that part yet
Jumpropeman: at first its easy, press square and circle alternating to race him
Harpy: i'm busy being sad at burmecia
Jumpropeman: but after a few races
Jumpropeman: he takes off the kiddie gloves
Jumpropeman: my brother and I threw ourselves against his final challenge, doing all kinds of tricks to try and press those buttons fast enough
Jumpropeman: but he's always faster
Gooper Blooper: so Canary Mary, then
Jumpropeman: Hippaul would leave Canary Mary in the dust
Jumpropeman: I've done Canary Mary
Jumpropeman: some tips for Hippaul: "Another technique, albeit one with minimal effect, is to open the disc cover or disc tray, to slow the game down very slightly. If playing via emulator, decreasing the game's frame-rate effectively increases the rate at which button presses are received making it trivial to defeat Hippaul even at higher levels.
It is worth noting that jumping the gun is impossible, so one can start pressing the buttons before the race begins to get into the rhythm. If the player is willing to treat the controller roughly, it can be easier, for example, to configure opposing shoulder buttons and place the controller upside down on a solid surface, rocking it left and right to press the buttons. "

Jumpropeman: so you got to cheat in the emulator, destroy your controller, or open and close the disc tray just to SLIGHTLY impede him
Gooper Blooper: I wonder how Goopsbro would do against Hippaul, he's become a master of button mashing in recent years
Jumpropeman: im actually really good at mashing a single button because I can spasm my arm
ivel: I did the disc tray thing in One Piece Grand Adventure
Jumpropeman: to the point certain Mario Party minigames just make my family say "I guess JRM wins" before we even start :V
Gooper Blooper: That's us, JRM :V


A Bree: mental image just now
A Bree: sakuya's ultimate nightmare
A Bree: *sean holding a pie tin* "sakuya, I baked you a pie!" "what flavor?" "YONAKA FLAVOR" *clockwork body horror explodes out of the pie*
NovaChao: that is far funnier than it has any right to be


A Bree: during the offseason dimitri/scarlett taught meiling how to computer
A Bree: just a regular modern computer, because yes her girlfriend is an incredibly advanced AI hologram but that doesn't mean meiling knows how to computer
A Bree: sakuya already knew how to computer prior to season 5
A Bree: meiling had had some basic lessons from sakuya
A Bree: unfortunately sakuya is not patient enough to teach meiling how technology works
NovaChao: "what's this thing" "a keyboard"
NovaChao: "and this" "a mouse"
A Bree: yep
Gooper Blooper: Clippy can help
A Bree: del and I had a conversation about it that featured a ludicrous, hilarious but super lewd line from sakuya that still makes me giggle to this day
ivel: oh?
Gooper Blooper: "It looks like you don't know what a mouse is. Take it out of your mouth and let's get started!"
ivel: lel
NovaChao: this i must hear
A Bree: okay okay I'll spoiler it because idk if it's 2lewd
A Bree: when sakuya reached peak frustration levels with meiling's computer illiteracy, she yelled the line ​"YOUR DIET IS FIFTY PERCENT HOLOGRAPHIC SUPERCOMPUTER PUSSY, HOW HAVE YOU NOT GRASPED BASIC PROGRAMMING SKILLS? DO WE NEED TO UP YOUR DOSAGE?"​ loud enough to accidentally wake remilia two floors up
NovaChao: oh my god
ivel: lel
NovaChao: that IS hilarious
NovaChao: and also super lewd
ivel: it is
NovaChao: but mostly hilarious, thank for sharing
Gooper Blooper: kek
A Bree: that was basically the point where sakuya stopped trying to teach meiling
A Bree: meiling's response was also hilarious-but-lewd
A Bree: I guess I'll share that too
A Bree: ​Meiling's reply, by the way, when it happened, was to muse, completely straight-faced, that she wished she could suck knowledge out of Dimitri's orifices, because "I would know everything"​
ivel: also lek
NovaChao: i'm choking on laughter
ivel: lel*
NovaChao: rip me
ivel: lek, the fusion of lel and kek
Gooper Blooper: lewdhus
Draco: Oh dear.
A Bree: it's (partly) del's fault
A Bree: he's an enabler


A Bree: meiling basically intends to keep learning about technology until she becomes celestia or something
Gooper Blooper: meiling aiming high as usual I see
A Bree: or like
A Bree: until she understands how scarlet's code works, so in other words never


A Bree: me and my mom were talking today and I mentioned brinehammer, and then commented "can you imagine if someone heard me talking completely out of context about my good friends gooper blooper, jumpropeman, cornwind evil, steel komodo, brinehammer, and harpy?"
NovaChao: >​not rubychao
A Bree: think I listed chao too but I was just listing the strangest of the strange chat names
A Bree: lel
NovaChao: kek, that timing
Dark Ages: The distracting nemesis of FormerVengeance notes this .
Draco: >​not Draco
Draco: As expected.
Gooper Blooper: I can only imagine how fucking stupid my name must look to anyone who isn't familiar with Mario Sunshine
A Bree: draco is at least a semi-normal-esque name
Draco: :I
Draco: How dare you call me semi-normal-esque.
Draco: ;p
A Bree: nah, just your name
A Bree: you're 500% weird
Draco changed name to Hippity Jumpscotch Twirlyroo
A Bree: I don't think gooper blooper sounds that weird, it mostly just sounds silly
Hippity Jumpscotch Twirlyroo: IS THAT BETTER, BREE?!


D3 Mortal Wounds: How long do you think a pokemon war would last
iKomodo: About five minutes
D3 Mortal Wounds: Because If you involve psychic types and stuff then it'd be like yeah that 5 minutes
iKomodo: then suddenly Kalos becomes a wasteland
iKomodo: no more baguettes
ivel: unless Legendaries participate, then 5 seconds before the world is destroyed
D3 Mortal Wounds: Ghost and poison types banned by the pokemon Geneva convention
D3 Mortal Wounds: I'd play a pokemon WW2 game
iKomodo: Peace protestors travel with fairy types
D3 Mortal Wounds: Company of Hariyama
iKomodo: ...oh god
D3 Mortal Wounds: Although I'm not sure pokemon would fit in a game where the British infantry go "does wanking make you deaf?"
iKomodo: No, but would be funny


AsteroidChao: holy shit
AsteroidChao: i must watch this
AsteroidChao: i have to watch this
Draco: ....why?
ivel: what
ivel: they made another one?
AsteroidChao: they probably signed a multi-movie contract
AsteroidChao: and now they're stuck with it
AsteroidChao: man
AsteroidChao: only one month until rp
Pugn: Why did I read those first three lines in Boomstick's voice? Have you deceived me all this time, Chao?


Caustics: Now, JRM, when you turned Jump-Rope-Ramen into the Jump-Opera-Men joke, I need to know- what did you do with that last R? :V I have a recycle policy to attend to on puns.
Jumpropeman: Ever wonder why the game Sonic R has such a terrible title? there's your answer
Caustics: ​You monster. D: That series didn't need help to suck more.


Jumpropeman: *goes on facebook*
Jumpropeman: *Rainbow Dash sent me pictures of Yugioh cards*
Jumpropeman: you know, I picked the Time Wizard pretty arbitrarily
Jumpropeman: and now Yugioh is everywhere


Gooper Blooper: for JRM
Jumpropeman: can confirm


Jumpropeman: *still has Christmas chocolate around*
Jumpropeman: look, I technically like candy
Jumpropeman: I just never eat it anymore
Gooper Blooper: you just like to look at it


AsteroidChao: i'm mostly ready for zfrp
AsteroidChao: just need to finish a couple things with the council (like... names)
Jumpropeman: might I suggest a finely aged Burpo for their last names?
AsteroidChao: they're not good enough to be graced with Burpo
Gooper Blooper: they're villains, remember
Gooper Blooper: could you bring yourself to fight burpo
Jumpropeman: good point


Mouldering Sheep joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi sheep!
Mouldering Sheep: mrah
Mouldering Sheep: Translated: Why was man created with such a deep capacity for suffering
Jumpropeman: here you go Sheep: the promised "Marina at the RVPA" blogpost
Mouldering Sheep: mrughuh
Mouldering Sheep: Translated: Wowee! This brightens up my night considerably!
Jumpropeman: sheepgarble truly is a beautiful language <3
Mouldering Sheep: ugh
Mouldering Sheep: Translated: ugh
Jumpropeman: how'd the stuff go
Mouldering Sheep: I've had worse rehearsals of this type
Mouldering Sheep: We only had one actor cry and the director only ALMOST lost his temper towards the end


BlackHoleChao: you know
BlackHoleChao: the fact that ridley got permakilled for the first time in ZFRP events (his bodies had been destroyed by samus or the x but his soul was persistent) probably helped play a part in the pirates giving up
Draco: That's okay. Radley, Redley, Rodley, Rudely, and sometimes Rydley will rally the Space Pirates in Dracoplot.
BlackHoleChao: radley is too cool, rudely just insults them all, redley is three times too fast, rodley is a nerd, and rydley sounds too welsh
BlackHoleChao: i have low hopes
Draco: Well, shucks.
Draco: So much for Dracoplot. :I
Draco: Now I'll have to make the blogposts canon.
BlackHoleChao: nah, we just fight Really Badly Rallied Troops
BlackHoleChao: it's very easy, they roll 1-1
Draco rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1

Draco: They all epically succeeded and failed to rally the troops!
BlackHoleChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
BlackHoleChao: samus defeats all five R*dleys
Draco: Gesp
Draco rolled a die with 2 sides. The die showed: 2
Draco: Methor Breon will save them!
Draco: *Muthor
Draco: **Bryon
Draco: ***tem


ivel: "Final Fantasy 11 shut down on consoles today after 14 years" 14 years? That can't be righ- "Initial release date: May 16, 2002"
ivel: how the hell has it been 14 years


Harpy: you don't have to
Harpy: i have orochi
Draco RPs as King Ghidorah.
Harpy: now how many times can tiamat head get chopped off in one year is the question
Harpy: now i just have this dumb idea of orochi rolling into the bakery again and tiamat head scarfing down all the donuts and yelling things like "THIS IS WHY I REALLY WANTED CELESTIA AS MY SLAVE, YEAH, TOTALLY"


Draco: Dammit, Okuu, stop blowing up suns! D:<


Sorry Squirrel Girl: Let me comment on some of GB's planned to review games
Sorry Squirrel Girl: Alassin
Sorry Squirrel Girl: ....Aladdin
Gooper Blooper: hahaha
BlackHoleChao: Alassin is the genderswapped version
ivel: would that be female Aladdin
ivel: lel Chao
Harpy: wow, hormone therapy worked
Sorry Squirrel Girl: I personally felt the SNES version was better
Sorry Squirrel Girl: The Genesis version was like WOW LOOK AT THESE GRAPHICS (it hides a somewhat troublesome game)
Gooper Blooper: Explanation for chatzy: the SNES Aladdin and Genesis Aladdin are actually two different games made by different companies
Gooper Blooper: not a port
Harpy: weird
Jumpropeman: the SNES Aladdin was awful
Sorry Squirrel Girl: ....say that again, JRM
Jumpropeman: the SNES Aladdin was awful
Gooper Blooper: kek
Sorry Squirrel Girl THROWS JRM down the stairs.
Sorry Squirrel Girl drags him back up.
Sorry Squirrel Girl POWERBOMBS him down the stairs.

Sorry Squirrel Girl: Also, you're wrong
Jumpropeman: come to think of it
Gooper Blooper: it's called an opinion :V
Jumpropeman: I should play Aladdin on the SNES
Jumpropeman: because its bad :^)


SuicuneKing: my april fools joke is
SuicuneKing changed name to Jumpropeman
Harpy: oh shit
Harpy: never saw that coming
Draco: WHAT?!
Draco: Then who am I?!
Jumpropeman: sorry to violate your trust like that, but you got to admit, it was the funniest dang thing you ever seen


Draco: I found this while looking for something in my Photobucket account

Harpy: damn, cinnamon is an exact carbon copy of her mom
Harpy: ~genetics~
Jumpropeman: Don't talk to me or my Sarah ever again


Jumpropeman: so everyone's got a lot of presidential stuff for 2016 RP right?
Jumpropeman: well I'm throwing my hat in the ring

GalaxyChao: he did it
Gooper Blooper: mac tonight wins again
GalaxyChao: i'm so proud
Jumpropeman: #FourMoreYears...ofBBBs


Jumpropeman: im listening to the april fool's joke for a podcast I listen to
Jumpropeman: and a guy finds a computer in it and he starts trying to enter the password
Jumpropeman: "1" "12" "123" "1234" and so on for a very long time
Jumpropeman: he cracks it and finds out about aliens and then enters their ufo
Jumpropeman: and it needs a password
Jumpropeman: so he types in "1"
Jumpropeman: and it immediately works
Jumpropeman: but for a second
Jumpropeman: I was afraid


iKomodo: So what's the latest controversy to grace vidya games, I wonder
Cornwind Evil: Tracer not showing off her butt
iKomodo: Yawn a Rama :U
iKomodo: Josephine dresses as Tracer for Halloweeen
iKomodo: dirk spends the entire day in a sexual coma


Gooper Blooper: I googled Tracer
Gooper Blooper: we're gonna need sturdier belts
SteelKomodo: Dirk spends all of halloween in a sexual coma
SteelKomodo: "Too... Much... Aaaaasssssssss..."
Gooper Blooper: rip
GalaxyChao: and then dirk counters by going in an equally revealing costume
GalaxyChao: and we get ripsephine
SteelKomodo: but... what would Dirk go as?
Gooper Blooper: ​Dirk also goes as tracer​
GalaxyChao: hmmm
GalaxyChao: dirk goes as a lifeguard :V
SteelKomodo: ​oh god Goops pls
GalaxyChao: ...alternatively, Super Macho Dirk
SteelKomodo: CHAO PLS


Gooper Blooper: To get the achievements in Beat Hazard you have to use certain ships to complete missions, and I'm a little concerned about the one named Juggernaut
Gooper Blooper: because it's both the fastest, most uncontrollable ship
Gooper Blooper: and the largest
Gooper Blooper: Imagine Bowser in Mario Kart going 500 miles an hour on a giant bar of soap
Gooper Blooper: That's Juggernaut
Harpy: woah jesus
Harpy: Juggernaut 4 TM2


GalaxyChao: so
GalaxyChao: how about that small town megaplot villain group
SteelKomodo: i hear they beat that other small town megalpot villain group in the playoffs
SteelKomodo: and are now in the finals tomorrow
Gooper Blooper: heard they're gonna fight the big city kobbers


Draco: Del, write a blogpost or we'll replace you with someone who looks just like you. I don't know where we'll find such a person, but we're looking.
Draco: ;D
SteelKomodo: draco pls
Del: oh man that's an ultimatum if i ever heard one

(He did it!)


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: ello ello ello
Draco: Hi JRM.
Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: h h h
Draco: Hi JRM.
Jumpropeman: combine the two messages to get a secret hidden message!
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Draco: I combined them and got "Draco is the best RPer to ever RP a dragon who owns a business."
Jumpropeman: for NOW
Draco: D:
Jumpropeman: Puff the Magic Dragon Plot 2016


Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Draco: Koakuma doesn't get a blogpost.
Jumpropeman: Draco will now RP the number 6
Another Bree: write a blogpost about a hamster
Draco: About leaving Scarlet Devil Mansion to achieve her dream of baking pastries for the queen of Texas.
Draco: Don't tell her there is no queen of Texas; it would break her heart.
Jumpropeman: there is, however, a King of California
Another Bree: jrm is the queen of texas
Jumpropeman: im only the princess
Another Bree: oh, right, ven is the queen of texas. my bad.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 11
Draco: Koakuma manages to bake her BFF Patchouli a tort. Too bad Patchouli never visits. ;-;
Jumpropeman: I was elected by my peers and spurned for my gender
Jumpropeman: but I remain the People's Pricess
Another Bree: the people's prices?
Jumpropeman: i am a costly Princess
Draco: Everything's big about Texas EXCEPT OUR LOW, LOW PRICES AT JRMART


And The RP-Verse Rejoiced asked Chatzy to choose between armstrong again, legmight, air boarding sharks, horror movie production, prison, videogame madness, lewdstuff, clowns, cats, dark souls, prometheans, lucky, kaiju, martel, other, Mass Effect in Setting, Terran History, aerial combat with fantasy, Chaoprisoner questions, SuperDeath, Character Questions, Terra stuff, previously written chars, Quotes, Eggerman, War in the north, fallout 4, lemurs at play, paychecks, pastabin, Inquisitor, singalong time, murderous hexxus, crossover frenzy, wildlife safari, Darkest Dungeon, Aurora and Boreas wi Harps, Auntie Meme, A Trial, The Devil, night at Stars Above, Harpyprisoner questions, ice cream, Dovahkin, audience requests, bathhouse opening, alpha dragons, Puns Post, world's monsters and other. Chatzy chose: lewdstuff
And The RP-Verse Rejoiced: Ehehehehehehehehehehehhe​hhehehHEHEHHEHHEH​HEH


Draco: What goes through Labrys' head when other people are talking.
Draco joined the chat
Draco flops over.


Goopamania: For FV
And The RP-Verse Rejoiced: #Yes


ConstellationChao: you know what i always find interesting
ConstellationChao: Erebus/Brinehammer and Alexthejanitor/Harpy both completely supplanted their old ZF Forum names
ConstellationChao: meanwhile, nobody calls RedSpy "Person Man"
Jumpropeman: that is because Spy never has the same name for more than six hous
Jumpropeman: *hours
Jumpropeman: or hous, as we will now measure as the time between touhou characters introduced into RP
Goopamania: I initially expected Spy to change his forum username frequently
Goopamania: and then he didn't


ConstellationChao: reminder: this happened



Endless Hunger for Bagels: Shit
Endless Hunger for Bagels: I made a grevious error
Endless Hunger for Bagels: I thought my cyclops with a spear did the same thing as the cyclops with a sword
Endless Hunger for Bagels: But he doesn't!
Endless Hunger for Bagels: And now ive paid the price
iKomodo: D:
iKomodo: Yeah, you told me some time ago
iKomodo: all your mates are lambasting ya
Endless Hunger for Bagels: Rip me


Harpy: FFT event status in Record Keeper: WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO FOND OF CHAPTER 1 RAMZA
Harpy: JESUS
ivel: welp
Harpy: like uugh give me ch 4 ramza any day of the week
Harpy: he doesn't even spend the majority of the game in it
Harpy: also, enemy sarahs :I
Gooper Blooper: >​the neverending push of the least cool ramza design
Gooper Blooper: pls
Harpy: at least i can take comfort that at least he'll get alt costumes
Harpy: but what is up with their fondness with this design :I
Harpy: ​if you want marche in instead just fuckin do it ya dweebs




Jumpropeman: I have updated my profiles for the last time before the season start
Gooper Blooper: Yellow Swirl's profile is the best profile

(The unnamed yellow abstract image's "profile" is a string of gibberish)

Jumpropeman: if you notice, it says CR0W in there
Jumpropeman: that has no meaning, but it makes it look coherent
ConstellationChao: JUST LIKE ALL YOUR RP
Gooper Blooper: kek
Jumpropeman: YES D;
ivel: welp
Pulsar Ven: What's a coherent, precious? =u
Draco: A Co-Hear Ent is a tree that helps you to hear things.
Pulsar Ven: b:
ivel: that one was actually pretty good Draco :U
Draco: NO IT WASN'T. D:<
Draco: Oh wait, you said a good thing. Yes, I agree.
Pulsar Ven: Ancient Oak:
​Perhaps a poet's soul in me?
Does that make me a poet tree?


ConstellationChao: "The Director of Sonic Adventure 2 was so angry at the negative reception for Big the Cat in the previous game that he took personal offense to it and put Big the Cat as a hidden secret in every stage as a spiteful act of vengeance towards everyone."
ConstellationChao: that wording

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