Saturday, May 14, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 249: Outraged Goldfish

Cornwind Evil: I've figured out a Twisted Metal solution
Cornwind Evil: And at the end of Round 3 there will be a SURPRISE in terms of RL stuff
Samoa Dinosaurs: Raspberry is forcibly ejected from the tournament?
Jumpropeman: the surprise is that Cornwind will do the finale entirely on film through charades
DiamondChao: the SURPRISE is that we will get together and do it in real life
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: oh god its a LARP
Jumpropeman: imagine a bunch of people running around pretending to drive cars and blowing raspberries for engine noises
Samoa Dinosaurs: Twisted Metal spoilers:
Samoa Dinosaurs: ​Joshy steals the six human souls and becomes omega joshy
Samoa Dinosaurs: ​Nothing changes
Samoa Dinosaurs: ​He just keeps driving his kratt and competing


Jumpropeman: some people say they want to skydive before they die as sort of the "crazy stunt" they do so they don't feel unfulfilled
Jumpropeman: but I want to be
Jumpropeman: a human cannonball
Jumpropeman: and if I can do that
Jumpropeman: I'll die happy
Cornwind Evil: Thing is, anyone can skydive
Cornwind Evil: You need training to be a human cannonball methinks
ivel: that is true
Jumpropeman: i'd be willing
Jumpropeman: I'll put a pot on my head like Guybrush and I should be fine though, right?


Cornwind Evil: Hey GB, check it out
Cornwind Evil: It's the forgotten cousin of the Metal Slug series
Cornwind Evil: And what an AMAZING ending!
Gooper Blooper: An old arcade game? You bet your ass it'll have a fantastic ending
Gooper Blooper: they always made sure to make it worth your effort and quarters, and by that I mean CONFLATURATIONS YOU WINNER
Cornwind Evil rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 14
Cornwind Evil: Parsee gives an adequate conflaturation.
Cornwind Evil: ...see, Draco? Now you've got ME doing it
ivel: that ending
ivel: really
Gooper Blooper: Draco has taken control of CW's chatzy handle
Draco: :I
Draco: I did no such thing. *hides the remote control*
Cornwind Evil: Cornwindplot 2016 is cancelled
Bree: hooray!
Draco: More time for Skype.
Bree: I mean uh
Bree: oh no :<
Cornwind Evil: Unfortunately, since I had no wholly set plot, that command inverts on itself
Draco: Oh no! Cornwindplot consume all other plots!
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: two season long harplot
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: ye
Shaman Obssessed Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: no
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: the dream never hadplen
DiamondChao: wait
DiamondChao: so does that ending
DiamondChao: do they literally just ​restart the game
Gooper Blooper: Oh my, that IS bad
Gooper Blooper: especially for 1994
Gooper Blooper: Pathetic, really


Jumpropeman: I can't give sheep Shimboa
Jumpropeman: but maybe he'll accept Shimuckle
Gooper Blooper: neat
Jumpropeman: and for my last trick
Gooper Blooper: beautiful
Draco slowclaps.


Bree: today was an awesome day in M&M
Bree: we had an adventure in exploring an illusion of my character's psychological trauma!
Bree: there were dead children and everything
Bree: so much fun~


Jumpropeman joined the chat
Jumpropeman: FRIENDS
ProdigalChao: ROMANS
iKomodo: no
ProdigalChao: unfortunately, i move slow and can't jump high
ProdigalChao: i am, however, one hell of a guy
Dweller: In the land of Looneys, a man could go far with such gifts.


Gooper Blooper: ​Dr. Nerique eats at Meh Burger sometimes, I bet
ProdigalChao: yes he does, but only sometimes


Gooper Blooper: Fun fact: During a recent test play of SaRahPG I got in a boss fight and tried to find the Brave function to attack multiple times per turn
Gooper Blooper: because muscle memory
Draco: :I
Draco: Add it in.
Draco: Hit start button, Sarah yells out "BRAVELY SECONDS"
Gooper Blooper: kek
Gooper Blooper: another serving, for good measure


ProdigalChao: The Ruby Chao » Viewing Active Users List
jumpropeman » Viewing Topic: The Queen Of Fortune Lounge
FormerVengeance » Viewing Topic: The Queen Of Fortune Lounge
HarpyKuro » Viewing Topic: The Queen Of Fortune Lounge
Steel Komodo » Viewing Topic: The Queen Of Fortune Lounge
Draco » Viewing Topic: The Queen Of Fortune Lounge
Brinehammer » Viewing Topic: The Queen Of Fortune Lounge
Gooper Blooper » Viewing Topic: The Queen Of Fortune Lounge
Cornwind Evil » Viewing Topic: The Queen Of Fortune Lounge
Guest » Viewing Topic: Fite Yer' Mates Reloaded
The Deleter » Viewing Topic: The Queen Of Fortune Lounge
Guest » Viewing Topic: The Queen Of Fortune Lounge
ProdigalChao: ah, the season


(CW asks FV for details on his Twisted Metal entry)

Gooper Blooper: I am amused that CW has asked both "can the vertibird fly" and "can the vertibird drive"
Gooper Blooper: imagine if it could do neither
Gooper Blooper: and it just kinda sat there
Dweller: It is a vertibird because it is a subaquatic vessel, clearly.
Draco: I wonder who the mechanic is, Bixby? ;V


Twitchy Triggers Try Once More: Mary helped the last piece fall into place for me. He wasn't impaling people to terrify humans at all. He was making carnival treats for the dark powers. I dunno, you think it would be more or less terrifying if some of the legends about Vlad ended with "and then he painted the Turkish corpse in refried sugar and corn breading"?


Jumpropeman: >​Deadly Creatures has fall damage
Jumpropeman: excuse me
Jumpropeman: but I've seen many a bug drop from heights that were comparatively massive for them and survive just fine
Draco: Too bad. You deal with your fall damage, young man.


(A monster attacks Scoopa Koopa)

Shaman Obssessed Harpy: i wonder what would happen if paper mario got involved
SteelKomodo: i dunno, harps
SteelKomodo: shall we find out? :U
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: unfortunately, i'm going out to eat soonish so I can't exactly jump in
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: but man
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: King Koopa's flipout would be astounding
SteelKomodo: aw :<
SteelKomodo: ...oh god, it would
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: while Paper Mario is like waving hello because he has no idea who the fuck King Koopa is
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: he is shaped like Bowser but not really Bowser
SteelKomodo: he is American Knockoff Bowser
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: american boxart bowser


Gooper Blooper rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
SharpChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2

SharpChao: what a start


Shaman Obssessed Harpy: the common call for ghost security is usually


Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Draco: Yamame writes Sarah a ​recipe​ love letter.
Draco: She will do the same thing for Patchy most likely.
SharpChao: patchy would be too fattening
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 16
Draco: Sweet meat. Filet mignonchouli.
Draco: ​Sara tastes like off-brand COLA next to Sarah.
Draco: Yamame is Meiling, if Meiling chased chubby girls instead of muscular girls and wanted to eat them instead of date them.  :P


Shaman Obssessed Harpy: guys
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: chao got me
Shaman Obssessed Harpy: Bravely Second
SharpChao: i like how i've never paid for a bravely game of my own
SharpChao: but now i've paid for one for someone else


Wizard Obsessed Harpy: TOKKU SENTAI
Wizard Obsessed Harpy: TOKU SENTAI
Wizard Obsessed Harpy: *Yuyu and Sol both pose*
ivel: Tofu Sentai?
ivel: Okuu Sentai?
Wizard Obsessed Harpy: OKUU SENTAI
Wizard Obsessed Harpy: OKUU SENTAI
Wizard Obsessed Harpy: ​​OKUU SENTAI
Wizard Obsessed Harpy: *okuu, yuyu, sol, and praline pose*
Wizard Obsessed Harpy: *ignore the fact that half and half are my chars and chao's*
Gooper Blooper: sarah poses too


(From the Bravely Second demo)

Bishop Obsessed Harpy: >​kill six chompers
Bishop Obsessed Harpy: >​one killed nikolai
Bishop Obsessed Harpy: YOU MOTHERFUCKERS
Bishop Obsessed Harpy: how dare you
Draco: 8I
Draco: History will remember this as the day Chompers began going extinct.
Bishop Obsessed Harpy: damn right
Draco: ​Because they gorged themselves to death on Nikolai's bones.


SharpChao: >​foreshadowing would best be done saturday
SharpChao: >​already want to do it
SharpChao: rip me
SteelKomodo: rip u


SharpChao: *looks at a mario fanfic*
SharpChao: 'Why are you so down, Mario?" Starlow, the representative of the Star Sprites, questioned him, "According to my research, today is when your culture celebrates the birth of Christ with joy and giving".
SharpChao: wrong culture, peeps
Brilliant Kid: Oh fanfic


SharpChao: dirkcam
Bree: read "yuyufashion," expected yuyuko
Bree: am disappoint
SteelKomodo: that is indeed dirkcam
SteelKomodo: strategically placed for maximum butt focus


(I change my avatar to this, with the caption "Behind every great man is a woman")

iKomodo: Just noticed Goop's avatar change
iKomodo: i feel the need to make a correction
Gooper Blooper: oh man I know what's coming
iKomodo: "Behind every great man is ​a woman​ his butt"
Gooper Blooper: oh
iKomodo: there ya- wait, you anticipated that?
Gooper Blooper: I thought you were gonna say
Gooper Blooper: "In Josephine's case, behind her is her man"
Gooper Blooper: "because he is looking at the butt"
iKomodo: ...FUCK
iKomodo quits


Bishop Obsessed Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Bishop Obsessed Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19
Bishop Obsessed Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 19

Bishop Obsessed Harpy: holy
Cornwind Evil Take Two: ....I think Harpy gets a big win on a slot machine
Bishop Obsessed Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 21
Bishop Obsessed Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
Bishop Obsessed Harpy rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17

Bishop Obsessed Harpy: WELL
Bishop Obsessed Harpy: OKAY
Bree: kek.txt
Gooper Blooper: Harpy is going ham
Bishop Obsessed Harpy: suddenly i believe in god
Bishop Obsessed Harpy: i cast faithra on myself
Bree: *"I Believe in Miracles" plays in background*
Bishop Obsessed Harpy: but not enough to make me leave the group because i have a higher calling
Bishop Obsessed Harpy: [/FFTjokes]
Gooper Blooper: oh god, that
Gooper Blooper: can't let Sarah get TOO powerful


Bree: I hope you guys enjoyed breeRP debut 2016
SharpChao: i diiiid
SharpChao: komachi worked
Gooper Blooper: it was good to see you back
SharpChao: as a first choice i mean
Bree: it was seriously going to be dolls right up until I went "oh my god I can't handle all these characters right now"
SharpChao: that's an understandable choice
Bree: dolls are like the AoE, if I RP them I've got to have like 3-5 goddamn people
SharpChao: AND THEN
SharpChao: "trial by fire" says barbie
SharpChao: she just kicks momoko through the doors


Jumpropeman: Space. The Final Frontier. These are the voyages of the USS Stars Above
Jumpropeman: *Shoots a Ba'al for 14 hours*


Draco: I might post later. Not sure what I would though.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 7
Jumpropeman: Borodan can kill Shimmer
Jumpropeman rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 4
Jumpropeman: yup, he wins
Jumpropeman: Now I can introduce Shimmer 2.0
Jumpropeman: which is actually Lightning Bolt Society 2.0, making her Alliance of Evil 3.0 and Parsee 4.0
Gooper Blooper: *introduces Sarah 25.0*
Draco: Sarah 25.0 aka......YAMAME?! Wait, no, that doesn't work.
Janitor-Level Crystalguard: well, you are what you eat, Yamame!
Gooper Blooper: Sarah hasn't been eaten yet!
Janitor-Level Crystalguard: yet
Gooper Blooper: *Yamame spinkling powdered sugar on Sarah*
Draco: No, no. Sarah's the dessert. Main course is a honey-glazed Patchouli. Then Yamame can die fat and happy.
SharpChao: emphasis on fat
Draco: ​Big Bar Brawl ends with Yamame as champion and everyone else her dinner.


CrystalChao: now that i've got access to the old forum
CrystalChao: it's time for my ultimate plan
CrystalChao reposts the entirity of Lordplot
Janitor-Level Crystalguard: no
Janitor-Level Crystalguard: *puts hand on chao's hand*
Janitor-Level Crystalguard: no


The Curse Of The Hot Head rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
*pauses for breath*
Legions: I think the first one of the season that I've seen.
CrystalChao: #ITBEGINS
Legions is mostly glad it isn't his because Venluck
Gooper Blooper: the first of many


The Curse Of The Hot Head: Marvel Zombies doesn't make a lot of sense
The Curse Of The Hot Head: Why does it infect human based superheroes but not normals?
Gooper Blooper: ​remove the Zombies part​
Legions: Thank you, Goops.
Legions gives a gold star
The Curse Of The Hot Head: How can it affect robots?
The Curse Of The Hot Head: How can it affect VAMPIRES
The Curse Of The Hot Head: Morbius, explain
The Curse Of The Hot Head: Thank you Morbius
ivel: welp
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 1
Draco: Parsee is now a zombie.
Draco: She's going to eat your brains!
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 5
Draco: Parsee tries to eat Shimmer's brains.


Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 6
Draco: Yamame becomes Parsee.
CrystalChao rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 17
CrystalChao becomes Parmame

Draco: :O
Draco: All the Chaoacters now roll only d1s.
Draco: But they each rolls eight d1s.
Gooper Blooper: eight times the horrible failure
CrystalChao rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
CrystalChao rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
CrystalChao rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
CrystalChao rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
CrystalChao rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
CrystalChao rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
CrystalChao rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1
CrystalChao rolled a die with 1 sides. The die showed: 1

CrystalChao: look at all those crits!
Gooper Blooper: beast mode
Draco: Unstoppable!


Muck Sheep: "Soaring Falcon of the KoB's Janiteers!"
Muck Sheep: 'cause we're the Janiteers!
Muck Sheep: And you can be one too!
Muck Sheep: 'cuz cleaning up after Kobbers is the thing to do!


(Sheep reintroduces Bikker)

Muck Sheep: Suddenly
Muck Sheep: a weirdo approaches!
Gooper Blooper: To be honest, "a weirdo approaches" describes virtually every intro post
Muck Sheep: Ahahha
Gooper Blooper: and I wouldn't have it any other way


DesertChao: sheep finally got to post stuff yesterday
DesertChao: there was more bikker
Bree: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!​!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Bree: that one at the end was accidental
Bree: but it serves to demonstrate my excitement even better


SteelKomodo: jontron breathing fire is simultaneously hilarious and kinda frightening


Bree: have you ever watched my drunk kitchen? it's a youtube show
Bree: hannah hart gets crunk and then cooks
Bree: usually it turns out poorly
Del: sounds awesome
Bree: I was amazed because recently
Bree: she did an entire episode in japanese
Bree: ​while drunk​
Bree: speaking japanese is impressive
Bree: but
Bree: speaking japanese while drunk
Bree: is REALLY impressive
Bree: unless you're a japanese person in which case it's not


(Chao does a western-themed plot where the kobbers battle a crooked cowboy)

Gooper Blooper: the western references are great, chao, thank
Gooper Blooper: gotta have that tumbleweed
DesertChao: and of course that line about the town's size
Bree: required prop
DesertChao: i couldn't leave THAT out
Bree: headcanon: mcgraw brought the tumbleweed
Bree: he went out, found a tumbleweed, and brought it with him to the meeting place
Bree: because it was necessary
Gooper Blooper: gets one of the other council members to release the tumbleweed when the time is right
Bree: nah there's a rube goldberg esque device hooked up to release the tumbleweed on cue
Bree: it's voice-activated
Bree: when he says "this town isn't big enough for the both of us"
Lord Killer Tiz: Amazing
Gooper Blooper: yes
Bree: most of his planning for this fight was about the tumbleweed
DesertChao: don't forget hiring people to slam the windows on cue
DesertChao: very important
Bree: they had dress rehearsals for the window slamming
Gooper Blooper: I hear tumbleweeds actually really hurt if you grab one, like they're basically balls of thorns
Gooper Blooper: clearly it's his ace in the hole
iKomodo: Ouch D:
Tableter: Delmond is gonna be real gutted he missed this
iKomodo: yep :U
Tableter: It totally
Tableter: Bites
Tableter dies
DesertChao: lel
Gooper Blooper: lel he's a vampire
Lord Killer Tiz: Lel
Lord Killer Tiz: I'm in a Texas steakhouse
Bree: me and my mom went to texas roadhouse yesterday
Lord Killer Tiz: I'm
Lord Killer Tiz: At that very same place
Bree: except in a different state :U
Lord Killer Tiz: Only not in Indiana yes


Bree: you can never be a bad restaurant if you have cinnamon butter for your dinner rolls


Gooper Blooper: GRAVY


DesertChao: no brain
DesertChao: color=coral
DesertChao: doesn't mean color=carol
Gooper Blooper: taggy taggy thing


Bree: Hi Chatzy bros! It's Blue!
DesertChao: hi blue
iKomodo: Hi blue
Muck Sheep: Hello, Blue
Bree: I've taken possession of Bree's laptop! MWUAHAHAHAHA!
ivel: hi Blue
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: hi blue
ivel: how Breevil of you
Bree: She's never coming back. *steals Bree*
Gooper Blooper: That's two cases of possession in one night!!
Muck Sheep: Bree is now under new management
Jumpropeman: ​paints half of Bree's face white​
Jumpropeman: ​she's possessed you see​
Bree: Indeed.
Bree: You could have her back... for the price of 1 Million Space bucks!
Gooper Blooper: Josephine and Nitori, we need you
ivel: that price really blue my mind
DesertChao: how many are those in earth bucks
DesertChao: hi CW
Bree: Uh... three panties and a ball of twine...
Gooper Blooper: Space hasn't had the best economy recently
iKomodo: Hahaha
Bree: Yeah... it all went to shit after the Pluto thing...
ivel: ;;
Muck Sheep: #FreePluto
DesertChao: i have a ball of twine but no panties
Bree: The exchange rate to boxers is 1:1000


DesertChao: "Skeiron I think is going to be dropped to simplify things. New Marlinnium's basically just here for Lord Rematch since there's no room for his story. Widow Maker and Sarah are not going anywhere, I love them too much. That leaves Celestia, who I'm on the fence about. I don't like to use too many characters at the same time... I'm pretty sure she'll make an appearance, but whether it's just a cameo or if she maintains her secondary character status, I am unsure."
DesertChao resists the urge to die laughing


When Video Games Are Mean joined the chat
Jumpropeman: Fox's sequel series to When Animal's Attack doesn't pack the same kind of punch


ivel: say hi to an actual comic coming out, Future Quest (saw an ad in a Free Comic Book Day comic)
Jumpropeman: I just saw that last night
ivel: also I recognize all but three of the series represented in that
Jumpropeman: the dudes in the car are the only ones I don't recognize
Jumpropeman: ​they never appeared in Harvey Birdman for crying out loud!​
ivel: never thought I'd see the goddamn HERCULOIDS in a recent thing
Gooper Blooper: Gloop and Gleep were my jam twenty years ago
ivel: I watched them, Space Ghost, Johnny Quest, and Birdman, and I know of Frankenstein Jr.
ivel: I'm lost on the rest
Tiz: all of you are old
Tiz: *ignores fact that I, too, am old*
ivel: lel
Gooper Blooper: I think, with Pokemon making a big to-do of it's 20th birthday, an awful lot of twentysomethings out there have gone "wow I'm old"
DesertChao: yep


When Video Games Are Mean: In one of the early Fighting Fantasy books, you stumble over some corpses. If you inspect them, you find one is a Ghoul, who is a zombie with a paralyzing claw attack. This fight has an interesting option: if the Ghoul hits you four times, you are paralyzed. So the fight has an option that says "If he kills or paralyzes you, turn to XXX."
When Video Games Are Mean: And if you do
When Video Games Are Mean: "The ghoul dances with glee around your body, lays it next to the others on the ground, turns you over, and sinks its teeth into your rump. It is not often that it has fresh meat to feed on.
Your adventure is over."

When Video Games Are Mean: WAY TO RUB IT IN, BOOK
DesertChao: suddenly i remember one book about going through a black hole that i had when i was a kid
DesertChao: and one of the bad endings always freaked me out
DesertChao: because it sums up as "your ship is trapped in the vortex for a million years"
Gooper Blooper: ded
DesertChao: and on the page across, it has a realistically drawn picture of the two astronauts decayed into skeletons inside their suits
DesertChao: it
DesertChao: was not that pleasant when i was young


(Regarding Harpy playing Bravely Second)

Tiz: after I get the White Mage ability i'm gonna go kick everything's ass on this continent
Tiz: a lot
Tiz: the bestiary
Tiz: means so much to me
Gooper Blooper: justify it as RP research


M Sheep: I post


(Yuugi challenges Pteron to an arm-wrestling match)

Gooper Blooper: ​MASTODONS​
DesertChao: ​no goops, he's a pteranodon. i thought you knew this
Draco: ​No, he's Jigglypuff seen from above.


Cornwind Evil: "Excuse Plot: Mickey's dog, Pluto, has been kidnapped by the Weasels because of his diamond collar. It's actually fake. Mickey calls his friends, and Pete, to help him track down racing in various parts of the United States."
Jumpropeman: is that Mickey's Speedway USA?
DesertChao: >​Jrm remembers it
DesertChao: confirmed bad
Jumpropeman: it seems like he just wanted an excuse to use the gokarts he had laying around
Jumpropeman: I actually played it at a McDonald's back when they had N64s just hanging around in the play places
Gooper Blooper: I saw it at a Mcdonalds, too, at the same time!


SteelKomodo: Dirksephine


(Regarding Pokemon Sun and Moon's starters)

SteelKomodo: genius bonus
SteelKomodo: Rowlet is based on the Pueo, a kind of short-eared owl native to Hawaii
Brilliant Kid: :3
Brilliant Kid: Pueowl
SteelKomodo: Hawaiian culture believes that the spirits of their ancestors can take on many forms, and the pueo is one of them
Expose The Esoteric: let the owl play for you the song of his people
Expose The Esoteric: *hoot*
Tableter: Hooooot
Brilliant Kid: So is this longshot speculation that the final form is grass/ghost
SteelKomodo: nah, but it's some cool trivia :U


Brilliant Kid: so I google image searched goldfish and now I'm laughing at basically a screen of fish reaction pics
iKomodo: Hahaha
Brilliant Kid: Like look how outraged this fish is
Expose The Esoteric: link
iKomodo: XD
Brilliant Kid: Hahaha


Jumpropeman: *opens Youtube subscriptions*
Jumpropeman: *4 videos about the new Sun and Moon starters&
Jumpropeman: I subscribe to too much Pokemon stuff
Expose The Esoteric: As I pointed out to Chao and Harpy, we're getting a tropical island Pokemon game just as we leave Las Vegas in ZFRP for a tropical island
Expose The Esoteric: sometimes funny coincidences happen
Jumpropeman: I'm sure there will be no Pogeys in season 7
Expose The Esoteric: not a one
Expose The Esoteric: no sir
Jumpropeman: god forbid, god forbid


(Regarding a plot about Boos)

Occultist Tiz: man, shoulda brought Paper Mario
Occultist Tiz: alas
Expose The Esoteric: I tried to make it seem obvious to bring Mario by having the tablet make boo noises :V
Occultist Tiz: alas, i didn't listen
Occultist Tiz: since Shiva's a non-combatant i could bring him
Jumpropeman: "Sonic Man can't be seen working with Mario! ...Oh wait, that's right... 2000s... MARIO! MY GOOD FRIEND AND BUDDY!"
Occultist Tiz: lame excuses ahoy
iKomodo: XD
HighAltitudeChao: he was rolled up
HighAltitudeChao: inside nitori's backpack
HighAltitudeChao: he pops out when the time is right
Occultist Tiz: stop reading my mind chao that's scary
Expose The Esoteric: hahaha
Expose The Esoteric: I got to see Sonic and Mario go at each other as bitter rivals... and then they were same-system bros... and now they do crossovers that are, save for Smash, inexplicably all Olympics-themed when a damn platformer is the most obvious thing in the world
Jumpropeman: Nintendo could probably make a better Sonic game than Sega at this point
Expose The Esoteric: They totally could
Expose The Esoteric: It would control by using the Wii Balance Board to make Sonic run or some stupid thing but it'd still be better


Expose The Esoteric: sumiroll
Expose The Esoteric rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 2
Expose The Esoteric: sumi pls
HighAltitudeChao: bad >:I
HighAltitudeChao: there should be a 1 on there as well


Cornwind Evil:
Cornwind Evil: You put it in a container
Cornwind Evil: Like do I need to go take a phone picture of my bagged milk?
Occultist Tiz: please no


M Sheep: "...Gravy? Now THERE'S an idea..."
M Sheep: Edea, no
M Sheep: The world isn't ready for a Gravy Brgrgr
Expose The Esoteric: GO FOR GRAVY
Bree: yes they are
Bree: the chik'n 'n' gravy brgrgr
Occultist Tiz: biscuits and gravy


HighAltitudeChao: time for chao's greatest challenge
HighAltitudeChao: find a picture of zero suit samus
HighAltitudeChao: that isn't oversexualized


HighAltitudeChao: things i just remembered
HighAltitudeChao: when samus first entered bbb3 i was worried about her being OP
HighAltitudeChao: so i listed her as having only a few of her upgrades
HighAltitudeChao: then JRM used other ones and I was like "well okay then!"
Jumpropeman: i do not apologize
Jumpropeman: it was the same Brawl as Saxton Hale
Jumpropeman: she was not OP :V


CloudyChao: i found this hot pro tip
CloudyChao: "Captain Falcon is fast but you can cut down his attacking level by constantly throwing him in the acid. If you keep on repeating this then he will eventually die."
Dellaris: That's a hell of a tip
ivel: well throwing people in acid DOES usually make them weaker


Bree: hina has the dubious privilege of being the one 2hu that none of the other 2hus know!
Bree: strange nobody from gensokyo, ahoy
Tiz: i guess marisa was the one who did Mountain of Faith
CloudyChao: nitori is probably at least aware of her :V
CloudyChao: if fanon has anything to say about it
CloudyChao: (spoilers: they are not as close as fanon likes to say)
Bree: yeah I think we did establish nitori is aware of her existence
Bree: I'm pretty sure fanon's idea of their closeness is "smooching" so no, no they are not
Gooper Blooper: Nitori only smooches hundred-dollar bills
CloudyChao: pretty much
CloudyChao: there is no hot kappa-on-whatever-hina-i​s-again action
Bree: hina only smooches teddy bears because they are her only friends *sad violin*
Bree: hina is... actually that's a good question
Bree: the only answer I have for you is she is a curse goddess/youkai
Bree: she's a whatever
Bree: she's a precious cinnamon roll, how about that


iKomodo: night, all, and remember the wise words of Dan Avidan and Ninja Brian
iKomodo: choose sex over murder, even if you're from the stars
iKomodo: or you might kill a planet and also scratch my car


(Draco reaches the end of Bravely Second)

Draco: Final boss time, I need a good strategy, they're tough...
Draco: Time to....THROW AXES.
CloudyChao: but what if
CloudyChao: it throws them BACK
Draco: D:
Draco: D8
Draco: ​D8
Draco: Then all is lost.... ;-;
Maid Sheep: Draco, become the axe
Maid Sheep: throw yourself


Wulfconsin joined the chat
Wulfconsin: What's up you meme loving fucks

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