Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Chatzy Madness Volume 247: Thành Viên Dóng Góp

M Sheep: "Sarah is short. We all know this".
M Sheep: Thank you for the reminder, narration


Jumpropeman: *tries to disable automatic updates on Raven's Cry*
Jumpropeman: the only options are "Always keep this game up to date", "only update when I launch this game" and "High priority- always auto-update this game before others"
Jumpropeman: they REALLY don't want you to have to suffer unpatched Raven's Cry
EclipseChao: but
EclipseChao: but be brave guy ;_;


EclipseChao: GB: Oh, JRM's gone for good I think
EclipseChao: a thousand keks
EclipseChao: (reminder that the end of 2012 was the deadliest bullet that we somehow dodged)
EclipseChao: okuu no
iKomodo: SteelKomodo: what a shallow, materialistic fucking jackass
iKomodo: You'll never guess whom I said this about
EclipseChao: yourself?
EclipseChao: dirk?
EclipseChao: JRM?
EclipseChao: the major?
iKomodo: Nope
iKomodo: Rabbit from Winnie the Pooh
EclipseChao: wow, whadda choice
iKomodo: I was watching the Winnie the Pooh thanksgiving special at the time
iKomodo: and it occurred to me just how much of a jackass this one character is when I saw how he condescends to everybody and never learns from his mistakes
iKomodo: like, fuck that guy


EclipseChao: "Although the No Limit Soldiers were packaged as a face stable, they failed to connect with the mostly Southern WCW audience. In Master P's first and only appearance on WCW Television, (against the suggestion of the bookers and other wrestlers) he bullied heel wrestler Curt Hennig by rejecting a present he gave to Silkk The Shocker (a custom made cowboy hat) and then assaulting him with a birthday cake. This was perceived as a heel action by the fans and produced a lack of reaction due to confusion because Hennig was a hated heel, but being bullied by a group of people promoted as faces."
Bree: "assaulting him with a birthday cake"
Bree: what even
Bree: how even
Bree: honestly that sounds awesome
iKomodo: I keep thinking of classic Sooty or Chuckle Brothers when I read that
iKomodo: y'know, the old custard pie in the face routine


A Bit Less Blind: I see Chao is examining WCW stupidity again
A Bit Less Blind: Yes, the No Limit Soldiers vs the West Texas Rednecks are one of the biggest tone deaf moments, though they have competition for like 40 other moments
EclipseChao: i still reread Why WCW Went Out Of Business when i'm on the train sometimes
EclipseChao: it makes for very entertaining reading material


Harpy: at this bookstore
Harpy: i got an old cookbook for 3.50
Gooper Blooper: neat
Harpy: 204 recipes to make in 30 minutes
Harpy: ...no, you don't make all of them at once
Harpy: unless you're celestia


Booty-Os joined the chat
Booty-Os rises from the ground

Gooper Blooper: a wild spy appears
Jumpropeman: spy, I have this for you
Jumpropeman: ​It plays a different Quad City DJs mix every time you reload it​
Booty-Os: Oh my god


Jumpropeman: I had a dream the other night where it was late in the year and there was no big bar brawl and no one was pointing it out so I didn't say anything
Draco: That sounds odd, JRM.
Draco: On one hand, no brawl means no champ. On the other hand, it's a lot of work for you and the DK Krew.
Gooper Blooper: that dream sounds like a terrible nightmare
Jumpropeman: but it means two years of Silence as champ!
Gooper Blooper: Both you and I know darn well that she'd be disappointed if she couldn't defend her title
Gooper Blooper: A champ who holds on to their title simply because they didn't fight isn't impressive to her! :V
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 18
Draco: Yamame wants to Fite Silence.
Harpy: wicasa guarunteed never to enter the brawl
Gooper Blooper: soon, spidergal
Gooper Blooper: soooon
Harpy: ​he needs to be around to actually fix people afterwards
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
Draco: Yamame loses patience and begins Fiting random encounters.
Gooper Blooper: Don't worry, Karin is on hand to help this year
Gooper Blooper: I hope you all like injections


EclipseChao: hi draco
EclipseChao: look at this

Draco: Damn. I told them to delay the press release!
Shemlen: This is terrible, shocking headlines like nothing I have ever heard before! D8


EclipseChao: other people when i try to explain jojo


Harpy: wicasa, in zfrp canon
Harpy: lacks a goat
Harpy: has more of a rainbow bird/ho-oh symbolism there but maybe he meant to wear his rainbow embroidered goat thing that day
Shemlen: I want a Wicasa versus Wicasa Fite now. :I Goat vs Ho-oh. (I will never get it.)
Shemlen chews at retrieved food quietly
Harpy: i'd have to contrive a lot of elements for that to happen, and there's no reason he can't have MULTIPLE animal spirits :U
Harpy: goat: animal spirit of earth and all that jazz
Shemlen: Does that mean air gets a samba and water gets a waltz? I dunno, I might have put rock with rock. Soul with soul seems a little too obvious though. Hmmn.
Draco: Lel
Harpy: earthy jazz? i was thinking that was more like belly dancing
Draco: Sarah v. Patchy at belly dancing.
Gooper Blooper: the world is not yet ready
Gooper Blooper: also I dunno, dancing sounds like an awful lot of work
Draco: That's why Sarah wins by default.
Gooper Blooper: Sarah can do the mario
Gooper Blooper: she was very enthusiastic about it
Harpy: how does one do the sarahkin i wonder
Gooper Blooper: ask Alex and Dirk
Gooper Blooper: heyooooooooooooo
Shemlen: Videogame and devour sweets-and-pastries.
Shemlen: Orrrr, Goops'lewd. V: That will always work too. >​8D
Harpy: i was thinking flopping like a seal
Harpy: from side to side
Harpy: *sammy flops in the middle of the Sarah Sisters Super Show while Carlos is utterly baffled*
Gooper Blooper: Ariel flops too
Gooper Blooper: because when in rome, do as the seals do
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 10
Draco: Parsee does the Wheeler instead.


Draco: Villains page is missing a villain: Parsee.
Harpy: you mean pariel
EclipseChao: he means parsephine
Harpy: paria?
Harpy: parah?
Draco: '15 was just an elaborate scheme to kidnap Gluttony and...um...do something? It's a wark-in-progress. ​There's Chocobos involved.
Draco: 8I
Shemlen: Oh, they certainly did somethings~
Harpy: frocobo is actually the final boss of ZFRP
EclipseChao: #unf
Draco: Dracoplot Final Boss:

Gooper Blooper: we're doomed
Draco: ​Jealous she can't learn Solarbeam.


Jumpropeman: "Splatoon’s 13th North American and European Splatfest will be taking place during the weekend of April 23. It’ll come with a special theme: one based on SpongeBob SquarePants. Players will be asked to side with either SpongeBob SquarePants or his starfish sidekick, Patrick Star from the Nickelodeon animated television show."
PhoneDel joined the chat
Jumpropeman: hi del
PhoneDel: Hi
Jumpropeman: you're just in time to find out about Spongebob Splatfest
PhoneDel: The worst time
Jumpropeman: since Splatoon takes place like, thousands and thousands of years in the future, it's clear that Nickelodeon did not ever stop wringing out the tv show for all its worth, even after human extinction


PhoneDel: Reminder that the game boy printer existed
Jumpropeman: and that the game boy printer had terrifying easter eggs
Jumpropeman: oh wait, that was the game boy camera
PhoneDel: Yeah the camera was uh
PhoneDel: A thing


Jumpropeman: Trump came out and said how he thinks Bernie Sanders is being cheated out of the Democratic Nomination
PhoneDel: What
Jumpropeman: he points out that Bernie Sanders keeps winning states but the system denies him a bunch of delegates because of its structure
Jumpropeman: its a sad day when you can say "Trump has a point"
Jumpropeman: *tries to find the video where Trump says this stuff*
Jumpropeman: "This woman painted a portrait of Donald J. Trump with her boobs"
Jumpropeman: I... I think I'm fine
Jumpropeman: just take my word for it
SteelKomodo: ...this was a surprisingly appropriate reaction vid choice


Jumpropeman: *tries to find Ton to see if he was a giant*
Jumpropeman: *somehow the search option is not completely useless*
Jumpropeman: I guess we don't use the phrase "a ton" as often as expected


SteelKomodo: reading old chatzy madnesses
SteelKomodo: Cornwind Evil: Hold on to your butts
-SteelKomodo: oh dear :S
-RubyChao: *dirk holds onto josephine's instead*
-SteelKomodo: dirk pls

SteelKomodo: i should have said *josephine holds onto dirk's too*
SteelKomodo: hindsight :U
PhoneDel: You need
PhoneDel: To calm down
SteelKomodo: XD
SteelKomodo: looooook aaaaaat aaaaalllll thhhhhhooooossssseeeee gheeeerrrrrkiiiiinnnnnss​sss
PhoneDel: Nobody will get this
SteelKomodo: no they will not
SteelKomodo: and what makes it worse is that i can't find that ytp again
SteelKomodo: it think it is ded
PhoneDel: I have it saved somewhere
SteelKomodo: oh?
PhoneDel: There
PhoneDel: Very obscure


EarthChao: "If the District were a state it would rank 49th in population, ahead of Vermont and Wyoming."
EarthChao: >​vermont
EarthChao: rip


Harpy: this tumblr post is very important to everybody here
ivel: welp
iKomodo: D:
Harpy: JRM hacked this guy's account I swear :U
iKomodo: Kek
EarthChao: haaa


Draco: Something is wrong with my face. It's doing this thing where my mouth curves into a weird shape and I feel oddly devoid of bad feelings.
Draco: Is this....the mythical....smiling?


M Sheep: Which reminds me, because I don't think I actually mentioned the news in here, but the student theatre organization approved my production proposal and voted to produce it, so I'm directing Becky Shaw in the fall
M Sheep jazz hands
ivel: nice
ivel: congrats
M Sheep: Thank you, Ivel
Gooper Blooper: >​Sheep fall production
Gooper Blooper: Okay, this time you know months ahead of time
EarthChao: yeah
M Sheep coughs
EarthChao: cram all sheeplot into early season
Gooper Blooper: You KNOW it's going to happen
Gooper Blooper: prepare for it
EarthChao: because you KNOW you will be consumed in fall
EarthChao: if you miss out this time, you have only yourself to blame
M Sheep trampled by Goops and Chao


(Re: Danbooru)

ivel: "Collection: Touhou - Feminine Yuugi"
ivel: I like how there's a collection for that


M Sheep: "You were RAD AS CANADA back there!"
M Sheep: Meiling's a big fan of northern landmasses, apparently
Gooper Blooper: *hides letty*


M Sheep: "Yes, the time is nigh! Be free! FREE! First you, then the ones the summoners have slaved! One by one the pieces of the chains will fall!"
M Sheep: I realize I keep saying this as new blood is added to the Sine workforce, but


M Sheep: "I tried to focus on the only one I thought might be doing actual harm. Josephine repented her ways and Sarah is adorable and you're a good sort, Ariel, ... for a mage."
M Sheep: ahahah, Sarah just gets a free pass
M Sheep: I just imagine him saying Sarah and the camera jump-cuts to Sarah mid-bite into a doughnut, causing her to pause and stare
Gooper Blooper: That's beautiful, sheep
Gooper Blooper: If you suddenly focus a camera on Sarah, chances are good she's doing exactly that


Draco: Okay, I have a plan. I'm going to heat up the hot tub, then go out and play Bravely Second.
Jumpropeman: a romantic evening in the jacuzzi with Magnolia~
Jumpropeman: and like, three other characters


ivel: link
EarthChao: >​not machamp
Gooper Blooper: Happy to see Scyther did so well, most of the other top picks are "generically popular pokemon" and scyther doesn't seem to get much attention
Jumpropeman: they got a point about Mewtwo
Gooper Blooper: Okay I just saw number 19
Gooper Blooper: how the fuck did THAT happen
EarthChao: everyone wants to fuck the bird
EarthChao: that's how


Jumpropeman: what the hell is this boss
Jumpropeman: he's got the weirdest voice
Jumpropeman: and it sounds like he recorded his lines from a cave
Disobedient keyboards: Glorious, innit?
M Sheep: Flying Fox is just happy to be here
Jumpropeman: I feel sorry for General Bohan
Jumpropeman: his generals are all cartoon characters
Disobedient keyboards: yep


EarthChao: "why can i barely hear the SFX over the music"
EarthChao: *checks options*
EarthChao: >​sfx 80/255
EarthChao: >​bgm ​255/255
EarthChao: "oh"


Not a Sole: I find myself possessed of the conviction I will not be able to eat the three pounds of bacon in my fridge before it starts to go, at least not in entirety. I don't suppose any of you want to pop over to texas to alleviate that worry? ;v ... I am of course kidding about the latter.
iKomodo: jeez fv
iKomodo: i would if I could
Draco: I wish I could. I like free bacon.
Draco: It's bacon AND it's free.
iKomodo: And also can you freeze bacon? That might help it
Not a Sole: Thinking I probably will need to, though the water makes for steam fits when frying frozen.
iKomodo: Mmhm
Brinehammer: Three pounds?
Brinehammer: Alright bro, see you in... Call it 14 hours, fire up the grill and let's do it!
iKomodo: Hahahaha
Tableter: Let me book the closest flight
Tableter: I will be therrrreeee
Draco: WOO
EarthChao: that reminds me
EarthChao: i took a three hour total time (going, there, and back) trip to brooklyn to try a meat restaurant recommended in the newspaper
EarthChao: luckily for me, it was worth it
iKomodo: Awesome!
Not a Sole: Book no flights until I can find my address again for ye. =u Be a bit of a waste to just go 'Texas' to the driver at the airport and all.
Tableter: Hahaha
iKomodo: Hahaha


Jumpropeman: if anyone sees Spy sometime soon, he needs to see this
Jumpropeman: its a french tv show that mixes live action footage with the DK TV show models
Jumpropeman: and DK is a rock star or something?


Cornwind Evil: When the Marvel universe introduced one of their main alien races slash villains, the Skrulls, it ended with Reed Richards using hypnosis to convince them to use their shape changing powers to turn themselves into cows
Cornwind Evil: And made them think they really were cows
Cornwind Evil: And hence they were imprisoned as cows
Gooper Blooper: We should end a plot by making a villain think they're a cow
Cornwind Evil: This, of course, was picked up by later writers
Cornwind Evil: For example, the famous Skull/Kree War Avengers storyline started when the Skrull-Cows remembered who they were, but couldn't change back
Cornwind Evil: Hence the famous comic cover of Vision coming up wrecked up and saying "Help...I was shot down...by....cows..."
Cornwind Evil: In the end the Skrull-Cows got further mind-whammied and were cows again
Cornwind Evil: Then another writer asked the question "What are cows used for?"
Cornwind Evil: And what would happen if aliens disguised as cows were accidentally appropriated for that?
Cornwind Evil: Hence a storyline of a small town going bonkers because everyone was drinking alien cow milk
Cornwind Evil: But that was fairly harmless
Cornwind Evil: Then the 90's and the XTREEM era rolled around
Cornwind Evil: And so they premiered a new comic: The SKULL KILL KREW
Cornwind Evil: Who were normal people until they ate hamburgers
AstrologicalChao: cows?
Cornwind Evil: The Skrull cows
ivel: welp
Cornwind Evil: This gave them superpowers, but also CONDEMNED THEM TO DIE
Cornwind Evil: Because poison, or something
Cornwind Evil: So every one of these people decided they would use what was left of their life to FIND AND KILL AS MANY SKRULLS AS THEY COULD


Gooper Blooper: Guess what I got yesterday for 75% off
Jumpropeman: Diddy Kong Racing?
Draco: Chocolate.
Gooper Blooper: a patchisaurs set
Cornwind Evil: Pachisaurs made of chocolate playing Diddy Kong Racing?
Gooper Blooper: I haven't opened it because I have all the figures inside already, but it was only two dollars for 11 of em and it includes Bulette and Clubtail Finface
Gooper Blooper: and A Fucking Dragon is there too
Gooper Blooper: I think it'll be part of my yearly Christmas toy donation
ivel: welp
Jumpropeman: my favorite Dinosaur!
Draco: Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?!
Gooper Blooper: kids deserve horribly inaccurate 80s dinosaur toys just like I had
Draco: Oh golly, not the Realistic Dinosaur Set! XD
Gooper Blooper: that's right draco
Gooper Blooper: they have Replica Details
Draco: Aw shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii​iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii​iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii​iiiiiiiiiit!
Gooper Blooper: of course the real crime is that the set normally goes for eight damn dollars
Gooper Blooper: that is way too high for patchisaurs
Jumpropeman: if anything it's too low!
Jumpropeman: you get 11!
Jumpropeman: they're worth a dollar each AT LEAST
Gooper Blooper: clubtail finface is worth eight dollars by himself
Draco: Dang, maybe I should replace my roster with Patchisaurs.
Draco rolled a die with 21 sides. The die showed: 9
Draco: Not this year. );
Draco: *Parsee stops packing her bags and Labrys cancels her Tahiti cruise*
Draco: Labrys even had a second ticket for an unspecified person.
AstrologicalChao: is that person
AstrologicalChao: ​Leviathan
Draco: No.
Draco: ​Jester Chao.
Gooper Blooper: and his name is ​jon arbuckle
Jumpropeman: ​WE'RE READY TO PARTY!​
Draco: We did.
Jumpropeman: oh cool


(Concerning the origins of CW's OCs that eventually appeared in RP as The Society)

Cornwind Evil: Raw, Abrasion, Masterpiece, Cataract, and Standstill were part of a fanfic villain team
Cornwind Evil: Juryrig, Progeny, Whiz Kid, Sabotage, and Flay were part of a villain organization that also spawned the aformentioned team
Cornwind Evil: Gemma was a reworked version of an alternate version of a hero character's mother, who was evil
Gooper Blooper: SUNSHOWER
Cornwind Evil: Crackshot was a repurposed villain mole who joined another hero team whose consisted of second generation heroes
Cornwind Evil: Flense was a repurposed cover identity for a hero to infiltrate the villain organization I mentioned
Cornwind Evil: A funny thing. The story in question had two suspects for who the undercover hero was
Cornwind Evil: Who turned out to secretly...BE A GIRL
Cornwind Evil: Does this sound familar?
Gooper Blooper: Nightwalker Cosine
Cornwind Evil: Nightwalker would become Sine X Cosine.
Gooper Blooper: my joke called it
AstrologicalChao: it's all connected
Gooper Blooper: is this what it feels like, chao
AstrologicalChao: yes
AstrologicalChao: "ha i'll just throw out this dumb joke"
AstrologicalChao: *everything happens exactly like it*
AstrologicalChao: "well okay then"


Bait: ... Harps might have a more coherent memory of what happened. = p


Jumpropeman: I found a third Pit brother if he ever ends up splitting again
iKomodo: ...70's Disco Angel?
iKomodo: ...nah, that's more like 90's Rave Angel
Jumpropeman: He's Pit if he ever did the fusion dance with Shimmer


ivel: "*the sound of a harp strings being played*
-our bard"

ivel: Belinda


Jumpropeman: i cant wait to actually have time to play Bravely Second tomorrow
Jumpropeman: oh wait
Jumpropeman: I got a gamefly game in the mail
AstrologicalChao: rip bravely
AstrologicalChao: continously buried for random other games
Gooper Blooper: reminder that the guy here with the largest game collection also subscribes to gamefly
Gooper Blooper: because that wasn't enough vidya apparently :V
Jumpropeman: i use gamefly so I don't buy more games :V
Draco shuts Gamefly down.
Draco breaks JRM's Gamefly leg.
Draco glues JRM's hands to his DS.
Draco breaks JRM's other leg for good measure.

Gooper Blooper: How is he gonna play his 3DS with his hands glued on his DS tho
Draco: Not my problem. BV


Draco: Harpy, I'm going to complain that you don't write more blogposts about Cian.
Draco pushes Parsee away from the keyboard.


Harpy: its time to focus on the future of ZFRP rather than retired peeps really
AstrologicalChao: and that future
AstrologicalChao: ​IS ME
AstrologicalChao flexes


Gooper Blooper: Oh wow
Gooper Blooper: That "sakhea" that signed up weeks ago finally posted and it's a tapogre
Draco: Yaaaaaaaaaaay?
Jumpropeman: THE LONG GAME
Jumpropeman: move it to the trash can
AstrologicalChao: Bollywoodplot 2016
Jumpropeman: I like to keep a record of our new tapogres
Gooper Blooper: Interesting - it doesn't link to movie sites
Gooper Blooper: it links to random unrelated zetaboards that aren't us
Draco: NOT us?! D:<
AstrologicalChao: well here's why
Jumpropeman: >​wrestling
AstrologicalChao: because THOSE have the spambot links
AstrologicalChao: wait, no, hang on
AstrologicalChao: i followed some of these topics
Gooper Blooper: oh my god, it's an infinite chain
AstrologicalChao: as far as i can tell it's just an endless chain of zetalinks
Gooper Blooper: he never actually links to the movies
Gooper Blooper: in what universe is spam like this effective
Jumpropeman: well
Gooper Blooper: he doesn't even link to the company that made him
Jumpropeman: you guys did click it
AstrologicalChao: look at this forum though
Jumpropeman: it was a stealth tactic to get you to check out other forums
Jumpropeman: looking for hot bollywood movies
Jumpropeman: hey, hey guys
Gooper Blooper: what a bustling community
Jumpropeman: guess what
Jumpropeman: sakhea made our tabletop RP forum relevant again :V
Harpy: ivel doesn't know what a tapogre is :U
Jumpropeman: spambot
AstrologicalChao: ...
AstrologicalChao: does this mean
AstrologicalChao: we're going to get people
AstrologicalChao: linked to OUR forum
Gooper Blooper: Entirely possible, but I imagine nobody would find us that way
AstrologicalChao: okay i went like 15 layers deep
AstrologicalChao: and it's just more and more zeta forums
Jumpropeman: *googles Tapogre*
Jumpropeman: number one is a word unscrambler like Scrabble
Jumpropeman: number two is my blogpost on the Tapogre fite
Jumpropeman: number three... "I'd tap Ogre Fiona" on IGN
Harpy: wha
Gooper Blooper: hahahahahahahaha
Harpy: lel
Jumpropeman: zoofights super buried
ivel: oh god
AstrologicalChao: wrecked
Gooper Blooper: it's been five years since zoofights was relevant so I'm not surprised
ivel: anyway one forum I'm a member of also has bots, but they're named and don't spam things, like Google Bot
ivel: sometimes they do gain sentience though
ivel: and post like NORMAL USERS
ivel: :O
ivel: (very rarely mind you)
Draco kicks Ivel into a pit.
AstrologicalChao: it's amazing how many of these are empty and dead
AstrologicalChao: zetaboards is littered with the carcasses of dead forums
AstrologicalChao: look at this
Gooper Blooper: Thành viên đóng góp
Jumpropeman: I can translate that: Thank Ven for dong, Goop
Gooper Blooper: But FV didn't RP DK, CW did
Jumpropeman: night góp
Bait: The only dong I plan to RP is this.
-holds up pair of cymbals-
-claps them against JRM's head-

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