Friday, April 8, 2016

Title Reign

"Your winner, and still VEW Champion... SIIIIIIILENNNNNNNCE!"

Silence raised her arms in victory, standing over the fallen form of Regirock. It had been quite a match, but Silence had managed to come out on top once again. She soaked in the cheers and slowly made her way to the back, where Blade was waiting for her.

"Another fantastic title defense, Silence." Blade gave her a thumbs up, and she responded in kind.


Not much later, after Silence had gotten a chance to recover and take a shower, she and Blade were walking home under the neon glow of Vegas. Silence's apartment was nothing to write home about, but it suited them well enough and there was space for both of them.

"So, Silence... Have you been putting any thought into your successor?"

Silence nodded. She had been thinking about it for a while. At some point during the "kobber season", she was most likely going to drop the belt. She'd had a fantastic run so far, having defended successfully against most of the federation plus a few special guests. From December's "Christmas Carnage" PPV to February's "St. Valentine's Day Massacre" PPV, she'd come out on top again and again. But it couldn't last forever. The hard part was picking the right man - or woman - for the job. Silence's role as the face of VEW and her many intense victories (not to mention, of course, her status as the Big Bar Brawl champion) had given the belt an incredible amount of prestige for an indy fed. Whoever took the belt had to be good, real good.

As for that Brawl... she suspected that was another title she'd be losing in the summer, as well. No champion had ever successfully defended their trophy in the Brawl. ROB, Doomrider, General Cleft, and Mac Tonight had all returned the year after their victories for another crack, and all of them had fallen - Mac by Silence's own hand. She wondered if the next champion would take her out as well.

...It was funny. Silence had worked so hard to climb the mountain, and last year she'd done it. She'd won the Brawl, launched her federation, ruled over said federation, and even finally delivered justice to the scum that had mutilated her and sent her on this path in the first place. She'd conquered her fears and achieved her greatest life goals, all in one summer... but now, she would most likely spend this next summer falling back down to earth. Every title reign eventually ended in a loss, one way or another, after all.

But that was okay. Silence didn't mind too much. Nobody could ever take away what she accomplished in 2015, even if she jobbed in every match and Fite she participated in from now until she retired from wrestling. She was content. As for retirement... Silence had been doing rough physical brawling for eight years now. Six years in VEW, a year aboard the ZFS, and then a year here in Vegas participating as both a kobber and a VEW wrestler. Silence knew all too well what happens to a wrestler who stays in the business too long. There was a time when she wouldn't have cared that much, but now that she had her sister back... and a best friend to stick with... she didn't want to ever wind up in that position. No, she would get out of the business in a couple more years, probably. Maybe do something a bit less strenuous, like work as a trainer or a coach. And she could make a mean brownie!

But as nice as that all sounded... Silence wasn't ready to retire. Not yet. She had a fire inside her, a burning determination to succeed. It was the part of her she drew on for her biggest victories. Her showdown with Cauren, when the giantess towered over her and many other people would have crumpled to the ground in despair. Her bloody Extreme Rules match with Sasha Banks, a small but wily opponent who had made Silence a bleeding wreck by the end of their fight. The showdown with The Black Mage atop Luxor, with her friends sharing her rage at a horrible human being. Every time it seemed Silence was down and out, she'd rise up one more time with that fire powering her. And the fire was still burning, even now. It had been five months since she'd last seen most of the kobbers, and she was itching to return to the battlefield, having been consistently unable to show up whenever something DID happen, like the fights that OOO guy she'd heard about kept getting into.

Someday, maybe even soon, she would lose. Her reigns would come to an end, work or shoot. And someday she would stop fighting and settle down.

But Silence was not the sort of girl to go down without a good fight.

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